77 resultados para paint packages
The ports of Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki, Naantali and Turku play key roles in making the Central Baltic region accessible. Effective, competitive, eco-friendly and safe port procedures and solutions for the transportation of goods are of major importance for trade in the Baltic Sea region. This report presents the most essential results and recommendations of the PENTA project, which focused on how ports could better comprehend and face current and future challenges facing carriage of goods by sea. Each of the four work packages (WPs) of the PENTA project analysed the changes from a different perspective. WP2 focused on traffic flows between the PENTA ports. Its main emphasis was on the ports, shipowners, and logistics companies that are the key parties in freight transport and on the changes affecting the economy of those ports. In WP3 noise as an environmental challenge for ports was investigated and the analysis also shed light on the relationship between the port and the city. In WP4 procedures related to safety, security and administrative procedures were researched. The main emphasis was on identifying the requirements for the harmonisation of those procedures. Collaboration is highlighted throughout this report. In order to prepare for the future, it was found that ports need to respond to growing competition, increasing costs and shifts in customer demand by strengthening their existing partnerships with other actors in the maritime cluster. Cargo and passenger transport are the main sources of income for most ports. Cargo traffic between the PENTA ports is expected to grow steadily in the future and the outlook for passenger traffic is positive. However, to prepare for the future, ports should not only secure the core activities which generate revenue but also seek alternative ways to make profit. In order to gain more transit traffic, it is suggested that ports conduct a more thorough study of the future requirements for doing business with Russia. The investigation of noise at ports revealed two specific dilemmas that ports cannot solve alone. Firstly, the noise made by vessels and, secondly, the relationship between the port and the surrounding city. Vessels are the most important single noise source in the PENTA ports and also one of the hardest noise sources to handle. Nevertheless, port authorities in Finland and Sweden are held responsible for all noise in the port area, including noise produced by vessels, which is noise the port authority can only influence indirectly. Building housing by waterfront areas close to ports may also initiate disagreements because inhabitants may want quiet areas, whereas port activities always produce some noise from their traffic. The qualitative aspects of the noise question, cooperating with the stakeholders and the communicating of issues related to noise are just as important. We propose that ports should follow the logic of continuous improvement in their noise management. The administrative barriers discussed in this report are mainly caused by differences in international and national legislation, variations in the customs procedures of each country, the incompatibility of the IT systems used in maritime transport, noncompliance with regulations regarding dangerous goods, and difficulties in applying Schengen regulations to vessels from non-EU countries. Improving the situation is out of the hands of the ports to do alone and requires joint action on a variety of levels, including the EU, national authorities and across administrative borders.
Työn aiheena oli tehdä ohut barrierkalvo terä- tai sauvapäällystys menetelmällä. Erilaisissa elintarvikepakkauksissa käytetään hyviä barrier-ominaisuuksia omaavia ohuita päällysteitä. Elintarvikepakkauksen tehtävä on suojata pakattua tuotetta ympäristöltä, mahdollistaa helppo kuljetus ja säilytys sekä antaa tarvittavat tiedot tuotteesta tuotteen käsittelijöille ja loppukäyttäjille. Diplomityön teoriaosuudessa keskityttiin barrierpäällystykseen, eri päällystysmenetelmiin, niiden erityisvaatimuksiin ja ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin myös vaadittavia barrier-ominaisuuksia ja haasteita niiden saavuttamisessa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella haasteiksi nousivat helposti muodostuvat mikroreiät. Kokeellinen osa jakautui kahteen osakokonaisuuteen: laboratoriokokeisiin ja pilot-koeajoon. Laboratoriokokeita tehtiin ennen pilot-ajoa, jotta pilot-koeajoon voitiin valita parhaat päällystereseptit. Pilot-koeajonäytteiden päällystemäärät osoittautuivat liian pieniksi ja siksi laboratoriossa tehtiin jatkotutkimuksia riittävän päällystemäärän saavuttamiseksi. Tämän työnperusteella pohjakartongin ominaisuuksilla, erityisesti karheudella, on merkittävä vaikutus päällystyksen onnistumisessa ja yksinkertaisilla resepteillä ja päällystysmenetelmillä ei saada tarpeeksi laadukasta kalvoa.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The report presents the results of the commercialization project called the Container logistic services for forest bioenergy. The project promotes new business that is emerging around overall container logistic services in the bioenergy sector. The results assess the European markets of the container logistics for biomass, enablers for new business creation and required service bundles for the concept. We also demonstrate the customer value of the container logistic services for different market segments. The concept analysis is based on concept mapping, quality function deployment process (QFD) and business network analysis. The business network analysis assesses key shareholders and their mutual connections. The performance of the roadside chipping chain is analysed by the logistic cost simulation, RFID system demonstration and freezing tests. The EU has set the renewable energy target to 20 % in 2020 of which Biomass could account for two-thirds. In the Europe, the production of wood fuels was 132.9 million solid-m3 in 2012 and production of wood chips and particles was 69.0 million solidm3. The wood-based chips and particle flows are suitable for container transportation providing market of 180.6 million loose- m3 which mean 4.5 million container loads per year. The intermodal logistics of trucks and trains are promising for the composite containers because the biomass does not freeze onto the inner surfaces in the unloading situations. The overall service concept includes several packages: container rental, container maintenance, terminal services, RFID-tracking service, and simulation and ERP-integration service. The container rental and maintenance would provide transportation entrepreneurs a way to increase the capacity without high investment costs. The RFID-concept would lead to better work planning improving profitability throughout the logistic chain and simulation supports fuel supply optimization.
The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) has been growing rapidly in the various fields of science and technology. One of the areas of interest is in biomedical engineering. The altered hemodynamics inside the blood vessels plays a key role in the development of the arterial disease called atherosclerosis, which is the major cause of human death worldwide. Atherosclerosis is often treated with the stenting procedure to restore the normal blood flow. A stent is a tubular, flexible structure, usually made of metals, which is driven and expanded in the blocked arteries. Despite the success rate of the stenting procedure, it is often associated with the restenosis (re-narrowing of the artery) process. The presence of non-biological device in the artery causes inflammation or re-growth of atherosclerotic lesions in the treated vessels. Several factors including the design of stents, type of stent expansion, expansion pressure, morphology and composition of vessel wall influence the restenosis process. Therefore, the role of computational studies is crucial in the investigation and optimisation of the factors that influence post-stenting complications. This thesis focuses on the stent-vessel wall interactions followed by the blood flow in the post-stenting stage of stenosed human coronary artery. Hemodynamic and mechanical stresses were analysed in three separate stent-plaque-artery models. Plaque was modeled as a multi-layer (fibrous cap (FC), necrotic core (NC), and fibrosis (F)) and the arterial wall as a single layer domain. CFD/FEA simulations were performed using commercial software packages in several models mimicking the various stages and morphologies of atherosclerosis. The tissue prolapse (TP) of stented vessel wall, the distribution of von Mises stress (VMS) inside various layers of vessel wall, and the wall shear stress (WSS) along the luminal surface of the deformed vessel wall were measured and evaluated. The results revealed the role of the stenosis size, thickness of each layer of atherosclerotic wall, thickness of stent strut, pressure applied for stenosis expansion, and the flow condition in the distribution of stresses. The thicknesses of FC, and NC and the total thickness of plaque are critical in controlling the stresses inside the tissue. A small change in morphology of artery wall can significantly affect the distribution of stresses. In particular, FC is the most sensitive layer to TP and stresses, which could determine plaque’s vulnerability to rupture. The WSS is highly influenced by the deflection of artery, which in turn is dependent on the structural composition of arterial wall layers. Together with the stenosis size, their roles could play a decisive role in controlling the low values of WSS (<0.5 Pa) prone to restenosis. Moreover, the time dependent flow altered the percentage of luminal area with WSS values less than 0.5 Pa at different time instants. The non- Newtonian viscosity model of the blood properties significantly affects the prediction of WSS magnitude. The outcomes of this investigation will help to better understand the roles of the individual layers of atherosclerotic vessels and their risk to provoke restenosis at the post-stenting stage. As a consequence, the implementation of such an approach to assess the post-stented stresses will assist the engineers and clinicians in optimizing the stenting techniques to minimize the occurrence of restenosis.
The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.
The aim of this thesis work was to verify the possibility to produce tray packages directly from pulp sheets using press forming techniques. The different existing raw materials of pulp, various sources of molded pulp and different methods of production of molded pulp were studied. Nine different raw materials which were used for experimental work were provided by Stora Enso mills, and Stora Enso Research Centre, Imatra, Finland. The laboratory tests were carried out using LUT Adjustable packaging line at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The results prove that long virgin fibres of pine pulp seems to have better formability with high moisture content compared to others. No significant improvements were noticed with conditioned samples, never the less far studies has to be done to find optimal conditions for production. The results indicated the possibility for making pressformed tray from two different pulp qualities (Sunila pulp and Enopine). The method could prove to be beneficiary as the production line could be shortened and investment in board machines could be avoided if the trays were pressed directly from pulp sheets. Also the labour costs would be reduced. However, there is much work to be done before the quality of a tray produced out of a pulp sheet is comparable to a tray produced out of tray board.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä eri tapoja majoitusliiketoiminnan järjestämiseksi on olemassa ja miten näitä liiketoimintamalleja voidaan ryhmitellä. Lisäksi selvitetään, mitkä ovat niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat majoitusliiketoiminnan kannattavuuteen. Tutkimuksen toimeksiantajayritys suunnittelee majoitusliiketoiminnan perustamista kampusalueelle, joten mahdollisuuksia toiminnan perustamiseen arvioidaan teorian ja empirian pohjalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osiossa majoitusliikkeitä ryhmitellään niiden toiminnan ym-märtämiseksi. Teoriaosuudessa tutkitaan myös tuottojohtamista ja sen periaatteisiin pe-rustuvia menetelmiä, joita voidaan hyödyntää majoitusalalla. Tutkielman empiirinen osio toteutetaan kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Se koostuu kahden potentiaalisen asiakkaan teemahaastatteluista, benchmark-analyysista ja siihen liittyvästä Helsingin yliopiston palvelupäällikön sähköpostihaastattelusta, vierailijamääriä koskevasta datasta sekä matkailualan tilastoista. Aineiston perusteella selvitetään, miten majoitusliiketoiminta kannattaisi järjestää kohdeyrityksen tapauksessa. Tutkimus osoitti majoitusliiketoiminnan moninaisuuden, sillä majoitusliikkeiden aineellisten ominaisuuksien, palvelukokonaisuuksien ja omistuspohjien yhdistelmiä on lukuisia. Majoitusliikkeen ominaisuuksien ryhmittely osoittautui hyödylliseksi keinoksi ymmärtää majoitusliikkeiden toimintaa. Ryhmittely nosti esiin tärkeitä seikkoja, jotka kohdeyrityksen on otettava huomioon majoitusliikeidean jatkokehittelyssä. Yksinkertaisia tuottojohtamisen menetelmiä voidaan hyödyntää myös kohdeyrityksen tapauksessa kannattavan liiketoiminnan varmistamiseksi.
Various categories of food packaging indicators namely; VTT, Ageless Eye, Mocon, Åbo Akademi and Impak were selected and incorporated into food trays manufactured at LUT packaging laboratory. Each of these food packaging indicators was used to investigate (visually and qualitatively) the transmission of oxygen through the seal, and tray material, as well as to detect microbial activity within the content of the package. Applications of different methods of gas flushing, content variation and introduction of two distinct levels of oxygen scavengers were employed as treatments to evaluate the packaging performance of the food packaging indicators. Ease of handling of each food packaging indicator was also taken into considerations. Findings showed that for packages, which contained chicken product, the amount of oxygen in the package, measured immediately after the sealing operation on the first day gradually decreased to zero percent by the third day of the storage period. The oxygen level remained at this point throughout the duration of storage for the chicken packages. Besides, level of oxygen in the packages without product continued to increase with the storage time, at moderate rate of 0.1% for 100%N2 and 0.3% for 30%CO2/70%N2 empty packages. More carbon dioxide gas was recorded for packages flushed with 30%CO2/70%N2. Results also revealed that visual analysis of one of the color indicators for example Ageless Eye, conformed to the data derived from the luminescence food-packaging indicator. This shows that packaging operation of the packaging line was considerably stable, and efficient with negligible exception. However, it was found that most of the food packaging indicators investigated in this research study exhibited considerable packaging challenges, such as, reaction with the content of the package (Impak); over sensitivity (Åbo Akademi and Impak); ease of handling problem (Åbo Akademi); and ease of activation problem (VTT indicators). In this study, the strengths and limitations of different indicators were analyzed. This study demonstrates the applicability of various indicators in MAP using chicken package application.
This work focuses on the study of the determination on the possibilities of controlling the required moisture within the inside of film sealed packages. The task is based on the challenges faced by fresh food producers in actualizing a longer product shelf-life coupled with the growing complex desires coming from consumers in the aspect of quality. One way to realize this is by proper evaluation on the use of the flexible plastic films through permeation measurements on the required amount of moisture penetrating through the plastic film with the application of microperforation. A packaging material requires proper interaction on moisture transmission, between the product and the outside environment. The plastic film material that stands between, fresh fruits, vegetables and the outside environment could have appropriate respiration rates through possible micro holes. This work simulates similar process with the aid of water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) experiment using anhydrous CaCl2 as the desiccant, in studying the WVTR values of various perforated film materials at different conditions of storage (standard, fridge, and tropical conditions). However, the results showed absorption rates of water vapor at various conditions in grams of H2O/m2/24h.
As the competitive situation becomes more intense, companies must strive for growth and the ability to renew themselves. Innovations and the development of services will take an important role in this situation. Involving users in the service design process creates additional value and a chance to stand out from the com-petition. The goal of the target company is to produce high-quality services with the customers' needs in mind. This is why the company wants to develop their services systematically and aims to collect information about the service needs of both their employees and customers, which can be used to develop new and ap-pealing service packages. The aim of the study is to find out what the target company's current service pro-cess is like and how it can be developed further. The work is a case study in which the development process of the new service is followed through according to the approach, process and tools of the service design. Information is collected through focused interviews and a client survey. Participant observation gave a good overview of how employees of the target company react to the development of services. The study also found that the ser-vice path enables the collecting of ideas concerning the practical planning and development of the service process.
The purpose of this thesis was to study change management and find out how the theory applies to practise with the help of studying an organizational change process. The goal was to investigate the different ways of the change management and how those could be utilized in practise. The purpose was also to see what kind of tools and information packages for change management the company involved has developed and taken in to use and check if these could have been utilized in the change process studied in this thesis. This thesis was established by studying the theory of change management and interviewing the people involved in the organizational change and the stakeholders. The questions were formed in line with the change management theory. The main theory used was John P. Kotter’s Eight Steps of Change. The study revealed valuable details about change processes in real life and concrete improvement ideas were recognized from the interviews. Overall the people were quite happy with the outcome of the change process. There were also some failures identified in this change process. Most probably those can be avoided in the future if people planning the change are familiar with the company’s new information packages and tools for change management. Change management is a complex area that is still today quite often forgotten by companies. Effective change management can give a huge competitive advantage for a company. Acknowledging that change process is always complex and not easy is already a good step forward in handling change processes. All changes need change management and understanding the way people react on change. A good and efficient change management is the key to make the change process smooth and easier for the people involved.
The purpose of this study is to provide a project aimed on solving the problem of advancement of innovations for Russian Post company that is the main actor on the Russian postal service market. This project is constructed through gathering and scrutinizing two essential informational packages, with first being precise information about Russian Post business processes and structure in order to find out the weak spots and hindering forces, and the second being benchmarking analysis of product and service portfolio of company's peers in Europe and Australia in order to evaluate existing experience and gather additional sources that can facilitate the advancement of innovations. These informational packages are studied and sent through the matrix analysis that must highlight customer and technical requirements which emphasize the innovativeness and problem-solving purpose of the project and lay stress on the assuring characteristics that must to be met in order to advance the project. The project itself is aimed on providing Russian Post company with several solutions, both managerial and engineering, which are aimed on easing problem-solving processes and lay the foundation for continuous innovation and value increase for Russian Post company, its partners and its customers. Project's payback period is been calculated as well.
Kartonkivuokien käyttö elintarviketeollisuudessa on kasvanut vuosi vuodelta ja kuluttajat ovat löytäneet kartonkipakkaukset niiden ekologisuuden, graafisen ulkoasun sekä turvallisuuden ansiosta. Vuokien valmistus mekaanisella prässäyksellä kehittyy jatkuvasti ja uusi teknologia mahdollistaa täysin uudentyyppisten prässien valmistuksen. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia voidaanko mekaaninen prässäys toteuttaa vaakatasossa uutta teknologiaa hyödyntämällä kustannustehokkaasti. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, millä voimantuottomenetelmällä prässiltä vaadittava voimantuotto on edullisinta toteuttaa. Suunnittelussa otetaan huomioon olemassa olevat työkalut, modulaarisuus, EU:n elintarvikelainsäädäntö sekä muut kriittiset tekijät. Työssä sovelletaan metodisen konstruoinnin mukaisesti systemaattista ongelmanratkaisua (VDI 2221). Lisäksi työssä käydään läpi kilpaileva menetelmä arvoanalyysi. Suunnittelua ja komponenttivalintoja analysoidaan SWOT- sekä pisteanalyysien avulla. Suunnittelussa syntyneiden ratkaisujen lujuusominaisuuksia tarkastellaan FEM-analyysillä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että vaakatasossa suoritettava prässäyksen voimantuotto on edullisinta ja yksinkertaisinta toteuttaa sähkömekaniikalla, että halutut ominaisuudet voidaan saavuttaa ja rakenne pitää mahdollisimman kompaktina. Kustannustehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi hankinnat on syytä kilpailuttaa huolellisesti. Työn lopussa esitetään mahdollisia jatkokehityskohteita, joita syntyi tämän diplomityön aikana.
Luomu- ja lähiruoan kysyntä Suomessa on kasvussa mutta niiden markkinoiden kasvua hidastavat muun muassa logistiset ja markkinoinnilliset haasteet. Yksi keino näiden haasteiden ylittämiseen on luomu- ja lähiruoan pakkausten kehittäminen. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa luomu- ja lähiruoan pakkausten ja pakkaamisen nykyisiä vaatimuksia ja tulevaisuuden trendejä elintarvikeketjun toimijoiden näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa hyödynnettäväksi pakkauskehityksessä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa kartoitetaan luomu- ja lähiruokamarkkinoita Suomessa ja Euroopassa, elintarvikeketjua ja sen toimijoiden rooleja sekä pakkausten tehtäviä ja elementtejä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty laadullista haastattelututkimusta ja tutkimuksen empiiristä osuutta varten haastateltiin 18 elintarvikeketjun toimijaa Etelä-Suomen alueelta. Elintarvikeketjun toimijoiden tärkeimmät vaatimukset luomu- ja lähiruoan pakkauksille liittyvät tuotteiden suojaamiseen ja säilyttämiseen sekä pakkausten erottumiseen tavanomaisen ruoan pakkauksista. Vaatimukset ovat hyvin pitkälti samoja eri toimijaryhmien kesken. Tulevaisuudessa luomu- ja lähiruoan pakkaukset ovat toimijoiden näkemyksen mukaan entistä erottuvampia, ekologisempia sekä tarkemmin asiakkaan ja tuotteen tarpeiden mukaan mietittyjä. Lisäksi pakkauksiin tullaan laittamaan aktiivisia ja älykkäitä ominaisuuksia, vaikka osa toimijoista näkeekin ne tarpeettomina.