27 resultados para Convexidade generalizada


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A Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip ou Lipodistrofia Generalizada Congênita (LGC) é uma doença rara, com transmissão autossômica recessiva, caracterizada principalmente pela ausência quase total de tecido adiposo. Os pacientes afetados apresentam resistência a insulina, dislipidemia e hipertensão arterial. Estudos têm evidenciado que estas alterações metabólicas interferem na modulação autonômica para o nó sinusal. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a modulação autonômica em pacientes portadores de LGC, através da variabilidade de freqüência cardíaca (VFC), pelo método linear de domínio de tempo na Eletrocardiografia Dinâmica de 24 horas e estabelecer um critério relativamente simples, não invasivo, para diagnóstico de disfunção autonômica nestes pacientes. Participou voluntariamente deste estudo transversal, um grupo de pacientes portadores de LGC (n=18) na faixa etária de 9,3 a 39,8 anos (21,3 ± 8,3) cuja variabilidade de freqüência cardíaca foi comparada com um grupo de pacientes controles (n=19) com idade de 9,3 a 39,1 anos (21,4 ± 7,8). Todos os voluntários foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, laboratorial, antropométrica e análise de VFC no domínio de tempo através de eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas. Para análise dos dados relativos aos índices temporais de VFC foram utilizados o MeanRR, SSDN e rMSSD. Pacientes com LGC apresentavam aumento da pressão arterial comparados com indivíduos do grupo controle (sistólica, 131,1 vs 106,3 mmHg, p<0,05); diastólica, 85,0 vs 68,2 mmHg, p<0,05) e 10 tinham critérios para diagnóstico de Hipertensão Arterial e Hipertrofia do Ventrículo Esquerdo. Os níveis de glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol e HOMA-R eram elevados e 12 pacientes tinham critérios para diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Comparado com os controles, pacientes com LGC tinham diminuição dos índices MeanRR (639,8 vs 780,5 ms, p<0,001), SDNN (79,2 vs 168,5 ms, p<0,001), e rMSSD (15,8 vs 59,6 ms, p<0,001). Em pacientes com LGC, a redução da VFC foi independente de distúrbios metabólicos e hemodinâmicos. Os resultados de nosso experimento indicam que pacientes com LGC apresentavam modulação autonômica anormal caracterizada pelo aumento da freqüência cardíaca e pronunciada redução da VFC, independente de distúrbios metabólicos e hemodinâmicos observados nesta síndrome. O caráter multidisciplinar desse estudo fica contemplado pela interação de profissionais de diversas áreas como: cardiologia, endocrinologia, metabolismo, neurologia, nutrição, etc


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Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is a rare genetic disease with autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by the generalized absence of subcutaneous adipose tissue and insulin resistance. The aim of our study was to determine the profile of patients with congenital generalized lipodystrophy (Berardinelli-Seip syndrome) through their clinical history, eating habits, and socioeconomic and cultural aspects; assess food consumption and nutritional status of the study group; propose and evaluate a diet therapy model associated to oral supplementation with zinc to help in the control and prevention of metabolic complications associated to the pathology. Initial assessment of food consumption indicated a voracious appetite in all the patients studied. The introduction of zinc reduced appetite, contributing to patient adherence to the food plan proposed. It was also observed that the proposed diet contributed mainly to glycidic control, specifically with respect to HbA1c. The nutritional status of the patients investigated was adequate in terms of body mass index (BMI), arm muscle circumference (AMC), arm muscle area AMA, but triceps skinfold (TSF) indicated serious malnutrition. Our study is unique in the literature and provides important information to the field of nutrition and to individuals with this pathology. Furthermore, it contemplates the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil


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In the present work we use a Tsallis maximum entropy distribution law to fit the observations of projected rotational velocity measurements of stars in the Pleiades open cluster. This new distribution funtion which generalizes the Ma.xwel1-Boltzmann one is derived from the non-extensivity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. We also present a oomparison between results from the generalized distribution and the Ma.xwellia.n law, and show that the generalized distribution fits more closely the observational data. In addition, we present a oomparison between the q values of the generalized distribution determined for the V sin i distribution of the main sequence stars (Pleiades) and ones found for the observed distribution of evolved stars (subgiants). We then observe a correlation between the q values and the star evolution stage for a certain range of stel1ar mass


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The work is to make a brief discussion of methods to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Being addressed the following techniques: Moments (moments), Maximum Likelihood (MLE), Biased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMB), Unbiased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMU), Mean Power Density Divergence (MDPD), Median (MED), Pickands (PICKANDS), Maximum Penalized Likelihood (MPLE), Maximum Goodness-of-fit (MGF) and the Maximum Entropy (POME) technique, the focus of this manuscript. By way of illustration adjustments were made for the Generalized Pareto distribution, for a sequence of earthquakes intraplacas which occurred in the city of João Câmara in the northeastern region of Brazil, which was monitored continuously for two years (1987 and 1988). It was found that the MLE and POME were the most efficient methods, giving them basically mean squared errors. Based on the threshold of 1.5 degrees was estimated the seismic risk for the city, and estimated the level of return to earthquakes of intensity 1.5°, 2.0°, 2.5°, 3.0° and the most intense earthquake never registered in the city, which occurred in November 1986 with magnitude of about 5.2º


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INTRODUCTION: The high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) constitutes an inflammatory mediator used as predictor of cardiovascular risk that comes being researched as indicative relation factor between cardiovascular and periodontal diseases. PROPOSITION: To compare serumals levels of C-reactive protein between patients with and without generalized severe chronic periodontitis. METHODOLOGY: A seccional study was realized using a sample with 62 patients, being 31 participants carriers of periodontal diseases (Group I) and 31 without periodontal diseases (Group II), grouped to the pairs by age and sex. As inclusion criterio were selected patients with diagnosis of generalized severe chronic periodontitis, being preculeds, individuals which presented systemic disease, recent infection history, historical of CVA or stroke, smokers, pregnants and lactants. The research consisted of two stages, a clinc and other biochemist. The clinical stage is constituted of periodontal examination and the biochemist stage, of the peripheral blood collection for determination hsCRP levels and a hemogram to inquire any panel which could suggest infectious and/or inflammatory process. RESULTS: Periodontal disease group presented a average of 0,36mg/dL, while the group without disease presented 0,17 mg/dL, do not existing significant difference statistically between the averages (p = 0,061). The cardiovascular risk for the group I was classified high for 27,6% of participants and low for 72,4% of them. In the group II, 6,45% presented high risk e 93,5% low risk, being this significant relation statistically gotten for Fisher s Test (p = 0,042) presenting OR = 5,33; IC = 95% (1,02 27,4). The independets variables reseacred do not presented significant association statistically with the levels of hsCRP. CONCLUSION: The study indicated that despite of carriers patients of periodontal diseases do not present differents serumals levels of hsCRP from the other group, the periodontal disease was considered as risk factor for hsCRP plasmatic levels elevation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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PEDROSA, Diogo P. F. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. . Uma Proposta de SLAM com Determinação de Informações Geométricas do Ambiente. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 16, Salvador, BA, 2006. Anais... Salvador: CBA, 2006. v. 1. p. 1704-1709


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A Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip (SBS) ou Lipodistrofia Generalizada Congênita acomete freqüentemente o aparelho cardiovascular e também promove anormalidades metabólicas envolvendo os metabolismos glicídico e lipídico. O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência das anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas em portadores da SBS. Vinte e dois pacientes do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil), com diagnóstico da SBS, foram submetidos à avaliação clinica, eletrocardiograma de repouso, ecodopplercardiograma, radiografia de tórax, eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, teste ergométrico e análise laboratorial. Os pacientes eram predominantemente adultos jovens (n=22) , sendo 14 do sexo feminino. O mais novo tinha 8 e o mais velho 44 anos(22,4±9,7 anos). A totalidade da amostra apresentou resistência à insulina, acanthosis nigricans e HDL-colesterol diminuído. A presença de esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia, diabetes mellitus tipo II e triglicérides elevados eram constantes. A síndrome metabólica foi caracterizada em 81,8% dos pacientes com predominância para sexo feminino e com um alto grau de consangüinidade paterna (86,4%). A hipertensão arterial sistêmica e pré-hipertensão foram encontradas em mais da metade dos pacientes (77.3%). O eletrocardiograma e a radiografia de tórax não foram úteis para identificar a presença de anormalidades cardíacas na SBS, em particular a presença de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. Para identificar o acometimento cardiovascular foi indispensável o estudo ecodopplercardiografico. Este exame mostrou a presença de hipertrofia concêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (50%), hipertrofia excêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (4,5%) e geometria normal do ventrículo esquerdo (45,5%). Disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi encontrada em apenas um paciente (4,5%) e disfunção diastólica em nenhum. Elevada taxa de arritmia foi evidenciada no Holter, tais como, extra-sístoles ventriculares, extra-sístoles supraventriculares e taquicardia supraventricular sustentada. Incompetência cronotrópica (54,5%) foi observada no teste ergométrico. Anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas foram encontradas em elevada prevalência em indivíduos jovens e assintomáticos com SBS. Esses achados xii apontam para a necessidade de acompanhamento cardiológico sistemático e de medidas preventivas nesse grupo de risco


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The present dissertation analyses Leonhard Euler´s early mathematical work as Diophantine Equations, De solutione problematum diophanteorum per números íntegros (On the solution of Diophantine problems in integers). It was published in 1738, although it had been presented to the St Petersburg Academy of Science five years earlier. Euler solves the problem of making the general second degree expression a perfect square, i.e., he seeks the whole number solutions to the equation ax2+bx+c = y2. For this purpose, he shows how to generate new solutions from those already obtained. Accordingly, he makes a succession of substitutions equating terms and eliminating variables until the problem reduces to finding the solution of the Pell Equation. Euler erroneously assigns this type of equation to Pell. He also makes a number of restrictions to the equation ax2+bx+c = y and works on several subthemes, from incomplete equations to polygonal numbers


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The objective of this thesis is proposes a method for a mobile robot to build a hybrid map of an indoor, semi-structured environment. The topological part of this map deals with spatial relationships among rooms and corridors. It is a topology-based map, where the edges of the graph are rooms or corridors, and each link between two distinct edges represents a door. The metric part of the map consists in a set of parameters. These parameters describe a geometric figure which adapts to the free space of the local environment. This figure is calculated by a set of points which sample the boundaries of the local free space. These points are obtained with range sensors and with knowledge about the robot s pose. A method based on generalized Hough transform is applied to this set of points in order to obtain the geomtric figure. The building of the hybrid map is an incremental procedure. It is accomplished while the robot explores the environment. Each room is associated with a metric local map and, consequently, with an edge of the topo-logical map. During the mapping procedure, the robot may use recent metric information of the environment to improve its global or relative pose


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The static and cyclic assays are common to test materials in structures.. For cycling assays to assess the fatigue behavior of the material and thereby obtain the S-N curves and these are used to construct the diagrams of living constant. However, these diagrams, when constructed with small amounts of S-N curves underestimate or overestimate the actual behavior of the composite, there is increasing need for more testing to obtain more accurate results. Therewith, , a way of reducing costs is the statistical analysis of the fatigue behavior. The aim of this research was evaluate the probabilistic fatigue behavior of composite materials. The research was conducted in three parts. The first part consists of associating the equation of probability Weilbull equations commonly used in modeling of composite materials S-N curve, namely the exponential equation and power law and their generalizations. The second part was used the results obtained by the equation which best represents the S-N curves of probability and trained a network to the modular 5% failure. In the third part, we carried out a comparative study of the results obtained using the nonlinear model by parts (PNL) with the results of a modular network architecture (MN) in the analysis of fatigue behavior. For this we used a database of ten materials obtained from the literature to assess the ability of generalization of the modular network as well as its robustness. From the results it was found that the power law of probability generalized probabilistic behavior better represents the fatigue and composites that although the generalization ability of the MN that was not robust training with 5% failure rate, but for values mean the MN showed more accurate results than the PNL model


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The main goal of the present work is related to the dynamics of the steady state, incompressible, laminar flow with heat transfer, of an electrically conducting and Newtonian fluid inside a flat parallel-plate channel under the action of an external and uniform magnetic field. For solution of the governing equations, written in the parabolic boundary layer and stream-function formulation, it was employed the hybrid, numericalanalytical, approach known as Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT). The flow is sustained by a pressure gradient and the magnetic field is applied in the direction normal to the flow and is assumed that normal magnetic field is kept uniform, remaining larger than any other fields generated in other directions. In order to evaluate the influence of the applied magnetic field on both entrance regions, thermal and hydrodynamic, for this forced convection problem, as well as for validating purposes of the adopted solution methodology, two kinds of channel entry conditions for the velocity field were used: an uniform and an non-MHD parabolic profile. On the other hand, for the thermal problem only an uniform temperature profile at the channel inlet was employed as boundary condition. Along the channel wall, plates are maintained at constant temperature, either equal to or different from each other. Results for the velocity and temperature fields as well as for the main related potentials are produced and compared, for validation purposes, to results reported on literature as function of the main dimensionless governing parameters as Reynolds and Hartman numbers, for typical situations. Finally, in order to illustrate the consistency of the integral transform method, convergence analyses are also effectuated and presented


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The use of composite materials and alternative is being increased every day, as it becomes more widespread awareness that the use of renewable and not harmful to the environment is part of a new environmentally friendly model. Since its waste (primarily fiberglass) can not be easily recycled by the difficulty that still exists in this process, since they have two phases mixed, a polymeric matrix thermoset difficult to recycle because it is infusible and phase of fiber reinforcements. Thermoset matrix composites like Polyester + fiberglass pose a threat due to excessive discharge. Aiming to minimize this problem, aimed to reuse the composite Polyester + fiber glass, through the wastes obtained by the grinding of knifes and balls. These residues were incorporated into the new composite Polyester/Fiberglass for hot compression mold and compared tribological to composites with filler CaCO3, generally used as filler, targeting a partial replacement of CaCO3 by such waste. The composites were characterized by thermal analysis (TGA, DSC and DMA), by the surface integrity (roughness determination, contact angle and surface energy), mechanical properties (hardness) and tribological tests (wear and coefficient of dynamic friction) in order to evaluate the effect of loads and characterize these materials for applications that can take, in the tribological point of view since waste Polyester + fiberglass has great potential for replacement of CaCO3


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In this work we have studied, by Monte Carlo computer simulation, several properties that characterize the damage spreading in the Ising model, defined in Bravais lattices (the square and the triangular lattices) and in the Sierpinski Gasket. First, we investigated the antiferromagnetic model in the triangular lattice with uniform magnetic field, by Glauber dynamics; The chaotic-frozen critical frontier that we obtained coincides , within error bars, with the paramegnetic-ferromagnetic frontier of the static transition. Using heat-bath dynamics, we have studied the ferromagnetic model in the Sierpinski Gasket: We have shown that there are two times that characterize the relaxation of the damage: One of them satisfy the generalized scaling theory proposed by Henley (critical exponent z~A/T for low temperatures). On the other hand, the other time does not obey any of the known scaling theories. Finally, we have used methods of time series analysis to study in Glauber dynamics, the damage in the ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice. We have obtained a Hurst exponent with value 0.5 in high temperatures and that grows to 1, close to the temperature TD, that separates the chaotic and the frozen phases