98 resultados para Companies in India


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Tämä työ on tehty kansainväliselle metsäteollisuusyritykselle. Työn lähtökohtana oli tarve tutkia yrityksen mahdollisuuksia laajentaa toimintaansa uudelle markkinasegmentille, eläinruokapakkausmarkkinoille. Johtuen maailmanlaajuisesta eläinruoankulutuksen kasvusta, eläinruokapakkaukset ovat yritykselle mielenkiintoinen uusi markkina-alue. Onnistunut markkinoilletulo vaatii asiakastarpeiden ja -odotusten huomioimista tuotekehitys- ja markkinastrategian muodostamisessa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää asiakkaiden odotuksia eläinruokapakkauksille, sekä mallintaa alalla vallitsevia ostoprosesseja. Asiakastarvetutkimus suunniteltiin perustuen kirjallisuuteen ja alustaviin markkina- ja asiakasanalyyseihin. Alustavat analyysit ovat tarpeellisia lähtötilanteen ja trendien selvittämiseksi. Itse tutkimus toteutettiin semi-konstruktoituna teemahaastatteluna. Haastateltavat edustivat USA:n ja Euroopan johtavia eläinruokavalmistajia ja pakkausten jatkojalostajia. Työn tuloksena saatiin yksityiskohtaista tietoa asiakkaiden odotuksista eläinruokapakkauksille, paperin ominaisuuksille ja paperitoimittajille. Lisäksi mallinnettiin ostoprosesseja paperitoimittajien, pakkausten jalostajien ja eläinruokavalmistajien välillä. Tulosten perusteella on analysoitu yrityksen mahdollisuuksia menestyä uudella markkinasegmentillä. Lisäksi työssä annettiin ehdotuksia tuotekehitys- ja markkinastrategian muodostamiseen.


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Tämä työ on tehty yhteistyössä kansainvälisen metsäteollisuusyrityksen Stora Enson kanssa. Työ on osa Stora Enson strategiaa kehitettäessä uusia ja innovatiivisia pakkausmateriaaleja ja ratkaisuja joustopakkausmarkkinoille. Työn päätavoitteina oli selvittää, millaisia odotuksia tuotemerkkienomistajilla ja jatkojalostajilla on joustopakkauksista ja kuinka pakkausten ostopäätökset syntyvät monitahoisessa liikeympäristössä. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys jaettiin kahteen osaan. Asiakasodotuksia lähestyttiin tutkimalla eri palvelu- ja tuotelaadun ulottuvuuksia, ja teollisuuden ostokäyttäytymistä tutkittiin organisaatioiden ostokäyttämistä kuvaavien mallien avulla. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa käytettiin laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää käsittäen asiakashaastatteluja lähinnä Yhdysvalloissa. Haastateltavat yritykset koostuivat maailman johtavista kuluttajatuotteita valmistavista yrityksistä sekä jatkojalostajista. Tutkimustulosten mukaan odotukset pakkauksista liittyvät lähinnä tuotteen suojaamiseen sekä myynnin edistämiseen. Pääodotuksina on myös saada mahdollisimman edullisia papereita, mahdollisimman hyvillä barrier- ja paino-ominaisuuksilla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat myös, että paperiyhtiöt ovat epäonnistuneet tekemään itseään tunnetuksi teollisuudelle ja heidän odotetaan olevan tulevaisuudessa aggressiivisempia ja innovatiivisempia. Tuotemerkkienomistajat ostavat pakkaukset ja pakkausmateriaalit normaalisti mieluiten jatkojalostajiensa kautta, mutta silti he toivovat yhteistyötä paperintoimittajien kanssa kunhan vain myös jatkojalostajat sisällytetään toimintaan mukaan.


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Tämä työ tähtää löytämään mahdollisia poikkeamia metsäteollisuusyritysten markkina-arvoissa ja tunnistaa tekijöitä jotka ovat vaikuttaneet pääomamarkkinoiden odotuksiin yritysten tulevaisuuden suorituskyvystä sekä yrityksen markkina-arvoon. Tämän työn päätavoitteena on kehittää diskontattuihin kassavirtoihin perustuva arvonmääritysmalli jolla mitataan metsäteollisuusyritysten tosiasiallista arvoa yritysten suorituskyvyn ja arvoajureiden perusteella. Lisäksi tavoitteena on löytää selittäviä tekijöitä havaituille eroille yritysten tosiasiallisesten arvojen ja markkinaperusteisten arvojen välisillä. Teoreettisessa osassa esitellään rahoitusteorian pääpiirteet arvonmäärityksen kannalta, aikasempia tutkimuksia sekä metsäteollisuuden toimialakohtaisia tekijöitä. Empiirisessä osassa kehittetään diskontattuihin kassavirtoihin perustuvaa arvonmääritymalli. Otos koostuu 32 suurimmasta Pohjoismaisesta ja Pohjoisamerikkalaisesta metsäteollisuusyrityksestä vuonna 2000. Tutkimuksen aikavälien 1991 -2000. Tulokset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimuksia jonka mukaan kasvuinvestoinnit eivät luo positiivisia odotuksia yrityksen tulevaisuuden kassavirroista. Tarkemmat löydöt ovat, että arvon luominen tutkimusajanjakson aikana ei vaikuttanut yhtä merkittävästi pääomamarkkinoiden odotuksiin yrityksen tulevaisuuden suorituskyvystä kuin mitatut tosiasialliset arvot. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että metsäteollisuusyritysten markkina- arvot olivat keskimäärin riippuvaisempia itse yrityksestä, kuin sen toiminnasta.


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää suomalaisen kartonkikuljetuspakkausfirman, Eltete TPM Oy:n, tulevaisuudennäkymät selvittämällä voiko puisen kuljetuspakkausmateriaalin korvata kartonkisilla materiaaleilla. Kyseinen tutkimus suoritetaan selvittämällä toimialanmuutokseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuten ostokäyttäytymistä, innovaation ominaisuuksia, säädöksiä, kilpailuympäristöä sekä lopuksi tutkimalla mitä kuljetuspakkauksien asiakkaat haluavat ja tarvitsevat. Kyseisen tutkimuksen kohdeasiakkaiksi valittiin suurimmat kodinkoneyritykset Euroopassa ja tutkimusmenetelmäksi postikysely. Suoritetun markkinointitutkimuksen tulokset kodinkoneyritysten pakkausratkaisuista sekä kilpailija-analyysi osoittivat, että todella on olemassa kasvava kysyntä kierrätettäville kartonkisille kuljetuspakkausratkaisuille, kuten Eltete TPS - Framepack solution on, sekä että Eltete TPM Oy:llä on voimavaroja tulevaisuudessa nousta markkinajohtajaksi muuttuvalla kuljetuspakkaussektorilla.


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The purpose of the thesis was to analyze diversification in pulp and paper industry (PPI), which is an industry facing enormous strategic challenges as many of the basic parameters of its operational environment are rapidly changing. The objective was to explore, how PPI companies have reacted to these changes by adjusting their strategies in terms of diversification and how the adjustments have affected their profitability. The study was statistical in nature. The results indicate that PPI companies in deed had reduced the degree of unrelated and related diversification , but the positive performance implications of the changes were debatable. In light of the data used in the study lower level of diversification did not lead to better profitability, in fact, the companies with the highest level of diversification had the best profitability. By contrast, reducing the level of unrelated diversification improved the profitability development; whereas reducing the level of related diversification deteriorated the profitability of the company. The results were not statistically significant and they cannot be generalized outside the data of the study.


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This thesis seeks to answer, if communication challenges in virtual teams can be overcome with the help of computer-mediated communication. Virtual teams are becoming more common work method in many global companies. In order for virtual teams to reach their maximum potential, effective asynchronous and synchronous methods for communication are needed. The thesis covers communication in virtual teams, as well as leadership and trust building in virtual environments with the help of CMC. First, the communication challenges in virtual teams are identified by using a framework of knowledge sharing barriers in virtual teams by Rosen et al. (2007) Secondly, the leadership and trust in virtual teams are defined in the context of CMC. The performance of virtual teams is evaluated in the case study by exploiting these three dimensions. With the help of a case study of two virtual teams, the practical issues related to selecting and implementing communication technologies as well as overcoming knowledge sharing barriers is being discussed. The case studies involve a complex inter-organisational setting, where four companies are working together in order to maintain a new IT system. The communication difficulties are related to inadequate communication technologies, lack of trust and the undefined relationships of the stakeholders and the team members. As a result, it is suggested that communication technologies are needed in order to improve the virtual team performance, but are not however solely capable of solving the communication challenges in virtual teams. In addition, suitable leadership and trust between team members are required in order to improve the knowledge sharing and communication in virtual teams.


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This research focuses on the career experiences of women managers in the IT industry in China and Finland, two countries with different cultures, policies, size of population, and social and economic structures regarding work-life support and equal opportunities. The object of this research is to present a cross-cultural comparison of women’s career experiences and how women themselves understand and account for their careers. The study explores how the macro and the micro levels of cultural and social processes become manifested in the lives of individual women. The main argument in this thesis is that culture plays a crucial role in making sense of women’s career experiences, although its role should be understood through its interrelationship with other social processes, e.g., institutional relations, social policies, industrial structures and organizations, as well as globalization. The interrelationship of a series of cultural and social processes affects individuals’ attitudes to, and arrangement and organization of, their work and family lives. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises five research papers. The main research question of the study is: How do cultural and social processes affect the experiences of women managers? Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which include in-depth interviews, Q-methodology, interpretive analysis, and questionnaires, are used in the study. The main theoretical background is culturally sensitive career theory and the theory of individual differences. The results of this study are viewed through a feminist lens. The research methodology applied allows new explorations on how demographic factors, work experiences, lifestyle issues, and organizational cultures can jointly affect women’s managerial careers. The sample group used in the research is 42 women managers working in IT companies in China (21) and Finland (21). The results of the study illustrate the impact of history, tradition, culture, institutional relations, social politics, industry and organizations, and globalization on the careers of women managers. It is claimed that the role of culture – cultural norms within nations and organizations – is of great importance in the relationship of gender and work. Women’s managerial careers are affected by multiple factors (personal, social and cultural) reflecting national and inter-individual differences. The results of the study contribute to research on careers, adding particularly to the literature on gender, work and culture, and offering a complex and holistic perspective for a richer understanding of pluralism and global diversity. The results of the study indicate how old and new career perspectives are evidenced in women managers in the IT industry. The research further contributes to an understanding of women’s managerial careers from a cross-culture perspective. In addition, the study contributes to the literature on culture and extends understanding of Hofstede’s work. Further, most traditional career theories do not perceive the importance of culture in determining an individual’s career experience and this study richens understanding of women managers’ careers and has considerable implications for international human resource management. The results of this study emphasize the need, when discussing women managers’ careers, to understand the ways by which gendering is produced rather than merely examining gender differences. It is argued that the meaning of self-knowledge is critical. Further, the environment where the careers under study develop differs greatly; China and Finland are very different – culturally, historically and socially. The findings of this study should, therefore, be understood as a holistic, specific, and contextually-bound.


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The main objective of this thesis was to map the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Finnish forest industry. The aim was to describe the development and find factors that explain the development. Another objective was to understand the influence of different stakeholders on the development as well as examine the development of CSR reporting. This qualitative case study used thematic interviews as the research method. The research data were collected by conducting 11 interviews among the case company representatives and stakeholders. Based on the research results, no single factor in the background of the phenomenon could be showed. Instead, CSR has developed in stages through its different dimensions. The main drivers of CSR turned out to be environmental organizations, customers and local communities. It can be concluded that the forest industry has taken CSR seriously for a long time, which has benefited the forest companies in many ways.


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This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.


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Marine traffic is expected to increase rapidly in the future, both in the Baltic Sea and in the Gulf of Finland. As the number of vessels in the area increases, so does the risk of serious marine accidents. To help prevent such accidents in the future, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has put forth the International Safety Management Code (the ISM Code), which aims to improve the safety of the vessels. The second work package of the Development of maritime safety culture (METKU) project investigates the effects of the ISM Code and potential areas of improvement in maritime safety. The first phase in the work package used a literature review to determine how maritime safety culture could be improved. Continuous improvement, management commitment and personnel empowerment and motivation were found to be essential. In the second phase, shipping companies and administrators were interviewed. It was discovered that especially incident reporting based on continuous improvement was felt to be lacking. This third phase aims to take a closer look at incident reporting and suggest improvements based on the findings. Both the IMO and national legislation encourage shipping companies in incident reporting, and on the national level a shared incident reporting system (ForeSea) is being pushed forward. The objective of this research project was to find out the IMO’s attitude towards incident reporting, to establish a theoretical framework of reference in incident reporting, and to observe how reporting is actually being employed on the seas. Existing incident reporting systems were also researched. The study was carried out using a literature review and the results previously gathered in interviews. The results of phase two were elaborated further for themes relating to incident reporting. According to the findings of this research, the theoretical background of incident reporting dates back to the early 20th century. Although some theories are widely accepted, some have also received criticism. The lack of a concise, shared terminology poses major difficulties in maritime incident reporting and in determining its efficiency. A central finding is the fact that existing incident reporting focuses mostly on information flow away from the ship, whereas the backward information flow is much less planned and monitored. In incident reporting, both nationally and internationally, stakeholders are plenty. The information produced by these parties is scattered, however, and thus not very usable. Based on this research, the centralizing of this information should be made a priority. Traditionally, the success of incident reporting has been determined statistically, from the number of reported incidents. Yet existing reporting systems have not been designed with such statistical analysis in mind, so different methodologies might yield a more comprehensive view. The previous findings of seafarers and management (including shipping companies and administration) having differing views on safety work and safety management were backed up by the results of this study. Seafarers find seamanship and storytelling important, while management wants a more systematic and broad approach on safety matters. The research project was carried out by the Centre for Maritime Studies of the University of Turku, in the Kotka unit (Maritime Logistics Research), with coordination by the Kotka Maritime Research Centre. The major financiers of the project were the European Union and the city of Kotka. The financing authority was the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme. Partners in the project were the shipping companies Finnlines Oyj, Kristina Cruises Oy, Meriaura Oy and VG-Shipping Oy, and the ports of Helsinki, Kotka and Hamina. The partners provided both funding for the project and information for the research.


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The purpose of this study is to define what determinants affect the Credit spread. There are two theoretical frameworks to study this: structural models and reduced form models. Structural models indicate that the main determinants are company leverage, volatility and risk-free interest rate, and other market and firm-specific variables. The purpose is to determine which of these theoretical determinants can explain the CDS spread and also how these theoretical determinants are affected by the financial crisis in 2007. The data is collected from 30 companies in the US Markets, mainly S&P Large Cap. The sample time-frame is 31.1.2004 – 31.12.2009. Empirical studies indicate that structural models can explain the CDS spreads well. Also, there were significant differences between bear and bull markets. The main determinants explaining CDS spreads were leverage and volatility. The other determinants were significant, depending on the sample period. However, these other variables did not explain the spread consistently.


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Purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Russia's economic environment changes in the total return indexes of Finnish companies. The research data consisted of Finnish publicly listed companies, which have made physical investments to Russia, and operating in the area. The study used six different variables to model the Russian operating environment. The data consists of total return indexes of Finnish companies. From those we calculated the monthly mean interval between timeline of 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2009. Sample period is divided into two different parts. Variables impact on companies' total return indices is tested by regression analysis. By F-test we tested significance of model and squared coefficient correlation told us how much model explains from changes. Goodness of the β-coefficient is tested in the model by t-test. The research results shows that the Russian operating environment, or changes in which the active Finnish companies in total return indices. On partial sample periods results were not so significant.


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Project management has evolved in recent decades. Project portfolio management, together with multi project management, is an emerging area in the project management field in practice, and correspondingly in academic research and forums. In multi project management, projects cannot be handled isolated from each other, as they often have interdependencies that have to be taken into account. If the interdependencies between projects are evaluated during the selection process, the success rate of the project portfolio is increased. Interdependencies can be human resources, technological, and/or market based. Despite of the fact that interdependency as a phenomenon has roots in the 1960s and is related to famous management theories, it has not been much studied, although in practice most companies use it to great extent. There exists some research on interdependency, but prior publications have not emphasized the phenomenon per se, because a practical orientation practitioner techniques prevails in the literature. This research applies the method triangulation, electronic surveys and multiple case study. The research concentrates on small to large companies in Estonia and Finland, mainly in construction, engineering, ICT, and machinery industries. The literature review reveals that interdependencies are deeply involved in R&D and innovation. Survey analysis shows that companies are aware of interdependency issues in general, but they i have lack of detailed knowledge to use it thoroughly. Empirical evidence also indicates that interdependency techniques influence the success rate and other efficiency aspects to different extents. There are a lot of similarities in interdependency related managerial issues in companies of varying sizes and countries in Northern Europe. Differences found in the study are for instance the fact that smaller companies face more difficulties in implementing and evaluating interdependency procedures. Country differences between Estonia and Finland stem from working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis.historical and cultural reasons, such as the special features of a transition country compared to a mature country. An overview of the dominant problems, best practices, and commonly used techniques associated with interdependency is provided in the study. Empirical findings show that many interdependency techniques are not used in practice. A multiple case study was performed in the study to find out how interdependencies are managed in real life on a daily basis. The results show that interdependencies are mostly managed in an informal manner. A description of managing the interdependencies and implementation procedures is given. Interdependency procedures are hard to implement, especially in smaller companies. Companies have difficulties in implementing interdependency procedures and evaluating them. The study contains detailed results on how companies have implemented working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis


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During the past century, an increasingly diverse world provided us with opportunities for intercultural communication; especially the growth of commerce at all levels from domestic to international has made the combination of the theories of intercultural communication and international business necessary. As one of the main beneficiaries in international business in recent years, companies in airline industries have developed their international market. For instance, Finnair has developed its Asian strategy which responds to the increasing market demand for flights from Europe to Asia in the new millennium. Therefore, the company manages marketing communication in a global environment and becomes a suitable case for studying the theories of intercultural communication in the context of international marketing. Finnair implemented a large number of international advertisements to promote its Asian routes, where Asia has been constructed as a number of exotic destinations. Meanwhile, the company itself as a provider of these destinations has also been constructed contrastively. Thus, this thesis aims at research how Finnair constructs Asia and the company itself in the new millennium, and how these constructions compare with the theories of intercultural communication. This research applied the theories of international marketing, intercultural communication and culture. In order to analyze the collected corpora as Finnair’s international advertisements and its annual reports in the new millennium, the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis have been used in this research. As a result, Finnair has purposefully applied the essentialist approach to intercultural communication and constructed Asia as an exotic “Other” due to the company’s market orientation. Meanwhile, Finnair has also constructed the company itself two identities based on the same approach: as an international airline provider between Europe and Asia, as well as a part of Finnish society. The combination of intercultural communication and international marketing theories, together with the combination of the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis ensure the originality of this paper.


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Companies invest in employer branding in order to get good applicants, retain employees and create the image of a great employer. Employer branding will become more prominent in the future because companies strive to gain competitive advantage. Power industry is an internationally remarkable field of business. Energy and the solutions of power technology are always needed and there is a major need for new experts in power industry. The competition of talented workforce will increase because of the decrease in working-age population. The fundamental purpose of this study is to examine what kind of motives and practices company has for employer branding in power industry. The objective is to find out the benefits of employer branding and how it is targeted towards potential and current employees. In addition, the aim is to examine whether companies see employer branding as a process and what kind of processes they have for employer branding. The theoretical contribution of this study is based on literature review, which provides a better understanding of employer branding. The empirical part is a qualitative case study of two large and international companies in the field of power industry. Employer branding in the case companies is examined using theme interviews. According to this study, employer branding is a significant part of companies’ business in power industry. The main motives for employer branding are better employer image, more efficient recruitment and improved job satisfaction. Employer branding is communicated and targeted according to target group. Recruitment and educational co-operation are the main objects of employer branding towards potential employees, whereas training and development are an essential part of employer branding towards current employees. This study also discovers that there is some kind of process aspect in the background of employer branding.