203 resultados para value investing
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
This study examines the Magic Formula and ERP5 value strategies in the Finnish stocks markets. Magic Formula ranks stocks based on EV/EBIT and ROA and ERP5 based on EV/EBIT, ROA, P/B and five-year trailing ROA. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the value strategies can be used to generate excess returns over the market index. The data has been collected from the Datastream database for the sample period from May 1997 to May 2010 and consists of the companies listed on the main list of Helsinki Stock Exchange. This study confirms the findings of previous research that value premium exists in the Finnish stock markets and that systematic value strategies can be used to form portfolios that outperform the market index with lower volatility.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää saavutetaanko passiivisilla arvostrategioilla riskikorjattuna ylisuuria tuottoja Suomen osakemarkkinoilla. Tuottaako matalien tunnuslukujen perusteella valittujen osakkeiden portfolio enemmän kuin korkeiden tunnuslukujen portfolio? Ovatko alfat tilastollisesti merkitseviä? Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on myös selvittää, ovatko korkeimman ja matalimman arvostustason portfolioiden menestyserot tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Tunnuslukuina on tarkasteltu P/E-, EV/EBIT- ja EV/EBITDA-tunnuslukuja sekä P/B- ja P/S–lukuja. Lisäksi on tutkittu yhdistelmätunnuslukuina P/E- ja P/B–lukujen tulon muodostamaa tunnuslukua, sekä suhteellisiin EV/EBITDA-, P/B- ja P/S-lukuihin perustuvaa arvostusmittaria. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu Suomen osakemarkkinoilla julkisesti noteeratuista yrityksistä toukokuusta 1991 toukokuuhun 2006. Osakkeet järjestettiin tunnuslukujen arvostustason perusteella kvintiiliportfolioihin. Myöhemmin portfoliot muodostettiin uudelleen kolmen ja viiden vuoden välein. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin kvintiiliportfolioiden kuukausittaisia tuottoja tunnuslukukohtaisesti koko tutkimusjakson ajalta. Tulosten perusteella on selkeästi havaittavissa, että matalan tunnusluvun kvintiiliportfoliot menestyivät paremmin kuin korkean tunnusluvun kvintiiliportfoliot. Kolmen vuoden jaksoissa P/E-, EV/EBITDA-, P/B-, P/S- ja kolmen tunnusluvun yhdistelmällä muodostetuilla kvintiiliportfolioilla arvopreemio oli selkeästi havaittavissa. Viiden vuoden jaksoissa vastaava ilmiö toistui EV/EBITDA-tunnusluvulla muodostetuilla kvintiiliportfolioilla. Eniten tuotti absoluuttisesti sekä riskikorjattuna tutkimuksessa esiteltävä kolmen vuoden jaksoissa kolmen tunnusluvun yhdistelmällä muodostettu matalimman arvostustason kvintiiliportfolio, joka tuotti riskikorjattuna tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevästi positiivista alfaa matalalla riskitasolla.
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the pricing anomalies exists in the Finnish stock markets by comparing the performance of quantile portfolios that are formed on the basis of either individual valuation ratios, composite value measures or combined value and momentum indicators. All the research papers included in the thesis show evidence of value anomalies in the Finnish stock markets. In the first paper, the sample of stocks over the 1991-2006 period is divided into quintile portfolios based on four individual valuation ratios (i.e., E/P, EBITDA/EV, B/P, and S/P) and three hybrids of them (i.e. composite value measures). The results show the superiority of composite value measures as selection criterion for value stocks, particularly when EBITDA/EV is employed as earnings multiple. The main focus of the second paper is on the impact of the holding period length on performance of value strategies. As an extension to the first paper, two more individual ratios (i.e. CF/P and D/P) are included in the comparative analysis. The sample of stocks over 1993- 2008 period is divided into tercile portfolios based on six individual valuation ratios and three hybrids of them. The use of either dividend yield criterion or one of three composite value measures being examined results in best value portfolio performance according to all performance metrics used. Parallel to the findings of many international studies, our results from performance comparisons indicate that for the sample data employed, the yearly reformation of portfolios is not necessarily optimal in order to maximally gain from the value premium. Instead, the value investor may extend his holding period up to 5 years without any decrease in long-term portfolio performance. The same holds also for the results of the third paper that examines the applicability of data envelopment analysis (DEA) method in discriminating the undervalued stocks from overvalued ones. The fourth paper examines the added value of combining price momentum with various value strategies. Taking account of the price momentum improves the performance of value portfolios in most cases. The performance improvement is greatest for value portfolios that are formed on the basis of the 3-composite value measure which consists of D/P, B/P and EBITDA/EV ratios. The risk-adjusted performance can be enhanced further by following 130/30 long-short strategy in which the long position of value winner stocks is leveraged by 30 percentages while simultaneously selling short glamour loser stocks by the same amount. Average return of the long-short position proved to be more than double stock market average coupled with the volatility decrease. The fifth paper offers a new approach to combine value and momentum indicators into a single portfolio-formation criterion using different variants of DEA models. The results throughout the 1994-2010 sample period shows that the top-tercile portfolios outperform both the market portfolio and the corresponding bottom-tercile portfolios. In addition, the middle-tercile portfolios also outperform the comparable bottom-tercile portfolios when DEA models are used as a basis for stock classification criteria. To my knowledge, such strong performance differences have not been reported in earlier peer-reviewed studies that have employed the comparable quantile approach of dividing stocks into portfolios. Consistently with the previous literature, the division of the full sample period into bullish and bearish periods reveals that the top-quantile DEA portfolios lose far less of their value during the bearish conditions than do the corresponding bottom portfolios. The sixth paper extends the sample period employed in the fourth paper by one year (i.e. 1993- 2009) covering also the first years of the recent financial crisis. It contributes to the fourth paper by examining the impact of the stock market conditions on the main results. Consistently with the fifth paper, value portfolios lose much less of their value during bearish conditions than do stocks on average. The inclusion of a momentum criterion somewhat adds value to an investor during bullish conditions, but this added value turns to negative during bearish conditions. During bear market periods some of the value loser portfolios perform even better than their value winner counterparts. Furthermore, the results show that the recent financial crisis has reduced the added value of using combinations of momentum and value indicators as portfolio formation criteria. However, since the stock markets have historically been bullish more often than bearish, the combination of the value and momentum criteria has paid off to the investor despite the fact that its added value during bearish periods is negative, on an average.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden vaikutusta yritysten B/P-lukuihin ja keskimääräisiin tuottoihin Suomen osakemarkkinoilla vuosina 1996–2012. Tutkielman perustana oleva ilmiö on B/P-anomalia, jonka mukaan korkean B/P:n osakkeet eli arvo-osakkeet menestyvät osakemarkkinoilla paremmin kuin matalan B/P:n osakkeet eli kasvuosakkeet. Useiden tutkijoiden mielestä arvoanomalioiden syynä on korkeampi systemaattinen riski, jonka yksi komponenteista on rahoituksellinen velkaantuneisuus. Näiden tutkimusten perusteella korkean B/P:n yrityksillä pitäisi olla korkeampi systemaattinen riski ja siten todennäköisesti myös korkeampi rahoituksellinen velkaantuneisuus. Aineistona tutkimuksessa toimi Helsingin pörssin yritykset vuosilta 1996–2012 pois lukien rahoitus- ja vakuutusalan yritykset sekä kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöt. Tulosten perusteella B/P:n sekä rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden välillä oli positiivinen, monotoninen ja tilastollisesti merkitsevä suhde, kun aineiston yritykset olivat jaettu kolmeen portfolioon niiden B/P-lukujen perusteella, mutta yhteyttä ei ollut löydettävissä kuuden portfolion tapauksessa. B/P-anomaliasta oli viitteitä, kun portfolioina käytettiin kolmea B/P-luvun pohjalta muodostettua portfoliota, mutta erot eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden sekä keskimääräisten vuosituottojen väliltä ei ollut löydettävissä tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä tästä aineistosta.
Skepticism of promised value-added is forcing suppliers to provide tangible evidence of the value they can deliver for the customers in industrial markets. Despite this, quantifying customer benefits is being thought as one of the most difficult part in business-to-business selling. The objective of this research is to identify the desired and perceived customer benefits of KONE JumpLift™ and improve the overall customer value quantification and selling process of the solution. The study was conducted with a qualitative case analysis including 7 interviews with key stakeholders from three different market areas. The market areas were chosen based on where the offering has been utilized and the research was conducted by five telephone and two email interviews. The main desired and perceived benefits include many different values for example economical, functional, symbolic and epistemic value but they vary on studied market areas. The most important result of the research was finding the biggest challenges of selling the offering which are communicating and proving the potential value to the customers. In addition, the sales arguments have different relative importance in studied market areas which create challenges for salespeople to sell the offering effectively. In managerial level this means need for investing into a new sales tool and training the salespeople.
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