55 resultados para online journals and databases
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, millä tavalla perusterveydenhuollon perinteisestä terveysasemamallista hyvinvointiasemamalliin siirtyminen vaikuttaa sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen tarjonnan kustannuksiin, mikäli vaikutus on havaittavissa. Toisaalta tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, millä keinoilla hyvinvointiasemien kustannustehokkuutta voitaisiin parantaa tulevaisuudessa ja mitä kustannushyötyjä tiiviimmällä sosiaali- ja terveystoimen yhteistyöllä on mahdollista saavuttaa. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämisen roolin merkitystä perusterveydenhuollossa, sähköistä asiointipalveluja ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmien välistä työnjakoa sekä edelleen, miten näillä voidaan vaikuttaa tuottavuuteen ja vaikuttavuuteen. Havaittiin, että sähköisellä asioinnilla ja työnjaolla on selkeä yhteys kustannuksiin. Työn empiirisessä osassa tarkasteltiin kolmea hyvinvointiasemamallin pilottihankkeessa mukana olevaa asemaa Lauritsalassa, Lemillä ja Ruokolahdella. Kustannusten tarkastelu keskittyi henkilöstö- ja tilakustannuksiin. Tutkittiin myös, miten sähköinen asiointi ja Eksoten alueen puhelinpalvelujen keskittäminen vaikuttaa edellä mainittuihin kustannuseriin. Tutkimuksen tuloksina havaittiin, että hyvinvointiasemamallin pilotointi ei ole tutkittavilla asemilla merkittävästi vaikuttanut kustannuksiin henkilöstön osalta; tilakustannukset olivat pienentyneet Lemillä ja Ruokolahdella. Laskelmien perusteella muodostettujen tavoitteiden mukaisesti on hyvinvointiasemilla kuitenkin pyrittävä vähintään noin 14 % tai enintään 32 % säästöön henkilöstö- ja tilakustannuksissa pilottivaiheen kustannuksiin verrattuna. Tulevaisuudessa olennaiseksi kustannusten hallinnan edellytykseksi havaittiin työnjaon muuttaminen hoitajavetoisemmaksi ja sähköisten asiointipalvelujen lisääntyvä tarjonta. Sähköisten asioinnin lisääntyvällä käytöllä on mahdollista vähentää hoitohenkilöstön tarvetta kokonaisuudessaan. Sekä sähköisen asioinnin käytön lisäämisellä että puhelinpalvelujen keskittämisellä tulevaisuudessa havaittiin olevan huomattava vaikutus henkilöstöresurssien käyttöön ja edelleen kustannustehokkuuteen.
The aim of this master’s thesis was to make a qualitative marketing research and on the basis of this to develop a distribution plan for the case company Finnish 3M Ltd.’s wound care products. The literature review includes three important parts: distribution channel planning, the buying behavior of seniors, and special characteristics of health care products’ marketing. The empirical part of this thesis comprises two different parts. The first part is a marketing research, in which the buying behavior of wound care products is studied in Espoo. The research aim was to examine, in which distribution channels the wound care patients under home care would most preferably buy wound care products during the time period, when municipalities will not yet provide the products for free. The data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews and regular interviews, and was treated qualitatively and anonymously. The study revealed that the recommendations of nurses and doctors influenced most the buying behavior of wound care customers. In the second part of the thesis a distribution channel plan for wound care products was made for the case company 3M Finland Ltd. based on the results. 3M Finland Ltd. should focus on pharmacies, online-stores and municipal health centers as their main distributors.
Suurpetojen kannanhoitoon, ja etenkin suden kannanhoitoon liittyvä monitahoinen konfl ikti esiintyy jännitteinä paikallisyhteisöjen ja keskushallinnon, maaseudun ja kaupunkien sekä maallikoiden ja tutkijoiden välillä. Suurpetopolitiikan legitimiteettikriisi näkyy kansallisen kannanhoidon tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden kiistämisenä passiivisin ja aktiivisin toimin. Tällä ajankohtaisella ongelmalla on mittavat historialliset juuret. Luonnon ja ihmisen välinen suhde on ollut jatkuvaa tasapainottelua konfl iktien ja niiden hallinnan kanssa, ja suurpedot ovat väistämättä olleet konfl iktin keskiössä lajityypillisten piirteidensä vuoksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on osoittaa ympäristöhistoriallisen tutkimusotteen kautta suomalaisen vahinkoeläinhistorian keskeiset toimet ja toimijat, sekä ymmärtää vahinkoeläinten kannanhoidon tavoite- ja toimenpideasettelun vaikutukset eläinpopulaatioihin historiallisessa ja ekologisessa kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite on tuottaa synteesi nykypäivän suurpetojen kannanhoidon tavoite- ja toimenpiteiden tarkoituksenmukaisuudesta ja vaikuttavuudesta historiallisessa kontekstissa ja esittää uudenlainen lähestymismalli sosiaalisesti kestävämmälle suurpetopolitiikalle. Vahinkoeläinhistoriaa käsitellään deduktiivisella ja rekonstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella käyttäen aineistona lakitekstejä, maksettuja tapporahoja, sanomalehtikirjoituksia, sidosryhmien kirjoituksia sekä eläintieteellisiä julkaisuja. Etenkin laeissa ja asetuksissa eri eläimistä asetetut tapporahat ja toisaalta saalistilastojen perusteella maksetut palkkiot on nostettu tässä tutkimuksessa merkittävään rooliin asenteiden tulkinnan välineenä. Tarkastelu ulotetaan nisäkkäiden lisäksi myös lintuihin, jotka ovat edellä mainitun aineiston valossa olleet merkittävä vainottu eläinryhmä. Nykypäivän petokonfl iktin tarkastelussa keskiöön nostetaan suurpetoasenteet, niiden muodostuminen ja vaikutus suurpetopolitiikan tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden kiistämisessä. Suurpetopolitiikan legitimiteettikriisiä tarkastellaan paikallisten uhmakkuutena hallintoa kohtaan ja tulkinta keinoista puuttua sosiopoliittiseen rikokseen rakennetaan tätä ajatusta vasten. Suurpetojen salakaatajat toimivat yhteisönsä puolesta ja saavat tukensa toimilleen yhteisöltään. Sosiopoliittinen rikos ei siten ole ainoastaan salakaatajien vaan sen sijaan yhteisön yhteinen. Salakaatajat ja paikallisyhteisö pyrkivät häivyttämään yhteiskunnassa viranomaisten ja sidosryhmien taholta toimintaan liittämää stigmaa ja siten oikeuttamaan tekonsa vallitsevissa olosuhteissa. Arvoristiriitoihin perustuvat konfl iktit ovat haasteellisia hallita ja lähtökohtana on oltava ymmärrys siitä, että etenkin suteen liittyvät jännitteet ja ristiriidat ihmisten välisissä suhteissa ovat väistämättömiä. Tunnistamalla historiallisen aineiston merkittävyys nykypäivän ongelmakeskeisen kannanhoidon ratkaisun tietopohjana on mahdollista rakentaa sosiaalisesti kestävämpää suurpetojen kannanhoitoa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä painotetaan suurpetoihin liittyen ajatusta, jonka mukaan paikallisilta suurpetoalueilla eläviltä ihmisiltä tai sidosryhmien edustajilta ei edellytetä arvomaailman muuttumista, vaan hyväksytään heidän käsityksensä suurpetojen roolista vahingontekijöinä. Sen sijaan vahvistetaan suurpetojen välineellistä roolia paikallisyhteisöjen resurssina ja oleellisten sidosryhmien roolia yhteisön toimijoina psykologisen omistajuuden rakentamisen kautta. Suurpetojen kestävä kannanhoito vaatii siten riistahallinnon toimintakulttuurin muutosta ja uudenlaista suhdetta yhteiskunnan eri toimijoihin.
Marketing communications has gone through significant changes during the last decades and new online tools have been leading this change for the last decade. Now, in the digital age, if wanting to be successful companies need to experiment new things and seize the opportunities online provides and adapt to the new environment. However, during this time the marketing communication mix and the meanings given to the various components of it have not changed dramatically, and personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, advertising and public relations activities are still regarded as important tools in the marketing communications mix. The purpose of this study was to examine business-to-business marketing communications and the tools used by companies in their marketing communications efforts in the digital age and in a global environment. The research questions dealt with the marketing communication tools and their roles as well as the role of online marketing communication and the way it has shaped the field of b2b marketing communications. In order to answer these questions, qualitative approach was chosen and the data was collected by theme interviews with six representatives of Finnish global companies from the b2b sector being interviewed. The theoretical framework covers the general field of b2b marketing communications and its main elements. The online environment as well as the concept of a global marketplace and integrated approach to marketing communication activities is also discussed. The theory was supported by the interviews regarding the activities and roles of the marketing communication tools and both theory as well as the interviews found personal selling to be a vital tool. However, the importance of online has grown and online marketing activities have risen right next to personal selling. The use of analytics and marketing automation was found to be of great interest in the interviews and they were seen as a growing domain in b2b marketing communications. The importance of targeted and personalised messages from relevant medias was a repeating theme as was the customer-centric approach in marketing communication activities. Also, offline and online tools and channels were seen as something that should be treated together as an entity rather than as separate activities. Relevant content created according to the needs of the customer with the gathered data from analytics were seen as the future of b2b marketing communications. Online has added its input to the more traditionally perceived tools and they are executed within the framework of the digital age. Nevertheless, even though online has increased its presence in the b2b marketing communications mix, the more traditionally perceived marketing communication tools, especially personal selling, have not lost their meaning or place in the b2b marketing communication mix.
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitettiin, miten aikakauslehden eli emobrändin tuttuus vaikuttaa halukkuuteen osallistua verkkopalvelun eli brändilaajennuksen sisällöntuotantoon joukkoistamalla. Kysymys liittyy muuttuneeseen tilanteeseen median kulutuksessa. Teknologia on kehittynyt, paperisten mediatuotteiden kysyntä vähentynyt ja aikakauslehdet kehittävät digitaalisia palvelujaan. Medialla kuitenkaan ole yksinoikeutta sisällöntuotantoon. Kuka tahansa voi tehdä ja julkaista sisältöä. Monet mediat ovat ottaneet lukijat mukaan sisällöntuotantoon. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella emobrändin tuttuus vaikuttaa myönteisesti asi-akkaiden halukkuuteen käyttää brändilaajennusta. Se vaikuttaa myös ostopäätökseen ja lisää luottamusta verkkopalvelua kohtaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuote oli tuttu niille, jotka ovat lehden tilaajia. Lukijalähtöistä sisältöä ovat mm. blogit, verkkokeskustelut, lukijoiden tarinat, runot, kuvat, kilpailut ja kyselyt. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin verkkokyselyn avulla ja siihen vastasi 437 vastaajaa. Tulosten perusteella emobrändin tuttuus vaikuttaa myönteisesti tilaajien halukkuuteen käyttää aikakauslehden verkkopalvelua. Tilaajat käyvät palvelussa muita käyttäjiä useammin ja osallistuvat tai haluaisivat osallistua ei-tilaajia innokkaammin sisällöntuotantoon. He ovat myös ei-tilaajia kiinnostuneempia lukijalähtöisestä sisällöstä.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how customer co-creation activities are managed in Finnish high-tech SMEs by understanding managers’ views on relevant issues. According to theory, issues such as firm size, customer knowledge implementation, lead customers, the fuzzy front-end of product/service development as well as the reluctance to engage in customer co-creation are some of the field’s focal issues. The views of 145 Finnish SME managers on these issues were gathered as empirical evidence through an online questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS statistics software. The results show, firstly, that Finnish SME managers are aware of the issues associated with customer co-creation and are able to actively manage them. Additionally, managers performed well in regards to collaborating with lead customers and implemented customer knowledge evenly in various stages of their new product and service development processes. Intellectual property rights emerged as an obstacle deterring managers from engaging in co-creation. The results suggest that in practice managers would do well by looking for more opportunities to implement customer knowledge in the early and late stages of new product and service development, as well as by actively searching for lead customers.
A business model is a structure frame of an organization that can bring significant benefits and competitive advantage when structured properly. The aim of this paper was to observe and describe development of business models’ and identify factors and elements of a business model that are in a key role from the perspective of an organizational sustainability. One is striving to bring out in this thesis how should truly sustainable business model look like and what are main characteristics of it. Additionally, some recommendations that could be helpful in order to build sustainable and balanced business model in a company are presented in this work. The meaning was to make theoretical and in some extent practical acquaintance with such new business models as open business model and sustainable business model. Long-term sustainability achievement in a company was in a centric role and used as a main criteria when constructing sustainable business model structure. The main research question in this study aims to answer: What a firm should consider in order to develop profitable and sustainable business model? This study is qualitative in nature and it was conducted using content analyze as a main method of this research. The perspective of the target data in this study is an outlook of its producers of how sustainability is reached in an organization throw business model and which practices are important and has to be taken into account. The material was gathered mainly from secondary sources and the theoretical framework was outright built based on secondary data. The secondary data that have been mostly dissertations, academic writings, cases, academic journals and academic books have been analyzed from the point of view of sustainability perspective. As a result it became evident that a structure of a business model and its implementation along with a strategy is often what leads companies to success. However, for the most part, overall business environment decides and delimits how the most optimal business model should be constructed in order to be effective and sustainable. The evaluation of key factors and elements in business model leading organization to sustainability should be examined throw triple bottom line perspective, where key dimensions are environmental, social and economic. It was concluded that dimensions should be evaluated as equal in order to attain total long lasting sustainability, contradicting traditional perspective in business where profit production is seen as only main goal of a business.
This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.
This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.
This is a Master’s thesis research, which mainly aims at identifying the sustainability issues in sourcing process and to identify the core competencies in sourcing process through triple bottom line adaptation. The focus of this thesis is on apparel industry’s sourcing process. The purpose of this thesis is to examine global apparel industry’s reality in their sourcing process and how buyers-suppliers are cooperating with their sourcing process to incorporate sustainability. Other goal of this research paper is to provide recommendation for sustainable sourcing process for companies and how the stakeholders can be benefitted by sustainable sourcing. The literature review part of this paper has presented the research gaps from the earlier researches along with the key concepts, academic purposes and key definitions. Theoretical framework chapter has focused on global sourcing strategies and firm’s competencies and sustainable strategies. From the theoretical framework, author has presented essential theory which establishes the link between research questions and proposed hypotheses. Main results and findings have been presented in empirical findings and in data analysis chapter. This study is an exploratory research followed by deductive method and primary data has been used to evaluate the current situation of apparel industry; which will assist to build the recommendation model. Primary data has been collected through online questionnaires and secondary data has used to cover the literature and theoretical parts. Therefore, the potential outcome of this paper will display the importance of sustainable sourcing from academic point of view and also from the business perspective. As a final point, this paper has followed the research objectives and has generated some new directions for further studies.