905 resultados para CIM-OSA


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Finnish education politics presume that basic education should be equal to all students. While organising craft education equality can be understood as similarity or as possibility to choose. The possibility to be able to choose whether textile or technical craft despite of one´s gender has been the aim of laws and curriculums already over 30 years. In practice it´s almost impossible to students to ignore feminine and masculine roles that go deep into our culture. Choosing craft has been divided by gender, which is the reason why possibility to choose has not been good enough to educationalists of equality. The latest guidelines for the National core curriculum for bacis education were issued in 2004. According to curriculum craft education consists parts of both technical and textile craft. All students should take part in both sectors of crafts. Furthermore, one can be given a possibility to consentrate his studies in whether textile or technical craft. The curriculum does not set the rules how the education should be organised, which means that it can be organised in many ways depending on city, school or teacher. Teachers and other specialists have contradictory feelings towards shared craft education, because traditional way to see craft in Finland is to separate textile craft from technical craft. Both crafts have some common features that are introduced in curriculum. Besides there is many equal things in craft theories that bind textile and technical craft to each other. The main purpose of this research was to find out, how shared craft education has been organised at the 7.th grade in Finnish comprehensive school, and which things affect in the settlements. Second goal was to describe and compare teachers´ experiences in teaching shared craft education. Third aim of this study was how shared craft has changed craft education. I collected the research material in May 2006 by interviewing both textile and technical craft teachers who teach shared craft. The material consists of fourteen theme interviews. In the analysis of the material I used theoretic bounded document analysis. According to the research there are three different ways to organise shared craft education: 50 50-arrangement, exchanging period and project week. In the schools that carried out 50 50-arrangement teaching was realised mainly in heterogenous groups. Principals had usual a lot of authorization on how to arrange craft education, which means that their views on equality, laws and curriculum affected in the settlemets more than teachers´ opinions. Teachers´ attitudes to shared craft were mainly positive. The changing of craft education can be divided in two parts: the aims and the containings of the curriculum have changed, as well as the meaning of the craft as core subject. Teachers have been forced to decrease the containings of both textile and technical crafts. Despite of eliminations both crafts still have comprehensive containings. Teachers decided what to teach by these argumets: Students should learn some basic things or produce a certain product. Usually teachers had also a lot of experience and special intrests in crafts. According to this research there is four significant meanings for shared craft education: 1) developing readiness for doing things, 2) developing skills of thinking, 3) delight of doing things and 4) teaching attitude.


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This study examines Finnish student teachers' images of The Middle East conflict and its parties and medias' influence on these images. The research problems are 1) how student teachers understand the Middle East as a geographical and a cultural area 2) what kind of conceptions they have of the Middle East conflict and its parties; Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs and societies and religions closely connected to them and 3) how the media has influenced on these conceptions. Theoretical background of this study concerns with different mental images, their construction and meaning, stereotypes, intercultural competence, media and its influence as well as media literacy. The methods used in this study were survey and theme interview. Also headlines of the news were analysed. The survey was directed at student teachers of the University of Helsinki (n = 75). Six of them were interviewed. The survey was conducted in February and interviews were made in the turn of May and June 2003. The headlines analysed dealt with the Middle East conflict in the newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" in January, April and July 2003. Main results: Images of the Middle East area differed largely from respondent to another. Student teachers didn't know much about the Middle East conflict. Stereotypes occurred in the conceptions connected to the parties of the conflict. Stereotypes appeared especially in the negative conceptions of islam and muslims and one-sided conceptions of Arabs. The influence of the conflict was noticeable in conceptions related to Israelis, Israel and Palestinians. Palestinians were sympathized. Attitudes towards Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs were negative to some extend and their societies were not valued very equal, open or modern. On the basis of the research, student teachers' intercultural competence was not good enough. Media had influence on the conceptions. Also skills in critical use of media varied largely. Some trusted strongly in the objectivity of a picture and the news. It can be argued, on the grounds of the results, that teacher education should concentrate more on themes of intercultural competence and media literacy. These two are interrelated and are both needed in understanding and conceptualising the world.


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To be hard-of-hearing (HOH) isn t only a hearing-related phenomenon. Some HOH people identify themselves with the majority population, where as others identify themselves with culturally Deaf or with other HOH people. This results in three different kinds of groups. The original aim of this study was to interview HOH people in order to discover the social identities of these three groups. It turned out, however, that there are only few studies exploring this subject. It was therefore first necessary to develop sustainable and suitable starting points for the examination of the information produced by the interviews. In other words, the construction of the theoretical and conceptual frame of reference became the objective of this study. It is, on one hand, the personal experiences of the researcher s mingling with different kinds of HOH people and with culturally Deaf and, on the other, the literature concerning identities that lie in the background of this study. The analysis concentrated on the studies of identities in general and on the previous works dealing with the identities of the HOH people as well as on other studies with reference to HOH people. The choice between mainstream education and special education is one of the main factors affecting the development of the identity. Yet, it became apparent that identifying with the relevant reference group (majority population, culturally Deaf or other HOH people) had an even greater influence than the school. The hard of hearing define themselves differently and take different views on being HOH, depending on their social relations, their values and on their communicative and cultural features. The conclusion is that HOH people should be examined as different groups, not as one group, since they differ clearly from each other.


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The number of Finnish pupils attending special education has increased for more than a decade (Tilastokeskus 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005a, 2006b, 2007b, 2008b, 2008e, 2009b; Virtanen ja Ratilainen 1996). In the year 2007 nearly third of Finnish comprehensive school pupils took part in special needs education. According to the latest statistics, in the autumn of 2008 approximately 47 000 pupils have been admitted or transferred to special education and approximately 126 000 pupils received part-time special education during the 2007 - 2008 academic year. (Tilastokeskus 2008b, 2009b.) The Finnish special education system is currently under review. The Reform, both in legislation and in practice, began nationwide in the year 2008 (e.g. Special education strategy document, November 2007 and the development project Kelpo). The aim of the study was the statistical description of the Finnish special education system and on the other hand to gain a deeper understanding about the Finnish special education system and its quantitative increase, by analysis based on the nationwide statistical information. Earlier studies have shown that the growth in special education is affected by multiple independent variables and cannot be solely explained by the pupil characteristics. The statistical overview and analysis have been carried out in two parts. In the first part, the description and analysis were based on statistical time series from the academic year 1979 -1980 until 2008. While, in the second, more detailed description and analysis, based on comparable time series from 1995 to 2008 and from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008, is presented. Historical perspective was one part of this study. There was an attempt to find reasons explaining the observed growth in the special needs education from late 1960s to 2008. The majority of the research was based on the nationwide statistics information. In addition to this, materials including educational legislation literature, different kind of records of special education and preceding studies were also used to support the research. The main results of the study, are two statistical descriptions and time series analysis of the quantitative increase of the special needs education. Further, a summary of the plausible factors behind the special education system change and its quantitative increase, is presented. The conclusions coming from the study can be summarised as follows: the comparable statistical time series analysis suggests that the growth in special education after the year 1999 could be a consequence of the changes in the structure of special education and that new group of pupils have been directed to special needs education. Keywords: Special education, comprehensive school, description, statistics, change


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella ja kuvailla ateljeeompelimon suunnittelijan mielikuvia yksilöllisen vaatteen suunnitteluprosessissa. Suunnitteluprosessissa ilmeneviä mielikuvia tutkittiin sekä asiakaslähtöisestä suunnittelusta että pienimuotoisesta mallistosuunnittelusta käsin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kolmen suunnittelijan teemahaastatteluilla, minkä jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin teema-alueista luodun analyysirungon mukaisesti. Tutkimustuloksissa mielikuvia on havainnollistettu valokuvin sekä materiaalinäyttein vaatteista, joista haastattelutilanteissa keskusteltiin. Tutkimuksessa suunnitteluprosessi käsitetään osaksi käsityön luovaa ilmaisua, johon kuuluu osittain myös vaatteen valmistusprosessi. Yksilöllisen vaatteen suunnittelu alkaa suunnittelijan abstrakteista mielikuvista, jotka tarkentuvat prosessin edetessä konkretisoituen lopulta valmiiseen vaatteeseen. Tutkimuksessa mielikuvat käsitetään kokemuksiksi, jotka kietoutuvat prosessimaisesti suunnittelun yhteyteen. Mielikuvia muodostuu suunnittelun kaikilla osa-alueilla, ja niiden syntyyn vaikuttavat lähinnä asiakas, materiaali sekä suunnittelijan esteettinen ja taidollinen näkemys. Mielikuvia kehitetään ja ilmaistaan luonnostelemalla, sovituksissa, asiakaskeskusteluissa sekä materiaalin muodonannon avulla. Mielikuvilla on merkitystä suunnittelun ongelmanratkaisuvaiheissa. Mielikuvat näyttivät ohjaavan suunnittelijoita valitsemaan erilaisten mahdollisuuksien joukosta sen, joka tuntui parhaimmalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat suunnittelijoiden peilaavan jokaista suunnitteluprosessia mielikuvaan esteettisestä, toiminnallisesta ja ilmaisullisesta vaatteesta. Mielikuvissa vaate vastaa asiakkaan tarpeisiin, siinä on jokin kiinnostava yksityiskohta ja se edustaa tinkimätöntä käsityön taitoa. Tutkimustuloksissa korostui erityisesti materiaalin ja mielikuvien suhde. Materiaali innoittaa mielikuvien syntymiseen ja sen avulla luodaan vaikutelmia vastaamaan haluttua mielikuvaa. Materiaalin ja mielikuvien sidoksellisuus tarjoaa aiheita jatkotutkimukseen.


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The objective of this study was to find factors that could predict educational dropout. Dropout risk was assessed against pupil’s cognitive competence, success in school, and personal beliefs regarding self and parents, while taking into account the pupil’s background and gender. Based on earlier research, an assumption was made that a pupil’s gender, success in school, and parent’s education would be related with dropping out. This study is part of a project funded by the Academy of Finland and led by Professor Jarkko Hautamäki. The project aims to use longitudinal study to assess the development of pupils’ skills in learning to learn. The target group of this study consisted all Finnish speaking ninth graders of a municipality in Southern Finland. There were in total 1534 pupils, of which 809 were girls and 725 boys. The assessment of learning to learn skills was performed about ninth graders in spring 2004. “Opiopi” test material was used in the assessment, consisting of cognitive tests and questions measuring beliefs. At the same time, pupils’ background information was collected together with their self-reported average grade of all school subjects. During spring 2009, the pupils’ joint application data from years 2004 and 2005 was collected from the Finnish joint application registers. The data were analyzed using quantitative methods assisted by the SPSS for Windows computer software. Analysis was conducted through statistical indices, differences in grade averages, multilevel model, multivariate analysis of variance, and logistic regression analysis. Based on earlier research, dropouts were defined as pupils that had not been admitted to or had not applied to second degree education under the joint application system. Using this definition, 157 students in the target group were classified as dropouts (10 % of the target group): 88 girls and 69 boys. The study showed that the school does not affect the drop-out risk but the school class explains 7,5 % of variation in dropout risk. Among girls, dropping out is predicted by a poor average grade, a lack of beliefs supporting learning, and an unrealistic primary choice in joint application system compared to one’s success in school. Among boys, a poor average grade, unrealistic choices in joint application system, and the belief of parent’s low appreciation of education were related to dropout risk. Keywords educational exclusion, school dropout, success in school, comprehensive school, learning to learn


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In this research the technical functionality, quality and demands made on endurance runners` running suits in winter conditions were studied. The aim was also to find out how smart clothing and wearable technology are adopted in endurance runners` practise. Referring to previous studies the subject was approached in the theoretical part by studying the profile of endurance running, sports wear and the technology to wear as well as the smart clothing from the point of view of endurance running. The basis of subject was the interest of smart materials and the connection between technical structures and functionality. In the science of handicrafts smart clothing is rarely researched which made it even more interesting for the author. This research was carried out by the principles of the usability research. Usability means the suitability of product to its intended meaning. In the research both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Researched persons were active competitive long-distance runners and also the long-distance runners doing it as a hobby, 35 male and 12 female runners. User information was gathered by the internet forms which mainly was based on the multiple choices but also included few open questions. Gathered information was considered by using both quantitative and content analysing methods. The functional long-distance running practice suit in winter conditions consisted of layered look which considered the possibilities of functional and smart materials. The Practise suit was humid transformable, easy care and light also comfortable to wear. These suits were hoped to be more functional than the current ones. The future running suit was described to not to feel or notice during running. It will not be too tight or sweltering. The functional abilities of clothing materials were believed to be developed further more. Even if the new technical materials are adopted for the running suits the technology to wear is not even though half of the researched runners used pulse indicators. The runners hoped the technology to wear to change more invisible and easier to use. Some of the runners wished the technology to wear to be integrated straight to the clothes which would reduce the number of devices carried with while running. The rare use of Polar Adidas AdiStar Fusion practise system and some other similar systems for endurance running was surprising. According to the results the smart clothing would not make a big brake through in the near future. In the point of view of the researched persons developing of clothing materials was a good and necessary thing, but integrating too much technology to the hobby smears the main purpose of sports and focuses wrongly on the metres and others minors .


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella neulonnan harrastamista: etsiä yhteyksiä perinteeseen, kartoittaa nykytilannetta ja hahmotella mahdollisia tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Tutkimuksen avulla haettiin vastausta neulontaharrastuksen viriämiseen liittyviin tekijöihin, harrastuksen ilmenemiseen ja neulonnan merkitykseen harrastajalle. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaan neulontaa tarkasteltiin harrastuksena, käsityön osa-alueena jaopittuna taitona. Lisäksi neulonnan merkitystä harrastajalle lähestyttiin kartoittamalla merkitystentaustalla olevia arvoja ja asenteita. Tutkimuksen suoritustavaksi valittiin kyselylomakkeen avulla toteutettava kvantitatiivinen menetelmä, jota täydennettiin tulosten tulkinnassa käytetyllä kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella. Kyselylomakkeeseen sijoitettiin monivalintakysymysten ja väittämien lisäksi laajempi neulonnan merkitystä kartoittava avoin kysymys. Tavoitteena oli saada mahdollisimman laaja kuva neulonnan harrastamisesta Suomessa. Tutkimuksen yhteistyökumppaneiksi lupautuivat Helsingin villakehräämö ja Novita Neuleet -lehti, joiden avulla pystyttiin tavoittamaan neulonnan harrastajia ympäri Suomea. Tutkimus suoritettiin postikyselynä, joka lähetettiin Novita Neuleet -lehden tilaajille ja samansuuruiselle ryhmälle oletettuja neulonnan harrastajia. Otoksen koko oli 603 henkilöä, joista 325 palauttitäytetyn lomakkeen määräaikaan mennessä. Vastausten palautumisprosentti oli 54%. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmaa, jonka avulla aineistosta laadittiin frekvenssi- ja prosenttijakaumat sekä tarvittavat tunnusluvut. Ryhmien välisiä eroja testattiin ristiintaulukoinneilla ja tilastollisilla testeillä. Neulonnan arvostusta ja merkitystä kuvaavista väittämistä laadittiin faktorianalyysi mahdollisten neulojatyyppien muodostamista varten. Neulonnan merkitystä harrastajalle tulkittiin sisällön erittelyllä sekä olemustyyppianalyysiä soveltamalla. Tulosten perusteella neulontaharrastuksen viriämiseen liittyivät keskeisesti suvun ja perinteen merkitys, tarpeet ja koulukokemukset. Neulontaa harrastettiin paljon, sillä vastaajista 99% neuloi käsin vähintään yhden työn vuodessa. Eniten neulottiin villapaitoja (82%). Tilastollisesti Novita Neuleet -lehden tilaajat neuloivat vertailuryhmää enemmän. Neulonnan merkityksissä harrastajalle korostettiin hyödyllistä ajankäyttöä, rentoutumista, luovuutta ja itsensä ilmaisua. Neuleen valmiiksi saaminen tuotti mielihyvää, joka ilmeni antamisen ilona, haasteiden voittamisena ja onnistumisen kokemuksina. Harrastajien toimintaa kuvaamaan muodostettiin kaksi neulojatyyppiä: elämäntapa- ja tarveneulojat. Elämäntapaneulojilla on aina jokin neuletyö meneillään, kun taas tarveneulojat ryhtyvät neulomaan tarvitessaan esimerkiksi neulevaatteen tai käsilleen tekemistä. Villapaidoista voi saada elämänlankaa, sillä neulonnan todettiin tuovan harrastajan elämään sisältöä. Neulontaa pidettiin tulevaisuudessakin tarvittavana käsityötaitona, jonka haluttiin säilyvän tuleville sukupolville.


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In this thesis, taking place within the clothing industry of Finland, the impact of the globalisation of the economy on the pattern maker s job was studied and the present day fields of know-how of the job were found out. The thesis answers the questions, what are the characteristics of the patternmaker s job nowadays, and what areas of the know-how in the patternmaker s job form the core know-how, which is repeated in every organisation. Earlier studies of the subject do not exist in Finland. Similar studies have been made in USA (Staples 1993) and in Estonia (2002). Patternmakers who took part in this study were located in the Finnish clothing companies manufacturing or having clothes manufactured in series production, like clothing industry or chain of stores. A methodical triangulation was used in the thesis. In a phenomenological research of experience seven patternmakers were interviewed and in a quantitative research 26 patternmakers filled in a structured questionnaire. The phenomenological analysis has 2 parts. In the first phase using the professional background of the patternmakers, the historical development of the clothing industry for the last 40 years was described. In the second phase of the phenomenological analysis the description of the patternmaker s job was created based on the organisational strategy of the companies nowadays. The analysis of quantitative research material was performed by one-dimensional study of variables, where the variations in the amounts of variables lead to proportional conclusions. As a result of the structured questionnaire, the core know-how of the patternmaker was pointed out. In the thesis, the concept of situationality was used to describe the continuous change in the clothing industry. This explains the continuous requirement of patternmakers commitment to the time and location. The researcher has a background of a patternmaker and she works as a specialist instructor. With the thesis the researcher updates her professional competence. The analysis of the patternmaker s job can be used to update the content of patternmakers education in the vocational schools.


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Knowledge of healthy food does not move alone our food choice. One also needs a piece of tongue evidence that food tastes good. Way to eat is part of our lifestyle. It is important to eat same foods with one`s friend. Aims: The overall aim of this study was to find out how youngsters themselves feel and sense of the school lunch, both food and whole lunch situation. This study has three specific research problems. The research problems are: 1. How the youngsters sense their school lunch events? 2. How the youngsters experience the physical conditions of their school lunch events? 3. How the youngsters think their lunch events could be changed? Methods: The data is collected in spring 2009 from two secondary school at the Kaarina city. The respondents were ninth grader. They were studying optional home economics classes. The number of respondents was 28 pupils. The respondents wrote a story, describing what kind of their school lunch situation should be. The story was based on youngsters own vision of school lunch situations. In this study the material is collected by the narrative method and the stories were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: According to the results these youngsters wanted their lunch to be more cosier and also more quiet. School lunches should be the moment when they can eat in peace and at the same talk with their friends in the pleasant surroundings. The food selection should be more varied, including both salad and main food as well as bread.


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Participation and social modes of thinking - An intervention study on the development of collaborative learning in two primary school small groups This study explores the thinking together -intervention programme in three primary school classes. The object of the intervention was to teach pupils to use exploratory talk in small group collaboratory learning. Exploratory talk is a type of talk in which joint reasoning is made explicit. Research has shown that exploratory talk can improve mathematics and science learning, argumentative skills and competence in reasoning tests. The object of this study was to investigate the theory of social modes of thinking which the intervention program is based on. I tried to find out how the thinking together -intervention programme suits the Finnish context. Therefore my study is part of an international research project of interventions that have been implemented for example in Great-Britain and in Mexico. One essential drawback in former research made on thinking together -approach is that the nature of participation has not been studied properly. In this study I also examine how the nature of participation develops in small groups. In addition to that I aim to develope a theoretical framework which includes both the perspectives of the social modes of thinking and the nature of participation. The perspective of this study is sociocultural. The research material consists of video recordings of collaborative learning tasks of two small groups. In groups there were pupils of age groups 9 - 11. I study the nature of participation using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative methods include for example IR-analysis method and counting of turns at talk and words. I also use qualitative content analysis to analyze both the nature of participation and social modes of thinking. As a result of my study I found out that the interaction of the other group was leadership based and in the other group the interaction was without leadership relations. In both groups the participation was quantitatively more symmetrical in the end of the intervention. In the group in which the interaction was leadership based the participation of the pupils was more symmetrical. Exploratory talk was found more in the group without leadership relations, but in both groups the amount of exploratory talk was increased during the intervention. Leadership based interaction was further divided into interaction of alienating and inclusive leadership according to how symmetrical the participation was in the dialogue. Exploratory talk was found only when the leadership was inclusive or the interaction was without leadership relations. The main result of the study was that the exploratory talk was further divided into four subcategories according to the nature of participation. In open and inclusive exploratory talk all group members participated initiatively and their initiatives were responded by others. In closed and uneven exploratory talk some group members couldn't participate properly. Therefore it cannot be said that exploratory talk guarantees symmetrical participation. The nature of participation must be investigated separately.


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This study highlights the formation of an artifact designed to mediate exploratory collaboration. The data for this study was collected during a Finnish adaptation of the thinking together approach. The aim of the approach is to teach pulps how to engage in educationally beneficial form of joint discussion, namely exploratory talk. At the heart of the approach lies a set of conversational ground rules aimed to promote the use of exploratory talk. The theoretical framework of the study is based on a sociocultural perspective on learning. A central argument in the framework is that physical and psychological tools play a crucial role in human action and learning. With the help of tools humans can escape the direct stimulus of the outside world and learn to control ourselves by using tools. During the implementation of the approach, the classroom community negotiates a set of six rules, which this study conceptualizes as an artifact that mediates exploratory collaboration. Prior research done about the thinking together approach has not extensively researched the formation of the rules, which give ample reason to conduct this study. The specific research questions asked were: What kind of negotiation trajectories did the ground rules form during the intervention? What meanings were negotiated for the ground rules during the intervention The methodological framework of the study is based on discourse analysis, which has been specified by adapting the social construction of intertextuality to analyze the meanings negotiated for the created rules. The study has town units of analysis: thematic episode and negotiation trajectory. A thematic episode is a stretch of talk-in-interaction where the participants talk about a certain ground rule or a theme relating to it. A negotiation trajectory is a chronological representation of the negotiation process of a certain ground rule during the intervention and is constructed of thematic episodes. Thematic episodes were analyzed with the adapted intertextuality analysis. A contrastive analysis was done on the trajectories. Lastly, the meanings negotiated for the created rules were compared to the guidelines provided by the approach. The main result of the study is the observation, that the meanings of the created rules were more aligned with the ground rules of cumulative talk, rather than exploratory talk. Although meanings relating also to exploratory talk were negotiated, they clearly were not the dominant form. In addition, the study observed that the trajectories of the rules were non identical. Despite connecting dimensions (symmetry, composition, continuity and explicitness) none of the trajectories shared exactly the same features as the others.


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The aim of the study was to find out what kind of view on product quality dressmaker and customer have, how the views differ from each other and how the difference affects dressmaker s work as an entrepreneur. The research data consists of eight thematic interviews: four dressmakers and four customers were interviewed for the study. In the core of customised dressmaking is arelationship between a maker and a client. The product of a dressmaker, a unique dress, is created in an immediate interaction between a dressmaker and a client. Also the quality of a unique dress derives from this interaction. In the results of this study, the views on quality are linked with six themes: dress, process, dressmaker, customer, interaction and enterprise. The dressmakers and the customers agree that the quality of a custom-made dress is based on unique fit. Describing the process the dressmakers insist on the quality of manufacturing. The clients' view on process insists on those phases where they themselves take part: designing and fitting. The personality of the dressmaker is part of quality in both the dressmakers' and the customers' points of view. The dressmakers and the customers are also aware of the customers impact on fulfilling the expectations. The immediate interaction between dressmaker and customer is a key to the unique dressmaking. At its best the interaction is followed by a trusting relationship. Entrustment derives also from a good reputation, which is essential in dressmaker-entrepreneurs marketing strategy. The dressmakers views on quality are product- and manufacturing-based. According to the results of the study there can be seen different types of dressmakers, that emphasise different aspects of quality. At the other end is a manufacturing-based, even transcendent view on quality, which rests on the values of the dressmaker. At the other end lies a customer- and value-based approach, which is founded on fulfilling the expectations and needs of the customer. In their views on quality the customers emphasise the immediate interaction between dressmaker and client. Keywords: quality, dressmaker, customer, entrepreneur


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa ja kehittää modernia opiskeluympäristöä hyödyntävää kirjallisuuspiiritoimintaa ja sitä kautta edistää oppilaiden mahdollisuuksia osallistua elämyksellistä lukemista painottavaan kirjallisuuspiiriin sekä vahvistaa heidän kiinnostustaan tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöön. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin lukuvuonna 1997 1998 kyselyin ja haastatteluin sekä observoimalla lähiopetustilanteita ja virtuaaliryhmien sähköpostiviestintää. Lisäksi käytettiin valmiita dokumentteja ja asiakirjoja. Tutkimusjoukkona oli Matildaan osallistuneet 4.-6. luokan oppilaat kuudelta Espoon ala-asteelta sekä neljä tutoria, koordinaattori ja joitakin luokanopettajia Matilda-kouluista. Tutkimusongelmat suuntautuivat pääasiassa matildalaisten kokemuksiin opiskelusta modernissa opiskeluympäristössä, suhteesta tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaan sekä siihen, mitä uutta lukemiseen ja kirjallisuuteen liittyvää he kertoivat oppineensa ja kokeneensa. Koska tutkimuskohteen kaltaisia kokeiluita, joissa yhdistyy kirjallisuuspiiritoiminta ja moderni tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, ei ainakaan Suomessa ole aikaisemmin ollut, päädyttiin tutkimusmetodologian valinnassa kvalitatiiviseen otteeseen. Tutkimusote noudatti tapaustutkimuksen ja kehittämistutkimuksen periaatteita. Vaikka tutkimus oli menetelmältään kvalitatiivinen, aineistoa käsiteltiin myös kvantifioiden, mutta yleistyksiä tehtiin ainoastaan tapauksen suuntaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että opiskelu oli oppilaille positiivinen kokemus. He pitivät erityisesti etäopiskelun itsenäisestä työskentelystä ja lähiopetuspäivistä. Heidän suhtautumisensa tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaan muuttui positiivisemmaksi ja heidän taitonsa tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttäjinä kehittyivät. Oppilaat saivat positiivisia lukukokemuksia, heidän lukualueensa laajeni ja osa heistä kertoi lukutyylinsä muutoksista ja syvenemisestä. Oppilaat kokivat ongelmallisimmaksi hankkeen sekavan tutorointi-systeemin, kiireisen aikataulun sekä tietokoneisiin ja -verkkoon liittyvät ongelmat. kirjallisuuspiiri, kolmilukutaito, lukutaito, kirjallisuus, lukeminen, elämyksellinenlukeminen, kirjallisuudenopetus, moderni opiskeluympäristö, avoin ja joustava opiskeluympäristö, telematiikka, tieto- ja viestintätekniikka reading circle, teaching of literature, tri-literacy, literacy, reading, literature, aestheticreading, modern learning enviroment, open anf flexible learning enviroment, telematics, modern information technology


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A child learns new things, creates social relationships and participates in play with the help of language. How can a child overcome these challenges if the surrounding language is not his mother tongue? The objective of learning a new language in the Pre-school education is an active bilingualism in all fields of the language. Theoretical context of the research rises from bilingualism, learning a language, language skills and evaluating them. Object of the research was to understand language skills of a child from a different linguistic and cultural background in the final stage of Pre-school education and to clarify how learning Finnish was supported during the Pre-school year. Answers to the research issues will be searched with the following questions: 1) What kind of language skills does a child from a different linguistic and cultural backgrounds have at the final stage of Pre-school education?, 1.1) What kind of listening comprehension skills?, 1.2) What kind of speech and vocabulary skills?, 1.3) What kind of structural skills?, 2) What kind of individual differences are there in language skills of children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds?, and 3) How has a child from a different linguistic and cultural background been supported in learning Finnish during the Pre-school education? The view of language skills in this research is holistic even though it will be analysed in separate fields. The aim of this research is to form an overall impression of Finnish skills of the children participating in the research. Eight Pre-school-aged children with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and their kindergarten teachers participated in this research. The children had taken part in Finnish activities for about three years. The research material consists of the test series (KITA), which evaluate children’s language skills – and of the questionnaire to the kindergarten teachers. The purpose of the questionnaire was to provide additional information on children’s language skills in Pre-school teaching situations and on supporting Finnish in Pre-school education. This research is qualitative and processing of the material is based on content analysis. According to the kindergarten teachers, the children’s social language skills were sufficient to cope in everyday life but children needed assistance with longer instructions. The same phenomenon could also be seen with the KITA tests – in which long and abstract instructions turned out to be difficult. Individual differences of the children were perceived in productivity skills, which were realised in fluent or influent speech. The children were supported in learning Finnish individually, in small-groups and in the activities of a whole group. ‘Finnish as the second language’ small-groups were the most common form of support in learning the language. The support at understanding activities was emphasized in whole group situations as well as in individual situations while assisting the child’s language skills. Generally, the children’s language skills were in the same level with developing basic language skills. The data of this research help to understand children’s language skills after three years of adopting Finnish. The results can be utilised in planning and evaluation of teaching another language.