54 resultados para attractive workplace
Food lipid major components are usually analyzed by individual methodologies using diverse extractive procedures for each class. A simple and fast extractive procedure was devised for the sequential analysis of vitamin E, cholesterol, fatty acids, and total fat estimation in seafood, reducing analyses time and organic solvent consumption. Several liquid/liquid-based extractive methodologies using chlorinated and non-chlorinated organic solvents were tested. The extract obtained is used for vitamin E quantification (normal-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection), total cholesterol (normal-phase HPLC with UV detection), fatty acid profile, and total fat estimation (GC-FID), all accomplished in <40 min. The final methodology presents an adequate linearity range and sensitivity for tocopherol and cholesterol, with intra- and inter-day precisions (RSD) from 3 to 11 % for all the components. The developed methodology was applied to diverse seafood samples with positive outcomes, making it a very attractive technique for routine analyses in standard equipped laboratories in the food quality control field.
Several Web-based on-line judges or on-line programming trainers have been developed in order to allow students to train their programming skills. However, their pedagogical functionalities in the learning of programming have not been clearly defined. EduJudge is a project which aims to integrate the “UVA On-line Judge”, an existing on-line programming trainer with an important number of problems and users, into an effective educational environment consisting of the e-learning platform Moodle and the competitive learning tool QUESTOURnament. The result is the EduJudge system which allows teachers to apply different pedagogical approaches using a proven e-learning platform, makes problems easy to search through an effective search engine, and provides an automated evaluation of the solutions submitted to these problems. The final objective is to provide new learning strategies to motivate students and present programming as an easy and attractive challenge. EduJudge has been tried and tested in three algorithms and programming courses in three different Engineering degrees. The students’ motivation and satisfaction levels were analysed alongside the effects of the EduJudge system on students’ academic outcomes. Results indicate that both students and teachers found that among other multiple benefits the EduJudge system facilitates the learning process. Furthermore, the experi- ment also showed an improvement in students’ academic outcomes. It must be noted that the students’ level of satisfaction did not depend on their computer skills or their gender.
Adhesively-bonded techniques offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, and currently there are three widely used configurations, i.e., single-strap (SS), double-strap (DS) and scarf repairs. SS and DS repairs are straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the ends of the overlap. DS repairs additionally require both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In these repair configurations, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamic performance and aesthetics. The scarf repair is more complex to fabricate but stresses are more uniform along the adhesive bondline. Few studies of SS and DS repairs with embedded patches, such that these are completely flush with the adherends, are available in the literature. Furthermore, no data is available about the effects of geometrical and material parameters (e.g. the Young’s modulus of adhesive, E) on the mechanical behaviour optimization of embedded repairs. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DD repairs, and also with embedded patches in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the geometry optimization, by varying the overlap length (LO), thus allowing the maximization of the repairs strength. The influence of the patch embedding technique, showing notorious advantages such as aerodynamic or aesthetics, was compared in strength with standard strap repairs, for the viability analysis of its implementation. As a result of this work, some conclusions were drawn for the design optimization of bonded repairs on aluminium structures.
More than ever, the economic globalization is creating the need to increase business competitiveness. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy oriented to the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and are thus considered a waste. One of the main differences from other management philosophies is the shop-floor focus and the operators' involvement. Therefore, the training of all organization levels is crucial for the success of lean manufacturing. Universities should also participate actively in this process by developing students' lean management skills and promoting a better and faster integration of students into their future organizations. This paper proposes a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations, to learn by playing many of the lean tools such as VSM, 5S, SMED, poke-yoke, line balance, TPM, Mizusumashi, plant layout, and JIT/kanban. This simulation game was built in tight cooperation with experienced lean companies under the international program “Lean Learning Academy,”http://www.leanlearningacademy.eu/ and its main aim is to make bachelor and master courses in applied sciences more attractive by integrating classic lectures with a simulated production environment that could result in more motivated students and higher study yields. The simulation game results show that our approach is efficient in providing a realistic platform for the effective learning of lean principles, tools, and mindset, which can be easily included in course classes of less than two hours.
Despite the fact that their physical properties make them an attractive family of materials, composites machining can cause several damage modes such as delamination, fibre pull-out, thermal degradation, and others. Minimization of axial thrust force during drilling reduces the probability of delamination onset, as it has been demonstrated by analytical models based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). A finite element model considering solid elements of the ABAQUS® software library and interface elements including a cohesive damage model was developed in order to simulate thrust forces and delamination onset during drilling. Thrust force results for delamination onset are compared with existing analytical models.
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles Darwin of survival of the fittest. On the other hand, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as GAs. The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. PSO is attractive because there are few parameters to adjust. This paper presents hybridization between a GA algorithm and a PSO algorithm (crossing the two algorithms). The resulting algorithm is applied to the synthesis of combinational logic circuits. With this combination is possible to take advantage of the best features of each particular algorithm.
Os biocombustíveis são combustíveis com origem em matérias-primas naturais e renováveis, como óleos vegetais, gorduras animais, óleos e gorduras residuais entre outros, utilizados como substitutos de combustíveis minerais, como o gasóleo ou gasolina. Esta alternativa aos combustíveis de origem fóssil, tem-se vindo a revelar cada vez mais atrativa, sobretudo devido aos seus benefícios ambientais, destacando-se entre ele s o facto de serem biodegradáveis, não tóxicos e emitirem menos gases aquando da sua combustão, não contribuindo deste modo para o aumento do efeito de estufa na atmosfera. Na execução do presente trabalho, assume-se como finalidade o desenvolvimento de procedimentos laboratoriais sistemático de modo, com o intuito de elaborar um controlo de qualidade para a produção do biodiesel que permita a implementação de novas medidas processuais melhorando a produção de biodiesel. Este trabalho é resultado do estágio no Ecoparque Braval Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos, S.A. Com a avaliação sistemática e contínua, tanto da matéria-prima usada na produção do biodiesel, como do produto final em si, através de procedimentos laboratoriais específicos para o efeito, visa-se que em distintas fases do processo de produção do biodiesel seja compreendido o que ocorre de forma efetiva, e assim se assumam medidas preventivas e corretivas com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto final. Na elaboração deste trabalho foram também reunidos esforços no sentido de controlar as especificações do óleo à entrada das instalações e iniciar o controlo de qualidade do produto final através de análises comparativas elaboradas no laboratório da Unidade de Produção de Biodiesel do Ecoparque Brava! - Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos, S.A. Outra abordagem do trabalho em questão, incide no estudo do efeito da variação das condições operatórias, nomeadamente a razão molar metanol/óleo , quantidade de catalizador na produção de biodiesel, nomeadamente, na quantidade de glicerina obtida como subproduto da reação e na facilidade de separação de fases. Neste sentido, o trabalho proposto pretende controlar a qualidade da matéria-prima usada, a qualidade do produto final e apresentar os aspetos-chave que deve m ser considerados para urna melhor gestão do s recursos de produção do biocombustível.
The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, have for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, course-based, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily, and although technology bring us near to the solution, it has not yet achieved. TRAILER project aims to address this problem by developing a tool for the management of competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences, both from the perspective of the user and the institution or company. This paper describes the research and development main lines of this project.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Presentemente, com a economia cada vez mais globalizada e com a grande competitividade do mercado, as empresas de produção procuram cada vez mais ajustar-se às exigências dos clientes. Por esse motivo, o controlo do fluxo produtivo torna-se imprescindível para a resolução de problemas e para a própria melhoria contínua do processo. O sistema “Lean Manufacturing”, é um conjunto de atividades que tem como meta o aumento da capacidade de resposta às mudanças e à minimização dos desperdícios na produção, constituindo-se num verdadeiro empreendimento de gestão inovadora. O TPM – Total Productive Maintenance, é uma ferramenta de melhoria continua cada vez mais utilizada nas empresas com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência dos seus equipamentos e atingir metas para a redução de desperdícios, incluindo a restauração e manutenção de condições padrão de funcionamento. O presente trabalho visa a implementação da ferramenta TPM num equipamento (Serrote Mecânico Alternativo) instalado no Laboratório das Oficinas Mecânicas do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. No contexto prático, este trabalho consistiu numa primeira fase por implementar a ferramenta 5S´s no posto de trabalho do equipamento em estudo. Durante esta implementação foi possível detetar algumas anomalias no equipamento, tendo sido sujeitas a uma análise para encontrar as suas causas raiz. Posteriormente foi implementada a ferramenta TPM, de modo, a criar melhores condições de acesso e simplificação das atividades de inspeção, lubrificação e limpeza. Além disso, foi executado e proposto algumas oportunidades de melhoria em alguns elementos, de forma a reduzir tempos de operação e tempos de setup, contribuindo para o aumento da eficiência do equipamento.
To increase the amount of logic available to the users in SRAM-based FPGAs, manufacturers are using nanometric technologies to boost logic density and reduce costs, making its use more attractive. However, these technological improvements also make FPGAs particularly vulnerable to configuration memory bit-flips caused by power fluctuations, strong electromagnetic fields and radiation. This issue is particularly sensitive because of the increasing amount of configuration memory cells needed to define their functionality. A short survey of the most recent publications is presented to support the options assumed during the definition of a framework for implementing circuits immune to bit-flips induction mechanisms in memory cells, based on a customized redundant infrastructure and on a detection-and-fix controller.
Num passado relativamente recente, o processo de demolição tem experimentado várias mudanças, que incidem principalmente na forma como o edifício ou estrutura vai ser demolido. Mais recentemente, o surgimento das preocupações ambientais levam hoje a falar de "desconstrução", em função do prejuízo das demolições. O termo desconstrução é usado para descrever o processo de desmantelamento e remoção seletiva de materiais de construção em vez da demolição tradicional. O sucesso da desconstrução vem em função do planeamento antecipado, da aplicação contínua das regras de segurança e da formação e informação para todos os trabalhadores. A triagem de materiais de demolição é de certa forma imposta pela preocupação das empresas que contribuem para a economia de recursos naturais. Esta metodologia é uma melhoria contínua, porém muito mais diversificados os materiais obtidos e a sua heterogeneidade. A correta gestão do fluxo de resíduos de construção e demolição é importante e o seu interesse na reciclagem de resíduos tem aumentado constantemente. Esse interesse é dirigido pelo grande volume desses materiais, os custos associados e uma maior consciência das oportunidades de reciclar. Auxiliando também no desenvolvimento dos mercados locais para os resíduos, tanto para os materiais que são diretamente reutilizados, como os que são reciclados, sendo novamente aplicados na construção civil. Esta dissertação aborda os métodos comummente utilizados na demolição de edifícios que dão mais atenção ao planeamento e execução dos trabalhos de demolição, garantindo a segurança no local de trabalho.
Adhesive bonding is nowadays a serious candidate to replace methods such as fastening or riveting, because of attractive mechanical properties. As a result, adhesives are being increasingly used in industries such as the automotive, aerospace and construction. Thus, it is highly important to predict the strength of bonded joints to assess the feasibility of joining during the fabrication process of components (e.g. due to complex geometries) or for repairing purposes. This work studies the tensile behaviour of adhesive joints between aluminium adherends considering different values of adherend thickness (h) and the double-cantilever beam (DCB) test. The experimental work consists of the definition of the tensile fracture toughness (GIC) for the different joint configurations. A conventional fracture characterization method was used, together with a J-integral approach, that take into account the plasticity effects occurring in the adhesive layer. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, a comparative evaluation between bonded systems with different values of adherend thickness is carried out and complete fracture data is provided in tension for the subsequent strength prediction of joints with identical conditions.
Adhesively bonded repairs offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods such as fastening or welding. The single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs are very straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the overlap ends. The DS repair requires both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In strap repairs, with the patches bonded at the outer surfaces, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamics and aesthetics. To minimize these effects, SS and DS repairs with embedded patches were evaluated in this work, such that the patches are flush with the adherends. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DS repairs, and also with the patches embedded in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the optimization of some repair variables such as the overlap length (LO) and type of adhesive, thus allowing the maximization of the repair strength. The effect of embedding the patch/patches on the fracture modes and failure loads was compared with finite elements (FE) analysis. The FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and cohesive zone modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. The comparison with the test data revealed an accurate prediction for all kinds of joints and provided some principles regarding this technique.
Mestrado em Engenharia Computação e Instrumentação Médica