286 resultados para Education research
The author explores solutions for bilingual students’ underachievement by embedding elements of executive functioning into bilingual education. Based on analysis of theoretical perspectives, the author recommends teaching executive functions to bilingual students. Implications indicate the importance of embedding executive functions in curriculum development, textbook compiling, and instruction.
This qualitative study explored the unique experiences of expatriates in adjusting to cross-cultural situations and confronting challenges in global journeys. Personal narratives written by previous or current expatriates were collected as qualitative data and content analysis was conducted. The results clarified three themes contributing to the complex process of cross-cultural adaptation.
This paper explores the connection between leadership behaviors and employee engagement to build a proposed conceptual model. A conceptual link between employee needs (Herzberg, 1959; Maslow, 1970), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998), and transformational leadership (Bass, 1985) is discussed.
This paper explores the development of employee engagement through a historical perspective lens. Using a structured literature review, seminal works are identified and reviewed. A working definition is proposed.
A qualitative investigation on the impact of goal-setting strategies on self-efficacy of two students taking Introductory Modeling Physics was conducted. The study found that the problem solving process can be divided into two main themes: goal-setting and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy plays a role in the goal setting process of these two students, and may be linked to the retention of students in physics.
Perceptions of college students, all former foster youth, regarding influences that impacted their academic attainment are described. Themes involve external interactions and internal influences, including a newly identified set of internal characteristics, “success strengths,” that promote college attainment. The Foster Youth Academic Achievement Model is introduced.
Publishing in scholarly journals is challenging due to a high manuscript rejection rate. One third of the rejection rate can be attributed to poor organization (McKercher, Law, Weber, Song, & Hsu, 2007). This paper discusses four components of reporting qualitative empirical studies to guide researchers in developing a logical manuscript.
Use of the pan-ethnic denomination Hispanic to refer to Spanishspeakers assumes a homogeneous group. Hispanics literally constitute 20 national origins with different characteristics and idiosyncrasies. Because individuals’ national origin may influence their traditions, customs, values, and beliefs, differences in nationality should be considered in designing research.
The author argues that learning in classroom communities of practice may reduce exclusionary school discipline practices and the discipline gap that disproportionately affect African American students. Communities of practice prioritize the social nature of learning as legitimate peripheral participation, encouraging community membership, social identity transformation, and synergistic relationships and spaces.
The purpose of this action research was to determine what instructional strategies could be used to improve student achievement in fraction addition. An eighth grade intensive math class practiced multiplication facts and hands-on applications of fractions concepts for 2 months. Pretests/posttests were used to measure improvement in computation and understanding.
The role that gender plays with respect to language learning in the classroom is ripe for investigation. Some educators and researchers maintain that females possess superior language skills. This author argues that ideas regarding female language superiority are suspect and may encourage discriminatory pedagogy for women as well as men.
This study evaluates the effects of repeated readings on the reading fluency and comprehension of 4 third through fifth grade English Language Learners (ELLs) with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The results indicate gains in fluency, a decrease in errors, and an increase in correct answers to literal comprehension questions.
The author explores the challenges graduate students face preparing for a dissertation through university events. Autoethnography using notes, observation, and journal writing and framed by genre and activity system theory highlight university system conflicts with the culture of the student.
The author argues that evolving issues of immigration law, free speech, skills and values education, and the nationalization of curricula are affecting the university and silencing the voices of undocumented immigrant students. A Freirean analysis is used to examine these issues and offers solutions.
A special undergraduate program for selected biology majors was recently inaugurated at Florida International University. The curriculum emphasizes science, mathematics, and statistics. A statistics course was implemented for this program integrating PowerPoint, statistical software (SPSS), and data from biological/biomedical studies. This didactic experience is discussed here.