79 resultados para desenvolvimento local

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work aims to study the associations as mediating the process of social change and its importance for local development. The hypothesis is that associations, but bring dynamism to the smaller cities and improve the living conditions of their members, relegated to the background social sustainability, understood this as a permanent exercise of mobilization and participation in community life. The assumptions of the study are that the practice group has influenced the processes of local development in Brazilian rural municipalities through the mediation of government programs and projects aimed at combating rural poverty require social organization for their achievement. The concept of local development in this work was rescued from studies of political economy and sociology. But the concepts of collective action and partnerships advêem studies of political participation and social development of the theory of alternative or solidarity. The party consisted of an empirical case study conducted with four associations of farmers in the municipality of Portalegre-RN. Why choose qualitative study was used the technique of semi-structured interviews with the chairmen I members of associations and other actors considered essential to understanding the study (religious leaders, local political power and chairman of the union of rural workers), a total of 20 interviews, in addition to the observations of field and documentary research in records of the.ir own organizations. The survey results show that the performance of groups of farmers are key components and determinants for the production I marketing of agricultural products and for boosting the economy, as well as security for minimum levels of citizenship. Yet we are still in a space purpose of social change, which comes to confirm the initial hypothesis of this work


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This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities


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This study analyzes the event of the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, located in the municipality of Florania / RN as a tourism product, inserted in a process of transformation of a sacred place, in principle determined by religious motives, in a destination "tourist-religious". We seek to understand to what extent state intervention, with policies aimed at boosting the tourism sector as well as the interactions among key actors in the space, are able to modify and streamline the city of Florania, particularly Feast of Our Lady of Grace. The methodology also includes the review of the literature using the deductive method the application of questionnaires to the pilgrims, tourists and pilgrims totaling 150 questionnaires. Along with the economic agents of the municipality, 36 questionnaires were administered according to the model adopted by REDESIST. Complement this research interviews with key Officials of the Municipal Government and the Church. Despite the recognition by the actors of the importance of tourism to the economy of the city of Florania, encouraging the development of the sector is still lagging, some worked and policies / programs listed actually pass by the "Paths of Faith" of Florania. Concerning the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, the bottlenecks reported by researchers and economic agents are very partially affected by the policies / programs and when this occurs, the effort seems to be only reactive, resulting from the pressures experienced by the municipal government (mayor)


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The question of participation has been debated in Brazil since the 1980 decade in search a better way to take care of poulation s demand. More specificaly after the democratic open (1985) begins to be thought ways to make population participates of decisions related to alocation of public resources. The characteristic of participates actualy doesn t exist, population to be carried through is, at top, consulted, and the fact population participates stays restrict to some technics interests at the projects, mainly of public politics of local development. Observe that this implementation happens through a process and that has its limits (pass) that could be surpassed through strategies made to that. This dissertation shows results of a research about participative practices in city of Serrinha between 1997 and 2004, showing through a study of the case of Serrinha what was the process used to carry through these pratices in a moment and local considered model of this application. The analyses were developed through a model of research elaborated by the author based on large literature respects the ideal process to implant a participative public politics. The present research had a qualitative boarding, being explorative and descritive nature. The researcher (author of this dissertation) carried through all the research phases, including the transcriptions of interviews that were recorded with a digital voice recorder. Before the analysis of these data was verified that despite the public manager (former-mayor) had had a real interest in implant a process of local development in city, he was not able to forsee the correct process to do it. Two high faults were made. The first was the intention to have as tool a development plan, what locked up to make this plan was the booster of supossed participative pratice and no the ideal model that would be a plan generate by popular initiative. The second one was absence of a critical education project for the population that should be the fisrt step to carry through a politc like that


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The Family Scolarship Program while public politics of intersectorial form developed by Social Development Department and Famine Combat having with partner the Education Department and Health Department inaugurate in the country a new integrity way of the public politics, reinforcing a precept of 2004 Social Protection National Politics (PNAS 2004) that places the social protection while allied to the social and human development. The research INCOME TRANSFER AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: the family scolarship program in Pedra Grande-RN municipally had as aim to avaluate the permanent Family Scolarship Program as a possible element in local development of Pedra Grande-RN municipally understood as capacity expansion and improvement of life quality from its users. For this means we elaborate specifically the families` socio-economical profile; we avaluate the program repercussion in these families` lives; we analyse in which proportion occurred the capacity expansion and improvement of life quality of the users. The methodologic process was constituted by: literarture review about Income Transfer, Social Vulnerability, Development and Public Politics Avaluation to the criation of a theoric picture analysis. The documental research joined to the Social Development Department and Famine Combat of Pedra Grande Municipally Hall to obtain of the aims, program goals, and the profile of users. And finally, carrying out the interviews with the managers and experts of the Municipally Program and focal groups with the users to avaluate the permanent of the Program starting by the points of view of those ones. It was verified that the program expand the capacity (food, consumer goods and services, bank services access and wages) and improvement in life quality of the users. Nevertheless, there are deficiencies in coming with conditionality and from the use of resources the by families users


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Brazil s semi-arid region is an immense territory characterized by a mosaic of natural environments and human settlements. Inside this multifaceted framework, there are problems that are specific to the region (the water resources situation, for example) while others are more universal (such as the inequality between men and women). The circumstances that give rise to these problems are complex and require a holistic view so that our understanding can go beyond the simple concept that this is a problem region . The semi-arid must be perceived as a viable area in need of a new analysis, taking into account its successes, limitations, challenges and the strategic public policy framework that guarantees its sustainable development. The dissertation analyzes, from a sustainable local development perspective, the experience of the Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project (PROASNE), carried out from 2001 to 2003, in partnership with the Waters and Sewers Company of Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) in the rural community of Mirandas, municipality of Caraúbas/RN, situated in the middle of the northeastern Brazil semi-arid region


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As transformações em curso no sistema mundial evidenciaram, dentre outros aspectos, a necessidade de (re) significação da noção de desenvolvimento e a compreensão das modificações significativas na relação Estado, mercado e sociedade. Nesse cenário, redefinemse papéis de atores sociais, que passam a fazer parte da efetivação de propostas de desenvolvimento que se materializam nos espaços locais. Em meio a essa reconceituação, pode-se incorporar a dimensão da responsabilidade social empresarial. Assim, desmistifica-se a globalização como geradora de um modo homogêneo de vida, permitindo visualizar outra sociabilidade possível, induzida pelo agir multifacetado dos participantes da dinâmica local


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In contemporary dynamics, a change is observed in the institutional structure of the state, culminating in several policies for the tourist sector which promote a new management format. The from this view, the Tourism Regionalization Macro Program (TRP), considered a significant program to Ministry of Tourism, arose as an answer to this new reality, having as strategy a joint working of structuring and promotion turned at decentralization of actions, valuing the residents participation in the search of the permanent dialogue between peers and revaluation of places and territories, based in the regionalization process. Based on this bias, this study aims to examine the role of the Tourism State Council of Rio Grande do Norte, with regard to the tourism planning, trying to understand it and solve it as governance Instance, through the Tourism Regionalization Program interventions, given the participation context of its actors and agents. For purposes of this study is delimited as time frame the year 2007 at 2014, understanding that it was this time, there was greater council members accession, as well as different types of sectors representation of civil society, as a result of a tourism public policy based on principles of innovation and participation. In relation to the research problem, this study is conceptualized as a qualitative and the chosen method is the materialist dialectic. Still on the methodological options, utilize the Content Analysis. The results show that the institutionalization of governance instance as the Conetur does not contributes, ideally, in the planning and management process of participatory and integrated tourist activity, facing a fair direction of your space production. The research indicates that there are debates, discussions and guidelines (still in a timely and targeted form), but not reverberates practical effects, by act in a conjuncture that Is strategically designed for political and economic power game, setting the hegemonic actors performance, which uses this arena to instill personal desires and wishes, that are decided in absentia to the council.


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A great discussion of this work refers to development that is related to the common census of economic growth, in addition, another component of this discussion is related to socio-cultural and environmental impacts of this conception of progress. Giving economic progress is not necessary, since the development in its fullness, that progress depends, but what is sought is a harmony between capital accumulation and environmental limits and social interactions between men and between them and nature. The presence or absence of this harmonious relationship can be observed in various industrial activities, more punctual can cite the example of the developed ceramic activity in the meso-Valley-Acu in Rio Grande do Norte where such activity has great economic representativeness for the region, but that does not have good relations with social and environmental issues and is more focused on the accumulation of capital by increasing its level of industrial activity. Given this debate, the present paper aims to present the profile of a ceramic tile Valley-of-Acu and impacts, ecosocioambientais generated as a result of this activity as well. Methodologically the research will be conducted through literature research papers in books and other work carried out on the same theme, the second time will be held the empirical part of the research through interviews with managers of industries (selected through sample with the criteria set later ) as well as with employees working on the factory floor and city managers in the region under analysis and other agencies responsible for regulation and control of activity potter in the state


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This research tried to follow up with the way of intervention that a developing State promotes it regional development, once its action departs from a quantitative conception until its acting focused in maintenance, like the strategy of local development input in the Northeastern of Brazil in the 90 s. particularly, the attention was focused onto Banco do Nordeste which, between 1995 and 2002, achieved a organization changing process to get fit itself to the new conception of development and State, that advocates the maintenance and the participation of the society in its accomplishment, becoming itself the main agent of the Federal Government in the Region. By taking over the strategy of local development, Banco do Nordeste starts, at least in speech, to be less of a bank to become more of a development agent , representing some development and hope to overcome the social and economical inequalities of the Region. The hypothesis that surrounds this essay is that this reorientation experienced at Banco do Nordeste is related to three factors: timing; the Institution of a project of international technical cooperation with PNUD; the unrest of an employees group, who used to fight for the acting increase of the Bank to beyond the credit acting; and, above all, the juncture created in Ceara from the second half of the 80 s, expressed, mainly, for the political rise of a group of businessmen, who took over and modernized the standards of public management in the State, transforming the cearense experience into reference in Brazil and the world. The research was developed from information got through the use of semi-structured interviews and documental research and, as complementary resource, field observation. The interviews were done with BNB managers between 1995 and 2003, some of them current administrators (2003-2006), plus one of CAPEF directors and the present president of AFBNB. The research revealed that strategic place taken by BNB in the period studied did not come to represent a rupture in its organizational culture, being strongly attached to factors that allows its operation. When some of these elements stopped existing, it was observed a retracing in the pattern of state intervention in the Region. This conclusion restates the vision of State that guided this thesis, identified as relationships field, of different interests; space where social conflicts are established; incarnated through the institutions


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This study aims to analyze how IFRN s process of interiorization contributes to endogenization of local and territorial development, more precisely in terms of graduates absorption into the labor market, form of inclusion and increase of income and welfare. The research premise is that the policy of interiorization and expansion of professional and technology education, by decentralizing opportunities, create a differential for the educational and professional trajectory of part of the graduates. This training, however, retain a relative connection with the productive potentialities in the coverage territories. This study includes a review of the literature on education and labor market and a discussion about the role of technical and professional formation for the local development versus the logic of the free market, considering the expansion of public spending for this purpose. For this study two sets of information and data have been collected primarily, with qualitative and quantitative nature. The research with qualitative focus, entitled Pesquisa de Avaliação da Expansão (PAEX), is constituted by series of open interviews applied to institutional representatives, with the purpose of knowing aspects of the interiorization repercussion in the local development process. The research designed to quantity analysis, entitled of the Pesquisa de Acompanhamento de Egressos (PAE), have been put in practice by applying online questionnaire with closed questions to IFRN s former students, aiming to know the form of insertion of the graduates in the labor market and the formation capacity of increasing the welfare, among other things. Empirical data and information fully confirmed the hypothesis of this study, for they really demonstrated that the expansion policy decentralizes opportunities and constitutes an important differential for the professional trajectory of a significant portion of the graduates. However, the graduates employability in the labor market in their territories of coverage is below expectations, due to structural problems of the local economy related to scarcity of jobs, difficulty in wage growth and in professional development. Complementarily, it has been observed institutional difficulties related to the recent implantation process of the policy of professional and technical education in the various campuses of the Institution


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The public policies must have as their aimed the primordial at improving quality of life of families of a given population, however, its performance must be constantly monitored and evaluated scoped to ascertain whether these policies are reaching those goals. This work consisted in search of bibliographies and analysis that addressed the historical evolution of the debate on the subject of agrarian reform in Brazil as public policy and on the policy of technical assistance and rural extension, and collecting data in loco, in order to assess whether the actions implemented under this latter contribute to improvements in local development of settlements projects (PA) land reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), this given the constant presented criticisms regarding their effectiveness, considering that it is difficult to empirically differentiate settlements they received of those who did not receive the technical assistance services. In this way, was held the data collection for comparison of characteristics (social organization, relationship with the local environment, form of producing and evaluation of technical assistance services) of two settlements in RN, being one you have received the technical assistance services and another who has not had access to these services in the past five years, at least, to confirm whether those who had access to the above services presents best features of social organization and the relationship with the local environment, mainly, which was confirmed in the results obtained, which still demonstrated that no significant differences on the forma to produce and of commercialization in PA studied. It was also found that the problems faced by families settled in PA studied resemble those seen verified in many other Brazilian states, especially as to how to use natural resources in the areas of land reform and the instability of the availability of technical assistance services. Should be guaranteed at continuity and universality of technical assistance services to settlements, seeking a higher focus on productive issues, which provide the income necessary for families settled can have a better quality of life


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This paper presents a case study from the Society for the Defense of Sexual and Migrate Rivers Amazônia - Sodireitos, whose central problem is to understand how it the works the social entrepreneur of the NGO Sodireitos in defense of sexual rights and migrate rivers in Amazônia. The central objective is to analyze the practices Social Entrepreneurship at the NGO Sodireitos on sexual rights and migrate rivers. The method adopted examined the entire creation process at the NGO the present day. Primary and secondary dates were used allowing the viewing of the dynamic intervention Social Sodireitos practiced by the fields of human rights and migrate rivers. Categories of analyses were given, and possible perceive in works of the strong Sodireitos flags that converge to social entrepreneurship as a guideline in the search for a model of human development, social and mainstay vel.


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This paper presents a case study from the Society for the Defense of Sexual and Migrate Rivers Amazônia - Sodireitos, whose central problem is to understand how it the works the social entrepreneur of the NGO Sodireitos in defense of sexual rights and migrate rivers in Amazônia. The central objective is to analyze the practices Social Entrepreneurship at the NGO Sodireitos on sexual rights and migrate rivers. The method adopted examined the entire creation process at the NGO the present day. Primary and secondary dates were used allowing the viewing of the dinamic intervention Social Sodireitos practiced by the fields of human rights and migrate rivers. Categories of analyses were given, and possible perceive in works of the strong Sodireitos flags that converge to social entrepreneurship as a guideline in the search for a model of human development, social and mainstay vel


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Since minetics The economics and political promotion along the necessity of flexibility in states actions admited actors partipction and social controlo on process of construction in local development. The Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento à Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) by this framework consists suprass the specific points about contry world in order to embrace territorial dimension of development, focalizing actions that estimulate co-operative pratices among local agents. This work proposal intends to identify advances and regression of PRONAF Infra-estrutura (Framework) by one territorial pact organization considering its administration about mechamisms on advantage conmflicts between distinct actor and their ables to atimulates a construction of new relationships between governors and population. Undderstanding PRONAF action like a process that come from its instrumental proportion surpass looking for substantial elements constructionm on intervention of local development considering administration mechamisms in São Paulo do Potengi (RN) city-council-starting by Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural as well changes of institutional arrangement with território da Borborema erection. Throngh documental studies, bibliography researches and interviews we indenttfy an articulante power of Territorial pact partnerships like one of these political process and its sector character as their limits