26 resultados para Direito da Saúde e da Bioética
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
In Brazil, the 1946 Constitution enshrined the right to health, having it defined as the possession of the best state of health that the individual can achieve. Already the Federal Constitution of 1988 lifted that right to the status of fundamental social right, which transcends the effectiveness and cure of the disease is based on the joint liability of public entities for the provision of a quality service, efficient and prioritize human dignity and comprehensive evaluation of patients. According to the World Health Organization, the definition of health, first characterized as the mere absence of disease, has become recognized as the need to search for preventive mechanisms to ensure the welfare and dignity of the population. Garantista this context, the growing seem lawsuits that deal with the implementation of public policies, especially in the area of the right to health, the omission of which the Government can result in the risk of death. Hence the concern of law professionals about whether or not the intervention of the judiciary in cases that deal with providing material benefits of health care. It claims to break the principle of separation of powers, disobedience to the principle of equality and the impossibility of judicial intervention in the formulation of public policy to try and exclude the liability of public entities. In contrast, the judiciary has repeatedly guardianships granted injunctions or merit determining the supply of materials indicated by the medical benefits that accompany the treatment of patients who resort to a remedy. In this context, mediation, object of study and resolution presented in this work, is presented as an instrument conciliator between the reserve clause and the right to financially possible existential minimum, as it seeks to serve all through rationalization of health services , avoidance of negativistic influence of the pharmaceutical industry, with prioritizing the welfare of the individual and the quality of relationships. This is alternative way to judicialization that in addition to encouraging and developing active citizen participation in public policy formulation also allows the manager to public knowledge of community needs. It is in this sense that affirms and defends the right to health is no longer the mere provision of medical care and prescription drugs, but a dialogue conscious existential minimum to guarantee a dignified life
In Brazil, social rights have always been considered secondary legal categories, whose implementation could wait for the pending of political decisions. At the end of the Second World War, International Law emphasizes the protection of human beings, raising his dignity as a legal pillar of the legal orders and one of the main foundations of Constitutions. At the post-positivism Constitutionalism, the realization of social rights receives special attention with the assumption of supremacy and normativity of the Constitutions, while the judiciary participates in the realization of democracy, not only as applicator of laws, but also as the guardian of constitutionality of the acts and administrative omissions, creatively contributing to the constitutional achievement, filling gaps and normative state omissions. In this aspect, the supply of medicines, whose costs can not be supported by the individual, keep a close connection with the right to life, health and dignity of the human being, as the subject of numerous lawsuits directed against the Public Administration. Such phenomenon has caused intense debate regarding judicial activism and legitimacy of these decisions, particularly on the need to define what are the limits and possibilities considering the principle of separation of powers and the principle of reserve of the possible; bieng this the problematic developed in this research. Thus, this research aims to verify the legitimacy of judicial decisions that determines to the Public Administration the compulsory providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of their treatment, as well as, contribute to the dogmatic constructions of parameters to be observed by judicial interference. Regarding the methodology, this research has an investigative and descriptive caracter and an theoretical approach based on bibliographical data collection (judicial and doutrine decisions) that received qualitative treatment and dialectical approach. As a result, it is known that the judicial decision that determines the supply of medicines to those individuals who can not afford them with their own resources is legitimate and complies with the democratic principle, not violating the principle of separation of powers and the reserve of the possible, since the judicial decison is not stripped with an uniform and reasonable criteria, failing to contain high burden of subjectivism and witch signifies a possible exacerbation of functions by the judiciary, suffering, in this case, of requirement of legal certainty. It is concluded that the Court decision that determines the government the providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of treatment should be based on parameters such as: the protection of human dignity and the minimum existencial principle, the inafastable jurisdiction principle; compliance critique of the possible reserve principle; subsidiarity of judicial intervention; proportionality (quantitative and qualitative) in the content of the decision; the questioning about the reasons for non-delivery of the drug through administrative via; and, finally, the attention not to turn the judiciary into a mere production factor of the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the cartelization of the right to health
If, on one hand, only with the 1988 Federal Constitution the right to health began to receive the treatment of authentic fundamental social right; on the other, it is certain since then, the level of concretization reached as to such right depicts a mismatch between the constitutional will and the will of the rulers. That is because, despite the inherent gradualness of the process of concretization of the fundamental social rights, the Brazilian reality, marked by a picture of true chaos on public health routinely reported on the evening news, denatures the priority status constitutionally drew for the right to health, demonstrating, thus, that there is a clear deficit in this process, which must be corrected. This concern regarding the problem of the concretization of the social rights, in turn, is underlined when one speaks of the right to health, since such right, due to its intimate connection with the right to life and human dignity, ends up assuming a position of primacy among the social rights, presenting itself as an imperative right, since its perfect fruition becomes an essential condition for the potential enjoyment of the remaining social rights. From such premises, this paper aims to provide a proposal for the correction of this problem based upon the defense of an active role of the Judiciary in the concretization of the right to health as long as grounded to objective and solid parameters that come to correct, with legal certainty, the named deficit and to avoid the side effects and distortions that are currently beheld when the Judiciary intends to intervene in the matter. For that effect, emerges as flagship of this measure a proposition of an existential minimum specific to the right to health that, taking into account both the constitutionally priority points relating to this relevant right, as well as the very logic of the structuring of the Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS inserted within the core of the public health policies developed in the country, comes to contribute to a judicialization of the subject more in alignment with the ideals outlined in the 1988 Constitution. Furthermore, in the same intent to seek a concretization of the right to health in harmony with the constitutional priority inherent to this material right, the research alerts to the need to undertake a restructuring in the form of organization of the Boards of Health in order to enforce the constitutional guideline of SUS community participation, as well as the importance of establishing a new culture budget in the country, with the Constitution as a compass, pass accurately portray a special prioritization directed constitutional social rights, especially the right to health
While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.
A condição de saúde do trabalhador moto-taxista do município de Caicó-RN no contexto da precarização
The restructuring process has caused several changes in the workplace since the 1970s in Brazil these changes were more significant during the 1990s, with the implementation of neoliberal policies and the submission of the country's determinations of the IMF and World Bank . In this context, expression wins the increase in structural unemployment and the growth of informality as a mitigating practice the lack of formal employment. At present the activity of mototaxi driver has grown in the municipalities of small, medium and large size of the country. In Caicó / RN, as well as other municipalities, this activity has been presented as an alternative livelihood in the face of rising unemployment. Considering that this is a precarious and risky activity, we wondered about which health conditions of workers in the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó in the context of job insecurity? What is the perception that this employee has about the health-disease process and its relationship to your work? How to setup the access of motorcycle taxi drivers the right to health and social security? The research sought to examine the health conditions of the workers of the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó / RN in the context of job insecurity. From the methodological point of view the study worked with documentary research, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with open and closed questions with a sample population of motorcycle taxi drivers of the city, in the period August-September 2013 The results revealed that these workers are if constantly exposed to various risks inherent to the profession as well as the space in which it conducts its business activities, in this case the traffic being traffic accidents and urban violence one of the greatest risks identified by motorcycle taxi drivers in the present study
This study aims to examine the Brazilian legal model for the non-contractual liability of the state in providing public health services, from the perspective of threedimensional theory of law. Up based on bibliographical and documentary research, with emphasis on legislation, doctrine and Brazilian jurisprudence, the following conclusions were reached. The right to health is typified in the Constitution as a social fundamental right, and understands the pretension to obtain from the State, the supply of goods or the provision of services that reduce the risk of disease and other health problems; or promote, protect and recover the physical and mental well-being. Once violated the fundamental right to health, provides the managed, among other fundamental guarantees, the non-contractual liability of the state. The provision of public services by the state can be made directly through the Direct or Indirect Public Administration, or by recourse to private entities. In any case, the provision of public health services is entirely subordinate to the principles of administrative law and should be fully funded by tax revenues. As the provision of public health services is part of the administrative activity of the State, there is no way to exclude the application of the guarantee of non-contractual liability of the state in the face of the damage suffered by administered as users of these services. Therefore, it applies the theory of administrative risk, even in the event of harmful and illegal state failure.
The present research carried out from three national dentistry magazines published in the period between 1990 and 2004, has as a goal to analyze how bioethics has been approached in this area, not only identifying the main concerns and tendencies, but also aiming to learn how this knowledge is produced and divulged in the dentistry circuit. We have articulated a quantitative-qualitative approach, studying 2995 articles. The articles were selected and assorted in twenty thematic categories, through their titles and key words. The analysis of the empiric material shows that, although there is a growth tendency of this discussion, little has been published about this theme (1,9%). Besides, it seems that there is an arrhythmia between the present bioethic approach in dentistry and the present life demands, where the deontology and legalist focuses are predominant, seeming to correspond to the inner aspects of the profession alone. In spite of this, through the qualitative approach it was possible to identify ways to build a more complex and integral odontological formation and practice. Within the conclusions, we still point out, that, this investigation, even face to its limitations, seems to offer subsidies for reflection and further studies about the theme, working as a parameter to keep up with the evolution of the bioethic thinking in the Odontology
The present study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of the principles of the National Medicines Policy - PNM and the Pharmaceutical assistance - PNAF in the prosecution of lawsuits involving medicines. To fulfill this necessity , data collection was performed on the website by the Tribunal Rio Grande do Norte - TJ RN ( Rio Grande do Norte Court) , in 2012 . It was obtained 115 judgments, which were analyzed in order to generate Monitoring Indicators from lawsuits and conduct content analysis proposed by Bardin (2006). The results showed that : a) 100 % of the decisions were favorable to the author , b) 76 % of decisions were requests by the trade name of the drug , c) only one drug (eculizumabe) had not granted by ANVISA , d) 36 % of drugs were present in the list of standard medicines in SUS , 16 % of primary care block and 20 % of specialized component , e) 76 % of the decisions presented the request of at least 01 non-standard medicine. With regard to decentralization of PNM and PNAF we observed a commitment to this principle at judicial decisions, to see that municipalities and states are often forced to buy medicines of responsibility from another federal entity or other tertiary units as CACONs and UNACONS. The content analysis revealed that the argument from the judges used when you utter their decisions was that the right to health is recognized by Brazilian law as a fundamental right and should be guaranteed by the State for all its citizens. So, health is more than budgetary constraints of federal entities, which are severally liable for lawsuits , regardless the medication requested belongs or not to a particular block of a pharmaceutical assistance funding. Given these data, it is observed that there are gaps in the judgment when it comes to the insertion of the words and principles of PNM and PNAF, creating then the need for greater dialogue between the executive and judicial, so that they may consider relevant the effectiveness and application of such principles to minimize the negative consequences of the phenomenon of health judicialisation. Keywords: Judicialisation, Medicines, Public Policy, Pharmaceutical Care
Abortion is a very controversial and stigmatized subject, target of many criticism and discussions, mainly regarding to the legal, bioethical and religious aspects involved. In Brazil, abortion is considered a serious public health problem, being the major cause of maternal death due to its criminalization. The woman who causes an abortion is not up looked by society, since motherhood, culturally and historically, was imposed as a destination. Our main goal is to understand, from the existential-phenomenological perspective, the unique experience of the woman who induced the abortion This study is an offshoot of a larger study from USP in partnership with UFRN. Our participants were women who checked in on a maternity hospital in Natal with a miscarriage diagnosis and, among them, those who reported having induced abortion. Altogether, five women were interviewed. The used method was a phenomenological hermeneutics. The research revealed that the experience of abortion is a possibility that permeates women s life, being understood as a choice. This choice pervaded by much suffering, once it goes against everything that women are culturally taught and meant to be. The feeling more surfacing in this experiment, confirming the literature review, was blame. Abortion was also shown as an experience of helplessness and loneliness, due to lack of support from family and the partner. It was also revealed that abortion was made, mainly, by the desire of going along with future projects, including the prosecute of motherhood in the therms of what they consider ideal to a son s arrival, meaning, a family formation grounded on a stable relationship. Regarding the care provided by health professionals to these women, there is the need of restructuring the operating logic of SUS, so that women have the right to health in a integrate manner. This experience also made women reconsider the meanings they had towards abortion, and their life projects
The work presented here is about aspects of the constitutional extension in which is the public civil action with the objective of verifying its aptitute in tutelaging subjective situations derived from fundamental rights, especially right to health assistance. Thus, it offers a clear analysis of the practical functioning of most aspects of the public civil action (lawsuit), with philosophical foundation and necessary doctrinaire to your comphehension. How it once was (history), how it could be (reform suggestion), how it is (current interpretation of the law) and how it should be (critic analysis of the microsystem of collective tutelaging of rights, its perspectives, as well as the efficacy of the public cilvil action about accomplishment of the right to health as supraindividual right). The objective is to analyse the main version of the theme (for instance: the impacts caused to the dissociation of the Procurations theory), so that it can be extracted the philosophy and the general theory, of the public civil action and collective tutelaging in general, pragmatically applicable to study purposes. With this theorical fountain, the reader will be in a more solid position, not only being able to understand the subtilities of the public civil action, but mainly being able to recognize its faults and present solid reform proposals and improvement. It is know that the Juridical Power (Procuration) does not allow any more inactivity about negating accession to health in its collective dimension (lato sensu: spread, collective stricto sensu and homogeneous individuals), being imputed to it novel usage that consolidates in the assumption of the role instrument set aside to be used by all with organized instancy of solution to collective conflicts in large sense. This happens, overall, because of the current justice politization, understood as juridical activism, connected to the struggle between the groups defending their interests and the acceptance of the constitution about solidifying the public politics of quality health
It is a fact that the fundamental rights of citizens are being recognized and guaranteed by the state over time, regardless of the belief that if these rights has always been part of the heritage of subjective individuals, or whether they will be aggregated during the course of human history. In that, emerged the rights of freedom of men and, subsequently, the rights to create a situation of equality between the humans, the so-called social rights. In turn, as these rights known as social, to be implemented, need a positive action by the state, more precisely by the state power whose function is to manage public money and create policies for implementation of fundamental rights. Given this, pay attention to the right to health, was created the Programa de Medicamentos de Dispensação Excepcional, which aims to provide high-cost medicines to citizens Brazilian carriers of serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Mal Hepatitis C. Also on the program, it provides a way which will be mandatory that the drugs will be offered in such situations, and does not include a means of updating the list predicted able to monitor the progress of medicine that have been in the interest of the program. Given that, at present it is necessary to mention the recognition of another fundamental right: the right to development, which is the right of access to positive actions being implemented by the State, which are nothing more than public policy, gender which the Programa de Medicamentos de Dispensação Excepcional is kind. Thus, through the search in legislation and doctrine in relation to the theme, this work has the aim to examine the extent of the state to provide exceptional dispensing of medicines. Specifically, if the State in attention to the right to development and the implementation of the right to health, can really list exhaustively the drugs to be provided by the State, and what are the elements guiding this choice and how to control the same
The 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil by presenting the catalog of fundamental rights and guarantees (Title II) provides expressly that such rights reach the social, economic and cultural rights (art. 6 of CF/88) as a means not only to ratify the civil and political rights, but also to make them effective and practical in the life of the Brazilian people, particularly in the prediction of immediate application of those rights and guarantees. In this sense, health goes through condition of universal right and duty of the State, which should be guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of disease and other hazards, in addition to ensuring universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery (Article 196 by CF/88). Achieving the purposes aimed by the constituent to the area of health is the great challenge that requires the Health System and its managers. To this end, several policies have been structured in an attempt to establish actions and services for the promotion, protection and rehabilitation of diseases and disorders to health. In the mid-90s, in order to meet the guidelines and principles established by the SUS, it was established the Política Nacional de Atenção Oncológica PNAO, in an attempt to sketch out a public policy that sought to achieve maximum efficiency and to be able to give answers integral to effective care for patients with cancer, with emphasis on prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. However, many lawsuits have been proposed with applications for anticancer drugs. These actions have become very complex, both in the procedural aspects and in all material ones, especially due to the highcost drugs more requested these demands, as well as need to be buoyed by the scientific evidence of these drugs in relation to proposed treatments. The jurisprudence in this area, although the orientations as outlined by the Parliament of Supreme Court is still in the process of construction, this study is thus placed in the perspective of contributing to the effective and efficient adjudication in these actions, with focus on achieving the fundamental social rights. Given this scenario and using research explanatory literature and documents were examined 108 lawsuits pending in the Federal Court in Rio Grande do Norte, trying to identify the organs of the Judiciary behave in the face of lawsuits that seeking oncology drugs (or antineoplastic), seeking to reconcile the principles and constitutional laws and infra constitutional involving the theme in an attempt to contribute to a rationalization of this judicial practice. Finally, considering the Rational Use of health demands and the idea of belonging to the Brazilian people SUS, it is concluded that the judicial power requires ballast parameters of their decisions on evidence-based medicine, aligning these decisions housing constitutional principles that the right to health and the scientific conclusions of efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency in oncology drugs, when compared to the treatments offered by SUS
During the ninth century, owing to the process of industrialization, new social conflicts were showed, forcing the Government not to remain inert. The necessity of answer to these new demands requires from the State some actions that assure the new economic, cultural and social rights, able to exceed the formal equality, according to the principles of redistributive equality and well-being. Among the social rights, the right to health is showed up, which is placed at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Treaty for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as a necessary term to promote the dignity and the free development of the human personality. Under the Constitutional Law, it is clear that the implementation of the right to health, placed at the 6th article of the Brazilian Constitution, demands a government activity, which usually requires a provision of material goods, depending on budgetary resources. The Legislative and Executive Branches have a very important role in compliance with the constitutional regulations about the satisfactory offer of health care services, besides the correct use of the resources at this area. The adoption of public policies is the way of Government action to the planning and realization of this right. Though, some public policies are usually made apart from the social compromises, to the detriment of the basic social rights. The government has a discretionary competence to manage the health services. That is the reason it is necessary the control of the political choices, through the popular control, the extrajudicial control by the Account Courts, or the judicial review. Owed to the constitutionalization of social rights, the constitutional justice has a very relevant role, concerning to the constitutional jurisdiction, in a way the Judiciary Branch assume your position as a player that transforms the society. On the control of the public health policies, there is a cast of official instruments, judicial or not, to the guarantee of the collective right to the public health services, and to allow the citizens to reach the real implementation of the right to health
The study aimed to identify the quality of care and knowledge of health rights of people with chronic venous ulcers (VU) in Brasilian National Health Care System (SUS). It is a cross-sectional study, with quantitative approach, performed at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL (CAAE nº 0148.0.051.000-10). The sample by accessibility was composed for 30 people with VU treated at the outpatient surgical clinic of HUOL. For data collection we used a structured questionnaire composed of two parts: sociodemographic characteristics and of health, of care and the clinical course of VU; and knowledge of people with VU about the rights of health. The results were processed using SPSS 15.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Given the characterizations sociodemographic and health presented, we identified a clientele of users with VU predominantly female (76,7%), aged from 60 years (66,7%), married/ stable union (60,0%), low education level (83,3%), family income lower than a minimum wage (73,3%), unemployeds and with chronic diseases (53,3%), sleep greater than or equal to 6 hours (76,7%) and were not alcoholics or smokers (93,3%). In relation to clinical conditions, were shown the presence of one or more relapses of VU (73,3%), predominance of granulation tissue/epithelialization in the bed of VU (60,0%), exudate serosanguineous (43,3%), in quantity medium/large (60,0%), with no predominance of presence or absence of odor (50,0%), all patients with tissue loss in grade III / IV, no signs of infection (73,3%) and presence of intense pain (50,0%). In the last 30 days the main venue of achievement of dressing was the HUOL (100,0%), the main compression therapy used was the Unna boot (60,0%) and on inability to perform the dressing on the unit were the own patients who made the exchange at home (40,0%). The majority of respondents listed out more positive factors associated with quality of care (56,7%) were satisfied with the care of SUS (76,7%), claimed to have knowledge about their rights (70,0%), but at the same time did not know the meaning of the acronym SUS (90,0%) and classified their level of information as inappropriate (70,0%). We realize that people with VU identified as good the quality of care and demonstrated inadequate knowledge about their rights to health in the SUS, but showed interest in acquiring more information. The basic rights to entry in the SUS are constitutionally guaranteed and need to be disseminated in order to make them known to the population, so it can be implemented and ensured a greater resolution assistance in treating this type of injury
O diabetes é uma doença crônico-degenerativa de grande prevalência na população mundial configurando-se enquanto sério problema de saúde pública. Por ser crônico exige dos sujeitos autocuidado e autogoverno longitudinal. A autonomia, por sua vez, é um direito fundamental e também um dos princípios da bioética mais discutidos na atualidade. Seu conceito é complexo e leva em conta a vida experimentada ao longo dos anos. Quando a discussão sobre autonomia se trata de diabetes, a dependência do outro e os conflitos no controle da doença, diante de novas regras e estilos de vida, nem sempre condizentes com os valores dos pacientes, torna-a fragilizada. Embora a autonomia seja claramente parte integrante do tratamento e alicerce para uma vida digna e de qualidade, observamos que os sujeitos se tornam ainda mais dependentes dos serviços de saúde, quando se deparam com o diagnóstico e não têm confiança para tomar suas próprias decisões diante da patologia limitadora. Por isso, há a necessidade dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde traçarem estratégias para promover a saúde desses sujeitos. Os Grupos de Promoção da Saúde são estratégias recentemente utilizadas para influenciar no nível de autonomia dos sujeitos, pois possibilitam, respeitando os limites éticos, a garantia de participação decisória no grupo, através de estratégias e treinamentos de habilidades com competências claramente definidas, que favorecem o empowerment e o protagonismo dos sujeitos. Desse modo, este trabalho objetiva identificar estratégias no âmbito da promoção da saúde na ESF, que contribuam para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos sujeitos com diabetes mellitus, a partir de sua percepção. E, mais especificamente, analisar o perfil clínico e socioeconômico dos portadores de diabetes da ESF; identificar as experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos com diabetes sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida; e realizar um levantamento em conjunto com os sujeitos com diabetes, sobre aspectos que sirvam de evidências para construção de propostas para implantação de um Grupo Estratégico de Promoção da Saúde GEPS, com foco na autonomia. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com 65 sujeitos com diabetes acompanhados por uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do Município de Santa Cruz/RN. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas interdependentes: 1) coleta de dados clínicos e socioeconômicos, para o qual foi utilizado entrevista estruturada e análise retrospectiva dos registros feitos em seu prontuário; 2) a análise das experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida, que se utilizou de entrevista semiestruturada com 6 sujeitos, sendo 3 com mais e 3 com menos complicações autorreferidas e verificadas no prontuário; e 3) a construção coletiva de propostas para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos próprios participantes do estudo, por meio de roda de conversa. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos software de estatísticas simples para os dados das questões fechadas de cunho quantitativo e os dados qualitativos foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Observamos que o perfil clínico e socioeconômicos dos sujeitos com diabetes aproximam-se das estatísticas nacionais, embora existam variáveis, como cor da pele, com variação significativa. A autopercepção dos sujeitos diante de algumas complicações divergem de registros encontrados em seu prontuário o que aponta uma possível desvalorização de queixas como hipoglicemia e disfunção sexual, como também baixa adesão ao tratamento por, muitas vezes, não terem suas opiniões valorizadas. As categorias encontradas: vida, qualidade de vida, diagnostico e enfrentamento do problema, autonomia, limites e dependência assim como as práticas coletivas de promoção da saúde, apontam para a necessidade de estratégias por meio de grupos que considerem as crenças e valores dos sujeitos, favoreçam sua emancipação e torne-os protagonistas de sua própria história e de seu processo saúde doença. A autonomia é fundamental para o exercício da cidadania efetiva. É por meio dela que os sujeitos transformam sua realidade e a si mesmo. A contribuição desta pesquisa consiste em identificar estratégicas que se propõe a potencializar a autonomia dos sujeitos, através dos GEPS, norteando a atuação dos profissionais na atenção primária à saúde, que deve sustentarse em ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde e também no incentivo à participação popular e protagonismo dos sujeitos