151 resultados para Wheelock, Eleazar, 1711-1779.
Previous research based on theoretical simulations has shown the potential of the wavelet transform to detect damage in a beam by analysing the time-deflection response due to a constant moving load. However, its application to identify damage from the response of a bridge to a vehicle raises a number of questions. Firstly, it may be difficult to record the difference in the deflection signal between a healthy and a slightly damaged structure to the required level of accuracy and high scanning frequencies in the field. Secondly, the bridge is going to have a road profile and it will be loaded by a sprung vehicle and time-varying forces rather than a constant load. Therefore, an algorithm based on a plot of wavelet coefficients versus time to detect damage (a singularity in the plot) appears to be very sensitive to noise. This paper addresses these questions by: (a) using the acceleration signal, instead of the deflection signal, (b) employing a vehicle-bridge finite element interaction model, and (c) developing a novel wavelet-based approach using wavelet energy content at each bridge section which proves to be more sensitive to damage than a wavelet coefficient line plot at a given scale as employed by others.
The initial part of this paper reviews the early challenges (c 1980) in achieving real-time silicon implementations of DSP computations. In particular, it discusses research on application specific architectures, including bit level systolic circuits that led to important advances in achieving the DSP performance levels then required. These were many orders of magnitude greater than those achievable using programmable (including early DSP) processors, and were demonstrated through the design of commercial digital correlator and digital filter chips. As is discussed, an important challenge was the application of these concepts to recursive computations as occur, for example, in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. An important breakthrough was to show how fine grained pipelining can be used if arithmetic is performed most significant bit (msb) first. This can be achieved using redundant number systems, including carry-save arithmetic. This research and its practical benefits were again demonstrated through a number of novel IIR filter chip designs which at the time, exhibited performance much greater than previous solutions. The architectural insights gained coupled with the regular nature of many DSP and video processing computations also provided the foundation for new methods for the rapid design and synthesis of complex DSP System-on-Chip (SoC), Intellectual Property (IP) cores. This included the creation of a wide portfolio of commercial SoC video compression cores (MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264) for very high performance applications ranging from cell phones to High Definition TV (HDTV). The work provided the foundation for systematic methodologies, tools and design flows including high-level design optimizations based on "algorithmic engineering" and also led to the creation of the Abhainn tool environment for the design of complex heterogeneous DSP platforms comprising processors and multiple FPGAs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems faced by designers in developing complex DSP systems using current SoC technology. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Methods are presented for developing synthesizable FFT cores. These are based on a modular approach in which parameterized commutator and processor blocks are cascaded to implement the computations required in many important FFT signal flow graphs. In addition, it is shown how the use of a digital serial data organization can be used to produce systems that offer 100% processor utilization along with reductions in storage requirements. The approach has been used to create generators for the automated synthesis of FFT cores that are portable across a broad range of silicon technologies. Resulting chip designs are competitive with ones created using manual methods but with significant reductions in design times.
The design of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) demonstrator for a baseline JPEG encoder core is presented. This combines a highly optimized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and quantization unit with an entropy coder which has been realized using off-the-shelf synthesizable IP cores (Run-length coder, Huffman coder and data packer). When synthesized in a 0.35 µm CMOS process, the core can operate at speeds up to 100 MHz and contains 50 k gates plus 11.5 kbits of RAM. This is approximately 20% less than similar JPEG encoder designs reported in literature. When targeted at FPGA the core can operate up to 30 MHz and is capable of compressing 9-bit full-frame color input data at NTSC or PAL rates.
A generator for the automated design of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) cores is presented. This can be used to rapidly create silicon circuits from a high level specification. These compare very favourably with existing designs. The DCT cores produced are scaleable in terms of point size as well as input/output and coefficient wordlengths. This provides a high degree of flexibility. An example, 8-point 1D DCT design, produced occupies less than 0.92 mm when implemented in a 0.35µ double level metal CMOS technology. This can be clocked at a rate of 100MHz.
The inclusion of the Discrete Wavelet Transform in the JPEG-2000 standard has added impetus to the research of hardware architectures for the two-dimensional wavelet transform. In this paper, a VLSI architecture for performing the symmetrically extended two-dimensional transform is presented. This architecture conforms to the JPEG-2000 standard and is capable of near-optimal performance when dealing with the image boundaries. The architecture also achieves efficient processor utilization. Implementation results based on a Xilinx Virtex-2 FPGA device are included.
A silicon implementation of the Approximate Rotations algorithm capable of carrying the computational load of algorithms such as QRD and SVD, within the real-time realisation of applications such as Adaptive Beamforming, is described. A modification to the original Approximate Rotations algorithm to simplify the method of optimal angle selection is proposed. Analysis shows that fewer iterations of the Approximate Rotations algorithm are required compared with the conventional CORDIC algorithm to achieve similar degrees of accuracy. The silicon design studies undertaken provide direct practical evidence of superior performance with the Approximate Rotations algorithm, requiring approximately 40% of the total computation time of the conventional CORDIC algorithm, for a similar silicon area cost. © 2004 IEEE.
A scheduling method for implementing a generic linear QR array processor architecture is presented. This improves on previous work. It also considerably simplifies the derivation of schedules for a folded linear system, where detailed account has to be taken of processor cell latency. The architecture and scheduling derived provide the basis of a generator for the rapid design of System-on-a-Chip (SoC) cores for QR decomposition.
This paper presents single-chip FPGA Rijndael algorithm implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, Rijndael. In particular, the designs utilise look-up tables to implement the entire Rijndael Round function. A comparison is provided between these designs and similar existing implementations. Hardware implementations of encryption algorithms prove much faster than equivalent software implementations and since there is a need to perform encryption on data in real time, speed is very important. In particular, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are well suited to encryption implementations due to their flexibility and an architecture, which can be exploited to accommodate typical encryption transformations. In this paper, a Look-Up Table (LUT) methodology is introduced where complex and slow operations are replaced by simple LUTs. A LUT-based fully pipelined Rijndael implementation is described which has a pre-placement performance of 12 Gbits/sec, which is a factor 1.2 times faster than an alternative design in which look-up tables are utilised to implement only one of the Round function transformations, and 6 times faster than other previous single-chip implementations. Iterative Rijndael implementations based on the Look-Up-Table design approach are also discussed and prove faster than typical iterative implementations.
The design of a generic QR core for adaptive beamforming is presented. The work relies on an existing mapping technique that can be applied to a triangular QR array in such a way to allow the generation of a range of QR architectures. All scheduling of data inputs and retiming to include processor latency has been included within the generic representation.
A methodology for the production of silicon cores for wavelet packet decomposition has been developed. The scheme utilizes efficient scalable architectures for both orthonormal and biorthogonal wavelet transforms. The cores produced from these architectures can be readily scaled for any wavelet function and are easily configurable for any subband structure. The cores are fully parameterized in terms of wavelet choice and appropriate wordlengths. Designs produced are portable across a range of silicon foundries as well as FPGA and PLD technologies. A number of exemplar implementations have been produced.
In this paper we demonstrate a simple and novel illumination model that can be used for illumination invariant facial recognition. This model requires no prior knowledge of the illumination conditions and can be used when there is only a single training image per-person. The proposed illumination model separates the effects of illumination over a small area of the face into two components; an additive component modelling the mean illumination and a multiplicative component, modelling the variance within the facial area. Illumination invariant facial recognition is performed in a piecewise manner, by splitting the face image into blocks, then normalizing the illumination within each block based on the new lighting model. The assumptions underlying this novel lighting model have been verified on the YaleB face database. We show that magnitude 2D Fourier features can be used as robust facial descriptors within the new lighting model. Using only a single training image per-person, our new method achieves high (in most cases 100%) identification accuracy on the YaleB, extended YaleB and CMU-PIE face databases.
Web databases are now pervasive. Such a database can be accessed via its query interface (usually HTML query form) only. Extracting Web query interfaces is a critical step in data integration across multiple Web databases, which creates a formal representation of a query form by extracting a set of query conditions in it. This paper presents a novel approach to extracting Web query interfaces. In this approach, a generic set of query condition rules are created to define query conditions that are semantically equivalent to SQL search conditions. Query condition rules represent the semantic roles that labels and form elements play in query conditions, and how they are hierarchically grouped into constructs of query conditions. To group labels and form elements in a query form, we explore both their structural proximity in the hierarchy of structures in the query form, which is captured by a tree of nested tags in the HTML codes of the form, and their semantic similarity, which is captured by various short texts used in labels, form elements and their properties. We have implemented the proposed approach and our experimental results show that the approach is highly effective.
Knowledge about the diet of fish-eating predators is critical when evaluating conflicts with the fishing industry. Numerous primary studies have examined the diet of grey seals Halichoerus grypus and common seals Phoca vitulina in a bid to understand the ecology of these predators. However, studies of large-scale spatial and temporal variation in seal diet are limited. Therefore this review combines the results of seal diet studies published between 1980 and 2000 to examine how seal diet varies at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Our results revealed extensive spatial variation in gadiform, perciform and flatfish consumption, likely reflecting variation in prey availability. Flatfish and gadiform consumption varied between years, reflecting changes in fish assemblages as a consequence of factors such as varying fishing pressures, climate change and natural fluctuations in populations. Perciform and gadiform consumption varied seasonally: in addition there was a significant interaction between season and seal species, indicating that grey and common seals exhibited different patterns of seasonal variation in their consumption of Perciformes and Gadiformes. Multivariate analysis of grey seal diet revealed spatial variation at a much smaller scale, with different species dominating the diet in different areas. The existence of spatial and temporal variation in seal diet emphasizes that future assessments of the impact of seal populations should not be based on past or localized estimates of diet and highlights the need for up-to-date, site specific estimates of diet composition in the context of understanding and resolving seal/fisheries conflict. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.
Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) modelling [13] is a popular approach to background subtraction in video sequences. Although the algorithm shows good empirical performance, it lacks theoretical justification. In this paper, we give a justification for it from an online stochastic expectation maximization (EM) viewpoint and extend it to a general framework of regularized online classification EM for MoG with guaranteed convergence. By choosing a special regularization function, l1 norm, we derived a new set of updating equations for l1 regularized online MoG. It is shown empirically that l1 regularized online MoG converge faster than the original online MoG .