79 resultados para Bäck, Erik Johan,
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The Forest devil. Businessman Erik Johan Längman (1799 1863) in the transition of economic system In Finnish historiography, Erik Johan Längman (1799-1863) bears a bad reputation of his own level: a mean, profit-seeking businessman who did not care too much about methods in his operations. Although little known, Längman has been praised as one of the pioneers of modern industry in the Grand Duchy of Finland, which belonged to the Russian Empire. From the mid 1830s Längman owned iron mill and several sawmills around the country. The growing demand of the markets in the 1830s, especially in Great Britain, marked a strong stimulus to Finnish lumber industry. At the same time claims for stricter rule over the sawmill industry were raised by high officials. The momentum of the conflict, the Forest Act of 1851, brought an end to illegal overproduction. In this biography, particular emphasis is laid on the entrepreneurial behaviour of Längman, but also on the effect the entrepreneurs had on the Crown s policies. On the other hand, how did the limitations imposed by the Crown guide the actions of the sawmill owners? The solutions adopted by the sawmill owners and the manoeuvring of the government are in a constant dialogue in this study. The Finnish sawmill industry experienced a major change in its techniques and methods of acquiring timber during the 1830s. Längman particularly, with his acquisition organisation, was able to find and reach faraway forests with unexpected results. The official regulating system with its strict producing quotas couldn t follow the changes. When the battle against the sawmill industry really started on, in 1840, it didn t happen for the benefit of iron industry, as argued previously, but to save Crown forests from depletion. After the mid 1840s Längman and the leader of the Finnish nationalistic movement, J. V. Snellman questioned the rationality of the entire regulation system and in doing so they also posed a threat against the aristocratic power. The influential but now also badly provoked chairman of the economic division of senate, Lars Gabriel von Haartman, accused the sawmill-owners harder than ever and took the advantage of the reactionary spirit of imperial Russia to launch the state forest administration. Längman circumvented the conditions of privileges, felled Crown forests illegally and accusations were brought against him for destroying his competitors. The repeated conflicts spoke primarily about a superior business idea and organisational ability. Although Längman spent his last years mostly abroad he still had interests in Finnish timber business when the liberation of sawmill-industry was established, in 1861. Surprisingly, the antagonism around the Crown forests continued, probably even more heated.
Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility. Joseph Ben-David's, Roger Sperry's and Knut Erik Tranøy's Views of Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility The aim of the study was to investigate, whether or not there is any connection between Jewish sociologist Joseph Ben-David's, American neuroscientist Roger Sperry's and Norwegian philosopher Knut Erik Tranøy's views of science and views of the scientist's social responsibility. The sources of information were their writings concerning this topic. Ben-David has a classical view of science. He thinks that the Mertonian norms of scientific activity, first written in 1942, are still valid in modern science. With the help of these norms Ben-David defends the view that science is morally neutral. Ben-David thinks that a scientist has a limited social responsibility. A scientist only reports on the new results, but he is not responsible for applying the results. In any case Ben-David's ideas are no longer valid. Sperry has a scientistic view of science. According to Sperry, science is the source of moral norms and also the best guide for moral action. The methods of natural sciences "show" how to solve moral problems. A scientist's personal views of science and social responsibility are not important. However Sperry's view is very problematic on the ethical side. Tranøy stresses the scientist's social responsibility. A scientist has common norms with the society from with he or she comes. This is why a scientist has the right, and also the responsibility, to discuss social and ethical questions between science and society. Tranøy's view has some ethical and practical problems, but it is valid in principle. Finally, Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's views of both science and the scientist's social responsibility have a connection: the view of science corresponds to the certain view of scientist's social responsibility. The result of this study is: Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's view of science have an ethical starting point as its fundamental presupposition, which include certain views of scientific knowledge, good and the scientist's ethical responsibilities. The connection between Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's views of science and views of the scientist's social responsibility means that their views of epistemology, meta-ethics and the scientist's ethical responsibilities have a connection to their views of the scientist's social responsibility. The results of this study can help the scientific community to organize the social responsibility of a scientist and deepen the conversation concerning the scientist's social responsibility.
Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on kirjeenvaihtajan työprosessi. Tutkielma kuuluu kääntämisen sosiologian piiriin. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli Helsingin Sanomien Pariisin-kirjeenvaihtaja Minna Nalbantoglu, jonka työskentelyä tutkielman tekijä havainnoi Pariisissa viiden päivän ajan syyskuussa 2006. Tutkimuksen päämetodina oli tapaustutkimus, jonka lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytettiin metodina haastattelua ja havainnointia sekä dokumenttien, tallenteiden ja työnäytteiden analysointia. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui havaintomuistiinpanoista, kirjeenvaihtajan haastattelusta, ääneenajatteluprotokollista, haastattelunauhoista, kirjeenvaihtajan tuottamista artikkeleista, kirjeenvaihtajan käyttämistä lähteistä ja juttupäiväkirjoista. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli muodostaa kokonaiskuva kirjeenvaihtajan työprosessista. Tavoitteena oli vastata seuraavin kysymyksiin: 1) Miten ja millä kriteereillä kirjeenvaihtaja valitsee Helsingin Sanomien lukijoille välitettävät uutiset? 2) Miten uutinen tuotetaan? 3) Minkälaista kääntämistä tai käännöseditointia (transediting) kirjeenvaihtajan työssä esiintyy? Tutkimustulokset on analysoitu viiden käsitteen avulla, jotka ovat uutiskriteerit, uutisen tuottamisprosessi, kääntäminen, käännöseditointi ja portinvartiointi (gatekeeping). Ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vastattiin analysoimalla kirjeenvaihtajan tutkimusviikon aikana tuottamia artikkeleita Johan Galtungin ja Mari Holmboe Rugen (1965) klassisten uutiskriteerien avulla, joita täydennettiin Judy McGregorin (2002) päivitetyillä uutiskriteereillä. Toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vastattiin kuvailemalla uutisten tuottamisprosessia. Samalla selvitettiin, mitä lähteitä kirjeenvaihtaja oli käyttänyt jutuissansa. Kolmatta tutkimuskysymystä varten artikkelit analysoitiin Teun A. van Dijkin (1988) uutisen tuottamisprosessin tutkimista varten kehittämällä mallilla. Van Dijkin mallin avulla määriteltiin, mikä tekstinkäsittelystrategia on kääntämistä ja mitkä käännöseditointia. Analyysin perusteella todettiin, että tekstin tuottamisprosessissa esiintyy myös uuden tekstin luomista ja tuotantoa yksikielisen materiaalin pohjalta. Kääntäminen ja käännöseditointi (Karen Stetting 1989) -käsitteitä pohdittiin ennen analyysia työn teoriaosuudessa. Uutisaiheiden analyysin perusteella todettiin, että mitä enemmän tapahtuma täyttää uutiskriteereitä, sitä todennäköisemmin se valitaan uutiseksi. Niin ikään mitä enemmän tapahtuma täyttää McGregorin päivittämiä uutiskriteereitä, sitä todennäköisemmin se valitaan uutiseksi. Analysoitujen uutisten määrä oli kuitenkin pieni, eikä tuloksia voida pitää kuin suuntaa-antavina. Artikkeleiden lähteenä oli käytetty lähinnä haastatteluita, lehtiartikkeleita ja uutistoimistojen sähkeitä. Muiden lähteiden käyttö oli satunnaista. Lähteiden ja käännösstrategioiden välillä ei havaittu korrelaatiota. Eniten käytetty tekstinkäsittelystrategia oli tiivistäminen. Käännöseditoinnin osuus oli yli puolet artikkeleiden tekstistä (keskiarvo 62 %) ja kääntämisen osuus vain kahdeksan prosenttia. Tutkimuksen perusteella käännöseditointi-käsitteen käyttö on perusteltua puhuttaessa kyseisen kirjeenvaihtajan työstä. Tutkimuksen perusteella on kehitetty uusi portinvartiointimalli, joka pohjautuu van Dijkin uutisen tuottamisprosessimalliin. Mallin avulla voidaan analysoida uutisen tuottamisprosessia ja päätellä, minkä verran kääntämistä ja käännöseditointia työssä esiintyy. Mallia ehdotetaan sovellettavaksi paitsi muiden kirjeenvaihtajien niin myös monikielisen materiaalin parissa työskentelevien toimittajien työn sekä uutiskääntämisen analysointiin.
"Interior Design is Like Handwriting." Carin Bryggman and Lasse Ollinkari as Interior Designers in the 1940s and 1950s My dissertation deals with the emergence of the interior designer's profession in Finland with focus on the 1940s and 1950s, the postwar years of reconstruction and modernism, as the historical context. The topic is addressed at both the collective and individual levels. Specific subjects of study are the training of interior designers (also known as interior architects), the association of Finnish interior architects (Sisustusarkkitehdit SIO), the professional field and its public image and two leading designers, Carin Bryggman (1920 1993) and Lasse Ollinkari (1921 1993). Though respected figures within the field, Bryggman and Ollinkari have otherwise remained little known and studied. My study presents a great deal of new empiria. The main materials consist of the documents of related institutions and the archives of Bryggman and Ollinkari, in which drawings and photographs figure prominently. The drawings illustrate in a new way the variety of professional tasks in the field. My results are also based on a large body of interviewed material. The materials are approached from two theoretical perspectives, with gender and margins as core concepts from the perspective of women's studies. The even gender division of Finnish interior designers revealed a difference with regard to neighbouring occupations and other countries. I claim that the division of tasks was not defined by gender. The second theoretical basis is the sociological study of professions. The high professional status achieved by interior designers is shown by the fact that of the many related titles in Finnish and Swedish, such as "furniture draughtsman" or "interior artist", interior architect became the established one, despite opposition from architects. My hypothesis that the professionalization of interior designers took place during the two postwar decades proved to be correct. The profession emerged through specialized education and became established with the founding of its own professional organization. From the outset, the goal was to mark a distinction between professionals of interior and furniture design and other designers and architects. Interior designers became a strong and successful modern professional group, involved in a wide range of projects from objects to interiors. Keywords: interior designers, interior architects, interior art, occupations, gender, professions, interior design, furniture, home, public space, Carin Bryggman, Lasse Ollinkari, the Sisustusarkkitehdit SIO association, 1940s and 1950s, reconstruction, modernism.
The Uppsala school of Axel Hägerström can be said to have been the last genuinely Swedish philosophical movement. On the other hand, the Swedish analytic tradition is often said to have its roots in Hägerström s thought. This work examines the transformation from Uppsala philosophy to analytic philosophy from an actor-based historical perspective. The aim is to describe how a group of younger scholars (Ingemar Hedenius, Konrad Marc-Wogau, Anders Wedberg, Alf Ross, Herbert Tingsten, Gunnar Myrdal) colonised the legacy of Hägerström and Uppsala philosophy, and faced the challenges they met in trying to reconcile this legacy with the changing philosophical and political currents of the 1930s and 40s. Following Quentin Skinner, the texts are analysed as moves or speech acts in a particular historical context. The thesis consists of five previously published case studies and an introduction. The first study describes how the image of Hägerström as the father of the Swedish analytic tradition was created by a particular faction of younger Uppsala philosophers who (re-) presented the Hägerströmian philosophy as a parallel movement to logical empiricism. The second study examines the confrontations between Uppsala philosophy and logical empiricism in both the editorial board and in the pages of Sweden s leading philosophical journal Theoria. The third study focuses on how the younger generation redescribed Hägerströmian legal philosophical ideas (Scandinavian Legal Realism), while the fourth study discusses how they responded to the accusations of a connection between Hägerström s value nihilistic theory and totalitarianism. Finally, the fifth study examines how the Swedish social scientist and Social Democratic intellectual Gunnar Myrdal tried to reconcile value nihilism with a strong political programme for social reform. The contribution of this thesis to the field consists mainly in a re-evaluation of the role of Uppsala philosophy in the history of Swedish philosophy. From this perspective the Uppsala School was less a collection of certain definite philosophical ideas than an intellectual legacy that was the subject of fierce struggles. Its theories and ideas were redescribed in various ways by individual actors with different philosophical and political intentions.
My doctoral dissertation is on Johan Jakob Tikkanen (1857 1930), the first professor of art history in Finland, and his significance and methods in the context of late 19th and early 20th-century European art history. Tikkanen was one of the pioneering scholars in the field of medieval art research, and, along with Anton Springer, Heinrich Wölfflin, Aloïs Riegl, Adolfo Venturi, Franz Wickhoff, Julius von Schlosser, Aby Warburg, Emile Mâle and others, one of the scholars who defined art history as an independent academic discipline. Tikkanen s scholarly interests and his methods resemble those of many formalistically oriented German and Austrian art historians of his time. He became well known throughout Europe, mainly for his studies on illustrated medieval manuscripts. Tikkanen s dissertation, Der Malerische Styl Giotto s Versuch zu einer Characteristik Desselben, from 1884 was regarded in its day as the best form-analytical study on the painter. It has a central position in the present thesis, as it already included nearly all the methods that Tikkanen used and elaborated upon throughout his career. Giotto also gives a good perspective for comparing Tikkanen s ideas with a long art-historical tradition. Tikkanen was profoundly interested in artistic creativity. In his own words, he wanted to study das künstlerische Können , artistic ability, instead of das künstlerische Wollen or artistic will, which was an important theoretical issue in art history in the late 19th century. This starting point led him to the history of style and iconographical research. Along with the Danish art historian, Julius Lange, he was one of the first scholars who began to study the meaning of gestures and postures in art. In my dissertation I have emphasized the importance of Tikkanen s personal art education. I regard it as having influenced both his scholarly argumentation and his working methods. I have also written a short overview of the situation of art history in Finland and in Northern Countries before Tikkanen s time in order to give an idea of his scientific background. My thesis is a critical and historiographical study on J. J. Tikkanen s role in the development of art history and its methodology.
Music as the Art of Anxiety: A Philosophical Approach to the Existential-Ontological Meaning of Music. The present research studies music as an art of anxiety from the points of view of both Martin Heidegger s thought and phenomenological philosophy in general. In the Heideggerian perspective, anxiety is understood as a fundamental mode of being (Grundbefindlichkeit) in human existence. Taken as an existential-ontological concept, anxiety is conceived philosophically and not psychologically. The central research questions are: what is the relationship between music and existential-ontological anxiety? In what way can music be considered as an art of anxiety? In thinking of music as a channel and manifestation of anxiety, what makes it a special case? What are the possible applications of phenomenology and Heideggerian thought in musicology? The main aim of the research is to develop a theory of music as an art of existential-ontological anxiety and to apply this theory to musicologically relevant phenomena. Furthermore, the research will contribute to contemporary musicological debates and research as it aims to outline the phenomenological study of music as a field of its own; the development of a specific methodology is implicit in these aims. The main subject of the study, a theory of music as an art of anxiety, integrates Heideggerian and phenomenological philosophies with critical and cultural theories concerning violence, social sacrifice, and mimetic desire (René Girard), music, noise and society (Jacques Attali), and the affect-based charme of music (Vladimir Jankélévitch). Thus, in addition to the subjective mood (Stimmung) of emptiness and meaninglessness, the philosophical concept of anxiety also refers to a state of disorder and chaos in general; for instance, to noise in the realm of sound and total (social) violence at the level of society. In this study, music is approached as conveying the existentially crucial human compulsion for signifying i.e., organizing chaos. In music, this happens primarily at the immediate level of experience, i.e. in affectivity, and also in relation to all of the aforementioned dimensions (sound, society, consciousness, and so on). Thus, music s existential-ontological meaning in human existence, Dasein, is in its ability to reveal different orders of existence as such. Indeed, this makes music the art of anxiety: more precisely, music can be existentially significant at the level of moods. The study proceeds from outlining the relevance of phenomenology and Heidegger s philosophy in musicology to the philosophical development of a theory of music as the art of anxiety. The theory is developed further through the study of three selected specific musical phenomena: the concept of a musical work, guitar smashing in the performance tradition of rock music, and Erik Bergman s orchestral work Colori ed improvvisazioni. The first example illustrates the level of individual human-subject in music as the art of anxiety, as a means of signifying chaos, while the second example focuses on the collective need to socio-culturally channel violence. The third example, being music-analytical, studies contemporary music s ability to mirror the structures of anxiety at the level of a specific musical text. The selected examples illustrate that, in addition to the philosophical orientation, the research also contributes to music analysis, popular music studies, and the cultural-critical study of music. Key words: music, anxiety, phenomenology, Martin Heidegger, ontology, guitar smashing, Erik Bergman, musical work, affectivity, Stimmung, René Girard
The Collected Works of J. L. Runeberg from the Viewpoint of Textual Scholarship The theoretical framework of this dissertation builds on textual scholarship. The dissertation explores the history of Runeberg’s publications and his relations with his publishers, from his debut and the first editions, through the editions of collected works published during the course of his life, to the later commercial editions, including the critical edition, published in 1933–2005 by the Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet (The Swedish Society for Belles Lettres) and The Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland). The various editions of Runeberg’s collected works are situated in their respective critical traditions, from the 19th century German Ausgabe letzter Hand, to the influence of Anglo-American bibliography on Swedish textual criticism in the late 20th century. By making use of primary material previously not used for research purposes, the author is able to present a new view on Runebergian publishing history, including Runeberg’s fees and his relations with the censor authorities. There are indications that his Finnish publishers could not bear the cost of his sizable fees, that were in proportion neither with the book market in Finland nor with the numbers of copies sold. Apart from a certain body of editions the primary material is comprised of correspondences, publishing contracts, printing house invoices, as well as censor authority records. One of the conclusions drawn is that the early and detailed biography, Biografiska anteckningar om Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Biographical Notes on …) by J. E. Strömborg is not reliable in matters concerning publishing history, and that this work has been used far too uncritically. The history of the critical edition gets a chapter of its own, based on primary material in Swedish and Finnish archives. Finally, the author analyses the critical choices, made primarily in the critical edition, and uses examples from the commercial editions to study the editors’ interventions over time, from the 1850s to the 1920s. The changes to the text are usually small and subtle, but cumulative – and in some cases, crucial for the interpretation of the work. One objective of textual scholarship should be to examine the publishing history of a single work or of an author’s œuvre, and another to pay attention both to changes in a work as such and to the shifts of meaning they might entail.
The dissertation presents a functional model for analysis of song translation. The model is developed on the basis of an examination of theatrical songs and a comparison of three translations: the songs of the Broadway musical My Fair Lady (Lerner and Loewe, 1956), made for the premiere productions (1959–1960) in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian. The analysis explores the three challenges of a song translator: the fitting of a text to existing music, the consideration of a prospective sung performance, and the verbal approximation of the content of the source lyric. The theoretical foundation is based on a functional approach to translation studies (Christiane Nord) and a structuralist/semiotic analysis of a theatrical message (Ivo Osolsobě, building on Roman Jakobson). Thus, three functional levels in the fitting of a text to music are explored: first, a prosodic/phonetic format; secondly, a poetic/rhetoric format; and thirdly, semantic/reflexive values (verbalizing musical expression). Similarly, three functional levels in the textual connections to a prospective performance are explored: first, a presentational goal; secondly, the theatrical potential; and thirdly, dramaturgic values (for example dramatic information and linguistic register). The functionality of Broadway musical theatre songs is analyzed, and the song score of My Fair Lady, source and target lyrics, is studied, with an in-depth analysis of seven of the songs. The three translations were all considered very well-made and are used in productions of the musical to this day. The study finds that the song translators appear to have worked from an understanding of the presentational goal, designed their target texts on the prosodic and poetic shape of the music, and pursued the theatrical functionality of the song, not by copying, but by recreating connections to relevant contexts, partly independently of the source lyrics, using the resources of the target languages. Besides metaphrases (closest possible transfer), paraphrases and additions seem normally to be expected in song translation, but song translators may also follow highly individual strategies – for example, the Norwegian translator is consistently more verbally faithful than the Danish and Swedish translators. As a conclusion, it is suggested that although linguistic and cultural difference play a significant role, a translator’s solution must nevertheless be arrived at, and assessed, in relation to the song as a multimedial piece of material. As far as a song can be considered a theatrical message – singers representing the voice, person, and situation of the song – the descriptive model presented in the study is also applicable to the translation of other types of song.
I avhandlingen analyseras den finlandssvenska författaren Mikael Lybecks (1864-1925) verk Breven till Cecilia. Denna brevroman hör till Lybecks senare produktion och utkom 1920. Verket har kommit att betraktas som en klassiker inom den finlandssvenska litteraturen. Av författarensövriga produktion är det strängt taget endast Tomas Indal (1911) som haft en jämförbar genomslagskraft. Trots detta har romanen inte varit föremål för en enda mer omfattande studie. l sin Lybeckbiografi relaterar Erik Kihlman i första hand verket till det biografiska och till samhällssituationen vid tiden för romanens tillkomst. Vetenskapen, konsten och livet bildar tillsammans den triangel som utgör romanens stomme. Antiken är starkt närvarande i romanen och med begrepp som härrör från denna era kan man tala om det sokratiska, det apollinska och det dionysiska. Detta är begrepp som Friedrich Nietzsche utgår i från i sitt ungdomsverk Tragedins födelse (Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik) från 1872. Nietzsches vetenskapskritik och hans syn på den högsta konsten som ett brödraförbund mellan Dionysos och Apollon står i förvånansvärt hög grad i samklang med den övergripande tematiken i Lybecks verk. När Nietzsche därtill framhäver musiken som grunden förall konst får många inslag i romanen sin förklaring. l Breven till Cecilia skildras en vändpunkt i huvudpersonen Sven Ingelets liv. Därför ligger tyngdpunkten i den tematiska analysen vid det som gör att verket kan betraktas som en utvecklingsroman. Även om romanen skildrar en tidsperiod på endast ett och ett halvt år så hinnerhuvudpersonen ändå undergå en betydande personlighetsförändring. Nietzsches Tragedinsfödelse med dess ovannämnda grundläggande begrepp lämpar sig ypperligt som referensram för en analys av denna förändring. Avhandlingen har också strukturerats utgående från de nietzscheanska begreppen sokratiskt, dionysiskt och apollinskt vilka alltså återspeglar huvudpersonens utvecklingsfaser. Från att ha varit en renodlad förnuftsmänniska väcks Sven Ingelet genom ett kortvarigt kärleksförhållande till det dionysiska med allt vad det innebär av känslorus och lidande. Att Ingelet nästan helt uppgått i sin roll som konstteoretiker har medfört att hans förhållningssätt till omvärlden utmärks av intresselös betraktelse. Till följd av sin viljesvaghet och bristande handlingskraft måstehan försöka behålla sin älskades gunst genom magiska pseudohandlingar. Detta leder in Ingelet i myternas värld. Hans verklighetsuppfattning får andra dimensioner än den vetenskapliga. Det dionysiska uppvaknandet medför tillsammans med det efterföljande brevskrivandet att Ingeletnår fram till en självkännedom och upphör att vara en främling i tillvaron. Ingelet utvecklar ocksåen ny konstsyn som förutsätter ett samband mellan konsten och livet. Detta apollinska utvecklingsstadium kännetecknas också av sanningsförmedlande drömmar, och av en tilltagande resignation som till slut utmynnar i ett självmord. Nyckelord: brevroman, Dionysos, Apollon, främlingskap, verklighetsflykt
TRANSFORMATIONS OF NATURE Science, Knowledge and Freedom in the Early Thinking of Rudolf Steiner. Perspectives on Waldorf Education in the light of the History of Ideas Waldorf Education is based on the worldview that Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) developed to a wide-ranging anthroposophical movement in the first decades of the 20th century. This thesis takes as its departure the early thinking of Rudolf Steiner that precedes anthroposophy, and its main purpose is to uncover the tradition of ideas represented in Steiner´s early life and which, in different ways, have emerged in the practice of Waldorf Education. Through systematic analysis I attempt to bring to light different aspects of Steiner’s early thinking: his concept of science, his epistemological startingpoints and his philosophy of freedom. By departing from J. W. Goethe’s qualitative concept of science, Steiner strove in his early works to formulate a monistic worldview which appears to be closely related to the Romantic Movement and its philosophy of nature. Characteristic traits of his thinking are, on the one hand, a critique of a one-sided enlightenment and, on the other hand, an aspiration to see the world as a living organic unity. Human beings can, by developing our intuitive faculties, get a deeper understanding of the indissoluble relationship between man and nature. Against this background Steiner´s early thinking can be read as a special kind of romantic development narrative. Steiner’s early thinking also opens the way for romantic perspectives on Waldorf Education. It appears that many central aims and conceptions in Waldorf Education can be illuminated by the epistemological perspective upon which Steiner elaborated early in his life. An organic curriculum, phenomenological didactics and high ideal of freedom can be considered seen as educational applications of conceptions that played an important role in Goethe and his age. Thus, Waldorf Education provides in our contemporary society an exceptional set of educational values: a holistic education with romantic undertones.
The four studies presented in this dissertation were designed to examine the influence of socially desirable responding (SDR) on personality research outcomes. The assessment of personality relies heavily on the use of self-report questionnaires. Their validity could be threatened by people being dishonest in their self-descriptions and ascribing more desirable traits to themselves than would be warranted by their behaviour. Scales designed to detect SDR have been around for half a century, but their status continues to be debated. Paulhus (1991) Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) is perhaps the most prominent of the scales developed to distinguish between those individuals who have distorted their responses and those who have not. The first two studies included in this dissertation mostly deal with the properties of the BIDR. The other two studies are less focused on SDR scales and investigate, more generally, the potential effects of SDR on two phenomena that are of central interest to the general personality discourse personality stability over time and volunteering as participants in psychological research. The data of Studies I and II showed that Paulhus BIDR scales, designed to be indicators of SDR, are not pure measures both the communion management and self-deceptive enhancement scales are, at once, measures of response bias and measures of more substantive individual differences in behaviour. The data further suggested that the communion management and self-deceptive enhancement scales of the BIDR are somewhat accurate measures of communal and agentic bias, respectively. No evidence for a suppressor model of SDR, and only weak evidence for a moderator model, was found in those studies. Concerning research on personality stability, some data in Study I suggested that SDR may add reliable and common variance to a personality questionnaire administered at two different points in time, thus artificially inflating the test-retest correlation of that questionnaire. Furthermore, Study III demonstrated that the maturity-stability hypothesis may be in part, but not entirely, a product of SDR. Study IV suggested that some of the observed personality differences between research volunteers and nonvolunteers may be due to heightened SDR of volunteers. However, those personality differences were by no means exclusively attributable to differences in SDR. In sum, the work presented in this thesis reveals some ambiguity regarding the effects of SDR on personality research, as is true of much of the previous research on SDR. Clear-cut conclusions are difficult to reach, as the data were neither fully consistent with the view that SDR can be ignored, nor with the view that SDR needs to be controlled in some way. The struggle to understand the influence of SDR on personality research continues.
Transfer from aluminum to copper metallization and decreasing feature size of integrated circuit devices generated a need for new diffusion barrier process. Copper metallization comprised entirely new process flow with new materials such as low-k insulators and etch stoppers, which made the diffusion barrier integration demanding. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was seen as one of the most promising techniques to deposit copper diffusion barrier for future devices. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was utilized to deposit titanium nitride, tungsten nitride, and tungsten nitride carbide diffusion barriers. Titanium nitride was deposited with a conventional process, and also with new in situ reduction process where titanium metal was used as a reducing agent. Tungsten nitride was deposited with a well-known process from tungsten hexafluoride and ammonia, but tungsten nitride carbide as a new material required a new process chemistry. In addition to material properties, the process integration for the copper metallization was studied making compatibility experiments on different surface materials. Based on these studies, titanium nitride and tungsten nitride processes were found to be incompatible with copper metal. However, tungsten nitride carbide film was compatible with copper and exhibited the most promising properties to be integrated for the copper metallization scheme. The process scale-up on 300 mm wafer comprised extensive film uniformity studies, which improved understanding of non-uniformity sources of the ALD growth and the process-specific requirements for the ALD reactor design. Based on these studies, it was discovered that the TiN process from titanium tetrachloride and ammonia required the reactor design of perpendicular flow for successful scale-up. The copper metallization scheme also includes process steps of the copper oxide reduction prior to the barrier deposition and the copper seed deposition prior to the copper metal deposition. Easy and simple copper oxide reduction process was developed, where the substrate was exposed gaseous reducing agent under vacuum and at elevated temperature. Because the reduction was observed efficient enough to reduce thick copper oxide film, the process was considered also as an alternative method to make the copper seed film via copper oxide reduction.
Musiikkitiedonhaku on poikkitieteellinen ala, jonka mielenkiintoisimpia sovelluksia ovat hyräilykyselykoneet. Symbolisen eli nuotteihin perustuvan musiikkitiedonhaun ydinkysymyksiä ovat, milloin sävelkulut muistuttavat jossakin musiikillisessa mielessä toisiaan, ja miten tätä voidaan mallinta ja mitata. Jos MIDI-muotoisesta nuottitietokannasta etsitään sävelkulun likimääräisiä esiintymiä, tarvitaan etäisyysmitta, joka kertoo, millaiset muunnokset säilyttävät sävelkulun oleellisesti samana ja mitkä ovat pieniä tai suuria virheitä. Tässä tutkielmassa perehdytään musiikin tonaaliseen ulottuvuuteen. Tonaalisuuden perustavanlaatuinen ilmenemismuoto länsimaisessa musiikissa ovat sävellajit. Sävellajit voidaan tunnistaa melko luotettavasti dynaamiseen ohjelmointiin perustuvalla algoritmilla, jossa verrataan nuottisegmentissä esiintyvien sävelten joukkoa eri sävellajien mukaisiin odotuksiin. Havaitaan, että harmonisen analyysin kannalta menetelmä on kuitenkin hieman epätarkka, koska siinä ei huomioida harmonisten sointujen vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä. Sävelkulkujen etäisyysvertailujen kannaltaa kriittisin tonaalisuuden ominaisuus on ihmisen sävelkorvan suhteellisuus, mikä tarkoittaa, että sävelten absoluuttiset korkeudet aistitaan keskimäärin melko epätarkasti, mutta sävelten väliset korkeuserot aistitaan tarkasti. Tutkielmassa esitetään sävelasteaakkosto, jonka merkkijonoina yksiääniset sävelkulut voidaan esittää vaihtoehtoisilla tavoilla suhteutettuina, ja pohditaan yleisesti sävelten suhteiden mittaamiseen liittyviä ongelmia sekä yksiäänisten sävelkulkuhakujen että polyfonisten ja homofonisten sävelkudosvertailujen kannalta.