15 resultados para Círculo Bakhtin, Medvedev, Volochinov
em Línguas
This article aims at analyzing the dialogues between the publicity discourse from languages institutes, with their publicity focused on the disclosure of English language courses, established between the student (subject), potential interlocutor of these publicities, trying to understand the meaning effects which can be produced and circulate socially through these dialogues. In order to do that, this study takes into consideration the theoretical confluences between the Bakhtin Circle and the discourse theory from Michel Pêcheux, especially, those which concern the notions of dialogue and senses produced in and by the publicity discourse from languages institutes.
Este artigo discute a concepção de autoria no gênero entrevista pingue-pongue, do jornalismo de revista. A fundamentação teórico-medotodológica insere-se na teoria de gêneros do discurso e da análise dialógica do discurso do Círculo de Bakhtin. Os dados de pesquisa são compostos por 52 entrevistas pingue-pongues, publicadas nas revistas semanais CartaCapital, ISTOÉ e Veja, no período de 4 de outubro a 8 de novembro de 2006. A pesquisa mostrou um complexo processo de co-autoria entre jornalista e editoria. Nesse processo, cabe à editoria a responsabilidade de realizar o acabamento do enunciado; dar o "tom" apreciativo à entrevista ao escolher, dentre as perguntas realizadas na entrevista face a face, quais serão, de fato, publicadas; é ela quem tem autonomia para decidir sobre os "cortes" mais importantes, em outras palavras, é a editoria que define o que tem validade ou não, fazendo, assim, o enquadramento do discurso do entrevistado.
This paper aims at presenting an epistemological discussion of the literary fact in order to build a theoretical and conceptual understanding of how subjects and senses can be analysed in the discursive dynamic of the Literature aesthetic field. From the theoretical place of discourse analysis (DA), especially Pêcheux’s ideias in synchrony to dialogical polyphonic assumptions developped by Bakhtin Circle, and from literature concepts in Barthes, Blanchot and Foucault’s studies, it is its goal to put up a theoretical reflection on the dynamic of meaning and subject construction in the literary space as a way of a starting-support-reflective point that can help those who interests and seeks an analysis exercise of the literary by a discursive prism.
Working with comic strips in the classroom for teaching languages requires scientific knowledge which are able to subsidize the understanding of the language as a socio-historical nature, constituted in interactive and discursive entanglements socially conveyed. For that, we aim in this paper, to present the speech genre comic strip in order to analyze it from the Sociological Method proposed by Bakhtin, which points out the thematic content, the compositional construction and style as elements for the study of language. To theoretically support our study, as well as Bakhtin (1998, 2000) and Bakhtin / Voloshinov (2004), we will discuss authors such Brait (2013); Silveira, Rohling and Rodrigues (2012), among others.
This paper seeks to problematize the contradiction as constitutive sense of the language, from the studies developed by Ducrot (1987) and Bakhtin/Voloshinov (2006). We asked ourselves to what extent it would be possible to control the clarity of expression of ideas, and how you can delete any problem that risks a logical and coherent organization of saying. In the case of this work, we want to ask which place the contradiction takes on as well as the relation that it establishes with the coherence and incoherence. From the analysis of sustained statements in concepts of the Argumentation Theory and the Polyphony, from the authors mentioned before, it was possible to establish a contrastive relation between the two perspectives of analysis, bearing in mind the proposed question. What allowed us to say the discourse’s senses cannot be limited to the materiality of the language and a methodology of textual logic does not account for countless possibilities of organizing a text – it is necessary to involve other forms of analysis, in a study that takes advantage of the internal structures as contribution of external determinants than mean jointly.
The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This feature allows each advertisement reaches the public in a different way, generating empathy, moving reviews, discussions etc. Because of this social relevance, this study aims to analyze two advertisements of Havaianas sandals, aired on television and the internet, in the months of August and September 2009. These pieces had as main character an elderly: (i) in the first interaction situation with his granddaughter; and (ii) the second to the viewer. In the latter, referred to the answer given by the public on the contents of the first piece. The interest in these parts is related to the controversy generated about the old character and his speech. From the interactionist perspective, based on the conceptual framework of Bakhtin and his Circle, proposes to examine the discursive process initiated by the enunciation of these parts in order to describe elements rooted in shared social knowledge about the elderly. Thus, we mobilized the concepts of dialogism, interaction and axiological concepts of discourse. The analysis of the specimens shows that the representation of the elderly as a partner responsible for a more liberal discourse on emotional and sexual life is not yet part of the social horizon of the Brazilian public. His appearance generates dialogue with the public (albeit to receive criticism) that concerns this brand interactions.
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a palavra universidade dentro de um texto do gênero Editorial, predominantemente argumentativo, que tem como aporte o jornal, nesse caso, um jornal eletrônico. A temática e o contexto do texto em questão é o crime organizado. Utilizamo-nos do método sociológico de análise da linguagem proposto por Bakhtin. Primeiramente, apresentamos de forma ampla o aspecto teórico defendido pelo Círculo de Bakhtin (2002) e compartilhado por outros estudiosos, como Brait, Meurer e Souza. Dentre os textos teóricos consultados, temos a obra Estética da criação verbal (2000), que considera que a palavra é inserida pelos gêneros do discurso no ato de enunciação, isto é, “o que eu quero dizer deve ser dito, considerando-se os interlocutores e os contextos de circulação específicos”. Dessa forma, as palavras escolhidas para formar o ato discursivo organizam-se dentro de um determinado gênero, aquele que melhor atenda às necessidades do locutor. Isso só é possível porque estas já foram experimentadas por outros indivíduos em situações semelhantes. Desse modo, entende-se que qualquer manifestação discursiva decorre de um ato ou evento comunicacional situado social, histórica e culturalmente. O discurso apresenta marcas deste lócus na organização dos enunciados e na escolha do vocabulário empregado, pois o locutor espera respondibilidade do seu interlocutor. Logo, não se pode perceber inocentemente as manifestações discursivas orais ou escritas. É nesse sentido que se realizaram as reflexões acerca da palavra universidade, as quais mostraram que, ainda que ela não se distancie dos sentidos já conhecidos culturalmente, há outros contextos, atualizados ideologicamente, que ela figura.
The present paper, based on the concept of surplus of vision discussed in some works of the bakhtinian Circle, as, mainly Bakhtin (2010a) and Bakhtin (2010b), has the main aim to analyse the image of evangelicals in a cover delivered by Veja magazine from the bakhtinian categories of exotopy, otherness and expressive intonation and, consequently, the meaning effects resulting from them. Therefore, anchored by the perspective of Bakhtinian Studies (BS), we analysed the magazine cover, seeking to apprehend the meanings constructed by this genre of verb-visual basis. To the constitution of the corpus of analysis, we selected the cover of the edition 1555, published on July, 15, 1998, entitled A fé contra o crime: Numa cruzada em presídios e redutos de traficantes, os evangélicos estão convertendo bandidos em soldados de Jesus, to analyse in which way the magazine, from its discursive place, appropriates the image of the evangelicals and represents it with its intonations in its statements. From the analysis, we can state that Veja constructs an image that tends to the homogenization of the evangelicals in Brazil, from its surplus of vision, with its tone of sarcasm, prejudice and vilification of this group, attempting to position the consumer/reader of Veja against the protestant sphere. The conclusion of this research, therefore, is that the exotopic position assumed by Veja with regard to its otherness, the evangelical discursive sphere, articulates axiologic aprehensions materialized in the form of intonation on the cover of the magazine that we analysed, disseminating, with the character of truth, the protestant group as integrant of mere dualities. Although the cover figures the group as an agent of change in society, this change gets the intonation by the magazine so that it seems false or, at least, incomplete, which equips the Veja readers of mistrust and, therefore, discredit to the actions of the discussed discursive sphere.
Focaliza-se neste trabalho os modos do ensino e de formação de professores, sua retórica (configurações arquitetônicas e tensões) para, desse lugar discursivo, contraporem-se marcas externas em torno das quais se estabelecem os discursos escritos do sujeito que fala, de sua palavra e da de outrem no ato pedagógico. O encontro entre o dado e o novo, isto é, do que é memória e do que é criação no ato da palavra que aproxima sujeito e experiência é tela para olhar as implicações e consequências no cotidiano da relação linguagem e cognição (conhecimento), experiência e ética. A abordagem dialógica da linguagem de que trata Bakhtin e seu Círculo, e seus desdobramentos, são aportes possíveis para o entendimento do que se produz ou reproduz nas relações sociais como modos de viver a vida verbal e, por ela, a vida dos sujeitos em formação (ser social).http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20170001
O conceito de enunciado já evocou grande polêmica no decorrer do último século. Alguns estudiosos, como Saussure (1974), tomaram a decisão de não abarcá-lo em toda a sua complexidade, focando suas atenções nos aspectos formais da língua. Outros (Bakhtin, 1974, por exemplo) aceitaram o desafio e promoveram um conceito de enunciado que valoriza suas características composicionais e a extensão do seu volume – o discurso. A construção de uma disciplina com foco no enunciado permitiu, portanto, o aparecimento de visões críticas e polêmicas sobre o tema. Diferentes perspectivas foram concebidas e, como conseqüência, abordagens contrastivas para o seu estudo, desenvolvidas. Este artigo é uma tentativa de estabelecer alguns parâmetros de análise entre quatro diferentes perspectivas desenvolvidas pelos seguintes autores: Benveniste (1989), Bakhtin (1992), Possenti (1993) e Guimarães (2002). Além disso, propomos uma análise crítica das fronteiras do enunciado, procurando estabelecer os pontos de contato e as distinções que tais concepções assumiram no processo de conceituar o enunciado.
This article focuses on the difficulties encountered in text production students of the first phase of an undergraduate distance learning course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina with regard to working with the gender discourse academic review. The research question that drives this study is: In terms of social experiences with written language system, which factors are inferreds in the analysis of problems of adaptation to the visualized gender in textual production reviews in the academic sphere in the course of Portuguese Language distance? The study developed is anchored in theories of literacy based on Street (1984; 2003; 2009), Hamilton (2000), Barton and Hamilton (2004), among other authors who discuss the new studies of literacy through ethnographic perspectives; as well as the theories of genres of Bakhtin and his Circle (2003 [1952/53]). The results show problems (not) appropriate to the genre, both in terms of compositional configuration as in relation to the thematic content and style and signal distinctions between school and family literacy practices and academic literacy practices, demanding methodological resignifications in addressing gender in the academic sphere. The study contributes to the Applied Linguistics area paying attention to the need to undertake a teaching preparation (Halte, 2008) that includes the experiences of students and their weaknesses, so as to focus on them.
Este texto procura desenvolver uma reflexão teórica a respeito da responsividade, considerada elemento constitutivo dos processos de trocas verbais efetivados pelos seres humanos em sociedades organizadas. Para tanto, assume-se a perspectiva teórica de linguagem de Bakhtin e seu Círculo, a partir da qual se procura caracterizar a responsividade, conceito que permeia os seus estudos. Como resultado desse processo reflexivo, a partir de exemplos de diálogos, com graduandos, na modalidade escrita, via e-mail, elenca-se uma série de aspectos da responsividade presentes nas proposições bakhtinianas, as quais se organizam em torno de uma premissa maior: a de que o desejo de resposta é o principal elemento motivador da assunção da palavra pelo locutor e propicia, igualmente, o surgimento dos vários elos da cadeia ininterrupta da comunicação verbal, estabelecendo-se a interação.
Based on a(n) (in)transdisciplinary view, we aim at discussing the relationship between utterance and hybridism upon Bakhtin’s Circle perspective (BAKHTIN, 2003[1979]; 1998[1975]; 2008[1963]; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006[1929]; MEDVIÉDEV, 2012[1928]), by objectiving to construct a comprehension concerning the hybrid genres, in special, to this present study, the hybrid genres from the journalism sphere. To do so, we follow an epistemological, theoretical and methodological way in accordance with Bakhtin’s Circle studies and we selected utterances from the talk show discourse genre. We believe that the study is relevant, because it doesn’t only confirm the importance to join dialogues between Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, in terms of ratifying the permeability among the disciplinary boundaries in order to understand the social life (MOITA LOPES, 2006) but also it contributes to sediment plural views about discourse genres in bakhtinian analysis of discourse/utterance.
This article aims to approach the issue of deployment of the self in the short story "O círculo", by Ruth Laus, through the figure of the character Paula and the pursuit of her double. The study of the female character, while literary representation, and related to the duplicity, is associated with issues related to identity and the construction of the self, from an internal scission, allowing therefore to examine the representation of the double, permeated by issues related to otherness, especially regarding to the maintenance of subjectivity in the search of the Other as an extension of the self. The double, in turn, is established as the phenomenon able to settle an active connection with the world, the dialectic condition of the creature, as a way of affirmation from the conception of (re)cognition of the Other as a link between past-present-future in the (re)construction of the unit and establishment of the balance. For the character Paula the element that indicates the division of her personality is the aborted fetus and thenceforth begins the maintenance of the inner Self of the protagonist: find what from her was split.
This text presents the interlocution that literacy teachers maintain with didactic textbook and traditional/normative grammar, and how these books become constitutive elements – the Others – of these teachers and theirs mother tongue teaching practices. The analysis focuses on teachers statements/enunciation and is based on Bakhtin's circle concepts, especially in the categories of statement/enunciation, dialogism and otherness. The cited elements appears updated in teachers enunciations and signalize a permanent tom in their practices, as a result of the cultural tradition in grammar teaching and the legitimate use of the didactic textbook