286 resultados para Education research
Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) have been proven to enhance learning abilities in children. This study will examine how the use of metaphor might affect the development of fourth graders’ verbal and written abilities at three schools in the Miami-Dade County Public School system.
Concerned professionals in the juvenile justice field frequently express concern for effective programs that help youth offenders successfully rejoin society. This mixed-method pilot study, involved detention home teens functioning as tutors for special education students in a public school. Tutors experienced gains in self-esteem and overall school/social attitude.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of parental involvement on students' academic achievement. This research further proposes to investigate the effects that reading comprehension workshops for parents will have on the level of their involvement. Moreover, results from the study will contribute to the establishment of effective structures of family involvement. The following research questions will guide the study: Is there an increase in parents' confidence in their abilities to help their child in school as a result of parent workshops? Will there be a gain in parents' understanding of FCAT strategies through the use of parent workshops? Will there be an improvement in students' test scores because of parental involvement in parent workshops?
The purpose of this paper was to identify the relationship between hyponatremia, or water intoxication, and endurance athletes. Athletic trainers and paramedics must be educated about this potentially fatal problem and be able to determine the appropriate treatment for a hyponatremic athlete.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a cooling vest on core body temperature following active dehydration and hyperthermia induced by exercising in a hot, humid environment. Based on our study, we recommend the ClimaTech HeatShieldTM only when athletes present with mild symptoms of heat exhaustion.
There is argument for differentiation between induction and mentoring programs. A basis of this paper is that both programs must coexist; that neither program can be effective without the other. Literature, data and the experiences of a novice teacher revealed components of effective mentoring/induction programs for teachers.
The study examines the effects of cultural distance on student retention at an urban, Hispanic-serving university. A Cultural Distance Model based on retention research in higher education and organizational socialization theory is posed and the first half of the model is tested using path analysis with results supporting most model assumptions.
We present a unique case of a collegiate athlete who suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury leading to a displaced patellar stress fracture. We identified an unusual potential association between ACL reconstruction and patellar fractures in order to avoid potential complications in the rehabilitation and return to activity process.
The purpose of the study was to determine whether voluntary acute or chronic dehydration occurs in a male adolescent athletic population during twicea- day American football practice sessions. We conclude that participants will voluntarily rehydrate themselves between practice sessions and will begin to acclimate within three to four days.
Schools become learning communities when both teachers and students exert extraordinary commitment and performance. When shared leadership between administrators and teachers is fostered, students benefit academically. This is called school efficacy. In this action-research paper, two principals in low-performing, high-poverty urban schools share their recommendations for fostering higher student achievement, making their respective schools smarter.
Experimental evidence suggests that derived relational responding (DRR) may provide a behavioral model of complex language phenomena. This study assigned 72 students to groups based upon their performance on a complex relational task. It was found that performance on DRR relates to scores on the WAIS-III.
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) brought many significant changes to American schools including accessibility to technology. Through an extensive literature review of the relationship between technology leadership and student achievement, five major themes emerged from data that support the need for more effective computer-based education in schools.
This study investigated human resource development (HRD) in Russian enterprises, U.S. firms in Russia, or U.S.-Russian joint ventures. Thirty-three articles were selected through a database search and examined using content analysis. Emerging themes included workers’ knowledge and skills, training practices, organizational involvement, responsibility, and communication, and leadership styles.
In recent years the literature on parental involvement and how it affects children during home learning has emphasized the relevance of promoting student achievement through parental involvement. Research points to a strong connection on the positive effects for families, children, and school when schools extend themselves to parents and involve them to support their children’s development and learning (Olsen & Fuller, 2003) Consequently, the purpose of this research is to attempt to investigate if parents’ comfort level with reading reflects the help that they provide their children at home with their home learning. Our goal is to increase parents’ level of efficacy in relation to helping their children with home learning as it relates to the reading benchmarks.
This study investigated how intrusive noises affect local university students in their communities. The Community Noise Survey solicited information about types of bothersome noises, how often these noises were bothersome, activities intruded upon by these noises, feelings elicited by noise intrusions, and what participants did to abate the noises.