44 resultados para Literaturas da oralidade
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el tratamiento ofrecido al estudio de la lenguaje en la modalidad oral en clases de lengua portuguesa en los 3º y 4º ciclos del Nivel Fundamental a la luz de concepciones sociointeracionistas de lenguaje. Para tal, tomamos como referencia las contribuciones de Bakhtin (1992) Marcuschi (2005), Batista (2001), Antunes (2009), Bagno (2002), Suassuna (2009), Ramos (2002), Castilho (2000), Oliveira (2003), entre otros, como también tomamos como referencia los objetivos establecidos en los programas oficiales, entre los cuales están los PCN de lengua portuguesa, el PNLD y el regimiento escolar. El campo de pesquisa seleccionado fue una escuela pública de la ciudad de Parnamirim donde los datos fueran colectados en visitas, en las entrevistas grabadas con los sujetos y también durante las observaciones a las clases. Hecho estos procedimientos de coleta de datos se hizo su análisis que estuvo vinculada al referencial teórico. Los resultados de la pesquisa indican características en el tratamiento ofrecido al lenguaje oral que refleja, principalmente, una concepción de lengua y lenguaje adoptada por los profesores aún muy vinculada a las concepciones estructuralistas, sin lograr una práctica que contemple la oralidad como objeto de estudio
Este estudio trata de establecer relaciones sobre la importancia del fenómeno sociocultural que emerge de Doña Militana para la cultura potiguar. Para tanto tomamos sus recuerdos de los romances como parte de un contexto social, relacionados con el tiempo y el espacio, que afecten a la vida material y moral de su grupo social. Resaltamos, por lo tanto, el fenómeno de la memoria individual en su relación con la memoria colectiva. Proponemos, en este sentido, suponer que el mantenimiento y permanencia de estos romances en la memoria de la romancera revelan una dinámica de su grupo social para la formación de su identidad. En este sentido, nos servimos como referencial teórico de los estudios de Maurice Halbwachs, en lo que respecta a los debates sobre la memoria colectiva, en paralelo a los estudios de Paul Zunthor cuando se trata de las funciones de la oralidad para la formación de la identidad. Para llevar a cabo los trabajos es de fundamental importancia, por supuesto, el relato de vida de la propia Doña Militana en confronto con los simbolismo culturales contenidos en los romances, con el objetivo que flagremos las (co)incidencias que demarquen la identidad de sus vínculos de identidad con el universo cultural en que está insertado. Como resultado, se tomó como objeto de análisis desde la deposición presentadas en las entrevistas, hasta los romances en sus aspectos poéticos, lingüísticos y mitológicos, incluyendo los significados que el desempeño de la romancera muestra. Objetivamos, por lo tanto, una comprensión dialógica de la relación entre la memoria individual (el caso de Doña Militana) con la memoria colectiva, sobre la base de un hipotético concepto que subyace a la aparente singularidad de este fenómeno - un hecho aislado en cierta medida - una razón intrínseca y compleja que se revela como la punta de un iceberg, al que convergen motivos históricos inconscientes de un patrimonio cultural
En este trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de cuatro cuentos de Mia Couto (2005) pertenecientes al libro Cada homem é uma raça: O embondeiro que sonhava pássaros ; A princesa russa ; O pescador cego y A lenda da noiva e do forasteiro . El estudio, bajo la perspectiva de memoria y oralidad, mantiene en foco la observación sobre la transformación de los componentes de la realidad sociocultural e histórica de Mozambique en elementos de ficción literaria. Ese recorrido esclarece, en parte, la unidad orgánica que constituye la obra y que gira en torno de los elementos de la tradición, la memoria y la oralidad. Este punto es un importante marcador de diferencias, pues las sociedades escritas han dado menos importancia a lo que es transmitido oralmente, dejando lo que es tradición en un segundo plano. Se trata de una comprensión que acabó por provocar la distorsión del pensamiento sobre lo que es tradición oral, algo que no se resume a leyendas, cuentos de hadas, folclores y danzas. De esta manera ha de considerarse a la memoria inscripta en cada símbolo como algo que justifica al ser y que lo identifica como individuo poseedor de una historia colectiva
Estudio sobre los libros Clã do jabuti, de Mário de Andrade, y Catimbó, de Ascenso Ferreira, publicados en el año de 1927. Dentro del contexto del Modernismo en los años de 1920, se evidencia la filiación de los poetas con las tendencias literarias modernista y regionalista. Eso se confirma por los elementos introducidos en sus poesías, en las referidas obras, que traen el sentido de brasilidade discutido en la época, específicamente en el momento post1924. Tales elementos se refieren a las marcas de la oralidad que fueron aprovechadas esteticamente en los referidos textos, en lo que toca a la representación que poseen en el ámbito de la tradición de la cultura popular brasileña. En ese sentido, fue establecida una relación entre la moderna literatura nacional y la tradición de la cultura popular. Los textos observados muestran la diversidad cultural del país por medio de tales marcas, distinguiéndose por el aspecto nacionalista de Mário de Andrade, en consonancia con el proyecto de nación idealizado, y por el aspecto nacionalista/regionalista de Ascenso Ferreira, saliendo al encuentro de elementos nacionales y regionales. Siendo así, Clã do jabuti es un repertorio de todo Brasil y representación de la cultura nacional, de acuerdo con la brasilidade propuesta a partir de 1924; y Catimbó es la cristalización poética, en tonos de una brasilidade más norteña, de las particularidades de la región
Compartilho fragmentos da dissertação que trata de uma Educação que se concretiza na oralidade e na gestualidade dos velhos mestres brincantes do território do Mato Grande/RN e propõe uma reflexão sobre o trânsito entre esses saberes e a educação escolar. Assim, assume os seguintes objetivos: identificar os velhos mestres brincantes da região do Mato Grande, registrar suas experiências de vida relacionadas às brincadeiras da tradição e o modo como os mesmos percebem essas referências na atualidade, investigar e registrar práticas educativas que considerem as brincadeiras dos velhos na educação atual. Assim realiza um mapeamento do território do Mato Grande/RN a partir do qual identifica dezessete velhos brincantes. Considera e registra suas experiências com os folguedos populares e a partir desses registros passa a discutir os modos pelos quais a tradição oral do Mato Grande pode ser reconhecida a partir das ações: narrar, cantar e dançar. Por último, lança um olhar para a relação entre o velho, o conhecimento da tradição e a educação sistematizada
In this work, we intend to discuss results from a research about retextualization in gender journalistic interview, considering speech dialogical approach. Retextualization activity, which implies the production of a new text through one or more basic texts, shows the presence of reported speech as an integral unit of discursive construction. Our corpus had been extracted from a section called Nossos Valores [Our Values], present at the syndical newspaper Adurn Notícias [Adurn News], from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), which weekly publishes journalistic interviews with active professors from this institution. We describe retextualised text structure by correlating it to the one from the oral text, in order to identify and describe quoted speech, as well as features of the gender in which it is inserted. It was verified that, when it comes to reported speech present in the published interviews, which are representative of the research corpus, diverse incorporation procedures of alien property‟s speech take place, especially those regarding about reported speech use. The waterish presence of the other present in dialoged texts speech transformed in monologue texts demonstrates that there is not a clear demarcation among voices in certain parts of the written text. This is confirmed during analyses of the two interview versions, in which it is not always possible to distinguish the authorship of certain propositions, which in some way can point to Bakhtin‟s concept of intentional hybridity. Beyond Bakhtin‟s contributions (1990; 2000), the theoretical principles of this work are based upon Marcuschi (1986; 1999; 2001), Matencio (2003), Authier-Revuz (1982), and Favero et al. (1997; 1998; 1999; 2000)
This work appears as a reflection on the oral modality of the language in the teaching of Portuguese Language from textbooks proposed for the elementary school. It has as main aim to analyze the textbooks for the Youth and Adult Education - EJA (6th and 7th grade), the collection "It is time to learn", specifically in regard to educational activities focusing on oral proposals in their constituent units. It is a process of reflection with a view to submitting suggestions arising from the discussions held, given the fact that the writing mode has been identified by some scholars, between these Marcuschi (2005), as the most privileged in the classroom and in most manuals that guide the teaching of Portuguese Language. In this work, we start from a broader vision from the principles of dialogic pedagogy by Paulo Freire perspectives towards pedagogical practices that favor the development of linguistic and discursive student skills. In this sense, we emphasize the formation of a critical subject, who can argue and defend points of view, using oral or written language, in various social situations. In this view, this paper set up aims to identify, describe and interpret the activities proposed to the oral modality of Portuguese Language, from interactional theoretical bases, based on authors as Marcuschi (2005, 2010), Fávero, Andrade and Aquino (1999) Schneuwly and Dolz (2004), Antunes (2009), among others. In addition, the objective was to suggest other educational activities, as a way of expanding the existing ones, in order that addressed more efficiently, to aspects of orality been proposed and aspects of formal oral genres. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, in which, from the teaching materials used in the classroom, there was a reflection on the orality and the oral teaching of the Portuguese language and has been proposed an expansion of activities one oral mode. In this reflection, analysis of the results revealed that the books investigated, used in Portuguese classes in EJA, include in their proposals orality as an object and teaching axis. However, we appoint the need to expand the teaching proposals with the existing activities in order to give greater emphasis to important aspects of orality already prioritized, and also to address to the formal public genres. In seeking to make suggestions and educational proposals that integrate with existing, we postulated the most effective development for oral skills for the EJA student, in Freire's perspective, as also we thought in a way to provide subsidies which could guide teachers of the Portuguese Language area at the fundamental level of education.
Globalization, which increased the market to a position of competition and change never before experienced, also imposed a series of changes that have transformed the social systems, organizations increasingly complex. In this scenario, communication has received attention from modern managers. Research indicates that some sectors of activity, more than others, rely on communication as a tool for achieving their goals. The tourism sector, located in the service segment is configured as one of these activities, which the hotel is part of the composite product. With the intention to acknowledge these aspects in this study sought to analyze the characteristics of internal communication in a hotel project in the managerial perspective. To try to answer this purpose we constructed a framework based on authors that discuss organizational communication, internal communication and hotel businesses. For the purpose of research was chosen a unit of study to assess the views of managers regarding the issue. In the unit studied was sought to apprehend these meanings through interviews with a group of managers in the organization and analysis of documents. Data were analyzed through content analysis of Bardin (1977), with the technique of categorical analysis, as it sought to capture aspects that allow the description of the contents of the messages. The results pointed to an organizational reality based heavily on orality, who lives constantly with noise and using communication to regulate behavior. With little or no reflection on managerial communication inferred that subordinates should not absorb the message completely, a phenomenon that can not be responsible for the complete fulfillment thereof. Moreover, it was realized that the organization studied did not plan your communication, since, yet the views as a strategic tool to achieve your goals
The present work is an initiative of undertaking a perspective that values the aspects of the city in its diversity. The one that t intends is to discuss the urbanity starting from the aspect of the image, of the history, and about main point, to value the point of the individual's view that lives the urban space in its more several configurations: the house, the street, the neighborhood, and the city in wider scale. The described historical research defines the city as space of the human accomplishments. When analyzing the moments of the most recent history of the urban life the modernity/post-modernity notions they are explored in the sense of illuminating the wealth, continuity and it breaks of patterns of behavior, and on the other hand, to describe a I overfly in the several times of the city. The prominences of aspects of the archaeology and of the descriptive resource they are related, for its time, the most punctual perspective of the practical research, the instance of the neighborhood, specifically High City and Riverside, configuring an immersion in the daily more punctual of the city, valuing forms of being, aiming the perspective of the personal computer as point-of-view. The images of the city assume the paper of representing the documental about the current features of the urbanity. It is without a doubt that at the present time the photographic image already possesses a paper of prominence it is as research instrument, be as main source for a work on files of photos. The photographic images in the present work possess a prominence place, focusing specific places of the city in the time. Finally, the individual's voice valued under the perspective on as the person's knowledge that inhabits and live the urbanity he/she understands the knowledge of the life in the city and, more than in any other place, a middle where the loss of action models is pointed very easily tends in view the dynamic movement of the practices and renewal of new indications; in the same space in that becomes urgent to build marks starting from which the individual can shimmer the future. And in that space the individual's voice is valued as rich source of information on living the scenery of conflicts of the present time
Barra do Camaratuba belongs to Mataraca city, nearby the boarder between Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte states. It was the chosen community to develop this research, objectifying to study the set of practical of the cultural manifestations and the implications of the local tourist activity, considering the cultural dynamics. We tried to reconstruct stories from the narratives of the oldest inhabitants, natives, among others that they had lived, some how, individual and collective experiences related to the popular tricks and the traditional parties, considering what they speak and imagine about their experiences and its culture. The Lapinha, the Pastoril, the viola s songs, the Balls of Concertina, the João Redondo, the Ox of Kings, the wheel of Coconut were common practical perceivable through the communitarian bonds. Among these manifestations, the only one that resisted for a longer time was the wheel coconut. The São Pedro s fest is another popular manifestation that appears on the current scene like the padroeiro party, while others cultural practical compose the spectacle s scenery. These questions cover many of the narratives of the interviewed ones in the interlaced thing between memory, tourism and tradition. Therefore, we tried to build our research from the memory, participant observation, orality, techniques of the life history, personal depositions, among others basic methods for the reconstruction of a collective memory . Speaking about the past of Barra do Camaratuba is to live again the parties, the blood relations, the terço , the work in the roçados , in the flour house, the fishing, the leisure and the habits of the daily life. In this community, there is the presence of conflicts of social and cultural order, caused for the hegemonic classes that sponsor the parties. In the padroeiro party we perceive that the mercantile logic has started, very recently, to transform the religious factor into an excuse to put into motion the local economy. This way, a community originated from artisan fishers and agriculturists, having the fishing practical as a way of subsistence and the tricks as a reference, they had started to compose a new social picture with the arrival of the others and with the presumption and recent tourist development. We perceive social, environmental and cultural impact transformations, exemplified by a non planned activity or a predatory tourism. The changes will always be pointed and compared with other passing in a sphere of relations lived by the natives, local players and fishers
The tradition and living in African-Brazilian religious spaces, called yards, reveal how dynamic the reproduction and exchange of knowledge are, and that through their worldview, reveal ways of dealing with health and disease. The yards are culturally rich territories, in which people shape concepts, practices, and beliefs about health, disease and forms of healing, passed on from generation to generation through oral tradition. With the advent of HIV/AIDS from the 80s, a new challenge is established in the community of the yards and in the individual trajectories of people affected by the disease, who since an early age participate in this religious practice. The objective of this research is the analysis on the stigma in living with HIV/AIDS in yards of Umbanda in Fortaleza-Ceará, considering the (re)production of social dramas experienced by the community in question. During the investigation we adopted two basic parameters: the first one considers the understanding of the reproduction of stigma (or deteriorated identity) in relation to HIV/AIDS in its socio-historical dimension and its effects in the investigated context (Goffman, 1988). And the second one refers to the creation and reproduction of social dramas as a social experience carried through learning, handling and symbolic performance, which is reproduced in four stages: rupture, crisis, corrective action and reintegration (Turner, 1971)
The current study presents an analysis about the automation of the lawsuits in Brazil, which opens a new direction to be followed by the National Secretary of Justice, applied indistinctively to the civil, criminal and labor lawsuits, as well as to the special court houses at any degree of juridisdiction. It treats, specifically, about the transition from the classic lawsuit with bureaucratic aspects to the electronic one, based on the simplicity of the functions, the quality of the oral and the readiness. The light of the constitutional principle of the reasonable duration of the lawsuit, while fundamental rigth of the defendant and, under de protection of the democratic guarantee, it investigates, from the theory of the fundamental rights to the reform movement of the lawsiut, in the scenery of the alien law and national law, the latter, mostly because it has the automation as a necessary improvement claimed by modernity, yet without forgetting of the humane character inherent to the criminal lawsuit. It faces the issue of of the disruption of the paradigm of the written formality of the Brazilian lawsuit, the problem of the resistance to the new automized method, the use of the video conference for the inquest of the witnesses as well as for the questioning of the defendant, the advancements of the virtual lawsuit on the Superior Courts, Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice, it treats also about the role of the National Council of Justice - CNJ - to uniformize the legal proceedings in the country. Without neglecting the effective respect to the fundamental rights, it focuses the cultural change necessary so that the electronic technology can be, in fact, in the indictment system, the means to reach with excellency the citizenship by the simplification of the legal proceedings, transposing the baseless bureaucracy and assuring an effective judicial service assistance in order to have a better quality of life
This essay presents and discusses knowledge obtained through tradition taken as knowledge built along generations, transmitted from mouth to mouth and everyday experiences result of a non-scientific knowledge based on observation and hints given by more experient generations. The referred icon used to develop such a discussion in this essay is fishing. We point out the knoledge which enables the fishermen, among other dominions, to: find out the fish and other animals feeding habits; find their way through by astral influence during night navigation and learn the tide flowing based on the moon cycle. On what comes to fishing knowledge, the research was organized based on a bibliographic study about several ways of fishing in the Northern, Northeastern, Southern and Southestern regions of Brazil. In the Northern and Northeastern regions, the field research was also focused. Having interviews, photographs and films as reference, this part of the research was divided into two parts: the first one situated in the Amazonian Region in na area called Baixo-Tocantins, in the State of Pará where we worked with fishermen in the small towns of Abaetetuba and Igarapé-Miri; and the second one was held in the Northeastern region of Brazil, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, where we worked with fishermen on the Piató Lake, in the small city of Assú. We tarted discussing based on a descriptive study of the fishing techniques used, aiming to identify them as an ordered activity, differed and classified by knoledge obtained through the years, based on the relationship between man and Nature. Creativity, stimulated by human curiosity, is also discussed and shown as a result of various fishing journeys. The myths, as a component of the fishing world, especially those which describe the relationship between men and waters, also have an outstanding place. At last, two fishing techniques belonging to the research field reference, are also described and analysed under the focus of construction and systematization of the knowledge related to fishing. The theory approach is based on reflection upon the tradition knowledge discussed by Almeida (2001), Balandier (1997), Câmara Cascudo (1957, 2000, 2002) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (1976, 1987 and 1991). The essay is an exercise of knowledge production which defends the "relink" of knowledge, as Edgar Morin suggests when dealing with the sciences of complexity
The Novena of St. Anthony in Pradoso, is an annual celebration that takes place between June 1 and June 13. Since its preparation to the conclusion of the celebration are employed traditional knowledges and techniques, which are shared by the community. Such knowledges, built over generations, associated with popular religion, form it into the educational processes that build, through orality, practices and experiences of everyday life, the sense of belonging. An analysis of scenes, knowledges and subjects involved in the celebration, shows the form and content of practices capable of building symbolic territories of belonging. Thus, the Novena of St. Anthony in Pradoso, while an human territoriality, is designed as a locus of learning of belonging, reaffirming community values such as solidarity, service, brotherhood, integration, among others. While empirical reference for an analysis of the importance of belonging, the Novena of St. Anthony in Pradoso, offers subsidies for the production of knowledge, focused on understanding the need for a reconnection of technical and humanistic knowledges
By means of the Pastoral one an Education celebrated in the body and the laugh, visible is unmasked by means of cançonetas and of the licentious gesticulations of the jokers of this idleness. For such, we support ourselves in the phenomenological of Merleau-Ponty, the tradition and transmission of the verbal as it is conceived by Paul Zumthor, as well as in the phenomenology of the memory of the jokers and in the studies of cultural history and the philosophy of the body. The objective research to argue the body and the laugh as learning of the culture, as well as carrying through the production of a cartography of the potiguar pastoral ones, in the direction to argue the elements of the licentious gesticulations for the look and of cançonetas for hearing. The research is of phenomenological nature and when appealing the Phenomenology as an attitude, recognizes our look on the phenomenon, what if we show for while searching citizens and we assume the reduction and the lived world as methodological boarding to think the searched phenomenon. As he was evidenced in this study, one searched to dimensional the reach of a reflection centered in the body and the laugh through the listening of cançonetas of the Pastoral one and the vision through the licentious gestures; a reflection centered in the body of the joker of Pastoral