11 resultados para Morfología [lingüística]

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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Esta investigacin analiza el uso del sufijo diminutivo en un corpus oral de jvenes de la Repblica Dominicana. El material procede de la transcripcin de veinte entrevistas orales realizadas en los aos noventa en Santo Domingo. En este estudio se realiza un anlisis de las ocurrencias documentadas, su morfología, sus preferencias en cuanto a la seleccin de las clases de palabras que se toman como base para la formacin de diminutivos, sus posibles valores semnticos y comunicativos, y, por ltimo, se determina la frecuencia de uso del diminutivo en funcin del sexo de los hablantes.


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Estructura formal, textual y oral del discurso pblicoExisten tres competencias comunicativas muy valoradas en la sociedad de la informacin. Primero, la bsqueda, seleccin y gestin de grandes cantidades de informacin. Segundo, la redaccin de textos claros, concisos y rigurosos. Y en tercer lugar, la exposicin y defensa oral de esta informacin en un discurso pblico. Tradicionalmente, los estudios de periodismo han abordado estas competencias de forma independiente. Pero actualmente, instituciones y empresas de mbitos diferentes demandan un perfil profesional capaz de aplicarlas ante cualquier tipo de informacin y con objetivos diversos. Se propone un modelo integral en tres niveles estructurales basado en teoras, conceptos y estudios especficos de periodismo, oratoria, retrica… o comunicacin, en los ltimos aos. Este modelo puede contribuir a encauzar las investigaciones de acadmicos y representa una herramienta de entrenamiento para profesionales.


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The aim of this paper is to deepen in the terminology of Records Management established by ISO standards, through a concrete example such as an interlinguistic comparison between UNE ISO 15489-1 and DIN ISO 15489-1, that is, between the Spanish and German versions of the ISO 15489-1. For that, the text is divided into two major and complementary parts, which are similar to both analytical perspectives adopted: the semantic one and the pragmatic one. The first one compares the words per se, taking into account the significant or word form as well as the significance or meaning. In the second part, examples of use from both languages are discussed, concerning the three terms considered essential in the text (Record, Records Management System and Records Management). The main conclusion lies in understanding how important the language is as a discrete tool of work for all information scientists, specially concerning to the standards, where the translators must show their best linguistic strategies to go unnoticed.


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El estudio de las combinaciones lxicas segn su grado de fijacin y su distincin en combinaciones libres, colocaciones y locuciones ha sido realizado desde la perspectiva sincrnica. Planteamos la posibilidad de aplicar las pautas para distinguir estos tipos de estructuras en materiales de tipo diacrnico. Concretamente, nos basamos en los documentos que componen el Corpus del Espaol del Reino de Granada (CORDEREGRA) para valorar los materiales de este corpus histrico-lingstico y comprobar si los criterios sincrnicos se pueden aplicar al estudio de documentos de otros siglos.


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We will be presenting the following practical proposal that will consist of two sessions implemented with different courses of Secondary Education (ESO) of the Colegio Crculo Catlico (Catholic School Group), located in the city of Burgos. Each session lasts 55 minutes. These sessions focus on the morphology of the Spanish language. Its design has been carried out by keeping in mind the theoretical basis of the communicative approach and cooperative learning.


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La seleccin de las muestras de ejemplos que se emplean en la codificacin normativa del espaol est relacionada con las concepciones tericas que en cada poca histrica sirven de base para acometer la reflexin gramatical. La autoridad sobre el uso ha correspondido tradicionalmente en la preceptiva acadmica a las fuentes literarias, que se han empleado fundamentalmente para ilustrar la pauta normativa tanto en la labor lexicogrfica como en la gramatical. La incorporacin de nuevas tipologas textuales en la produccin acadmica est vinculada a un cambio en la concepcin terica en la que una lengua ya no es concebida como un bloque monoltico y homogneo, sino donde la variacin lingstica se constituye en rasgo inherente a su misma condicin histrica. De ah que no resulte extrao que en la nmina de textos sea cada vez ms frecuente encontrar un amplio corpus conformado por publicaciones peridicas. Esta incorporacin de muestras periodsticas en la reciente produccin acadmica, materializada en el Diccionario panhispnico de dudas (2005) y en la Nueva gramtica de la lengua espaola (2009), viene a suplir en cierta medida tambin el silencio normativo acadmico ante las dudas y vacilaciones lingsticas planteadas por los profesionales de los medios de comunicacin. Tras el rastreo histrico de la aparicin de muestras periodsticas en la ejemplificacin normativa acadmica, se tratar de establecer si se ha producido un cambio en la funcionalidad de estas citas de manera que no sean ya empleadas exclusivamente con la valoracin de ejemplaridad idiomtica, tal y como se utilizaban fundamentalmente las muestras extradas de los textos literarios en la labor de codificacin tradicional de la Academia, sino tambin como variantes incorrectas objeto de una crtica ms o menos velada hacia determinados usos circunscritos mayoritariamente al discurso periodstico actual.


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This paper is a study about the way in which se structures are represented in 20 verb entries of nine dictionaries of Spanish language. There is a large number of these structures and they are problematic for native and non native speakers. Verbs of the analysis are middle-high frequency and, in the most part of the cases, very polysemous, and this allows to observe interconnections between the different se structures and the different meanings of each verb. Data of the lexicographic analysis are cross-checked with corpus analysis of the same units. As a result, it is observed that there is a large variety in the data which are offered in each dictionary and in the way they are offered, inter and intradictionary. The reasons range from the theoretical overall of each Project to practical performance. This leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to further progress in the dictionary model it is being handled, in order to offer lexico-grammatical phenomenon such as se verbs in an accurate, clear and exhaustive way.


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From ecological tourism to ecotourism: lexical analysis of an emerging tourism. This article deals with the lexicon created in connection with a recent form of tourism: the ecological tourism or ecotourism. The rise of this type of tourism encourages the creation of new concepts and products that are named with new words and expressions with different procedures of formation. From the name itself ecotourism, then expressed as the acronym ecotourism, we analyze the formation of other related words, as well as their formal variation and use. For this, we have worked with a specific corpus of electronic tourist texts and different digital sources and databases.


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After defining the “enunciative scheme” (sentence type) as a communicative unit, the imperative is characterized as a morphologized modality of appellative kind used when the following conditions occur: appellative meaning, 2nd person, future tense and absence of negation. In Spanish, any variation of any of these requirements determines that the subjunctive is used. We reject the idea that the imperative is a variant of subjunctive specialized in appellative function and that both modes share a desiderative morpheme. Working in this way means attributing to a morphological category of the verb a property that actually corresponds to the enunciative schemes (sentence types). We propose to integrate the imperative and subjunctive in the framework of what we call the “desiderative-appellative space”. Thisspace” brings together various grammatical or grammaticalized means based on the imperative and the subjunctive. Semantically, it is organized around a component of desirability (action appears as desirable) that, by varying several factors, configures a route that goes from a center (the imperative) to a periphery (the expression of desire).