49 resultados para export and import.


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Valtion rajat ylittävät terveyspalvelut Euroopan unionissa sekä Euroopan unionin säädösten merkitys ja vaikutus erityisesti lääkejakeluun ja verenluovuttajille jaettavaan tiedotusaineistoon Valtion rajat ylittävä terveydenhuolto on suuren kiinnostuksen kohteena Euroopan unionissa. Resurssien hyödyntäminen parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja tiedon keskittäminen ovat tarpeen terveydenhuollon kustannusten alati noustessa. Terveydenhuoltopalvelut kuuluvat Euroopan sisämarkkinoiden vapaan liikkuvuuden piiriin. Euroopan unionilla ei ole kuitenkaan toimivaltaa säädellä terveydenhuoltojärjestelmiä, vaan sen mahdollisuudet ovat enimmäkseen kansanterveyden edistämisessä ja suojelussa, myös muilla toimialueilla kuin terveydenhuollossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia Euroopan unionin säädösten vaikutusta terveydenhuoltosektoriin, erityisesti valtion rajat ylittäviin terveydenhuoltopalveluihin. Erityiskohteena olivat lääkemääräyksen toimittaminen toisen Euroopan unionin jäsenmaan apteekista, resepti-lääkkeiden maahantuonti omaan henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön, sähköisen lääkemääräyksen käyttö kansallisesti ja mahdollisuudet sen käyttöön eri jäsenmaiden välillä, online-apteekkien soveltuvuus Euroopan unionin sisämarkkinoille sekä verenluovuttajille jaettavan tiedotusaineiston yhtenäistämistarve Euroopan unionin alueella. Tutkimuksen osa-alueiden aineisto koottiin vuosina 1999–2003, jolloin Euroopan unioniin kuului 15 jäsenmaata. Apteekit toimittivat useimmiten myös ei-kansalliset, toisessa Euroopan unionin jäsenmaassa annetut lääkemääräykset. Kaikki jäsenmaat rajoittivat lääkemääräyksen vaativien lääkkeiden maahantuontia. Rajoituksia oli maahantuontimäärissä ja -tavoissa. Lisäksi sairasvakuutuskorvausten saaminen ulkomailla lunastetuista reseptilääkkeistä oli hankalaa. Sähköiset lääkemääräykset olivat käytössä vain kahdessa maassa, mutta useissa maissa suunniteltiin niiden kokeilua. Standardit ja käyttöjärjestelmät olivat erilaisia eri maissa. Euroopan unionin alueelle on perustettu online-apteekkeja, joiden toiminta on kuitenkin vaatimatonta. Verenluovuttajille annettava tiedotusaineisto ei missään maassa täyttänyt veridirektiivin vaatimuksia. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat kansallisten käytäntöjen eroavaisuuksien rajoittavan valtion rajat ylittäviä terveydenhuoltopalveluita. Vaikka Euroopan unionin tavoitteena ei ole yhtenäistää terveydenhuoltojärjestelmiä, on tarpeen arvioida uudelleen unionin ja jäsenmaiden välistä työnjakoa. Kansalliset terveydenhuoltojärjestelmät eivät ole erillään Euroopan sisämarkkinoista, jotka merkittävästi vaikuttavat terveydenhuoltoon.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa koivusahatavaran ja -puolijalosteiden potentiaalisia vientikohdemaita EU-maissa ja Norjassa. Tarkastelun kohteena olivat koivutuotteiden markkinapotentiaali ja kysyntä sekä puutuotteiden markkinointikanavavaihtoehdot Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena lähtökohtana oli tarkastella, kuinka markkinointitutkimuksen avulla kartoitetaan tuotantohyödykemarkkinoita, miten määritetään tuotantohyödykkeen markkinapotentiaali ja kysyntä sekä mitä markkinointikanavavaihtoehtoja puutuotteita valmistavalla yrityksellä on vientimarkkinoille lähdettäessä. Empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin sekä kvantitatiivista että kvalitatiivista tietoa Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoista. Lehtipuu- ja koivusahatavaran vienti-, tuonti- ja tuotantotilastojen pohjalta tarkasteltiin koivun suurimpia vientikohdemaita ja arvioitiin kysyntää tulevaisuudessa. Tämän lisäksi puutuotteiden toimialaorganisaatioiden, asiantuntijoiden, puutuotteita valmistavien yritysten ja maahantuojien haastattelujen avulla muodostettiin kokonaiskuva koivusahatavaran ja -puolijalosteiden markkinapotentiaalista ja koivutuotteiden asemasta Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla. Koivu koettiin Euroopan puutuotemarkkinoilla kiinnostavana puulajina ja koivutuotteiden kysyntä onkin ollut viime vuosien aikana nousujohteista. Tämä johtuu suurimmaksi osaksi tällä hetkellä vallitsevasta vaaleiden puulajien trendistä. Markkinoilla menestyminen riippuu kuitenkin siitä, kuinka hyvin koivun tarjoaja pystyy vastaamaan asiakkaiden tuotteelle asettamiin vaatimuksiin.


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Master’s Thesis concentrates to means and challenges in international operations for a Finnish mobile application provider Small Planet Oy during its various company stages from founding till maturing and during macro economical phases between year 1998 and 2008. Small Planet has just celebrated its 10 year anniversary and is therefore quite an extraordinary company which has survived all the highs and lows during past ten years and which has operated in the market as long as the whole mobile application industry has existed. Master’s Thesis describes possibilities for a company’s internationalization with different entry modes like exporting, licensing, investment entry and co-operative operations which are suitable for a mobile application provider. Unsuitable entry modes like franchising or contract manufacturing are not explained. The goal has been to analyze Small Planet’s international operations and to make conclusions from the practical experiences. Analysis and conclusions shall help Small Planet in its international operations in the future and should give insight to other mobile application companies and their managers who are in the situation of planning their own international operations. Results show that the best ways for Small Planet to internationalize its operations has been the co-operation with a big domestic client and the co-operation with Finnish operator infrastructure providers which have complementary products with Small Planet. Through these co-operations Small Planet has got lot of new international clients. Same time financial risks and investment need for international operations have been low. Co-operative international sales can be the most efficient international entry mode for a mobile application provider.


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Strategia on yrityksen toiminnan perusta. Perinteisillä toimialoilla ei välttämättä nähdä tavoitteellisen strategian tarpeellisuutta ja tärkeä strategiasuunnittelu jää toissijaiseksi. Löytämällä erottuva strategia omaa yritys kilpailuedun. Sinisen meren strategia on teoreettinen viitekehys luoda erilaistavaa liiketoimintaa. Strategian avulla voidaan tunnistaa ja luoda strategiaprofiili uudelle liiketoiminnalle jossa kilpailu ei tehnyt toiminnasta liian haavoittuvaista. Tämä nykytilanteen analysointiin ja siitä erilaistumiseen perustuva muutos voi liittyä itse tuotteeseen tai palveluun, sen tuotteistamiseen tai tuotteen jakelutien uudelleenasemointiin. Strategiatyön tarpeellisuus huonekalujen valmistamisessa ja myynnissä on muuttuvassa tilanteessa avainasemassa. Korkea valmistamisen kustannustaso ei mahdollista kilpailua edullisien tuontituotteiden kanssa ja korkeamman hintatason tuotteilla on toisaalta rajattu ostajakunta sisämarkkinoilla. Monelle toimijalle vientityön aloittaminen on riskialtis kustannuserä. Huonekaluteollisuudessa ja –jakeluteissä on ylikapasiteettia suhteessa kannattavaan liiketoimintaan. Erilaistavina markkinatekijöinä on pidetty hintaa molemmissa ääripäissä, laatua ja designiä. Hyvän jakelutien omaavat yritykset ovat hoitaneet valtakunnallisen myynnin karsien pienet toimijat alalta. Valmistuksessa innovatiivisuus perustuu lähinnä tehokkaaseen tuotantotekniikkaan, mikä osaltaan on nostanut investointien tasoa ja toteutuksen mielekkyyttä. Tuotteena huonekalu on kuitenkin teknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan yleensä matala ja jo pienellä pääomalla on aloitettavissa tuotannollinen toiminta, mutta tällöin ei menestytä välttämättä tuottavuudessa. Uusina tekijöinä kompleksisessa tilanteessa on nähtävissä voimakkaasti tulossa oleva ympäristöarvojen suurempi huomioiminen. Näistä elementeistä voidaan etsiä strategiaprofiilin avulla uusia markkinarajapintoja, joissa kilpailutilanne mahdollistaa kannattavan liiketoiminnan. Työssä tutkitaan strategiamenetelmän hyödyntämismahdollisuutta, sen perusteita ja tarpeellisuutta perinteisen muutosjäykän teollisuudenalan ja kilpailtujen huonekalumarkkinoiden segmentissä. Uuden toimintamallin tarpeen, strategian, ymmärtämiseksi on tiedostettava ympäristössä tapahtuneet muutokset ja kartoitettava nykyinen strategiaprofiili. Tähän liittyen läpikäydään ne seikat jotka ovat aiheuttaneet nykytilanteen ja näin muutostarpeen tässä markkinassa.


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The goal of the present work was to describe the wood fuel market of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, to estimate wood fuel potential and to research opportunities of wood fuel trading. Nowadays the wood waste, wood residues and by-products are becoming more and more potential raw materials for energy production. Against the background of unstable prices of traditional energy sources and environmental degradation, European States are planning to get 12% of energy from alternative sources already in 2010. Wastes of wood-working and agricultural productions are such sources. At present time the most popular wood biofuels are wood pellets, briquettes, wood chips and logs. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a rather big potential of wood fuel resources. But wood fuels markets of these countries are on the entry level and quite disorganized. There is almost no domestic usage of wood biofuel. All produced pellets, briquettes as well as wood chips and logs go to the export, but the volumes are not high at present time. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a very suitable geographical location. The most promising directions of wood fuel trading are developed wood fuel markets of Northern countries, Austria, Germany as well as actively developing markets of Poland and Hungary. At the long distance truck and sea transportation are the most appropriate. At a short distance cheap transportation by rail is more suitable. Thereby export is a potential opportunity for development of wood fuel production and in the future for usage in the researched countries.


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Little research has been conducted to guide the management of marketing variables, such as pricing, in systems business context. Furthermore, given that international partnering has become a popular mode of operation for SMEs, the objective of the current thesis was to explore the scantly researched topic of managing the pricing of integrated solutions in an export partnership. Specifically, the thesis synthesizes literature findings from the three areas of export pricing, systems business, and export partnerships. The empirical section of the study consists of a qualitative single-case study of a Finnish systems integrator that has recently launched its export operations. Primary data was collected by conducting four interviews of the case company’s managers and by organizing one group interview session. The study findings indicate that a systems integrator’s pricing strategy in an export partnership can be very multidimensional and dependant on international pricing environment and partner characteristics, that an export partnership appears to have unique implications on a systems integrator’s pricing process, and that customer value –based pricing strategies might be particularly suited to pricing integrated solutions.


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The objective of this study is to explore how the Open Innovation paradigm is applied in by small and medium-size enterprises in Russia. The focus of the study is to understand how the processes of research and development and commercialization proceed in these kind of companies and to which extent they apply open innovation principles. Russian leadership makes certain steps for transition from the export of raw materials to an innovative model of economic growth. The research aims to disclose actual impact of these attempts. The closed innovation model and the erosion factors which lead to the destruction of an old one and emergence of new model are described. Features of open innovation implementation and intellectual property rights protection in small and medium enterprises are presented. To achieve the objective, a qualitative case study approach was chosen. Research includes facts and figures, views and opinions of management of studied companies related to innovation process in the company and in Russia in general. The research depicts the features of Open Innovation implementation by SMEs in Russia. A large number of research centers with necessary equipment and qualified personnel allow case companies to use external R&D effectively. They cooperate actively with research institutes, universities and laboratories. Thus, they apply inbound Open Innovation. On the contrary, lack of venture capital, low demand for technologies within the domestic market and weak protection of intellectual property limit the external paths to new markets. Licensing-out and creation of spin-off are isolated cases. Therefore, outbound Open Innovation is not a regular practice.


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The thesis explores global and national-level issues related to the development of markets for biomass for energy. The thesis consists of five separate papers and provides insights on selected issues. The aim of Paper I was to identify methodological and statistical challenges in assessing international solid and liquid biofuels trade and provide an overview of the Finnish situation with respect to the status of international solid and liquid biofuels trade. We found that, for the Finnish case, it is possible to qualify direct and indirect trade volumes of biofuels. The study showed that indirect trade of biofuels has a highly significant role in Finland and may be a significant sector also in global biofuels trade. The purpose of Paper II was to provide a quantified insight into Finnish prospects for meeting the national 2020 renewable energy targets and concurrently becoming a largescale producer of forest-biomass-based second-generation biofuels for feeding increasing demand in European markets. We found that Finland has good opportunities to realise a scenario to meet 2020 renewable energy targets and for large-scale production of wood-based biofuels. The potential net export of transport biofuels from Finland in 2020 would correspond to 2–3% of European demand. Paper III summarises the global status of international solid and liquid biofuels trade as illuminated by several separate sources. International trade of biofuels was estimated at nearly 1 EJ for 2006. Indirect trade of biofuels through trading of industrial roundwood and material by-products comprises the largest proportion of the trading, with a share of about two thirds. The purpose of Paper IV was to outline a comprehensive picture of the coverage of various certification schemes and sustainability principles relating to the entire value-added chain of biomass and bioenergy. Regardless of the intensive work that has been done in the field of sustainability schemes and principles concerning use of biomass for energy, weaknesses still exist. The objective of Paper V was to clarify the alternative scenarios for the international biomass market until 2020 and identify the underlying steps needed toward a wellfunctioning and sustainable market for biomass for energy purposes. An overall conclusion drawn from this analysis concerns the enormous opportunities related to the utilisation of biomass for energy in the coming decades.


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This study deals with the import of West Central African slaves and their religious practices to Minas Gerais in the eighteenth century. The captaincy of Minas Gerais in the interior of Brazil developed into the world’s largest gold producing region in the beginning of the eighteenth century. The large-scale mining of gold, and later diamonds, was only possible through massive imports of slaves from Africa to Brazil. The first part of this study discusses the Atlantic slave trade in the southern Atlantic world. The discovery of gold in Minas Gerais led to an increasing demand for slaves in Brazil, which was largely met by supplies from Angola. The study analyzes the formation of Central Africans’ identities both in their homelands and in Brazil. Slave identities or “nations” have often been seen as creations of the slave owners. By interpreting major Central African “nations” such as Angola, Congo, and Benguela as regional identities that were tied to the slaves’ origins in Africa, this study offers a new interpretation of what these identities meant for Central Africans in Minas Gerais. The second part of this study concentrates on the religious universe of Central Africans. Processes of cultural creolization affected West Central African societies after the Portuguese landed in the kingdom of Kongo in the late fifteenth century and led to the development of an Atlantic Creole culture. The spread of Catholicism in West Central Africa affected religious life especially in the kingdom of Kongo, in the city of Luanda, and in the Portuguese colony of Angola. Central African religious specialists were often denounced to the authorities in Angola for organizing healing and divination rituals. Diagnosis in these rituals was often made through spirit possession. Central Africans took these healing and divining methods to Minas Gerais, where numerous African religious specialists enjoyed great prominence. In the Brazilian mining region, it was commonplace that African healers served not only the African slave population, but also free whites. In the eighteenth century, Central African popular healers made a significant contribution to the therapeutic arts practiced in Minas Gerais and elsewhere in Brazil.


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The demand for environmental technologies, also called cleantech, is growing globally but the need is especially high in emerging markets such as India where the rising economy and rapid industrialisation have led to increasing energy needs and environmental degradation. The market is of great potential also for the Finnish cleantech cluster that represents advanced expertise in several fields of environmental technologies. However, most of the Finnish companies in the field are SMEs that face challenges in their internationalisation due to their limited resources. The objective of this study was to estimate, whether strategic alliances could be an efficient entry strategy for Finnish cleantech SMEs entering the Indian market. This was done by studying what are the key factors influencing the international entry mode decision of Finnish cleantech SMEs, what are the major factors affecting the entry of Finnish cleantech SMEs to the Indian market and how do Finnish cleantech SMEs use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process. The study was realised as a qualitative multi-case study through theme interviews of Finnish cleantech SME representatives. The results indicated that Finnish cleantech SMEs prefer to enter international markets through non-equity and collaborative modes of entry. These entry modes are chosen because of the small size and limited resources of companies, but also because they want to protect their innovative technologies from property rights violations. India is an attracting market for Finnish cleantech SMEs mainly because of its size and growth, but insufficient environmental regulation and high import tariffs have hindered entry to the market. Finnish cleantech SMEs commonly use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process but the use is rather one-sided. Most of the formed strategic alliances are low-commitment, international contractual agreement in sales and distribution. Alliance partner selection receives less attention. In the future, providing Finnish cleantech SMEs with international experience and training could help in diversifying the use of strategic alliances and increase their benefits to SME internationalisation.


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This study is part of the Minimizing risks of maritime oil transport by holistic safety strategies (MIMIC) project. The purpose of this study is to provide a current state analysis of oil transportation volumes in the Baltic Sea and to create scenarios for oil transportation in the Gulf of Finland for the years 2020 and 2030. Future scenarios and information about oil transportation will be utilized in the modelling of oil transportation risks, which will be carried out as part of the MIMIC project. Approximately 290 million tons of oil and oil products were transported in the Baltic Sea in 2009, of which 55% (160 million tons) via the Gulf of Finland. Oil transportation volumes in the Gulf of Finland have increased from 40 million to almost 160 million tonnes over the last ten years. In Russia and Estonia, oil transportation mainly consists of export transports of the Russian oil industry. In Finnish ports in the Gulf of Finland, the majority of oil traffic is concentrated to the port of Sköldvik, while the remainder mainly consists of different oil products for domestic use. Transit transports to/from Russia make up small volumes of oil transportation. The largest oil ports in the Gulf of Finland are Primorsk, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Sköldvik. The basis for the scenarios for the years 2020 and 2030 is formed by national energy strategies, the EU`s climate and energy strategies as well other energy and transportation forecasts for the years 2020 and 2030. Three alternative scenarios were produced for both 2020 and 2030. The oil volumes are based on the expert estimates of nine specialists. The specialists gave three volumes for each scenario: the expected oil transport volumes, and the minimum and maximum volumes. Variations in the volumes between the scenarios are not large, but each scenario tends to have rather a large difference between the figures for minimum and maximum volumes. This variation between the minimum and maximum volumes ranges around 30 to 40 million tonnes depending on the scenario. On the basis of this study, no a dramatic increase in oil transportation volumes in the Gulf of Finland is to be expected. Most of the scenarios only forecasted a moderate growth in maritime oil transportation compared to the current levels. The effects of the European energy policy favouring renewable energy sources can be seen in the 2030 scenarios, in which the transported oil volumes are smaller than in the 2020 scenarios. In the Slow development 2020 scenario, oil transport volumes for 2020 are expected to be 170.6 Mt (million tonnes), in the Average development 2020 187.1 Mt and in the Strong development 2020 201.5 Mt. The corresponding oil volumes for the 2030 scenarios were 165 Mt for the Stagnating development 2030 scenario, 177.5 Mt for the Towards a greener society 2030 scenario and 169.5 Mt in the Decarbonising society 2030 scenario.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut selvittää suomalaisten bioenergia-alan pk-yritysten halukkuus tehdä vientiyhteistyötä ja selvittää millaiset vientiyhteistyömuodot soveltuvat alalle. Tutkimuksessa on lisäksi selvitetty mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat menestyksekkääseen yhteistyöhön. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1. Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat strategisen allianssin ja vientiyhteistyön menestykseen? 2. Minkälaiset vientiyhteistyömuodot soveltuvat parhaiten bioenergia-alalle? Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Ensimmäisessä osiossa on vastattu kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen. Toisessa osiossa jälkimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen on vastattu analysoimalla teemahaastatteluita, joihin on valittu suomalaisia bioenergia-alan pk-yrityksiä. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että luottamus ja sitoutuminen ovat yhteisiä päätekijöitä, kun tarkastellaan strategisia alliansseja ja vientiyhteistyötä. Muita menestykseen vaikuttavia yhteisiä tekijöitä on partnereiden valinta, yritysten yhteensopivuus, ystävyyssuhteet ja henkilökemiat, johtaminen sekä pitkän aikavälin suhteet. Bioenergia-alalle parhaiten soveltuvat vientiyhteistyömuodot ovat tutkimuksen mukaan yhteistyö suorassa viennissä (jälleenmyyjien tai tuontiagenttien kautta) ja markkinointiyhteistyö.


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After the economic reform, China has undergone fast economic growth, urbanization and adopted the western lifestyle. Global enterprises are investing in China and Finnish companies began to enter the Chinese market after the 1980s. Fast economic growth has downside effects like pollution and thus more cleantech solutions are needed. There are different kinds of entry modes that companies are using when entering the Chinese market. This thesis focuses on export tire entry mode. The purpose of this study is to examine cleantech companies’ opinions about the export tire operations. The background of this study is built by combining the written knowledge about the history of the Chinese industry and market entry modes. The empirical part of the study is a semi-structured, qualitative analysis of five case companies that are operating together in a particular export tire and represent the highest Finnish cleantech knowledge. The results of this study indicate that the export tire entry is an easy and cost effective way to enter new markets or market segment. Export tire is really dependent on the leader who in this particular case succeeded well.


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This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014