16 resultados para Usina Termelétrica Santana - AP

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The present challenge in drug discovery is to synthesize new compounds efficiently in minimal time. The trend is towards carefully designed and well-characterized compound libraries because fast and effective synthesis methods easily produce thousands of new compounds. The need for rapid and reliable analysis methods is increased at the same time. Quality assessment, including the identification and purity tests, is highly important since false (negative or positive) results, for instance in tests of biological activity or determination of early-ADME parameters in vitro (the pharmacokinetic study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), must be avoided. This thesis summarizes the principles of classical planar chromatographic separation combined with ultraviolet (UV) and mass spectrometric (MS) detection, and introduces powerful, rapid, easy, low-cost, and alternative tools and techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of small drug or drug-like molecules. High performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was introduced and evaluated for fast semi-quantitative assessment of the purity of synthesis target compounds. HPTLC methods were compared with the liquid chromatography (LC) methods. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (AP MALDI MS) were used to identify and confirm the product zones on the plate. AP MALDI MS was rapid, and easy to carry out directly on the plate without scraping. The PLC method was used to isolate target compounds from crude synthesized products and purify them for bioactivity and preliminary ADME tests. Ultra-thin-layer chromatography (UTLC) with AP MALDI MS and desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI MS) was introduced and studied for the first time. Because of the thinner adsorbent layer, the monolithic UTLC plate provided 10 100 times better sensitivity in MALDI analysis than did HPTLC plates. The limits of detection (LODs) down to low picomole range were demonstrated for UTLC AP MALDI and UTLC DESI MS. In a comparison of AP and vacuum MALDI MS detection for UTLC plates, desorption from the irregular surface of the plates with the combination of an external AP MALDI ion source and an ion trap instrument provided clearly less variation in mass accuracy than the vacuum MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) instrument. The performance of the two-dimensional (2D) UTLC separation with AP MALDI MS method was studied for the first time. The influence of the urine matrix on the separation and the repeatability was evaluated with benzodiazepines as model substances in human urine. The applicability of 2D UTLC AP MALDI MS was demonstrated in the detection of metabolites in an authentic urine sample.


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Critical cellular decisions such as should the cell proliferate, migrate or differentiate, are regulated by stimulatory signals from the extracellular environment, like growth factors. These signals are transformed to cellular responses through their binding to specific receptors present at the surface of the recipient cell. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R/ErbB) pathway plays key roles in governing these signals to intracellular events and cell-to-cell communication. The EGF-R forms a signaling network that participates in the specification of cell fate and coordinates cell proliferation. Ligand binding triggers receptor dimerization leading to the recruitment of kinases and adaptor proteins. This step simultaneously initiates multiple signal transduction pathways, which result in activation of transcription factors and other target proteins, leading to cellular alterations. It is known that mutations of EGF-R or in the components of these pathways, such as Ras and Raf, are commonly involved in human cancer. The four best characterized signaling pathways induced by EGF-R are the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades (MAPKs), the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K), a group of transcription factors called Signal Transducers and Activator of Transcription (STAT), and the phospholipase Cγ; (PLCγ) pathways. The activation of each cascade culminates in kinase translocation to the nucleus to stimulate various transcription factors including activator protein 1 (AP-1). AP-1 family proteins are basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors that are implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes (proliferation and survival, growth, differentiation, apoptosis, cell migration, transformation). Therefore, the regulation of AP-1 activity is critical for the decision of cell fate and their deregulated expression is widely associated with many types of cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers. The aims of this study were to characterize the roles of EGF-R signaling during normal development and malignant growth in vitro and in vivo using different cell lines and tissue samples. We show here that EGF-R regulates cell proliferation but is also required for regulation of AP-1 target gene expression in fibroblasts in a MAP-kinase mediated manner. Furthermore, EGF-R signaling is essential for enterocyte proliferation and migration during intestinal maturation. EGF-R signaling network, especially PI3-K-Akt pathway mediated AP-1 activity is involved in cellular survival in response to ionizing radiation. Taken together, these results elucidate the connection of EGF-R and AP-1 in various cellular contexts and show their importance in the regulation of cellular behaviour presenting new treatment cues for intestinal perforations and cancer therapy.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of various proteins and proteoglycans which provides tissues with structural strength and resilience. By harvesting signaling molecules like growth factors ECM has the capacity to control cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation and cell survival. Latent transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) binding proteins (LTBPs) associate fibrillar structures of the ECM and mediate the efficient secretion and ECM deposition of latent TGF-β. The current work was conducted to determine the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes to gain insight into their tissue-specific expression which also has impact on TGF-β biology. Furthermore, the current research aimed at defining the ECM targeting of the N-terminal variants of LTBP-4 (LTBP-4S and -4L), which is required to understand their functions in tissues and to gain insight into conditions in which TGF-β is activated. To characterize the regulatory regions of LTBP-3 and -4 genes in silico and functional promoter analysis techniques were employed. It was found that the expression of LTBP-4S and -4L are under control of two independent promoters. This finding was in accordance with the observed expression patterns of LTBP-4S and -4L in human tissues. All promoter regions characterized in this study were TATAless, GC-rich and highly conserved between human and mouse species. Putative binding sites for Sp1 and GATA family of transcription factors were recognized in all of these regulatory regions. It is possible that these transcription factors control the basal expression of LTBP-3 and -4 genes. Smad binding element was found within the LTBP-3 and -4S promoter regions, but it was not present in LTBP-4L promoter. Although this element important for TGF-β signaling was present in LTBP-4S promoter, TGF-β did not induce its transcriptional activity. LTBP-3 promoter activity and mRNA expression instead were stimulated by TGF-β1 in osteosarcoma cells. It was found that the stimulatory effect of TGF-β was mediated by Smad and Erk MAPK signaling pathways. The current work explored the ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and identified binding partners of this protein. It was found that the N-terminal end of LTBP-4S possesses fibronectin (FN) binding sites which are critical for its ECM targeting. FN deficient fibroblasts incorporated LTBP-4S into their ECM only after addition of exogenous FN. Furthermore, LTBP-4S was found to have heparin binding regions, of which the C-terminal binding site mediated fibroblast adhesion. Soluble heparin prevented the ECM association of LTBP-4S in fibroblast cultures. In the current work it was observed that there are significant differences in the secretion, processing and ECM targeting of LTBP-4S and -4L. Interestingly, it was observed that most of the secreted LTBP-4L was associated with latent TGF-β1, whereas LTBP-4S was mainly secreted as a free form from CHO cells. This thesis provides information on transcriptional regulation of LTBP-3 and -4 genes, which is required for the deeper understanding of their tissue-specific functions. Further, the current work elucidates the structural variability of LTBPs, which appears to have impact on secretion and ECM targeting of TGF-β. These findings may advance understanding the abnormal activation of TGF-β which is associated with connective tissue disorders and cancer.


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An overwhelming majority of all the research on soil phosphorus (P) has been carried out with soil samples taken from the surface soils only, and our understanding of the forms and the reactions of P at a soil profile scale is based on few observations. In Finland, the interest in studying the P in complete soil profiles has been particularly small because of the lack of tradition in studying soil genesis, morphology, or classification. In this thesis, the P reserves and the retention of orthophosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) were examined in four cultivated mineral soil profiles in Finland (three Inceptisols and one Spodosol). The soils were classified according to the U.S. Soil Taxonomy and soil samples were taken from the genetic horizons in the profiles. The samples were analyzed for total P concentration, Chang and Jackson P fractions, P sorption properties, concentrations of water-extractable P, and for concentrations of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe. Theoretical P sorption capacities and degrees of P saturation were calculated with the data from the oxalate-extractions and the P fractionations. The studied profiles can be divided into sections with clearly differing P characteristics by their master horizons Ap, B and C. The C (or transitional BC) horizons below an approximate depth of 70 cm were dominated by, assumingly apatitic, H2SO4-soluble P. The concentration of total P in the C horizons ranged from 729 to 810 mg kg-1. In the B horizons between the depths of 30 and 70 cm, a significant part of the primary acid-soluble P has been weathered and transformed to secondary P forms. A mean weathering rate of the primary P in the soils was estimated to vary between 230 and 290 g ha-1 year-1. The degrees of P saturation in the B and C horizons were smaller than 7%, and the solubility of PO4-P was negligible. The P conditions in the Ap horizons differed drastically from those in the subsurface horizons. The high concentrations of total P (689-1870 mg kg-1) in the Ap horizons are most likely attributable to long-term cultivation with positive P balances. A significant proportion of the P in the Ap horizons occurred in the NH4F- and NaOH-extractable forms and as organic P. These three P pools, together with the concentrations of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe, seem to control the dynamics of PO4-P in the soils. The degrees of P saturation in the Ap horizons were greater (8-36%) than in the subsurface horizons. This was also reflected in the sorption experiments: Only the Ap horizons were able to maintain elevated PO4-P concentrations in the solution phase − all the subsoil horizons acted as sinks for PO4-P. Most of the available sorption capacity in the soils is located in the B horizons. The results suggest that this capacity could be utilized in reducing the losses of soluble P from excessively fertilized soils by mixing highly sorptive material from the B horizons with the P-enriched surface soil. The drastic differences in the P characteristics observed between adjoining horizons have to be taken into consideration when conducting soil sampling. Sampling of subsoils has to be made according to the genetic horizons or at small depth increments. Otherwise, contrasting materials are likely to be mixed in the same sample; and the results of such samples are not representative of any material present in the studied profile. Air-drying of soil samples was found to alter the results of the sorption experiments and the water extractions. This indicates that the studies on the most labile P forms in soil should be carried out with moist samples.


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Acute pancreatitis (AP), a common cause of acute abdominal pain, is usually a mild, self-limited disease. However, some 20-30% of patients develop a severe disease manifested by pancreatic necrosis, abscesses or pseudocysts, and/or extrapancreatic complications, such as vital organ failure (OF). Patients with AP develop systemic inflammation, which is considered to play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure (MOF). OF mimics the condition seen in patients with sepsis, which is characterized by an overwhelming production of inflammatory mediators, activation of the complement system and systemic activation of coagulation, as well as the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome. Vital OF is the major cause of mortality in AP, along with infectious complications. About half of the deaths occur within the first week of hospitalization and thus, early identification of patients likely to develop OF is important. The aim of the present study was to investigate inflammatory and coagulation disturbances in AP and to find inflammatory and coagulation markers for predicting severe AP, and development of OF and fatal outcome. This clinical study consists of four parts. All of patients studied had AP when admitted to Helsinki University Central Hospital. In the first study, 31 patients with severe AP were investigated. Their plasma levels of protein C (PC) and activated protein C (APC), and monocyte HLA-DR expression were studied during the treatment period in the intensive care unit; 13 of these patients developed OF. In the second study, the serum levels of complement regulator protein CD59 were studied in 39 patients during the first week of hospitalization; 12 of them developed OF. In the third study, 165 patients were investigated; their plasma levels of soluble form of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein were studied during the first 12 days of hos-pitalization; 38 developed OF. In the fourth study, 33 patients were studied on admission to hospital for plasma levels of prothrombin fragment F1+2 and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and thrombin formation capacity by calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT); 9 of them developed OF. Our results showed significant PC deficiency and decreased APC generation in patients with severe AP. The PC pathway defects seemed to be associated with the development of OF. In patients who developed OF, the levels of serum CD59 and plasma sRAGE, but not of HMGB1, were significantly higher than in patients who recovered without OF. The high CD59 levels on admission to the hospital seemed to be predictive for severe AP and OF. The median of the highest sRAGE levels was significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. No significant difference between the patient groups was found in the F1+2 levels. The thrombograms of all patients were disturbed in their shape, and in 11 patients the exogenous tissue factor did not trigger thrombin generation at all ( flat curve ). All of the patients that died displayed a flat curve. Free TFPI levels and free/total TFPI ratios were significantly higher in patients with a flat curve than in the others, and these levels were also significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. The flat curve in combination with free TFPI seemed to be predictive for a fatal outcome in AP.


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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease. Mild disease resolves spontaneously in a few days. Severe forms of the disease can lead to local complications, necrosis, and abscesses in and around the pancreas. Systemic inflammation in severe AP is associated with distant organ failures. The aim of this study is to identify genetically determined prognostic factors involved in the clinical features of AP. The study employs a candidate-gene approach, and the genes are involved in trysinogen activation in the initiation phase of the disease, as well as in the systemic inflammation as the disease proceeds. The last study examines adipokines, fat-derived hormones characterized with the capacity to modify inflammation. SPINK 1 is a gene coding trypsin activation inhibitor. Mutations N34S and P55N were determined by minisequencing methods in 371 AP patients and in 459 controls. The mutation N34S was more common in AP patients (7.8%) than in controls (2.6%). This suggests that SPINK 1 gene mutation N34S is a risk factor for AP. In the fourth study, in 12 matched pairs of patients with severe and mild AP, levels of adipokines, adiponectin, and leptin were evaluated. Plasma adipokine levels did not differ between patients with mild and severe AP. The results suggest that in AP, adipokine plasma levels are not factors predisposing to organ failures. This study identified the SPINK 1 mutation N34S to be a risk factor for AP in the general population. As AP is a multifactorial disease, and extensive genetic heterogeneity is likely, further identification of genetic factors in the disease requires larger future studies with more advanced genetic study models. Further identification of the patient characteristics associated with organ failures offers another direction of the study to achieve more detailed understanding of the severe form of AP.


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The intervertebral disc is composed of concentrically arranged components: annulus fibrosus, the transition zone, and central nucleus pulposus. The major disc cell type differs in various parts of the intervertebral disc. In annulus fibrosus a spindle shaped fibroblast-like cell mainly dominates, whereas in central nucleus pulposus the more rounded chondrocyte-like disc cell is the major cell type. At birth the intervertebral disc is well vascularized, but during childhood and adolescence blood vessels become smaller and less numerous. The adult intervertebral disc is avascular and is nourished via the cartilage endplates. On the other hand, degenerated and prolapsed intervertebral discs are again vascularized, and show many changes compared to normal discs, including: nerve ingrowth, change in collagen turnover, and change in water content. Furthermore, the prolapsed intervertebral disc tissue has a tendency to decrease in size over time. Growth factors are polypeptides which regulate cell growth, extracellular matrix protease activity, and vascularization. Oncoproteins c-Fos and c-Jun heterodimerize, forming the AP-1 transcription factor which is expressed in activated cells. In this thesis the differences of growth factor expression in normal intervertebral disc, the degenerated intervertebral disc and herniated intervertebral disc were analyzed. Growth factors of particular interest were basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF or FGF-2), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ). Cell activation was visualized by the expression of the AP-1 transcription promoters c-Fos and c-Jun. The expression was shown with either mono- or polyclonal antibodies by indirect avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunohistochemical staining method. The normal control material was collected from a tissue bank of five organ donors. The degenerated disc material was from twelve patients operated on for painful degenerative disc disease, and herniated disc tissue material was obtained from 115 patients operated on for sciatica. Normal control discs showed only TGFβ immunopositivity. All other factors studied were immunonegative in the control material. Prolapsed disc material was immunopositive for all factors studied, and this positivity was located either in the disc cells or in blood vessels. Furthermore, neovascularization was noted. Disc cell immunoreaction was shown in chondrocyte-like disc cells or in fibroblast-like disc cells, the former being expressed especially in conglomerates (clusters of disc cells). TGFβ receptor induction was prominent in prolapsed intervertebral disc tissue. In degenerated disc material, the expression of growth factors was analyzed in greater detail in various parts of the disc: nucleus pulposus, anterior annulus fibrosus and posterior annulus fibrosus. PDGF did not show any immunoreactivity, whereas all other studied growth factors were localized either in chondrocyte-like disc cells, often forming clusters, in fibroblast-like disc cells, or in small capillaries. Many of the studied degenerated discs showed tears in the posterior region of annulus fibrosus, but expression of immunopositive growth factors was detected throughout the entire disc. Furthermore, there was a difference in immunopositive cell types for different growth factors. The main conclusion of the thesis, supported by all substudies, is the occurrence of growth factors in disc cells. They may be actively participating in a network regulating disc cell growth, proliferation, extracellular matrix turnover, and neovascularization. Chondrocyte-like disc cells, in particular, expressed growth factors and oncoproteins, highlighting the importance of this cell type in the basic pathophysiologic events involved in disc degeneration and disc rearrangement. The thesis proposes a hypothesis for cellular remodelling in intervertebral disc tissue. In summary, the model presents an activation pattern of different growth factors at different intervertebral disc stages, mechanisms leading to neovascularization of the intervertebral disc in pathological conditions, and alteration of disc cell shape, especially in annulus fibrosus. Chondrocyte-like disc cells become more numerous, and these cells are capable of forming clusters, which appear to be regionally active within the disc. The alteration of the phenotype of disc cells expressing growth factors from fibroblast-like disc cells to chondrocyte-like cells in annulus fibrosus, and the numerous expression of growth factor expressing disc cells in nucleus pulposus, may be a key element both during pathological degeneration of the intervertebral disc, and during the healing process after trauma.


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Germ cell tumors occur both in the gonads of both sexes and in extra-gonadal sites during adoles-cence and early adulthood. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 5% of all cases of ovarian malignancy. In contrast, testicular cancer is the most common malignancy among young males. Most of patients survive the disease. Prognostic factors of gonadal germ cell tumors include histology, clinical stage, size of the primary tumor and residua, and levels of tumor markers. Germ cell tumors include heterogeneous histological subgroups. The most common subgroup includes germinomas (ovarian dysgerminoma and testicular seminoma); other subgroups are yolk sac tumors, embryonal carcinomas, immature teratomas and mixed tumors. The origin of germ cell tumors is most likely primordial germ cells. Factors behind germ cell tumor development and differentiation are still poorly known. The purpose of this study was to define novel diagnostic and prognostic factors for malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, the aim was to shed further light into the molecular mechanisms regulating gonadal germ cell tumorigenesis and differentiation by studying the roles of GATA transcription factors, pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ, and estrogen receptors. This study revealed the prognostic value of CA-125 in malignant ovarian germ cell tumors. In addition advanced age and residual tumor had more adverse outcome. Several novel markers for histological diagnosis were defined. In the fetal development transcription factor GATA-4 was expressed in early fetal gonocytes and in testicular carcinoma precursor cells. In addition, GATA-4 was expressed in both gonadal germinomas, thus it may play a role in the development and differentiation of the germinoma tumor subtype. Pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ were expressed in dysgerminomas, thus they could be used in the differential diagnosis of the germ cell tumors. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors expressed estrogen receptors and their co-regulator SNURF. In addition, estrogen receptor expression was up-regulated by estradiol stimulation. Thus, gonadal steroid hormone burst in puberty may play a role in germ cell tumor development in the ovary. This study shed further light in to the molecular pathology of malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, some novel diagnostic and prognostic factors were defined. This data may be used in the differential diagnosis of germ cell tumor patients.


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a radiotherapy that has mainly been used to treat malignant brain tumours, melanomas, and head and neck cancer. In BNCT, the patient receives an intravenous infusion of a 10B-carrier, which accumulates in the tumour area. The tumour is irradiated with epithermal or thermal neutrons, which result in a boron neutron capture reaction that generates heavy particles to damage tumour cells. In Finland, boronophenylalanine fructose (BPA-F) is used as the 10B-carrier. Currently, the drifting of boron from blood to tumour as well as the spatial and temporal accumulation of boron in the brain, are not precisely known. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) could be used for selective BPA-F detection and quantification as aromatic protons of BPA resonate in the spectrum region, which is clear of brain metabolite signals. This study, which included both phantom and in vivo studies, examined the validity of 1H MRS as a tool for BPA detection. In the phantom study, BPA quantification was studied at 1.5 and 3.0 T with single voxel 1H MRS, and at 1.5 T with magnetic resonance imaging (MRSI). The detection limit of BPA was determined in phantom conditions at 1.5 T and 3.0 T using single voxel 1H MRS, and at 1.5 T using MRSI. In phantom conditions, BPA quantification accuracy of ± 5% and ± 15% were achieved with single voxel MRS using external or internal (internal water signal) concentration references, respectively. For MRSI, a quantification accuracy of <5% was obtained using an internal concentration reference (creatine). The detection limits of BPA in phantom conditions for the PRESS sequence were 0.7 (3.0 T) and 1.4 mM (1.5 T) mM with 20 × 20 × 20 mm3 single voxel MRS, and 1.0 mM with acquisition-weighted MRSI (nominal voxel volume 10(RL) × 10(AP) × 7.5(SI) mm3), respectively. In the in vivo study, an MRSI or single voxel MRS or both was performed for ten patients (patients 1-10) on the day of BNCT. Three patients had glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and five patients had a recurrent or progressing GBM or anaplastic astrocytoma gradus III, and two patients had head and neck cancer. For nine patients (patients 1-9), MRS/MRSI was performed 70-140 min after the second irradiation field, and for one patient (patient 10), the MRSI study began 11 min before the end of the BPA-F infusion and ended 6 min after the end of the infusion. In comparison, single voxel MRS was performed before BNCT, for two patients (patients 3 and 9), and for one patient (patient 9), MRSI was performed one month after treatment. For one patient (patient 10), MRSI was performed four days before infusion. Signals from the tumour spectrum aromatic region were detected on the day of BNCT in three patients, indicating that in favourable cases, it is possible to detect BPA in vivo in the patient’s brain after BNCT treatment or at the end of BPA-F infusion. However, because the shape and position of the detected signals did not exactly match the BPA spectrum detected in the in vitro conditions, assignment of BPA is difficult. The opportunity to perform MRS immediately after the end of BPA-F infusion for more patients is necessary to evaluate the suitability of 1H MRS for BPA detection or quantification for treatment planning purposes. However, it could be possible to use MRSI as criteria in selecting patients for BNCT.


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The thesis explores the discourse of two global news agencies, the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, which together with the French AFP are generally regarded as the world s leading news distributors. A glance at the guidelines given by AP and Reuters to their journalists shows that these two news agencies make a lot of effort to strive for objectivity the well-known journalistic ideal, which, however, is an almost indefinable concept. In journalism textbooks definitions of objectivity often contain various components: detachment, nonpartisanship, facticity, balance, etc. AP and Reuters, too, in their guidelines, present several other ideals besides objectivity , viz., reliability, accuracy, balance, freedom from bias, precise sourcing, reporting the truth, and so on. Other central concepts connected to objectivity are neutrality and impartiality. However, objectivity is, undoubtedly, the term that is most often mentioned when the ethics of journalism is discussed, acting as a kind of umbrella term for several related journalistic ideals. It can even encompass the other concept that is relevant for this study, that of factuality. These two intertwined concepts are extremely complex; paradoxically, it is easier to show evidence of the lack of objectivity or factuality than of their existence. I argue that when journalists conform to the deep-rooted conventions of objective news reporting, facts may be blurred, and the language becomes vague and ambiguous. As global distributors of news, AP and Reuters have had an influential role in creating and reinforcing conventions of (at least English-language) news writing. These conventions can be seen to work at various levels of news reporting: the ideological (e.g., defining what is regarded as newsworthy, or who is responsible), structural (e.g., the well-known inverted pyramid model), and stylistic (e.g., presupposing that in hard news reports, the journalist s voice should be backgrounded). On the basis of my case studies, I have found four central conventions to be worthy of closer examination: the conventional structure of news reports, the importance of newsworthiness, the tactics of impersonalisation which tends to blur news actors responsibility, and the routines of presenting emotions. My linguistic analyses draw mainly on M.A.K. Halliday s Systemic Functional Grammar, on notions of transitivity, ergativity, nominalisation and grammatical metaphor. The Appraisal framework, too, has provided useful tools for my analyses. The thesis includes six case studies dealing with the following topics: metaphors in political reporting, terrorism discourse, terrorism fears, emotions more generally, unnamed sources as rhetorical constructs, and responsibility in the convention of attribution.


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Alternative pathway (AP) of complement can be activated on any surface, self or non-self. In atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) the AP regulation on self surfaces is insufficient and leads to complement attack against self-cells resulting usually in end-stage renal disease. Factor H (FH) is one of the key regulators of AP activation on the self surfaces. The domains 19 and 20 (FH19-20) are critical for the ability of FH to discriminate between C3b-opsonized self and non-self surfaces and are a hot-spot for mutations that have been described from aHUS patients. FH19-20 contains binding sites for both the C3d part of C3b and self surface polyanions that are needed for efficient C3b inactivation. To study the dysfunction of FH19-20, crystallographic structures of FH19-20 and FH19-20 in complex with C3d (FH19-20:C3d) were solved and aHUS-associated and structurally interesting point mutations were induced to FH19-20. Functional defects caused by these mutations were studied by analyzing binding of the FH19-20 mutant proteins to C3d, C3b, heparin, and mouse glomerular endothelial cells (mGEnCs). The results revealed two independent binding interfaces between FH19-20 and C3d - the FH19 site and the FH20 site. Superimposition of the FH19-20:C3d complex on the previously published C3b and FH1-4:C3b structures showed that the FH20 site on C3d is partially occluded, but the FH19 site is fully available. Furthermore, binding of FH19-20 via the FH19 site to C3b did not block binding of the functionally important FH1-4 domains and kept the FH20 site free to bind heparin or an additional C3d. Binding assays were used to show that FH20 domain can bind to heparin while FH19-20 is bound to C3b via the FH19 site, and that both the FH19 site and FH20 are necessary for recognition of non-activator surfaces. Simultaneous binding of FH19 site to C3b and FH20 to anionic self structures are the key interactions in self-surface recognition by FH and thereby enhanced avidity of FH explains how AP discriminates between self and non-self. The aHUS-associated mutations on FH19-20 were found to disrupt binding of the FH19 or FH20 site to C3d/C3b, or to disrupt binding of FH20 to heparin or mGEnC. Any of these dysfunctions leads to loss of FH avidity to C3b bearing self surfaces explaining the molecular pathogenesis of the aHUS-cases where mutations are found within FH19-20.


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The purpose of this research project was to understand the steps of the retrotransposon BARE (BArley REtrotransposon) life cycle, from regulation of transcription to Virus-Like Particle (VLP) formation and ultimate integration back into the genome. Our study concentrates mainly on BARE1 transcriptional regulation because transcription is the crucial first step in the retrotransposon life cycle. The BARE element is a Class I LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) retrotransposon belonging to the Copia superfamily and was originally isolated in our research group. The LTR retrotransposons are transcribed from promoters in the LTRs and encode proteins for packaging of their transcripts, the reverse transcription of the transcripts into cDNA, and integration of the cDNA back into the genome. BARE1 is translated as a single polyprotein and cleaved into the capsid protein (GAG), integrase (IN), and reverse transcriptase-RNaseH (RT-RH) by the integral aspartic proteinase (AP). The BARE retrotransposon family comprises more than 104 copies in the barley (Hordeum vulgare) genome. The element is bound by long terminal repeats (LTRs, 1829 bp) containing promoters required for replication, signals for RNA processing, and motifs necessary for the integration of the cDNA. Members of the BARE1 subfamily are transcribed, translated, and form virus-like particles. Several basic questions concerning transcription are explored in the thesis: BARE1 transcription control, promoter choice in different barley tissues, start and termination sites for BARE transcripts, and BARE1 transcript polyadenylation (I). Polyadenylation is an important step during mRNA maturation, and determines its stability and translatability among other characteristics. Our work has found a novel way used by BARE1 to make extra GAG protein, which is critical for VLP formation. The discovery that BARE1 uses one RNA population for protein synthesis and another RNA population for making cDNA has established the most important step of the BARE1 life cycle (III). The relationship between BARE1 and BARE2 has been investigated. Besides BARE, we have examined the retrotransposon Cassandra (II), which uses a very different transcriptional mechanism and a fully parasitic life cycle. In general, this work is focused on BARE1 promoter activity, transcriptional regulation including differential promoter usage and RNA pools, extra GAG protein production and VLP formation. The results of this study give new insights into transcription regulation of LTR retrotransposons.


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The progressive myoclonic epilepsies (PMEs) are a clinically and etiologically heterogeneous group of symptomatic epilepsies characterized by myoclonus, tonic-clonic seizures, psychomotor regression and ataxia. Different disorders have been classified as PMEs. Of these, the group of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) comprise an entity that has onset in childhood, being the most common cause of neurodegeneration in children. The primary aim of this thesis was to dissect the molecular genetic background of patients with childhood onset PME by studying candidate genes and attempting to identify novel PME-associated genes. Another specific aim was to study the primary protein properties of the most recently identified member of the NCL-causing proteins, MFSD8. To dissect the genetic background of a cohort of Turkish patients with childhood onset PME, a screen of the NCL-associated genes PPT1, TPP1, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, MFSD8, CLN8 and CTSD was performed. Altogether 49 novel mutations were identified, which together with 56 mutations found by collaborators raised the total number of known NCL mutations to 364. Fourteen of the novel mutations affect the recently identified MFSD8 gene, which had originally been identified in a subset of mainly Turkish patients as the underlying cause of CLN7 disease. To investigate the distribution of MFSD8 defects, a total of 211 patients of different ethnic origins were evaluated for mutations in the gene. Altogether 45 patients from nine different countries were provided with a CLN7 molecular diagnosis, denoting the wide geographical occurrence of MFSD8 defects. The mutations are private with only one having been established by a founder-effect in the Roma population from the former Czechoslovakia. All mutations identified except one are associated with the typical clinical picture of variant late-infantile NCL. To address the trafficking properties of MFSD8, lysosomal targeting of the protein was confirmed in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells. The major determinant for this lysosomal sorting was identified to be an N-terminal dileucine based signal (9-EQEPLL-14), recognized by heterotetrameric AP-1 adaptor proteins, suggesting that MFSD8 takes the direct trafficking pathway en route to the lysosomes. Expression studies revealed the neurons as the primary cell-type and the hippocampus and cerebellar granular cell layer as the predominant regions in which MFSD8 is expressed. To identify novel genes associated with childhood onset PME, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genomewide scan was performed in three small families and 18 sporadic patients followed by homozygosity mapping to determine the candidate loci. One of the families and a sporadic patient were positive for mutations in PLA2G6, a gene that had previously been shown to cause infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy. Application of next-generation sequencing of candidate regions in the remaining two families led to identification of a homozygous missense mutation in USP19 for the first and TXNDC6 for the second family. Analysis of the 18 sporadic cases mapped the best candidate interval in a 1.5 Mb region on chromosome 7q21. Screening of the positional candidate KCTD7 revealed six mutations in seven unrelated families. All patients with mutations in KCTD7 were reported to have early onset PME, rapid disease progression leading to dementia and no pathologic hallmarks. The identification of KCTD7 mutations in nine patients and the clinical delineation of their phenotype establish KCTD7 as a gene for early onset PME. The findings presented in this thesis denote MFSD8 and KCTD7 as genes commonly associated with childhood onset symptomatic epilepsy. The disease-associated role of TXNDC6 awaits verification through identification of additional mutations in patients with similar phenotypes. Completion of the genetic spectrum underlying childhood onset PMEs and understanding of the gene products functions will comprise important steps towards understanding the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms, and will possibly shed light on the general processes of neurodegeneration and nervous system regulation, facilitating the diagnosis, classification and possibly treatment of the affected cases.


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Many Finnish municipalities need to control their growth. In this research growth is understood as developments of land utilisation and also as a wide range of other changes that have mainly ap-peared as a result of a long term growth in population. The development growth control contains four areas: 1. adequate productivity of town planning, 2. stationing the growth to needs led and for sustainable developments, 3. quality of the developing environment, and 4. producing growth with communicative and transparent process. The aim of the research is to represent connection between town planning and development growth control. Research defines the role of town planning in the municipalities development growth control. In addition research focuses on links between town planning and development growth control in history, present and in the development work for the future. According to the hypothesis the extensive examination of town planning enables better growth control and promotes appropriate response to municipal changes regarding housing delivery. As an example there are five outskirt municipalities in the Helsinki region. They are called Kirkkonummi, Vihti, Nurmijärvi, Tuusula and Sipoo. The decision was to use examples based on a contingence theory. According to the theory there is no one correct way to operate. Therefore development should be based on individual municipal needs. In the research, municipality s needs were collected by 20 semi- structured interviews from municipal officials. In addition there were group interviews in Uusimaa Regional Council and in Uusimaa Regional Environmental Centre. There was also secondary material collected from official papers and statistics. Operationalisation was the analysis tool between empiric and literature reviews. The role of town planning has evolved during the 20th century from a more simple town plan level to operative stage in town planning hierarchy. Outskirt municipalities town planning was established during the 1960s. Since then one of the most important aims in the town planning has been to produce growth and building possibilities. Currently the challenge is to reach the satisfying rate of productivity and to meet increased housing demand. Other challenges include locating the appropriate geographical areas for growth; and the balance between required developments and planning permission decisions. Findings concluded that town planning should be more viable and it should have better ability to co-operate and operate in the changing operational environment. Municipality s ability to receive growth can increase and growth control can advance by planned and workable town planning. It is essential to take wide perspective of the each municipality's unique needs to improve productivity rather than to focus simply on productivity.