21 resultados para Publicación científica

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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Esta investigación analiza la producción científica presentada en los congresos de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación con el fin de comprender su desarrollo y su estado actual. Para ello, se han analizado 715 comunicaciones con veintidós variables, entre las que se encuentran: el autor, el género, la vinculación institucional, la nacionalidad, el tipo de comunicación, la metodología empleada, la réplica de contenidos, la tipología descriptiva y la finalidad de las comunicaciones. Entre otros hallazgos, los resultados muestran una mayoría femenina en la contribución académica, pero no entre los cargos académicos de mayor rango; la preferencia de los objetos de estudio empresariales, pero no profesionales o laborales; una tendencia hacia la mayor participación de doctorandos; y una elevada concentración de la producción científica en cuanto a la temática y la distribución territorial.


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Se estudia la producción científica de los Arquitectos Técnicos docentes universitarios en España en los últimos 35 años ya que el cambio del título académico al de Grado, el aumento del número de doctores y el desarrollo de una política académica que ha convertido en parámetro especial para medir la calidad de la Universidad la cantidad y calidad de los artículos publicados han propiciado un cambio sustancial en esta área del conocimiento. Se determina la investigación producida a través del análisis de las bases de datos WOS-SCOPUS-CSIC(ICYT-ISOC) y las revistas más utilizadas por esta disciplina y se analiza el número de publicaciones de este colectivo por Universidades y revistas. El estudio llevado a cabo evidencia un cambio sustancial en la producción científica de los arquitectos técnicos en España.


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There is a collective worldview on social policies that is expressed and understood by university professionals. However, it takes students time to construct this knowledge. Here, we provide fundamental ideas and a dynamic to facilitate learning of social policies. The preparation of a brief dictionary of significant terms is to be constructed as a group, alongside the maieutic work to be carried out by the teacher. The goal is to discover keys to understand the meaning of social policies and the underlying values that sustain a social and democratic rule-of-law state such as the one proposed in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Attention is focused on the structure of the mixed welfare state. This is an integral proposal and comprises three dimensions. First, it considers the state and its possible welfare agents: business, market, the Church and civil society. The attitudes with which universal and inclusive social action is promoted, breaking radically with the aid-based meaning contained in other systems, are then addressed. Finally, we examine human dignity as a principle and aim of intervention, a basis for understanding other concepts such as human, social, labour and political rights. It is to be hoped that these pages prove useful for both teaching staff and students.


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Theatre is a cultural and artistic form that involves a process of communication between creators and is received in a space and time located in the public sphere, which has meant that, over the centuries, it has acted as a space for expression, exchange and debate regarding all manner of ideas, causes and struggles. Implicit within this process are processes of expression, creation and reception, by way of which people demonstrate, analyse and question ways of seeing and understanding life, and ways of being and existing in the world. This gives rise to educational, cultural, social and political potential, which has been endorsed in numerous studies and investigations. In this work, in which theoretical orientation is established through a review of the relevant literature, we consider different intersections that occur between theatre and social work in order to also show that dramatic and theatrical expression offers substantive methodologies for achieving some objectives of social work, particularly in areas such as critical literacy, reflexivity and recognition, awareness raising, social participation, personal and/or community development, ownership of cultural capital and access to personal and social wellbeing.


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This article takes a multidimensional or biopsychosocial conception of drug dependency as its starting point. Within this analytical framework, we advocate making the intercultural dimension more visible, since it is essential for the design and implementation of integral intervention processes. We propose intercultural competence as a working model that can increase the capacities of institutions and professionals —a particularly important consideration in the case of social work— in order to effectively address the aforementioned cultural dimension. After an extensive review of the scientific literature, we have defined five processes that can contribute to strengthening an institution’s intercultural competence and four processes that can do the same for a professional’s intercultural competence. Though selected for application in the area of drug dependencies, all these processes can also prove useful in improving attention to any other kind of culturally diverse group or person.


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2015 se recordará como el gran año del cambio en los medios de comunicación, especialmente para la prensa. A lo largo del mismo se ha llevado a cabo una enconada lucha entre los editores y Google News, a la que se han sumado Yahoo News, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., para determinar quién debe pagar por los contenidos, quién los creará, quién los distribuirá y quién y cómo los leerá. Nuevos pactos para nuevos lectores. Nuevos acuerdos para reflotar económicamente la prensa. Y todo ello bajo el paraguas de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual en España y otras similares que se irán publicando o adaptando en Europa. Se ofrece un estudio y análisis de la situación previa al establecimiento de dicha ley y las consecuencias de su aplicación.


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A partir del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana las acciones de propaganda indirecta devinieron ejercicio profesional dentro de la gama de acciones de los medios de comunicación masivos, asociados a la construcción y afianzamiento de la ideología socialista imperante en nuestro país y al mismo tiempo, aferrados a los preceptos de la comunicación política.Este factor ha influido en que esta tipología comunicativa en la emisora Radio Vitral de Sancti Spíritus constituya un quehacer imprescindible en los mensajes, lo cual se convirtió en punto de partida para, mediante una metodología de corte cualitativo y con los merecidos referentes teóricos, realizar un diagnóstico de cada una de las particularidades, dígase categoría, subcategorías e indicadores de la propaganda indirecta en este medio de comunicación del centro de Cuba, lo cual sirvió de soporte para la validación teórico metodológica de este instrumento evaluador.Asimismo, con los resultados analizados en el diagnóstico de la propaganda indirecta se determinó que se carecía, a diferencia de la creación directa, de herramientas para evaluar la eficacia de los mensajes comunicativos, acordes con las características propias del sistema radiofónico, lo cual devino motivo para proponer una herramienta científica y teórico metodológica que permita evaluar el quehacer propagandístico indirecto en el medio radiofónico, que des las miradas de las mediaciones sociales y la recepción activa garantice su aplicación en cada una de las emisoras cubanas.


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Los cambios sufridos por los modelos de comunicación científica hacen que las bibliotecas universitarias se vean obligadas a dar nuevos servicios. Para adecuarse al investigador los bibliotecarios están desarrollando habilidades, colaborando con cada vez más estamentos y sustentando el acceso abierto. Apoyándose en una lista de posibles servicios, basada en la literatura especializada, este trabajo pretende cuantificar y evaluar el apoyo a la investigación desde las bibliotecas universitarias españolas. El sondeo demuestra la aparición de nuevos servicios e infraestructuras. Pero estas asistencias no suelen sistematizarse, difundirse ni evaluarse. Y, por otra parte, las consecuentes inversiones en personal y TIC han generado una brecha entre universidades


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This article attempts to show that the aesthetic pressure through the media, especially exerted on women, can be defined as gender violence; and the consequences of thinness paradigm of our society and obesity stigma that this entails have for their bio-psycho-social health.


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The journalistic boom that occurred in Argentina from the second half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of an active afroporteña press that defend the interests of the black community. This paper, in addition to reviewing the history of the Afro-Argentines newspapers, emphasizes the role played by the elite of African descent in the promotion of modernity among his brothers, while exploring the possible bases for an identity in the ideas spread.


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The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.


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The transition from a positivist matrix to an idealistic one in Argentinean academic philosophy can be read as a result of a gradual and problematic pollution. It was, also, heavily traversed by considerations that exceeded the theoretical aspects. Based on the willingness to explore this transit, the article pays attention to one of the episodes of this contamination: how the Revista de Filosofía reads Croce and Gentile’s philosophy. Observing there some possibility of dialogue between positivist assumptions, with which the journal takes a position, and the idealism the article analyze how this dialogue and its limits were given from a political consideration. If the idealism was condemned, it is centrally owed to its performance during the first years of the government of Mussolini. If, meanwhile, it was some to rescue of that philosophy, it was that it contributed to think the revolutionary change.


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In the framework of the European project Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science (PLACES), we analyse the articulations between scientifi c communication, public perception of science, processes of citizen participation and apropiation of space, based on a case study of the inhabitants of Teruel city, Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. On the interrelationships between these issues, there are a number of contradictions, such as the difference between a high interest for information about science and technology and a low level of recognition and interaction with local institutions involved in those activities, the complex conceptualization of scientifi c space in relation to the “public-private” pair, or an articulation of a claiming civic rethoric and an insuffi cient co-responsibility. We conclude that, in a local context, the dimension of territoriality and, in particular, the identifi cation with the town, is a central mediation for activating citizen participation as part of processes of appropriation of space for setting up cities of scientifi c culture.


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The aim of this paper is to recognize the images that prospective elementary school teachers have about citizenship and citizenship education in school. The qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach is used for that deep interview of ethnographic kind and analysis of institutional documents, for example, curricula, course syllabus and graduated profi le. The revision of documents helps to a better understanding of discourses. The analysis of the corpus obtained after the application of the paradigm of codifi cation proposed in the established theory. As the principal fi ndings we way point out that the concept of citizens that is common among prospective elementary school teachers is reduced to the school environment because they consider that the promotion of citizenship helps to the incorporation of children to society, thus reproducing a propaedeutic view of education.


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The study addresses the essential features of University Programmes for senior citizens (PUM). It committed to the lifelong education through the integration of the elderly in the University. Part of the base that is learned during the entire life cycle, there is no age, no specific space for education. Learning is constructed from knowledge, abilities, skills and aptitudes that are enriched continuously. It is necessary to ensure the elderly to age in a healthy way. It calls for active ageing, effective tool against isolation and social exclusion. The aim is to discover aspects of the UNED Senior training programme that contribute to lifelong learning and satisfaction produced. The PUM are ways for the promotion of aging along with other activities aimed to enhance a creative leisure, access to culture, facilitate training on topics of interest and create a means of participation in all spheres of society. In this research has resorted to a mixed methodology. Their wealth combines the methods of quantitative and qualitative allowing us to obtain information and contrast from different perspectives. The purpose is to verify the results of the investigation. The sample consists of 639 students, 57 teachers and 15 coordinators. The results indicate that the PUM of the UNED Senior is highly satisfactory for those involved, by the adequacy between interests and expectations. Fruit of this research are the conclusions and suggestions for improvement.