48 resultados para neuronal differentiation


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Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) represent a diverse group of strains of E. coli, which infect extraintestinal sites, such as the urinary tract, the bloodstream, the meninges, the peritoneal cavity, and the lungs. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), the major subgroup of ExPEC, are among the most prevalent microbial diseases world wide and a substantial burden for public health care systems. UTIs are responsible for serious morbidity and mortality in the elderly, in young children, and in immune-compromised and hospitalized patients. ExPEC strains are different, both from genetic and clinical perspectives, from commensal E. coli strains belonging to the normal intestinal flora and from intestinal pathogenic E. coli strains causing diarrhea. ExPEC strains are characterized by a broad range of alternate virulence factors, such as adhesins, toxins, and iron accumulation systems. Unlike diarrheagenic E. coli, whose distinctive virulence determinants evoke characteristic diarrheagenic symptoms and signs, ExPEC strains are exceedingly heterogeneous and are known to possess no specific virulence factors or a set of factors, which are obligatory for the infection of a certain extraintestinal site (e. g. the urinary tract). The ExPEC genomes are highly diverse mosaic structures in permanent flux. These strains have obtained a significant amount of DNA (predictably up to 25% of the genomes) through acquisition of foreign DNA from diverse related or non-related donor species by lateral transfer of mobile genetic elements, including pathogenicity islands (PAIs), plasmids, phages, transposons, and insertion elements. The ability of ExPEC strains to cause disease is mainly derived from this horizontally acquired gene pool; the extragenous DNA facilitates rapid adaptation of the pathogen to changing conditions and hence the extent of the spectrum of sites that can be infected. However, neither the amount of unique DNA in different ExPEC strains (or UPEC strains) nor the mechanisms lying behind the observed genomic mobility are known. Due to this extreme heterogeneity of the UPEC and ExPEC populations in general, the routine surveillance of ExPEC is exceedingly difficult. In this project, we presented a novel virulence gene algorithm (VGA) for the estimation of the extraintestinal virulence potential (VP, pathogenicity risk) of clinically relevant ExPECs and fecal E. coli isolates. The VGA was based on a DNA microarray specific for the ExPEC phenotype (ExPEC pathoarray). This array contained 77 DNA probes homologous with known (e.g. adhesion factors, iron accumulation systems, and toxins) and putative (e.g. genes predictably involved in adhesion, iron uptake, or in metabolic functions) ExPEC virulence determinants. In total, 25 of DNA probes homologous with known virulence factors and 36 of DNA probes representing putative extraintestinal virulence determinants were found at significantly higher frequency in virulent ExPEC isolates than in commensal E. coli strains. We showed that the ExPEC pathoarray and the VGA could be readily used for the differentiation of highly virulent ExPECs both from less virulent ExPEC clones and from commensal E. coli strains as well. Implementing the VGA in a group of unknown ExPECs (n=53) and fecal E. coli isolates (n=37), 83% of strains were correctly identified as extraintestinal virulent or commensal E. coli. Conversely, 15% of clinical ExPECs and 19% of fecal E. coli strains failed to raster into their respective pathogenic and non-pathogenic groups. Clinical data and virulence gene profiles of these strains warranted the estimated VPs; UPEC strains with atypically low risk-ratios were largely isolated from patients with certain medical history, including diabetes mellitus or catheterization, or from elderly patients. In addition, fecal E. coli strains with VPs characteristic for ExPEC were shown to represent the diagnostically important fraction of resident strains of the gut flora with a high potential of causing extraintestinal infections. Interestingly, a large fraction of DNA probes associated with the ExPEC phenotype corresponded to novel DNA sequences without any known function in UTIs and thus represented new genetic markers for the extraintestinal virulence. These DNA probes included unknown DNA sequences originating from the genomic subtractions of four clinical ExPEC isolates as well as from five novel cosmid sequences identified in the UPEC strains HE300 and JS299. The characterized cosmid sequences (pJS332, pJS448, pJS666, pJS700, and pJS706) revealed complex modular DNA structures with known and unknown DNA fragments arranged in a puzzle-like manner and integrated into the common E. coli genomic backbone. Furthermore, cosmid pJS332 of the UPEC strain HE300, which carried a chromosomal virulence gene cluster (iroBCDEN) encoding the salmochelin siderophore system, was shown to be part of a transmissible plasmid of Salmonella enterica. Taken together, the results of this project pointed towards the assumptions that first, (i) homologous recombination, even within coding genes, contributes to the observed mosaicism of ExPEC genomes and secondly, (ii) besides en block transfer of large DNA regions (e.g. chromosomal PAIs) also rearrangements of small DNA modules provide a means of genomic plasticity. The data presented in this project supplemented previous whole genome sequencing projects of E. coli and indicated that each E. coli genome displays a unique assemblage of individual mosaic structures, which enable these strains to successfully colonize and infect different anatomical sites.


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Bone is a mineralized tissue that enables multiple mechanical and metabolic functions to be carried out in the skeleton. Bone contains distinct cell types: osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteocytes (mature osteoblast that embedded in mineralized bone matrix) and the osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells). Remodelling of bone begins early in foetal life, and once the skeleton is fully formed in young adults, almost all of the metabolic activity is in this form. Bone is constantly destroyed or resorbed by osteoclasts and then replaced by osteoblasts. Many bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, typically reflect an imbalance in skeletal turnover. The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are second messengers involved in a variety of cellular responses to such extracellular agents as hormones and neurotransmitters. In the hormonal regulation of bone metabolism, i.e. via parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrp) and prostaglandin E2 signal via cAMP. cAMP and cGMP are formed by adenylate and guanylate cyclases and are degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). PDEs determine the amplitudes of cyclic nucleotide-mediated hormonal responses and modulate the duration of the signal. The activities of the PDEs are regulated by multiple inputs from other signalling systems and are crucial points of cross-talk between the pathways. Food-derived bioactive peptides are reported to express a variety of functions in vivo. The angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACEs) are involved in the regulation of the specific maturation or degradation of a number of mammalian bioactive peptides. The bioactive peptides offer also a nutriceutical and a nutrigenomic aspect to bone cell biology. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of PDEs and bioactive peptides on the activation and the differentiation of human osteoblast cells. The profile of PDEs in human osteoblast-like cells and the effect of glucocorticoids on the function of cAMP PDEs, were investigated at the mRNA and enzyme levels. The effects of PDEs on bone formation and osteoblast gene expression were determined with chemical inhibitors and siRNAs (short interfering RNAs). The influence of bioactive peptides on osteoblast gene expression and proliferation was studied at the mRNA and cellular levels. This work provides information on how PDEs are involved in the function and the differentiation of osteoblasts. The findings illustrate that gene-specific silencing with an RNA interference (RNAi) method is useful in inhibiting, the gene expression of specific PDEs and further, PDE7 inhibition upregulates several osteogenic genes and increases bALP activity and mineralization in human mesenchymal stem cells-derived osteoblasts. PDEs appear to be involved in a mechanism by which glucocorticoids affect cAMP signaling. This may provide a potential route in the formation of glucocorticoid-induced bone loss, involving the down-regulation of cAMP-PDE. PDEs may play an important role in the regulation of osteoblastic differentiation. Isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP), a bioactive peptide, possesses the potential to increase osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and signalling.


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K-Cl cotransporter 2 (KCC2) maintains a low intracellular Cl concentration required for fast hyperpolarizing responses of neurons to classical inhibitory neurotransmitters γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine. Decreased Cl extrusion observed in genetically modified KCC2-deficient mice leads to depolarizing GABA responses, impaired brain inhibition, and as a consequence to epileptic seizures. Identification of mechanisms regulating activity of the SLC12A5 gene, which encodes the KCC2 cotransporter, in normal and pathological conditions is, thus, of extreme importance. Multiple reports have previously elucidated in details a spatio-temporal pattern of KCC2 expression. Among the characteristic features are an exclusive neuronal specificity, a dramatic upregulation during embryonic and early postnatal development, and a significant downregulation by neuronal trauma. Numerous studies confirmed these expressional features, however transcriptional mechanisms predetermining the SLC12A5 gene behaviour are still unknown. The aim of the presented thesis is to recognize such transcriptional mechanisms and, on their basis, to create a transcriptional model that would explain the established SLC12A5 gene behaviour. Up to recently, only one KCC2 transcript has been thought to exist. A particular novelty of the presented work is the identification of two SLC12A5 gene promoters (SLC12A5-1a and SLC12A5-1b) that produce at least two KCC2 isoforms (KCC2a and KCC2b) differing by their N-terminal parts. Even though a functional 86Rb+ assay reveals no significant difference between transport activities of the isoforms, consensus sites for several protein kinases, found in KCC2a but not in KCC2b, imply a distinct kinetic regulation. As a logical continuation, the current work presents a detailed analysis of the KCC2a and KCC2b expression patterns. This analysis shows an exclusively neuron-specific pattern and similar expression levels for both isoforms during embryonic and neonatal development in rodents. During subsequent postnatal development, the KCC2b expression dramatically increases, while KCC2a expression, depending on central nervous system (CNS) area, either remains at the same level or moderately decreases. In an attempt to explain both the neuronal specificity and the distinct expressional kinetics of the KCC2a and KCC2b isoforms during postnatal development, the corresponding SLC12A5-1a and SLC12A5-1b promoters have been subjected to a comprehensive bioinformatical analysis. Binding sites of several transcription factors (TFs), conserved in the mammalian SLC12A5 gene orthologs, have been identified that might shed light on the observed behaviour of the SLC12A5 gene. Possible roles of these TFs in the regulating of the SLC12A5 gene expression have been elucidated in subsequent experiments and are discussed in the current thesis.


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Brain function is critically dependent on the ionic homeostasis in both the extra- and intracellular compartment. The regulation of brain extracellular ionic composition mainly relies on active transport at blood brain and at blood cerebrospinal fluid interfaces whereas intracellular ion regulation is based on plasmalemmal transporters of neurons and glia. In addition, the latter mechanisms can generate physiologically as well as pathophysiologically significant extracellular ion transients. In this work I have studied molecular mechanisms and development of ion regulation and how these factors alter neuronal excitability and affect synaptic and non-synaptic transmission with a particular emphasis on intracellular pH and chloride (Cl-) regulation. Why is the regulation of acid-base equivalents (H+ and HCO3-) and Cl- of such interest and importance? First of all, GABAA-receptors are permeable to both HCO3- and Cl-. In the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) fast postsynaptic inhibition relies on GABAA-receptor mediated transmission. Today, excitatory effects of GABAA-receptors, both in mature neurons and during the early development, have been recognized and the significance of the dual actions of GABA on neuronal communication has become an interesting field of research. The transmembrane gradients of Cl- and HCO3- determine the reversal potential of GABAA-receptor mediated postsynaptic potentials and hence, the function of pH and Cl- regulatory proteins have profound consequences on GABAergic signaling and neuronal excitability. Secondly, perturbations in pH can cause a variety of changes in cellular function, many of them resulting from the interaction of protons with ionizable side chains of proteins. pH-mediated alterations of protein conformation in e.g. ion channels, transporters, and enzymes can powerfully modulate neurotransmission. In the context of pH homeostasis, the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) needs to be taken into account in parallel with ion transporters: for CO2/HCO3- buffering to act in a fast manner, CO2 (de)hydration must be catalyzed by this enzyme. The acid-base equivalents that serve as substrates in the CO2 dehydration-hydration reaction are also engaged in many carrier and channel mediated ion movements. In such processes, CA activity is in key position to modulate transmembrane solute fluxes and their consequences. The bicarbonate transporters (BTs; SLC4) and the electroneutral cation-chloride cotransporters (CCCs; SLC12) belong the to large gene family of solute carriers (SLCs). In my work I have studied the physiological roles of the K+-Cl- cotransporter KCC2 (Slc12a5) and the Na+-driven Cl--HCO3- exchanger NCBE (Slc4a10) and the roles of these two ion transporters in the modualtion of neuronal communication and excitability in the rodent hippocampus. I have also examined the cellular localization and molecular basis of intracellular CA that has been shown to be essential for the generation of prolonged GABAergic excitation in the mature hippocampus. The results in my Thesis provide direct evidence for the view that the postnatal up-regulation of KCC2 accounts for the developmental shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing postsynaptic EGABA-A responses in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons. The results also indicate that after KCC2 expression the developmental onset of excitatory GABAergic transmission upon intense GABAA-receptor stimulation depend on the expression of intrapyramidal CA, identified as the CA isoform VII. Studies on mice with targeted Slc4a10 gene disruption revealed an important role for NCBE in neuronal pH regulation and in pH-dependent modulation of neuronal excitability. Furthermore, this ion transporter is involved in the basolateral Na+ and HCO3- uptake in choroid plexus epithelial cells, and is thus likely to contribute to cerebrospinal fluid production.


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Stem cells are responsible for tissue turnover throughout lifespan. Only highly controlled specific environment, the stem cell niche , can sustain undifferentiated stem cell-pool. The balance between maintenance and differentiation is crucial for individual s health: uncontrolled stem cell self-renewal or proliferation can lead to hyperplasia and mutations that further provoke malignant transformation of the cells. On the other hand, uninhibited differentiation may result in diminished stem cell population, which is unable to maintain tissue turnover. The mechanisms that control the switch from maintenance to differentiation in stem cells are not well known. The same mechanisms that direct the self-renewal and proliferation in normal stem cells are likely to be also involved in maintenance of cancer stem cell . Cancer stem cells exhibit stem cell like properties such as self-renewal- and differentiation capacity and they can also regenerate the tumor tissue. In this thesis, I have investigated the effect of classical oncogenes E6/E7 and c-Myc, tumor suppressors p53 and retinoblastoma (pRb) family, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) subfamily and glial cell line-derived neurothropic factor (GDNF) family ligands on behavior of embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) and progenitors. The study includes also the characterization of cytoskeletal tumor suppressor neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) protein merlin and ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) protein ezrin expression in neural progenitors cells and their progeny. This study reveals some potential mechanisms regarding to NSCs maintenance. In summary, the studied molecules are able to shift the balance either towards stem cell maintenance or differentiation; tumor suppressor p53 represses whereas E6/E7 oncogenes and c-Myc increase the proportion of self-renewing and proliferating NSCs or progenitors. The data suggests that active MEK-ERK signaling is critical for self-renewal of normal and oncogene expressing NSCs. In addition, the results indicate that expression of cytoskeletal tumor suppressor merlin and ERM protein ezrin in central nervous system (CNS) tissue and progenitors indicates their role in cell differentiation. Furthermore, the data suggests that VEGF-C a factor involved in lymphatic system development, angiogenesis, neovascularization and metastasis but also in maintenance of some neural populations in brain is a novel thropic factor for progenitors in early sympathetic nervous system (SNS). It seems that VEGF-C dose dependently through ERK-pathway supports the proliferation and survival of early sympathetic progenitor cells, and the effect is comparable to that of GDNF family ligands.


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Programed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental biological process that is as essential for the development and tissue homeostasis as cell proliferation, differentiation and adaptation. The main mode of PCD - apoptosis - occurs via specifi c pathways, such as mitochondrial or death receptor pathway. In the developing nervous system, programed death broadly occurs, mainly triggered by the defi ciency of different survival-promoting neurotrophic factors, but the respective death pathways are poorly studied. In one of the best-characterized models, sympathetic neurons deprived of nerve growth factor (NGF) die via the classical mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. The main aim of this study was to describe the death programs activated in these and other neuronal populations by using neuronal cultures deprived of other neurotrophic factors. First, this study showed that the cultured sympathetic neurons deprived of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) die via a novel non-classical death pathway, in which mitochondria and death receptors are not involved. Indeed, cytochrome c was not released into the cytosol, Bax, caspase-9, and caspase-3 were not involved, and Bcl-xL overexpression did not prevent the death. This pathway involved activation of mixed lineage kinases and c-jun, and crucially requires caspase-2 and -7. Second, it was shown that deprivation of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) from cultured sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia kills them via a dependence receptor pathway, including cleavage of the NT- 3 receptor TrkC and liberation of a pro-apoptotic dependence domain. Indeed, death of NT-3-deprived neurons was blocked by a dominant-negative construct interfering with TrkC cleavage. Also, the uncleavable mutant of TrkC, replacing the siRNA-silenced endogeneous TrkC, was not able to trigger death upon NT-3 removal. Such a pathway was not activated in another subpopulation of sensory neurons deprived of NGF. Third, it was shown that cultured midbrain dopaminergic neurons deprived of GDNF or brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) kills them by still a different pathway, in which death receptors and caspases, but not mitochondria, are activated. Indeed, cytochrome c was not released into the cytosol, Bax was not activated, and Bcl-xL did not block the death, but caspases were necessary for the death of these neurons. Blocking the components of the death receptor pathway - caspase-8, FADD, or Fas - blocked the death, whereas activation of Fas accelerated it. The activity of Fas in the dopaminergic neurons could be controlled by the apoptosis inhibitory molecule FAIML. For these studies we developed a novel assay to study apoptosis in the transfected dopaminergic neurons. Thus, a novel death pathway, characteristic for the dopaminergic neurons was described. The study suggests death receptors as possible targets for the treatment of Parkinson s disease, which is caused by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.


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Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in childhood. Its clinical onset, with visual failure as the first sign, is between the ages of 4 to 8 years. During the disease progress, epilepsy, motor symptoms, cognitive decline, and psychiatric symptoms become apparent. It leads to premature death between ages 15 and 30. Treatment consists of symptomatic drug administration and various forms of rehabilitation, but to date, no curative treatment exists. To gain a more comprehensive picture of psychiatric problems, symptoms were evaluated by the Child Behavior Checklist, the Teacher Report Form, and the Children s Depression Inventory. The JNCL patients had a great number of severe psychiatric symptoms, with wide inter-individual variability. The most common symptoms were social, thought, attention, and sleep problems, somatic complaints, and aggressive behaviour. Patients with psychotropic treatment had more problems than did those without psychotropic treatment, and female patients had more problems than did males. Between 10 and 20% of the patients reported depressive symptoms. In a 5-year follow-up, [123I]β-CIT SPECT and MRI revealed a tendency of decreasing serotonin transporter (SERT) availability and progressive brain atrophy. The correlation between changes in midbrain SERT and total brain volume was positive; no correlation appeared between SERT or brain atrophy and depressive symptoms. Thus, it seems likely that the low SERT availability is associated with progressive brain atrophy; it may also predispose towards depression, however. An open survey of psychotropic drugs and their efficacy was performed on JNCL patients in Finland. The most commonly used psychotropic drugs were the antidepressant citalopram and the antipsychotic risperidone. Their efficacy was good or satisfactory in the majority of cases and they seemed well tolerated. Quetiapine had a marked effect on one patient with a history of severe psychotic symptoms. Glutamate decarboxylase 65 autoantibodies (GAD65ab), found in JNCL patients, indicate that an immunomediated reaction against GAD or GABAergic neurons may play a part in the underlying pathogenetic mechanism. GAD65ab s also appeared in the serum of all eight JNCL patients included and intermittent corticosteroid therapy was initiated in all cases. After one year, the GAD65ab s had disappeared in the two oldest patients, who experienced an improvement in motor symptoms and alertness associated with their prednisolone therapy. Two younger patients experienced a significant IQ increase, but no change in GADab s. A randomized study with longer follow-up time is needed, however, to clarify the effect of prednisolone on disease progression.


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Hard Custom, Hard Dance: Social Organisation, (Un)Differentiation and Notions of Power in a Tabiteuean Community, Southern Kiribati is an ethnographic study of a village community. This work analyses social organisation on the island of Tabiteuea in the Micronesian state of Kiribati, examining the intertwining of hierarchical and egalitarian traits, meanwhile bringing a new perspective to scholarly discussions of social differentiation by introducing the concept of undifferentiation to describe non-hierarchical social forms and practices. Particular attention is paid to local ideas concerning symbolic power, abstractly understood as the potency for social reproduction, but also examined in one of its forms; authority understood as the right to speak. The workings of social differentiation and undifferentiation in the village are specifically studied in two contexts connected by local notions of power: the meetinghouse institution (te maneaba) and traditional dancing (te mwaie). This dissertation is based on 11 months of anthropological fieldwork in 1999‒2000 in Kiribati and Fiji, with an emphasis on participant observation and the collection of oral tradition (narratives and songs). The questions are approached through three distinct but interrelated topics: (i) A key narrative of the community ‒ the story of an ancestor without descendants ‒ is presented and discussed, along with other narratives. (ii) The Kiribati meetinghouse institution, te maneaba, is considered in terms of oral tradition as well as present-day practices and customs. (iii) Kiribati dancing (te mwaie) is examined through a discussion of competing dance groups, followed by an extended case study of four dance events. In the course of this work the community of close to four hundred inhabitants is depicted as constructed primarily of clans and households, but also of churches, work co-operatives and dance groups, but also as a significant and valued social unit in itself, and a part of the wider island district. In these partly cross-cutting and overlapping social matrices, people are alternatingly organised by the distinct values and logic of differentiation and undifferentiation. At different levels of social integration and in different modes of social and discursive practice, there are heightened moments of differentiation, followed by active undifferentiation. The central notions concerning power and authority to emerge are, firstly, that in order to be valued and utilised, power needs to be controlled. Secondly, power is not allowed to centralize in the hands of one person or group for any long period of time. Thirdly, out of the permanent reach of people, power/authority is always, on the one hand, left outside the factual community and, on the other, vested in community, the social whole. Several forms of differentiation and undifferentiation emerge, but these appear to be systematically related. Social differentiation building on typically Austronesian complementary differences (such as male:female, elder:younger, autochtonous:allotochtonous) is valued, even if eventually restricted, whereas differentiation based on non-complementary differences (such as monetary wealth or level of education) is generally resisted, and/or is subsumed by the complementary distinctions. The concomitant forms of undifferentiation are likewise hierarchically organised. On the level of the society as a whole, undifferentiation means circumscribing and ultimately withholding social hierarchy. Potential hierarchy is both based on a combination of valued complementary differences between social groups and individuals, but also limited by virtue of the undoing of these differences; for example, in the dissolution of seniority (elder-younger) and gender (male-female) into sameness. Like the suspension of hierarchy, undifferentiation as transformation requires the recognition of pre-existing difference and does not mean devaluing the difference. This form of undifferentiation is ultimately encompassed by the first one, as the processes of the differentiation, whether transformed or not, are always halted. Finally, undifferentiation can mean the prevention of non-complementary differences between social groups or individuals. This form of undifferentiation, like the differentiation it works on, takes place on a lower level of societal ideology, as both the differences and their prevention are always encompassed by the complementary differences and their undoing. It is concluded that Southern Kiribati society be seen as a combination of a severely limited and decentralised hierarchy (differentiation) and of a tightly conditional and contextual (intra-category) equality (undifferentiation), and that it is distinctly characterised by an enduring tension between these contradicting social forms and cultural notions. With reference to the local notion of hardness used to characterise custom on this particular island as well as dance in general, it is argued in this work that in this Tabiteuean community some forms of differentiation are valued though strictly delimited or even undone, whereas other forms of differentiation are a perceived as a threat to community, necessitating pre-emptive imposition of undifferentiation. Power, though sought after and displayed - particularly in dancing - must always remain controlled.


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The thesis examines urban issues arising from the transformation from state socialism to a market economy. The main topics are residential differentiation, i.e., uneven spatial distribution of social groups across urban residential areas, and the effects of housing policy and town planning on urban development. The case study is development in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, in the context of development of Central and Eastern European cities under and after socialism. The main body of the thesis consists of four separately published refereed articles. The research question that brings the articles together is how the residential (socio-spatial) pattern of cities developed during the state socialist period and how and why that pattern has changed since the transformation to a market economy began. The first article reviews the literature on residential differentiation in Budapest, Prague, Tallinn and Warsaw under state socialism from the viewpoint of the role of housing policy in the processes of residential differentiation at various stages of the socialist era. The paper shows how the socialist housing provision system produced socio-occupational residential differentiation directly and indirectly and it describes how the residential patterns of these cities developed. The second article is critical of oversimplified accounts of rapid reorganisation of the overall socio-spatial pattern of post-socialist cities and of claims that residential mobility has had a straightforward role in it. The Tallinn case study, consisting of an analysis of the distribution of socio-economic groups across eight city districts and over four housing types in 1999 as well as examining the role of residential mobility in differentiation during the 1990s, provides contrasting evidence. The third article analyses the role and effects of housing policies in Tallinn s residential differentiation. The focus is on contemporary post-privatisation housing-policy measures and their effects. The article shows that the Estonian housing policies do not even aim to reduce, prevent or slow down the harmful effects of the considerable income disparities that are manifest in housing inequality and residential differentiation. The fourth article examines the development of Tallinn s urban planning system 1991-2004 from the viewpoint of what means it has provided the city with to intervene in urban development and how the city has used these tools. The paper finds that despite some recent progress in planning, its role in guiding where and how the city actually developed has so far been limited. Tallinn s urban development is rather initiated and driven by private agents seeking profit from their investment in land. The thesis includes original empirical research in the three articles that analyse development since socialism. The second article employs quantitative data and methods, primarily index calculation, whereas the third and the fourth ones draw from a survey of policy documents combined with interviews with key informants. Keywords: residential differentiation, housing policy, urban planning, post-socialist transformation, Estonia, Tallinn


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Parkinson s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). Current therapies of PD do not stop the progression of the disease and the efficacy of these treatments wanes over time. Neurotrophic factors are naturally occurring proteins promoting the survival and differentiation of neurons and the maintenance of neuronal contacts. Neurotrophic factors are attractive candidates for neuroprotective or even neurorestorative treatment of PD. Thus, searching for and characterizing trophic factors are highly important approaches to degenerative diseases. CDNF (cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor) and MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor) are secreted proteins that constitute a novel, evolutionarily conserved neurotrophic factor family expressed in vertebrates and invertebrates. The present study investigated the neuroprotective and restorative effects of human CDNF and MANF in rats with unilateral partial lesion of dopamine neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) using both behavioral (amphetamine-induced rotation) and immunohistochemical analyses. We also investigated the distribution and transportation profiles of intrastriatally injected CDNF and MANF in rats. Intrastriatal CDNF and MANF protected nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons when administered six hours before or four weeks after the neurotoxin 6-OHDA. More importantly, the function of the lesioned nigrostriatal dopaminergic system was partially restored even when the neurotrophic factors were administered four weeks after 6-OHDA. A 14-day continuous infusion of CDNF but not of MANF restored the function of the midbrain neural circuits controlling movement when initiated two weeks after unilateral injection of 6-OHDA. Continuous infusion of CDNF also protected dopaminergic TH-positive cell bodies from toxin-induced degeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and fibers in the striatum. When injected into the striatum, CDNF and GDNF had similar transportation profiles from the striatum to the SNpc; thus CDNF may act via the same nerve tracts as GDNF. Intrastriatal MANF was transported to cortical areas which may reflect a mechanism of neurorestorative action that is different from that of CDNF and GDNF. CDNF and MANF were also shown to distribute more readily than GDNF. In conclusion, CDNF and MANF are potential therapeutic proteins for the treatment of PD.


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The work presented here has focused on the role of cation-chloride cotransporters (CCCs) in (1) the regulation of intracellular chloride concentration within postsynaptic neurons and (2) on the consequent effects on the actions of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated by GABAA receptors (GABAARs) during development and in pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy. In addition, (3) we found that a member of the CCC family, the K-Cl cotransporter isoform 2 (KCC2), has a structural role in the development of dendritic spines during the differentiation of pyramidal neurons. Despite the large number of publications dedicated to regulation of intracellular Cl-, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is not complete. Experiments on GABA actions under resting steady-state have shown that the effect of GABA shifts from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing during maturation of cortical neurons. However, it remains unclear, whether conclusions from these steady-state measurements can be extrapolated to the highly dynamic situation within an intact and active neuronal network. Indeed, GABAergic signaling in active neuronal networks results in a continuous Cl- load, which must be constantly removed by efficient Cl- extrusion mechanisms. Therefore, it seems plausible to suggest that key parameters are the efficacy and subcellular distribution of Cl- transporters rather than the polarity of steady-state GABA actions. A further related question is: what are the mechanisms of Cl- regulation and homeostasis during pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy in adults and neonates? Here I present results that were obtained by means of a newly developed method of measurements of the efficacy of a K-Cl cotransport. In Study I, the developmental profile of KCC2 functionality during development was analyzed both in dissociated neuronal cultures and in acute hippocampal slices. A novel method of photolysis of caged GABA in combination with Cl- loading to the somata was used in this study to assess the extrusion efficacy of KCC2. We demonstrated that these two preparations exhibit a different temporal profile of functional KCC2 upregulation. In Study II, we reported an observation of highly distorted dendritic spines in neurons cultured from KCC2-/- embryos. During their development in the culture dish, KCC2-lacking neurons failed to develop mature, mushroom-shaped dendritic spines but instead maintained an immature phenotype of long, branching and extremely motile protrusions. It was shown that the role of KCC2 in spine maturation is not based on its transport activity, but is mediated by interactions with cytoskeletal proteins. Another important player in Cl- regulation, NKCC1 and its role in the induction and maintenance of native Cl- gradients between the axon initial segment (AIS) and soma was the subject of Study III. There we demonstrated that this transporter mediates accumulation of Cl- in the axon initial segment of neocortical and hippocampal principal neurons. The results suggest that the reversal potential of the GABAA response triggered by distinct populations of interneurons show large subcellular variations. Finally, a novel mechanism of fast post-translational upregulation of the membrane-inserted, functionally active KCC2 pool during in-vivo neonatal seizures and epileptiform-like activity in vitro was identified and characterized in Study IV. The seizure-induced KCC2 upregulation may act as an intrinsic antiepileptogenic mechanism.