56 resultados para solution trees
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
This thesis focuses on the development of sustainable industrial architectures for bioenergy based on the metaphors of industrial symbiosis and industrial ecosystems, which imply exchange of material and energy side-flows of various industries in order to improve sustainability of those industries on a system level. The studies on industrial symbiosis have been criticised for staying at the level of incremental changes by striving for cycling waste and by-flows of the industries ‘as is’ and leaving the underlying industry structures intact. Moreover, there has been articulated the need for interdisciplinary research on industrial ecosystems as well as the need to extend the management and business perspectives on industrial ecology. This thesis addresses this call by applying a business ecosystem and business model perspective on industrial symbiosis in order to produce knowledge on how industrial ecosystems can be developed that are sustainable environmentally and economically. A case of biogas business is explored and described in four research papers and an extended summary that form this thesis. Since the aim of the research was to produce a normative model for developing sustainable industrial ecosystems, the methodology applied in this research can be characterised as constructive and collaborative. A constructive research mode was required in order to expand the historical knowledge on industrial symbiosis development and business ecosystem development into the knowledge of what should be done, which is crucial for sustainability and the social change it requires. A collaborative research mode was employed through participating in a series of projects devoted to the development of a biogas-for-traffic industrial ecosystem. The results of the study showed that the development of material flow interconnections within industrial symbiosis is inseparable from larger business ecosystem restructuring. This included a shift in the logic of the biogas and traffic fuel industry and a subsequent development of a business ecosystem that would entail the principles of industrial symbiosis and localised energy production and consumption. Since a company perspective has been taken in this thesis, the role of an ecosystem integrator appeared as a crucial means to achieve the required industry restructuring. This, in turn, required the development of a modular and boundary-spanning business model that had a strong focus on establishing collaboration among ecosystem stakeholders and development of multiple local industrial ecosystems as part of business growth. As a result, the designed business model of the ecosystem integrator acquired the necessary flexibility in order to adjust to local conditions, which is crucial for establishing industrial symbiosis. This thesis presents a normative model for the development of a business model required for creating sustainable industrial ecosystems, which contributes to approaches at the policy-makers’ level, proposed earlier. Therefore, this study addresses the call for more research on the business level of industrial ecosystem formation and the implications for the business models of the involved actors. Moreover, the thesis increases the understanding of system innovation and innovation in business ecosystems by explicating how business model innovation can be the trigger for achieving more sustainable industry structures, such as those relying on industrial symbiosis.
Since cellulose is a linear macromolecule it can be used as a material for regenerated cellulose fiber products e.g. in textile fibers or film manufacturing. Cellulose is not thermoformable, thus the manufacturing of these regenerated fibers is mainly possible through dissolution processes preceding the regeneration process. However, the dissolution of cellulose in common solvents is hindered due to inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds in the cellulose chains, and relatively high crystallinity. Interestingly at subzero temperatures relatively dilute sodium hydroxide solutions can be used to dissolve cellulose to a certain extent. The objective of this work was to investigate the possible factors that govern the solubility of cellulose in aqueous NaOH and the solution stability. Cellulose-NaOH solutions have the tendency to form a gel over time and at elevated temperature, which creates challenges for further processing. The main target of this work was to achieve high solubility of cellulose in aqueous NaOH without excessively compromising the solution stability. In the literature survey an overview of the cellulose dissolution is given and possible factors contributing to the solubility and solution properties of cellulose in aqueous NaOH are reviewed. Furthermore, the concept of solution rheology is discussed. In the experimental part the focus was on the characterization of the used materials and properties of the prepared solutions mainly concentrating on cellulose solubility and solution stability.
Wind is one of the most compelling forms of indirect solar energy. Available now, the conversion of wind power into electricity is and will continue to be an important element of energy self-sufficiency planning. This paper is one in a series intended to report on the development of a new type of generator for wind energy; a compact, high-power, direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator (DD-PMSG) that uses direct liquid cooling (LC) of the stator windings to manage Joule heating losses. The main param-eters of the subject LC DD-PMSG are 8 MW, 3.3 kV, and 11 Hz. The stator winding is cooled directly by deionized water, which flows through the continuous hollow conductor of each stator tooth-coil winding. The design of the machine is to a large degree subordinate to the use of these solid-copper tooth-coils. Both steady-state and timedependent temperature distributions for LC DD-PMSG were examined with calculations based on a lumpedparameter thermal model, which makes it possible to account for uneven heat loss distribution in the stator conductors and the conductor cooling system. Transient calculations reveal the copper winding temperature distribution for an example duty cycle during variable-speed wind turbine operation. The cooling performance of the liquid cooled tooth-coil design was predicted via finite element analysis. An instrumented cooling loop featuring a pair of LC tooth-coils embedded in a lamination stack was built and laboratory tested to verify the analytical model. Predicted and measured results were in agreement, confirming the predicted satisfactory operation of the LC DD-PMSG cooling technology approach as a whole.
The object of the study is bacteriorhodopsin. This light-sensitive protein have been selected as perspective substance for optical and optoelectronic applications. Bacteriorhodopsin carries out pumping protons through the cell membrane. Biomolecule converts light into an electric signal when sandwiched between electrodes. These properties were utilized in this research to implement photosensors on the basis of BR layers. These properties were utilized in this research to the bR water solution. According to the absorption spectra and using Kramers – Kronig relation the extinction coefficient has been calculated, as well as the related change of the refractive index value.
Datenherrschaft – an Ethically Justified Solution to the Problem of Ownership of Patient Information
Patient information systems are crucial components for the modern healthcare and medicine. It is obvious that without them the healthcare cannot function properly – one can try to imagine how brain surgery could be done without using information systems to gather and show information needed for an operation. Thus, it can be stated that digital information is irremovable part of modern healthcare. However, the legal ownership of patient information lacks a coherent and justified basis. The whole issue itself is actually bypassed by controlling pa- tient information with different laws and regulations how patient information can be used and by whom. Nonetheless, the issue itself – who owns the patient in- formation – is commonly missed or bypassed. This dissertation show the problems if the legislation of patient information ownership is not clear. Without clear legislation, the outcome can be unexpected like it seems to be in Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom: the lack of clear regulation has come up with unwanted consequences because of problematic Eu- ropean Union database directive implementation in those countries. The legal ownership is actually granted to the creators of databases which contains the pa- tient information, and this is not a desirable situation. In healthcare and medicine, we are dealing with issues such as life, health and information which are very sensitive and in many cases very personal. Thus, this dissertation leans on four philosophical theories form Locke, Kant, Heidegger and Rawls to have an ethically justified basis for regulating the patient infor- mation in a proper way. Because of the problems of property and ownership in the context of information, a new concept is needed and presented to replace the concept of owning, that concept being Datenherrschaft (eng. mastery over in- formation). Datenherrschaft seems to be suitable for regulating patient infor- mation because its core is the protection of one’s right over information and this aligns with the work of the philosophers whose theories are used in the work. The philosophical argumentation of this study shows that Datenherrschaft granted to the patients is ethically acceptable. It supports the view that patient should be controlling the patient information about themselves unless there are such specific circumstance that justifies the authorities to use patient information to protect other people’s basic rights. Thus, if the patients would be legally grant- ed Datenherrschaft over patient information we would endorse patients as indi- viduals who have their own and personal experience of their own life and have a strong stance against any unjustified paternalism in healthcare. Keywords: patient information, ownership, Datenherrschaft, ethics, Locke, Kant, Heidegger, Rawls
Mobile applications, solution for sustainable agriculture? - Study of mAgriculture services in Kenya
During the recent years, mobile services have spread to many different sectors, including education, health and agriculture, while changing the practices in those fields. Agriculture sector is under pressure to fill the ever-crowing food demand, while suffering from lack of agriculture resources (such as water and soil) and climate change, as well as figuring how to involve young people in the agriculture sector, in order to replace aging farmers. These issues create a need to bring new sustainable solutions to the agriculture sector. This is the demand, which mobile agriculture, mAgriculture, services are trying to answer. This thesis will examine the mAgriculture services in the Kenyan market. The thesis will provide an overview of the currently available mAgriculture services, their outcome and issues with which they are struggling. The thesis will also present recommendations on how to improve currently existing services and processes behind them. Secondly, thesis will provide four ideas for new services, which would answer for the needs of the farmers. Suitable business models, regarding the new services, are also covered. The thesis focuses with the young farmers as a target group, but findings are also applicable with other potential target groups as well.
The objective of this study was to find out how third party influencers can facilitate value-based selling in a network and how suppliers should aim to impact on these third party influencers to facilitate value-based selling. The study considers construction industry, selling the column connection solution and third party influencers. Third party influencers examined in this study were structural designers. The study also aims to find out structural designers’ value drivers and the differences between the market areas that this study related to. The theoretical part of the study focuses on two separate areas. The first part of the theory focuses on a value-based selling concept: what it is, what it requires and what are the main barriers for value-based selling. The second part of the theory examines value creation in networks. The present knowledge over value creation in networks and different network actors are presented. Project marketing is also discussed briefly because this study’s topic, which is highly related to project business. The results reveal structural designers’ value drivers considering the usage of the column connection solution and present ways how suppliers should aim to impact structural designers to facilitate value-based selling. The main result of the study indicates that third party influencers can have a positive impact on facilitating value-based selling. Structural designers are communicating more or less with all the salient actors in different project phases and they can act as sponsors to support the sales of Peikko’s column connection solution and promote solution to other actors involved to the project. This requires that structural designers can understand the actual benefits of how the solution can improve their and their customers’ business.
The need behind this thesis was in the development of a more modern earning logic for a pelvic floor muscle home training device to which a portal solution is going to be introduced as a part of new upgraded version of the device. The goal is to offer useful guidelines and recommendations for the medical device manufacturer to use in the process of creating the new business model around the new product version. In the theoretical part of this thesis, the used theoretical frameworks for business model generation and pricing models are presented. The special characteristics of healthcare technology industry are also introduced as initial data for the empirical part. The empirical data is collected via interviews and meetings from both inside and outside of the company to gain a comprehensive picture of the issue at hand. The needed changes in the business model as well as possible pricing options are gone through in the empirical chapters with the main focus being on the incoming revenue streams and pricing. As results of the thesis recommendations are presented for the changes that are needed in the business model after the introduction of the portal solution. The results of this thesis can be used for finishing the development process of the new version of the device and especially the earning logic of it.