64 resultados para educational projects
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
This study discusses the importance of creating Open Innovation (OI) teams for optimizing costs of Research and Development (R&D), dividing risks and maximizing profits. The purpose of this study is to determine team characteristics beneficial for successful OI project, with the emphasis on the fact that such teams are formed of professionals belonging to different organizations, both private and state-owned, with different educational and professional backgrounds and personal qualities. This purpose is supported by three sub-objectives: to observe the phenomenon of OI and its implementation in emerging economies, particularly in Russia; to specify professional and personal competencies of OI team members essential for the successful collaboration; and to identify the role of the leader in OI teams. The theoretical part of this study consists of knowledge from academic literature related to OI, cross-functional and innovation teams and leadership in innovation. The practical part of the study is presented in the form of multiple case study, and the empirical research is based on six semistructured interviews collected in October 2014 from the CEOs, Innovation Managers and Technical Directors of innovation companies participating actively in OI projects. The findings of the study demonstrate that many of the necessary competencies are equal for innovation or cross-functional teams and OI teams, such as professionalism and communication skills. However, due to the specific nature of OI, additional personal characteristics were recognized as beneficial for OI teams, such as flexibility, empathy and success-orientation. The role of the leader is also considered as a critical success factor for OI teams, with the emphasis on flexibility and autonomy. The findings of the study contribute to understanding the connection between notions of team member, team climate and team leader, and its influence on OI project success. Thus, the main purpose of the study is providing support for existing knowledge on OI teams and developing new insights into this newly emerged topic.
Under the circumstances of the increasing market pressure, enterprises try to improve their competitive position by development efforts, and a business development project is one tool for that. There are not many answers to the question of how the development projects launched to improve the business performance in SMEs have succeeded. Theacademic interest in the business development project success has mainly focused on projects implemented in larger organisations rather than in SMEs. The previous studies on the business success of SMEs have mainly focused on new business ventures rather than on existing SMEs. However, nowadays a large number of business development projects are undertaken in existing SMEs, where they can pose a great challenge. This study focuses on business development success in SMEs thathave already established their business. The objective of the present study is to gain a deep understanding on business development project success in the SME-context and to identify the dimensions and factors affecting the project success. Further, the aim is to clarify how the business development projects implemented in SMEs have affected their performance. The empirical evidence is based on multiple case study. This study builds a framework for a generic theory of business development success in the SME-context, based on literature from the areas ofproject and change management, entrepreneurship and small business management, as well as performance measurement, and on empirical evidence from SMES. The framework consists of five success dimensions: entrepreneurial, project preparation, change management, project management and project success. The framework provides a systematic way for analysing the business development project and its impact on the performance and on the performing company. This case evidence indicates that successful business development projects have a balanced, high performance concerning all the dimensions. Good performance in one dimension is not enoughfor the project success, but it gives a good ground for the other dimensions. The other way round, poor performance in one success dimension affects the others, leading to poor performance of the project. In the SME-context the business development project success seems to be dependent on several interrelated dimensions and factors. Success in one area leads to success in other areas, and so creates an upward success spiral. Failure in one area seems to lead to failure in other areas, creating a downward failure spiral. The study indicates that the internal business development projects have affected the SMEs' performance widely also on areas and functions not initially targeted. The implications cover all thesuccess categories: the project efficiency, the impact on the customer, the business success and the future potentiality. With successful cases, the success tends to spread out to areas and functions not mentioned as the project goals, andwith unsuccessful cases the failure seems to spread out widely to the SMEs' other functions. This study also indicates that the most important key factors for successful business development project implementation are the strength of intention, business ability, knowledge, motivation and participation of the employees, as well as adequate and well-timed training provided to the employees.
Verkostoitunut kansainvälinen tuotekehitys on tärkeä osa menestystä nykypäivän muuttuvassa yritysmaailmassa. Toimintojen tehostamiseksi myös projektitoiminnot on sopeutettava kansainväliseen toimintaympäristöön. Kilpailukyvyn säilyttämiseksi projektitoimintoja on lisäksi jatkuvasti tehostettava. Yhtenäkeinona nähdään projektioppiminen, jota voidaan edistää monin eri tavoin. Tässätyössä keskitytään projektitiedonhallinnan kehittämisen tuomiin oppimismahdollisuuksiin. Kirjallisuudessa kerrotaan, että projektitiedon jakaminen ja sen hyödyntäminen seuraavissa projekteissa on eräs projektioppimisen edellytyksistä. Tämäon otettu keskeiseksi näkökulmaksi tässä tutkimuksessa. Lisäksi tutkimusalueen rajaamiseksi työ tarkastelee erityisesti projektioppimista kansainvälisten tuotekehitysprojektien välillä. Työn tavoitteena on esitellä keskeisiä projektioppimisen haasteita ja etsiä konkreettinen ratkaisu vastaamaan näihin haasteisiin. Tuotekehitystoiminnot ja kansainvälinen hajautettu projektiorganisaatio kohtaavat lisäksi erityisiä haasteita, kuten tiedon hajautuneisuus, projektihenkilöstön vaihtuvuus, tiedon luottamuksellisuus ja maantieteelliset haasteet (esim. aikavyöhykkeet ja toimipisteen sijainti). Nämä erityishaasteet on otettu huomioon ratkaisua etsittäessä. Haasteisiin päädyttiin vastaamaan tietotekniikkapohjaisella ratkaisulla, joka suunniteltiin erityisesti huomioiden esimerkkiorganisaation tarpeet ja haasteet. Työssä tarkastellaan suunnitellun ratkaisun vaikutusta projektioppimiseen ja kuinka se vastaa havaittuihin haasteisiin. Tuloksissa huomattiin, että projektioppimista tapahtui, vaikka oppimista oli vaikea suoranaisesti huomata tutkimusorganisaation jäsenten keskuudessa. Projektioppimista voidaan kuitenkin sanoa tapahtuvan, jos projektitieto on helposti koko projektiryhmän saatavilla ja se on hyvin järjesteltyä. Muun muassa nämä ehdot täyttyivät. Projektioppiminen nähdään yleisesti haastavana kehitysalueena esimerkkiorganisaatiossa. Suuri osa tietämyksestä on niin sanottua hiljaistatietoa, jota on hankala tai mahdoton saattaa kirjalliseen muotoon. Näin olleen tiedon siirtäminen jää suurelta osin henkilökohtaisen vuorovaikutuksen varaan. Siitä huolimatta projektioppimista on mahdollista kehittää erilaisin toimintamallein ja menetelmin. Kehitys vaatii kuitenkin resursseja, pitkäjänteisyyttä ja aikaa. Monet muutokset voivat vaatia myös organisaatiokulttuurin muutoksen ja vaikuttamista organisaation jäseniin. Motivaatio, positiiviset mielikuvat ja selkeät strategiset tavoitteet luovat vakaan pohjan projektioppimisen kehittämiselle.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata ja ymmärtää kuinka sisäisiä kehityshankkeita voidaan hallita onnistuneesti kun toimitaan nopeasti muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Tutkimus kuvailee etenkin projekteille tärkeitä menestymistekijöitä, kuten suunnittelu, kontrollointi ja päätöksenteko. Tutkimus selvittää yleisimmät ongelma-alueet case-organisaation sisäisten kehityshankkeiden hallinnassa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty tapaustutkimusta. Empiirisessa osassa käsittellään case-organisaation sisäisiä informaatioteknologia-hankkeita (IT) ja uusien konseptien kehityshankkeita (NCD). iSisäisten kehityshankkeiden erilaisuuden ymmärtäminen oli tutkimuksen tärkein tulos. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio osoitti sen, että epävarmuudella on erittäin suuri vaikutus projektihallintaan sekä projektin kontrollointiin. Case-organisaation IT-projektien onnistuminen riippuu organisaatiomuu-toksen onnistumisesta. Asiakkaisiin ja markkinoihin liittyvät epävarmuudet ovat vaikuttavimmat NCD projektien epävarmuuksista. Näillä epävarmuuk-silla on vaikutusta projektihallintaan jonka myötä NCD projektit juuttuvat useimmiten noidankehiin tai ne lopetetaan jo aikaisessa vaiheessa.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten osaamista on hyödynnetty ja yhteistyötä kehitetty ammattioppilaitosten fuusiossa? Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisenacase-tutkimuksena. Empiirinen osa koostuu seitsemästä haastattelusta ja muusta kirjallisesta aineistosta. Haastatellut henkilöt toimivat Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymän johdossa ja rehtoreina. Osaamisen hyödyntäminen oppilaitosten välillä on vielä vähäistä. Yhteistyötä tehdään lähinnä projekteissa. Monialaisia yhteistyöryhmiä on vielä vähän. Oppilaitokset toimivat edelleen koulutusaloittain itsenäisinä yksikköinä. Näkemykset fuusion syistä ja tavoitteista poikkesivat virallisista fuusiotavoitteista. Yhdistymisen hyötyinä pidettiin ensisijaisesti taloudellisia etuja ja koulutusalan sisäisen kilpailun vähenemistä. Yhteistyöhalukkuudella näyttäisi olevan yhteys sekä osaamisen hyödyntämiseen että integroitumisasteeseen.
Software engineering is criticized as not being engineering or 'well-developed' science at all. Software engineers seem not to know exactly how long their projects will last, what they will cost, and will the software work properly after release. Measurements have to be taken in software projects to improve this situation. It is of limited use to only collect metrics afterwards. The values of the relevant metrics have to be predicted, too. The predictions (i.e. estimates) form the basis for proper project management. One of the most painful problems in software projects is effort estimation. It has a clear and central effect on other project attributes like cost and schedule, and to product attributes like size and quality. Effort estimation can be used for several purposes. In this thesis only the effort estimation in software projects for project management purposes is discussed. There is a short introduction to the measurement issues, and some metrics relevantin estimation context are presented. Effort estimation methods are covered quite broadly. The main new contribution in this thesis is the new estimation model that has been created. It takes use of the basic concepts of Function Point Analysis, but avoids the problems and pitfalls found in the method. It is relativelyeasy to use and learn. Effort estimation accuracy has significantly improved after taking this model into use. A major innovation related to the new estimationmodel is the identified need for hierarchical software size measurement. The author of this thesis has developed a three level solution for the estimation model. All currently used size metrics are static in nature, but this new proposed metric is dynamic. It takes use of the increased understanding of the nature of the work as specification and design work proceeds. It thus 'grows up' along with software projects. The effort estimation model development is not possible without gathering and analyzing history data. However, there are many problems with data in software engineering. A major roadblock is the amount and quality of data available. This thesis shows some useful techniques that have been successful in gathering and analyzing the data needed. An estimation process is needed to ensure that methods are used in a proper way, estimates are stored, reported and analyzed properly, and they are used for project management activities. A higher mechanism called measurement framework is also introduced shortly. The purpose of the framework is to define and maintain a measurement or estimationprocess. Without a proper framework, the estimation capability of an organization declines. It requires effort even to maintain an achieved level of estimationaccuracy. Estimation results in several successive releases are analyzed. It isclearly seen that the new estimation model works and the estimation improvementactions have been successful. The calibration of the hierarchical model is a critical activity. An example is shown to shed more light on the calibration and the model itself. There are also remarks about the sensitivity of the model. Finally, an example of usage is shown.
Agile software development methods are attempting to provide an answer to the software development industry's need of lighter weight, more agile processes that offer the possibility to react to changes during the software development process. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and experiment the possibility of using agile methods or practices also in small software projects, even in projects containing only one developer. In the practical part of the thesis a small software project was executed with some agile methods and practices that in the theoretical part of the thesis were found possible to be applied to the project. In the project a Bluetooth proxy application that is run in the S60 smartphone platform and PC was developed further to contain some new features. As a result it was found that certain agile practices can be useful even in the very small projects. The selection of the suitable practices depends on the project and the size of the project team.
The question of Pilot Project creation, due to support pre-development stage of software product elaboration, nowadays might be used as an approach, which allows improving the whole scheme of information technology project running. This subject is not new, but till now no model has been presented, which gives deep description of this important stage on the early phase of project. This Master's Thesis represents the research's results and findings concerning the pre-development study from the Software Engineering point of view. The aspects of feasibility study, pilot prototype developments are analyzed in this paper. As the result, the technique of Pilot Project is formulated and scheme has been presented. The experimental part is focused on particular area Pilot Project scheme's implementation- Internationally Distributed Software projects. The specific characteristic, aspects, obstacles, advantages and disadvantages are considered on the example of cross border region of Russia and Finland. The real case of Pilot Project technique implementation is given.
Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu eri kenttäväylätekniikoita, sekä niiden hyödyntämisellä saatavia taloudellisia ja teknisiä etuja Finreilan tuotevalikoimaan kuuluvien prosessilaitosten ohjausjärjestelmissä. Työssä on vertailtu laitosautomaation toteutuskustannukset sekä perinteisellä että kenttäväyliä hyödyntävillä ohjausjärjestelmillä. Kustannukset on huomioitu läpi koko projektin, sähkösuunnittelusta laitoksen käyttöönottoon. Markkinoilla on tänä päivänä useita, erityyppisiä väyläratkaisuja. Väyläratkaisujen tarpeen ja niille asetettujen vaatimuksien selvittämiseksi esitellään työssä ensin ohjausjärjestelmien rakenne, yleisimmät kenttälaitteet sekä tiedonsiirron kerrosmalli. Kenttäväylätekniikasta esitellään perusrakenteet ja –komponentit, standardointi sekä kaupalliset kenttäväyläsovellukset. Kustannusten ja suunnitteluprosessin painotusten selvittämiseksi suunnitellaan esimerkkilaitokseen ohjausjärjestelmä, hyödyntäen kenttäväylätekniikkaa. Vertailua varten on haettu tiedot vuonna 1998 perinteisellä automaatiolla toteutetun laitoksen kustannuksista Finreila Oy:n taloushallintajärjestelmästä ja projektiaineistosta. Kenttäväylätoteutuksen kustannusarviot perustuvat laitetoimittajien tarjouksiin, sähkö- ja automaatiosuunnittelijoiden haastatteluihin sekä saatuihin käyttökokemuksiin kenttäväylistä. Työ on laadittu siten, että sitä voidaan käyttää yrityksen uusien työntekijöiden koulutuksessa, mikäli laitoksissa siirrytään käyttämään kenttäväylätekniikkaa. Kustannusvertailujen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kyseisen tyyppisessä laitoksessa saavutetaan noin 17 % kustannussäästö automaatiojärjestelmän toteutuksessa. Suurin hyöty kenttäväylistä saadaan kuitenkin järjestelmän käyttöaikana tarkentuneiden mittausten ja paremmin kohdennettavien huoltotoimenpiteiden kautta tulevista säästöistä.
Vaatimusmäärittelyn tavoitteena on luoda halutun järjestelmän kokonaisen, yhtenäisen vaatimusluettelon vaatimusten määrittämiseksi käsitteellisellä tasolla. Liiketoimintaprosessien mallintaminen on varsin hyödyllinen vaatimusmäärittelyn varhaisissa vaiheissa. Tämä työ tutkii liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamista tietojärjestelmien kehittämistä varten. Nykyään on olemassa erilaisia liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamiseen tarkoitettuja tekniikoita. Tämä työ tarkastaa liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamisen periaatteet ja näkökohdat sekä eri mallinnustekniikoita. Uusi menetelmä, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti pienille ja keskisuurille ohjelmistoprojekteille, on kehitetty prosessinäkökohtien ja UML-kaavioiden perusteella.
Being highly discussed the problem of climate change and global warming has been keeping importance for several of decades. As a response to the world’s need in solution for climate change disasters, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992 and supplemented with the Kyoto protocol in 1997. This work is aimed to give better understanding of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol with its mechanisms and their function, related to energy projects in such case countries, as Russia and China, in order to assist evaluation of projects cost-effectiveness. It provides basic information about the Convention and the Protocol with their regulations, overview of present situation and future post-Kyoto forecasts, while the most attention is concentrated on the clean development mechanism and joint implementation step-by-step project cycles and specific regulations in given countries. The current study disclosed that CDM and JI project cycles are resulting in a complicated process. By the moment it requires step-by-step following of a number of methodologies, spending time and finance to particular project development. Uncertainties about post-Kyoto period bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any business decision concerning Kyoto Protocol.
This report has been written as part of the project “Toward improved quality – developing nurse’s continuing vocational training in hospitals and inpatient units”. Its overall goal is to ensure high quality, ethically appropriate and therapeutically effective interventions to enable nurses to manage distressed and disturbed patients in European psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. In this large-scale, multinational projects there are all together six European countries involved: Finland, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy and Lithuania. The project work plan were during autumn 2006 and spring 2007. The content of this publication was produced in the first stage of the project aiming to collect the preliminary source material for the project. The literature review was carried out in the project stage, providing the groundwork for the next steps for the project. This project aims to develop an interactive multinational portal with training material. Therefore, it is important to share an understanding of basic information, psychiatric nurse’s continuing vocational education, laws and ethical codes and patient restriction used in mental health care. In this publication, the purpose of the material produced here is to understand nurses’ educational need related to vocational continuing education and to be used in further project stages as an empirical data collection. The data were collected as a preliminary source material for latter phases where nurse’s perceptions of the current practice, nurse’s attitudes to mental illness, prevalence of use of seclusion room and existing and desired vocational training provision will be collected in six different European countries. The following organisations are involved in this project: University of Turku, Dublin City University, St. Vincent Hospital, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Padova, Klaipeda College - Health Faculty, Klaipeda Psychiatric Hospital, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Omnia Vocational Institution the Espoo Region, Kellokoski psychiatric hospital, Hyvinkää hospital area, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Kingston University & St. George’s Medical School and South West London & St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. A wide variety of different countries, organisations and individuals in this project give us a strong confidence that theoretical, practical, ethical and political issues around the topic of interest will be taken account during this project lifetime. We are aware the content of this book will be partially outdated almost as soon as it has been published. We still hope that this publication will encourage nurses and different professions working in mental health care field to have a basic understanding of similarities and differences between different European countries related in mental health care. We also hope that this publication will inspirate and motivate nurses in maintaining and developing the quality of psychiatric care in Europe.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on school from teachers’ and students’ perspectives. The focus was on three main subject matters: on ICT use and competence, on teacher and school community, and on learning environment and teaching practices. The study is closely connected to the national educational policy which has aimed strongly at supporting the implementation of ICT in pedagogical practices at all institutional levels. The phenomena were investigated using a mixed methods approach. The qualitative data from three cases studies and the quantitative data from three statistical studies were combined. In this study, mixed methods were used to investigate the complex phenomena from various stakeholders’ points of view, and to support validation by combining different perspectives in order to give a fuller and more complete picture of the phenomena. The data were used in a complementary manner. The results indicate that the technical resources for using ICT both at school and at homes are very good. In general, students are capable and motivated users of new technology; these skills and attitudes are mainly based on home resources and leisuretime use. Students have the skills to use new kinds of applications and new forms of technology, and their ICT skills are wide, although not necessarily adequate; the working habits might be ineffective and even wrong. Some students have a special kind of ICT-related adaptive expertise which develops in a beneficial interaction between school guidance and challenges, and individual interest and activity. Teachers’ skills are more heterogeneous. The large majority of teachers have sufficient skills for everyday and routine working practices, but many of them still have difficulties in finding a meaningful pedagogical use for technology. The intensive case study indicated that for the majority of teachers the intensive ICT projects offer a possibility for learning new skills and competences intertwined in the work, often also supported by external experts and a collaborative teacher community; a possibility that “ordinary” teachers usually do not have. Further, teachers’ good ICT competence help them to adopt new pedagogical practices and integrate ICT in a meaningful way. The genders differ in their use of and skills in ICT: males show better skills especially in purely technical issues also in schools and classrooms, whereas female students and younger female teachers use ICT in their ordinary practices quite naturally. With time, the technology has become less technical and its communication and creation affordances have become stronger, easier to use, more popular and motivating, all of which has increased female interest in the technology. There is a generation gap in ICT use and competence between teachers and students. This is apparent especially in the ICT-related pedagogical practices in the majority of schools. The new digital affordances not only replace some previous practices; the new functionalities change many of our existing conceptions, values, attitudes and practices. The very different conceptions that generations have about technology leads, in the worst case, to a digital gap in education; the technology used in school is boring and ineffective compared to the ICT use outside school, and it does not provide the competence needed for using advanced technology in learning. The results indicate that in schools which have special ICT projects (“ICT pilot schools”) for improving pedagogy, these have led to true changes in teaching practices. Many teachers adopted student-centred and collaborative, inquiry-oriented teaching practices as well as practices that supported students' authentic activities, independent work, knowledge building, and students' responsibility. This is, indeed, strongly dependent on the ICT-related pedagogical competence of the teacher. However, the daily practices of some teachers still reflected a rather traditional teacher-centred approach. As a matter of fact, very few teachers ever represented solely, e.g. the knowledge building approach; teachers used various approaches or mixed them, based on the situation, teaching and learning goals, and on their pedagogical and technical competence. In general, changes towards pedagogical improvements even in wellorganised developmental projects are slow. As a result, there are two kinds of ICT stories: successful “ICT pilot schools” with pedagogical innovations related to ICT and with school community level agreement about the visions and aims, and “ordinary schools”, which have no particular interest in or external support for using ICT for improvement, and in which ICT is used in a more routine way, and as a tool for individual teachers, not for the school community.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka pilottiprojektien pohjalta voidaan kehittää toimiva prosessimalli. Prosessi, johon uudenlaista kehitystapaa lähdettiin hakemaan, oli Etelä-Karjalan ammattiopiston opettajien työelämäjaksojen toteutusprosessi. Opettajien työelämäjakson erilaisia toteutusmalleja oli testattu jo useammassa eri erilaisten rahoitusten avustuksella perustetuissa pilottiprojektissa. Ulkopuolisen rahoituksen päättyessä tuli ajankohtaiseksi kehittää Etelä-Karjalan ammattiopistolle oma työelämäjaksojen toteutusmalli. Mallin kehitystyössä voitiin hyödyntää aikaisemmista projekteista saatuja palautteita, jolloin mallin kehitystyö lähti liikkeelle tiedossa jo olevista asiakkaan toiveista ja tarpeista. Toimintaa kehitettiin prosessina, koska Etelä-Karjalan ammattiopistossa on alettu satsaamaan voimakkaasti laatuun ja laadun jatkuvaan parantamiseen. Laatua taas ei synny ilman, että toiminnat määriteltäisiin ja kuvattaisiin prosesseina. Koska koulutusorganisaatioille prosessiajattelu on vielä aika vierasta, tässä työssä selvitettiin ensin teoriakatsauksen pohjalta, mitä prosessiajattelu tarkoittaa ja mitä hyötyjä sillä voidaan saavuttaa julkisella sektorilla. Lisäksi kartoitettiin niitä tapoja ja keinoja, joiden avulla prosesseja voitaisiin parantaa ja uudistaa. Prosessin uudistamisprosessiin löytyi teorian pohjalta työkalu, jota muokattiin niin, että sitä voitiin hyödyntää juuri tämäntyyppisessä uudistustyössä. Työn lopputuloksena syntyi työelämäjakson toteutusta kuvaava prosessimalli, jota on jatkossa tarkoitus testata ja kehittää työelämäjaksoilta saadun palautteen perusteella.