110 resultados para Serviço social - Aspectos políticos


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Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health


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The study aimed to analyze the influence of chronic health conditions (CHC) on quality of life (QOL) of UFRN servers assaulted by CHC. It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with prospective data and quantitative approach, accomplished in the ambulatory clinic of the Department of Server Assistance (DSA) of the Pro-Rectory of Human Resources, during three months. The sample was composed by accessibility, totaling 215 people, being 153 active and 62 inactive servers, in chronic health condition. The data were collected through the application of the sociodemographic characterization, health, environmental and laboral form, the Medical Outcome Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The study was evaluated by the HUOL Ethics Committee (CAAE no. 0046., obtaining assent. The results were analyzed in the SPSS 15.0 program through the descriptive and inferential statistics. It was identified servants predominantly male (59,1%), under 60 years old, married or in stable union, Catholics, brown color, living in the capital and residents in own home. Regarding labor issues, there was a predominance of active servers technical-administrative with intermediate and medium level positions and small proportion of docents. Among the CHC, the non-communicable diseases - NCDs (95.8%) had a higher frequency, followed by persistent mental disorders - PMDs (18.6%) and, finally, the continuous and structural physical deficiency - CSPD (16.9 %). The QOL of servers was considered good, with a mean score of 72.5 points in the total score, with the most affected domains: physical (59.1), general health (66.2), bodily pain (66.3) and functional aspects (72.0). The mental health dimension (76.5) had a better average than the physical dimension (68.0 points). It was found that the decrease in QOL scores is significant statistically related to higher number of CHC (ρ <0.001), with no statistical significance regarding the functional situation (p = 0.259). The administrative technicians of elementary, primary, secondary levels and docents had the worst QOL scores. After the correlation analysis of CHC with the domains and dimensions of the SF-36, there was statistically significant, negative and weak correlation of the domains: functional aspect (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.207), physical aspects (ρ = 0.007; r = -0.183), vitality (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.213), social function (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.313), emotional aspects (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.293), mental health (ρ = 0.000 , r = -0.238), physical health dimension (ρ = 0.002, r = -0.210) and mental health dimension (ρ = 0.000, r = -0.298). The presence of PMD isolated or together, contributed to a lower SF-36 scores, being the domains variation of mean significant, except for bodily pain, general health and physical aspects. By correlating the categories of CHC and QOL, there was a weak correlation (r ≤ -0.376) and significant (ρ ≤ 0.011), mainly related to the NCD, PMDs and NCD + PMD, affecting the mental health, social function, emotional aspects, vitality and functional aspect domains. Front of the results, it was concludes that the servers quality of life is influenced by the CHC. Thus, it was inferred that the presence of CHC causes a negative effect on quality of life, leading the active and inactive servers to exposure their overall life activities and work over the years, due to the morbidity affected, mainly related to NCDs and PMDs. Descriptors: Quality of life. Chronic disease. Occupational Health. Nursing


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The overall objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency in the use of resources and the quality of public health in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2004 to 2008. It also seeks to identify the determinants of municipal inefficiency and measure the productivity of public spending on health. To this end, three methods of analysis are used: the DEA, the Malmquist index and the Tobit regression model. Among other findings, it appears that municipalities considered more inefficient in the measurement of expenditure on health make the largest expense in this function. On the other hand, from 2004 to 2008, only 13 municipalities showed an increase in the productivity of public spending. It is also noted that municipalities considered efficient in quality of health, although having more physical and human resources, offer fewer health services to the population. In all, the major determinants of health spending inefficiencies are the variables: age of the mayor, coalition, population density, literacy race and budget revenues. Regarding the inefficiency of the health quality, variables such as: coalition, literacy race have strong influence on this behavior. Thereby, the hypotheses proposed by the study have been fully accepted. In other words, for the efficiency of the quality and health spending it is needed more than resources, i.e., the expenditure shows itself as essential, but not enough, for political and economic aspects also interfere with the performance of spent and in the quality of health care offered to the population


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Analyze the work of the school manager who now faces the changes experienced in school management for the last two decades. We propose that there have been changes in school management that have generated a larger number of activities to be developed by managers, causing both the intensification of work and a greater involvement of professionals in the financial-administrative dimension of their work in opposition to the political and pedagogical dimension. This study has a historic-critic approach. That is why we performed semi-structured interviews with school managers of the city schools in Natal RN, BR as a methodological procedure. We also analyzed the literature as well as the documentation relevant to this subject. From the study it was possible to conclude that changes in the field of school management and also teaching have led to an intensification of work of school managers and that such changes have not been followed by corresponding improvement in working conditions and teaching career of these professionals. They, as a rule, are considered by controlling agencies and by the school community as the primarily responsible for the school condition and for creating actions or projects that may improve the institutional objectives and results, including even the maintenance of the institution. Moreover, the growing number of administrative activities represents for obvious reasons extra work for these managers, who, when trying to cope with the growing bureaucratic situations, end up misplacing other political and educational aspects of school work, which may undermine the final purpose of school itself. We stress that we must broaden the discussions on the functions of the school manager, so that this worker can actualize a pedagogical project more committed to an emancipatory nature, despite all the challenge in keeping the school running in often-precarious conditions


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This research aimed to understand pregnant general meaning about consort absence in prenatal care. It s an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach, developed at Centro de Saúde de Jardim Lola, São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN. Participated in investigation 20 pregnant enrolled in prenatal program, their aged over 18 years, guidance of mental faculties and who survive together her partner. Data were collected from March to May 2009, through semi-structured interview. The analysis was processed according to grounded theory and symbolic interactionism as theoretical and methodological references. To support discussions were used literature findings involving political aspects of women humanization in health care and gender relations within family. Following footsteps of points it were adopted derived following sub categories: ¨Realizing involvement of consort during prenatal¨, ¨Expressing feelings during prenatal¨ and ¨Manifesting attitudes during prenatal period¨. These, when they had their properties and dimensions analyzed, resulted in the main category ¨ Experiencing absence of compeer in clinical prenatal¨. The construction of this theory leads to conclusion that women understand absence of her partner, attributing this to even work at the moment prenatal care or does not like to attend health institutions. However, this does not mean that his presence is dismissed, because desire to be with him in prenatal care was mentioned by most interviewees. So, partner absent at time, leads women to experience desires, feelings, attitudes, perceptions and expectations about studied phenomenon. This reality, induce that absence of them partner in prenatal care predisposes women to strengthening of discomforts arising from pregnancy and therefore goes against wellbeing of pregnant, and ensure the possibility of marital discord. This requires professional nursing measures to get in inclusion of partner in daily pre-natal care in humanization perspective.


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This study had the purpose of identifying the health professional performance during the care of children victimized by violence. Its objectives were the evaluation of how health professionals diagnose violence on the hospitalized child during the care process; the identification, according to the experience of each health professional, of the types of violence on the hospitalized child, the child's aggressors and the most frequent1y injured area in the body and the analysis of conducts adopted by health professionals upon the recognition of a violence case on a hospitalized child. The study was of the descriptive-exploratory type, using a quantitative approach, performed on Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA) in Boa Vista - RR. The population consisted of 235 health professionals, with data collected from June to August 2006. The results show a clear predominance of the female gender, (76,17%); aged 31 to 35 (26,81%); married (45,96%). As for professional formation, 63,9% were nursing auxiliaries and technicians,16,2% physicians, 14,8% nurses, 3,9% social assistants and 2,1% psychologists; 45,96% had completed middle-level education, 51,06% of which coming from private education establishments and 48,94% from public education institutions.; 97,66 % have specialization or improvement courses on their area; 32,77% among 05 to 09 years of work time; 32,06(10 worked on pediatric infirmaries; 75,74% state they have experience with children victimized by violence; 96,22% consider themselves capable of identifying the types of violence suffered by children; 29,00% consider physical violence the most common kind; 91,57% sought to identify the aggressors; 27,72% consider the mother to be the child's main aggressor, 26,36% the father, and 22,28% the stepfather; 26,55% consider the limbs and pelvic waist to be the body region most affected by violence; 26,91% take the attitude of reporting to the nurse and 20,13% to the social service; 70,79% state that the conducts were performed as a team; 26,25% of the professionals consider that the social assistants helped the most on deciding which conduct to adopt; 76,40% state there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts; but 23,60% that stated there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts, 77,08% reveal that the family members were against the conducts taken by the team. We conclude that, the hea1th professionals who were part of the study, apparently are not adequate prepared to diagnose and report the violence on child. The results were more drastic when we related the physicians and the nurses' answers, considering that they give directed assistance to these victims social assistants and psychologists are the ones best prepared to conduct cases of child mistreatment. However, we are conscious of our responsibility with professional education not only in upper grade institution but also on the middle-level. We believe also, that a continued education program can help to improve the professional knowledge and improve the quality of care


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Este trabalho analisa relações da experiência, memória e humor e investiga representações da infância, da velhice, da loucura e do alcoolismo no romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris, de Eulício Farias de Lacerda e em contos de Primeiras Estórias, de Guimarães Rosa, destacando-se que meninos, velhos, cegos e loucos, mesmo marginalizados, podem ser encarados como atores sociais na formação das comunidades. Verifica-se que essas personagens constituem uma coletividade no sentido de evocar a representação de indivíduos. Também se procura examinar práticas literárias e culturais no âmbito do sistema literário brasileiro, com ênfase em regionalismos, oralidade e considerações sobre literatura e sociedade. É desse modo que se busca observar que as obras destacadas estão inseridas numa discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento sociocultural. Portanto, a preocupação desta pesquisa deriva da discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento social. Diante disso, observa-se nos textos de Guimarães Rosa e de Eulício Farias um tratamento narrativo em torno dessas personagens, enfatizando que as situações vividas por eles envolvem experiências que os levam a construir, em relação ao contexto social, aspectos de amadurecimento, rememoração, compartilhamento, encantamento, viagem ao desconhecido, movimentos históricos, alegrias e tristezas, sempre demonstrando uma sintonia com a temática da modernidade. Assim, as condições sociais são interpretadas para evidenciar e confrontar: discriminação, amizade, conflito, respeito, marginalização, memória social. Ainda são estabelecidas comparações entre personagens do romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris com as de alguns contos de Primeiras Estórias, salientando-se considerações sobre o narrador, as inter-relações, regionalismo e relações entre literatura, organização e processo social. Esta pesquisa tem por base o conceito de sistema literário consolidado idealizado por Antonio Candido e os postulados de estudiosos e teóricos como: Walter Benjamin, Jacqueline Held, Mikhail Bakhtin, Roland Barthes, Ana Paula Pacheco, Serge Moscovici, François Laplantine, Liane Trindade


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The pro-ecological commitment (CPE) constitutes an important topic within Person- Environment Studies, here seen as a predisposition to practices that result in environmental protection. Under the framework of sustainability, the concept of sustainable behavior emerges, covering, in addition to CPE, new psychological dimensions such as: the future time perspective (PTF) and the ecological worldviews (VEM). The current study intended to explore the concept of sustainable behavior of university students, by means of the association among some of its dimensions: CPE, PTF and VEM. For this purpose, 380 undergraduate students of biology, ecology, nursing, geography, and social service answered a form containing: socio-demographic questionnaire, a question on self-assessment of environmental care, the Scale of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalisms, the Scale Consideration of Future Consequences, and the Scale Ecological Worldviews. Based on descriptive and correlational procedures, it was found that 78% of the participants practice or have practiced environmental care (caregivers) and the spread of information has been the practice more frequently reported, and the source of influence for such practices were the school, social networks, and the contact with nature It was also observed the association between practice of environmental care and ecocentric environmentalism, consideration of future consequences and egalitarian worldview (worldview of fragile nature). The lack of environmental care was associated with anthropocentric environmentalism, apathy, and individualistic worldview (worldview of passivity). As expected, and suggested by the literature, positive association were found between the sustainable behavior dimensions investigated in this study and the practice of environmental care


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This work was developed in the extent of the Post Graduation Program in Social Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It talks about the process of inclusion of the disabled people in the Job market in Mossoró-RN, bringing for the academic debate relevant thematic for the Brazilian society, for the profession of Social Service and similar areas and for the people with deficiency. It has the objective to apprehend the determiners that make possible the process of the disabled people's inclusion in the Job market in Mossoró, having as parameter the National Politics for the Integration of People Bearers of Deficiency. The critical theoretical perspective is backed in Marx's ideas for the understanding concerning the work, as well as in Pochamann, concerning the job market, regarding the exclusion/inclusion category is based in Martins, Yasbek and Sposati and on deficiency in the National Politics for the Integration of the Disabled People. The research is of qualitative nature and it took as subjects 26 (twenty-six) people, being 09 (nine) people with deficiency, inserted in the formal job and regulated market, and 17 (seventeen) managers of private companies and public institutions of the city of Mossoró-RN. For the collection of data we used techniques of nonsystemic observation, semi-structured interview and documental analysis. The results of the research mark that any modality of the human workforce used in the current context, they are functional to the capitalism and they move forward towards exploration, alienation and subordination of the work to the capital; the National Politics for the Integration of the People with Deficiency expresses and reproduces the contradictory dynamics of the class society, it reflects the neo liberal shades through the selectivity and of the articulation among the federated beings and organizations of the civil society for its operational system; there is a misproportion between the percentages of the quotas and the amount of people with deficiency inserted in the job market, just corresponding to a tiny numeric magnitude; the developed activities are of low social status and it is expressive the amount of workers that receives between one and two minimum wages. These data drive us to infer that the mentioned politics make possible, partly, the inclusion of the disabled people in the job market, though, such inclusion is executed in the selective or focused dimensions, marginal, precarious and unstable


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Analyze the problem of sexual violence suffered by children and adolescents in the city of Natal / Rio Grande do Norte (RN), attended by the Programa Sentinela, a service aimed at combating sexual violence children and teenagers who serves on the council of Natal. Thus aims to review the implementation of the Programa Sentinela in Natal / RN, in the period 2001 to 2006, verifying that the program has contributed to the access of children and adolescents who are victims of abuse and sexual exploitation to fundamental rights under the Statute Children and adolescents (ECA) and the Local Plan and the National gainst Infanto-Youth Sexual Violence. It has a theoretical and methodological approach quantitative and qualitative, covering the issue of sexual violence against children and adolescents, as one of the expressions of economic relationships, gender, race and culture that make up the material and symbolic structure of society. It methodological procedure: review of literature on the subject and conducting interviews with professionals and families of children and adolescent victims of sexual violence. Investigate as the unit of analysis the Sentinel Program. The analysis on the governmental actions of this period on this social problem points to the continuity and little change in the care of victims of sexual violence: despite maintain features and palliative assistencialistas, favoring the "Network of Sexual Tourism", go through some innovations in terms of securing rights from the ECA, which is the need for transparency and democratization in the management of government policies. In research undertaken, Brazil will only be combating this type of crime when each of the social actors are actually doing their share, down taboos, facing corruption and strengthening a system of guarantee of rights, which target children and adolescents are unprotected, and often ignored by Brazilian society


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The treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs suffered significant modifications until arriving to the psychosocial model that is used by Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN (Psychosocial Support Center). That model appears starting from Brazilian sanitary and psychiatric reforms which are expressed in the principles and propositions of Sistema Único de Saúde SUS (Unique System of Health). The Psychiatric Reform meant a rupture with the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern which was destined to the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs. The new proposal offers the universalization, democratization, regionalization and completeness of the actions in the field of mental health. It gathers a strictly interdisciplinary health staff. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs offered by CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The evaluation used, as priority, the qualitative social research through an evaluating study starting from the non-experimental model. The methodological process used different instruments of data collection: bibliographical and documental researches, systematic observations at CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN and, mainly, the semistructured interviews (21) that were accomplished with the professionals, users and relatives of CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The investigation showed the effectiveness of the service and, therefore, CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN constitute itself as the main confronting strategy to the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern of caring the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs


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The most varied ways of manifestation of the violence phenomenon in the contemporary society are each time more found in the media spaces and among society discussions. It makes think about procedures to be taken before the growth and new outbreaks of such phenomenon. The violences manifestations in schools reveal themselves as a reflection of what happens in the scope of social violence. Its dynamics originates in society and reflects itself in scholl, that is, the violences in schools combine internal and external elements to school enviroment of many fields and spheres of which the individuals participate. To reflect about the violences in the schools requires, over all, to make a bridge with the categories: youth and violence. Violences in schools: A new look to the social relations, is a Ms. Sc. Dissertation that has as main objective: to analyze the main existing forms of violence in the school space. For its achievement, it was made a bibliographical survey, questionnaires application (annexed) and observation. Thus, this research articulated the two approaches: qualitative and quantitative. The questionnaires application happened in a state school of the Natal city and amongst yhe criteria for this choice there was the fact of the school had more than 500 pupils, to be located on a strategical place of the city, providing a subjects heterogeneity to be researched, deyond the limitations of available resources financial and material and the available time for the research accomplishment. The scool congregates objective conditions, specifically in what concerns the criteria previously defined: age range, socioenomical level and number of pupils. Amongst the main results obtained, it can be detached that the violence is a phenomenon seen, for the great majority of the research subjects, as a phenomenon connected to the most visible violence forms: the agressions. And a question always present in the public education institutions: infrastructures precariousness, high scool evasion índex and vulnerability among the pupils that makes possible to the pupil to see school as an home extension. Such dissertation concludes that the phenomenon of the violence in scools demands and requires of the most varied subjects involved in the processes na understanding of its determinants so that thus, one can intervene in such phenomenon that does not restrains itself to the physical acts of aggression, but that it is, over all, on a non respecting the different


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The Family Scolarship Program while public politics of intersectorial form developed by Social Development Department and Famine Combat having with partner the Education Department and Health Department inaugurate in the country a new integrity way of the public politics, reinforcing a precept of 2004 Social Protection National Politics (PNAS 2004) that places the social protection while allied to the social and human development. The research INCOME TRANSFER AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: the family scolarship program in Pedra Grande-RN municipally had as aim to avaluate the permanent Family Scolarship Program as a possible element in local development of Pedra Grande-RN municipally understood as capacity expansion and improvement of life quality from its users. For this means we elaborate specifically the families` socio-economical profile; we avaluate the program repercussion in these families` lives; we analyse in which proportion occurred the capacity expansion and improvement of life quality of the users. The methodologic process was constituted by: literarture review about Income Transfer, Social Vulnerability, Development and Public Politics Avaluation to the criation of a theoric picture analysis. The documental research joined to the Social Development Department and Famine Combat of Pedra Grande Municipally Hall to obtain of the aims, program goals, and the profile of users. And finally, carrying out the interviews with the managers and experts of the Municipally Program and focal groups with the users to avaluate the permanent of the Program starting by the points of view of those ones. It was verified that the program expand the capacity (food, consumer goods and services, bank services access and wages) and improvement in life quality of the users. Nevertheless, there are deficiencies in coming with conditionality and from the use of resources the by families users


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This work shows the results of the research: Attended Liberty Program Adolescents in Conflict with the Law and the Disapproval of Rights, effected in the community of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in period of august 2007 to September 2008. It aims to analyze the social-educative attendance directed to adolescents in conflict with the law through the state, since the Social-educative Measure Attended Liberty, known, as an idoneous way of confrontation to the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, that needs to give emphasis, in disadvantage of the Social-educative Measurement of Internment, to be proposed (ECA, art 118 and 199) to follow the adolescent in this quotidian, close to his family and community, proposing him through social-educative work, the access to education and occupancy, as well other public services, that help him to surpass the context of privation and disapproval of rights in which lives joined to his family. In our study, it was observed in sequence of approaching, subsidized for theoretical-methodological procedures justified in quantity and quality research, that were privileged to the documental research, the observation and the interview almost structured, besides a theoretical basis about the subject, that the relation of category and inequality in which the capitalist society sustains itself, does the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, acquires a classist character, in which the property of the money defines the access of the justice. And more, many of the poor adolescents that get into conflict with the law, dweller of the periphery districts of Natal/RN, becomes evident as for segment that has been attended in the Jurisdiction of the Infancy and Youth and in the LAN of Social-educative Attendance, becoming individual the infraction act and its confrontation. We hope in this work, to contribute for the care of the reality of the adolescent in conflict with the law in the Attended Liberty Program, without pretension to exhaust it, as well as later studies about the theme


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In contemporaneousness watches in Brazil the emergence of a "new" relationship between State and society based on partnership, which will allow the growing playacting organizations "non-profit" and "public interest" in the management of social public policies. In that sense, as part of a logic of global restructuring of the Capital, under the aegis of the neoliberal project, starting from the years of 1990, an administration model is had in favor of the market that looks for to minimize the actions of the State, reinforcing the outsourcing of the social public politics, and consequently, debilitating rights legally conquered. In that way, with this study it was pursued as general objective to apprehend the actions developed by Non-governmental Organizations NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN, verifying in that measured, these contribute to the warranty of rights or they reproduce practices of welfare work, and as specific objectives: to identify the group of the actions developed by NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN; to analyze the practice of NGOs of the point of view of the human resources, of the administration, of the financing, of the user's participation in the decision processes, as well as the quality of the services and the continuity of the actions of these organizations; and to apprehend the relationship between the researched organizations and users in the process of implantation of the actions, in order to identify the perspective that guide the practice of NGOs is going in the direction of contributing in the warranty of rights or in the reinforcement to the welfare work. In summary the results showed two trends in the actions of the NGOs, in the direction of the provision of services, which still unfurls in two perspectives of handouts. The other trend will give priority to the defense of rights of children and adolescents, with actions of political impact strengthen the promotion of public policies state, thus contributing to guarantee rights