191 resultados para ASTROFÍSICA ESTELAR


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In this thesis, we study the application of spectral representations to the solution of problems in seismic exploration, the synthesis of fractal surfaces and the identification of correlations between one-dimensional signals. We apply a new approach, called Wavelet Coherency, to the study of stratigraphic correlation in well log signals, as an attempt to identify layers from the same geological formation, showing that the representation in wavelet space, with introduction of scale domain, can facilitate the process of comparing patterns in geophysical signals. We have introduced a new model for the generation of anisotropic fractional brownian surfaces based on curvelet transform, a new multiscale tool which can be seen as a generalization of the wavelet transform to include the direction component in multidimensional spaces. We have tested our model with a modified version of the Directional Average Method (DAM) to evaluate the anisotropy of fractional brownian surfaces. We also used the directional behavior of the curvelets to attack an important problem in seismic exploration: the atenuation of the ground roll, present in seismograms as a result of surface Rayleigh waves. The techniques employed are effective, leading to sparse representation of the signals, and, consequently, to good resolutions


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In this work, we investigated the magnetic properties of a monocrystalline Fe thin film and of Fe(80 Å)/Cr(t)/Fe(80 Å) tri-layers, with the nonmagnetic metallic Cr spacer layer thickness varying between 9 Å < t < 40 Å. The samples were deposited by the DC Sputtering on Magnesium Oxide (MgO) substrates, with (100) crystal orientation. For this investigation, experimental magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) techniques were employeed. In this case, these techniques allowed us to study the static and dynamical magnetization properties of our tri-layers. The experimental results were interpreted based on the phenomenological model that takes into account the relevant energy terms to the magnetic free energy to describe the system behavior. In the case of the monocrystalline Fe film, we performed an analytical discussion on the magnetization curves and developed a numerical simulation based on the Stoner-Wohlfarth model, that enables the numerical adjustment of the experimental magnetization curves and obtainment of the anisotropy field values. On the other hand, for the tri-layers, we analyzed the existence of bilinear and biquadratic couplings between the magnetizations of adjacent ferromagnetic layers from measurements of magnetization curves. With the FMR fields and line width angular dependencies, information on the anisotropy in three layers was obtained and the effects of different magnetic relaxation mechanisms were evidenced. It was also possible to observe the dependence of the epitaxy of the multilayers with growth and sputtering parameters. Additionally it was developed the technique of AC magnetic susceptibility in order to obtain further information during the investigation of magnetic thin films


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We investigate the cosmology of the vacuum energy decaying into cold dark matter according to thermodynamics description of Alcaniz & Lima. We apply this model to analyze the evolution of primordial density perturbations in the matter that gave rise to the first generation of structures bounded by gravity in the Universe, called Population III Objects. The analysis of the dynamics of those systems will involve the calculation of a differential equation system governing the evolution of perturbations to the case of two coupled fluids (dark matter and baryonic matter), modeled with a Top-Hat profile based in the perturbation of the hydrodynamics equations, an efficient analytical tool to study the properties of dark energy models such as the behavior of the linear growth factor and the linear growth index, physical quantities closely related to the fields of peculiar velocities at any time, for different models of dark energy. The properties and the dynamics of current Universe are analyzed through the exact analytical form of the linear growth factor of density fluctuations, taking into account the influence of several physical cooling mechanisms acting on the density fluctuations of the baryonic component of matter during the evolution of the clouds of matter, studied from the primordial hydrogen recombination. This study is naturally extended to more general models of dark energy with constant equation of state parameter in a flat Universe


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Today, one of the topics that attracts interest of the scientific community is the understanding of magnetic properties of magnetic systems with reduced dimensions, in particular, ferromagnetic thin films. In this case, the comprehension and control of these properties, as well as the development of routes to obtain them, are crucial issues in many aspects of current and future technologies for storage and transmission of information in the electro-electronic industry. There are several materials that exhibit soft magnetic properties, and we highlight the amorphous alloys and that ones obtained by partial crystallization, so-called nanocrystalline materials. The production of these alloys as magnetic ribbons is very common in scientific and technological area, but there are just a few works related to the production of these alloys as thin films. In this work, we studied the quasi-static magnetic properties of ferromagnetic thin films based on FeCuNbSiB in a wide range of thicknesses, from 20 to 500 nm, produced by sputtering. In particular, after the structural characterization performed via X-ray diffraction, the magnetic properties of the sets of samples were investigated using experimental magnetization curve, obtained using a vibrating sample magnetometer, as well as through theoretical curves obtained by theoretical modeling and numerical computation. The modeling process is based on the Stoner Wohlfarth model applied to three dimensions, and adds some energy terms, using as reference experimental results of magnetization. In this case, from the comparison between theoretical and experimental results and the analysis of the constant anisotropy behavior as a function of film thickness, we aim to obtain further information on the magnetization process of the samples, to identify routes for the production of thin films and develop a theoretical to films to use it, in the future, in the obtainment of the theoretical curves of some magnetic measurements, such as magnetoimpedance and magnetoresistance


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In this work we obtain the cosmological solutions and investigate the thermodynamics of matter creation in two diferent contexts. In the first we propose a cosmological model with a time varying speed of light c. We consider two diferent time dependence of c for a at Friedmann-Robertson- Walker (FRW) universe. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein equations and study how particles are created as c decreases with cosmic epoch. The variation of c is coupled to a cosmological Λ term and both singular and non-singular solutions are possible. We calculate the "adiabatic" particle creation rate and the total number of particles as a function of time and find the constrains imposed by the second law of thermodynamics upon the models. In the second scenario, we study the nonlinearity of the electrodynamics as a source of matter creation in the cosmological models with at FRW geometry. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein field equations with cosmological term Λ, solve the field equations and study how particles are created as the magnetic field B changes with cosmic epoch. We obtain solutions for the adiabatic particle creation rate, the total number of particles and the scale factor as a function of time in three cases: Λ = 0, Λ = constant and Λ α H2 (cosmological term proportional to the Hubble parameter). In all cases, the second law of thermodynamics demands that the universe is not contracting (H ≥ 0). The first two solutions are non-singular and exhibit in ationary periods. The third case studied allows an always in ationary universe for a suficiently large cosmological term


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature


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In this thesis we deal with a class of composed networks that are formed by two tree networks, TP and TA, whose end points touches each other through a bipartite network BPA. We explore this network using a functional approach. We are interested in what extend the topology, or the structure, of TX (X = A or P) determines the links of BPA. This composed structure is an useful model in evolutionary biology, where TP and TA are the phylogenetic trees of plants and animals that interact in an ecological community. We use in this thesis two cases of mutualist interactions: frugivory and pollinator networks. We analyse how the phylogeny of TX determines or is correlated with BPA using a Monte Carlo approach. We use the phylogenetic distance among elements that interact with a given species to construct an index κ that quantifies the influence of TX over BPA. The algorithm is based in the assumption that interaction matrices that follows a phylogeny of TX have a total phylogenetic distance smaller than the average distance of an ensemble of Monte Carlo realizations generated by an adequate shuffling data. We find that the phylogeny of animals species has an effect on the ecological matrix that is more marked than plant phylogeny


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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In this work, we present a theoretical study of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in multilayer structures called Photonic Crystals. For this purpose, we investigate the phonon-polariton band gaps in periodic and quasi-periodic (Fibonacci-type) multilayers made up of both positive and negative refractive index materials in the terahertz (THz) region. The behavior of the polaritonic band gaps as a function of the multilayer period is investigated systematically. We use a theoretical model based on the formalism of transfer matrix in order to simplify the algebra involved in obtaining the dispersion relation of phonon-polaritons (bulk and surface modes). We also present a quantitative analysis of the results, pointing out the distribution of the allowed polaritonic bandwidths for high Fibonacci generations, which gives good insight about their localization and power laws. We calculate the emittance spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation, in THZ frequency, normally and obliquely incident (s and p polarized modes) on a one-dimensional multilayer structure composed of positive and negative refractive index materials organized periodically and quasi-periodically. We model the negative refractive index material by a effective medium whose electric permittivity is characterized by a phonon-polariton frequency dependent dielectric function, while for the magnetic permeability we have a Drude like frequency-dependent function. Similarity to the one-dimensional photonic crystal, this layered effective medium, called polaritonic Crystals, allow us the control of the electromagnetic propagation, generating regions named polaritonic bandgap. The emittance spectra are determined by means of a well known theoretical model based on Kirchoff s second law, together with a transfer matrix formalism. Our results shows that the omnidirectional band gaps will appear in the THz regime, in a well defined interval, that are independent of polarization in periodic case as well as in quasiperiodic case


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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In this thesis, we address two issues of broad conceptual and practical relevance in the study of complex networks. The first is associated with the topological characterization of networks while the second relates to dynamical processes that occur on top of them. Regarding the first line of study, we initially designed a model for networks growth where preferential attachment includes: (i) connectivity and (ii) homophily (links between sites with similar characteristics are more likely). From this, we observe that the competition between these two aspects leads to a heterogeneous pattern of connections with the topological properties of the network showing quite interesting results. In particular, we emphasize that there is a region where the characteristics of sites play an important role not only for the rate at which they get links, but also for the number of connections which occur between sites with similar and dissimilar characteristics. Finally, we investigate the spread of epidemics on the network topology developed, whereas its dissemination follows the rules of the contact process. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the competition between states (infected/healthy) sites, induces a transition between an active phase (presence of sick) and an inactive (no sick). In this context, we estimate the critical point of the transition phase through the cumulant Binder and ratio between moments of the order parameter. Then, using finite size scaling analysis, we determine the critical exponents associated with this transition


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This dissertation briefly presents the random graphs and the main quantities calculated from them. At the same time, basic thermodynamics quantities such as energy and temperature are associated with some of their characteristics. Approaches commonly used in Statistical Mechanics are employed and rules that describe a time evolution for the graphs are proposed in order to study their ergodicity and a possible thermal equilibrium between them


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We study magnetic interface roughness in F/AF bilayers. Two kinds of roughness were considered. The first one consists of isolated defects that divide the substrate in two regions, each one with an AF sub-lattice. The interface exchange coupling is considered uniform and presents a sudden change in the defects line, favoring Neel wall nucleation. Our results show the interface field dependence of the threshold thickness for the reorientation of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic film. Angular profiles show the relaxation of the magnetization, from Neel wall, at the interface, to reoriented state, at the surface. External magnetic field, perpendicular to the easy axis of the substrate, favors the reoriented state. Depending, of the external magnetic field intensity, parallel to the easy axis of the AF, the magnetization profile at surface can be parallel or perpendicular to the field direction. The second one treats of distributed deffects, periodically. The shape hysteresis curves, exchange bias and coercivity were characterized by interface field intensity and roughness pattern. Our results show that dipolar effects decrease the exchange bias and coercivity