130 resultados para improving profitability
Tuotannon tehostaminen ja tätä kautta saavutettava lisäkapasiteetti ja yksikkökustannusten aleneminen ovat seikkoja, joita täytyy jatkuvasti miettiä, jotta yrityksen kilpailukyky markkinoilla pysyy hyvänä ja liiketoiminta kannattavana. Keinoja tuotannon tehostamiseen on useita, mutta tässä työssä on keskitytty hitsaavan yrityksen hitsaustuotannon kehittämiseen ja keinoina on käytetty lähinnä hitsauksen ja leikkauksen robotisointia. Myös tehokkaampien hitsausprosessien hyödyntämistä on käsitelty teoreettisella tasolla. Työn teoriaosuudessa on pyritty käsittelemään robotisointia kokonaisvaltaisesti hankintapäätökseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä aina robotin käyttöönottoon ja robotin toiminnan tehostamiseen asti. Robotisoinnilla saavutettavia hyötyjä ja robotisoinnin aiheuttamia vaatimuksia on käyty läpi, ja myös robotisoinnin taloudellisen kannattavuuden arviointikeinoja on esitelty. Työn käytännön osuudessa on käsitelty robotisointia GaV Group Oy:n tuotannon kannalta. Tuotteiden robotisoitua hitsattavuutta on arvioitu, ja robotisoituun hitsaukseen sekä tekniseltä että vuosivolyymiltään sopivia tuotteita on esitelty ja robotille kertyviä vuosittaisia käyttötunteja arvioitu. Näiden seikkojen pohjalta on arvioitu myös robotti-investoinnin kannattavuutta. Työn viimeisenä vaiheena on määritetty yrityksen tarpeisiin parhaiten sopivan robottisolun sisältö ja konkreettinen sijainti tehtaassa.
The importance of logistics for companies is a well known and justified issue. Today, enterprises are developing their logistics processes in order to match their products and services to the requirements of the most important customers. Therefore there is a need for developing analysing tools for logistics and especially for analysing the significance of various customer service elements. The aim of this paper is to propose analytic tools for supporting strategic level logistics decision making by emphasizing service level elements on two levels: (1) to introduce and propose approaches to categorize the developing efforts of logistics and (2) to introduce and/or propose approaches for solving some customer service related strategic level logistics problems. This study consists of two parts. In the first part an overview of the work is presented, and the second part comprises eight research papers on the topic of the study. The overview includes an introduction, where strategic and tactical level logistics problems are discussed and the relation of logistics to marketing and customer service issues is presented. In the first part of the study the objectives, the structure, the research strategy and the contribution of the research are described, and the challenges for future research are discussed. In the second part the three first papers deal with the identification of objectives for logistics while the remaining five papaers concentrate on solving customer service related strategic level logistics problems.
Vaihdetehtaan tilauskannan lisääntyminen sekä jo ennestään maksimikapasiteetilla käyvä tuotanto ovat aiheuttaneet vaihdetehtaalle kapasiteetin lisäämisen tarpeen. Tuotannon kasvattamiseen pyritään laiteinvestointien avulla, joiden oletetaan lisäävän tehtaan osavalmistuksen kapasiteettia 50 prosentilla. Vuotuisten tuotantomäärien kasvaminen asettaa paineita vaihdetehtaan kokoonpanosoluun, jonka tulisi kyetä vastaamaan tuotantomäärien kasvuun. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa kokoonpanosolun potentiaaliset kehityskohteet, joiden pohjalta luodaan systemaattinen toimintamalli kokoonpanosolun tuottavuuden kehittämiseksi. Työn keskeisimpinä tavoitteina ovat materiaalivirran- ja välivarastoinninhallinnan kehittäminen sekä tuotteiden kokoonpanon läpimenoajan lyhentäminen. Työn tuloksena on tarkoitus luoda toteutuskelpoinen kehityssuunnitelma, joka sisältää suunnitelmat kokoonpanotyön vaiheistuksesta, kokoonpanosolun layoutista sekä suunnitelman välivarastoinnin kehittämisestä. Lisäksi kehitystyöhön liittyvät olennaisesti kokoonpanosoluun suoritettavat investoinnit ja niiden kannattavuuden arviointi sekä tuottavuuden seurantaan liittyvän mittariston laadinta.
The purpose of this study was to define the customer profitability of the case company as well as to specify the factors that explain customer profitability. The study was made with a quantitative research method. The research hypotheses were formulated mainly on the grounds of previous research, and were tested with statistical research methods. The research results showed that customer profitability is not equally distributed among the customers of the case company, and the majority of its customers is profitable. The interpreters for absolute customer profitability were sales volume and the customer’s location region. The interpreters for relative customer profitability were the customer’s location region and the product segment into which a customer can be classified on the basis of the products that were sold to this customer.
This study presents mathematical methods for evaluation of retail performance with special regard to product sourcing strategies. Forecast accuracy, process lead time, offshore / local sourcing mix and up front / replenishment buying mix are defined as critical success factors in connection with sourcing seasonal products with a fashion content. As success measures, this research focuses on service level, lost sales, product substitute percentage, gross margin, gross margin return on inventory and mark down rate. The accuracy of demand forecast is found to be a fundamental success factor. Forecast accuracy depends on lead time. Lead times are traditionally long and buying decisions are made seven to eight months prior to the start of the selling season. Forecast errors cause stockouts and lost sales. Some of the products bought for the selling season will not be sold and have to be marked down and sold at clearance, causing loss of gross margin. Gross margin percentage is not the best tool for evaluating sourcing decisions and in the context of this study gross margin return on inventory, which combines profitability and assets management, is used. The findings of this research suggest that there are more profitable ways of sourcing products than buying them from low cost offshore sources. Mixing up front and inseason replenishment deliveries, especially when point of sale information is used for improving forecast accuracy, results in better retail performance. Quick Response and Vendor Managed Inventory strategies yield better results than traditional up front buying from offshore even if local purchase prices are higher. Increasing the number of selling seasons, slight over buying for the season in order to
Validation and verification operations encounter various challenges in product development process. Requirements for increasing the development cycle pace set new requests for component development process. Verification and validation usually represent the largest activities, up to 40 50 % of R&D resources utilized. This research studies validation and verification as part of case company's component development process. The target is to define framework that can be used in improvement of the validation and verification capability evaluation and development in display module development projects. Validation and verification definition and background is studied in this research. Additionally, theories such as project management, system, organisational learning and causality is studied. Framework and key findings of this research are presented. Feedback system according of the framework is defined and implemented to the case company. This research is divided to the theory and empirical parts. Theory part is conducted in literature review. Empirical part is done in case study. Constructive methode and design research methode are used in this research A framework for capability evaluation and development was defined and developed as result of this research. Key findings of this study were that double loop learning approach with validation and verification V+ model enables defining a feedback reporting solution. Additional results, some minor changes in validation and verification process were proposed. There are a few concerns expressed on the results on validity and reliability of this study. The most important one was the selected research method and the selected model itself. The final state can be normative, the researcher may set study results before the actual study and in the initial state, the researcher may describe expectations for the study. Finally reliability of this study, and validity of this work are studied.
Customer profitability accounting is a well-researched topic in the academic field, and it has been proved to posses rather undisputable benefits. However, the calculation of the customer profitabilities can be challenging, therefore the usage of the accounting is not self-explanatory in organizations. The aim of this study was to create a customer profitability accounting model for a wholesales unit in the case company to function as a sales management tool. The literature review of the study presents certain fundamental issues related to customer profitability accounting, in addition a theoretical framework for accounting model design is provided. The creation of the model was commenced by setting the requirements for it and examining the foundation of the model design, which consisted of for instance price setting and cost structure of products. This was followed by selecting approaches to the creation of the model. The result of the study was an accounting model, for which a determination of included revenues and costs was executed, along with the formulation of an allocation criteria of the costs. Lastly, the customer profitabilities were calculated in accordance with the accounting principles and the calculation logic of the model. The attained figures proved the model to provide an appropriate solution for obtaining the customer profitabilities and thus to use the accounting information as a sales management tool in for instance decision making and negotiation situations.
Automaattisen mittarinluvun yleistyminen ja asiakkaan verkkoliitynnässä käytettävän tekniikan kehittyminen luovat pohjan uudentyyppisen interaktiivisen asiakasrajanpinnan synnylle. Se voi osaltaan mahdollistaa asiakkaan entistä joustavamman sähköverkkoon liitynnän sekä nykyistä reaaliaikaisemmat ja tarkemmat mittaukset. Näiden pohjalle on mahdollista kehittää erilaisia energiatehokkuutta tukevia toimintoja ja niihin perustuvia palveluita. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia interaktiivisen asiakasrajapinnan mahdollistamia energiatehokkuutta tukevia toimintoja. Lupaavimpia toimintoja, niiden kannattavuutta ja potentiaalia energiatehokkuuden parantamisessa analysoidaan tarkemmin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan niihin tarvittavaa tekniikkaa, mittaustietoja ja tiedonsiirtoa. Nykyinen tekniikka mahdollistaa useiden erilaisten energiatehokkuutta tukevien toimintojen toteuttamisen. Tässä työssä käsiteltiin tarkemmin energiayhtiön AMR-pohjaista tasehallintaa ja sähkön pienkuluttajien hintaohjausta. AMR-pohjaisen tasehallinnan havaittiin olevan oikein kohdennettuna kannattavaa. Sähkön hintaohjaus voi laajassa mittakaavassa toteutettuna olla kannattavaa, mutta yksittäiskohteissa sen toteutuksen kustannukset ovat liian suuret. Suurimpia ongelmia energiatehokkuutta tukevien toimintojen toteutuksen kannalta muodostavat usein kiinteät kustannukset sekä yleisten rajapin-tavaatimusten ja toimintamallien puute. Tuotteiden standardointi, sarjatuotanto sekä tekniikan kehittyminen voivat mahdollistaa kiinteiden kustannusten huomattavan pienenemisen ja tätä kautta toimintojen kustannustehokkuuden paranemisen. Kehittämällä uusia yhteisiä toimintamalleja ja tuotteita voidaan käytettävissä olevaa tekniikkaa hyödyntää tehokkaammin. Myös uudet näköpiirissä olevat nopeammat ja luotettavammat tiedonsiirtotekniikat voivat mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisemmat mittaustietojen ja signaalien välitykset, mikä usein parantaa toimintojen tehokkuutta ja kannattavuutta.
Tämä diplomityö käsittelee teollisen yrityksen tuotannonohjauksen kehittämistä piensarjatuotannossa. Työn kohteena on ABB Oy:n Tuulivoimageneraattorit-tulosyksikkö, joka valmistaa vakiotuotteita asiakasohjautuvasti. Työssä esitellään aluksi tuotannon ja tuotannonohjauksen teoriaa. Lävitse käydään perusasioiden kuten määritelmien, tavoitteiden ja tehtävien lisäksi tuotannonohjausprosessia sekä tuotannonohjauksen tietotekniikkaa. Teorian jälkeisessä empiriaosuudessa esitellään työssä kehitettyjä keinoja tuotannonohjauksen parantamiseksi. Tutkimus on toteutettu teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimustyön avulla. Teoreettiseen tutkimustyöhön sisältyi suomalaisiin ja ulkomaalaisiin kirjallisuuslähteisiin perehtyminen. Empiirinen tutkimustyö suoritettiin itsenäisen ongelman ratkaisutyön avulla. Tämä sisälsi kehittämiskohteiden analysoinnin, tarkempien kehittämistarpeiden määrityksen sekä kokeilujen kautta tapahtuneen kehittämistyön. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, miten tuotannonohjauksen kehittämisellä voidaan parantaa kohteena olevan tulosyksikön tuottavuutta ja kannattavuutta. Päätavoitteen pohjalta muodostettiin kuusi osatavoitetta: toimitusvarmuuden parantaminen, kapasiteetin kuormitusasteen nostaminen, kapasiteetin suunnittelun kehittäminen, läpäisyaikojen lyhentäminen, uuden ERP-järjestelmän vaatimusmäärittely sekä tuotannonohjausprosessin määrittäminen. Työssä rakennettiin neljään ensiksi mainittuun osatavoitteeseen tietotekniset sovellukset, jotka mahdollistavat osatavoitteiden suunnittelun ja ohjaamisen. Sovelluksia varten kullekin tuotteelle määriteltiin esimerkiksi työnvaiheketjut läpäisyaikoineen, kuormitusryhmät, kuormitusryhmien kapasiteetit, tuotteiden kuormittavuudet sekä kriittiset työvälineet. Työ osoitti, että tietotekniikka auttaa suuresti tuotannonohjauksessa. Lisääntynyt läpinäkyvyys, parantunut tiedonkulku, simulointimahdollisuudet sekä graafinen esitystapa helpottavat erilaisten suunnitelmien teossa ja parantavat siten päätöksenteon laatua. Tietotekniikan hyväksikäytön pohjana toimii tuotannon perus- ja tapahtumatietojen kurinalainen päivitys. Tämän vuoksi tietojärjestelmistä kannattaa rakentaa mahdollisimman yksinkertaisia.
This thesis deals with improving international airport baggage supply chain management (SCM) by means of information technology and new baggage handling system. This study aims to focus on supply chain visibility in practice and to suggest different ways to improve the supply chain performance through information sharing. The objective is also to define how radio frequency identification (RFID) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) can make processes more transparent. In order to get full benefits from processes, effective business process management and monitoring as well as the key performance indicators must be defined, implemented and visualized through e.g. dashboard views for different roles. As an outcome of the research the need for the use of information technology systems and more advanced technologies, e.g. RFID in the supply chain management is evident. Sophisticated ERP is crucial in boosting SCM business processes and profitability. This would be beneficial for dynamic decision making as well in the airport and airline supply chain management. In the long term, economic aspects support the actions I have suggested in order to make production more flexible in reacting to quick changes.
The objective of this research was to find how the critical factors enabling intraorganizational knowledge sharing could be implemented to be part of case organization’s actions. The theoretical framework of the research was constituted based on previous scientific discussions concerning knowledge and its dimensions, knowledge sharing and its linkage to organizational learning. The intraorganizational knowledge sharing critical factors form an essential part of the theoretical framework. The study was a qualitative case study. The data was collected using focus group interviews and analyzed using theme analysis. In the empirical part of the study case organizations characteristics to the intraorganizational knowledge sharing were researched, intraorganizational knowledge sharing goals were mapped and finally improvement actions were suggested. The most significant suggestions were creating an organization wide knowledge sharing strategy, facilitating the development of social networks and communicating the top management support for knowledge sharing activities.
The purpose of this study was to improve PM7’s basis weight CD profile in Stora Enso’s Berghuizer mill and to search mechanical defects which affect to the formation of the basis weight CD profile. In the theoretical part PM7’s structure was presented and the formation of the basis weight and caliper CD profiles was examined as well as disturbances which are affecting to the formation. The function of the control system was scrutinised for the side of CD profiles as well as the formation of the measured CD profiles. Tuning of the control system was examined through the response model and filtering. Specification of the response model and filtering was explained and how to determine 2sigma statistical number. In the end of the theoretical part ATPA hardware and a new profile browser were introduced. In the experimental part focus was in the beginning to search and remove mechanical defects which are affecting to CD profiles. The next step was to verify the reliability of the online measurements, to study the stability of the basis weight CD profile and to find out so called fingerprint, a basis weight CD profile which is unique for each paper machine. New response model and filtering value for basis weight CD profile was determined by bump tests. After a follow up period the affect of the new response model and filtering was analysed.
Demand forecasting is one of the fundamental managerial tasks. Most companies do not know their future demands, so they have to make plans based on demand forecasts. The literature offers many methods and approaches for producing forecasts. When selecting the forecasting approach, companies need to estimate the benefits provided by particular methods, as well as the resources that applying the methods call for. Former literature points out that even though many forecasting methods are available, selecting a suitable approach and implementing and managing it is a complex cross-functional matter. However, research that focuses on the managerial side of forecasting is relatively rare. This thesis explores the managerial problems that are involved when demand forecasting methods are applied in a context where a company produces products for other manufacturing companies. Industrial companies have some characteristics that differ from consumer companies, e.g. typically a lower number of customers and closer relationships with customers than in consumer companies. The research questions of this thesis are: 1. What kind of challenges are there in organizing an adequate forecasting process in the industrial context? 2. What kind of tools of analysis can be utilized to support the improvement of the forecasting process? The main methodological approach in this study is design science, where the main objective is to develop tentative solutions to real-life problems. The research data has been collected from two organizations. Managerial problems in organizing demand forecasting can be found in four interlinked areas: 1. defining the operational environment for forecasting, 2. defining the forecasting methods, 3. defining the organizational responsibilities, and 4. defining the forecasting performance measurement process. In all these areas, examples of managerial problems are described, and approaches for mitigating these problems are outlined.
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Having inventory to cover from all possible problems would increase the inventory level indefinitely in accordance with the standard deviation. If the materials in stock are not used, but kept just to be on the safe side, they are waste. The main objective of this study was to find out, how much inventory is required to cover the requirements, without causing delivery problems towards the end-customers, and how the inventory could be controlled efficiently. Several improvements were made in the controlling principles, and the inventory level was quickly decreased by more than 30 %, and kept on the reached level. The suitability of kanban control was investigated, and it was eventually taken into some use. A great advantage was found in the new procedures in securing the supply. The requests for quotations were diversified, and the faulty basis was corrected. Thus, the inventory surplus would later be avoided, and at the same time, a lot of valuable time was saved from daily routines to further improvement projects.