20 resultados para Estudos da linguagem

em Línguas


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This article analyzes the discourse on content curation - especially the digital one, and how it came to be treated as a professional and strategic tool in the marketing field. We tried to observe how these senses of curation work related to the consumer-reader, the curator and the discourse, in a constant tension between fragmentation and the desire for completeness of the language and the individual himself. This entire process happens in the archive space, since we can take the internet as a large archive, as well as the curatorial work, which captures fragments from other archives and creates new discurses. This article, therefore, discusses the discourse on content curation from the perspective of the language studies, anchored in the theoretical lines of discourse analysis.


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 1 Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", campus de Araraquara (1998). Professora Associado A, no Departamento de Letras Vernáculas da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa. Atua no Mestrado em Linguagem, Identidade e Subjetividade desde 03/2010. 2 Mestranda em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2012). Bolsista CAPES. Especialista em Língua, Linguística e Literatura pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (2010) e graduada em Letras Português/Inglês pela mesma instituição (2006). As with societies, history and culture, language also evolves, a process which is inherent to it. The Portuguese of Brazil has its own characteristics due to the influence of Indian, African peoples and others who have lived here. This study researched 19th century handwritten letters for the origins of Brazilian Portuguese. The corpus consists of three personal letters collected by the Museu do Tropeiro in Castro. Two of them were written by the Baroness of Guaraúna and one by the Empress Thereza de Bourbon. This textual genre is Revista Línguas & Letras ISSN: 1517-7238 Vol. 13 nº 24 1º Sem. 2012 a valuable source for socio-historical studies because it brings, through the linguistic register, an immeasurable cultural and intellectual legacy. Studying the educated Portuguese Brazilian language, used informally between 1880 and 1893, one is able to notice syntactic phenomena, which are found in forms of treatment and spelling diversity characteristic of the century in which they were written. Our focus was not to exhaust all the possibilities of analysis and observation on the origin of this entire legacy but to contribute towards the studies of the history of Brazilian Portuguese, and in particular, the one from the state of Paraná.


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O objetivo deste artigo é discutir resultados parciais de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de delineamento documental, com foco na produção escrita de dois textos, representativos de um corpus de 22 textos de 11 alunos, classificados pela escola como com dificuldades de aprendizagem de leitura e de escrita. A característica essencial dos discursos é o seu endereçamento a um destinatário, que atua na interação, influenciando quanto ao tratamento do tema, ao tipo de enunciado, e ao estilo linguístico de uma dada esfera de utilização da língua. Entende-se como parceiros essenciais da interlocução o locutor e o interlocutor, ou o horizonte/auditório social a quem a palavra é dirigida. Tendo em vista o papel do interlocutor no processo de interação intersubjetiva, a pesquisa investigou a produção escrita feita a partir de dois tipos de encaminhamento didático-metodológico: sem endereçamento (Grupo A), e com endereçamento (Grupo B), visando perceber se os encaminhamentos realizados, dentre eles a explicitação do endereçamento na apresentação da proposta de produção, contribuiria para o monitoramento da elaboração textual, especialmente no que se refere ao campo dos aspectos gráficos/ortográficos, uma das dimensões do aprendizado da escrita. O estudo mostrou que os textos do Grupo B apresentaram melhores resultados que os do Grupo A, tanto na dimensão quantitativa quanto na qualitativa.


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In this article, we intend to focus on the theme of reading and the formation of reader, already so saturated universe of discourse, prioritizing the reader's perspective and their reading stories inside and outside school. To realize this goal, we will analyze reports of reading students letters course of Federal University of Paraíba. Data were collected from a textual production, in which the students should make an account of their stories reading, requested for the period 2013.1 The teacher of Reading and Textual Production I discipline, offered in the first sentence of that course. We aimed to analyze concepts, functions and values assigned to the reading underlying the speeches of these readers. As theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis of data, this work is guided mainly by authors who think of reading as a social and cultural practice - like Certeau (1994), Chartier (1999a, 1999b, 2009) Abreu (1999), Sousa (2009, 2011 and 2014). In this perspective, the reader is a figure that oscillates between what the institutions determine and actual read operations that denounce the existence of an action which does not overlies the passivity. The analysis showed that the training of reader walks between freedom of choice of reading objects and obligations mainly established within the school institution. Also, we realize that the lector assigns different values and functions to read, due mainly to the mode from which it appropriates reading objects.KEYWORDS: Reading. reading history. Formation of the reader. 


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This work aims at reflecting on possible implications of working with pedagogical projects for teacher education through the presentation of a pedagogical project proposal that is based on the genre poem and that is thought for the disciplines of Portuguese and Literature and for the higher grades of middle school. Firstly, we present the theoretical basis that lies behind the pedagogical project proposal and the discussion about its possible implications for teacher education. Thus we present and discuss the concepts of language use (CLARK, 2000), discourse genres (BAKHTIN, 2003), pedagogical project (HERNÁNDEZ, 2004; LEITE; MENDES, 2004; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012) and teacher education (NÓVOA, 1992). Next we treat the project based on the theoretical basis presented more fully, justifying the choice for its theme – urban life – and for its main genre – poem – and elucidating its objectives and possible final products. Based on that, we present and analyze its different steps. Considering the discussions about the theoretical basis used and the project, we then talk about how this way of working at school can influence teacher education, more specifically how the axis use-reflection-use and the concept of discourse genre can hold implications for teacher education, as well as we discuss about some of the roles of the teacher who works with pedagogical projects. Therefore, we bring to light a reflection and discussion that elucidate the issue of the development of pedagogical projects at school and its influence on the teacher's education and performance, taking into consideration that this approach is based on certain conceptions regarding what is understood by language, teaching and learning, pedagogical project, discourse genre and teacher's roles. 


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In this text, under the perspective of Discourse Analysis (DA) grounded in Michel Pêcheux, we examine the way in which the phrase “access to culture” works and triggers effects of meaning in the process of reshaping the Copyright Law (LDA) nº 9.610 from February, 1998. We initially discuss the relation between the notion of culture and the sphere of Copyright Laws. We then analyze two discursive sequences from the primer Consulta Pública para Modernização da Lei de Direito Autoral produced by the Ministry of Culture (MinC). Our aim is to guide through the reshaping of the law. In order to support analysis, throughout the text, were also mobilized some theoretical notions such as archive, phrase, formulation, discursive formation and subject position. The theoretic-analytical gesture allowed us to understand that the effects of meaning produced - through the operation of the phrase "access to culture" - result from the materialization of a play of powers, nourished by new technologies, between protection (rights of property) and access (right to property).


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The study of beliefs and attitudes has been increasingly valued in the field of modern Sociolinguistics, as, by means of such data, it is possible to clarify phenomena that cannot be explained only by the linguistic context. In relation to that, another factor is extremely important for the analysis of facts connected with language: the appraising attitudes that each speaker attributes to his/her speech and to the other varieties present in the area. This is the reason why the object of study in this work is the beliefs and attitudes of the speakers from the town of Pranchita-PR. Therefore, this work aims at (i) verifying its inhabitants’ opinions concerning the varieties present in the area; (ii) describing and analyzing the speakers’ feelings and opinions in relation to the language of the neighboring country, Argentina. With approximately six thousand inhabitants, Pranchita is ethnically constituted by descendants from several nationalities: Italians, Germans, Polish, Spanish, besides the fact it is on the border with Argentina.  The corpus of this work consists of oral records collected within the scope of the interinstitutional Project Linguistic Beliefs and Attitudes: a study of the relationship between Portuguese and other contact languages, whose informants were divided according to sex, age and school level. Overall, 17 interviews were analyzed by using, as theoretical basis, the works by Labov (1972), López Morales (1993), Moreno Fernández (1998) among others.


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O presente trabalho aborda uma reflexão sobre como a Linguística Aplicada tem encaminhado suas pesquisas nos últimos anos e em que tem se debruçado para continuar a sua trajetória e conseguir alcançar e firmar o status que almeja enquanto produtora de conhecimento científico. O artigo destaca os aspectos mais relevantes da Linguística Aplicada, principalmente no Brasil, procurando mostrar o que os maiores nomes da área têm defendido, em que concordam e discordam, como têm direcionado a questão das inovações temáticas e epistemológicas e como as pesquisas atuais colaboram com os estudos linguísticos em geral. O entendimento desse estudo é de que a Linguística Aplicada no Brasil tem conseguido produzir substanciosa teoria proveniente de estudos da linguagem enquanto prática social, articulando pesquisas feitas de maneira transdisciplinar e insistindo na importância de voltar o olhar para os problemas localizados nas margens da modernidade recente. Fica claro, nesta observação, que apesar dos incontáveis desafios para essa área de estudo conquistar o espaço merecido entre outras áreas de prestígio, a Linguística Aplicada tem conseguido mostrar que fazer ciência no contexto atual requer olhares dispostos a abandonar crenças inarredáveis nos conhecimentos disciplinares tradicionais, promovendo pesquisas mais alinhadas com os problemas reais que emergem da superdiversidade da modernidade recente.http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20170021


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The question of identity is in vogue, in social theory, in the political practices, and for sure, in language studies. In many ways and under various approaches, it has been problematized. In this paper, we are especially interested in the relationship between identity and its representation as a discursive production. The identity refers to a set of own characteristics for those the subject is recognizable and known in society, while the subject is constructed by the speeches that forms itself. Thus, under the bias of Discourse Analysis and considering the perspective of Cultural Studies, we will observe the speech about the identity of genre in some strips of Muriel, a character created by Laertes, a cartoonist who in 2009 adopted the practice of crossdressing. The choice for this subject was mainly motivated by the current thematic aspects exposed in the strips, for mobilizing various discourses and discuss, through art and humor, a remarkable and controversial experience in our society. Our goal is to observe in which ways their strips reveal a need for exposure, information and affirmation about a certain identity practice, and from that, examine the discursive practices that constitute - and also contribute -  to an specific identity. We understand that Laertes’ personal experience has motivated the discourse conveyed in his recent work. An expression and exposure about his identity that tells from himself and also to himself and from many people to many others.


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Com este artigo, objetiva-se refletir sobre a necessidade de conduzir os estudos da linguagem com base em uma postura crítica. Bastante recente na história da Lingüística, a Lingüística Crítica apresenta-se hoje como um movimento consolidado. Abordar a Lingüística de forma crítica implica abrir mão de uma das idéias pré-concebidas a respeito de pesquisa lingüística que, na verdade, apenas tem funcionado como um entrave: a famigerada noção da “neutralidade” do cientista, herança do positivismo que imperou na época em que a Lingüística se consolidava como disciplina autônoma. No entanto, a comunidade lingüística está cada vez mais consciente de que, da mesma forma que nos demais campos do saber, fazer ciência também é uma prática social, repleta de conotações ideológico-políticas que as práticas sociais acarretam. Decorre dessa consciência o crescente interesse numa lingüística de forte cunho crítico.


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This article has as main objective to reflect on the Dubsmash self-dubbing mobile app, from the centrality of the studies of Dialogic Discourse Analysis, especially with a focus on verbal-visual perspective. The paper features through the virtual sphere notion, the relationship between an mobile app in which the subject can dub scenes, music or viral Internet and the concrete enunciation as concrete possibility of saying, in words and images of the subject and his other. The text is interested specifically for videos compounds based on a textual fragment of a  Babylon scene, a Brazilian soap opera. The results point to a desire to performance art on the Internet, permeated by Bakhtinian notions like finish, completeness, externality and authorship. The work also shows that it is urgent the university look into the virtual sphere and their innovations while discursive projects and language  movements, constitutive of different interaction fields to be analyzed.


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Regarding reading and writing practice, Higher Education context is one privileged setting for text study in order to provide knowledge acquisition and production for students. It is also recognizable that texts vary linguistically depending on the purpose and context of production which leads to academic literacy notion. In such context, courses are developed aiming to prepare students to master texts and practices in order to achieve academic success. Text Reading and Production I Course is an example of a course which has been introduced in the university programs. The paper aims to analyze the pedagogical practice that takes such projects as leading planning for reading and writing education at the university. It is part of a research carried out by the researcher who is a professor of Text Reading and Production I Course of a university center placed in the Taquari Valley/RS. The present essay aims to analyze texts the students read and wrote in the mentioned project. It is understood that (KLEIMAN, 2000, P. 238) literacy projects represent activities that result from real interest in students’ life and the implementation involves reading and writing as social practice. Data were collected from a group of students enrolled in the Text Reading and Production I Course during 2013/B term. One of the eleven projects developed by the students and the importance as literacy practices for reading and writing education at the university are analyzed.


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This paper presents partial results of a collaborative action research conducted in a public school in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, with a training teacher, a teacher in service and a third year high school class. The collaborative action research, adopted methodology, is considered an alternative way to provide the opportunity for upgrading of in service and in training teachers (Burns 1999). The purpose was to create opportunities for all the participants assimilate a reading in English approach and the language as a sociocultural mediator. From this perspective, reading workshops were developed, whose purpose was to prepare training and in-service teachers for critical-reflexive practice of the classroom, emphasizing the importance of education that addresses cultural aspects of the English language. It was found, once again, that the collaborative work promotes reflection and hence improvements in teaching and learning, which can be significant, considering the lack of actions inspired by research aimed at public English language education in Brazil (CELANI, 2009).


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O artigo analisa um debate na linguística brasileira ocorrido na década de 1980 entre os linguistas Rodolfo Ilari e Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Esse debate colocou em destaque limites e alcances de abordagens semânticas e pragmáticas para o estudo de fenômenos linguísticos, evidenciando, assim, momentos de ruptura teórica e metodológica na história da linguística no Brasil. A análise proposta será realizada por meio da observação de retóricas (tal como compreendidas nos estudos da Historiografia da Linguística) adotadas por linguistas em situações de confronto teórico e metodológico. Apresenta-se em perspectiva interpretativa de que modo se deu, em um momento da história da linguística brasileira, uma divergência teórico-metodológica nos domínios de estudos do significado e da significação. Essa divergência estabeleceu pontos de conflito em relação a objetos teóricos de análise, evidenciados por meio de retóricas dos linguistas que ressaltaram a oposição e a ruptura científica. Descontinuidades, enfim, no processo de implantação e desenvolvimento de teorias e métodos no âmbito da ciência da linguagem praticada na comunidade brasileira de pesquisa linguística.


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RESUMO: A educação de surdos hoje no Brasil vive um período de transição,  de conflitos e contradições: por um lado o discurso da diferença cada vez mais presente na fala de educadores e em parte da legislação educacional em vigor; por outro lado a “diferença” surda continua sendo representada nas práticas escolares em geral sob a ótica da normalização que insiste em invisibilizar as especificidades linguísticas e culturais dessa minoria, apesar dos avanços alcançados pelo decreto 5626. Com esse cenário em mente objetivamos refletir sobre as pressões normativas guiadas por ideologias monolíngues (BLACKLEDGE, 2000) que tentam formatar um suposto uso ideal de português e de Libras. O capítulo está dividido em três partes: primeiro, apresentamos algumas considerações no âmbito da legislação acerca do estatuto de Libras no Brasil. Em seguida, tematizamos o processo de (in)visibilização das línguas de sinais com vistas a mostrar que a (re)construção do conceito de língua como algo fixo, também, em relação às línguas de sinais, pode ser usado para sedimentar desigualdades em relação ao surdo na escola. Por fim, refletimos, a partir de alguns dados de pesquisa, sobre as tensões existentes entre as línguas nos contextos bi-multilíngues que caracterizam a escolarização de surdos e as ideologias linguísticas que geram efeitos de hierarquização sobre os usos de Libras e de Português.