370 resultados para Parse research method


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The objective of the thesis was to create a framework that can be used to define a manufacturing strategy taking advantage of the product life cycle method, which enables PQP enhancements. The starting point was to study synkron implementation of cost leadership and differentiation strategies in different stages of the life cycles. It was soon observed that Porter’s strategies were too generic for the complex and dynamic environment where customer needs deviate market and product specifically. Therefore, the strategy formulation process is based on the Terry Hill’s order-winner and qualifier concepts. The manufacturing strategy formulation is initiated with the definition of order-winning and qualifying criteria. From these criteria there can be shaped product specific proposals for action and production site specific key manufacturing tasks that they need to answer in order to meet customers and markets needs. As a future research it is suggested that the process of capturing order-winners and qualifiers should be developed so that the process would be simple and streamlined at Wallac Oy. In addition, defined strategy process should be integrated to the PerkinElmer’s SGS process. SGS (Strategic Goal Setting) is one of the PerkinElmer’s core management processes. Full Text: Null


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Työn tavoitteena oli kuvata ja ottaa käyttöön sahauseräkohtaisen kannattavuuden laskentamenetelmä sahalle, sekä tehdä laskentamalli menetelmän tueksi. Sahauksen peruskäsitteiden jälkeen työssä on esitelty sahan tuotantoprosessi. Tuotantoprosessi on kuvattu kirjallisuuden ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen perusteella. Seuraavaksi kartoitettiin hyötyjä ja vaikutuksia, mitä laskentamenetelmältä odotetaan.. Kustannuslaskennan teoriaa selvitettiin kirjallisuuslähteitä käyttäen silmälläpitäen juuri tätä kehitettävää laskentamenetelmää. Lisäksi esiteltiin Uimaharjun sahalla käytettävät ja laskentaan liittyvät laskenta- ja tietojärjestelmät.Nykyisin sahalla ei ole minkäänlaista menetelmää sahauseräkohtaisen tuloksen laskemiseksi. Pienillä muutoksilla sahan tietojärjestelmään ja prosessikoneisiin voidaan sahauserä kuljettaa prosessin läpi niin, että jokaisessa prosessin vaiheessa sille saadaan kohdistettua tuotantotietoa. Eri vaiheista saatua tietoa käyttämällä saadaan tarkasti määritettyä tuotteet, joita sahauserä tuotti ja paljonko tuotantoresursseja tuottamiseen kului. Laskentamalliin syötetään tuotantotietoja ja kustannustietoa ja saadaan vastaukseksi sahauserän taloudellinen tulos.Toimenpide ehdotuksena esitetään lisätutkimusta tuotantotietojen automaattisesta keräämisestä manuaalisen työn ja virheiden poistamiseksi. Suhteellisen pienillä panoksilla voidaan jokaiselle sahauserälle kerätä tuotantotiedot täysin automaattisesti. Lisäksi kehittämäni laskentamallin tilalle tulisi hankkia sovellus, joka käyttäisi paremmin hyväksi nykyisiä tietojärjestelmiä ja poistaisi manuaalisen työvaiheen laskennassa.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia aineettoman pääoman hallintaa terästeollisuuden tutkimuslaitosympäristössä, sekä luoda mittaristo kuvaamaan sen tilaa ja kehitystä. Työn rajausten mukaan aineeton pääoma jaettiin Annie Brookingin jaottelun mukaan, ja tarkasteluun valittiin teollisoikeudet sekä henkilöstövoimavarat. Empiirinen osa työstä perustui pääasiassa haastatteluihin sekä Case –yrityksen sisäisiin julkaisuihin. Näitä pyrittiin tulkitsemaan kvalitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien oppien mukaan. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta teollisoikeuksien hyödyntämisen olevan suhteellisen vähäistä terästeollisuuden parissa. Syitä tähän on työssä käsitelty melko laajasti. Henkilöstön kehittäminen pitkällä tähtäimellä sekä tiedonkulun tehostaminen henkilöstön keskuudessa ovat puolestaan asioita, joihin kiinnitetään kyseisellä teollisuudenalalla kiitettävässä määrin huomiota. Työn loppupuolella esitelty aineettoman pääoman mittaristo tarjoaa yritykselle työkalun, jonka avulla voidaan monipuolisesti arvioida tätä yrityksille nykyisin elintärkeää asiaa. Lopullista ratkaisumallia se ei aineettoman pääoman mittaamiseen tarjoa, mutta luo kuitenkin tärkeän ensiaskeleen kohti tulevaisuuden yhä kehittyneempiä mittausmenetelmiä.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on määritellä keskeiset ja sopivat asiakasportfoliomallit ja asiakasmatriisit asiakassuhteen määrittämiseen. Tutkimus keskittyy asiakassuhteen arvottamiseen ja avainasiakkaiden määrittämiseen kohdeyrityksessä. Keskeisimmät ja sopivimmat asiakasportfliomallit huomioidaan asiakkaiden arvioinnissa. Tutkielman teoriaosassa esitellään tunnetuimmat ja käytetyimmät asiakasportfoliomallit ja matriisit alan kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tämän lisäksi asiakasportfoliomalleihin yhdistetään näkökulmia suhdemarkkinoinnin, asiakkuuksien johtamisen ja tuoteportfolioiden teorioista. Keskeisimmät kirjallisuuden lähteet ovat johtamisen ja markkinoinnin alalta. Tutkielman empiriaosassa esitellään kohdeyritys ja sen tämän hetkinen asiakassuhteiden johtamiskäytäntö. Lisäksi tehdään parannusehdotuksia kohdeyrityksen nykyiseen asiakassuhteiden arvottamismenetelmään jotta asiakassuhteiden arvon laskeminen vastaisi mahdollisimman hyvin kohdeyrityksen nykyisiä tarpeita. Asiakassuhteen arvon määrittämiseksi käytetään myös fokusryhmähaastattelua. Avainasiakkaat määritellään ja tilannetta havainnollistetaan sijoittamalla avainasiakkaat asiakasportfolioon.


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The research on language equations has been active during last decades. Compared to the equations on words the equations on languages are much more difficult to solve. Even very simple equations that are easy to solve for words can be very hard for languages. In this thesis we study two of such equations, namely commutation and conjugacy equations. We study these equations on some limited special cases and compare some of these results to the solutions of corresponding equations on words. For both equations we study the maximal solutions, the centralizer and the conjugator. We present a fixed point method that we can use to search these maximal solutions and analyze the reasons why this method is not successful for all languages. We give also several examples to illustrate the behaviour of this method.


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This work highlights and analyzes the citations and co-citations by different authors, countries and institutions in series of researches on biofuel. These relations represent a knowledge map which shows the areas of research by different countries and authors. The contributions of different institutions were also shown. With this knowledge map developed, areas of research that still need more attention as well as the most important studies were highlighted. The software used for this analysis is Citespace which is developed by Chaomei Chen. Sources of information are articles retrieved from ISI Web of Science. Biofuel as a renewable form of energy is discussed. Its sources, types, methods of production, effects, market, and producers were discussed. Also plans and strategies that aim at boosting world biofuel market were listed as well as recent researches on it. Knowledge mapping, its types and methods as well as the method and software used for the analysis were also discussed.


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This thesis was produced for the Technology Marketing unit at the Nokia Research Center. Technology marketing was a new function at Nokia Research Center, and needed an established framework with the capacity to take into account multiple aspects for measuring the team performance. Technology marketing functions had existed in other parts of Nokia, yet no single method had been agreed upon for measuring their performance. The purpose of this study was to develop a performance measurement system for Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing. The target was that Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing had a framework for separate metrics; including benchmarking for starting level and target values in the future planning (numeric values were kept confidential within the company). As a result of this research, the Balanced Scorecard model of Kaplan and Norton, was chosen for the performance measurement system for Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing. This research selected the indicators, which were utilized in the chosen performance measurement system. Furthermore, performance measurement system was defined to guide the Head of Marketing in managing Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing team. During the research process the team mission, vision, strategy and critical success factors were outlined.


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The human genome comprises roughly 20 000 protein coding genes. Proteins are the building material for cells and tissues, and proteins are functional compounds having an important role in many cellular responses, such as cell signalling. In multicellular organisms such as humans, cells need to communicate with each other in order to maintain a normal function of the tissues within the body. This complex signalling between and within cells is transferred by proteins and their post-translational modifications, one of the most important being phosphorylation. The work presented here concerns the development and use of tools for phosphorylation analysis. Mass spectrometers have become essential tools to study proteins and proteomes. In mass spectrometry oriented proteomics, proteins can be identified and their post-translational modifications can be studied. In this Ph.D. thesis the objectives were to improve the robustness of sample handling methods prior to mass spectrometry analysis for peptides and their phosphorylation status. The focus was to develop strategies that enable acquisition of more MS measurements per sample, higher quality MS spectra and simplified and rapid enrichment procedures for phosphopeptides. Furthermore, an objective was to apply these methods to characterize phosphorylation sites of phosphopeptides. In these studies a new MALDI matrix was developed which allowed more homogenous, intense and durable signals to be acquired when compared to traditional CHCA matrix. This new matrix along with other matrices was subsequently used to develop a new method that combines multiple spectra from different matrises from identical peptides. With this approach it was possible to identify more phosphopeptides than with conventional LC/ESI-MS/MS methods, and to use 5 times less sample. Also, phosphopeptide affinity MALDI target was prepared to capture and immobilise phosphopeptides from a standard peptide mixture while maintaining their spatial orientation. In addition a new protocol utilizing commercially available conductive glass slides was developed that enabled fast and sensitive phosphopeptide purification. This protocol was applied to characterize the in vivo phosphorylation of a signalling protein, NFATc1. Evidence for 12 phosphorylation sites were found, and many of those were found in multiply phosphorylated peptides


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The age-old adage goes that nothing in this world lasts but change, and this generation has indeed seen changes that are unprecedented. Business managers do not have the luxury of going with the flow: they have to plan ahead, to think strategies that will meet the changing conditions, however stormy the weather seems to be. This demand raises the question of whether there is something a manager or planner can do to circumvent the eye of the storm in the future? Intuitively, one can either run on the risk of something happening without preparing, or one can try to prepare oneself. Preparing by planning for each eventuality and contingency would be impractical and prohibitively expensive, so one needs to develop foreknowledge, or foresight past the horizon of the present and the immediate future. The research mission in this study is to support strategic technology management by designing an effective and efficient scenario method to induce foresight to practicing managers. The design science framework guides this study in developing and evaluating the IDEAS method. The IDEAS method is an electronically mediated scenario method that is specifically designed to be an effective and accessible. The design is based on the state-of-the-art in scenario planning, and the product is a technology-based artifact to solve the foresight problem. This study demonstrates the utility, quality and efficacy of the artifact through a multi-method empirical evaluation study, first by experimental testing and secondly through two case studies. The construction of the artifact is rigorously documented as justification knowledge as well as the principles of form and function on the general level, and later through the description and evaluation of instantiations. This design contributes both to practice and foundation of the design. The IDEAS method contributes to the state-of-the-art in scenario planning by offering a light-weight and intuitive scenario method for resource constrained applications. Additionally, the study contributes to the foundations and methods of design by forging a clear design science framework which is followed rigorously. To summarize, the IDEAS method is offered for strategic technology management, with a confident belief that it will enable gaining foresight and aid the users to choose trajectories past the gales of creative destruction and off to a brighter future.


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The aim of this study is to explore how a new concept appears inscientific discussion and research, how it diffuses to other fields and out of the scientific communities, and how the networks are formed around the concept. Text and terminology take the interest of a reader in the digital environment. Texts create networks where the terminology used is dependent on the ideas, viewsand paradigms of the field. This study is based mainly on bibliographic data. Materials for bibliometric studies have been collected from different databases. The databases are also evaluated and their quality and coverage are discussed. The thesauri of those databases that have been selected for a more in depth study have also been evaluated. The material selected has been used to study how long and in which ways an innovative publication, which can be seen as a milestone in a specific field, influences the research. The concept that has been chosen as a topic for this research is Social Capital, because it has been a popular concept in different scientific fields as well as in everyday speech and the media. It seemed to be a `fashion concept´ that appeared in different situations at the Millennium. The growth and diffusion of social capital publications has been studied. The terms connected with social capital in different fields and different stages of the development have also been analyzed. The methods that have been used in this study are growth and diffusion analysis, content analysis, citation analysis, coword analysis and cocitation analysis. One method that can be used tounderstand and to interpret results of these bibliometric studies is to interview some key persons, who are known to have a gatekeeper position in the diffusion of the concept. Thematic interviews with some Finnish researchers and specialists that have influenced the diffusion of social capital into Finnish scientificand social discussions provide background information. iv The Milestone Publications on social capital have been chosen and studied. They give answers to the question "What is Social Capital?" By comparing citations to Milestone Publications with the growth of all social capital publications in a database, we can drawconclusions about the point at which social capital became generally approved `tacit knowledge´. The contribution of the present study lies foremost in understanding the development of network structures around a new concept that has diffused in scientific communities and also outside them. The network means both networks of researchers, networks of publications and networks of concepts that describe the research field. The emphasis has been on the digital environment and onthe socalled information society that we are now living in, but in this transitional stage, the printed publications are still important and widely used in social sciences and humanities. The network formation is affected by social relations and informal contacts that push new ideas. This study also gives new information about using different research methods, like bibliometric methods supported by interviews and content analyses. It is evident that interpretation of bibliometric maps presupposes qualitative information and understanding of the phenomena under study.


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The structural change of society from product-based business to service- and further to need-based business has caused the fact that work for environmental issues has spread from conventional factories and environmentally harmful production to concern services and offices as well. Almost every company has an office, so a relatively small environmental burden caused by an individual office grows remarkable already at the state level and globally even more. Motivation to work for environmental issues in an individual office could be challenging even without the fact that wasted environmental impacts bound also wasted costs. Besides cost savings, a concretely greener image of a company has its value in the B2Cas well as in the B2B-field. Consumers and clients are more and more conscious of environmental issues and demand concrete actions instead of speeches, good thoughts and meaningless certifications. Internal work for environmental issues at a strategy level is not sufficient, so operational environmental management is needed for changing old practices. This research is about the effects of operative environmental management on the greening process of an office-based business. The research is outlined to concern the operative work in the office including field sales. Target was to concretely lower the environmental impacts of Lyreco Finland and to find cost savings directly by changing the operative practices in the office and also indirectly by affecting the level of environmental knowledge of the personnel. During the greening process, the aim was also to create concrete arguments for marketing as well. The circle of greening process, which was especially created for this diploma work, was used as a method. The circle divides a year to themes and sections separated by factors of environmental impacts. Separation is based on Brett Wills’ thoughts of seven green wastes (Wills, Brett. The Green Intensions. 2009) and follows it uneasily. The circle aimed at ensuring evolutionary growth of knowledge instead of being revolutionary in the changing process. Committing personnel to the process from its start by asking ideas from them and giving them clear directions was an important part of the research of operative management. Because of working from distance, communication with personnel was operated by frequent training days and weekly greening notes via emails and intranet. Also availability for communication was an important task because of the telecommuting. Research results of this work show that operative environmental management in an officebased business today is mostly management of change. When the strategic environmental friendliness is taken into a concrete level, the most important individual factor is motivating the operating personnel. Research shows that evolutionary change is found being an efficient way to make a change. Also understanding one´s own impact on the environmental burden and on the whole greening process clearly motivates the personnel. Results show that in the operative realization of the greening process, clear directions of new working practices, being as concrete as possible, and committing personnel to follow them make the process more effective. The operative environmental management and the cycle of the greening process decrease the environmental burden and save costs. The concrete results could be used as believable arguments in marketing and therefore exploited in communication with interest groups. Commitment of the management is also one of the key factors of success in the greening process. In this research, changes in the business field by a company trade took the focus of the management away from the greening process and made the process more inefficient by decreasing the amount of training days. The circle of greening process will be used as a tool in the future, as well, and therefore it will help observe environmental impacts of a company and increase sustainable development. Commitment of management to the evolutionary environmental work helps the operating personnel lower environmental impacts, decrease costs and build a concretely greener image.


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Investment decision-making on far-reaching innovation ideas is one of the key challenges practitioners and academics face in the field of innovation management. However, the management practices and theories strongly rely on evaluation systems that do not fit in well with this setting. These systems and practices normally cannot capture the value of future opportunities under high uncertainty because they ignore the firm’s potential for growth and flexibility. Real options theory and options-based methods have been offered as a solution to facilitate decision-making on highly uncertain investment objects. Much of the uncertainty inherent in these investment objects is attributable to unknown future events. In this setting, real options theory and methods have faced some challenges. First, the theory and its applications have largely been limited to market-priced real assets. Second, the options perspective has not proved as useful as anticipated because the tools it offers are perceived to be too complicated for managerial use. Third, there are challenges related to the type of uncertainty existing real options methods can handle: they are primarily limited to parametric uncertainty. Nevertheless, the theory is considered promising in the context of far-reaching and strategically important innovation ideas. The objective of this dissertation is to clarify the potential of options-based methodology in the identification of innovation opportunities. The constructive research approach gives new insights into the development potential of real options theory under non-parametric and closeto- radical uncertainty. The distinction between real options and strategic options is presented as an explanans for the discovered limitations of the theory. The findings offer managers a new means of assessing future innovation ideas based on the frameworks constructed during the course of the study.


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The objective of this master’s thesis was to find means and measures by which an industrial manufacturing company could find cost-competitive solutions in a price-driven market situation. Initially, it was essential to find individual high customer value spots from the offering. The study addressed this in an innovative way by providing the desired information for the entire range of offering. The research was carried out using the constructivist approach method. Firstly, the project and solution marketing literature was reviewed in order to establish an overview of the processes and strategies involved. This information was then used in conjunction with the company’s specific offering data to conduct a construction. This construction can be used in various functions within the target company to streamline and optimize the specifications into so-called “preferred offers”. The study also presents channels and methods with which to exploit the construction in practice in the target company. The study aimed to bring concrete improvements in competitiveness and profitability. One result of this study was the creation of a training material for internal use. This material is now used in several countries to inform and present to the staff the cost-competitive aspects of the target company’s offering.