6 resultados para ordered metric-spaces
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
The present thesis is a contribution to the theory of algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular settings. In particular, we focus on the $b$-calculus and the calculus on conformally compact spaces in the sense of Mazzeo and Melrose in connection with the notion of spectral invariant transmission operator algebras. We summarize results given by Gramsch et. al. on the construction of $Psi_0$-and $Psi*$-algebras and the corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutators of certain closed operators and derivations. In the case of a manifold with corners $Z$ we construct a $Psi*$-completion $A_b(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2})$ of the algebra of zero order $b$-pseudodifferential operators $Psi_{b,cl}(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in the corresponding $C*$-closure $B(Z,{}^bOmega^{12})hookrightarrow L(L^2(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2}))$. The construction will also provide that localised to the (smooth) interior of Z the operators in the $A_b(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ can be represented as ordinary pseudodifferential operators. In connection with the notion of solvable $C*$-algebras - introduced by Dynin - we calculate the length of the $C*$-closure of $Psi_{b,cl}^0(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2},R^{E(F)})$ in $B(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2}),R^{E(F)})$ by localizing $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ along the boundary face $F$ using the (extended) indical familiy $I^B_{FZ}$. Moreover, we discuss how one can localise a certain solving ideal chain of $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in neighbourhoods $U_p$ of arbitrary points $pin Z$. This localisation process will recover the singular structure of $U_p$; further, the induced length function $l_p$ is shown to be upper semi-continuous. We give construction methods for $Psi*$- and $C*$-algebras admitting only infinite long solving ideal chains. These algebras will first be realized as unconnected direct sums of (solvable) $C*$-algebras and then refined such that the resulting algebras have arcwise connected spaces of one dimensional representations. In addition, we recall the notion of transmission algebras on manifolds with corners $(Z_i)_{iin N}$ following an idea of Ali Mehmeti, Gramsch et. al. Thereby, we connect the underlying $C^infty$-function spaces using point evaluations in the smooth parts of the $Z_i$ and use generalized Laplacians to generate an appropriate scale of Sobolev spaces. Moreover, it is possible to associate generalized (solving) ideal chains to these algebras, such that to every $ninN$ there exists an ideal chain of length $n$ within the algebra. Finally, we discuss the $K$-theory for algebras of pseudodifferential operators on conformally compact manifolds $X$ and give an index theorem for these operators. In addition, we prove that the Dirac-operator associated to the metric of a conformally compact manifold $X$ is not a Fredholm operator.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Spektraltheorie von Differentialoperatoren auf metrischen Graphen und von indefiniten Differentialoperatoren auf beschränkten Gebieten. Sie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im Ersten werden endliche, nicht notwendigerweise kompakte, metrische Graphen und die Hilberträume von quadratintegrierbaren Funktionen auf diesen betrachtet. Alle quasi-m-akkretiven Laplaceoperatoren auf solchen Graphen werden charakterisiert, und Abschätzungen an die negativen Eigenwerte selbstadjungierter Laplaceoperatoren werden hergeleitet. Weiterhin wird die Wohlgestelltheit eines gemischten Diffusions- und Transportproblems auf kompakten Graphen durch die Anwendung von Halbgruppenmethoden untersucht. Eine Verallgemeinerung des indefiniten Operators $-tfrac{d}{dx}sgn(x)tfrac{d}{dx}$ von Intervallen auf metrische Graphen wird eingeführt. Die Spektral- und Streutheorie der selbstadjungierten Realisierungen wird detailliert besprochen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Operatoren untersucht, die mit indefiniten Formen der Art $langlegrad v, A(cdot)grad urangle$ mit $u,vin H_0^1(Omega)subset L^2(Omega)$ und $OmegasubsetR^d$ beschränkt, assoziiert sind. Das Eigenwertverhalten entspricht in Dimension $d=1$ einer verallgemeinerten Weylschen Asymptotik und für $dgeq 2$ werden Abschätzungen an die Eigenwerte bewiesen. Die Frage, wann indefinite Formmethoden für Dimensionen $dgeq 2$ anwendbar sind, bleibt offen und wird diskutiert.
The present thesis is a contribution to the multi-variable theory of Bergman and Hardy Toeplitz operators on spaces of holomorphic functions over finite and infinite dimensional domains. In particular, we focus on certain spectral invariant Frechet operator algebras F closely related to the local symbol behavior of Toeplitz operators in F. We summarize results due to B. Gramsch et.al. on the construction of Psi_0- and Psi^*-algebras in operator algebras and corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutator methods, generalized Laplacians and strongly continuous group actions. In the case of the Segal-Bargmann space H^2(C^n,m) of Gaussian square integrable entire functions on C^n we determine a class of vector-fields Y(C^n) supported in complex cones K. Further, we require that for any finite subset V of Y(C^n) the Toeplitz projection P is a smooth element in the Psi_0-algebra constructed by commutator methods with respect to V. As a result we obtain Psi_0- and Psi^*-operator algebras F localized in cones K. It is an immediate consequence that F contains all Toeplitz operators T_f with a symbol f of certain regularity in an open neighborhood of K. There is a natural unitary group action on H^2(C^n,m) which is induced by weighted shifts and unitary groups on C^n. We examine the corresponding Psi^*-algebra A of smooth elements in Toeplitz-C^*-algebras. Among other results sufficient conditions on the symbol f for T_f to belong to A are given in terms of estimates on its Berezin-transform. Local aspects of the Szegö projection P_s on the Heisenbeg group and the corresponding Toeplitz operators T_f with symbol f are studied. In this connection we apply a result due to Nagel and Stein which states that for any strictly pseudo-convex domain U the projection P_s is a pseudodifferential operator of exotic type (1/2, 1/2). The second part of this thesis is devoted to the infinite dimensional theory of Bergman and Hardy spaces and the corresponding Toeplitz operators. We give a new proof of a result observed by Boland and Waelbroeck. Namely, that the space of all holomorphic functions H(U) on an open subset U of a DFN-space (dual Frechet nuclear space) is a FN-space (Frechet nuclear space) equipped with the compact open topology. Using the nuclearity of H(U) we obtain Cauchy-Weil-type integral formulas for closed subalgebras A in H_b(U), the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on U, where A separates points. Further, we prove the existence of Hardy spaces of holomorphic functions on U corresponding to the abstract Shilov boundary S_A of A and with respect to a suitable boundary measure on S_A. Finally, for a domain U in a DFN-space or a polish spaces we consider the symmetrizations m_s of measures m on U by suitable representations of a group G in the group of homeomorphisms on U. In particular,in the case where m leads to Bergman spaces of holomorphic functions on U, the group G is compact and the representation is continuous we show that m_s defines a Bergman space of holomorphic functions on U as well. This leads to unitary group representations of G on L^p- and Bergman spaces inducing operator algebras of smooth elements related to the symmetries of U.
Ich untersuche die nicht bereits durch die Arbeit "Singular symplectic moduli spaces" von Kaledin, Lehn und Sorger (Invent. Math. 164 (2006), no. 3) abgedeckten Fälle von Modulräumen halbstabiler Garben auf projektiven K3-Flächen - die Fälle mit Mukai-Vektor (0,c,0) sowie die Modulräume zu nichtgenerischen amplen Divisoren - hinsichtlich der möglichen Konstruktion neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Ich stelle einen Zusammenhang zu den bereits untersuchten Modulräumen und Verallgemeinerungen derselben her und erweitere bekannte Ergebnisse auf alle offenen Fälle von Garben vom Rang 0 und viele Fälle von Garben von positivem Rang. Insbesondere kann in diesen Fällen die Existenz neuer Beispiele von kompakten irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten, die birational über Komponenten des Modulraums liegen, ausgeschlossen werden.
Given a reductive group G acting on an affine scheme X over C and a Hilbert function h: Irr G → N_0, we construct the moduli space M_Ө(X) of Ө-stable (G,h)-constellations on X, which is a common generalisation of the invariant Hilbert scheme after Alexeev and Brion and the moduli space of Ө-stable G-constellations for finite groups G introduced by Craw and Ishii. Our construction of a morphism M_Ө(X) → X//G makes this moduli space a candidate for a resolution of singularities of the quotient X//G. Furthermore, we determine the invariant Hilbert scheme of the zero fibre of the moment map of an action of Sl_2 on (C²)⁶ as one of the first examples of invariant Hilbert schemes with multiplicities. While doing this, we present a general procedure for the realisation of such calculations. We also consider questions of smoothness and connectedness and thereby show that our Hilbert scheme gives a resolution of singularities of the symplectic reduction of the action.
Among the different approaches for a construction of a fundamental quantum theory of gravity the Asymptotic Safety scenario conjectures that quantum gravity can be defined within the framework of conventional quantum field theory, but only non-perturbatively. In this case its high energy behavior is controlled by a non-Gaussian fixed point of the renormalization group flow, such that its infinite cutoff limit can be taken in a well defined way. A theory of this kind is referred to as non-perturbatively renormalizable. In the last decade a considerable amount of evidence has been collected that in four dimensional metric gravity such a fixed point, suitable for the Asymptotic Safety construction, indeed exists. This thesis extends the Asymptotic Safety program of quantum gravity by three independent studies that differ in the fundamental field variables the investigated quantum theory is based on, but all exhibit a gauge group of equivalent semi-direct product structure. It allows for the first time for a direct comparison of three asymptotically safe theories of gravity constructed from different field variables. The first study investigates metric gravity coupled to SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. In particular the gravitational effects to the running of the gauge coupling are analyzed and its implications for QED and the Standard Model are discussed. The second analysis amounts to the first investigation on an asymptotically safe theory of gravity in a pure tetrad formulation. Its renormalization group flow is compared to the corresponding approximation of the metric theory and the influence of its enlarged gauge group on the UV behavior of the theory is analyzed. The third study explores Asymptotic Safety of gravity in the Einstein-Cartan setting. Here, besides the tetrad, the spin connection is considered a second fundamental field. The larger number of independent field components and the enlarged gauge group render any RG analysis of this system much more difficult than the analog metric analysis. In order to reduce the complexity of this task a novel functional renormalization group equation is proposed, that allows for an evaluation of the flow in a purely algebraic manner. As a first example of its suitability it is applied to a three dimensional truncation of the form of the Holst action, with the Newton constant, the cosmological constant and the Immirzi parameter as its running couplings. A detailed comparison of the resulting renormalization group flow to a previous study of the same system demonstrates the reliability of the new equation and suggests its use for future studies of extended truncations in this framework.