143 resultados para operating costs


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Tutkimuksen aihe liittyy kunnallisten toimitilojen yhtiöittämiskysymykseen, joka on ollut esillä monissa kunnissa useita vuosia ja laajentunut nyt seudulliseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitä hyötyä tai haittaa kunnallisen tai seudullisen toimitilahallinnosta vastaavan yksikön yhtiöittämisestä olisi. Parantaakseen tuottavuutta kunta voi järjestää toimintansa perinteisen kunnallisen organisoinnin sijaan liikelaitoksena tai osakeyhtiönä silloin, kun toiminnan laatu on liiketoiminnan luonteista. Suurin osa kuntien toimitilakiinteistöistä toimii kuntien palvelutuotannon suoranaisena tuotantovälineenä. Kuntien välisen yhteistoiminnan lisääminen voidaan nähdä mahdollisuutena julkisella sektorilla. Sen lisääminen edesauttaa tuottavuuden kasvua ja mahdollistaa palvelujen jatkuvan kehittämisen. Yhtiöittäminen tuo toimintaan mukaan asioita, jotka varmasti tehostavat toimintaa, kuten päätöksenteon nopeutuminen, toiminnan joustavuus, joustava ja kilpailukykyinen henkilöstöhallinto sekä yhtiön toiminnan ja päätösten ei-julkisuus jne. Huonoja puolia yhtiöittämisessä on kuntien kiinteistömenojen mahdollinen nousu käyttötalouspuolella sekä se, että yhtiöllä olisi käytännössä vain muutama asiakas. Suomessa kuntien toimitilahallinto on todennäköisesti menossa kohti yhtiömallia. Vaihtoehtoina yhtiöittämiselle ovat siis liikelaitosmallin kehittäminen ja joissain tapauksissa keskinäinen kiinteistöyhtiömalli. Joka tapauksessa kuntien toimitilahallintoyksiköiden toimintaa ja toimintamallia pitää kehittää, jotta niiden tuottavuus kasvaa sekä toiminta säilyy kannattavana ja järkevänä. Ulkoisten tekijöiden vaikutus kuntien toimitilahallinnon toimintaan kasvaa koko ajan.


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Succeeding in small board lot (0-20 tons) deliveries, is not always prosperous and failures as well as extra costs compared to standard costs arise. Failure deliveries from converting plants to customer locations tie a lot of unwanted and unexpected costs. Extra costs are handled as quality costs and more precise, internal failure costs. These costs revolve from unsuccessful truck payloads, redundant warehousing or unfavorable routing as examples. Quality costs are becoming more and more important factor in company’s financial decision making. Actual, realized truck payload correlates with the extra costs occurring, so filling the truck payload all get-out well is a key to lower the extra costs. Case company in this study is Corporation A, business segment Boards. Boards have outsourced half of their converting in order to gain better customer service via flexibility, lead time reductions and logistics efficiency improvements. Examination period of the study is first two quarters of year 2008 and deliveries examined are from converters to the customer locations. In Corporation A’s case, the total loss in failure deliveries is hundreds of thousands of Euros during the examination period. So, the logistics goal of getting the right product to the right place and right time for the least cost, does not completely realize.


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In this thesis, the purpose was to find the cost distribution of the screen dryer and the largest cost factors. The hot section of the screen dryer was revealed as the biggest cost factor, so composing new cost efficient solutions were directed to it. DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) was chosen to help the design process. DFMA is a product design strategy developed for taking manufacturing and assembly costs into account at the early stages of the design process. In the theory part of the thesis, other methods of economical design and tools needed for estimating manufacturing costs are introduced. In the empirical part, the hot section of the screen dryer was divided into sub-assemblies and their manufacturing costs were estimated. The design propositions were directed to the self-manufactured assemblies and parts. The new manufacturing costs were calculated for the developed propositions. Lastly, the most cost efficient solutions were summarized. The savings on the self-manufactured assemblies were about 40 %, which was about 13 % of the combined total costs of the hot section.


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The maximum realizable power throughput of power electronic converters may be limited or constrained by technical or economical considerations. One solution to this problemis to connect several power converter units in parallel. The parallel connection can be used to increase the current carrying capacity of the overall system beyond the ratings of individual power converter units. Thus, it is possible to use several lower-power converter units, produced in large quantities, as building blocks to construct high-power converters in a modular manner. High-power converters realized by using parallel connection are needed for example in multimegawatt wind power generation systems. Parallel connection of power converter units is also required in emerging applications such as photovoltaic and fuel cell power conversion. The parallel operation of power converter units is not, however, problem free. This is because parallel-operating units are subject to overcurrent stresses, which are caused by unequal load current sharing or currents that flow between the units. Commonly, the term ’circulatingcurrent’ is used to describe both the unequal load current sharing and the currents flowing between the units. Circulating currents, again, are caused by component tolerances and asynchronous operation of the parallel units. Parallel-operating units are also subject to stresses caused by unequal thermal stress distribution. Both of these problemscan, nevertheless, be handled with a proper circulating current control. To design an effective circulating current control system, we need information about circulating current dynamics. The dynamics of the circulating currents can be investigated by developing appropriate mathematical models. In this dissertation, circulating current models aredeveloped for two different types of parallel two-level three-phase inverter configurations. Themodels, which are developed for an arbitrary number of parallel units, provide a framework for analyzing circulating current generation mechanisms and developing circulating current control systems. In addition to developing circulating current models, modulation of parallel inverters is considered. It is illustrated that depending on the parallel inverter configuration and the modulation method applied, common-mode circulating currents may be excited as a consequence of the differential-mode circulating current control. To prevent the common-mode circulating currents that are caused by the modulation, a dual modulator method is introduced. The dual modulator basically consists of two independently operating modulators, the outputs of which eventually constitute the switching commands of the inverter. The two independently operating modulators are referred to as primary and secondary modulators. In its intended usage, the same voltage vector is fed to the primary modulators of each parallel unit, and the inputs of the secondary modulators are obtained from the circulating current controllers. To ensure that voltage commands obtained from the circulating current controllers are realizable, it must be guaranteed that the inverter is not driven into saturation by the primary modulator. The inverter saturation can be prevented by limiting the inputs of the primary and secondary modulators. Because of this, also a limitation algorithm is proposed. The operation of both the proposed dual modulator and the limitation algorithm is verified experimentally.


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Supersonic axial turbine stages typically exhibit lower efficiencies than subsonic axial turbine stages. One reason for the lower efficiency is the occurrence of shock waves. With higher pressure ratios the flow inside the turbine becomes relatively easily supersonic if there is only one turbine stage. Supersonic axial turbines can be designed in smaller physical size compared to subsonic axial turbines of same power. This makes them good candidates for turbochargers in large diesel engines, where space can be a limiting factor. Also the production costs are lower for a supersonic axial turbine stage than for two subsonic stages. Since supersonic axial turbines are typically low reaction turbines, they also create lower axial forces to be compensated with bearings compared to high reaction turbines. The effect of changing the stator-rotor axial gap in a small high (rotational) speed supersonic axial flow turbine is studied in design and off-design conditions. Also the effect of using pulsatile mass flow at the supersonic stator inlet is studied. Five axial gaps (axial space between stator and rotor) are modeled using threedimensional computational fluid dynamics at the design and three axial gaps at the off-design conditions. Numerical reliability is studied in three independent studies. An additional measurement is made with the design turbine geometry at intermediate off-design conditions and is used to increase the reliability of the modelling. All numerical modelling is made with the Navier-Stokes solver Finflo employing Chien’s k ¡ ² turbulence model. The modelling of the turbine at the design and off-design conditions shows that the total-to-static efficiency of the turbine decreases when the axial gap is increased in both design and off-design conditions. The efficiency drops almost linearily at the off-design conditions, whereas the efficiency drop accelerates with increasing axial gap at the design conditions. The modelling of the turbine stator with pulsatile inlet flow reveals that the mass flow pulsation amplitude is decreased at the stator throat. The stator efficiency and pressure ratio have sinusoidal shapes as a function of time. A hysteresis-like behaviour is detected for stator efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of inlet mass flow, over one pulse period. This behaviour arises from the pulsatile inlet flow. It is important to have the smallest possible axial gap in the studied turbine type in order to maximize the efficiency. The results for the whole turbine can also be applied to some extent in similar turbines operating for example in space rocket engines. The use of a supersonic stator in a pulsatile inlet flow is shown to be possible.


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Mutansstreptokokkitartunnan ehkäisemisen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset maitohampaiden terveyteen. Kohorttitutkimus korjaavan hoidon määrästä ja kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaisen mutansstreptokokki (MS)-kolonisaation ehkäisyn pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten maitohampaistossa sekä tarkastella MS-tartunnan estämisen kustannuksia. Tiedot lasten hampaiden terveydestä ja hammashoitotoimenpiteistä syntymästä 10-vuotiaaksi sekä äiteihin kohdistuneen kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista kerättiin Ylivieskan terveyskeskuksen asiakirjoista. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä 507 lasta, heistä 148 oli osallistunut aikaisempaan Ylivieskan äiti-lapsitutkimukseen, jossa verrattiin äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin ja äidille tehtyjen fluori- tai klooriheksidiinilakkausten vaikutusta pikkulasten hampaiden terveyteen. Maitohammaskariesta esiintyi 10-vuotiaaksi asti merkitsevästi vähemmän lapsilla, jotka eivät olleet saaneet MS-tartuntaa alle 2-vuotiaana, heidän maitohampaansa säilyivät 3,4 vuotta kauemmin täysin ehjinä (p<0.001) ja he tarvitsivat vähemmän maitohampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa (p=0.005) kuin lapset, joiden hampaisto oli kolonisoitunut MS-bakteerilla jo 2-vuotiaana. Koska ksylitoliryhmän lasten MS-kolonisaatio oli vähäisintä, heidän maitohampaissaan oli vähemmän kariesta ja korjaavan hoidon tarvetta kuin kahden muun korkeariskisen ryhmän lapsilla. Äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin kustannukset olivat yhteensä 116 euroa ja lapsen maitohampaiden säilyminen täysin ehjinä vuoden pidempään maksoi 37 euroa. Kun MS-tartunta oli saatu estettyä, korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten hampaiden terveys oli samalla tasolla kuin keskimäärin koko ikäkohortilla. Lapsen maitohampaat säilyvät terveinä pidempään ja korjaavan hoidon tarve vähenee, kun MS-kolonisaatio alle 2-vuotiaana saadaan estettyä. Lapsen MS-kolonisaatio vähenee merkitsevästi, kun äiti käyttää ksylitolipurukumia lapsen ollessa 0-2 vuoden ikäinen, siten pikkulapsen äidin säännöllinen ksylitolipurukumin käyttö saattaa olla julkisen tereydenhuollon kannalta tarkoituksenmukainenterveyttä edistävä menetelmä.


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We study how conveyor drives in refrigerating rooms affect total energy costs. Studied conveyor drives are different types of gear motor drives. Energy efficiencies of the conveyor drives are determined by using direct torque measurement and energy costs of the conveyor drives are approximated from these results. From the measurement results and the approximated total costs it can be seen how the energy efficiency of a conveyor drive has a considerable influence on the total costs, especially, with large operating hours. An energy efficient conveyor drive can minimize the total energy costs by reducing the energy consumption of the conveyor motor while cooling costs in refrigerated rooms are also reduced.


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The goal of the study was to analyse orthodontic care in Finnish health centres with special reference to the delivery, outcome and costs of treatment. Public orthodontic care was studied by two questionnaires sent to the chief dental officers of all health centres (n = 276) and to all specialist orthodontists in Finland (n = 146). The large regional variation was mentioned by the orthodontists as the most important factor requiring improvement. Orthodontic practices and outcome were studied in eight Finnish municipal health centres representing early and late timing of treatment. A random sample of 16- and 18-year-olds (n = 1109) living in these municipalities was examined for acceptability of occlusion with the Occlusal Morphology and Function Index (OMFI). In acceptability of occlusion, only minor differences were found between the two timing groups. The percentage of subjects with acceptable morphology was higher among untreated than among treated adolescents. The costs of orthodontic care were estimated among the adolescents with a treatment history. The mean appliance costs were higher in the late, and the mean visit costs higher in the early timing group. The cost-effectiveness of orthodontic services differed among the health centres, but was almost equal in the two timing groups. National guidelines and delegation of orthodontic tasks were suggested as the tools for reducing the variation among the health centres. In the eight health centres, considerable variation was found in acceptability of occlusion and in cost-effectiveness of services. The cost-effectiveness was not directly connected with the timing of treatment.


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Tässä diplomityössä on suoritettu pumppauksen energiansäästökartoitus Nordkalkin Lappeenrannan teollisuuslaitoksessa. Tavoitteena on kuvata teollisuuslaitoksen nykyistä pumppauksen tarvetta sekä etsiä energiansäästökohteita. Työn valmistelussa on käytetty apuna energiankulutustiedoista koostettuja energiataseita sekä yrityksen valmistelemia pumppulistoja. Energiansäästökohteita haettaessa tässä tarkastelutyössä huomio on kohdistettu pumppujen säätötapoihin ja mahdollisuuksiin vähentää virtaamaa tai pumppujärjestelmän kokonaisnostokorkeutta. Pumppujärjestelmän toiminnan määrittämisessä on käytetty hyväksi tilavuusvirran ja sähkötehon mittauksia sekä teoreettista tarkastelua kokonaisnostokorkeuden ja pumpun toimintapisteen selvittämiseksi. Kaikkien tarkasteltavien pumppujen osalta on hyödynnetty laitevalmistajien tarjoamia tietoja. Pumppujen vuotuisen toiminnan arviointi on suoritettu tuotantotietojen sekä käyttöhenkilökunnan haastatteluilla kerätyn tiedon perusteella. Työn lopussa on esitetty tarkastelukohteiksi valittujen pumppujärjestelmien energiatehokkuuden parantamiseksi suositeltavia toimenpiteitä. Suositeltavien toimenpiteiden sisältäessä investointeja on niille laskettu nykyarvot sekä takaisinmaksuajat. Energiansäästökohteiksi valittujen pumppujärjestelmien yhteenlaskettu vuosittainen energiansäästö on 352 MWh/a (24640 €/a) investointikustannusten (hankintakustannukset) ollessa 12000 €.


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Asiakkaiden vaatimusten täyttäminen käytössä olevilla resursseilla edellyttää yrityksiltä usein varastojen pitämistä. Varastot aiheuttavat kuluja ja niihin sitoutuu pääomaa, joten niiden hallinta on yritysten mielenkiinnon kohde. Diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia Peikko Finland Oy:n Teräsosatehtaan varastonohjausmallin toimivuutta sekä luoda ylläpitokelpoinen tapa tuotannonohjausmuodon ja varastoparametrien päivittämiseen. Yritysten käytössä olevien resurssien ollessa rajallisia tulee tärkeiden tuotteiden hallintaan keskittyä. Vähäpätöisempiä nimikkeitäkin on ohjattava, mutta yksinkertaisempien mallien avulla kuin tärkeitä tuotteita. Tuotannon- ja varastonohjauksen tavoitteena on löytää tasapaino pääoman sitoutumisen, asiakkaiden palvelun sekä kapasiteetin käytön väliltä. Niihin vaikuttavat tekijät tulee huomioida mahdollisimman kattavasti tuotannonohjausta ja varastonhallintaa suunniteltaessa, jolloin päästään koko yritystä hyödyttävään lopputulokseen. Yrityksen toimintaympäristö kehittyy jatkuvasti, joten kerran määritetyt tekijä eivät ole relevantteja loputtomiin vaan jatkuvan kehittämisen ja tietojen päivittämisen tulee olla osa yrityksen jokapäiväistä toimintaa. Työssä kehitettiin helposti päivitettävä malli, jonka avulla kohdeyritys pystyy päivittämään nimikkeiden tuotannonohjausmuodot ja varastonohjauksen parametrit.


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Erilaiset sterilointitarpeet ovat olennainen osa biotekniikkaa. Steriloinnit ovat huomattava kuluerä energia-, materiaali- ja laitekäyttöjen takia ja puutteellinen sterilointi voi aiheuttaa huomattavia ylimääräisiä kustannuksia. Eniten teollisesti käytettäviä sterilointimenetelmiä ovat steriilisuodatus, lämpösterilointi, kemiallinen sterilointi ja säteilysterilointi. Näistä lämpösterilointi on selvästi käytetyin menetelmä. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään lämpösteriloinnin kinetiikka ja sterilointityön laskentaan käytetyt menetelmät. Lämpösteriloinnin kinetiikka on mikrobista ja sen olomuodosta riippuvainen ja noudattaa Arrheniuksen lakia. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään myös lämpösterilointiin käytettyjä laitteistoja. Soveltavassa osassa käsitellään panos- ja jatkuvatoimia lämpösterilointeja. Työssä käydään läpi glukoosisiirapin sterilointi vastaavan kapasiteetin panos- ja jatkuvatoimisella sterilointilaitteistolla ja vertaillaan tarvittavia energia- ja hyödykemääriä. Soveltavan osan tietojen perusteella tehdään vertailu eri lämpösterilointimenetelmien kustannuksista sekä muista hyvistä ja huonoista puolista.


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The structural change of society from product-based business to service- and further to need-based business has caused the fact that work for environmental issues has spread from conventional factories and environmentally harmful production to concern services and offices as well. Almost every company has an office, so a relatively small environmental burden caused by an individual office grows remarkable already at the state level and globally even more. Motivation to work for environmental issues in an individual office could be challenging even without the fact that wasted environmental impacts bound also wasted costs. Besides cost savings, a concretely greener image of a company has its value in the B2Cas well as in the B2B-field. Consumers and clients are more and more conscious of environmental issues and demand concrete actions instead of speeches, good thoughts and meaningless certifications. Internal work for environmental issues at a strategy level is not sufficient, so operational environmental management is needed for changing old practices. This research is about the effects of operative environmental management on the greening process of an office-based business. The research is outlined to concern the operative work in the office including field sales. Target was to concretely lower the environmental impacts of Lyreco Finland and to find cost savings directly by changing the operative practices in the office and also indirectly by affecting the level of environmental knowledge of the personnel. During the greening process, the aim was also to create concrete arguments for marketing as well. The circle of greening process, which was especially created for this diploma work, was used as a method. The circle divides a year to themes and sections separated by factors of environmental impacts. Separation is based on Brett Wills’ thoughts of seven green wastes (Wills, Brett. The Green Intensions. 2009) and follows it uneasily. The circle aimed at ensuring evolutionary growth of knowledge instead of being revolutionary in the changing process. Committing personnel to the process from its start by asking ideas from them and giving them clear directions was an important part of the research of operative management. Because of working from distance, communication with personnel was operated by frequent training days and weekly greening notes via emails and intranet. Also availability for communication was an important task because of the telecommuting. Research results of this work show that operative environmental management in an officebased business today is mostly management of change. When the strategic environmental friendliness is taken into a concrete level, the most important individual factor is motivating the operating personnel. Research shows that evolutionary change is found being an efficient way to make a change. Also understanding one´s own impact on the environmental burden and on the whole greening process clearly motivates the personnel. Results show that in the operative realization of the greening process, clear directions of new working practices, being as concrete as possible, and committing personnel to follow them make the process more effective. The operative environmental management and the cycle of the greening process decrease the environmental burden and save costs. The concrete results could be used as believable arguments in marketing and therefore exploited in communication with interest groups. Commitment of the management is also one of the key factors of success in the greening process. In this research, changes in the business field by a company trade took the focus of the management away from the greening process and made the process more inefficient by decreasing the amount of training days. The circle of greening process will be used as a tool in the future, as well, and therefore it will help observe environmental impacts of a company and increase sustainable development. Commitment of management to the evolutionary environmental work helps the operating personnel lower environmental impacts, decrease costs and build a concretely greener image.


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Centrifugal pumps are widely used in industrial and municipal applications, and they are an important end-use application of electric energy. However, in many cases centrifugal pumps operate with a significantly lower energy efficiency than they actually could, which typically has an increasing effect on the pump energy consumption and the resulting energy costs. Typical reasons for this are the incorrect dimensioning of the pumping system components and inefficiency of the applied pump control method. Besides the increase in energy costs, an inefficient operation may increase the risk of a pump failure and thereby the maintenance costs. In the worst case, a pump failure may lead to a process shutdown accruing additional costs. Nowadays, centrifugal pumps are often controlled by adjusting their rotational speed, which affects the resulting flow rate and output pressure of the pumped fluid. Typically, the speed control is realised with a frequency converter that allows the control of the rotational speed of an induction motor. Since a frequency converter can estimate the motor rotational speed and shaft torque without external measurement sensors on the motor shaft, it also allows the development and use of sensorless methods for the estimation of the pump operation. Still today, the monitoring of pump operation is based on additional measurements and visual check-ups, which may not be applicable to determine the energy efficiency of the pump operation. This doctoral thesis concentrates on the methods that allow the use of a frequency converter as a monitoring and analysis device for a centrifugal pump. Firstly, the determination of energy-efficiency- and reliability-based limits for the recommendable operating region of a variable-speed-driven centrifugal pump is discussed with a case study for the laboratory pumping system. Then, three model-based estimation methods for the pump operating location are studied, and their accuracy is determined by laboratory tests. In addition, a novel method to detect the occurrence of cavitation or flow recirculation in a centrifugal pump by a frequency converter is introduced. Its sensitivity compared with known cavitation detection methods is evaluated, and its applicability is verified by laboratory measurements for three different pumps and by using two different frequency converters. The main focus of this thesis is on the radial flow end-suction centrifugal pumps, but the studied methods can also be feasible with mixed and axial flow centrifugal pumps, if allowed by their characteristics.


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Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche - Association of European Research Libraries) on July 1st, 2011; with the slides used at the presentation.