127 resultados para Micro and small companies
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
On selvää, että tänä päivänä maailmankaupan painopiste on hiljalleen siirtymässä Aasiaan ja varsinkin Kiina on ollut huomion keskipisteessä. Erityisesti valmistavien yritysten perspektiivistä muutos on ollut merkittävä ja tämä tosiasia kasvattaa yrityksissä paineita luoda kustannustehokkaita toimitusketjuratkaisuja,joiden vasteaika on mahdollisimman lyhyt. Samaan aikaan kun tarkastellaan kuljetusvirtoja, huomattaan että maanosien välillä on suuri epätasapaino. Tämä on enimmäkseen seurausta suurten globaalisti toimivien yritysten toimitusketjustrategioista. Useimmat näistä toimijoista optimoivat verkostonsa turvautumalla 'paikalliseen hankintaan', jotta he voisivat paremmin hallita toimitusketjujaan ja saada näitä reagointiherkimmiksi. Valmistusyksiköillä onkin monesti Euroopassa pakko käyttää kalliita raaka-aineita ja puolivalmisteita. Kriittisiksi tekijöiksi osoittautuvat kuljetus- ja varastointikustannukset sekä näiden seurauksena hukka-aika, joka aiheutuu viivästyksistä. Voidakseen saavuttaa optimiratkaisun, on tehtävä päätös miten tuotteet varastoidaan: keskitetysti tai hajautetusti ja integroida tämä valinta sopivien kuljetusmuotojen kanssa. Aasiasta Pohjois-Eurooppaan on halpaa käyttää merikuljetusta, mutta operaatio kestää hyvin pitkään - joissain tapauksessa jopa kahdeksan viikkoa. Toisaalta lentokuljetus on sekä kallis että rajoittaa siirrettävien tuotteiden eräkokoa.On olemassa kolmaskin vaihtoehto, josta voisi olla ratkaisuksi: rautatiekuljetus on halvempi kuin lentokuljetus ja vasteajat ovat lyhyemmät kuin merikuljetuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tilannetta selvitetään kyselyllä, joka suunnattiin Suomessa ja Ruotsissa toimiville yrityksille. Tuloksien perusteella teemme johtopäätökset siitä, mitkä kuljetusmuotojen markkinaosuudet tulevat olemaan tulevaisuudessa sekä luomme kuvan kuljetusvirroista Euroopan, Venäjän, Etelä-Korea, Intian, Kiinan ja Japanin välillä. Samalla on tarkoitus ennakoida sitä, miten tarkastelun kohteena olevat yritykset aikovat kehittää kuljetuksiaan ja varastointiaan tulevien vuosien aikana. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että seuraavan viiden vuoden kuluessa kuljetuskustannukset eivät merkittävissä määrin tule muuttuman ja meri- sekä kumipyöräkuljetukset pysyvät suosituimpina vaihtoehtoina.Kuitenkin lentokuljetusten osuus laskee hiukan, kun taas rautatiekuljetusten painotus kasvaa. Tulokset paljastavat, että Kiinassa ja Venäjällä kuljetettava konttimäärä kasvaa; Intiassa tulos on saman suuntainen, joskaan ei niin voimakas. Analyysimme mukaan kuljetusvirtoihin liittyvä epätasapaino säilyy Venäjän kuljetusten suhteen: yritykset jatkavat tulevaisuudessakin vientiperusteista strategiaansa. Varastoinnin puolella tunnistamme pienemmän muutoksen, jonka mukaan pienikokoisten varastojen määrät todennäköisesti vähenevät tulevaisuudessa ja kiinnostus isoja varastoja kohtaan lisääntyy. Tässä kohtaa on mainittava, että suomalaisilla yrityksillä on enemmän varastoja Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa verrattuna ruotsalaisiin toimijoihin, jotka keskittyvät selkeämmin Länsi-Euroopan maihin. Varastoja yrityksillä on molemmissa tapaukissa paljolti kotimaassaan. Valitessaan varastojensa sijoituskohteita yritykset painottavat seuraavia kriteereitä: alhaiset jakelukustannukset, kokoamispaikan/valmistustehtaan läheisyys, saapuvan logistiikan integroitavuus ja saatavilla olevat logistiikkapalvelut. Tutkimuksemme lopussa päädymme siihen, että varastojen sijoituspaikat eivät muutu satamien rakenteen ja liikenneyhteyksien takia kovinkaan nopeasti.
For more than a decade, researchers have been aware of the increased pace of small-firm internationalization and the greater effect of these rapidly growing small businesses on the wealth, international trade, and job-creation opportunities of countries. Due to the small size of the home market, Finnish companies have been generally considered highly interested in internationalization. One particular domain in which rapid internationalization has been considered feasible is the global software business, with its knowledge-intensive nature and high growth potential. However, over time the failure rate of small entrepreneurial firms has remained especially high in high-technology markets. One of the reasons for this seems to lie in the fact that these companies are often formed by people with a strong technological background but limited competences in other areas. Further, research on the marketing capabilities of rapidly internationalizing high-tech firms has been scarce thus far. In addition, while there is much research on the first years of operations of rapidly internationalizing companies, it is not well known what becomes of them later on. Therefore, there is a need for more investigation into the managerial mindset, competences and decision-making in these small companies, especially from the perspective of how they acquire and exploit market knowledge, and enhance their networking capabilities in order to promote international expansion. The present study focuses on market orientation in small software firms that internationalize their operations rapidly in global software markets. It builds on qualitative data to illustrate how these companies develop their market-oriented product-market strategies during the process of increasing international commitment. It also shows how they manage their network relationships in order to be able to offer better customer service and to thrive in the fierce global competition. The study was conducted in the empirical context of Finnish small software companies, and the main data consists of interviews with top managers in these businesses. The interviews were designed to cover a minimum period of five years of the company's international operations, thus offering a retrospective in-depth perspective on market orientation, internationalization and partnerships in the given context. One particular focus is on less successfully internationalized software companies, and the challenges they face when approaching international markets. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on market orientation for several reasons. First, building on data from the software industry, it clarifies the existing theory in the context of rapid internationalization and network relationships. Secondly, it provides a good body of evidence on market orientation in both successfully and less successfully internationalized companies, and identifies the key related differences between the two company groups. Thirdly, it highlights the importance of inter-firm networks in the rapid internationalization of small software firms, providing companies with important market knowledge and, in some cases, management challenges. Fourthly, this investigation clarifies market orientation in the context of different software-product strategies, thus, combining the perspectives of market orientation in both manufacturing and services. In sum, the results of the study are significant for both small software firms and public-policy makers since they shed light on the market-oriented managerial mindset and the market-information gathering and sharing processes that are needed in successful rapid internationalization.
In this research we are examining what is the status of logistics and operations management in Finnish and Swedish companies. Empirical data is based on the web based questionnaire, which was completed in the end of 2007 and early 2008. Our examination consists of roughly 30 answers from largest manufacturing (highest representation in our sample), trade and logistics/distribution companies. Generally it could be argued that these companies operate in complex environment, where number of products, raw materials/components and suppliers is high. However, usually companies rely on small amount of suppliers per raw material/component (highest frequency is 2), and this was especially the case among Swedish companies, and among those companies, which favoured overseas sourcing. Sample consisted of companies which mostly are operating in an international environment, and are quite often multinationals. Our survey findings reveal that companies in general have taken logistics and information technology as part of their strategy process; utilization of performance measures as well as system implementations have followed the strategy decisions. In the transportation mode side we identify that road transports dominate all transport flow classes (inbound, internal and outbound), followed by sea and air. Surprisingly small amount of companies use railways, but in general we could argue that Swedish companies prefer this mode over Finnish counterparts. With respect of operations outsourcing, we found that more traditional areas of logistics outsourcing are driving factors in company's performance measurement priority. In contrary to previous research, our results indicate that the scope of outsourcing is not that wide in logistics/operations management area, and companies are not planning to outsource more in the near future. Some support is found for more international operations and increased outsourcing activity. From the increased time pressure of companies, we find evidence that local as well as overseas customers expect deliveries within days or weeks, but suppliers usually supply within weeks or months. So, basically this leads into considerable inventory holding. Interestingly local and overseas sourcing strategy does not have that great influence on lead time performance of these particular sourcing areas - local strategy is anyway considerably better in responding on market changes due to shorter supply lead times. In the end of our research work we have completed correlation analysis concerning items asked with Likert scale. Our analysis shows that seeing logistics more like a process rather than function, applying time based management, favouring partnerships and measuring logistics within different performance dimensions results on preferred features and performance found in logistics literature.
The current research emphasizes on various questions raised and deliberated upon by different entrepreneurs. It provides a valuable contribution to comprehend the importance of social media and ICT-applications. Furthermore, it demonstrates how to support and implement the management consulting and business coaching start-ups with the help of social media and ICT-tools. The thesis presents a literary review from different information systems science, SME and e-business journals, web articles, as well as, survey analysis reports on social media applications. The methodology incorporated into a qualitative research method in which social anthropological approaches were used to oversee the case study activities in order to collect data. The collaborative social research approach was used to shelter the action research method. The research discovered that new business start-ups, as well as small businesses do not use social media and ICT-tools, unlike most of the large corporations use. At present, the current open-source ICT-technologies and social media applications are equally available for new and small businesses as they are available for larger companies. Successful implementation of social media and ICT-applications can easily enhance start-up performance and overcome business hassles. The thesis sheds some light on effective and innovative implementation of social media and ICT-applications for new business risk takers and small business birds. Key words
Traditionally metacognition has been theorised, methodologically studied and empirically tested from the standpoint mainly of individuals and their learning contexts. In this dissertation the emergence of metacognition is analysed more broadly. The aim of the dissertation was to explore socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) as part of collaborative learning processes taking place in student dyads and small learning groups. The specific aims were to extend the concept of individual metacognition to SSMR, to develop methods to capture and analyse SSMR and to validate the usefulness of the concept of SSMR in two different learning contexts; in face-to-face student dyads solving mathematical word problems and also in small groups taking part in inquiry-based science learning in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. This dissertation is comprised of four studies. In Study I, the main aim was to explore if and how metacognition emerges during problem solving in student dyads and then to develop a method for analysing the social level of awareness, monitoring, and regulatory processes emerging during the problem solving. Two dyads comprised of 10-year-old students who were high-achieving especially in mathematical word problem solving and reading comprehension were involved in the study. An in-depth case analysis was conducted. Data consisted of over 16 (30–45 minutes) videotaped and transcribed face-to-face sessions. The dyads solved altogether 151 mathematical word problems of different difficulty levels in a game-format learning environment. The interaction flowchart was used in the analysis to uncover socially shared metacognition. Interviews (also stimulated recall interviews) were conducted in order to obtain further information about socially shared metacognition. The findings showed the emergence of metacognition in a collaborative learning context in a way that cannot solely be explained by individual conception. The concept of socially-shared metacognition (SSMR) was proposed. The results highlighted the emergence of socially shared metacognition specifically in problems where dyads encountered challenges. Small verbal and nonverbal signals between students also triggered the emergence of socially shared metacognition. Additionally, one dyad implemented a system whereby they shared metacognitive regulation based on their strengths in learning. Overall, the findings suggested that in order to discover patterns of socially shared metacognition, it is important to investigate metacognition over time. However, it was concluded that more research on socially shared metacognition, from larger data sets, is needed. These findings formed the basis of the second study. In Study II, the specific aim was to investigate whether socially shared metacognition can be reliably identified from a large dataset of collaborative face-to-face mathematical word problem solving sessions by student dyads. We specifically examined different difficulty levels of tasks as well as the function and focus of socially shared metacognition. Furthermore, the presence of observable metacognitive experiences at the beginning of socially shared metacognition was explored. Four dyads participated in the study. Each dyad was comprised of high-achieving 10-year-old students, ranked in the top 11% of their fourth grade peers (n=393). Dyads were from the same data set as in Study I. The dyads worked face-to-face in a computer-supported, game-format learning environment. Problem-solving processes for 251 tasks at three difficulty levels taking place during 56 (30–45 minutes) lessons were video-taped and analysed. Baseline data for this study were 14 675 turns of transcribed verbal and nonverbal behaviours observed in four study dyads. The micro-level analysis illustrated how participants moved between different channels of communication (individual and interpersonal). The unit of analysis was a set of turns, referred to as an ‘episode’. The results indicated that socially shared metacognition and its function and focus, as well as the appearance of metacognitive experiences can be defined in a reliable way from a larger data set by independent coders. A comparison of the different difficulty levels of the problems suggested that in order to trigger socially shared metacognition in small groups, the problems should be more difficult, as opposed to moderately difficult or easy. Although socially shared metacognition was found in collaborative face-to-face problem solving among high-achieving student dyads, more research is needed in different contexts. This consideration created the basis of the research on socially shared metacognition in Studies III and IV. In Study III, the aim was to expand the research on SSMR from face-to-face mathematical problem solving in student dyads to inquiry-based science learning among small groups in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The specific aims were to investigate SSMR’s evolvement and functions in a CSCL environment and to explore how SSMR emerges at different phases of the inquiry process. Finally, individual student participation in SSMR during the process was studied. An in-depth explanatory case study of one small group of four girls aged 12 years was carried out. The girls attended a class that has an entrance examination and conducts a language-enriched curriculum. The small group solved complex science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry during 22 lessons (á 45–minute). Students’ network discussion were recorded in written notes (N=640) which were used as study data. A set of notes, referred to here as a ‘thread’, was used as the unit of analysis. The inter-coder agreement was regarded as substantial. The results indicated that SSMR emerges in a small group’s asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in the science domain. Hence, the results of Study III were in line with the previous Study I and Study II and revealed that metacognition cannot be reduced to the individual level alone. The findings also confirm that SSMR should be examined as a process, since SSMR can evolve during different phases and that different SSMR threads overlapped and intertwined. Although the classification of SSMR’s functions was applicable in the context of CSCL in a small group, the dominant function was different in the asynchronous CSCL inquiry in the small group in a science activity than in mathematical word problem solving among student dyads (Study II). Further, the use of different analytical methods provided complementary findings about students’ participation in SSMR. The findings suggest that it is not enough to code just a single written note or simply to examine who has the largest number of notes in the SSMR thread but also to examine the connections between the notes. As the findings of the present study are based on an in-depth analysis of a single small group, further cases were examined in Study IV, as well as looking at the SSMR’s focus, which was also studied in a face-to-face context. In Study IV, the general aim was to investigate the emergence of SSMR with a larger data set from an asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in small student groups carrying out science activities. The specific aims were to study the emergence of SSMR in the different phases of the process, students’ participation in SSMR, and the relation of SSMR’s focus to the quality of outcomes, which was not explored in previous studies. The participants were 12-year-old students from the same class as in Study III. Five small groups consisting of four students and one of five students (N=25) were involved in the study. The small groups solved ill-defined science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry over a total period of 22 hours. Written notes (N=4088) detailed the network discussions of the small groups and these constituted the study data. With these notes, SSMR threads were explored. As in Study III, the thread was used as the unit of analysis. In total, 332 notes were classified as forming 41 SSMR threads. Inter-coder agreement was assessed by three coders in the different phases of the analysis and found to be reliable. Multiple methods of analysis were used. Results showed that SSMR emerged in all the asynchronous CSCL inquiry processes in the small groups. However, the findings did not reveal any significantly changing trend in the emergence of SSMR during the process. As a main trend, the number of notes included in SSMR threads differed significantly in different phases of the process and small groups differed from each other. Although student participation was seen as highly dispersed between the students, there were differences between students and small groups. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the amount of SSMR during the process or participation structure did not explain the differences in the quality of outcomes for the groups. Rather, when SSMRs were focused on understanding and procedural matters, it was associated with achieving high quality learning outcomes. In turn, when SSMRs were focused on incidental and procedural matters, it was associated with low level learning outcomes. Hence, the findings imply that the focus of any emerging SSMR is crucial to the quality of the learning outcomes. Moreover, the findings encourage the use of multiple research methods for studying SSMR. In total, the four studies convincingly indicate that a phenomenon of socially shared metacognitive regulation also exists. This means that it was possible to define the concept of SSMR theoretically, to investigate it methodologically and to validate it empirically in two different learning contexts across dyads and small groups. In-depth micro-level case analysis in Studies I and III showed the possibility to capture and analyse in detail SSMR during the collaborative process, while in Studies II and IV, the analysis validated the emergence of SSMR in larger data sets. Hence, validation was tested both between two environments and within the same environments with further cases. As a part of this dissertation, SSMR’s detailed functions and foci were revealed. Moreover, the findings showed the important role of observable metacognitive experiences as the starting point of SSMRs. It was apparent that problems dealt with by the groups should be rather difficult if SSMR is to be made clearly visible. Further, individual students’ participation was found to differ between students and groups. The multiple research methods employed revealed supplementary findings regarding SSMR. Finally, when SSMR was focused on understanding and procedural matters, this was seen to lead to higher quality learning outcomes. Socially shared metacognition regulation should therefore be taken into consideration in students’ collaborative learning at school similarly to how an individual’s metacognition is taken into account in individual learning.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida 74 sellu- ja paperiyrityksen taloudellista suorituskykyä kannattavuutta, maksuvalmiutta, vakavaraisuutta ja arvonluontikykyä kuvaavilla tunnusluvuilla. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa esittelee liiketoiminta-analyysin välineet, jonka jälkeen esitellään taloudelliset tunnusluvut. Empiriaosassa käydään läpi vuoden 2005 tunnusluvut yritystasolla. Jotta voidaan tarkastella tunnuslukujen muutoksia pitkällä aikavälillä, yritykset ryhmitellään maantieteellisen sijainnin sekä liiketoimintaorientaation mukaan. Tutkimus on kuvaileva. Tunnusluvuista voidaan todeta sellu- ja paperiteollisuudessa meneillään oleva toimialan rakennemuutos. Eteläamerikkalaiset yritykset, jotka hyötyvät uudesta ja kustannustehokkaasta raaka-aineesta, ovat siirtyneet lähemmäs arvonluontia, kun taas suurin osa pohjoisamerikkalaisista yrityksistä, jotka olivat toimialan johtavia arvonluojia, ovat nyt arvon tuhoajia. Toimiala kärsii myös alhaisesta kannattavuudesta, joka vaikuttaa eniten pohjoisamerikkalaisiin yrityksiin. Samaan aikaan eteläamerikkalaiset yritykset ovat nostaneet kannattavuuttaan, mikä puolestaan korostaa meneillään olevaa muutosta.
There are several alternatives for valuing the future opportunities of firms. The traditional appraisal methods for single projects such as net present value, internalrate of return and payback rules have been criticized in recent years. It has been said that they do not take into account all growth opportunities of firms. At the company level, business valuation is traditionally based on financial and market information. Yield estimates, net worth values and market values of shares are commonly used. Naturally, all valuation methods have their own strengths and shortcomings. In the background of most estimation rules there is the idea that the future of the firms is quite clear and predictable. However, in recent times the business environment of most companies has changed to a more unpredictable direction and the effects of uncertainty have increased. There has been a growing interest in estimating the risks and values of future possibilities. The aim of the current paper is to describe the difference between the value of futureopportunities in information technology firms and forest companies, and also toanalyse the backgrounds for the observed gap.
The overall purpose of this thesis was to increase the knowledge on the biogeochemistry of rural acid sulphate (AS) soil environments and urban forest ecosystems near small towns in Western Finland. In addition, the potential causal relationship between the distribution of AS soils and geographical occurence of multiple sclerosis (MS) disease was assessed based on a review of existing literature and data. Acid sulphate soils, which occupy an area of approximately 17–24 million hectare worldwide, are regarded as the nastiest soils in the world. Independent of the geographical locality of these soils, they pose a great threat to their surrounding environment if disturbed. The abundant metal-rich acid drainage from Finnish AS soils, which is a result of sulphide oxidation due to artificial farmland drainage, has significant but spatially and temporally variable ecotoxicological impacts on biodiversity and community structure of fish, benthic invertebrates and macrophytes. This has resulted in mass fish kills and even eradication of sensitive fish species in affected waters. Moreover, previous investigations demonstrated significantly enriched concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Al, metals which are abundantly mobilised in AS soils, in agricultural crops (timothy grass and oats) and approximately 50 times higher concentrations of Al in cow milk originating from AS soils in Western Finland. Nevertheless, the results presented here demonstrate, in general, relatively moderate metal concentrations in oats and cabbage grown on AS soils in Western Finland, although some of the studied fields showed anomalous values of metals (e.g. Co and Ni) in both the soil and target plants (especially oats), similar to that of the previous investigations. The results indicated that the concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Zn in oats and Co and Zn in cabbage were governed by soil geochemistry as these metals were correlated with corresponding concentrations extracted from the soil by NH4Ac-EDTA and NH4Ac, respectively. The concentrations of Cu and Fe in oats and cabbage were uncorrelated to that of the easily soluble concentrations in the soils, suggesting that biological processes (e.g. plant-root processes) overshadow geochemical variation. The concentrations of K and Mg in cabbage, which showed a low spread and were strongly correlated to the NH4Ac extractable contents in the soil, were governed by both the bioavailable fractions in the topsoil and plant-uptake mechanisms. The plant´s ability to regulate its uptake of Ca and P (e.g. through root exudates) seemed to be more important than the influence of soil geochemistry. The distribution of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and S within humus, moss and needles in and around small towns was to a high degree controlled by biological cycling, which was indicated by the low correlation coefficients for P, K, Ca, Mg and S between humus and moss, and the low spread of these nutrients in moss and needles. The concentration variations of elements in till are mainly due to natural processes (e.g. intrusions, weathering, mineralogical variations in the bedrock). There was a strong spatial pattern for B in humus, moss and needles, which was suggested to be associated with anthropogenic emissions from nearby town centres. Geogenic dust affected the spatial distribution of Fe and Cr in moss, while natural processes governed the Fe anomaly found in the needles. The spatial accumulation patterns of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb in humus and moss were strong and diverse, and related to current industry, the former steel industry, coal combustion, and natural geochemical processes. An intriguing Cu anomaly was found in moss. Since it was located close to a main railway line and because the railway line´s electric cables are made of Cu, it was suggested that the reason for the Cu anomaly is corrosion of these cables. In Western Finland, where AS soils are particularly abundant and enrich the metal concentrations of stream waters, cow milk and to some extent crops, an environmental risk assessment would be motivated to elucidate if the metal dispersion affect human health. Within this context, a topic of concern is the distribution of multiple sclerosis as high MS prevalence rates are found in the main area of AS soils. Regionally, the AS soil type in the Seinäjoki area has been demonstrated to be very severe in terms of metal leaching, this area also shows one of the highest MS rates reported worldwide. On a local scale, these severe AS soil types coincide well with the corresponding MS clustering along the Kyrönjoki River in Seinäjoki. There are reasons to suspect that these spatial correlations are causal, as multiple sclerosis has been suggested to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Actually, the term innovation seems to be one of the most used in any kind of business practices. However, in order to get value from it, companies need to define a systematic and structured way to manage innovation. This process can be difficult and very risky since it is associated with the development of firm´s capabilities which involves human and technical challenges according to the context of a firm. Additionally, it seems not to exist a magic formula to manage innovation and what may work in a company may not work in another, even though in the same type of industry. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to identify how the oil and gas companies can manage innovation and what are the main elements, their interrelations and structure, required for managing innovation effectively in this critical sector for the world economy. The study follows a holistic single case study in a National Oil Company (NOC) of a developing country to explore how innovation performs in the industry, what are the main elements regarding innovation management and their interactions according to the nature of the industry. Contributory literature and qualitative data from the case study company (with the use of non-standardized interviews) is collected and analyzed. The research confirms the relevance and importance of the definition and implementation of an innovation framework in order to ensure the generation of value and organize as well as guide the efforts in innovation done by a firm. In this way based on the theoretical background, research´s findings, and in the company´s innovation environment and conditions, a framework for managing innovation at the case study company is suggested. This study is one of the few, if not only one, that has reviewed the way as oil and gas companies manage innovation and its practical implementation in a company from a developing country. Both researchers and practitioners will get a photograph of understanding innovation management in the oil and gas industry and its growing necessity in the business world. Some issues have been highlighted, so that future study can be focused in those directions. In fact, even though research on innovation management has significantly grown, there are still many issues that need to be addressed to get insight about managing innovation in various contexts and industries. Studies are mostly performed in the context of large firms and in developed countries, so then research in the context of developing countries is still almost an untouched area, especially in the oil and gas industry. Finally, from the research it seems crucial to explore the effect of some innovation-related variables such as: open innovation in third world economies and in state-own companies; the impact of mergers and acquisitions in innovation performance in oil and gas companies; value measurement in the first stages of the innovation process; and, development of innovation capabilities in companies from developing nations.
Mitosis is under the stringent quality control of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). However, in cancer cells this control can fail, leading to excessive cellular proliferation and ultimately to the formation of a tumor. Novel cancer cell selective therapies are needed to stop the uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumor growth. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to identify microRNAs (miRNAs) that could play a role in cancer cell proliferation as well as low molecular weight (LMW) compounds that could interfere with cell division. The findings could be used to develop better cancer diagnostics and therapies in the future. First, a high-throughput screen (HTS) was performed to identify LMW compounds that possess a similar chemical interaction field as rigosertib, an anti-cancer compound undergoing clinical trials. A compound termed Centmitor-1 was discovered that phenocopied the cellular impact of rigosertib by affecting the microtubule dynamics. Next, another HTS aimed at identifying compounds that would target the Hec1 protein, which mediates the interaction between spindle microtubules and chromosomes. Perturbation of this connection should prevent cell division and induce cell death. A compound termed VTT-006 was discovered that abrogated mitosis in several cell line models and exhibited binding to Hec1 in vitro. Lastly, using a cell-based HTS two miRNAs were identified that affected cancer cell proliferation via Aurora B kinase, which is an important mitotic regulator. MiR-378a-5p was found to indirectly suppress the production of the kinase whereas let-7b showed direct binding to the 3’UTR of Aurora B mRNA and repressed its translation. The miRNA-mediated perturbation of Aurora B induced defects in mitosis leading to abnormal chromosome segregation and induction of aneuploidy. The results of this thesis provide new information on miRNA signaling in cancer, which could be utilized for diagnostic purposes. Moreover, the thesis introduces two small compounds that may benefit future drug research.
This thesis presents an analysis of recently enacted Russian renewable energy policy based on capacity mechanism. Considering its novelty and poor coverage by academic literature, the aim of the thesis is to analyze capacity mechanism influence on investors’ decision-making process. The current research introduces a number of approaches to investment analysis. Firstly, classical financial model was built with Microsoft Excel® and crisp efficiency indicators such as net present value were determined. Secondly, sensitivity analysis was performed to understand different factors influence on project profitability. Thirdly, Datar-Mathews method was applied that by means of Monte Carlo simulation realized with Matlab Simulink®, disclosed all possible outcomes of investment project and enabled real option thinking. Fourthly, previous analysis was duplicated by fuzzy pay-off method with Microsoft Excel®. Finally, decision-making process under capacity mechanism was illustrated with decision tree. Capacity remuneration paid within 15 years is calculated individually for each RE project as variable annuity that guarantees a particular return on investment adjusted on changes in national interest rates. Analysis results indicate that capacity mechanism creates a real option to invest in renewable energy project by ensuring project profitability regardless of market conditions if project-internal factors are managed properly. The latter includes keeping capital expenditures within set limits, production performance higher than 75% of target indicators, and fulfilling localization requirement, implying producing equipment and services within the country. Occurrence of real option shapes decision-making process in the following way. Initially, investor should define appropriate location for a planned power plant where high production performance can be achieved, and lock in this location in case of competition. After, investor should wait until capital cost limit and localization requirement can be met, after that decision to invest can be made without any risk to project profitability. With respect to technology kind, investment into solar PV power plant is more attractive than into wind or small hydro power, since it has higher weighted net present value and lower standard deviation. However, it does not change decision-making strategy that remains the same for each technology type. Fuzzy pay-method proved its ability to disclose the same patterns of information as Monte Carlo simulation. Being effective in investment analysis under uncertainty and easy in use, it can be recommended as sufficient analytical tool to investors and researchers. Apart from described results, this thesis contributes to the academic literature by detailed description of capacity price calculation for renewable energy that was not available in English before. With respect to methodology novelty, such advanced approaches as Datar-Mathews method and fuzzy pay-off method are applied on the top of investment profitability model that incorporates capacity remuneration calculation as well. Comparison of effects of two different RE supporting schemes, namely Russian capacity mechanism and feed-in premium, contributes to policy comparative studies and exhibits useful inferences for researchers and policymakers. Limitations of this research are simplification of assumptions to country-average level that restricts our ability to analyze renewable energy investment region wise and existing limitation of the studying policy to the wholesale power market that leaves retail markets and remote areas without our attention, taking away medium and small investment into renewable energy from the research focus. Elimination of these limitations would allow creating the full picture of Russian renewable energy investment profile.
Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia minkälaisia kasvupyrkimyksiä Suomessa toimivilla pienillä kiinteistösijoittajilla tai kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöillä on. Tutkimuksen pohjaksi esiteltiin yrityksen strategiateoriaa ja kasvun malleja pienyritysnäkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tulokset voivat antaa yrittäjille mietteitä kasvamisen suunnitelmallisuudesta ja sen hyödyistä. Tutkimusosuus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 16 pientä kiinteistösijoittajaa nettipohjaisen kyselyn avulla. Painopiste oli vapaissa vastauksissa ja tällä pyrittiin saamaan laajoja mielipiteitä. Kohdeyritykset valittiin sattumalta tutkijan lähipiiriin kuuluvien yrittäjien avulla. Maantieteellinen jakauma oli laaja, koko maan kattava. Kohdeyrityksistä haastateltiin yhtä henkilöä, joka oli tyypillisesti yrityksen omistaja. Haastatteluista saatua materiaalia analysoitiin strategisten näkemysten ja yrityksen kasvuteorioiden valossa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että pienyrittäjät suhtautuvat kiinteistösijoittamiseen lähinnä säästämismuotona eikä niinkään systemaattisena yrittämisenä. Useat vastaajat tekivät kiinteistösijoittamista osa-aikaisesti. Kasvua tavoittelee kyllä valtaosa yrityksistä, mutta sen eteen ei tehdä juuri mitään. Odotellaan vain sopivia kohteita ostettavaksi. Kasvamisen määrä riippuu hyvin pitkälti yrittäjän persoonasta. Jos yrittäjä on kunnianhimoinen toiminnan kasvattaja, niin se heijastuu myös hänen harjoittamaan kiinteistösijoittamiseen.
This thesis presents security issues and vulnerabilities in home and small office local area networks that can be used in cyber-attacks. There is previous research done on single vulnerabilities and attack vectors, but not many papers present full scale attack examples towards LAN. First this thesis categorizes different security threads and later in the paper methods to launch the attacks are shown by example. Offensive security and penetration testing is used as research methods in this thesis. As a result of this thesis an attack is conducted using vulnerabilities in WLAN, ARP protocol, browser as well as methods of social engineering. In the end reverse shell access is gained to the target machine. Ready-made tools are used in the attack and their inner workings are described. Prevention methods are presented towards the attacks in the end of the thesis.
Tietojärjestelmien strateginen kehittäminen on ollut niin liike-elämän kiinnostuksen kuin akateemisen tutkimuksenkin kohteena jo pitkään. Aihe on edelleen ajankohtainen, eikä ajankohtaisuus osoita laantumisen merkkejä. Valtaosa tutkimuksesta on kohdistunut suuryrityksiin ja jonkin verran pk-yrityksiin yhtenä ryhmänä. Tutkimus on kohdistunut aiheeseen tarkastelemalla onko tietojärjestelmien ja liiketoimintastrategian välillä yhteyttä, ja jos, onko sillä merkitystä yrityksen menestykselle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli pureutua syvemmälle siihen tapaan, jolla yritys kytkee liiketoimintastrategiansa tietojärjestelmähankintaan. Kohdetietojärjestelmäksi tutkimuksessa valittiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ja yrityskooksi keskisuuret yritykset. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän valintaa voidaan perustella sen kattavuudella yrityksen toiminnassa eri sidosryhmien suunnasta katsottaessa. Keskisuuret yritykset valittiin osittain sen vuoksi, koska niistä ei ole paljoakaan omaa tutkimusta, osittain sen vuoksi, että niiden luonne kehityspolun epäjatkumokohdassa haluttiin nostaa esille. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa pohjautuu kolmeen tutkimustapaukseen, kolmen keskisuuren yrityksen toiminnanohjaushankkeeseen. Tapausyritysten liiketoiminta- ja ITjohtoa haastateltiin, ja lisäksi käytettiin kaikkea saataville ollutta kirjallista arkistoaineistoa. Tutkimuksen päämenetelmä oli Grounded Theory (GT). Tutkimustavassa ei, poiketen useista muista laadullisista tutkimustavoista, ole ennalta määrättyä viitekehystä, vaan tutkimus lähtee liikkeelle ns. puhtaalta pöydältä ilman esioletuksia luoden tutkimusprosessin kuluessa uutta teoriaa. Tutkimustavan etuna voidaan pitää ennakkoluulottomuutta. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen rooli tässä tutkimuksessa oli ensinnäkin kartoittaa tutkimusaluetta ja olla johdantona tutkimukselle, toisaalta tuloksia vertailtiin aikaisempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin tarkasti. Ensin aineisto käytiin läpi koodaamalla se aineistosta esille nousseiden käsitteiden alle. Seuraavaksi saatu tulos luokiteltiin aineistosta nousseisiin luokkiin sekä muodostettiin käsitteiden ja luokkien väliset yhteydet. Lopuksi muodostumassa oleva teoria konkretisoitiin 18 hypoteesin ja hypoteesit yhdistävän mallin avulla. Tutkimuksessa saatiin uutta tietoa siitä, miten vaatimusprosessi etenee ja miten keskisuuren yrityksen ominaispiirteet vaikuttavat vaatimusprosessiin. Lisäksi saatiin uutta tietoa siitä, mitkä ovat kriittisiä menestystekijöitä keskisuuren yrityksen toiminnanohjaushankkeessa. Keskisuuretyritykset näyttävät tämän tutkimuksen aineiston perusteella osaavan asettaa vaatimuksia toiminnanohjausjärjestelmälle liiketoimintastrategian, prosessikuvausten ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien suunnista. Vaatimusten toteutumisenarviointi on keskisuurilla yrityksillä epäsystemaattista, kuten aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa on todettu olevan myös suurilla yrityksillä. Resurssivaje vaikeuttaa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän liiketoimintastrategisten vaatimusten toteutumista. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella voidaan päätellä, että keskisuurissa yrityksissä – huolimatta siitä, että niissä on olemassa prosessikuvaukset – ei ole varsinaista prosessiajattelua tai prosessijohtamista. Keskisuuret yritykset eivät tämän tutkimuksen aineiston perusteella näytä muodostavan poikkeusta, vaan mittariston käyttö on epäkypsää, eikä mittaristoa pystytä hyödyntämään tietojärjestelmähankkeen tukena. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan arvioida, että strategisen johtamisen komponentit ovat keskisuuressa yrityksessä toisistaan irrallisia. Vaikka toiminnanohjaushankkeen vaatimuksia asetettaessa liiketoimintastrategia on vahvasti mukana, jää vaatimuksenasettelu karkealle tasolle, eikä konkretisoidu prosesseihin ja mittarointiin. Sen seurauksena toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä ei saada kaikkea sitä hyötyä ja tukea liiketoimintastrategialle, mikä olisi mahdollista. Tutkimuksessa tuli myös esille resurssi- ja osaamispuutteen haittavaikutuksia keskisuurten yritysten toiminnanohjaushankkeiden vaatimusprosessissa. Puutteet yhdistettynä hajallaan oleviin strategisen johtamisen komponentteihin muodostavat yhdessä vaikean lähtökohdan strategiselle toiminnanohjaushankkeelle.