16 resultados para virtual space
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa nuorisotyön tarpeisiin soveltuva virtuaalitila, jossanuoret voivat keskustella ongelmistaan oikean nuorisotyöntekijän kanssa. Ensin tutkitaan olemassa olevien virtuaalimaailmojen nykyistä tilaa, sekä luodaan katsaus virtuaalisuuteen ja mallintamiseen liittyviin perustekniikoihin. Olemassa olevien virtuaalimaailmojen ja niiden ominaisuuksien pohjalta suunnitellaan uusi, täysin nuorten auttamiseen tarkoitettu virtuaalitila. Tämän työn tarkoituksena ei ole tutkia nuorten auttamisen sosiaalista problematiikkaa, vaan tekniikoita, joilla auttaminen tehdään mahdolliseksi. Työn käytännöllisenä osuutena toteutettiin suunniteltu monen käyttäjän virtuaalitila, jossa käyttäjät voivat kommunikoida keskenään, keskustella nuorisotyöntekijän kanssa tai pelata ajanvietteeksi tarkoitettua junapeliä. Virtuaalitilan toteutuksessa käytettiin hyödyksi kolmiulotteista mallinnusta, Lingo-skriptikieltä, sekä Macromedian tarjoamaa monen käyttäjän palvelinta. Kaikki toteutetut osat koottiin yhdeksi sovellukseksi, joka julkaistiin Shockwave-elokuvana www-sivustolla.
The Internet has transformed the scope, boundaries and dynamics of social and economic interactions. It is argued to have broadened the notion of the community from physical, colocated groups towards collectives that are able to transcend time and space, i.e. virtual communities. Even if virtual communities have been on the academic agenda for a couple of decades, there is still surprisingly little research on knowledge sharing within them. In addition, prior research has largely neglected the complex dynamics between Internet-based communication channels and the surrounding communities in which they are embedded. This thesis aims at building a better understanding of knowledge sharing supported by conversational technologies in intra-organisational virtual communities and external virtual communities supporting relationships with customers. The focus is thus on knowledge sharing in types of virtual communities that seem to be of relevance to business organisations. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises seven research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout the study. The results of the study indicate that investigation of the processes of knowledge sharing in virtual communities requires a socio-technical perspective, combining the individual, social and technological levels, and understanding the interplay between them. It is claimed that collective knowledge in virtual communities creates the enabling structure for knowledge sharing, and forms the invisible structure of the community on the basis of which it operates. It consists of a shared context, social capital and a unique community culture. The Internet does not inevitably erode social interaction: it seems that supporting social relationships by means of communication technology is a matter of quantity rather than quality. In order to provide access to external knowledge and expertise, firms need to open themselves up to an array of Internet-based conversations, and to consider the relevance of virtual communities to their businesses.
Virtual communities – interactive networks in cyberspace seasoned with feelings – are a highly topical research theme. Besides academics, more and more companies ponder upon the nature and implications of the sense of virtual communities. This thesis takes a novel viewpoint on this research and examines virtual communities from virtual ba perspective. Ba is the space – in this case a virtual and a mental one, where knowledge based interaction occurs. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the concept of virtual ba, and the development and appearance of ba in virtual communities. The scientific contribution of this qualitative case study is conceptual clarification and validation of the concept of virtual ba. The empirical part of the thesis examines blogs: Internet-based communication media, using data triangulation (observation, narratives and a thematic interview). The thesis provides insights into the development of virtual ba that has also managerial relevance.
Artikkeli on alunperin julkaistu teoksessa: The informational city (1989) / Manuel Castells
Selostus: Ryhmäkoon ja käytössä olevan tilan vaikutus tarhattujen hopeakettupentujen hyvinvointiin
Line converters have become an attractive AC/DC power conversion solution in industrial applications. Line converters are based on controllable semiconductor switches, typically insulated gate bipolar transistors. Compared to the traditional diode bridge-based power converters line converters have many advantageous characteristics, including bidirectional power flow, controllable de-link voltage and power factor and sinusoidal line current. This thesis considers the control of the lineconverter and its application to power quality improving. The line converter control system studied is based on the virtual flux linkage orientation and the direct torque control (DTC) principle. A new DTC-based current control scheme is introduced and analyzed. The overmodulation characteristics of the DTC converter are considered and an analytical equation for the maximum modulation index is derived. The integration of the active filtering features to the line converter isconsidered. Three different active filtering methods are implemented. A frequency-domain method, which is based on selective harmonic sequence elimination, anda time-domain method, which is effective in a wider frequency band, are used inharmonic current compensation. Also, a voltage feedback active filtering method, which mitigates harmonic sequences of the grid voltage, is implemented. The frequency-domain and the voltage feedback active filtering control systems are analyzed and controllers are designed. The designs are verified with practical measurements. The performance and the characteristics of the implemented active filtering methods are compared and the effect of the L- and the LCL-type line filteris discussed. The importance of the correct grid impedance estimate in the voltage feedback active filter control system is discussed and a new measurement-based method to obtain it is proposed. Also, a power conditioning system (PCS) application of the line converter is considered. A new method for correcting the voltage unbalance of the PCS-fed island network is proposed and experimentally validated.
Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella luottamuksen rakentumista virtuaalitiimissä. Keskeistä tarkastelussa olivat luottamuksen lähteiden löytäminen, suhteen rakentuminen sekä teknologiavälitteinen kommunikaatio. Myös käytännön keinoja ja sovelluksia etsittiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa luottamus nähtiin tärkeänä yhteistyön mahdollistajana sekä keskeisenä elementtinä ihmisten välisten suhteiden rakentumisessa. Tämä tutkimus oli empiirinen ja kuvaileva tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksessa kvalitatiivista aineistoa kerättiin pääasiassa web-pohjaisen kyselyn sekä puhelinhaastattelun avulla. Aineistonkeruu toteutettiin siis pääasiassa virtuaalisesti. Saatu aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelun avulla. Tässä työssä teemoja etsittiin tekstistä pääasiassa teoriasta johdettujen oletusten perusteella. Tutkimuksen tuloksena oli, että luottamusta rakentavia mekanismeja ovat, karkeasti luokiteltuna, yhteiset päämäärät ja vastuut, kommunikaatio, sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen ja informaation jakaminen, toisten huomioiminen ja henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet. Mekanismit eivät suuresti eronneet luottamuksen rakentumisen mekanismeista perinteisessä kontekstissa. Virtuaalitiimityön alkuvaiheessa luottamus pohjautui käsityksille toisten tiimin jäsenten kyvykkyydestä. Myös institutionaalinen identifioituminen loi pohjaa luottamukselle alkuvaiheessa. Muuten luottamus rakentui vähän kerrassaan tehtävään liittyvän kommunikaation ja sosiaalisen kommunikaation kautta. Tekojen merkitys korostui erityisesti ajan myötä. Työssä esitettiin myös käytännön keinoja luottamuksen rakentamiseksi. Olemassa olevien teknologioiden havaittiin tukevan hyvin suhteen rakentumista tiedon jakamiseen ja sen varastoimiseen liittyvissä tehtävissä. Sen sijaan vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta tuen ei nähty olevan yhtä kattavaa. Kaiken kaikkiaan kuitenkin parannuksella sosiaalisissa suhteissa voitaneen saada enemmän aikaan kuin parannuksilla teknologian suhteen.
This thesis seeks to answer, if communication challenges in virtual teams can be overcome with the help of computer-mediated communication. Virtual teams are becoming more common work method in many global companies. In order for virtual teams to reach their maximum potential, effective asynchronous and synchronous methods for communication are needed. The thesis covers communication in virtual teams, as well as leadership and trust building in virtual environments with the help of CMC. First, the communication challenges in virtual teams are identified by using a framework of knowledge sharing barriers in virtual teams by Rosen et al. (2007) Secondly, the leadership and trust in virtual teams are defined in the context of CMC. The performance of virtual teams is evaluated in the case study by exploiting these three dimensions. With the help of a case study of two virtual teams, the practical issues related to selecting and implementing communication technologies as well as overcoming knowledge sharing barriers is being discussed. The case studies involve a complex inter-organisational setting, where four companies are working together in order to maintain a new IT system. The communication difficulties are related to inadequate communication technologies, lack of trust and the undefined relationships of the stakeholders and the team members. As a result, it is suggested that communication technologies are needed in order to improve the virtual team performance, but are not however solely capable of solving the communication challenges in virtual teams. In addition, suitable leadership and trust between team members are required in order to improve the knowledge sharing and communication in virtual teams.
The purpose of the Master’s Thesis is to study the best practices to virtual project management from the project manager’ point of view. The best practices are divided according to a five-phase virtual project life cycle model. Each phase include concrete suggestions for actions. Research’s theoretical background is wide because of the broad subject matter. In the theoretical part topics such as virtual working, virtual project management challenges are examined and some concrete actions to tackle these challenges are introduced. Thesis’ approach is constructive, where a known problem is solved piece by piece after creating a pre-understanding of the topic. Existing research work is utilized when creating a model for virtual project team management. The basis of the model comes from various best practices read from literature and from the interviews conducted on experienced virtual project managers in the case organization. As a result the model combines both previous research and the organizations empirical experience. As an output of the thesis a model for virtual project team management is developed, which can be used as a guideline by the virtual project managers in their work. The model includes actions and practices what can be used to overcome the challenges of virtual project management.