544 resultados para hospitality administration and management


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In his essay - Regulating Casino Gaming: A Checklist for States Considering It – by Leonard E. Goodall, Professor of Management and Public Administration, College of Business and Econornics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Professor Goodall initially states: “Since various states are likely to continue to debate the issue of the establishment of legal casinos, and since states considering legal casinos must also decide how best to regulate them, the author discusses the similarities and contrasts in the regulatory systems already in operation.” Certainly not all states have solicited casino gaming, or what people generally refer to as gambling, but many have and the list is growing. If casinos are to be, and indications are that many more states will endorse gaming as a source of revenue, then regulating them must follow as a matter of due course says the author. Keep in mind this essay was written in 1988, and the actuality of casino gaming has indeed come to fruition in many states. “Nevada, having legalized casino gaming in 1931, has over a half-century of experience with the regulatory process,” Professor Goodall informs. “When New Jersey approved the establishment of casinos in Atlantic City in 1976, state officials studied the Nevada system carefully and adopted many of Nevada's procedures.” Professor Goodall bullet-points at least 7 key elements that states wanting to pursue gaming should, or in the cases of Nevada and New Jersey, have already addressed in regard to regulation of the industry. Goodall parses, in more detail, those essentials. The ultimate form of regulation is ownership Goodall says. Either state run, or private are the logical options. “The arguments for private ownership have been both pragmatic and political,” Goodall says. “Legislators, like the general public, are skeptical of the ability of state bureaucracies to run big businesses in an efficient manner. Many of them also believe regulation can be more effective if there is at least an arm's-length distance between regulation and ownership,” the professor opines. Additionally important to consider is the purpose of legalization, says Goodall. Are the proceeds earmarked for general funds, or to be used specifically? Geographic considerations are key, Goodall points out. “This decision will depend partly on a state's reasons for having casinos in the first place,” he expands. “New Jersey's policy, for example, is obviously consistent with its goal of using casinos to reinvigorate Atlantic City.” “In both states, one of the most important functions of the regulatory agencies is that of licensing, the process of investigating individuals or organizations and then authorizing them to participate in the gaming business,” Goodall provides. In closing, Goodall says there is no need for ensuing states to reinvent the wheel when it comes to casino gaming regulation. Nevada and New Jersey already provide two good designs from which to emulate and/or build upon.


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Hospitality managers can expect to confront have challenges in the decades ahead. A study of luxury hotel general managers identifies the skills and personal characteristics respondents perceived as most important to their career development, as well as the future requirements for unit level managers and the major challenges they anticipate. The author then maps those skills and personal characteristics identified by respondents against future industry challenges to suggest additional managerial needs. Recommendations are presented for development strategies that will ensure hospitality organizations identify, develop, and retain individuals with the "right stuff."


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The successful management of change is a key factor in ensuring growth in the restaurant industry. The author discusses how to evaluate and act on a management change plan beginning with a total understanding and knowledge of the environment within which it operates.


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The authors investigate the relationship between loyalty and perceived service quality of hotel customers and discus managerial implications to develop strategies to enhance loyalty of hotel customers. A survey was conducted among customers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Results indicate that customer loyalty is dependent on perceived service quality which is observed in terms of timelines, facilities, and ambience.


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The essay - Managing Strategic Change – by K. Michael Haywood, Associate Professor, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph, is initially characterized by Haywood as: “The ability to manage strategic change is critical for hospitality industry executives today. Executives must be capable of creating a vision of the future and implementing its direction. The author gives avenues for that management process.” “The effective management of strategic change is the major challenge confronting hospitality executives,” says Associate Professor Haywood. “Responding to a rapidly changing business environment and constantly evolving competitive threats and opportunities requires executives who can anticipate and plan for change.” According to Professor Haywood, the management of strategic change is a future imperative for hospitality executives. Implementing those changes will be even more difficult. “Survival and growth for many hospitality firms during the next decade will depend on the development of new strategic visions which can provide significant competitive advantages,” he says. “Strategies for managing costs and technology will be central to this task,” Haywood expands the thought. Haywood suggests two primary types of change hospitality executives should be aware of. First, is change that is anticipated, anticipatory change. Second, is the other more crucial type of change, strategic change in the face of crisis, or simply stated, reactive change. Professor Haywood describes the distinction between the two. In describing the approach that should be implemented in responding to an anticipatory change, Haywood says, “If time permits, and change is to be introduced gradually, pilots and trials should be run to assess the impact of the new strategy on the organization. These trials are used to create pockets of commitment throughout the corporation, build comfort levels with the new approach, and neutralize or win over potential opposition.” There are the obvious advantages to using an approach like the one described above, but there are disadvantages as well. Haywood discusses both. In addressing reactive change, Haywood offers that the process is a more - time is of the essence – condition, and that strong leadership and a firm hand on employee control is imperative. “Personal leadership, tough-mindedness, the willingness to ruthlessly abandon the familiar and the past, and the use of informal strategic levers are the hallmarks of sterling executive performance in such periods,” he says. “All these changes involve substantial technical, financial, and human risks,” Haywood wants you to know. “In order to make them, and still remain competitive, hospitality and travel-related corporations require executives capable of creating a vision of the future, able to sell that vision to their employees, and tough-minded enough to implement strategies to make the vision a reality.”


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While absenteeism models have been developed and applied in the manufacturing industries, little work has been done on absenteeism in service industries. Due to the labor intensity of service industries, specifically the hotel industry, a model to track and quantify the costs of absenteeism could be useful to managers. The authors propose just such a model.


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Restaurant management and the leadership styles of men and women who serve as hosts to the dining public are the subject of this study. The author asks: What kind of managers are they? What are the operational results of their efforts? Is there a relationship between managerial style and operational outcomes? How are managerial styles themselves related to each other?


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In the discussion - Industry Education: The Merger Continues - by Rob Heiman Assistant Professor Hospitality Food Service Management at Kent State University, the author originally declares, “Integrating the process of an on-going catering and banquet function with that of selected behavioral academic objectives leads to an effective, practical course of instruction in catering and banquet management. Through an illustrated model, this article highlights such a merger while addressing a variety of related problems and concerns to the discipline of hospitality food service management education.” The article stresses the importance of blending the theoretical; curriculum based learning process with that of a hands-on approach, in essence combining an in-reality working program, with academics, to develop a well rounded hospitality student. “How many programs are enjoying the luxury of excessive demand for students from industry [?],” the author asks in proxy for, and to highlight the immense need for qualified personnel in the hospitality industry. As the author describes it, “An ideal education program concerns itself with the integration of theory and simulation with hands-on experience to teach the cognitive as well as the technical skills required to achieve the pre-determined hospitality education objectives.” In food service one way to achieve this integrated learning curve is to have the students prepare foods and then consume them. Heiman suggests this will quickly illustrate to students the rights and wrongs of food preparation. Another way is to have students integrating the academic program with feeding the university population. Your author offers more illustrations on similar principles. Heiman takes special care in characterizing the banquet and catering portions of the food service industry, and he offers empirical data to support the descriptions. It is in these areas, banquet and catering, that Heiman says special attention is needed to produce qualified students to those fields. This is the real focus of the discussion, and it is in this venue that the remainder of the article is devoted. “Based on the perception that quality education is aided by implementing project assignments through the course of study in food service education, a model description can be implemented for a course in Catering and Banquet Management and Operations. This project model first considers the prioritized objectives of education and industry and then illustrates the successful merging of resources for mutual benefits,” Heiman sketches. The model referred to above is also the one aforementioned in the thesis statement at the beginning of the article. This model is divided into six major components; Heiman lists and details them. “The model has been tested through two semesters involving 29 students,” says Heiman. “Reaction by all participants has been extremely positive. Recent graduates of this type of program have received a sound theoretical framework and demonstrated their creative interpretation of this theory in practical application,” Heiman says in summation.


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Documented reports of day-to-day decision-making in food service tend to emphasize technical aspects. However, this view does not represent completely the decision-making process managers go through. The author reports on the effect of the manager-customer relationship in decision-making by managers.


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Seventeen out of 19 directors of hotel and motel housekeeping departments in an upper midwest urban area expressed concern about sanitation procedures in their facilities as part of a survey which indicates that some house- keeping procedures and practices need to be improved and modified to - constitute a safe and sanitized approach. The author explains the results and presents practical sanitary guidelines for such departments.


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Career fairs are a popular function with hospitality schools. Recruiters' perceptions of these events are important to ensuring their success. The authors report on the results of their survey of recruiters participating in a 1990 career fair at the University of South Carolina, indicating directions other schools may wish to consider.


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Lednal H. Kotschevar is a pioneer in the food service industry. His life spans that of the 20th century and his influence in the hospitality discipline molded its growth and its directions.


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In his discussion - Challenge To Managers: Changing Hotel Work from a Secondary Choice to Career Development - by Leonidas Chitiris, Lecturer in Management, Piraeus Graduate School of Industrial Studies, Athens, Greece, Chitiris marginally alludes at the outset: “Surveys and interviews with hotel employees in Greece with regard to why individuals work for hotels and to what extent their rationale to join the hotel industry affects hotel productivity revealed that the choice to work in hotels is a secondary preference and reflects the opportunity structure in the economy at any given time and the greater the number of those who work in hotels when there are no other employment opportunities, the less likely the chances for overall improved performance. Given the increase in the proportion of unskilled, unmotivated workers, the level of hotel productivity consequently decreases! The author interprets the findings in terms of the economic and employment conditions in the Greek hotel industry. To enhance the rationale of his thesis statement, Chitiris offers with citation: “Research on initial entry into the labor force has shown that new employees reflect idealized expectations and are frequently not very satisfied with their jobs and roles in the work settings.” Chitiris advances the thought even further by saying: “Research on job satisfaction, motivation, and production purports that management can initiate policies that develop job satisfaction and may improve productivity.” The author outlines components within the general category of the hotel industry to label and quantify exactly why there may be a lag between employee expectations and the delivery of a superior level of service. Please keep in mind that the information for this essay is underpinned by the hotel industry in Greece, exclusively. Demographic information is provided. One example of the many factors parsed in this hotel service discussion is the employee/guest relationship. “The quality of service in hotels is affected to a great extent by the number of guests a hotel employee has to serve,” Chitiris offers. Additionally, Chitiris’ characterization of the typical hotel employee in Greece is not flattering, but it is an informed and representative view of that lodging labor pool. The description in and of itself begs to explain at least some of why the hotel industry in Greece suffers a consequently diminished capacity of superior service. Ill equipped, under-educated, over-worked, and under-paid are how Chitiris describes most employees in the Hellenist hospitality field. Survey based studies, and formulaic indices are used to measure variables related to productivity; the results may be inconclusive industry wide, but are interesting nonetheless. Also, an appealing table gauges the reasons why hotel workers actually employ themselves in the lodging industry. Chirtiris finds that salary expectations do not rate all that high on the motivational chart and are only marginal when related to productivity. In closing, Chirtiris presents a 5-phase development plan hotels should look to in improving performance and productivity at their respective properties.


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In the hotel business, catering sales managers often encounter potential clients who expect to negotiate for items such as room rental fees, audiovisual charges, and bartending fees. This article addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of empowering sales managers with the authority to reduce or waive these charges. Thus, hoteliers are advised to extend a structured yield management mindset into the hotel’s function-space area.


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The objectives of this study were to determine job attribute factors affecting overall job satisfaction and satisfaction factors predicting intention to choose and stay within a current job among managers of private clubs in the U.S. The findings indicate that selfworth and salary and benefits are significantly related to the overall job satisfaction. In addition, overall job satisfaction was a strong predictor for private club managers’ intention to choose the current job held, if given a second chance