212 resultados para Organizational knowledge management
The challenges of knowledge sharing after cross-border acquisitions are widely recognised. The study took a new view to the subject by applying a two-level framework provided by the knowledge governance approach. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of organizational mechanisms on the conditions of individuals for knowledge sharing in post-acquisition integration context. Qualitative research methods were used in this case study. Individual interviews were performed within an international firm after a recent cross-border acquisition. The results showed that integrators, the rotation of the personnel from the acquiring firm and visits and meetings enhance the conditions at the individual level for knowledge sharing after the acquisition. Respectively, strategic change, matrix structure and foreign HRM practices challenge the conditions at the individual level for knowledge sharing in the early post-acquisition integration phase. The findings are supported by the prior research on knowledge management in acquisitions. In particular, the study enlightens how organizational level actions influence the conditions of individuals for knowledge sharing. The study suggests that organizations should adjust organizational mechanisms to support the conditions of individuals, in order to promote knowledge sharing in the early phase of the integration.
Intellectual assets have attained continuous attention in the academic field, as they are vital sources of competitive advantage and organizational performance in the contemporary knowledge intensive business environment. Intellectual capital measurement is quite thoroughly addressed in the accounting literature. However, the purpose of the measurement is to support the management of intellectual assets, but the reciprocal relationship between measurement and management has not been comprehensively considered in the literature. The theoretical motivation for this study rose from this paradox, as in order to maximise the effectiveness of knowledge management the two initiatives need to be closely integrated. The research approach of this interventionist case study is constructive. The objective is to develop the case organization’s knowledge management and intellectual capital measurement in a way that they would be closely integrated and the measurement would support the management of intellectual assets. The case analysis provides valuable practical considerations about the integration and related issues as the case company is a knowledge intensive organization in which the know-how of the employees is the central competitive asset and therefore, the management and measurement of knowledge are essential for its future success. The results suggest that the case organization is confronting challenges in managing knowledge. In order to appropriately manage knowledge processes and control the related risks, support from intellectual capital measurement is required. However, challenges in measuring intellectual capital, especially knowledge, could be recognized in the organization. By reflecting the knowledge management situation and the constructed strategy map, a new intellectual measurement system was developed for the case organization. The construction of the system as well as its indicators can be perceived to contribute to the literature, emphasizing of the importance of properly considering the organization’s knowledge situation in developing an intellectual capital measurement system.
The driving forces of technology and globalization continuously transform the business landscape in a way which undermines the existing strategies and innovations of organizations. The challenge for organizations is to establish such conditions where they are able to create new knowledge for innovative business ideas in interaction between other organizations and individuals. Innovation processes continuously need new external stimulations and seek new ideas, new information and knowledge locating more and more outside traditional organizational boundaries. In several studies, the early phases of the innovation process have been considered as the most critical ones. During these phases, the innovation process can emerge or conclude. External knowledge acquirement and utilization are noticed to be important at this stage of the innovation process giving information about the development of future markets and needs for new innovative businessideas. To make it possible, new methods and approaches to manage proactive knowledge creation and sharing activities are needed. In this study, knowledge creation and sharing in the early phases of the innovation process has been studied, and the understanding of knowledge management in the innovation process in an open and collaborative context advanced. Furthermore, the innovation management methods in this study are combined in a novel way to establish an open innovation process and tested in real-life cases. For these purposes two complementary and sequentially applied group work methods - the heuristic scenario method and the idea generation process - are examined by focusing the research on the support of the open knowledge creation and sharing process. The research objective of this thesis concerns two doctrines: the innovation management including the knowledge management, and the futures research concerning the scenario paradigm. This thesis also applies the group decision support system (GDSS) in the idea generation process to utilize the converged knowledge during the scenario process.
Globalization and new information technologies mean that organizations have to face world-wide competition in rapidly transforming, unpredictable environments, and thus the ability to constantly generate novel and improved products, services and processes has become quintessential for organizational success. Performance in turbulent environments is, above all, influenced by the organization's capability for renewal. Renewal capability consists of the ability of the organization to replicate, adapt, develop and change its assets, capabilities and strategies. An organization with a high renewal capability can sustain its current success factors while at the same time building new strengths for the future. This capability does not only mean that the organization is able to respond to today's challenges and to keep up with the changes in its environment, but also that it can actas a forerunner by creating innovations, both at the tactical and strategic levels of operation and thereby change the rules of the market. However, even though it is widely agreed that the dynamic capability for continuous learning, development and renewal is a major source of competitive advantage, there is no widely shared view on how organizational renewal capability should be defined, and the field is characterized by a plethora of concepts and definitions. Furthermore,there is a lack of methods for systematically assessing organizational renewal capability. The dissertation aims to bridge these gaps in the existing research by constructing an integrative theoretical framework for organizational renewal capability and by presenting a method for modeling and measuring this capability. The viability of the measurement tool is demonstrated in several contexts, andthe framework is also applied to assess renewal in inter-organizational networks. In this dissertation, organizational renewal capability is examined by drawing on three complimentary theoretical perspectives: knowledge management, strategic management and intellectual capital. The knowledge management perspective considers knowledge as inherently social and activity-based, and focuses on the organizational processes associated with its application and development. Within this framework, organizational renewal capability is understood as the capacity for flexible knowledge integration and creation. The strategic management perspective, on the other hand, approaches knowledge in organizations from the standpoint of its implications for the creation of competitive advantage. In this approach, organizational renewal is framed as the dynamic capability of firms. The intellectual capital perspective is focused on exploring how intangible assets can be measured, reported and communicated. From this vantage point, renewal capability is comprehended as the dynamic dimension of intellectual capital, which consists of the capability to maintain, modify and create knowledge assets. Each of the perspectives significantly contributes to the understanding of organizationalrenewal capability, and the integrative approach presented in this dissertationcontributes to the individual perspectives as well as to the understanding of organizational renewal capability as a whole.
The ability of the supplier firm to generate and utilise customer-specific knowledge has attracted increasing attention in the academic literature during the last decade. It has been argued the customer knowledge should treated as a strategic asset the same as any other intangible assets. Yet, at the same time it has been shown that the management of customer-specific knowledge is challenging in practice, and that many firms are better at acquiring customer knowledge than at making use of it. This study examines customer knowledge processing in the context of key account management in large industrial firms. This focus was chosen because key accounts are demanding and complex. It is not unusual for a single key account relationship to constitute a complex web of relationships between the supplier and the key account – thus easily leading to the dispersion of customer-specific knowledge in the supplier firm. Although the importance of customer-specific knowledge generation has been widely acknowledged in the literature, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the processes through which firms generate, disseminate and use such knowledge internally for enhancing the relationships with their major, strategically important key account customers. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview and draws together the main findings of the study, whereas the second part consists of five complementary empirical research papers based on survey data gathered from large industrial firms in Finland. The findings suggest that the management of customer knowledge generated about and form key accounts is a three-dimensional process consisting of acquisition, dissemination and utilization. It could be concluded from the results that customer-specific knowledge is a strategic asset because the supplier’s customer knowledge processing activities have a positive effect on supplier’s key account performance. Moreover, in examining the determinants of each phase separately the study identifies a number of intra-organisational factors that facilitate the process in supplier firms. The main contribution of the thesis lies in linking the concept of customer knowledge processing to the previous literature on key account management. Moreover, given than this literature is mainly conceptual or case-based, a further contribution is to examine its consequences and determinants based on quantitative empirical data.
Previous studies of the local involvement of multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries focus on host-country firms and local business partners such as suppliers and customers. The role of host-country universities in the same context of innovation networks is neglected. Furthermore, there are many organizational culture- and knowledge-related differences between universities and companies, and this is likely to pose additional challenges for successful collaboration. Early university-industry (U-I) studies have primarily been limited within a national boundary, being concerned with a single level of culture (i.e., at an organizational level) and one-way knowledge transfer from university to industry. Research on more dynamic knowledge interaction in multinational settings is lacking. This is particularly true in the business context of China. In today’s globalizing and rapidly changing organizations, addressing cultural differences and clashes is an everyday reality, and inter-cultural U-I collaboration is becoming a key asset for gaining global competitiveness. This study deals with Finnish MNC subsidiaries’ research collaboration with Chinese universities. It aims to explore the essence of such U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, uncovering the deep functioning mechanisms of culture underlying effective collaborative knowledge creation and innovation. The study reviews critically different bodies of literature including knowledge management theories and studies, U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, and cross-cultural research in terms of organizational knowledge generation and utilization. It adopts a case study strategy with qualitative research methods, and data is collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The study presents the following major findings: 1. In the light of a comprehensive analysis of U-I collaboration, an effective matching strategy is proposed, in the assumption that good alignment of knowledge interaction strategies and approaches with their corresponding knowledge type, capability development and research task may greatly enhance the effectiveness of cross-cultural U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. 2. It is proposed that in the Chinese MNC context more dynamic types of knowledge interaction like knowledge co-creation should be of key concern particularly when dealing simultaneously with multi-disciplinary applied research of human factors and technologies. U-I knowledge interaction, otherwise, pays attention only to the study of one-way technology and knowledge transfer. 3. It is posited that the influence of culture on collaborative knowledge interaction can be studied in a valuable way when knowledge-related variables are simultaneously taken into account. A systematic analysis of the role of knowledge in cross-cultural knowledge interaction could best be approached from multi-aspects of knowledge including not only nature, characteristics and types of knowledge but also the process of knowledge (e.g., intensifications of knowledge interaction). 4. The study demonstrates the significant role of aspects of the host-country culture (e.g., Chinese guanxi) in U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. This is evident, for instance, in issues related to interpersonal relationships and trust, true interest and the relatedness of the research, mutual commitment and learning, communication intensity and interaction, and awareness of cultural and knowledge-related differences between collaboration partners. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are suggested and discussed.
In knowledge-intensive economy an effective knowledge transfer is a part of the firm’s strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Knowledge transfer related to a variety of mechanisms depends on the nature of knowledge and context. The topic is, however, very little empirical studied and there is a research gap in scientific literature. This study examined and analyzed external knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business and especially in the context of acquisitions. The aim was to find out what kind of mechanisms was used when the buyer began to transfer data e.g. their own agendas and practices to the purchased units. Another major research goal was to identify the critical factors which contributed to knowledge transfer through different mechanisms. The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in a consultative service business company, in its four business units acquired by acquisition, in various parts of the country. The empirical part of the study was carried out as focus group interviews in each unit, and the data were analyzed using qualitative methods. The main findings of this study were firstly the nine different knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business acquisition: acquisition management team as an initiator, unit manager as a translator, formal training, self-directed learning, rooming-in, IT systems implementation, customer relationship management, codified database and ecommunication. The used mechanisms brought up several aspects as giving the face to changing, security of receiving right knowledge and correctly interpreted we-ness atmosphere, and orientation to use more consultative touch with customers. The study pointed out seven critical factors contributed to different mechanisms: absorption, motivation, organizational learning, social interaction, trust, interpretation and time resource. The two last mentioned were new findings compared to previous studies. Each of the mechanisms and the related critical factors contributed in different ways to the activity in different units after the acquisition. The role of knowledge management strategy was the most significant managerial contribution of the study. Phenomenon is not recognized enough although it is strongly linked in knowledge based companies. The recognition would help to develop a better understanding of the business through acquisitions, especially in situations such as where two different knowledge strategies combines in new common company.
The objective of this study is to find out how sales management can be optimally supported with business information and knowledge. The first chapters of the study focus on theoretical literature about sales planning, sales steering, business intelligence, and knowledge management. The empirical part of the study is a case study for which the material was collected through interviews with the selected people of the company. The findings from the interviews were analyzed, and possible suggestions for solving the problems were made. The case study revealed that sales management requires a multitude of metrics and reports to steer the sales to the desired direction. The information sources can be internal and external, and the optimal solution for satisfying the information needs is a combination of both of these. The simple information should be turned into knowledge by merging the intellectual assets with the information from the firm’s transaction processing systems, in order to promote organizational learning and effective decision-making.
Organizations are today characterized by uncertainty, fast changes and inability to predict the future. Both trust and communication are vital when changes are implemented in an organization. The purpose of this study was to examine how a change process can be enhanced by the means of communication and trust. This study was cheated by using the existing literature related to the subject.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to study customer knowledge transfer processes in multinational corporations (MNCs). The main objective was to examine how customer knowledge is transferred in MNCs and what kind of factors enhance or inhibit the knowledge transfer process, and to create a framework on the basis of the existing literature and the empirical findings. In this thesis the factors were organized according to whether they are properties of the unit involved in knowledge management, properties of relationships between the units or properties of the knowledge itself. There are various properties that influence knowledge transfer but in this thesis the focus was on examining the relevant findings from the customer knowledge viewpoint. Empirical results show that internal fragmentation in the MNC seems to be inherent in this type of organization, and may cause many problems in customer knowledge transfer and utilization. These knowledge transfer inhibitors rise from the organization’s properties: it’s absorptive capacity, motivation, organizational culture, and the two dimensions of knowledge. However, in spite of the inherent forces causing internal fragmentation and inhibiting knowledge transfer, moderate customer knowledge and expertise codification, cooperative working practices among the experts, and socialization mechanisms posed by the headquarters seem to help maintain customer knowledge transfer, and value creation in the long-term relationship. This value creation can be seen to be based on accessing and integrating a wide variety of knowledge resources in order to create a coherent product and service offering.
Tulevaisuuden hahmottamisen merkitys heikkojen signaalien avulla on korostunut viime vuosien aikana merkittävästi,koska yrityksen liiketoimintaympäristössä tapahtuvia muutoksia on ollut yhä vaikeampaa ennustaa historian perusteella. Liiketoimintaympäristössä monien muutoksien merkkejä on ollut nähtävissä, mutta niitä on ollut vaikea havaita. Heikkoja signaaleja tunnistamalla ja keräämällä sekä reagoimalla tilanteeseen riittävän ajoissa, on mahdollista saavuttaa ylivoimaista kilpailuetua. Kirjallisuustutkimus keskittyy heikkojen signaalien tunnistamisen haasteisiin liiketoimintaympäristöstä, signaalien ja informaation kehittymiseen sekä informaation hallintaan organisaatiossa. Kiinnostus näihin perustuu tarpeeseen määritellä heikkojen signaalien tunnistamiseen vaadittava prosessi, jonka avulla heikot signaalit voidaan huomioida M-real Oyj:n päätöksenteossa. Kirjallisuustutkimus osoittaa selvästi sen, että heikkoja signaaleita on olemassa ja niitä pystytään tunnistamaan liiketoimintaympäristöstä. Signaaleja voidaan rikastuttaa yrityksessä olevalla tietämyksellä ja hyödyntää edelleen päätöksenteossa. Vertailtaessa sekä kirjallisuustutkimusta että empiiristä tutkimusta tuli ilmi selkeästi tiedon moninaisuus; määrä,laatu ja tiedonsaannin oikea-aikaisuus päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksen aikana kehittyi prosessimalli tiedon suodattamiselle, luokittelulle ja heikkojen signaalien tunnistamiselle. Työn edetessä prosessimalli kehittyi osaksi tässä työssä kehitettyä kokonaisuutta 'Weak Signal Capturing' -työkalua. Monistamalla työkalua voidaan kerätä heikkoja signaaleja eri M-realin liiketoiminnan osa-alueilta. Tietoja systemaattisesti kokoamalla voidaan kartoittaa tulevaisuutta koko M-realille.
Yritykset kehittävät toimintaansa yritysjärjestelyillä, joista kuitenkin suuri osa epäonnistuu. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaankotietojohtamisen avulla vaikuttaa yritysoston onnistumista edistäviin tekijöihin. Lisäksi työssä kehitetään yritykselle sellainen toimintatapa, jonka avulla se kykenee luomaan, omaksumaan ja jakamaan uutta tietoa nopeasti ja hyödyntämään siten markkinoiden mahdollisuuksia. Työ sisältää sekä teoreettisen että empiirisen osan. Teoreettisessa osassa käsitellään yritysostoprosessia ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan uuden tiedon luomista yrityksessä, yrityksen innovatiivisuutta sekä tekijöitä, jotka edistävät tiedon jakamista. Empiirisen osan aineisto on koottu kohdeyrityksestä teemahaastattelun avulla. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että yritysoston onnistumistaedistävät tekijät sisältyvät myös tietojohtamisen viitekehykseen. Näin ollen voidaan päätellä, että tietojohtamisen tehostaminen lisää yritysoston onnistumismahdollisuutta. Muutostilanteessa tärkeäksi tekijäksi havaittiin organisaatiokulttuuri. Yhdistettäessä yrityksiä tulee kiinnittää huomiota myös toimivaan vuorovaikutusverkostoon, jotta tiedotus asioista saavuttaa jokaisen työntekijän.
Ohjelmistotestaus on suuri ja kasvava kustannuserä ohjelmistotuotannossa. Kirjallisuudessa mainittu ohjelmistotestauksen kustannusten osuus on noin 50% ohjelmistokehityshankkeiden budjetista. Tutkimusprojektin tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka ohjelmistotestauksen kustannusten kasvu saataisiin pysähtymään tai laskemaan laatua menettämättä. Tässä työssä keskitytään laadullisen analyysin kautta selvittämään ja ymmärtämään tietämyksen välittämistä ohjelmistotestausorganisaatiossa. Tutkimusmateriaali on kerätty haastattelemalla26 organisaatioyksikön edustajia. Näiden organisaatioyksiköiden joukosta on edelleen valittu viisi organisaatioyksikköä lähempään tarkasteluun. Työssä havaittiin muun muassa, että tuotesuuntautuneessa ohjelmistokehityksessä tietämystä on vaivattomampi kodifioida. Esimerkiksi testitapausten määrittäminen ennakkoon on tällöin helpompaa. Kodifiointi mahdollistaa myös testauksen laajamittaisen ulkoistamisen, sillä kodifioitua tietämystä on helpompi välittää. Räätälöityjen järjestelmien testaamisessa tarvittava tietämys vaikuttaa olevan suurelta osin hiljaista, esimerkiksi sovellusalueosaaminen painottuu enemmän.
Pro gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata informaatiotalouden aikakauden tuomia haasteita päätöksentekoa tukevalla mittaamiselle. Keskeisenä tavoitteena tutkimuksessa oli hahmottaa millaisia haasteita aineeton talous, liiketoimintaympäristön muutokset ja kiristyvä kilpailu tuovat yrityksen päätöksentekoa tukevalle mittaamiselle. Samalla yritettiin luoda käsitys siitä millainen merkitys aineettomilla asioilla on nykypäivän yrityksille. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus tehtiin keväällä 2006 suomalaisille logistiikka-alan yrityksille. Tutkimus toteutettiin www- lomakehaastatteluna, johon vastasi lähes 130 alan päätöksentekijää. Tutkimuksen eri hypoteeseja testattiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Hypoteesit vahvistavat kirjallisuudesta löytyneet havainnot siitä, että aineettomat asiat ovat yrityksille tärkeitä. Haasteena yrityksillä on aineettomien mittareiden ja asioiden käyttö päätöksenteon tukena. Lähes kaikki tutkimukseen vastanneet olivat kehittäneet viime aikoina mittaamistaan ja pitivät aineettomia asioita tärkeinä. Samaan aikaan päätöksentekoa tukena oli edelleen vahvasti taloudellinen informaatio, vaikka yksilötasolla aineettomat asiat nähtiin vahvimpina lisäarvon tuottajina. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä havaintona oli aineettomien asioiden merkityksen muutos siirryttäessä yksilötasolta organisaatiotasolle.
Uudistumiskyvyn suurimmat esteet johtuvat tietämyksen luomisprosessin epäonnistumisesta. Epäonnistumisen taustalla ovat tiedon lukkiutuminen organisaation konteksteihin ja organisaation kyvyttömyys uudistua toimintaympäristön muuttuessa. Jatkuva uudistuminen edellyttää organisaatiolta tietämystä. Tämä on edellytyksenä organisaation kyvylle tunnistaa dynaamisiakyvykkyyksiään ja luoda tietämyksestään merkitystä, mikä mahdollistaa uuden oppimisen. Uuden oppiminen luo perustan organisaation kyvylle uudentaa, kehittää jainnovoida toimintaansa. Uutta oppiakseen organisaation on luotava edellytykset tietovirtojen virtaamiselle organisaation ulkopuolelta sisäpuolelle. Tämän tekee mahdolliseksi organisaation henkilöstö, joka ymmärtää asiakasrajapintojen kautta tulevan ulkopuolisen uuden tiedon strategisen merkityksen.Tiedon strategisen merkityksen ymmärtämiseksi, henkilöstön osaamista on kehitettävä organisaation henkilöstöstrategian välityksellä. Henkilöstöstrategiaprosessi kertoo sen, miten organisaatio aikoo henkilöstön kehittämisen toteuttaa. Henkilöstöstrategiaprosessin onnistuminen edellyttää organisaation kontekstien tiedostamista ja niiden merkityksen ymmärtämistä kollektiivisen strategisen tietämyksen luomisessa.