27 resultados para Parameters of performance
Diplomityö tehtiin kansainväliseen, mekaanisen puunjalostusteollisuuden koneita, tuotantojärjestelmiä ja tehtaita toimittavaan yritykseen. Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa syitä viilusorvin teräpenkin asemoinnissa esiintyneisiin värähtelyongelmiin ja tutkia ratkaisuja niiden voittamiseksi, sekä sorvausvoimien määrittäminen. Diplomityön teoreettisessa osassa tutustuttiin viilusorvin, erityisesti sen hydraulisten servojärjestelmien rakenteeseen ja toimintaan sekä viilunsorvaukseen. Teräpenkin syötön servojärjestelmää tutkittiin teoreettisesti johtamalla suljetun piirin siirtofunktiot “asema/käsky” ja “virhe/voima” ja tulostamalla niiden taajuusvaste-kuvaajat, joista tutkittiin parametrien vaikutuksia järjestelmän toimintaan. Tulokset vahvistettiin simuloimalla. Todettiin nykyisen järjestelmän värähtelyongelmien johtuvan pääasiassa hydrauliöljyn joustosta sylinterissä. Parannuksina ehdotettiin suurempaa sylinterin halkaisijaa ja viskoosikitkakertoimen suurentamista. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa mitattiin viilusorvin servojärjestelmien toimilaitteissa esiintyviä voimia ja niiden perusteella laskettiin varsinaiset sorvausvoimat. Lisäksi tutkittiin teräpenkin syötön ja muiden servojärjestelmien asemointitarkkuutta sorvauksen aikana. Mittauksia varten diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja hankittiin kannettava mittausjärjestelmä.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli arvioida uutta sellu-, paperi- ja kartonkiteollisuuden Paper Profile -ympäristötuoteselostetta. Paper Profilen tarkoituksena on tarjota paperiteollisuuden asiakkaille ja muille kiinnostuneilla sidosryhmille yhtenäistä ympäristöinformaatiota koskien paperituotteiden koostumusta ja tuotteiden tärkeimpiä ympäristöparametrejä. Työn tärkein tavoite oli arvioida kriittisesti Paper Profilea ja verrata konseptia ISO:n, Kansainvälisen stardardisoimisliiton tuoteselosteeseen sekä löytää konseptien yhtäläisyydet ja erot. Tärkein tehtävä oli tunnistaa ne avaintekijät, joiden avulla Paper Profile -tuoteselostetta voitaisiin pitää yhtenevänä ISO/TR 14025 teknisen raportin kanssa. Lisäksi Paper Profile -tuoteselosteen mahdolliset kehittämistarpeet arvioitiin ISO-tuoteselosteen näkökulmasta. Työn toinen tavoite oli kerätä ja analysoida uuteen tuoteselosteeseen liittyvä asiakaspalaute ja verrata sitä Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden antamiin Paper Profilea koskeviin kommentteihin. Työn tuloksena huomattiin, että Paper Profile -konsepti sellaisenaan ei ole kovin informatiivinen vaan tuoteseloste jättää monia ympäristökysymyksiä avoimeksi. Siitä huolimatta Paper Profile tarjoaa riittävän taustan eri paperituotteiden ympäristökuormitusten keskinäiselle vertailuille. Konseptin viestinnällinen näkökulma paranisi huomattavasti, jos tuoteselosteeseen lisättäisiin kolmannen osapuolen verifiointi. Lisäksi referenssiarvot kertoisivat asiakkaille paremmin esitettyjen parametrien taustoista. Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden, samoin kuin asiakkaidenkin mielestä Paper Profile on yleisesti ottaen potentiaalinen ympäristöviestinnän työkalu, mutta silti konseptiin ehdotettiin joitakin pieniä muutoksia. Avoinna olevat metsäsertifiointikysymykset ja niiden puutteellinen tiedottaminen tuoteselosteessa puhututtivat sekä tehtaiden henkilöstöä että yritysasiakkaita.
Coating and filler pigments have strong influence to the properties of the paper. Filler content can be even over 30 % and pigment content in coating is about 85-95 weight percent. The physical and chemical properties of the pigments are different and the knowledge of these properties is important for optimising of optical and printing properties of the paper. The size and shape of pigment particles can be measured by different analysers which can be based on sedimentation, laser diffraction, changes in electric field etc. In this master's thesis was researched particle properties especially by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and image analysis programs. Research included nine pigments with different particle size and shape. Pigments were analysed by two image analysis programs (INCA Feature and Poikki), Coulter LS230 (laser diffraction) and SediGraph 5100 (sedimentation). The results were compared to perceive the effect of particle shape to the performance of the analysers. Only image analysis programs gave parameters of the particle shape. One part of research was also the sample preparation for SEM. Individual particles should be separated and distinct in ideal sample. Analysing methods gave different results but results from image analysis programs corresponded even to sedimentation or to laser diffraction depending on the particle shape. Detailed analysis of the particle shape required high magnification in SEM, but measured parameters described very well the shape of the particles. Large particles (ecd~1 µm) could be used also in 3D-modelling which enabled the measurement of the thickness of the particles. Scanning electron microscope and image analysis programs were effective and multifunctional tools for particle analyses. Development and experience will devise the usability of analysing method in routine use.
This thesis investigates performance persistence among the equity funds investing in Russia during 2003-2007. Fund performance is measured using several methods including the Jensen alpha, the Fama-French 3- factor alpha, the Sharpe ratio and two of its variations. Moreover, we apply the Bayesian shrinkage estimation in performance measurement and evaluate its usefulness compared with the OLS 3-factor alphas. The pattern of performance persistence is analyzed using the Spearman rank correlation test, cross-sectional regression analysis and stacked return time series. Empirical results indicate that the Bayesian shrinkage estimates may provide better and more accurate estimates of fund performance compared with the OLS 3-factor alphas. Secondly, based on the results it seems that the degree of performance persistence is strongly related to length of the observation period. For the full sample period the results show strong signs of performance reversal whereas for the subperiod analysis the results indicate performance persistence during the most recent years.
This thesis concentrates on developing a practical local approach methodology based on micro mechanical models for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded joints. Two major problems involved in the local approach, namely the dilational constitutive relation reflecting the softening behaviour of material, and the failure criterion associated with the constitutive equation, have been studied in detail. Firstly, considerable efforts were made on the numerical integration and computer implementation for the non trivial dilational Gurson Tvergaard model. Considering the weaknesses of the widely used Euler forward integration algorithms, a family of generalized mid point algorithms is proposed for the Gurson Tvergaard model. Correspondingly, based on the decomposition of stresses into hydrostatic and deviatoric parts, an explicit seven parameter expression for the consistent tangent moduli of the algorithms is presented. This explicit formula avoids any matrix inversion during numerical iteration and thus greatly facilitates the computer implementation of the algorithms and increase the efficiency of the code. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms and other conventional algorithms has been assessed in a systematic manner in order to highlight the best algorithm for this study. The accurate and efficient performance of present finite element implementation of the proposed algorithms has been demonstrated by various numerical examples. It has been found that the true mid point algorithm (a = 0.5) is the most accurate one when the deviatoric strain increment is radial to the yield surface and it is very important to use the consistent tangent moduli in the Newton iteration procedure. Secondly, an assessment of the consistency of current local failure criteria for ductile fracture, the critical void growth criterion, the constant critical void volume fraction criterion and Thomason's plastic limit load failure criterion, has been made. Significant differences in the predictions of ductility by the three criteria were found. By assuming the void grows spherically and using the void volume fraction from the Gurson Tvergaard model to calculate the current void matrix geometry, Thomason's failure criterion has been modified and a new failure criterion for the Gurson Tvergaard model is presented. Comparison with Koplik and Needleman's finite element results shows that the new failure criterion is fairly accurate indeed. A novel feature of the new failure criterion is that a mechanism for void coalescence is incorporated into the constitutive model. Hence the material failure is a natural result of the development of macroscopic plastic flow and the microscopic internal necking mechanism. By the new failure criterion, the critical void volume fraction is not a material constant and the initial void volume fraction and/or void nucleation parameters essentially control the material failure. This feature is very desirable and makes the numerical calibration of void nucleation parameters(s) possible and physically sound. Thirdly, a local approach methodology based on the above two major contributions has been built up in ABAQUS via the user material subroutine UMAT and applied to welded T joints. By using the void nucleation parameters calibrated from simple smooth and notched specimens, it was found that the fracture behaviour of the welded T joints can be well predicted using present methodology. This application has shown how the damage parameters of both base material and heat affected zone (HAZ) material can be obtained in a step by step manner and how useful and capable the local approach methodology is in the analysis of fracture behaviour and crack development as well as structural integrity assessment of practical problems where non homogeneous materials are involved. Finally, a procedure for the possible engineering application of the present methodology is suggested and discussed.
The main aim of this study was to inspect the influence of the ultrafiltration implementation on the washing and on bleaching efficiency. Four cases corresponding to four washing stages were observed: two with hardwood pulp and two with softwood pulp; each case had a reference and a trial experiment. The experiments with hardwood pulp were arranged in a manner to explore predominantly the possibility of bleaching performance improvement by applying for washing instead of untreated filtrate (reference case) the same treated one (trial case). Despite that the ultrafiltration reduced the COD of the wash filtrates allowing the decreasing of COD carry-over to the bleaching stage it didn’t affect the bleaching performance. Another set was used in the experiments with softwood pulp. It implied the ultrafiltration and recirculation of the filtrate to the same washing stage with the purpose to reduce the volumes and pollution of the bleaching effluents. In one case the negative result was obtained which was expressed by worse parameters of the pulp after bleaching. Another case showed the opportunity to replace hot water with the filtrate and reduce the fresh water consumption.
The main focus of this thesis is to define the field weakening point of permanent magnet synchronous machine with embedded magnets in traction applications. Along with the thesis a modelling program is made to help the designer to define the field weakening point in practical applications. The thesis utilizes the equations based on the current angle. These equations can be derived from the vector diagram of permanent magnet synchronous machine. The design parameters of the machine are: The maximum rotational speed, saliency ratio, maximum induced voltage and characteristic current. The main result of the thesis is finding out the rated rotational speed, from which the field weakening starts. The action of the machine is estimated at a wide speed range and the changes of machine parameters are examined.
In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.
The objective of this thesis is the development of a multibody dynamic model matching the observed movements of the lower limb of a skier performing the skating technique in cross-country style. During the construction of this model, the formulation of the equation of motion was made using the Euler - Lagrange approach with multipliers applied to a multibody system in three dimensions. The description of the lower limb of the skate skier and the ski was completed by employing three bodies, one representing the ski, and two representing the natural movements of the leg of the skier. The resultant system has 13 joint constraints due to the interconnection of the bodies, and four prescribed kinematic constraints to account for the movements of the leg, leaving the amount of degrees of freedom equal to one. The push-off force exerted by the skate skier was taken directly from measurements made on-site in the ski tunnel at the Vuokatti facilities (Finland) and was input into the model as a continuous function. Then, the resultant velocities and movement of the ski, center of mass of the skier, and variation of the skating angle were studied to understand the response of the model to the variation of important parameters of the skate technique. This allowed a comparison of the model results with the real movement of the skier. Further developments can be made to this model to better approximate the results to the real movement of the leg. One can achieve this by changing the constraints to include the behavior of the real leg joints and muscle actuation. As mentioned in the introduction of this thesis, a multibody dynamic model can be used to provide relevant information to ski designers and to obtain optimized results of the given variables, which athletes can use to improve their performance.
The aim of this work is to apply approximate Bayesian computation in combination with Marcov chain Monte Carlo methods in order to estimate the parameters of tuberculosis transmission. The methods are applied to San Francisco data and the results are compared with the outcomes of previous works. Moreover, a methodological idea with the aim to reduce computational time is also described. Despite the fact that this approach is proved to work in an appropriate way, further analysis is needed to understand and test its behaviour in different cases. Some related suggestions to its further enhancement are described in the corresponding chapter.
The objective of this thesis is to develop and generalize further the differential evolution based data classification method. For many years, evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to many classification tasks. Evolution algorithms are population based, stochastic search algorithms that mimic natural selection and genetics. Differential evolution is an evolutionary algorithm that has gained popularity because of its simplicity and good observed performance. In this thesis a differential evolution classifier with pool of distances is proposed, demonstrated and initially evaluated. The differential evolution classifier is a nearest prototype vector based classifier that applies a global optimization algorithm, differential evolution, to determine the optimal values for all free parameters of the classifier model during the training phase of the classifier. The differential evolution classifier applies the individually optimized distance measure for each new data set to be classified is generalized to cover a pool of distances. Instead of optimizing a single distance measure for the given data set, the selection of the optimal distance measure from a predefined pool of alternative measures is attempted systematically and automatically. Furthermore, instead of only selecting the optimal distance measure from a set of alternatives, an attempt is made to optimize the values of the possible control parameters related with the selected distance measure. Specifically, a pool of alternative distance measures is first created and then the differential evolution algorithm is applied to select the optimal distance measure that yields the highest classification accuracy with the current data. After determining the optimal distance measures for the given data set together with their optimal parameters, all determined distance measures are aggregated to form a single total distance measure. The total distance measure is applied to the final classification decisions. The actual classification process is still based on the nearest prototype vector principle; a sample belongs to the class represented by the nearest prototype vector when measured with the optimized total distance measure. During the training process the differential evolution algorithm determines the optimal class vectors, selects optimal distance metrics, and determines the optimal values for the free parameters of each selected distance measure. The results obtained with the above method confirm that the choice of distance measure is one of the most crucial factors for obtaining higher classification accuracy. The results also demonstrate that it is possible to build a classifier that is able to select the optimal distance measure for the given data set automatically and systematically. After finding optimal distance measures together with optimal parameters from the particular distance measure results are then aggregated to form a total distance, which will be used to form the deviation between the class vectors and samples and thus classify the samples. This thesis also discusses two types of aggregation operators, namely, ordered weighted averaging (OWA) based multi-distances and generalized ordered weighted averaging (GOWA). These aggregation operators were applied in this work to the aggregation of the normalized distance values. The results demonstrate that a proper combination of aggregation operator and weight generation scheme play an important role in obtaining good classification accuracy. The main outcomes of the work are the six new generalized versions of previous method called differential evolution classifier. All these DE classifier demonstrated good results in the classification tasks.
The thesis examines the risk-adjusted performance of European small cap equity funds between 2008 and 2013. The performance is measured using several measures including Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Modigliani measure, Jensen alpha, 3-factor alpha and 4-factor alpha. The thesis also addresses the issue of persistence in mutual fund performance. Thirdly, the relationship between the activity of fund managers and fund performance is investigated. The managerial activity is measured using tracking error and R-squared obtained from a 4-factor asset pricing model. The issues are investigated using Spearman rank correlation test, cross-sectional regression analysis and ranked portfolio tests. Monthly return data was provided by Morningstar and consists of 88 mutual funds. Results show that small cap funds earn back a significant amount of their expenses, but on average loose to their benchmark index. The evidence of performance persistence over 12-month time period is weak. Managerial activity is shown to positively contribute to fund performance