86 resultados para competence test
Multibody simulation model of the roller test rig is presented in this work. The roller test rig consists of a paper machine’s tube roll supported with a hard bearing type balancing machine. The simulation model includes non-idealities that are measured from the physical structure. These non-idealities are the shell thickness variation of the roll and roundness errors of the shafts of the roll. These kinds of non-idealities are harmful since they can cause subharmonic resonances of the rotor system. In this case, the natural vibration mode of the rotor is excited when the rotation speed is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. With the simulation model, the half critical resonance is studied in detail and a sensitivity analysis is performed by simulating several analyses with slightly different input parameters. The model is verified by comparing the simulation results with those obtained by measuring the real structure. Comparison shows that good accuracy is achieved, since equivalent responses are achieved within the error limit of the input parameters.
Tässä vertailevassa kansainvälisessä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuusivuotiaiden matematiikan tuntien opetus–oppimis -vuorovaikutusta ja lukukäsitteen osaamista Suomen, Englannin ja Ruotsin toiminta- ja oppimisympäristöissä. Toteutuneita opetus–oppimis -prosesseja verrattiin opetussuunnitelmien yleisiin- ja matematiikan tavoitteisiin sekä lukukäsitteen osaamistasoon. Empiirinen tutkimusaineisto sisälsi lasten (N=99) lukukäsitteen osaamistason yksilötestauksen ja laadullisen analyysin yhteensä seitsemän viikon matematiikan tuntien (880 minuutin) videoidusta opetus – oppimis -vuorovaikutuksesta. Minuutin analyysiyksikköina tarkasteltuna kuusivuotiaiden tutkimusviikon matematiikan tuntien opetus–oppimis -vuorovaikutuksesta lähes puolet ilmensi opettajalähtöisyyttä, kolmannes oppijalähtöisyyttä ja lähes viidennes ilmensi jaettua vuorovaikutusta. Kun tutkimusviikon matematiikan opetusta tarkasteltiin merkityksellisten vuorovaikutuskokonaisuuksien, episodien luokittelun pohjalta havaittiin, että kaikista viikon matematiikkaepisodeista (N=371) yli puolet edusti opettajalähtöisyyttä ja kolmannes edusti opettajalähtöisen ja jaetun vuorovaikutuksen yhdistelmää. Episodien keskimääräinen kesto oli noin kaksi minuuttia tässä tutkimuksessa. Tuloksissa ilmeni ryhmien välisiä eroja opetus–oppimis -vuorovaikutuksen ominaisuuksissa sekä erityyppisiä matematiikan tuntien rakennemalleja ja lukukäsitteen osaamistasoeroja. Monipuolinen ja muita näytteitä enemmän jaettua vuorovaikutusta edustava oppimisympäristö, oli tässä aineistossa yhteydessä keskiarvoa korkeampaan lukukäsitteen osaamistasoon. Korostetun opettajalähtöinen oppimisympäristö oli yhteydessä keskimääräiseen lukukäsitteen osaamistasoon. Muita tutkimuskohteita oppijalähtöisempi oppimisympäristö oli yhteydessä keskimääräisistä alempaan lukukäsitteen osaamistasoon. Tutkimustulosten perusteella tarkentuu kuva erilaisista opetus–oppimis -prosessin osatekijöistä, joita voidaan mahdollisesti soveltaa eri oppiaineisiin vastaavanlaisissa formaaleissa oppimisympäristöissä.
The goal of the Master’s thesis is to design a test stand for a centrifugal compressor. Different theoretical aspects of flow parameters measurements and test rigs built for the similar purposes in other research units are described in the theoretical part of the work. The process of components selection and the description of chosen components are given in the second part of the thesis. Besides measuring and control stages, the designed test stand has a closed-loop piping, an aftercooler and a surge tank. Overview and layout of the test rig is presented in the last chapter of the work.
This study focuses on the relationship between organizational network competence and the internationalization process of small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Over recent decades, the global business environment has become increasingly conducive to internationalization of small firms. A central facilitating factor in the process has been the emergence of networked business relationships between internationalizing firms. Research on SME internationalization has found that certain types of structures and dynamics of business networks allow SMEs access to the resources they need to enter foreign markets. This consequently means that their internationalization often becomes to depend on the networks they are embedded in. However, research so far has mostly ignored the possibility that the organizational ability to develop and manage business network relationships, network competence, may be a major underlying factor in determining how well SMEs can leverage their network relationships to enter foreign markets and consequently may determine in large part how successful their internationalization process turns out to be. This study aims to respond to those gaps, by empirically examining how the development of network competence in internationalizing SMEs influences the internationalization outcomes that they can expect, and how such network competence is conceptualized and developed. Using a mixed methods approach, survey data collected from 298 Finnish SMEs across five industry sectors is first used to examine how levels of network competence are related to internationalization propensity of SMEs and their subsequent international performance, growth and profitability as internationally operating firms. In order to illustrate in more detail the ways in which network competence is conceptualized and how it develops during the internationalization process of an SME, qualitative data from internationally operating Finnish SMEs are used. Longitudinal interview data of an internationalizing Finnish SME is accompanied by data gathered through a series of semistructured interviews of Finnish and Russian managers involved in mutual business relationship dyads. Structurally, this thesis examines the research issue as an article-based dissertation, consisting of five journal and conference publications. Three of these publications are based on the quantitative data, and the remaining two apply the qualitative interview data. The results find several aspects where network competence has a positive influence on the success of internationalizing SMEs, how it develops and what it entails conceptually in this context. Quantitatively, the level of network competence is found to have a positive relationship to various internationalization outcomes, including the propensity of SMEs to enter foreign markets and on their subsequent international performance, their growth and their profitability. Additionally, the positive relationship is divided between the relationship-specific and cross-relational dimension of network competence, in that the influence of the former is relevant for the propensity to internationalize, while the latter is for the growth and profitability of the already internationalized SMEs. Qualitatively, the results suggest, firstly, that the development process of network competence does not necessarily precede the start of the internationalization process, but may occur through a gradual learning process alongside it. And secondly, the results also imply that the conceptualization of network competence by Finnish managers of internationally operating Finnish SMEs is structurally distinct from that of their culturally distinct partner managers in Russia. This study contributes to the literature on SME internationalization in several ways. Firstly, it introduces operationalized organizational competencies to the literature on internationalization of SMEs, which has so far mainly examined the influence of business networking on the internationalization process without having such an organizational viewpoint. Furthermore, this study provides a multi-level analysis of the determinants of successful SME internationalization, by examining various strategic and performance outcomes across the process. These results also contribute to the literature on organizational strategy of internationalizing SMEs, by clarifying how different dimensions of business networking may be optimal in different phases of the internationalization process. Conceptually, the results of this study contribute to the literature on competence development and SME internationalization, by illustrating how the development process of network competence may occur during internationalization process. Thus, they also contribute to the discussion on how SMEs are able to influence the dynamics and structures of their business networks over time. Finally, this study contributes to the literature on the role of culture in the internationalization process, by implying that the cultural background of the manager of the SME may determine whether business networking and network competence is seen as an organizational-level or an individual level capability. The study also includes some additional contributions to the literature on dynamic capabilities in strategic management, and on that of strategic business networks. These include further clarifying the exact nature and tangibility of dynamic capabilities, and being one of the first studies to introduce constructs from both dynamic capabilities and business network literature to the field of international entrepreneurship. And finally, the study also has some contribution on the two streams of literature, in illustrating how both dyadic and network-level capabilities may be relevant, depending on the current strategic goals and market position of the firm. Keywords: network competence, internationalizatio
Eurooppalainen viitekehys ja sen hyödyllisyys espanjan luetun ymmärtämisen testin suunnittelussa ja arvioinnissa Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia Eurooppalaista viitekehystä espanjan luetun ymmärtämisen testin suunnittelun ja arvioinnin pohjana. Työn teoriaosa koostuu kahdesta pääaiheesta: Eurooppalaisesta viitekehyksestä ja vieraalla kielellä lukemisesta. Viitekehys on 2000-luvun alussa julkaistu Euroopan neuvoston projekti, jonka tarkoituksena on näyttää suunta modernille kielten opetukselle Euroopassa. Teoksen ehkä kuuluisin osa ovat kielitaitoa mittaavat taitotasot, perinteisen asteikon mukaisesti A1 – C2. Muun muassa juuri taitotasojen avulla eurooppalaista kielten opiskelua ja opetusta on voitu yhtenäistää – esimerkiksi eri maiden oppilaitosten tutkintoja, kielikursseja ja kielitestejä pystytään nykyään vertailemaan helposti. Vieraalla kielellä lukeminen on ollut erittäin suosittu tutkimuksen kohde jo pitkään. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään muutamia vieraan kielen lukemisen teorioita (kuten skeemateoria), malleja (kuten Rumelhartin malli) ja strategioita (Mendoza Fillolan strategiat). Lisäksi käsitellään vieraalla kielellä lukemisen ongelmia ja sitä, miten vieraalla kielellä lukemista voidaan opettaa. Empiirisessä osassa kuvaillaan tutkimusta, johon osallistui 35 tutkimushenkilöä jotka jaettiin kolmeen vertailuryhmään. Keskeisessä osassa empiiristä osiota on, testitulosten lisäksi, kuvaus Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen toimivuudesta espanjan luetun ymmärtämisen testin suunnittelussa ja arvioinnissa. Testin tuloksista päätellen ryhmistä selvästi parhaiten suoriutui ryhmä A, joka koostui kielikeskuksen opiskelijoista. Huomattiin myös, että B- ja C-ryhmien sisäisissä kokonaistuloksissa oli enemmän hajontaa kuin A:n tuloksissa. Tutkimuksesta saatujen kokemusten perusteella todettiin, että Eurooppalainen viitekehys sisältää melko hyödyllisiä yleisen tason ohjeita ja muita lähtökohtia tällaisen testin suunnittelua ja arviointia varten. Teosta tulisi kuitenkin kehittää – konkreettiset ja selkeät esimerkit ja ohjeet tekisivät siitä huomattavasti käyttökelpoisemman. Eurooppalainen viitekehys näkyy varmasti yhä enemmän tulevaisuuden kielten oppimisessa ja opetuksessa. Myös meillä Suomessa viitekehystä arvostetaan: lähivuosina muun muassa ylioppilaskokeiden arvosanat saavat rinnalleen viitekehyksessä määritellyt taitotasot.
The goal of this thesis is to make a case study of test automation’s profitability in the development of embedded software in a real industrial setting. The cost-benefit analysis is done by considering the costs and benefits test automation causes to software development, before the software is released to customers. The potential benefits of test automation regarding software quality after customer release were not estimated. Test automation is a significant investment which often requires dedicated resources. When done accordingly, the investment in test automation can produce major cost savings by reducing the need for manual testing effort, especially if the software is developed with an agile development framework. It can reduce the cost of avoidable rework of software development, as test automation enables the detection of construction time defects in the earliest possible moment. Test automation also has many pitfalls such as test maintainability and testability of the software, and if those areas are neglected, the investment in test automation may become worthless or it may even produce negative results. The results of this thesis suggest that test automation is very profitable at the company under study.
10-year old boys are writing texts in a National Test in the spring of 2009. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge in and understanding of boys’ writing skills through description, analysis and interpretation of the texts produced by the boys in the National Test in Swedish for junior level year three, taken in Sweden in 2009. The material consists of texts produced by boys and is focused on their ability to write. Through avoiding relating to texts produced by girls, it is possible to search, review, interpret and observe without simultaneously comparing the two genders. The aim of the test is to measure writing proficiency from a normative perspective, while I am investigating content, reception, awareness, and other aspects relevant when producing text. Genres are described through the instruction given in the test, which defines the work that takes place in the classroom and thereby my approach to the analysis. The latter is focused on finding patterns in the competence of the students rather than looking for flaws and limitations. When competence is searched for beyond the relationship to syllabi or the demands of the test in itself, the boys’ texts from the test provide a general foundation for investigating writing proficiency. Person, place and social group have been removed from the texts thereby avoiding aspects of social positioning. The texts are seen from the perspective of 10-year old boys who write texts in a National Test. The theoretical basis as provided by Ivaničs (2004; 2012) offers models for theory on writing. A socio-cultural viewpoint (Smidt, 2009; Säljö, 2000) including literacy and a holistic view on writing is found throughout. By the use of abdicative logic (see 4.4) material and theory work in mutual cooperation. The primary method hermeneutics (Gadamer 1997) and analytical closereading (Gustavsson, 1999) are used dependent on the requirements of the texts. The thesis builds its foundation through the analysis from theoretically diverse areas of science. Central to the thesis is the result that boys who write texts in the National Test, are able to write in two separate genres without conversion or the creating hybrids between the two. Furthermore, the boys inhibit extensive knowledge about other types of texts, gained from TV, film, computers, books, games, and magazines even in such a culturally bound context as a test. Texts the boy has knowledge of through other situations can implicitly be inserted in his own text, or be explicitly written with a name of the main character, title, as well as other signifiers. These texts are written to express and describe what is required in the topic heading of the test. In addition other visible results of the boys’ ability to write well occur though the multitude of methods for analysis throughout the thesis which both search, and find writing competence in the texts written by the boys.
Tässä työssä on tutkittu modulaarisen aktiivimagneettilaakeroidun koelaitteen mekaanista suunnittelua ja analysointia. Suurnopeusroottorin suunnittelun teoria on esitelty. Lisäksi monia analyyttisiä mallinnusmenetelmiä mekaanisten kuormitusten mallintamiseksi on esitelty. Koska kyseessä on suurnopeussähkökone, roottoridynamiikka ja sen soveltuvuus suunnittelussa on esitelty. Magneettilaakerien rakenteeseen ja toimintaan on tutustuttu osana tätä työtä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus nykyisistä koelaitteista esimerkiksi komponenttien ominaisuuksien tunnistamiseen ja roottoridynamiikan tutkimuksiin on esitelty. Työn rajauksena on konseptisuunnittelu muunneltavalle magneettilaakeroidulle (AMB) koelaitteelle ja suunnitteluprosessin dokumentointi. Muunneltavuuteen päädyttiin, koska se mahdollistaa erilaisten komponenttiasetteluiden testaamisen erilaisille magneettilaakerikokoonpanoille ja roottoreille. Pääpaino tässä työssä on suurnopeus induktiokoneen roottorin suunnittelussa ja mallintamisessa. Modulaaristen toimilaitteiden kuten magneettilaakerien ja induktiosähkömoottorin rakenne on esitelty ja modulaarisen rakenteen käytettävyyden hyödyistä koelaitekäytössä on dokumentoitu. Analyyttisiä ja elementtimenetelmään perustuvia tutkimusmenetelmiä on käytetty tutkittaessa suunniteltua suurnopeusroottoria. Suunnittelun ja analysoinnin tulokset on esitelty ja verrattu keskenään eri mallinnusmenetelmien välillä. Lisäksi johtopäätökset sähkömagneettisten osien liittämisen monimutkaisuudesta ja vaatimuksista roottoriin ja toimilaitteisiin sekä mekaanisten että sähkömagneettisten ominaisuuksien optimoimiseksi on dokumentoitu.
Antikens judiska bibeltolkare hade ett annorlunda sätt att läsa Bibeln än den som moderna läsare är vana vid. Dessa tidiga exegeter tänkte att texten som nu finns i den hebreiska Bibeln, de kristnas Gamla Testamente, är helig ordagrant i den form som den fanns i under deras tid, att den inte innehåller några fel, och att Gud har en övergripande plan gällande helheten, så att man vid behov kan förklara ett Bibelställe med hjälp av ett annat. Dessa antaganden reflekteras i det sätt på vilket antikens exegeter läste och tolkade sin Bibel. Det här ser man då man läser deras texter, från 400-talet före vår tideräknings början till de första århundradena enligt vår tideräkning. Ett verktyg som antikens skrifttolkare ofta använde var den så kallade gezera shava -metoden, där de jämförde identiska ord och fraser i Bibeln för att skänka belysning åt oklara textställen. Hebreiskan, särskilt den ovokaliserade konsonanttexten, innehåller många homonyma ord, alltså ord som ser likadana ut men har olika betydelser. De tidiga exegeterna utnyttjade ofta de möjligheter till alternativa tolkningar som uppstår ur denna tvetydighet. Ibland kunde de dock tvärtom också dra paralleller ur kontextuella likheter, alltid efter behov. I denna avhandling står dessa tidiga anonyma bibeltolkare och deras tolkningar i fokus. Malakis bok, som härstammar från ca år 475 f.v.t., kan ses som ett viktigt tidigt exempel på denna tendens till nytolkning av traditioner. Boken själv har dock också blivit föremål till nytolkningar, redan i de tilläggsverser som finns i dess slut, men särskilt i senare judisk litteratur och i Nya Testamentet. I avhandlingen granskas de fem bibliska gestalter som nämns i Malaki: Jakob, Esau, Levi, Mose och Elia. Hur används de i boken och hur har senare traditioner som anknyter till dem influerats av Malaki? ------------------------------------------------ Antiikin juutalaiset raamatunselittäjät lukivat Raamattua eri tavoin kuin moderni lukija. Heidän näkemyksensä mukaan se teksti, joka nykyään löytyy heprealaisesta Raamatusta eli kristittyjen Vanhasta testamentista, oli pyhä juuri sellaisessa muodossa, jossa se oli heille välittynyt. Se oli virheetön, ja Jumalalla oli siitä kokonaisnäkemys, joka voisi selvitä myös tulkitsijalle, kun tämä vain tutkisi tekstiä riittävän tarkkaan. Nämä perusoletukset näkyvät tavassa, jolla antiikin eksegeetit lukivat ja tulkitsivat Raamattuaan. Se voidaan huomata heidän jälkeensä jättämistään teksteistä, alkaen noin 400-luvulta ennen ajanlaskumme alkua ja jatkuen ajanlaskumme ensimmäisiin vuosisatoihin. Antiikin raamatunselittäjät käyttivät yleisesti muun muassa metodia, joka rabbiinisessa kirjallisuudessa tunnetaan nimellä gezera shava. Raamatussa kahdessa tai useammassa kohtaa esiintyviä samoja sanoja ja ilmauksia verrattiin tällöin toisiinsa ja pyrittiin siten saamaan valaistusta epäselvinä pidettyihin tekstinkohtiin. Heprealle, etenkin sen vokalisoimattomassa muodossa, on tyypillistä homonyymisyys. Samannäköiset sanat voivat eri yhteyksissä tarkoittaa eri asioita. Varhaiset eksegeetit päätyivät usein tästä ilmiöstä nouseviin, keskenään vaihtoehtoisiin tulkintoihin. Toisaalta he saattoivat myös tarvittaessa selittää tekstinkohtaa toisella tekstinkohdalla ainoastaan näiden sisällöllisenkin yhtäläisyyden perusteella. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan näitä varhaisia, meille nimettömiksi jääneitä raamatunselittäjiä ja heidän tulkintojaan käyttämällä tutkimuksen lähtökohtana Malakian kirjaa. Malakiaa, joka on peräisin noin vuodelta 475 ennen ajanlaskumme alkua, voidaan pitää yhtenä tärkeimmistä ja varhaisimmista teksteistä, joissa traditioita yhdistellään ja kerrotaan uudelleen edellä mainittuihin perusajatuksiin nojaten ja niihin pohjautuvia menetelmiä käyttäen. Toisaalta Malakian kirjaa on myös tulkittu samojen periaatteiden mukaisesti jo sen myöhemmältä ajalta peräisin olevissa loppujakeissa, ja sittemmin muussa varhaisessa juutalaisessa kirjallisuudessa sekä Uudessa testamentissa. Väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan erityisesti niitä viittä henkilöä, jotka mainitaan Malakian kirjassa: Jaakobia, Esauta, Leeviä, Moosesta ja Eliaa. Kirjoittaja tutkii, miten heidän hahmojaan on käytetty Malakian kirjassa, millaisiin heitä koskeviin traditioihin tämä käyttötapa perustuu, ja missä määrin Malakian kirjan vaikutus on havaittavissa myöhemmässä näihin henkilöihin liitetyssä perinteessä.
Customer knowledge management (CKM) practices enable organizations to create customer competence with systematic use of customer information that is integrated throughout the organization. Nonetheless, organizations are not able to fully exploit the vast amount of data available. Previous research on use of customer information is limited especially in a multichannel environment. The aim of this study was to identify the main obstacles for utilizing customer information efficiently across multiple sales channels. The study was conducted as a single case study in order to gain deeper understanding of the research problem. The empirical findings indicate that lack of CKM practices and a common goal are major challenges obstructing effective utilization of customer information. Furthermore, decentralized organizational structure and insufficient analytical skills create obstacles for information sharing and capabilities to process information and create new knowledge. The implications of the study suggest that in order to create customer competence organizations should shift their focus from technology to the organizational factors affecting use of information and implement CKM practices throughout the organization.
The competence of graduating nursing students is an important issue in health care as it is related to professional standards, patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Many changes in health care lead to increased demand with respect to nurses’ competence as well the number of nurses. The purpose of this empirical study was to i) describe the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe, ii) evaluate the nurse competence of graduating nursing students, iii) identify factors related to the nurse competence, and to iv) assess the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence. The study was carried out in two phases: descriptive phase and evaluation phase. The descriptive phase focused on describing the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe with the help of a literature review (n=10 empirical studies and n=4 additional documents). Thematic analysis was used as the analysis method. In the evaluation phase, the nurse competence with particular focus on nursing skills of graduating nursing students (n=154) was assessed. In addition, factors related to the nurse competence were examined. Also, the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence was evaluated by comparing graduating nursing students’ self-assessments with the assessments by their mentors (n=42) in the final clinical placement in four university hospitals. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Based on the results, the nurse competence of nursing students in Europe consists of nine main competence areas: (1) professional/ethical values and practice, (2) nursing skills and interventions, (3) communication and interpersonal skills, (4) knowledge and cognitive ability, (5) assessment and improving quality in nursing, (6) professional development, (7) leadership, management and teamwork, (8) teaching and supervision, and (9) research utilization. Graduating nursing students self-assessed their nurse competence as good. However, when graduating nursing students’ nurse competence was assessed by their mentors, the results were poorer. Readiness for practice based on nurse education, pedagogical atmosphere on the ward, supervisory relationship between student and mentor and being in paid work in health care at the moment of the study were the most significant factors related to the nurse competence. Conclusions: Nurse competence can be evaluated with a scale based on self-assessment, but other evaluation methods could be used alongside to ensure that nurse competence can be completed and evaluated critically. Practical implications are presented for nurse education and nursing practice. In future, longitudinal research is needed in order to understand the development of nurse competence during nurse education and the transition process from a nursing student to a professional nurse.
The significance and impact of services in the modern global economy has become greater and there has been more demand for decades in the academic community of international business for further research into better understanding internationalisation of services. Theories based on the internationalisation of manufacturing firms have been long questioned for their applicability to services. This study aims at contributing to understanding internationalisation of services by examining how market selection decisions are made for new service products within the existing markets of a multinational financial service provider. The study focused on the factors influencing market selection and the study was conducted as a case study on a multinational financial service firm and two of its new service products. Two directors responsible for the development and internationalisation of the case service products were interviewed in guided semi-structured interviews based on themes adopted from the literature review and the outcome theoretical framework. The main empirical findings of the study suggest that the most significant factors influencing the market selection for new service products within a multinational financial service firm’s existing markets are: commitment to the new service products by both the management and the rest of the product related organisation; capability and competence by the local country organisations to adopt new services; market potential which combines market size, market structure and competitive environment; product fit to the market requirements; and enabling partnerships. Based on the empirical findings, this study suggests a framework of factors influencing market selection for new service products, and proposes further research issues and methods to test and extend the findings of this research.
The objective of this study was to increase understanding of the link between the identification of required HR competences and competence management alignment with business strategy in a Finnish, global company employing over 8,000 people and about 100 HR professionals. This aim was approached by analyzing the data collected in focus group interviews using a grounded theory method and in parallel reviewing the literature of strategic human resource management, competence-based strategic management, strategy and foresight. The literature on competence management in different contexts dismisses in-depth discussions on the foresight process and individuals are often forgotten in strategic frameworks. However, corporate foresight helps in the detection of emerging opportunities for innovations and in the implementation of strategy. The empirical findings indicate a lack of strategic leadership and an alignment with HR and business. Accordingly, the most important HR competence areas identified were the need for increasing business understanding and enabling change. As a result, the study provided a holistic model for competence foresight, which introduces HR professionals as strategic change agents in the role of organizational futurists at the heart of the company: facilitating competence foresight and competence development on individual as well as organizational levels, resulting in an agile organization with increased business understanding, sensitive sensors and adaptive actions to enable change.
The purpose of this research was to study how management trainee program participants experienced the program with respect to their learning and competence development. Additionally, the purpose was also to examine what the trainees learned and how the learning occurred. Furthermore, factors affecting learning in the workplace were examined. The theoretical framework of this research was formed utilizing individual competence and informal learning frameworks. Research was conducted as a single case study and data was gathered by thematic interviews. The results of this research indicate that the trainees experienced the program as a good method for learning the overall picture of the organization and its business. Regarding competence development, especially knowledge- and cognitive competence categories were developed during the program. The best learning outcomes were achieved through learning by doing, in co-operation with others, and learning from others. The results indicate that the planning of the program and its structure have a significant effect on learning. Furthermore, a sufficient level of challenge was experienced as being important for the quality of the learning as well.