932 resultados para Action participatory research


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This study explores the relationship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to communism and political power during the period of crises in Finnish foreign relations with the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1962. During this period the USSR repeatedly interfered in Finland´s domestic affairs and limited her foreign political freedom of action. The research subjects for this dissertation are the bishops of the Church of Finland and the newspaper Kotimaa, which can be regarded as the unofficial organ of the church at the time. A typical characteristic of the Church of Finland from the beginning of the twentieth century was patriotism. During the interwar years the church was strongly anti-communist and against the Soviet Union. This tendency was also evident during the Second World War. After the war the Finnish Church feared that the rise of the extreme left would jeopardize its position. The church, however, succeeded in maintaining its status as a state church throughout the critical years immediately following the war. This study indicates that, although the manner of expression altered, the political attitude of the church did not substantially change during the postwar period. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the church was still patriotic and fear of the extreme left was also evident among the leaders of the church. The victory of the Finnish People's Democratic League in the general election of 1958 was an unwelcome surprise to the church. This generated fear in the church that, with Soviet support, the Finnish communists might return to governmental power and the nation could become a people's democracy. Accordingly, the church tried to encourage other parties to set aside their disagreements and act together against the extreme left throughout the period under study. The main characteristics of the church´s political agenda during this period of crisis were to support the Finnish foreign policy led by the president of the republic, Urho Kekkonen, and to resist Finnish communism. The attitude of Finnish bishops and the newspaper Kotimaa to the Cold War in general was generally in agreement with the majority of western Christians. They feared communism, were afraid of the USSR, but supported peaceful co-existence because they did not want an open conflict with the Soviets. Because of uncertainties in Finland's international position the Finnish Church regarded it as necessary to support the Finnish policy of friendship towards the USSR. The Finnish Church considerer it unwise to openly criticize the Soviet Union, tried resist the spread of communism in Finnish domestic policy. This period of foreign policy crises was principally seen by the church as a time when there was a need to strengthen Finland's unstable national position.


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Background The Researching Effective Approaches to Cleaning in Hospitals (REACH) study will generate evidence about the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a novel cleaning initiative that aims to improve the environmental cleanliness of hospitals. The initiative is an environmental cleaning bundle, with five interdependent, evidence-based components (training, technique, product, audit and communication) implemented with environmental services staff to enhance hospital cleaning practices. Methods/design The REACH study will use a stepped-wedge randomised controlled design to test the study intervention, an environmental cleaning bundle, in 11 Australian hospitals. All trial hospitals will receive the intervention and act as their own control, with analysis undertaken of the change within each hospital based on data collected in the control and intervention periods. Each site will be randomised to one of the 11 intervention timings with staggered commencement dates in 2016 and an intervention period between 20 and 50 weeks. All sites complete the trial at the same time in 2017. The inclusion criteria allow for a purposive sample of both public and private hospitals that have higher-risk patient populations for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The primary outcome (objective one) is the monthly number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias (SABs), Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs) and vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) infections, per 10,000 bed days. Secondary outcomes for objective one include the thoroughness of hospital cleaning assessed using fluorescent marker technology, the bio-burden of frequent touch surfaces post cleaning and changes in staff knowledge and attitudes about environmental cleaning. A cost-effectiveness analysis will determine the second key outcome (objective two): the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio from implementation of the cleaning bundle. The study uses the integrated Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (iPARIHS) framework to support the tailored implementation of the environmental cleaning bundle in each hospital. Discussion Evidence from the REACH trial will contribute to future policy and practice guidelines about hospital environmental cleaning. It will be used by healthcare leaders and clinicians to inform decision-making and implementation of best-practice infection prevention strategies to reduce HAIs in hospitals. Trial registration Australia New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry ACTRN12615000325​505


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The modern food system and sustainable development form a conceptual combination that suggests sustainability deficits in environmental impacts and nutritional status of western populations. This study explores actors orientations towards sustainability by probing into social dynamics for sustainability within primary production and public consumption. If actors within these two worlds were to express converging orientations for sustainability, the system dynamics of the market would enable more sustainable growth in terms of production dictated by consumption. The study is based on a constructivist research approach with qualitative text analyses. The findings were validated by internal and external food system actors and are suggested to represent current social dynamics within Finnish food system. The key findings included primary producers social skilfulness, which enabled networking with other actors in very different paths of life, learning in order to promote one s trade, and trusting reflectively in partners in order to expand business. These activities extended the supply chain in a spiral fashion by horizontal and vertical forward integration, until large retailers were met for negotiations on a more equal basis. This mode of chain level coordination, typically building around the core of social and partnership relations, was coined as a socially overlaid network, and seen as sustainable coordination mode for endogenous growth. The caterers exhibited more or less committed professional identity for sustainability within their reach. The facilitating approaches for professional identities dealt successfully with local and organic food in addition to domestic food, and also imported food. The co-operation with supply chains created innovative solutions and savings for the business parties to be shared. There were also more complicated identities as juggling, critical and delimited approaches for sustainability, with less productive efforts due to restrictions such as absence of organisational sustainability strategy, weak presence of local and organic suppliers, limited understanding about sustainability and no organisational resources for informed choices for sustainability. The convergence between producers and caterers existed to an extent allowing suggestion that increased clarity about sustainable consumption and production by actors could be constructed using advanced tools. The study looks for introduction of more profound environmental and socio-economic knowledge through participatory research with supply chain actors. Learning in the workplace about food system reality in terms of supply chain co-operation may prove to be a change engine that leads to advanced network operations and a more sustainable food system.


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Abstract The modern food system and sustainable development form a conceptual combination that suggests sustainability deficits in the ways we deal with food consumption and production - in terms of economic relations, environmental impacts and nutritional status of western population. This study explores actors’ orientations towards sustainability by taking into account actors’ embedded positions within structures of the food system, actors’ economic relations and views about sustainability as well as their possibilities for progressive activities. The study looks particularly at social dynamics for sustainability within primary production and public consumption. If actors within these two worlds were to express converging orientations for sustainability, the system dynamics of the market would enable more sustainable growth in terms of production dictated by consumption. The study is based on a constructivist research approach with qualitative text analyses. The data consisted of three text corpora, the ‘local food corpus’, the ‘catering corpus’ and the ‘mixed corpus’. The local food actors were interviewed about their economic exchange relations. The caterers’ interviews dealt with their professional identity for sustainability. Finally, the mixed corpus assembled a dialogue as a participatory research approach, which was applied in order to enable researcher and caterer learning about the use of organic milk in public catering. The data were analysed for theoretically conceptualised relations, expressing behavioural patterns in actors’ everyday work as interpreted by the researcher. The findings were corroborated by the internal and external communities of food system actors. The interpretations have some validity, although they only present abstractions of everyday life and its rich, even opaque, fabric of meanings and aims. The key findings included primary producers’ social skilfulness, which enabled networking with other actors in very different paths of life, learning in order to promote one’s trade, and trusting reflectively in partners in order to extend business. These activities expanded the supply chain in a spiral fashion by horizontal and vertical forward integration, until large retailers were met for negotiations on a more equal or ‘other regarding’ basis. This kind of chain level coordination, typically building around the core of social and partnership relations, was coined as a socially overlaid network. It supported market access of local farmers, rooted in their farms, who were able to draw on local capital and labour in promotion of competitive business; the growth was endogenous. These kinds of chains – one conventional and one organic – were different from the strategic chain, which was more profit based and while highly competitive, presented exogenous growth as it depended on imported capital and local employees. However, the strategic chain offered learning opportunities and support for the local economy. The caterers exhibited more or less committed professional identity for sustainability within their reach. The facilitating and balanced approaches for professional identities dealt successfully with local and organic food in addition to domestic food, and also imported food. The co-operation with supply chains created innovative solutions and savings for the business parties to be shared. The rule-abiding approach for sustainability only made choices among organic supply chains without extending into co-operation with actors. There were also more complicated and troubled identities as juggling, critical and delimited approaches for sustainability, with less productive efforts due to restrictions such as absence of organisational sustainability strategy, weak presence of local and organic suppliers, limited understanding about sustainability and no organisational resources to develop changes towards a sustainable food system. Learning in the workplace about food system reality in terms of supply chain co-operation may prove to be a change engine that leads to advanced network operations and a more sustainable food system. The convergence between primary producers and caterers existed to an extent allowing suggestion that increased clarity about sustainable consumption and production by actors could be approached using advanced tools. The study looks for introduction of more profound environmental and socio-economic knowledge through participatory research with supply chain actors in order to promote more sustainable food systems. Summary of original publications and the authors’ contribution I Mikkola, M. & Seppänen, L. 2006. Farmers’ new participation in food chains: making horizontal and vertical progress by networking. In: Langeveld, H. & Röling N. (Eds.). Changing European farming systems for a better future. New visions for rural areas. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers: 267–271. II Mikkola, M. 2008. Coordinative structures and development of food supply chains. British Food Journal 110 (2): 189–205. III Mikkola, M. 2009. Shaping professional identity for sustainability. Evidence in Finnish public catering. Appetite 53 (1): 56–65. IV Mikkola, M. 2009. Catering for sustainability: building a dialogue on organic milk. Agronomy Research 7 (Special issue 2): 668–676. Minna Mikkola has been responsible for developing the generic research frame, particular research questions, the planning and collection of the data, their qualitative analysis and writing the articles I, II, III and IV. Dr Laura Seppänen has contributed to the development of the generic research frame and article I by introducing the author to the basic concepts of economic sociology and by supporting the writing of article II with her critical comments. Articles are printed with permission from the publishers.


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Suomessa asuvat somalitaustaiset maahanmuuttajaäidit luopuvat imetyksestä ja ruokkivat vauvojaan äidinmaidonkorvikkeella, vaikka somalikulttuurissa arvostetaan imetystä. Tuen ja tiedon puutetta on arveltu syyksi pulloruokinnan yleisyyteen. Tarkoituksenani on tutkia osallistavia menetelmiä käyttäen, minkälaisia imetykseen liittyviä tietojärjestelmiä somaliäidit pitävät auktoritatiivisina eli arvovaltaisina. Tarkastelen tiedon auktoritatiivisuutta etnografisten esimerkkien valossa hyödyntäen Brigitte Jordanin auktoritatiivisen tiedon käsitettä. Tutkin Jean Pierre Olivier de Sardanin teorian avulla, kuinka paikalliset populaarit tietojärjestelmät kohtaavat tieteellis-teknisen tiedon kehityksen kontekstissa. Tutkin myös, kuinka somaliäitien imetystietojärjestelmät kohtaavat suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän edustaman imetystiedon. Osallistavien menetelmien tarkoituksena on saada heikkojen ja sorrettujen yhteisöjen ääni kuuluviin. Tutkimukseni tiedonantajina on seitsemäntoista somalimaahanmuuttajaäitiä ja yksi suomalainen äitiys- ja lastenneuvolan terveydenhoitaja. Käytän tiedonkeruumenetelminä puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja, jonka lisäksi teen osallistuvaa havainnointia ja osallistavia menetelmiä kolmessa ryhmähaastattelutilanteessa. Käytän Rapi Rurad Appraisal (RRA) –menetelmiä, kuten Venn-diagrammia ja pisteytystä. Tutkimukseni tulos on, että somaliäitien imetykseen liittyvä tieto koostuu kolmesta tietojärjestelmästä, joita ovat sukuverkostoista tuleva perinteinen tietotaito, islaminuskon terveystieto sekä suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän tieto. Näistä eri tietolähteistä tuleva imetystieto ei ole sisällöltään ristiriidassa. Imetykseen liittyvät vaikeudet ovat käytännön ongelmiin, kuten sukuverkoston hajoamiseen ja suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän kanssa kommunikointiin liittyviä.


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The production of rainfed crops in semi-arid tropics exhibits large variation in response to the variation in seasonal rainfall. There are several farm-level decisions such as the choice of cropping pattern, whether to invest in fertilizers, pesticides etc., the choice of the period for planting, plant population density etc. for which the appropriate choice (associated with maximum production or minimum risk) depends upon the nature of the rainfall variability or the prediction for a specific year. In this paper, we have addressed the problem of identifying the appropriate strategies for cultivation of rainfed groundnut in the Anantapur region in a semi-arid part of the Indian peninsula. The approach developed involves participatory research with active collaboration with farmers, so that the problems with perceived need are addressed with the modern tools and data sets available. Given the large spatial variation of climate and soil, the appropriate strategies are necessarily location specific. With the approach adopted, it is possible to tap the detailed location specific knowledge of the complex rainfed ecosystem and gain an insight into the variety of options of land use and management practices available to each category of stakeholders. We believe such a participatory approach is essential for identifying strategies that have a favourable cost-benefit ratio over the region considered and hence are associated with a high chance of acceptance by the stakeholders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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CONTENTS: Learning from each other about conflict, by Ronet Santos. E-learning to support knowledge sharing in aquatic resources, by Robert T. Raab and Jonathan Woods. Livelihood strategies, gender and participation in aquaculture: findings from participatory research in northwestern Sri Lanka, by Lindsay J. Pollock and David C. Little. Farming of giant tiger shrimp in northern central Vietnam, by Jesper Clausen. Interacting with stakeholders and policy-makers, by To Phuc Tuong. The role of nutrition communications in meeting the nutritional challenges of the Asia-Pacific region, by Georgina Cairns. (PDF has 16 pages.)


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CONTENTS: Hon Mun MPA Pilot Project on community-based natural resources management, by Nguyen Thi Hai Yen and Bernard Adrien. An experience with participatory research in Tam Giang Lagoon, Thua Thien-Hue, by Ton That Chat. Experiences and benefits of livelihoods analysis, by Michael Reynaldo, Orlando Arciaga, Fernando Gervacio and Catherine Demesa. Lessons learnt in implementing PRA in livelihoods analysis, by Nguyen Thi Thuy. Lessons learnt from livelihoods analysis and PRA in the Trao Reef Marine Reserve, by Nguyen Viet Vinh. Using the findings from a participatory poverty assessment in Tra Vinh Province, by Le Quang Binh.


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Este estudo visa a contribuir para a reflexão sobre transparência e participação social da gestão pública brasileira, realizando uma análise crítica sobre as propostas elaboradas pelos participantes da 1 Conferência Nacional sobre Transparência e Controle Social no seu eixo 1. Por meio da análise, buscou-se identificar se as propostas elaboradas pela sociedade durante a 1 Consocial contribuíram para o exercício do controle social com base na transparência e no acesso a informação. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa exploratória e a pesquisa participante. O pesquisador fez parte como membro integrante do grupo analisado, utilizando a participação em conferências nos fóruns de discussão para a formulação de propostas. A participação se deu na etapa municipal - nos municípios de Macaé e Rio de Janeiro -, na conferência regional Niterói-Mangaratiba; na estadual do Rio de Janeiro, na conferência livre do CRC RJ e na conferência virtual, com a descrição das etapas preparatórias. Por meio da análise das propostas priorizadas na última etapa da 1 Consocial, observou-se a necessidade de uma maior divulgação das informações referente à administração pública, à exteriorização das competências dos instrumentos de participação social e à capacitação do cidadão para o exercício da participação social. Algumas falhas foram detectadas na formulação das propostas, como o desconhecimento dos participantes a respeito das leis existentes sobre transparência e das atribuições das ferramentas de participação social. Constatou-se a necessidade de capacitar o cidadão para esse tipo de conferência, realizando seminários, reuniões, palestras explicativas e eventos culturais sobre o tema Transparência e Controle Social. Outro ponto a ser trabalhado para alcançar uma participação maior da sociedade nas questões governamentais consiste no ensino das crianças e jovens sobre a importância de se exigir transparência dos dados públicos e a busca por espaço nos instrumentos de participação. A Lei da transparência atenderá seus objetivos, na medida em que o cidadão tiver a consciência do seu papel primordial na busca e no acompanhamento da informação.


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O Programa Escola Ativa (PEA) foi implementado no Brasil a partir de 1997 no marco de um convênio com o Banco Mundial, com o objetivo de melhorar o rendimento de alunos de classes multisseriadas rurais. O PEA tem seu foco na formação de professores e na melhoria da infra-estrutura das escolas, e propõe amplas mudanças na organização do trabalho docente, constituindo-se na único programa voltado especificamente para as classes multisseriadas no Brasil. Seu histórico é marcado pela coexistência com movimentos sociais que sintetizam e defendem novos princípios para a educação do meio rural alinhados com os seus próprios interesses e configurando-os em um novo conceito: Educação do Campo. Estes princípios devieram em 2002 em Referências para uma política nacional de educação do campo e passaram a orientar, em tese, a reformulação e redirecionamento do PEA. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as mudanças no trabalho docente a partir da introdução do Programa Escola Ativa nas escolas multisseriadas rurais. Três frentes de análise foram abertas: uma análise macro, relativa ao contexto histórico da formulação do Programa e início de sua implantação no Brasil; uma análise meso, relativa aos processos de apropriação e resistência de diferentes grupos de interesse; e uma análise micro, relativa às mudanças no trabalho docente no campo a partir da implementação do Programa, considerando os sentidos que adquire o mesmo para o professor, a partir das novas prescrições e condições engendradas. Ao reconstituir o percurso do PEA, da origem à universalização, buscou-se identificar o papel do professor que atua nas escolas aderentes ao PEA e o papel dos movimentos sociais, ao proporem uma política nacional de educação do campo. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma análise macro dos contextos do desenvolvimento e da implementação do PEA, por meio de revisão da literatura. Observou-se uma retórica modernizadora e uma racionalidade tecnocrática que impunha-se de cima para baixo orientando as políticas, em matéria de autonomia e profissionalização dos docentes. No nível meso, por meio de entrevistas, pesquisa participante e análise documental buscou-se mapear pontos convergentes e divergentes na interlocução da coordenação do PEA com os movimentos sociais que discutem a educação do campo no Brasil. Detectou-se um considerável acúmulo de informações construídas de maneira coletiva e utilizadas pelo movimento crítico de maneira isolada dos articuladores das políticas públicas. No nível micro, foram utilizadas técnicas em que o grupo foi meio e estratégia de abordagem das trabalhadoras e de análise reflexiva dos conteúdos evocados. As técnicas foram utilizadas durante um seminário, com a participação de todas as professoras das Escolas Ativas de um município de Goiás. Observou-se que, da perspectiva das professoras, houve melhora das condições materiais para o exercício da profissão docente a partir do PEA. Contudo, esta foi insuficiente para garantir condições adequadas para todos os professores e alunos e uma ampliação da autonomia do professor, que está condicionada a uma intensificação do trabalho e extensão da jornada. Observou-se ainda o caráter vertical da relação com a coordenadora municipal do Programa. Conclui-se que o Programa Escola Ativa possui um traço de verticalismo forte no modo como é implementado, nas esferas macro, meso e micro, que abarca todo o processo de formulação, implantação, avaliação e universalização e reflete na sua dificuldade de incorporar produções críticas e análises coletivas para além do nível do discurso


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os impactos da utilização da Dinâmica de Sistemas na elaboração do mapa estratégico do Balanced Scorecard em organizações públicas de saúde. Dois objetivos específicos suportam o alcance deste objetivo geral. O primeiro objetivo específico busca elaborar o mapa estratégico do Balanced Scorecard utilizando a Dinâmica de Sistemas para uma organização pública de saúde. O segundo objetivo específico busca comparar a visão do mapa estratégico tradicional com a visão proporcionada pelo mapa estratégico dinâmico. A metodologia utilizada para a coleta de dados foi o grupo de foco e a presente pesquisa está classificada conforme a tipologia proposta por Raupp e Beuren (2003). Quanto aos objetivos, quanto aos procedimentos e quanto à abordagem do problema. Quanto aos objetivos o presente estudo pode ser classificado como exploratório. Quanto aos procedimentos, esta pesquisa é classificada como bibliográfica e também como pesquisa participante, pois há interação entre pesquisador e pesquisado. E, quanto à abordagem do problema este estudo é classificado como qualitativo. Inicialmente foi elaborado um modelo conceitual de mapa estratégico de um hospital privado. Este modelo foi apresentado a um gestor com vasta experiência em gestão de hospitais universitários públicos. Com base nos dados coletados este modelo conceitual inicial foi modificado e transformado em um mapa estratégico dinâmico de um hospital universitário público. Este mapa estratégico dinâmico foi comparado com um mapa tradicional e desta comparação concluiu-se que a Dinâmica de Sistemas pode construir modelos de mapas estratégicos muito mais corretos e elaborados do que aqueles construídos pela metodologia tradicional e ainda apresentar outras ferramentas potentes para a gestão estratégica de hospitais universitários públicos.


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PROCESS (Participatory Research, Organization of Communities, and Education Towards Struggle for Self-reliance) is the offshoot of an experiment encouraged by the International Labor Organization to stimulate self-help initiatives among rural communities in Antique and Batangas. Its operations today extend to 10 provinces in the Philippines, touching the lives of thousands of farmers, fisherfolk, women and other marginalized sectors.


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Traditional higher education technology emphasizes knowledge transmission. In contrast, the Community platform presented in this paper follows a social approach that interleaves knowledge delivery with social and professional skills development, engaging with others, and personal growth. In this paper, we apply learning and complex adaptive systems theory to motivate and justify a continuous professional development model that improves higher education outcomes such as placement. The paper follows action design research (ADR) as the research method to propose and evaluate design principles.


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Background: Health care organizations world wide are faced with the need to develop and implement strategic organizational plans to meet the challenges of modern health care. There is a need for models for developing, implementing and evaluating strategic plans that engage practitioners, and make a measurable difference to the patients that they serve. This article describes the development of such a model to underpin a strategy for nursing and midwifery in an acute hospital trust. An integrated model: The processes for strategy development (values clarification, critical companionship and focus groups) are discussed, together with the development of processes for implementation, based upon a modification of the PARIHS (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) conceptual framework. Finally, the methods for evaluating the strategy (a pre-test/post-test approach measuring the quality of nursing care, the degree to which the organization supports professional nursing care, the leadership styles of ward managers, and patient satisfaction with care) are described. Conclusion: The model is offered as one that may be of use to others who wish to develop an integrated approach to strategic change; an approach in which the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic plans are informed by the core values of nurses and midwives.


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Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.