296 resultados para Scanning probe microscopy


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The equilibrium geometry, electronic structure and energetic stability of Bi nanolines on clean and hydrogenated Si(001) surfaces have been examined by means of ab initio total energy calculations and scanning tunnelling microscopy. For the Bi nanolines on a clean Si surface the two most plausible structural models, the Miki or M model (Miki et al 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 14868) and the Haiku or H model (Owen et al 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 226104), have been examined in detail. The results of the total energy calculations support the stability of the H model over the M model, in agreement with previous theoretical results. For Bi nanolines on the hydrogenated Si(001) surface, we find that an atomic configuration derived from the H model is also more stable than an atomic configuration derived from the M model. However, the energetically less stable (M) model exhibits better agreement with experimental measurements for equilibrium geometry. The electronic structures of the H and M models are very similar. Both models exhibit a semiconducting character, with the highest occupied Bi-derived bands lying at ~0.5 eV below the valence band maximum. Simulated and experimental STM images confirm that at a low negative bias the Bi lines exhibit an 'antiwire' property for both structural models.


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Self-organized Bi lines that are only 1.5 nm wide can be grown without kinks or breaks on Si(0 0 1) surfaces to lengths of up to 500 nm. Constant-current topographical images of the lines, obtained with the scanning tunneling microscope, have a striking bias dependence. Although the lines appear darker than the Si terraces at biases below ≈∣1.2∣ V, the contrast reverses at biases above ≈∣1.5∣ V. Between these two ranges the lines and terraces are of comparable brightness. It has been suggested that this bias dependence may be due to the presence of a semiconductor-like energy gap within the line. Using ab initio calculations it is demonstrated that the energy gap is too small to explain the experimentally observed bias dependence. Consequently, at this time, there is no compelling explanation for this phenomenon. An alternative explanation is proposed that arises naturally from calculations of the tunneling current, using the Tersoff–Hamann approximation, and an examination of the electronic structure of the line.


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A study of the Bi nanoline geometry on Si(0 0 1) has been performed using a combination of ab initio theoretical technique and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). Our calculations demonstrate decisively that the recently proposed Haiku geometry is a lower energy configuration than any of the previously proposed line geometries. Furthermore, we have made comparisons between STM constant-current topographs of the lines and Tersoff–Haman STM simulations. Although the Haiku and the Miki geometries both reproduce the main features of the constant-current topographs, the simulated STM images of the Miki geometry have a dark stripe between the dimer rows that does not correspond well with experiment.


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Experimental studies of Bi heteroepitaxy on Si(001) have recently uncovered a self-organised nanoline motif which has no detectable width dispersion. The Bi lines can be grown with an aspect ratio that is greater than 350 : 1. This paper describes a study of the nanoline geometry and electronic structure using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio theoretical methods. In particular, the effect that the lines have on Si(001) surface structure at large length scales, l > 100 nm, is studied. It has been found that Bi line growth on surfaces that have regularly spaced single height steps results in a 'preferred' domain orientation.


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Although a wide range of periodic surface nets can be grown on low index silicon surfaces, only a few of these have quasi-one dimensional symmetry. If high index silicon surfaces, such as (553) and (557), are used instead, the surface unit cell contains steps. It is possible to fabricate a number of quasi-one dimensional nanoline systems on the terraces and some of these have nested energy bands near the Fermi level. These nano-scale systems may support exotic many-electron states produced by enhanced electron correlations and a reduction in electron screening in one spatial dimension. In this paper, our groups' experimental and theoretical studies of nanolines phases, grown on both low index and vicinal silicon surfaces are reviewed. These studies give us insight into the electronic properties of artificial nanoline structures.


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A Bi 2 × n surface net was grown on the Si(001) surface and studied with inverse photoemission, scanning tunnelling microscopy and ab initio and empirical pseudopotential calculations. The experiments demonstrated that Bi adsorption eliminates the dimer related π1* and π2* surface states, produced by correlated dimer buckling, leaving the bulk bandgap clear of unoccupied surface states. Ab initio calculations support this observation and demonstrate that the surface states derived from the formation of symmetric Bi dimers do not penetrate the fundamental bandgap of bulk Si. Since symmetric Bi dimers are an important structural component of the recently discovered Bi nanolines, that self-organize on Si(001) above the Bi desorption temperature, a connection will be made between our findings and the electronic structure of the nanolines.


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The combination of nanostenciling with pulsed laser deposition (PLD) provides a flexible, fast approach for patterning the growth of Ge on Si. Within each stencilled site, the morphological evolution of the Ge structures with deposition follows a modified Stranski–Krastanov (SK) growth mode. By systematically varying the PLD parameters (laser repetition rate and number of pulses) on two different substrate orientations (111 and 100), we have observed corresponding changes in growth morphology, strain and elemental composition using scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and μ-Raman spectroscopy. The growth behaviour is well predicted within a classical SK scheme, although the Si(100) growth exhibits significant relaxation and ripening with increasing coverage. Other novel aspects of the growth include the increased thickness of the wetting layer and the kinetic control of Si/Ge intermixing via the PLD repetition rate.


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Weak interactions between bromine, sulphur, and hydrogen are shown to stabilize 2D supramolecular monolayers at the liquid–solid interface. Three different thiophene-based semiconducting organic molecules assemble into close-packed ultrathin ordered layers. A combination of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) elucidates the interactions within the monolayer. Electrostatic interactions are identified as the driving force for intermolecular Br⋯Br and Br⋯H bonding. We find that the S⋯S interactions of the 2D supramolecular layers correlate with the hole mobilities of thin film transistors of the same materials.


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Investigations of the self-assembly of simple molecules at the solution/solid interface can provide useful insight into the general principles governing supramolecular chemistry in two dimensions. Here, we report on the assembly of 3,4′,5-biphenyl tricarboxylic acid (H3BHTC), a small hydrogen bonding unit related to the much-studied 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (trimesic acid, TMA), which we investigate using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. STM images show that H3BHTC assembles by itself into an offset zigzag chain structure that maximizes the surface molecular density in favor of maximizing the number density of strong cyclic hydrogen bonds between the carboxylic groups. The offset geometry creates “sticky” pores that promote solvent coadsorption. Adding coronene to the molecular solution produces a transformation to a high-symmetry host–guest lattice stabilized by a dimeric/trimeric hydrogen bonding motif similar to the TMA flower structure. Finally, we show that the H3BHTC lattice firmly immobilizes the guest coronene molecules, allowing for high-resolution imaging of the coronene structure.


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The prospect of synthesizing ordered, covalently bonded structures directly on a surface has recently attracted considerable attention due to its fundamental interest and for potential applications in electronics and photonics. This prospective article focuses on efforts to synthesize and characterize epitaxial one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D, respectively) polymeric networks on single crystal surfaces. Recent studies, mostly performed using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), demonstrate the ability to induce polymerization based on Ullmann coupling, thermal dehalogenation and dehydration reactions. The 2D polymer networks synthesized to date have exhibited structural limitations and have been shown to form only small domains on the surface. We discuss different approaches to control 1D and 2D polymerization, with particular emphasis on the surface phenomena that are critical to the formation of larger ordered domains.


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The supramolecular self-assembly of brominated molecules was investigated and compared on Cu(110) and Cu(110)[BOND]O(2×1) surfaces under ultrahigh vacuum. By using scanning tunnelling microscopy, we show that brominated molecules form a disordered structure on Cu(110), whereas a well-ordered supramolecular network is observed on the Cu(110)[BOND]O(2×1) surface. The different adsorption behaviors of these two surfaces are described in terms of weakened molecule–substrate interactions on Cu(110)[BOND]O(2×1) as opposed to bare Cu(110). The effect of oxygen-passivation is to suppress debromination and it can be a convenient approach for investigating other self-assembly processes on copper-based substrates.


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The formation of ordered arrays of molecules via self-assembly is a rapid, scalable route towards the realization of nanoscale architectures with tailored properties. In recent years, graphene has emerged as an appealing substrate for molecular self-assembly in two dimensions. Here, the first five years of progress in supramolecular organization on graphene are reviewed. The self-assembly process can vary depending on the type of graphene employed: epitaxial graphene, grown in situ on a metal surface, and non-epitaxial graphene, transferred onto an arbitrary substrate, can have different effects on the final structure. On epitaxial graphene, the process is sensitive to the interaction between the graphene and the substrate on which it is grown. In the case of graphene that strongly interacts with its substrate, such as graphene/Ru(0001), the inhomogeneous adsorption landscape of the graphene moiré superlattice provides a unique opportunity for guiding molecular organization, since molecules experience spatially constrained diffusion and adsorption. On weaker-interacting epitaxial graphene films, and on non-epitaxial graphene transferred onto a host substrate, self-assembly leads to films similar to those obtained on graphite surfaces. The efficacy of a graphene layer for facilitating planar adsorption of aromatic molecules has been repeatedly demonstrated, indicating that it can be used to direct molecular adsorption, and therefore carrier transport, in a certain orientation, and suggesting that the use of transferred graphene may allow for predictible molecular self-assembly on a wide range of surfaces.


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We have performed a high-resolution synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study of the initial growth stages of the ZnPd near-surface alloy on Pd(111), complemented by scanning tunnelling microscopy data. We show that the chemical environment for surfaces containing less than half of one monolayer of Zn is chemically distinct from subsequent layers. Surfaces where the deposition is performed at room temperature contain ZnPd islands surrounded by a substrate with dilute Zn substitutions. Annealing these surfaces drives the Zn towards the substrate top-layer, and favours the completion of the first 1 : 1 monolayer before the onset of growth in the next layer.


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The adsorption of In on the Si(111)−Ge(5×5) surface reconstruction has been studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and ab initio calculations to investigate the possibility of using this reconstruction as a template for cluster formation. As with In adsorption on Si(111)−7×7 at low substrate temperatures and low In fluences, the In adatoms are found to preferentially adsorb on the faulted half-unit cell. However, in contrast to In adsorption on Si(111)−7×7, the In adatoms are also frequently found in the unfaulted half-unit cell at low coverages. The filling of unfaulted unit cell halves is primarily due to the formation of large clusters that span multiple substrate half-unit cells. Moreover, many of the faulted half-unit cells have a streaked appearance that indicates that surface atoms within them are mobile.


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We report a new method for the growth of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) on the 316L alloy of stainless steel (SS) and its relevance for biomedical applications. We demonstrate that electrochemical etching increases the concentration of metallic species on the surface and enables the growth of rGO. This result is supported through a combination of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), density functional theory (DFT) calculations and static water contact angle measurements. Raman spectroscopy identifies the G and D bands for oxidized species of graphene at 1595 cm(-1) and 1350 cm(-1), respectively, and gives an ID/IG ratio of 1.2, indicating a moderate degree of oxidation. XPS shows -OH and -COOH groups in the rGO stoichiometry and static contact angle measurements confirm the wettability of rGO. SEM and AFM measurements were performed on different substrates before and after coronene treatment to confirm rGO growth. Cell viability studies reveal that these rGO coatings do not have toxic effects on mammalian cells, making this material suitable for biomedical and biotechnological applications.