18 resultados para Controle de distribuição

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The administrative model of the Brazilian State, based on regulation, strives, with the application of the efficiency principle and assessment of economical costs, to give a greater effectiveness to fundamental rights by implementing public policies.The objective of this work is to analyze the role of Oil royalties in the context of the Brazilian State, considering that, being an income gap, they might work as a device that promotes intra/intergenerational justice. By means of a correct and efficient distribution and application in the national region, the royalties constitute financial resources available for implementing public policies that intend to guarantee the fundamental rights; above all, with the discovery of the Pre-salt basin and the indisputable rise in the tax revenues arising from Oil exploration. In the making of this work, the theoretical-descriptive methodology is observed, grounded in a critical-reflexive analysis about Constitutional Law and Oil Law. This work analyzes the administrative model of the Brazilian State, the theory of costs of fundamental rights and the theoretical aspects about royalties, such as: the ethical and economical fundamentals, the distribution and destination of revenues, considering the oil exploration scenario before and after the discovery of the pre-salt basin. it is verified, with the present work, the importance of the creation of a new regulatory framework, and consequently the creation of a sovereign wealth fund, which arises to re-evaluate the application of the current norms of Oil revenue distribution. Still, it is imperative that the mechanisms for controlling the application of royalties are defined in detail, so that those can fully admit the objectives of intra/intergenerational justice. Furthermore, it is emphasized that this process should develop from the efficiency principle viewpoint, as well as the principle of reducing social and regional differences, given that the Oil revenues might be used to ensure fundamental social rights, by implementing public policies that are aligned with the development recommended by the Federal Constitution


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The sanitation companies from Brazil has a great challenge for the XXI century: seek to mitigate the rate of physical waste (water, chemicals and electricity) and financial waste caused by inefficient operating systems drinking water supply, considering that currently we already face, in some cases, the scarcity of water resources. The supply systems are increasingly complex as they seek to minimize waste and at the same time better serve the growing number of users. However, this technological change is to reduce the complexity of the challenges posed by the need to include users with higher quality and efficiency in services. A major challenge for companies of water supplies is to provide a good quality service contemplating reducing expenditure on electricity. In this situation we developed a research by a method that seeks to control the pressure of the distribution systems that do not have the tank in your setup and the water comes out of the well directly to the distribution system. The method of pressure control (intelligent control) uses fuzzy logic to eliminate the waste of electricity and the leaks from the production of pumps that inject directly into the distribution system, which causes waste of energy when the consumption of households is reduced causing the saturation of the distribution system. This study was conducted at Green Club II condominium, located in the city of Parnamirim, state of Rio Grande do Norte, in order to study the pressure behavior of the output of the pump that injects water directly into the distribution system. The study was only possible because of the need we had to find a solution to some leaks in the existing distribution system and the extensions of the respective condominium residences, which sparked interest in developing a job in order to carry out the experiments contained in this research


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The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the Macro System of Regional Water Distribution Natal North (RNN) and Southern Regional Natal (RNS), covering 35% and 65% respectively of the Natal-RN City. The terms of the quality and quantity of water (surface and groundwater) were also evaluated in order to adjust the parameters that contribute to proper distribution and control in water reserves. The methodology of the work took place from collecting volumetric data of production capacity and distribution of the two treatment plants for Regional as well as the flow rates of wells. Yet the quantitative capacity of reservation, distribution and consumption of the main reservoirs, population numbers and consumption of members neighborhoods were collected. Data were tabulated and used in computational simulator EPANET to diagnose possible through the water balance, the offers and demands on the water supply system in the neighborhoods of the capital, linking them to specific distribution points. We also evaluated the wells in the levels of nitrate in water consumed. As a result it was found that some neighborhoods in the South Regional Natal, was ranked as critical supply situation: City of Hope, Lagoa Nova and Nova Descoberta, where demand exceeds supply. While in most Northern Regional Natal present deficiency in the supply system as: Lagoa Azul, the Parque dos Coqueiros, igapó, Amarante and Salinas. The rates of nitrate in the city were significant, but manageable with corrective and preventive measures. The averages were 12 mg /l-N in Candelária, 10 mg/l-N in Lagoa Nova, 9 mg/l-N in Satelite, 20 mg/l-N in Gramore and 15 mg/l-N in N. Sra. Apresentação. Therefore proper distribution of water abstracted and implementation of quality control ensures the supply required by the system, associated with preservation of Water Resources of the Metropolitan Region of Natal


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INTRODUCTION: Cardiac and pulmonary manifestations of the Chagas disease (CD) affect between 20-30% of the infected subjects. The chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) has some peculiarities such as arrhythmias and, especially heart failure (HF) and is potentially lethal due to left ventricular dysfunction. How respiratory disorders, patients get progressive loss of functional capacity, which contributes to a poor quality of life related to disease. Measurements of lung volume by the movement of the chest wall surface are an alternative evaluation of lung function and kinematics of complex thoracoabdominal for these patients. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the kinematics of the thoracoabdominal complex through the regional pulmonary volumes and to correlate with functional evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory system in patients with Chagas disease at rest. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a cross-section study with 42 subjects had been divided in 3 groups, 15 composed for patients with CCC, 12 patients with HF of different etiologies and 15 healthful presented control group. An optoelectronic plethysmography (POE), Minnesota questionnaire, six minute walk test, spirometer and manovacuometer was used. RESULTS: It was observed in the 6MWT where group CRL presented greater distance 464,93±44,63m versus Group HF with 399,58± 32,1m (p=0,005) and group CCC 404±68,24m (p=0,015), both the groups presented difference statistics with regard to Group CRL. In the manovacuometer 54,59±19,98; of the group CCC and 42,11±13,52 of group IC found group CRL presented 81,31±15,25 of the predicted versus, presenting in relation to group CRL. In the POE it observed a major contribution in abdominal compartment in patients with IC if compared like CCC and control groups. On the basis of the questionnaire of quality of life of Minessota, verified a low one groups CCC and IC 43,2±15,2 and 44,4±13,1, respectively (p<0,05) when compared with the control group (19,6±17,31). CONCLUSION: it seems that the patients with CCC possess same functional and respiratory characteristics, observed for the POE, 6MWT, manovacuometer and spirometer to the patients of group HF, being able to consider similar interventions for this complementary group as therapeutical of this neglected disease


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Autism comprises a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affects the brain maturation and produces sensorial, motor, language and social interaction deficits in early childhood. Several studies have shown a major involvement of genetic factors leading to a predisposition to autism, which are possibly affected by environmental modulators during embryonic and post-natal life. Recent studies in animal models indicate that alterations in epigenetic control during development can generate neuronal maturation disturbances and produce a hyper-excitable circuit, resulting in typical symptoms of autism. In the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid (VPA) during rat pregnancy, behavioral, electrophysiological and cellular alterations have been reported which can also be observed in patients with autism. However, only a few studies have correlated behavioral alterations with the supposed neuronal hyper-excitability in this model. The aim of this project was to generate an animal model of autism by pre-natal exposure to VPA and evaluate the early post-natal development and pre-puberal (PND30) behavior in the offspring. Furthermore, we quantified the parvalbumin-positive neuronal distribution in the medial prefrontal cortex and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of VPA animals. Our results show that VPA treatment induced developmental alterations, which were observed in behavioral changes as compared to vehicle-treated controls. VPA animals showed clear behavioral abnormalities such as hyperlocomotion, prolonged stereotipies and reduced social interaction with an unfamiliar mate. Cellular quantification revealed a decrease in the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and in the prelimbic cortex of the mPFC, suggesting an excitatory/inhibitory unbalance in this animal model of autism. Moreover, we also observed that the neuronal reduction occurred mainly in the cortical layers II/III and V/VI. We did not detect any change in the density of Purkinje neurons in the Crus I region of the cerebellar cortex. Together, our results strengthens the face validity of the VPA model in rats and shed light on specific changes in the inhibitory circuitry of the prefrontal cortex in this autism model. Further studies should address the challenges to clarify particular electrophysiological correlates of the cellular alterations in order to better understand the behavioral dysfunctions


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The knowledge of Anastrepha zenildae behavioral aspects combined with the biology of Tephritidae may contribute to monitoring and control programs of this fruit fly that is considered as economically important to the Rio Grande do Norte state. In order to characterize the daily activity profile of this species, we studied the behaviors of resting, locomotion, feeding, cleaning, courtship, copulation and oviposition of animals submitted to an artificial 12:12h light-dark cycle (750:1lux) with controlled temperature (26±2 °C). The observations were made with groups of 16 males and 16 females during 3 consecutive days each generation from parental to F5. Resting, locomotion, feeding and cleaning data were recorded as frequency and time of occurrence by scanning technique in 15 minutes windows per hour, with a record each minute. Courtship, copulation and oviposition were recorded as frequency, time of occurrence and duration by al occurrences technique. Resting was the most frequent behavior with males resting more than females. Locomotion was more evident in the first half of the ligh phase with higher values in females. Cleaning and feeding behaviors were more frequent in the second half of the light phase for both sexes with females eating more frequently than males. During the courtship, males were grouped in lek formations showing wings vibration and pheromone liberation. Courtship occurred more frequently 4 to 7 h after lights on (81,9%) with copulations being more frequent 6 h after lights on with a mean duration of 58,1±40,4 min. Copulation attempts were observed in males inside and outside the lek with aggressive behavior being observed only between males in the lek. Oviposition behavior was similar to that described for other species of the genus with a peak of this activity 2-3 h after the lights on, mean duration of 43, 7±34, 8 sec and 2 to 5 eggs by event. According to the results, sexual behavior of A. zenildae is temporally different of other sympatric species of the genus, being favorable to the reproductive isolation as well as the use of resources as oviposition substrate.


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This work verifies the impact caused by the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy (energy-rationing program) in the results of the concessionary private companies of the public service of electric energy distribution localized in the Northeast Area. As the rationing invigorated from June 2001 to February 2002, its effects are diluted in the results presented by these companies in the second semester of 2001 and first quarter of 2002, with prominence for the last quarter of 2001, when the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore was instituted by the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), consequence of the so-called General Agreement of the Electric Sector made between the federal government and the companies of the electric sector. The structure of a generic electric sector and a historical review of the Brazilian electric sector from the time it was controlled by the private enterprises, including the State control period, about 1960, and returning to the control of the private enterprises in 1990, under a new regulation structure are presented. An explanation of the models of economic regulation that Brazil used for the electric sector is made, with prominence for the price cap that is the actual effective model. The process of tariff revision foreseen in the concession contracts signed by the federal government and the concessionary companies is presented, highlighting its two stages: the tariff rebalancing that defines the new price cap and the calculation of the factor X that establishes the efficiency goals for the companies. There is made a presentation of the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy and of the consequent General Agreement of the Electric Sector, which created the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore. A conceptual revision on reviews is presented, regarding to concepts, accomplishment and recognition. A brief review of the six companies that made part of the worked sample is also presented. Analyzing the quarters historical review and of amount of sold energy, it was possible to conclude that the energy-rationing altered the results of the studied companies significantly and that alteration was masked by the accounting process of the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore


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This study presents the Environmental Sensibility Mapping to oil spillings on the Potengi estuary - RN and neighboring coastline through remote sensing data, collecting, treatment and integration of the geomorphologic, oceanographic (temperature, salinity, density, direction and intensity), meteorological (wind speed and direction) and high resolution seismic (bathymetry and sonography) data. The Potengi river estuary is located on the eastern coastline of the Rio Grande do Norte State, being inserted in the geological context for the coastal Pernambuco-Paraíba basin and spreading over 18 km; it shelters the Natal harbor zone and an oil terminal, centralizing, therefore, important oil transport operations that can cause accidental spillings. Under the oceanographic point of view, the Potengi estuary is characterized by the absence of any expressive thermic stratification, being classified as partially mixed, B type according to Pritchard (1955), and 2 type in conformity to the stratification-circulation diagram by Hansen & Rattray (1966). Two main wind systems are responsable for the formation of wave sets that occur in the area. The dynamic tide presents, in the Natal Harbor, mean amplitude in spring and quadrature tides, with around 2.8 and 2m, respectively. The mechanism of saline tide mixing was defined through the salinity which is the main parameter for the identification of this mechanism. Important variations of the salinity mean values (36.32 psu), temperature (28.11ºC) and density (22.96 kg/m3) in the estuarine waters presented features belonging to low latitude regions. The water temperature follows the air temperature variations, in the region, with expressive daily amplitudes. In this study, the identification of the estuarine bed morphology through bathymetric and sonographic analysis, had the purpose to evaluate the influence of the superficial and bottom currents for the bottom shaping. In this way, the use of the side scan sonar showed, to be very useful in the identification of the bottom morphology and its relationship with the predominant action of the tidal currents in the Potengi estuary. Besides, it showed how the sonograms can be a support to the comparison of the several patterns derived from the local hydrodynamic variations. The holocene sediments, which fill the estuarine channel, are predominantly sandy, varying from selected, sometimes silty. The sedimentation is controlled by the environmental hydrodynamic conditions, being recognized two important textural facies: Muddy Facies and Sandy Facies. The distribution of these textural facies apparently oscillates owing to the tidal cycle and flow intensity. Each one of the above mentioned data was integrated in a Geographic Information System (GIS), from which was produced the Environmental Sensibility Map to oil spillings with Coastal Sensibility Index (CSI) to the Potengi estuary. The integrated analysis of these data is essential to oil spilling contingency plans, in order to reduce the spilling environmental consequences and to make efficient the endeavours of contention and cleaning up/removal on the Natal Harbor. This study has the aim to collaborate for the increase of informations about the estuarine environment and contribute to a better management of the question: environment/polluting loads


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Introdução: A obesidade infantil apresenta incidência crescente e as possíveis comorbidades, como alteração da função respiratória, estão cada vez mais presente nessa faixa etária. O tecido adiposo impõe carga ao sistema respiratório o que leva a um padrão restritivo. Essa condição sofre alterações com as mudanças posturais, onde a gravidade influencia o padrão respiratório de acordo com o posicionamento adotado. Objetivo: Avaliar a distribuição dos volumes total e regional e o movimento tóracoabdominal de crianças e adolescentes que estão acima do peso nas posturas supino e sentado. Métodos: Cinqüenta e duas crianças/adolescentes (8-12 anos) divididas em três grupos: Grupo Obeso (GO=22); Grupo Sobrepeso (GSP=9); Grupo Controle (GC=21) foram avaliadas quanto às medidas antropométricas, teste de função pulmonar, exame das pressões respiratórias máxima e a pletismografia optoeletrônica em duas posturas, supino e sentado, durante a respiração tranquila. Resultados: As crianças que estão obesas apresentaram maiores valores em relação ao GSP e GC das seguintes variáveis espirométricas: volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1) (p<0.05) e capacidade vital forçada (CVF) (p<0.01). No exame de manovacuometria o GO apresentou um aumento na pressão inspiratória máxima (PImáx) (p<0.01) em comparação com os outros grupos. Quanto à distribuição do volume corrente, o GO possui uma maior contribuição do compartimento abdominal (AB) na postura supina (p<0.05) em relação ao GC e GSP, enquanto que na postura sentada os grupos não diferiram em relação à distribuição dos volumes. O GO apresentou maior assincronia na postura supina (p<0.05) e maior velocidade de encurtamento (p<0.05) em relação os outros grupos. Conclusão: A obesidade em crianças/adolescentes não provoca prejuízos na função pulmonar, incrementa a força muscular inspiratória, aumenta a participação do compartimento AB e a assincronia no MTA na postura em supino, conclui-se que a postura supina associada à obesidade provoca aumento da sobrecarga do diafragma, desfavorecendo o desempenho do sistema respiratório.


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A major and growing problems faced by modern society is the high production of waste and related effects they produce, such as environmental degradation and pollution of various ecosystems, with direct effects on quality of life. The thermal treatment technologies have been widely used in the treatment of these wastes and thermal plasma is gaining importance in processing blanketing. This work is focused on developing an optimized system of supervision and control applied to a processing plant and petrochemical waste effluents using thermal plasma. The system is basically composed of a inductive plasma torch reactors washing system / exhaust gases and RF power used to generate plasma. The process of supervision and control of the plant is of paramount importance in the development of the ultimate goal. For this reason, various subsidies were created in the search for greater efficiency in the process, generating events, graphics / distribution and storage of data for each subsystem of the plant, process execution, control and 3D visualization of each subsystem of the plant between others. A communication platform between the virtual 3D plant architecture and a real control structure (hardware) was created. The goal is to use the concepts of mixed reality and develop strategies for different types of controls that allow manipulating 3D plant without restrictions and schedules, optimize the actual process. Studies have shown that one of the best ways to implement the control of generation inductively coupled plasma techniques is to use intelligent control, both for their efficiency in the results is low for its implementation, without requiring a specific model. The control strategy using Fuzzy Logic (Fuzzy-PI) was developed and implemented, and the results showed satisfactory condition on response time and viability


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Significant advances have emerged in research related to the topic of Classifier Committees. The models that receive the most attention in the literature are those of the static nature, also known as ensembles. The algorithms that are part of this class, we highlight the methods that using techniques of resampling of the training data: Bagging, Boosting and Multiboosting. The choice of the architecture and base components to be recruited is not a trivial task and has motivated new proposals in an attempt to build such models automatically, and many of them are based on optimization methods. Many of these contributions have not shown satisfactory results when applied to more complex problems with different nature. In contrast, the thesis presented here, proposes three new hybrid approaches for automatic construction for ensembles: Increment of Diversity, Adaptive-fitness Function and Meta-learning for the development of systems for automatic configuration of parameters for models of ensemble. In the first one approach, we propose a solution that combines different diversity techniques in a single conceptual framework, in attempt to achieve higher levels of diversity in ensembles, and with it, the better the performance of such systems. In the second one approach, using a genetic algorithm for automatic design of ensembles. The contribution is to combine the techniques of filter and wrapper adaptively to evolve a better distribution of the feature space to be presented for the components of ensemble. Finally, the last one approach, which proposes new techniques for recommendation of architecture and based components on ensemble, by techniques of traditional meta-learning and multi-label meta-learning. In general, the results are encouraging and corroborate with the thesis that hybrid tools are a powerful solution in building effective ensembles for pattern classification problems.