5 resultados para Inauguration.

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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It is a matter of pride that Costa Rica and the National University, both with extensive experience in the development of library we are the headquarters for the first time, an event that brings together three different activities on this theme: the Central American Seminar, Workshops and Standing Committee of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, which will strengthen the monitoring and Manifestos on Public Libraries, Schools and Internet IFLA-UNESCO. Thank you very much to all of you for allowing us this honor and a double thanks to the comrades of the UNA university who took the initiative and made this opportunity possible.


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Friends: Although we have not devoted special sessions to discuss the matter, the truth is that in some informal occasions we talked lightly about the relevance of the School of Library, Documentation and Information is at the Faculty of Arts. We have consistently defined our School Faculty as a humanist. The human reality in all its modes of symbolic production is the object of study that brings us together as an area of knowledge. A school is that, a major academic unit, which it brings together different disciplines deserve epistemological affinity for joint development. Cooperation, ease of interdisciplinary association are elements that justify the existence of the faculties. And our conversations, I insist, casual and light, have led us to establish two positions may seem superficially divergent, but are not. The Library mates look as techniques themselves, and feel that can be placed almost anywhere Faculty, and at first glance does not explain its presence in a humanities faculty. Let me turn away from this self-image.


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Since the child starts in the teaching - learning is made aware that there is a division of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable. It also says that every natural resource is useless unless it explodes. But to apply such resources necessary knowledge. We realize today that the same biological systems of living things (renewable resources) are transmitters of information. He uses that information to nurture their knowledge, and this is essential for the use and conservation of resources, making valid then the principle that "there is no knowledge without information."


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Estimados compañeros:Reciban en nombre propio y de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras un afectuoso saludo de inicio de curso lectivo. Por razones fortuitas, he solicitado a la Decana sustituta de esta Facultad, la M.L.S. Alice Miranda, Directora de vuestra Escuela, que represente a la Facultad en este acto de inicio del curso lectivo.No solamente le he pedido que transmita mis saludos, sino que los inste a hacer propósitos de mejoramiento académico durante este período que inicia. La crisis universitaria forma parte de nuestra institucionalidad. La Universidad desde su nacimiento ha vivido constantemente en crisis. No obstante, como toda crisis, éstas pueden resultar fértiles en realizaciones, si las aprovechamos para el mejoramiento. En este momento nos encontramos reflexionando sobre el carácter mismo de nuestra institucionalidad. Estamos en Congreso Universitario, realizaremos próximamente la Segunda Etapa del Segundo Congreso Universitario. Son momentos de reflexión, son momentos de lucidez, de hacer examen de conciencia, de pensar lo que hemos sido para lanzarnos al porvenir.


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Nuestro Boletín No. 4 presenta a Uds. un artículo extenso sobre recuperación de información en forma automatizada.La presentación de dicho artículo coincide con un acontecimiento importante en el campo de la información documental: la inauguración del primer banco de datos para recuperación de información en línea en la Universidad Nacional. Este banco de datos es el primero de una serie que se construirán en el Centro de Documentación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, a partir de los cuales se pretende que la investigación que se realiza dé un salto cualitativo. A su vez la Unidad de Bibliotecología usará una terminal para enseñar a los estudiantes, mediante una metodología que no tiene precedentes en el país.