17 resultados para universal algebra

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Let M be a finite-dimensional manifold and Sigma be a driftless control system on M of full rank. We prove that for a given initial state x epsilon M, the covering space Gamma(Sigma, x) for a monotonic homotopy of trajectories of Sigma which is recently constructed in [1] coincides with the simply connected universal covering manifold of M and that the terminal projection epsilon(x) : Gamma(Sigma, x) -> M given by epsilon(x) ([alpha]) = alpha(1) is a covering mapping.


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In this work we present new coupled channel calculations with the Sao Paulo potential (SPP) as the bare interaction, and an imaginary potential with system and energy independent normalization that has been developed to take into account dissipative processes in heavy-ion reactions. This imaginary potential is based on high-energy nucleon interaction in nuclear medium. Our theoretical predictions for energies up to approximate to 100 MeV/nucleon agree very well with the experimental data for the p, n + nucleus, (16)O + (27)Al, (16)O + (60)Ni, (58)Ni + (124)Sn, and weakly bound projectile (7)Li + (120)Sn systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss the possibility of implementing a universal quantum XOR gate by using two coupled quantum dots subject to external magnetic fields that are parallel and slightly different. We consider this system in two different field configurations. In the first case, parallel external fields with the intensity difference at each spin being proportional to the time-dependent interaction between the spins. A general exact solution describing this system is presented and analyzed to adjust field parameters. Then we consider parallel fields with intensity difference at each spin being constant and the interaction between the spins switching on and off adiabatically. In both cases we adjust characteristics of the external fields (their intensities and duration) in order to have the parallel pulse adequate for constructing the XOR gate. In order to provide a complete theoretical description of all the cases, we derive relations between the spin interaction, the inter-dot distance, and the external field. (C) 2008 WILEYNCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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Heavy-ion total reaction cross-section measurements for more than 1100 reaction cases covering 61 target nuclei in the range (6)Li-(238)U and 158 projectile nuclei from (2)H to (84)Kr (mostly exotic ones) have been analyzed in a systematic way by using an empirical, three-parameter formula that is applicable to the cases of projectile kinetic energies above the Coulomb barrier. The analysis has shown that the average total nuclear binding energy per nucleon of the interacting nuclei and their radii are the chief quantities that describe the cross-section patterns. A great amount of cross-section data (87%) has been quite satisfactorily reproduced by the proposed formula; therefore, the total reaction cross-section predictions for new, not yet experimentally investigated reaction cases can be obtained within 25% (or much less) uncertainty.


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The sigma model describing the dynamics of the superstring in the AdS(5) x S(5) background can be constructed using the coset PSU(2, 2 vertical bar 4)/SO(4, 1) x SO(5). A basic set of operators in this two dimensional conformal field theory is composed by the left invariant currents. Since these currents are not (anti) holomorphic, their OPE`s is not determined by symmetry principles and its computation should be performed perturbatively. Using the pure spinor sigma model for this background, we compute the one-loop correction to these OPE`s. We also compute the OPE`s of the left invariant currents with the energy momentum tensor at tree level and one loop.


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We study the exact solution of an N-state vertex model based on the representation of the U(q)[SU(2)] algebra at roots of unity with diagonal open boundaries. We find that the respective reflection equation provides us one general class of diagonal K-matrices having one free-parameter. We determine the eigenvalues of the double-row transfer matrix and the respective Bethe ansatz equation within the algebraic Bethe ansatz framework. The structure of the Bethe ansatz equation combine a pseudomomenta function depending on a free-parameter with scattering phase-shifts that are fixed by the roots of unity and boundary variables. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 1983, Chvatal, Trotter and the two senior authors proved that for any Delta there exists a constant B such that, for any n, any 2-colouring of the edges of the complete graph K(N) with N >= Bn vertices yields a monochromatic copy of any graph H that has n vertices and maximum degree Delta. We prove that the complete graph may be replaced by a sparser graph G that has N vertices and O(N(2-1/Delta)log(1/Delta)N) edges, with N = [B`n] for some constant B` that depends only on Delta. Consequently, the so-called size-Ramsey number of any H with n vertices and maximum degree Delta is O(n(2-1/Delta)log(1/Delta)n) Our approach is based on random graphs; in fact, we show that the classical Erdos-Renyi random graph with the numerical parameters above satisfies a stronger partition property with high probability, namely, that any 2-colouring of its edges contains a monochromatic universal graph for the class of graphs on n vertices and maximum degree Delta. The main tool in our proof is the regularity method, adapted to a suitable sparse setting. The novel ingredient developed here is an embedding strategy that allows one to embed bounded degree graphs of linear order in certain pseudorandom graphs. Crucial to our proof is the fact that regularity is typically inherited at a scale that is much finer than the scale at which it is assumed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The recovery and stability of DNA for the detection and genotyping of HPV in UCM-containing specimens, after exposure to denaturing reagents and stored for up to 2 years were evaluated. Samples were collected from 60 women who had cervical cytology specimens harboring cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3. All samples were stored in UCM and had been frozen at -20 degrees C following the addition of the denaturing reagent (sodium hydroxide) and the removal of the aliquot required for Hybrid Capture 2 testing for the identification of HPV DNA. The samples had been stored for 6, 12 and 24 months (20 samples for each storage time). HPV DNA extraction was performed according to a protocol designed specifically and the presence and quality of DNA was confirmed by human P-globin detection using the consensus primers G73 and G74. HPV DNA was amplified using the consensus primers PGMY09 and PGMY11, and reverse line-blot hybridization was used to detect type-specific amplicons for 37 HPV types. The DNA extracted from the denatured specimen was recovered in 57/60 (95%) of the samples. HPV DNA was detected in 56/57 (98%) of the recovered samples. Twenty-six of the 56 samples recovered (48%) were genotyped successfully. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Under the assumption that c is a regular cardinal, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a Boolean algebra B of size c defined by sharing the main structural properties that P(omega)/fin has under CH and in the N(2)-Cohen model. We prove a similar result in the category of Banach spaces. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Approximate Lie symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations are used for the applications to scaling phenomenon arising in turbulence. In particular, we show that the Lie symmetries of the Euler equations are inherited by the Navier-Stokes equations in the form of approximate symmetries that allows to involve the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws. Moreover, the optimal systems of all finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the approximate symmetry transformations of the Navier-Stokes are constructed. We show how the scaling groups obtained can be used to introduce the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws explicitly for stationary parallel turbulent shear flows. This is demonstrated in the framework of a new approach to derive scaling laws based on symmetry analysis [11]-[13].


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We classify groups G such that the unit group U-1 (ZG) is hypercentral. In the second part, we classify groups G whose modular group algebra has hyperbolic unit groups U-1 (KG).


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We construct five new elements of degree 6 in the nucleus of the free alternative algebra. We use the representation theory of the symmetric group to locate the elements. We use the computer algebra system ALBERT and an extension of ALBERT to express the elements in compact form and to show that these new elements are not a consequence of the known clegree-5 elements in the nucleus. We prove that these five new elements and four known elements form a basis for the subspace of nuclear elements of degree 6. Our calculations are done using modular arithmetic to save memory and time. The calculations can be done in characteristic zero or any prime greater than 6, and similar results are expected. We generated the nuclear elements using prime 103. We check our answer using five other primes.


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We begin a study of torsion theories for representations of finitely generated algebras U over a field containing a finitely generated commutative Harish-Chandra subalgebra Gamma. This is an important class of associative algebras, which includes all finite W-algebras of type A over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, in particular, the universal enveloping algebra of gl(n) (or sl(n)) for all n. We show that any Gamma-torsion theory defined by the coheight of the prime ideals of Gamma is liftable to U. Moreover, for any simple U-module M, all associated prime ideals of M in Spec Gamma have the same coheight. Hence, the coheight of these associated prime ideals is an invariant of a given simple U-module. This implies the stratification of the category of U-modules controlled by the coheight of the associated prime ideals of Gamma. Our approach can be viewed as a generalization of the classical paper by Block (1981) [4]; it allows, in particular, to study representations of gl(n) beyond the classical category of weight or generalized weight modules. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The problem of classification of Jordan bit-nodules over (non-semisimple) finite dimensional Jordan algebras with respect to their representation type is considered. The notions of diagram of a Jordan algebra and of Jordan tensor algebra of a bimodule are introduced and a mapping Qui is constructed which associates to the diagram of a Jordan algebra J the quiver of its universal associative enveloping algebra S(J). The main results are concerned with Jordan algebras of semi-matrix type, that is, algebras whose semi-simple component is a direct sum of Jordan matrix algebras. In this case, criterion of finiteness and tameness for one-sided representations are obtained, in terms of diagram and mapping Qui, for Jordan tensor algebras and for algebras with radical square equals to 0. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We classify all unital subalgebras of the Cayley algebra O(q) over the finite field F(q), q = p(n). We obtain the number of subalgebras of each type and prove that all isomorphic subalgebras are conjugate with respect to the automorphism group of O(q). We also determine the structure of the Moufang loops associated with each subalgebra of O(q).