90 resultados para Anarchist ideas, intellectuals, anarchist literature.
Aim of this thesis was to design and manufacture a microdistillation column. The literature review part of this thesis covers stainless steels, material processing and basics about engineering design and distillation. The main focus, however, is on the experimental part. Experimental part is divided into five distinct sections: First part is where the device is introduced and separated into three parts. Secondly the device is designed part by part. It consists mostly of detail problem solving, since the first drawings had already been drawn and the critical dimensions decided. Third part is the manufacture, which was not fully completed since the final assembly was left out of this thesis. Fourth part is the test welding for the device, and its analysis. Finally some ideas for further studies are presented. The main goal of this thesis was accomplished. The device only lacks some final assembly but otherwise it is complete. One thing that became clear during the process was how difficult it is to produce small and precise steel parts with conventional manufacturing methods. Internal stresses within steel plates and thermal distortions can easily ruin small steel structures. Designing appropriate welding jigs is an important task for even simple devices. Laser material processing is a promising tool for this kind of steel processing because of the flexibility, good cutting quality and also precise and low heat input when welding. Next step in this project is the final assembly and the actual distillation tests. The tests will be carried out at Helsinki University of Technology.
The purpose of the thesis is to study innovativeness in a context of the construction industry especially the front-end of the innovation process. The construction industry is often considered an old-fashioned manufacturing industry. Innovations and innovativeness are rarely linked to the industry. The construction industry, as well as other industries in Finland, is facing challenges such as productivity, the climate change and internationalization. The meaning of innovations is greater than ever in continuously changing markets, for standing out from competitors or increasing the competitiveness. Traditional production methods, tight building regulations, unique buildings, one-of-a-kind project organizations and highlighting the cheapest price in building contracts are particular challenges in the construction industry. The research questions of the thesis were: - What kind of factors shift the existing company culture towards innovativeness? - What are the phases of the front-end of the innovation process? - What kind of tools and methods enable managing the front-end of the innovation process? The theoretical part of the thesis bases on the literature review. The research methodology of the empirical part was the action research and qualitative approach. Empirical data was collected by the theme interviews from three companies. The results were practical methods and experiences from innovation activities of the companies. The results of the thesis can be clarified as follows: enhancement of the innovation activities requires support and commitment of the top management, innovative culture and innovation strategy. Innovativeness can be promoted by systematical methods for example collecting ideas from employees. Controlling and managing the front-end phase is essential to succeeding. Despite that managing the front-end is the most challenging part of the innovation process, development and management of that save companies’ money, resources and prevents useless investments. Further clarification and studies are needed to find out furthermore functional tools and methods to manage innovations and implementing them to the culture of the companies.
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda palvelutuotteiden kehitysmalli kansainvälisessä verkostossa toimivalle teollisuusyritykselle. Lisäksi työssä luotiin katsaus keskeisimpiin menestystekijöihin laitevalmistajasta palvelutarjoajaksi muuntautumisessa. Mallin kehittäminen aloitettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksella palveluiden tuotteistamiseen ja kehittämiseen, palveluliiketoimintaan sekä laitevalmistajasta palvelutarjoajaksi muuntautumiseen. Tämän lisäksi suoritettiin kohdeyrityksen palveluliiketoiminnan lähtötilanteen kartoitus. Tulevaisuuden visioon lähtötilanteesta pääsemiseksi luotiin kehitysmalli, jolla palvelutarpeista ja -ideoista saadaan tuotteistettua palvelutuote, joka voidaan liittää palvelutarjoamaan kansainvälisen verkoston toteutettavaksi. Palvelujen osuus laitevalmistusyrityksillä on voimakkaassa kasvussa. Palvelutuotantoon siirtymisen keskeisiä syitä ovat laitevalmistajan asiakkaiden arvonluontiprosesseja tukevan osaamisen tuotteistaminen, palveluiden tehokkaan tuottamisen mahdollistaminen sekä kilpailijoista erottautuminen. Palveluliiketoiminnan kehittäminen on laaja kokonaisuus. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena oli osaltaan edistää palvelutuotannon alkamista ja antaa työvälineet palvelutuotteiden edelleen kehittämiselle. Esiin tulleita jatkotutkimuksen aiheita ovat esimerkiksi palvelutoimitusten asiakkaan kokema laatu sekä millaisia haasteita pitkät laitevalmistusperinteet omaava teollisuusyritys kohtaa muuntuessaan ratkaisutoimittajaksi.
Tutkielma käsittelee nykypäivän angloamerikkalaisen kaunokirjallisuuden suomentamista. Tutkimuksessa pyritään vahvistamaan tai kumoamaan hypoteesi, jonka mukaan angloamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden suomentamistapa on tällä hetkellä pikemmin adekvaattinen (adequate) kuin hyväksyttävä (acceptable). Adekvaattisessa käännöksessä säilytetään lähdetekstin vierautta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kahdessa Neil Gaimanin romaanissa esiintyvistä kulttuurisidonnaisista aineksista (culture-specific items, CSIs) ja niiden käännöksistä. Tutkimus perustuu pääasiassa Itamar Even-Zoharin polysysteemiteoriaan ja Gideon Touryn teoriaan kääntämiseen vaikuttavista normeista. Teorioiden avulla esitetään, että kirjallisuuden polysysteemi vaikuttaa yksittäisiin käännösvalintoihin, kun suomennetaan kaunokirjallisuudessa esiintyviä kulttuurisidonnaisia aineksia. Kulttuurisidonnaiset ainekset ovat kulttuuriin liittyviä ilmauksia, jotka viittaavat kielenulkoiseen todellisuuteen. Tutkimuksen osana tarkastellaan lyhyesti myös kirjallisuutta, suomentamista sekä suomentamisen historiaa Suomessa. Empiirisessä osuudessa aineiston tutkimiseen käytetään Javier Franco Aixelán kehittämää käännöstaktiikoiden luokitusta. Kulttuurisidonnaisten ainesten suomennoksista analysoidaan eri käännöstaktiikoiden määrät, jolloin saadaan selville niiden yleisyys käännöksissä. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että tutkimuskohteena olevien romaanien kulttuurisidonnaiset ainekset on suomennettu melko adekvaattisesti. Tutkimustulos on vain suuntaa-antava, mutta tukee silti hypoteesia angloamerikkalaisen kaunokirjallisuuden suomennosten adekvaattisuudesta.
The age-old adage goes that nothing in this world lasts but change, and this generation has indeed seen changes that are unprecedented. Business managers do not have the luxury of going with the flow: they have to plan ahead, to think strategies that will meet the changing conditions, however stormy the weather seems to be. This demand raises the question of whether there is something a manager or planner can do to circumvent the eye of the storm in the future? Intuitively, one can either run on the risk of something happening without preparing, or one can try to prepare oneself. Preparing by planning for each eventuality and contingency would be impractical and prohibitively expensive, so one needs to develop foreknowledge, or foresight past the horizon of the present and the immediate future. The research mission in this study is to support strategic technology management by designing an effective and efficient scenario method to induce foresight to practicing managers. The design science framework guides this study in developing and evaluating the IDEAS method. The IDEAS method is an electronically mediated scenario method that is specifically designed to be an effective and accessible. The design is based on the state-of-the-art in scenario planning, and the product is a technology-based artifact to solve the foresight problem. This study demonstrates the utility, quality and efficacy of the artifact through a multi-method empirical evaluation study, first by experimental testing and secondly through two case studies. The construction of the artifact is rigorously documented as justification knowledge as well as the principles of form and function on the general level, and later through the description and evaluation of instantiations. This design contributes both to practice and foundation of the design. The IDEAS method contributes to the state-of-the-art in scenario planning by offering a light-weight and intuitive scenario method for resource constrained applications. Additionally, the study contributes to the foundations and methods of design by forging a clear design science framework which is followed rigorously. To summarize, the IDEAS method is offered for strategic technology management, with a confident belief that it will enable gaining foresight and aid the users to choose trajectories past the gales of creative destruction and off to a brighter future.
Tavoitteena työssä oli tuottaa ja kerätä tietoa uuden liiketoiminnan kehittämistä tukevan toimintamallin suunnittelu- ja kehitystyötä varten. Tietoa kerättiin aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta, kirjallisuudesta sekä empiirisistä lähteistä. Tutkimusta työssä tehtiin konstruktiivisen lähestymistapaa mukaillen. Empiirisen tiedon keräämis- ja tuottamistapoina käytettiin teemahaastattelua, verkkokyselyä ja työpajatyöskentelyä. Lisäksi työssä analysoitiin kaksi olemassa olevaa uuden liiketoiminnan kehittämisen toimintamallia. Teoriatarkastelu työssä keskityttiin innovaation alkupäähän, liiketoimintamalleihin, asiakasarvoihin, verkostoihin ja innovaation alkupään menestystekijöihin. Näiden pohjalta tuotettiin kehitelmä hyödynnettävyydestä sekä kuvaus uuden liiketoiminnan kehittämisen varhaisista vaiheista. Tätä kaikkea hyödyntäen koottiin suunnittelutiedon lisäksi jatkokehitystä tukeva konseptimainen toimintamalli. Tämän konseptimaisen vision tarkoituksena on toimia jatkossa suunnan näyttäjänä varsinaista toimintamallia rakennettaessa.
In the present dissertation, multilingual thesauri were approached as cultural products and the focus was twofold: On the empirical level the focus was placed on the translatability of certain British-English social science indexing terms into the Finnish language and culture at a concept, a term and an indexing term level. On the theoretical level the focus was placed on the aim of translation and on the concept of equivalence. In accordance with modern communicative and dynamic translation theories the interest was on the human dimension. The study is qualitative. In this study, equivalence was understood in a similar way to how dynamic, functional equivalence is commonly understood in translation studies. Translating was seen as a decision-making process, where a translator often has different kinds of possibilities to choose in order to fulfil the function of the translation. Accordingly, and as a starting point for the construction of the empirical part, the function of the source text was considered to be the same or similar to the function of the target text, that is, a functional thesaurus both in source and target context. Further, the study approached the challenges of multilingual thesaurus construction from the perspectives of semantics and pragmatics. In semantic analysis the focus was on what the words conventionally mean and in pragmatics on the ‘invisible’ meaning - or how we recognise what is meant even when it is not actually said (or written). Languages and ideas expressed by languages are created mainly in accordance with expressional needs of the surrounding culture and thesauri were considered to reflect several subcultures and consequently the discourses which represent them. The research material consisted of different kinds of potential discourses: dictionaries, database records, and thesauri, Finnish versus British social science researches, Finnish versus British indexers, simulated indexing tasks with five articles and Finnish versus British thesaurus constructors. In practice, the professional background of the two last mentioned groups was rather similar. It became even more clear that all the material types had their own characteristics, although naturally not entirely separate from each other. It is further noteworthy that the different types and origins of research material were not used to represent true comparison pairs, and that the aim of triangulation of methods and material was to gain a holistic view. The general research questions were: 1. Can differences be found between Finnish and British discourses regarding family roles as thesaurus terms, and if so, what kinds of differences and which are the implications for multilingual thesaurus construction? 2. What is the pragmatic indexing term equivalence? The first question studied how the same topic (family roles) was represented in different contexts and by different users, and further focused on how the possible differences were handled in multilingual thesaurus construction. The second question was based on findings of the previous one, and answered to the final question as to what kinds of factors should be considered when defining translation equivalence in multilingual thesaurus construction. The study used multiple cases and several data collection and analysis methods aiming at theoretical replication and complementarity. The empirical material and analysis consisted of focused interviews (with Finnish and British social scientists, thesaurus constructors and indexers), simulated indexing tasks with Finnish and British indexers, semantic component analysis of dictionary definitions and translations, coword analysis and datasets retrieved in databases, and discourse analysis of thesauri. As a terminological starting point a topic and case family roles was selected. The results were clear: 1) It was possible to identify different discourses. There also existed subdiscourses. For example within the group of social scientists the orientation to qualitative versus quantitative research had an impact on the way they reacted to the studied words and discourses, and indexers placed more emphasis on the information seekers whereas thesaurus constructors approached the construction problems from a more material based solution. The differences between the different specialist groups i.e. the social scientists, the indexers and the thesaurus constructors were often greater than between the different geo-cultural groups i.e. Finnish versus British. The differences occurred as a result of different translation aims, diverging expectations for multilingual thesauri and variety of practices. For multilingual thesaurus construction this means severe challenges. The clearly ambiguous concept of multilingual thesaurus as well as different construction and translation strategies should be considered more precisely in order to shed light on focus and equivalence types, which are clearly not self-evident. The research also revealed the close connection between the aims of multilingual thesauri and the pragmatic indexing term equivalence. 2) The pragmatic indexing term equivalence is very much context-depended. Although thesaurus term equivalence is defined and standardised in the field of library and information science (LIS), it is not understood in one established way and the current LIS tools are inadequate to provide enough analytical tools for both constructing and studying different kinds of multilingual thesauri as well as their indexing term equivalence. The tools provided in translation science were more practical and theoretical, and especially the division of different meanings of a word provided a useful tool in analysing the pragmatic equivalence, which often differs from the ideal model represented in thesaurus construction literature. The study thus showed that the variety of different discourses should be acknowledged, there is a need for operationalisation of new types of multilingual thesauri, and the factors influencing pragmatic indexing term equivalence should be discussed more precisely than is traditionally done.
Importance of customer as a source of knowledge and finding out the customer needs have both been emphasised both in business literature and in the interviews made for this study. Especially the latent customer needs are seen important for future competitiveness. However, the methods for finding out the customer needs concentrate on the present, clearly phrased needs. There is a need for rich customer based knowledge. Customer contacts are underutilised as a source of knowledge. The objective of this study is to find a method to utilise the customer contacts as a source of knowledge more efficiently. To reach this objective, the customer observation is presented. A concrete goal is the development of a general method of customer observation and its application to the needs of the case company Fastems. Fastems hopes that the method raises the amount of ideas that come to the product and service development processes and increases their customer orientation. The method is tested in practise in the piloting stage. The testing is done in service organisations of Fastems in several countries. The observations received during the piloting phase are analysed and feedback is given to the observers. An important part of the study is to find appropriate methods for motivating the observers. The successful implementation and sustenance of the method are seen as goals of high importance. Later on, the customer observation method is implemented throughout the company. The results of the piloting are promising and the described method has roused interest among other companies as well.
The goal for this study was to examine how engineering companies could take part in their customers’ product development to a larger extent than just provide their traditional knowhow – product design. Additionally, co-operation possibilities, challenges and problems in product development were examined. In the end the target was to find out if there would be any opportunities for engineering companies’ own product development. The study was launched by analyzing the present market situation of engineering and consultancy services sector. Next step was to examine different phases of the product development process. The study of the product development co-operation began by analyzing different forms of the business co-operation. Possibilities and challenges of the product development cooperation were searched from literature and already existing studies. Afterwards ten persons from nine industrial sectors’ customer companies were interviewed. The outcome of the research shows that engineering companies could have possibilities to expand their services also to the other phases of the product development than just product design. Customer enterprises tend to consider the beginning of the product development process as their internal activity, but engineering companies could enlarge their services to cover also the product implementation phase. What was important at the beginning of the co-operation was to inspire confidence between two companies, but later confidence became person related. Engineering companies’ own product development was provided with plenty of new ideas and ways of making money by interviewees.
Työn tavoitteena on esittää erilaisia mahdollisuuksia tutkivan oppimisen hyödyntämiseen tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelmassa. Työssä esitetään näiden opetusfilosofioiden perusperiaatteet. Lisäksi tutkitaan tutkivan oppimisen tuottamia hyötyjä koulutusohjelmalle, opiskelijoille ja tuleville työnantajille. Mukaan on otettu muissa yliopistossa hyödynnettyjä tapoja, mutta myös kehitetty erityisesti tuotantotalouden erityispiirteet huomioivia sovellettuja menetelmiä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelmassa tuotettua ongelmalähtöiseen opiskeluun perustuvaa kurssia ”Toimitusketjun johtamisen teoriatyöpaja”. Työssä esitetään myös suunnitelma uusimuotoiselle, tutkivaan oppimiseen nojautuvalle ”Kandidaatintyö- ja seminaari” –kurssille. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään oppimisen ja muistin toiminnan perusteisiin. Tämän jälkeen esitellään näille periaatteille rakentuneiden tutkivan oppimisen ja ongelmalähtöisen oppimisen lähestymistavat ja menetelmät opetuksessa. Teorian pohjalta esitetään konkreettisia ideoita tutkivan oppimisen hyödyntämiseen opetuksessa. Tutkimuksen kahdesta case –tapauksesta ensimmäisessä esitetään, miten opiskelijat kokevat ongelmiin perustuvalla kurssilla opiskelun. Toinen case esittää, kuinka uusimuotoinen Kandidaatintyö- ja seminaari –kurssi on luotu ja miten se tukee taitoja, joita he tulevat tarvitsemaan myöhemmissä opinnoissaan ja työelämässä.