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In lake ecosystems, both fish and invertebrate predators have dramatic effects on their prey communities. Fish predation selects large cladocerans while invertebrate predators prefer prey of smaller size. Since invertebrate predators are the preferred food items for fish, their occurrence at high densities is often connected with the absence or low number of fish. It is generally believed that invertebrate predators can play a significant role only if the density of planktivorous fish is low. However, in eutrophic clay-turbid Lake Hiidenvesi (southern Finland), a dense population of predatory Chaoborus flavicans larvae coexists with an abundant fish population. The population covers the stratifying area of the lake and attains a maximum population density of 23000 ind. m-2. This thesis aims to clarify the effects of Chaoborus flavicans on the zooplankton community and the environmental factors facilitating the coexistence of fish and invertebrate predators. In the stratifying area of Lake Hiidenvesi, the seasonal succession of cladocerans was exceptional. The spring biomass peak of cladocerans was missing and the highest biomass occurred in midsummer. In early summer, the consumption rate by chaoborids clearly exceeded the production rate of cladocerans and each year the biomass peak of cladocerans coincided with the minimum chaoborid density. In contrast, consumption by fish was very low and each study year cladocerans attained maximum biomass simultaneously with the highest consumption by smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). The results indicated that Chaoborus flavicans was the main predator of cladocerans in the stratifying area of Lake Hiidenvesi. The clay turbidity strongly contributed to the coexistence of chaoborids and smelt at high densities. Turbidity exceeding 30 NTU combined with light intensity below 0.1 μE m-2 s-1provides an efficient daytime refuge for chaoborids, but turbidity alone is not an adequate refuge unless combined with low light intensity. In the non-stratifying shallow basins of Lake Hiidenvesi, light intensity exceeds this level during summer days at the bottom of the lake, preventing Chaoborus forming a dense population in the shallow parts of the lake. Chaoborus can be successful particularly in deep, clay-turbid lakes where they can remain high in the water column close to their epilimnetic prey. Suspended clay alters the trophic interactions by weakening the link between fish and Chaoborus, which in turn strengthens the effect of Chaoborus predation on crustacean zooplankton. Since food web management largely relies on manipulations of fish stocks and the cascading effects of such actions, the validity of the method in deep clay-turbid lakes may be questioned.


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Agriculture-mediated habitat loss and degradation together with climate change are among the greatest global threats to species, communities, and ecosystem functioning. During the last century, more than 50% of the world's wetlands have been lost and agricultural activities have subjected wetland species to increased isolation and decreased quality of habitats. Likewise, as a part of agricultural intensification, the use of pesticides has increased notably, and pesticide residues occur frequently in wetlands making the exposure of wetland organisms to pesticides highly probable. In this thesis, a set of ecotoxicological and landscape ecological studies were carried out to investigate pesticide-effects on tadpoles, and species-habitat relationships of amphibians in agricultural landscapes. The results show that the fitness of R. temporaria tadpoles can be negatively affected by sublethal pesticide concentrations, and that pesticides may increase the costs of response to natural environmental stressors. However, tadpoles may also be able to compensate for some of the negative effects of pesticides. The results further demonstrate that both historic and current-day agricultural land use can negatively impact amphibians, but that in some cases the costs of living in agricultural habitats may only become apparent when amphibians face other environmental stressors, such as drought. Habitat heterogeneity may, however, increase the persistence of amphibians in agricultural landscapes. Hence, the results suggest that amphibians are likely to be affected by agricultural processes that operate at several spatial and temporal scales, and that it is probable that various processes related to current-day agriculture will affect both larval and adult amphibians. The results imply that maintaining dense wetland patterns could enhance persistence of amphibian populations in agricultural habitats, and indicate that heterogeneous landscapes may lower the risk of regional amphibian population declines under extreme weather perturbations.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) affecting 0.1-0.2% of Northern European descent population. MS is considered to be a multifactorial disease, both environment and genetics play a role in its pathogenesis. Despite several decades of intense research, the etiological and pathogenic mechanisms underlying MS remain still largely unknown and no curative treatment exists. The genetic architecture underlying MS is complex with multiple genes involved. The strongest and the best characterized predisposing genetic factors for MS are located, as in other immune-mediated diseases, in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. In humans MHC is called human leukocyte antigen (HLA). Alleles of the HLA locus have been found to associate strongly with MS and remained for many years the only consistently replicable genetic associations. However, recently other genes located outside the MHC region have been proposed as strong candidates for susceptibility to MS in several studies. In this thesis a new genetic locus located on chromosome 7q32, interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), was identified in the susceptibility to MS. In particular, we found that common variation of the gene was associated with the disease in three different populations, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish. We also suggested a possible functional role for one of the risk alleles with impact on the expression of the IRF5 locus. Previous studies have pointed out a possible role played by chromosome 2q33 in the susceptibility to MS and other autoimmune disorders. The work described here also investigated the involvement of this chromosomal region in MS predisposition. After the detection of genetic association with 2q33 (article-1), we extended our analysis through fine-scale single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping to define further the contribution of this genomic area to disease pathogenesis (article-4). We found a trend (p=0.04) for association to MS with an intronic SNP located in the inducible T-cell co-stimulator (ICOS) gene, an important player in the co-stimulatory pathway of the immune system. Expression analysis of ICOS revealed a novel, previously uncharacterized, alternatively spliced isoform, lacking the extracellular domain that is needed for ligand binding. The stability of the newly-identified transcript variant and its subcellular localization were analyzed. These studies indicated that the novel isoform is stable and shows different subcellular localization as compared to full-length ICOS. The novel isoform might have a regulatory function, but further studies are required to elucidate its function. Chromosome 19q13 has been previously suggested as one of the genomic areas involved in MS predisposition. In several populations, suggestive linkage signals between MS predisposition and 19q13 have been obtained. Here, we analysed the role of allelic variation in 19q13 by family based association analysis in 782 MS families collected from Finland. In this dataset, we were not able to detect any statistically significant associations, although several previously suggested markers were included to the analysis. Replication of the previous findings on the basis of linkage disequilibrium between marker allele and disease/risk allele appears notoriously difficult because of limitations such as allelic heterogeneity. Re-sequencing based approaches may be required for elucidating the role of chromosome 19q13 with MS. This thesis has resulted in the identification of a new MS susceptibility locus (IRF5) previously associated with other inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, such as SLE. IRF5 is one of the mediators of interferons biological function. In addition to providing new insight in the possible pathogenetic pathway of the disease, this finding suggests that there might be common mechanisms between different immune-mediated disorders. Furthermore the work presented here has uncovered a novel isoform of ICOS, which may play a role in regulatory mechanisms of ICOS, an important mediator of lymphocyte activation. Further work is required to uncover its functions and possible involvement of the ICOS locus in MS susceptibility.


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Objectives: To assess the prevalence and risk factor profiles of respiratory symptoms, asthma and chronic bronchitis in Helsinki, and to compare these results with those for Sweden and Estonia. Other important aims were to evaluate the prevalence and determinants of type 1 sensitization in Helsinki. Materials and methods: This presentation is a part of a large epidemiological study in Finland, Estonia and Sweden (FinEsS). The first part of the study consisted of a postal questionnaire in 1995-1996 distributed to subjects in eight study centres. The study population in each centre was a population-based random sample designed to be representative of the general population. The original study sample in Helsinki consisted of 8000 subjects aged 20-69 years, 6062 (76%) of whom participated. Comparisons between countries were based on a narrower age group, 20-64 years, since 64 years was the upper age limit used in the original study in Estonia. Thus, altogether 58 661 subjects aged 20-64 years were invited to participate in Finland, Sweden and Estonia, and 44 483 (76%) did so. The second part of the study was a clinical study with a structured interview, lung function measurements and skin-prick tests with 15 common allergens. This thesis reports only the results of the prick tests in Helsinki. Of the 1200 subjects invited to participate in Helsinki, 643 (54%) consented. Skin-prick tests were performed on subjects ≤ 60 years of age; thus, a total of 498 tests were done. Results: In Helsinki, the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma was 6.6% and of physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis 3.7% among subjects aged 20-69 years. Comparison of the results between Finland, Sweden and Estonia in subjects 20-64 years of age revealed the highest prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma in Sweden, 7.8%, while the prevalence in Finland was 5.9% and in Estonia 2.0% (p<0.001). The prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma among those aged 20-29 years was 7.9% in Stockholm, 6.3% in Helsinki and 2.8% in Tallinn. Asthma-related symptoms were most common in Estonia, and among those with typical asthma symptoms the diagnosis of asthma was least likely in Estonia. Physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis was reported to be 10.7% in Estonia, 3.1% in Sweden and 2.9% in Finland among subjects aged 20-64 years (p<0.001). Among those aged 20-29 years, 7.6% in Tallinn reported physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis, while the prevalence estimates were 1.4% in Stockholm and 1.3% in Helsinki. The prevalence of smoking was similar for women in all three countries, around 30%, but large differences in smoking habits were present among men; 60% of Estonian, 39% of Finnish and 28% of Swedish men smoked. Skin-prick tests in Helsinki revealed a high prevalence of sensitization, 46.9%. For subjects aged 26-39 years, the prevalence was highest, 56.8%, and 23.7% were sensitized to at least four allergens. The most common sensitizing allergen was the dog. Sensitization to multiple allergens was associated with a high prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Conclusions: Compared with earlier Finnish studies, a higher prevalence of asthma and a lower prevalence of chronic bronchitis were found in Helsinki. The prevalence of physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis was low in Helsinki, with only one-fifth of subjects fulfilling the symptom criteria for chronic bronchitis reporting having a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. The prevalences of asthma and chronic bronchitis were similar in Finland and Sweden, but in Estonia physician-diagnosed asthma was less common and physician-diagnosed chronic bronchitis more common, particularly among young subjects. Further analyses revealed that the diagnosis of asthma was favoured in Finland and Sweden, while the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis was more likely in Estonia for subjects with the same symptoms. Allergic sensitization was common in Helsinki. Our findings of multiple sensitization also speak in favour of evaluating the degree of sensitization when assessing allergies.


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The objective of these studies was to evaluate possible airway inflammation and remodeling at the bronchial level in cross-country skiers without a prior diagnosis of asthma, and relate the findings to patients with mild chronic asthma and patients with newly diagnosed asthma. We also studied the association of airway inflammatory changes and bronchial hyperresponsivess (BHR), and treatment effects in cross-country skiers and in patients with newly diagnosed asthma. Bronchial biopsies were obtained from the subjects by flexible bronchoscopy, and the inflammatory cells (eosinophils, mast cells, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils) were identified by immunohistochemistry. Tenascin (Tn) immunoreactivity in the bronchial basement membrane (BM) was identified by immunofluorescence staining. Lung function was measured with spirometry, and BHR was assessed by methacholine (skiers) or histamine (asthmatics) challenges. Skiers with BHR and asthma-like symptoms were recruited to a drug-intervention study. Skiers were given treatment (22 weeks) with placebo or budesonide (400 µg bid). Patients with newly diagnosed asthma were given treatment for 16 weeks with placebo, salmeterol (SLM) (50 µg bid), fluticasone propionate (FP) (250 µg bid), or disodium cromoglicate (DSCG) (5 mg qid). Bronchial biopsies were obtained at baseline and at the end of the treatment period. In the skiers a distinct airway inflammation was evident. In their bronchial biopsy specimens, T-lymphocyte, macrophage, and eosinophil counts were, respectively greater by 43-fold (P<0.001), 26-fold (P<0.001, and 2-fold (P<0.001) in skiers, and by 70-fold (p>0.001), 63-fold (P<0.001), and 8-fold (P<0.001) in asthmatic subjects than in controls. In skiers, neutrophil counts were more than 2-fold greater than in asthmatic subjects (P<0.05). Tn expression was higher in skiers than in controls and lower in skiers than in mild asthmatics. No significant changes were seen between skiers with or without BHR in the inflammatory cell counts or Tn expression. Treatment with inhaled budesonide did not attenuate asthma-like symptoms, the inflammatory cell infiltration, or BM Tn expression in the skiers. In newly diagnosed asthmatic patients, SLM, FP, and DSCG reduced asthma symptoms, and need for rescue medication (P<0.04). BHR was reduced by doubling doses 2.78, 5.22, and 1.35 respectively (all P<0.05). SLM and placebo had no effect on cell counts or Tn expression. FP and DSCG reduced eosinophil counts in the bronchial biopsy specimens (P<0.02 and <0.048, respectively). No significant change in tenascin expression appeared in any treatment group. Regarding to atopy, no significant differences existed in the inflammatory cell counts in the bronchial mucosa of subjects with newly diagnosed asthma or in elite cross country skiers. Tn expression in the BM was significantly higher in atopic asthma than in those with nonatopic asthma. Airway inflammation occurred in elite cross-country skiers with and without respiratory symptoms or BHR. Their inflammatory cell pattern differed from that in asthma. Infiltration with eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells was milder, but lymphocyte counts did not differ from counts in asthmatic airways. Neutrophilic infiltration was more extensive in skiers than in asthmatics. Remodeling took place in the skiers’ airways, as reflected by increased expression of BM tenascin These inflammatory changes and Tn expression may be caused by prolonged exposure of the lower airways to inadequately humidified cold air. In skiers inflammatory changes and remodeling were not reversed with anti-inflammatory treatment. In contrast, in patients with newly diagnosed asthma, anti-inflammatory treatment did attenuate eosinophilic inflammation in the bronchial mucosa. In skiers, anti-inflammatory treatment did not attenuate BHR as it did in asthmatic patients. The BHR in skiers was attenuated spontaneously during placebo treatment, with no difference from budesonide treatment. Lower training intensity during the treatment period may explain this spontaneous decrease in BHR. The origin of BHR probably differs in skiers and in asthmatics. No significant association between BHR and inflammatory cell counts or between BHR and Tn expression was evident in cross-country skiers or asthmatic subjects. Airway remodeling differed between atopic and nonatopic asthma. As opposed to nonatopic asthma, Tn expression was higher in atopic asthma and is related to inflammatory cell densities.


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Breast and colorectal cancers, are common types of cancer, with over two million newly diagnosed cases annually worldwide. Cancer is a genetic disease and defects in DNA integrity restoring functions make a significant contribution to cancer risk. CHEK2 is a checkpoint kinase functioning as a regulator of cell cycle checkpoints, apoptosis, and DNA repair in response to DNA double-strand breaks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of CHEK2 in breast cancer predisposition in Finnish breast cancer families and in breast cancer risk at the population level. We were interested in the clinical and biological characteristics of the breast tumors associated with the CHEK2 germline mutations or aberrant CHEK2 protein expression and the effect on survival of patients with these CHEK2 defects. We also assessed the role of CHEK2 mutations, namely 1100delC and I157T, in colorectal cancer susceptibility in Finland. CHEK2 I157T was found to be a low-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility allele, conferring a 1.4-fold risk for carriers. Reduced or absent CHEK2 protein expression was observed in one-fifth of breast tumors from patients unselected for family history, implying that defective CHEK2 signaling contributes to tumorigenesis. Reduction in CHEK2 expression was more common in tumors with larger diameter and ER expression, but with regard to other tumor characteristics and prognosis of a patient no association was observed. Results from comparison of CHEK2 1100delC carrier tumors with noncarrier tumors were in line with the findings from the CHEK2 expression study. Tumors from CHEK2 1100delC carriers were more often of higher grade than tumors from noncarriers, and they also tended to be ER-positive more often, although generally 1100delC status does not seem to radically affect the tumor characteristics. Our results suggest that CHEK2 1100delC may not be a susceptibility allele for CRC, although a very small effect cannot be excluded. Furthermore, CHEK2 1100delC is equally frequent in HBCC (hereditary breast and colorectal cancer) phenotype families and in breast cancer families. Over 1000 CRC cases were screened for CHEK2 I157T, and a significantly higher frequency of I157T was observed among both familial and sporadic CRC cases. The relation of CHEK2 I157T with familial CRC has not been studied previously. CHEK2 I157T seems to be a susceptibility allele for both familial and sporadic CRC, conferring a 1.5-fold risk for carriers of this variant. CHEK2 I157T has been proposed to have a role as a multiple cancer susceptibility allele, which is supported by our results since we observed a trend towards higher frequency of the variant among cases with multiple primary tumors or those with a family history of cancer. During the last five years CHEK2 has established its role as an important cancer susceptibility gene. It has become apparent that CHEK2 is a low-penetrance susceptibility gene for several cancer types, significantly contributing to familial cancer risk as well as to cancer risk at the population level.


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Occupational rhinitis is mainly caused by work environment and not by stimuli encountered outside the workplace. It differs from rhinitis that is worsened by, but not mainly caused by, workplace exposures. Occupational rhinitis can develop in response to allergens, inhaled irritants, or corrosive gases. The thesis evaluated the use of challenge tests in occupational rhinitis diagnostics, studied the long-term health-related quality of life among allergic occupational rhinitis patients, and the allergens of wheat grain among occupational respiratory allergy patients. The diagnosed occupational rhinitis was mainly allergic rhinitis, which was caused by occupational agents, most commonly flours and animal allergens. The non-IgE-mediated rhinitis reactions were less frequent and caused more often asthma than rhinitis. Both nasal challenges and inhalation challenges were found to be safe tests. The inhalation challenge tests had considerably resource-intensive methodology. However, the evaluation of nasal symptoms and signs together with bronchial reactions saved time and expense compared with the organization of multiple individual challenges. The scoring criteria used matched well with the weighted amount of discharge ≥ 0.2 g and in most cases gave comparable results. The challenge tests are valuable tools when there is uncertainty whether the patient's exposure should be reduced or discontinued. It was found that continuing exposure decreases health-related quality of life among patients with allergic occupational rhinitis despite of rhinitis medications, still approximately ten years after the diagnosis. Health-related quality of life among occupational rhinitis patients without any longer occupational exposure was mainly similar than that of the healthy controls. This highlights the importance of the reduction and cessation of occupational exposure. To achieve this, 17% of occupational rhinitis patients had been re-educated. Alpha-amylase inhibitors, lipid transfer protein 2G, thaumatin -like protein, and peroxidase I were found to be relevant allergens in Finnish patients with occupational respiratory wheat allergy. Of these allergens, thaumatin-like protein and lipid transfer protein 2G were found as new allergens associated with baker's rhinitis and asthma. The knowledge of the new clinically relevant proteins can be used in the future in the development of better standardized diagnostic preparations.


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Objective: Distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) aneurysms represent about 6% of all intracranial aneurysms. So far, only small series on treatment of these aneurysms have been published. Our aim is to evaluate the anatomic features, microneurosurgical techniques, treatment results, and long-term outcome in patients treated for DACA aneurysms. Patients and methods: We analyzed the clinical and radiological data on 517 consecutive patients diagnosed with DACA aneurysm at two neurosurgical centers serving solely the Southern (Helsinki) and Eastern (Kuopio) Finland in 1936–2007, and used a defined subgroup of the whole study population in each part of the study. Detailed anatomic analysis was performed in 101 consecutive patients from 1998 to 2007. Treatment results were analyzed in 427 patients treated between 1980 to 2005, the era of CT imaging and microneurosurgery. Long-term treatment outcome of ruptured DACA aneurysm(s) was evaluated in 280 patients with a median follow-up of 10 years; no patients were lost to follow-up. Results: DACA aneurysms, found most often (83%) at the A3 segment of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), were smaller (median 6 mm vs. 8 mm), more frequently associated with multiple aneurysms (35% vs. 18%), and presented more often with intracerebral hematomas (ICHs) (53% vs. 26%) than ruptured aneurysms in general. They were associated with anomalies of the ACA in 23% of the patients. Microsurgical treatment showed similar complication rates (treatment morbidity 15%, treatment mortality 0.4%) as for other ruptured aneurysms. At one year after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), DACA aneurysms had equally favorable outcome (GOS≥4) as other ruptured aneurysms (74% vs. 69%) but their mortality was lower (13% vs. 24%). Factors predicting unfavorable outcome for ruptured DACA aneurysms were advanced age, Hunt&Hess≥3, rebleeding before treatment, ICH, intraventricular hemorrhage, and severe preoperative hydrocephalus. The cumulative relative survival ratio showed 16% excess mortality in patients with ruptured DACA aneurysm during the first three years after SAH compared to the matched general population. From the fourth year onwards, there was no excess mortality during the follow-up. There were four episodes of recurrent SAH, only one due to treated DACA aneurysm, with a 10-year cumulative risk of 1.4%. Conclusions: The special neurovascular features and frequent association with anterior cerebral artery anomalies must be taken into account when planning occlusive treatment of DACA aneurysms. Clipping of DACA aneurysms provides a long-lasting result, with very small rates of rebleeding. After surviving three years from rupture of DACA aneurysm, the long-term survival of these patients becomes similar to that of the matched general population.


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Background: Both maternal and fetal complications are increased in diabetic pregnancies. Although hypertensive complications are increased in pregnant women with pregestational diabetes, reports on hypertensive complications in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have been contradictory. Congenital malformations and macrosomia are the main fetal complications in Type 1 diabetic pregnancies, whereas fetal macrosomia and birth trauma but not congenital malformations are increased in GDM pregnancies. Aims: To study the frequency of hypertensive disorders in gestational diabetes mellitus. To evaluate the risk of macrosomia and brachial plexus injury (Erb’s palsy) and the ability of the 2-hour glucose tolerance test (OGTT) combined with the 24-hour glucose profile to distinguish between low and high risks of fetal macrosomia among women with GDM. To evaluate the relationship between glycemic control and the risk of fetal malformations in pregnancies complicated by Type 1 diabetes mellitus. To assess the effect of glycemic control on the occurrence of preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension in Type 1 diabetic pregnancies. Subjects: A total of 986 women with GDM and 203 women with borderline glucose intolerance (one abnormal value in the OGTT) with a singleton pregancy, 488 pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes (691 pregnancies and 709 offspring), and 1154 pregnant non-diabetic women (1181 pregnancies and 1187 offspring) were investigated. Results: In a prospective study on 81 GDM patients the combined frequency of preeclampsia and PIH was higher than in 327 non-diabetic controls (19.8% vs 6.1%, p<0.001). On the other hand, in 203 women with only one abnormal value in the OGTT, the rate of hypertensive complications did not differ from that of the controls. Both GDM women and those with only one abnormal value in the OGTT had higher pre-pregnancy weights and BMIs than the controls. In a retrospective study involving 385 insulin-treated and 520 diet-treated GDM patients, and 805 non-diabetic control pregnant women, fetal macrosomia occurred more often in the insulin-treated GDM pregnancies (18.2%, p<0.001) than in the diet-treated GDM pregnancies (4.4%), or the control pregnancies (2.2%). The rate of Erb’s palsy in vaginally delivered infants was 2.7% in the insulin-treated group of women and 2.4% in the diet-treated women compared with 0.3% in the controls (p<0.001). The cesarean section rate was more than twice as high (42.3% vs 18.6%) in the insulin-treated GDM patients as in the controls. A major fetal malformation was observed in 30 (4.2%) of the 709 newborn infants in Type 1 diabetic pregnancies and in 10 (1.4%) of the 735 controls (RR 3.1, 95% CI 1.6–6.2). Even women whose levels of HbA1c (normal values less than 5.6%) were only slightly increased in early pregnancy (between 5.6 and 6.8%) had a relative risk of fetal malformation of 3.0 (95% CI 1.2–7.5). Only diabetic patients with a normal HbA1c level (<5.6%) in early pregnancy had the same low risk of fetal malformations as the controls. Preeclampsia was diagnosed in 12.8% and PIH in 11.4% of the 616 Type 1 diabetic women without diabetic nephropathy. The corresponding frequencies among the 854 control women were 2.7% (OR 5.2; 95% CI 3.3–8.4) for preeclampsia and 5.6% (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.5–3.1) for PIH. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that glycemic control, nulliparity, diabetic retinopathy and duration of diabetes were statistically significant independent predictors of preeclampsia. The adjusted odds ratios for preeclampsia were 1.6 (95% CI 1.3–2.0) for each 1%-unit increment in the HbA1c value during the first trimester and 0.6 (95% CI 0.5–0.8) for each 1%-unit decrement during the first half of pregnancy. In contrast, changes in glycemic control during the second half of pregnancy did not alter the risk of preeclampsia. Conclusions: In type 1 diabetic pregnancies it is extremely important to achieve optimal glycemic control before pregnancy and maintain it throughout pregnancy in order to decrease the complication rates both in the mother and in her offspring. The rate of fetal macrosomia and birth trauma in GDM pregnancies, especially in the group of insulin-treated women, is still relatively high. New strategies for screening, diagnosing, and treatment of GDM must be developed in order to decrease fetal and neonatal complications.


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Multiple Perspectives on Networks: Conceptual Development, Application and Integration in an Entrepreneurial Context. The purpose of this thesis is to enhance cross-fertilization between three different approaches to network research. The business network approach may contribute in terms of how relationships are created, developed and how tie content changes within ties, not only between them. The social network approach adds to the discussion by offering concepts of structural change on a network level. The network approach in entrepreneurship contributes by emphasizing network content, governance and structure as a way of understanding and capturing networks. This is discussed in the conceptual articles, Articles 2 and 3. The ultimate purpose of this thesis is to develop a theoretical and empirical understanding of network development processes. This is fulfilled by presenting a theoretical framework, which offers multiple views on process as a developmental outcome. The framework implies that change ought to be captured both within and among relationships over time in the firm as well as in the network. Consequently, changes in structure and interaction taking place simultaneously need to be included when doing research on network development. The connection between micro and macro levels is also stressed. Therefore, the entrepreneur or firm level needs to be implemented together with the network level. The surrounding environment impacts firm and network development and vice versa and hence needs to be integrated. Further, it is necessary to view network development not only as a way forward but to include both progression and regression as inevitable parts of the process. Finally, both stability and change should be taken into account as part of network development. Empirical results in Article 1 show support for a positive impact of networks on SME internationalization. Article 4 compares networks of novice, serial and portfolio entrepreneurs but the empirical results show little support for differences in the networks by type of entrepreneur. The results demonstrate that network interaction and structure is not directly impacted by type of entrepreneur involved. It indicates instead that network structure and interaction is more impacted by the development phase of the firm. This in turn is in line with the theoretical implications, stating that the development of the network and the firm impacts each other, as they co-evolve.