34 resultados para fungal structures


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The first aim of this thesis was to explore the structural characteristics of near-natural forests and to quantify how human utilization has changed them. For this, we examined the stand characteristics in Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst-dominated old-growth stands in northwestern Russia and in old Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L.-dominated stands in three regions from southern Finland to northwestern Russia. In the second study, we also compared stands with different degrees of human impact, from near-natural stands and stands selectively cut in the past to managed stands. Secondly, we used an experimental approach to study the short-term effects of different restorative treatments on forest structure and regeneration in managed Picea abies stands in southern Finland. Restorative treatments consisted of a partial cut combined with three levels of coarse woody debris retention, and a fire/no-fire treatment. In addition, we examined burned and unburned reference stands without cutting treatments. Results from near-natural Picea abies forests emphasize the dynamic character of old-growth forests, the variety of late-successional forest structures, and the fact that extended time periods are needed to attain certain late-successional stages with specific structural and habitat attributes, such as large-diameter deciduous trees and a variety of deadwood. The results from old Pinus sylvestris-dominated forests showed that human impact in the form of forest utilization and fire exclusion has strongly modified and reduced the structural complexity of stands. Consequently, small protected forest fragments in Finland may not serve as valid natural reference areas for forest restoration. However, results from the restoration experiment showed that early-successional natural stand characteristics can be restored to structurally impoverished managed Picea abies stands, despite a significant portion of wood volume being harvested. A variety of restoration methods is needed, due to differences in the condition of the forest when restoration is initiated and the variety of successional stages of forest structures after anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Keywords: dead wood, disturbance dynamic, fire, near-natural stand, rehabilitation, succession


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Sprouting of fast-growing broad-leaved trees causes problems in young coniferous stands, under power transmission lines and along roads and railways. Public opinion and the Finnish Forest Certification System oppose the use of chemical herbicides to control sprouting, which means that most areas with problems rely on mechanical cutting. However, cutting is a poor control method for many broad-leaved species because the removal of leaders can stimulate the sprouting of side branches and cut stumps quickly re-sprout. In order to be effective, cutting must be carried out frequently but each cut increases the costs, making this control method increasingly difficult and expensive once begun. As such, alternative methods for sprout control that are both effective and environmentally sound represent a continuing challenge to managers and research biologists. Using biological control agents to prevent sprouting has been given serious consideration recently. Dutch and Canadian researchers have demonstrated the potential of the white-rot fungus Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar as a control agent of stump sprouting in many hardwoods. These findings have focused the attention of the Finnish forestry community on the utilization of C. purpureum for biocontrol purposes. Primarily, this study sought determines the efficacy of native C. purpureum as an inhibitor of birch stump sprouting in Finland and to clarify its mode of action. Additionally, genotypic variation in Finnish C. purpureum was examined and the environmental risks posed by a biocontrol program using this fungus were assessed. Experimental results of the study demonstrated that C. purpureum clearly affects the sprouting of birch: both the frequency of living stumps and the number of living sprouts per stump were effectively reduced by the treatment. However, the treatment had no effect on the maximum height of new sprouts. There were clear differences among fungal isolates in preventing sprouting and those that possessed high oxidative activities as measured in the laboratory inhibited sprouting most efficiently in the field. The most effective treatment time during the growing season was in early and mid summer (May July). Genetic diversity in Nordic and Baltic populations of C. purpureum was found to be high at the regional scale but locally homogeneous. This natural distribution of diversity means that using local genotypes in biocontrol programs would effectively prevent the introduction of novel genes or genotypes. While a biocontrol program using local strains of C. purpureum would be environmentally neutral, pruned birches that are close to the treatment site would have a high susceptibility to infect by the fungus during the early spring.


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Valko- ja ruskolahosienet tunnetaan luonnossa tehokkaimpina puun ja karikkeen lignoselluloosan lahottajina. Valkolahosienet pystyvät hajottamaan kaikkia puun osia: ligniiniä, selluloosaa ja hemiselluloosaa. Selektiivisesti ligniiniä hajottavat sienet lahottavat puusta suhteessa enemmän vaikeasti hajoavaa ligniiniä kuin selluloosaa tai hemiselluloosaa, jolloin jäljelle jää valkoista ja miltei puhdasta selluloosaa. Bioteknisissä sovelluksissa juuri selektiviiviset valkolahottajat ovat kiinnostavia. Niiden avulla voidaan puuhaketta esikäsitellä esimerkiksi paperinvalmistuksessa haitallisen ligniinin poistamiseksi. Ruskolahosienet ovat huomattavia puun, puutavaran ja puisten rakenteiden lahottajia, kuten tässä työssä käytetty Gloeophyllum trabeum (saunasieni ) ja Poria (Postia) placenta (istukkakääpä). Ruskolahosienet hajottavat puusta hemiselluloosan lisäksi selluloosaa, jolloin jää jäljelle ruskea ja jauhomaiseksi mureneva ligniini. Ruskolahosienet muovaavat ligniiniä jonkin verran. Kahden ruskolahosienen G. trabeumin ja P. placentan lisäksi tutkittiin valkolahosieniä, joista Ceriporiopsis subvermispora (karstakääpä) ja harvinainen Physisporinus rivulosus -sieni (talikääpä) hajottavat ligniiniä erittäin selektiivisesti. Phanerochaete chrysosporium on kaikkialla paljon tutkittu sieni, ja Phlebia radiata valkolahosientä (rusorypykkä) on tutkittu paljon mikrobiologian osastolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin Phlebia tremellosa -sienten (hytyrypykkä) ligninolyyttisten entsyymien tuottoa ja 14C-leimatun synteettisen ligniinin (DHP) hajotusta. P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienten on todettu aiemmin hajottavan ligniiniä selektiivisesti. Työssä selvitettiin miten sienten kasvua voi mitata, miten vertailukelpoisia eri mittaamismenetelmillä saadut tulokset ovat ja ilmenevätkö sienten aktiivisimmat kasvuvaiheet samaan aikaan eri menetelmillä mitattuna. Tärkeimmät tulokset olivat seuraavat havainnot: (i) P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienikannat tuottivat ligniini- ja mangaaniperoksidaasientsyymejä (LiP ja MnP) sekä lakkaasia, ja sienistä puhdistettiin 2-3 LiP- ja P. radiatasta yksi MnP-entsyymi; (ii) P. tremellosa -sienet hajottivat leimattua synteettistä ligniiniä (DHP) yhtä hyvin kuin paljon tutkitut P. chrysosporium ja P. radiata -sienet; (iii) puu, sienen luonnollinen kasvualusta, lisäsi valkolaho- ja ruskolahosienten demetoksylaatiota [O14CH3]-leimatusta ligniinin malliyhdisteestä 14CO2:ksi ilman puuta olleeseen alustaan verrattuna; (iv) demetoksylaatio (14CO2:n tuotto) oli normaalissa ilma-atmosfäärissä useimmiten parempi happeen verrattuna; (v) hapessa paras 14CO2:n tuotto saatiin puupalakasvatuksissa, joihin oli lisätty ravinnetyppeä tai typen lisäksi glukoosia sekä valkolaho- että ruskolahosienillä; (vi) ilmassa 14CO2:n tuotto oli puulla voimakkainta valkolahosienillä ilman lisäravinteita, kun taas G. trabeum -sienellä se oli yhtä hyvä eri alustoissa; (vii) biomassan muodostuminen rihmastojen ergosterolipitoisuuksista mitattuna oli ruskolahosienillä parempi kuin valkolahosienillä; (viii) ja biomassojen huippupitoisuudet olivat 6:lla sienellä eri suuruisia ja niiden maksimimäärien ajankohdat vaihtelivat viiden viikon kasvatusten kuluessa. Mikrobiologian osastolla Viikissä eristetty ja paljon tutkittu P. radiata -valkolahosieni oli mukana kaikissa tehdyissä kokeissa. Sienen LiP-aktiivisuus ja 14CO2:n tuotto 14C-rengas-leimatusta synteettisestä ligniinistä (DHP) korreloivat erittäin hyvin. Biomassan muodostuminen ergosterolilla määritettynä tuki hyvin entsyymiaktiivisuusmittauksilla ja isotooppikasvatuksilla saatuja tuloksia.


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We report here the structures and properties of heat-stable, non-protein, and mammalian cell-toxic compounds produced by spore-forming bacilli isolated from indoor air of buildings and from food. Little information is available on the effects and occurrence of heat-stable non-protein toxins produced by bacilli in moisture-damaged buildings. Bacilli emit spores that move in the air and can serve as the carriers of toxins, in a manner similar to that of the spores of toxic fungi found in contaminated indoor air. Bacillus spores in food cause problems because they tolerate the temperatures applied in food manufacture and the spores later initiate growth when food storage conditions are more favorable. Detection of the toxic compounds in Bacillus is based on using the change in mobility of boar spermatozoa as an indicator of toxic exposure. GC, LC, MS, and nuclear magnetic resonance NMR spectroscopy were used for purification, detection, quantitation, and analysis of the properties and structures of the compounds. Toxicity and the mechanisms of toxicity of the compounds were studied using boar spermatozoa, feline lung cells, human neural cells, and mitochondria isolated from rat liver. The ionophoric properties were studied using the BLM (black-lipid membrane) method. One novel toxin, forming ion channels permeant to K+ > Na+ > Ca2+, was found and named amylosin. It is produced by B. amyloliquefaciens isolated from indoor air of moisture-damaged buildings. Amylosin was purified with an RP-HPLC and a monoisotopic mass of 1197 Da was determined with ESI-IT-MS. Furthermore, acid hydrolysis of amylosin followed by analysis of the amino acids with the GS-MS showed that it was a peptide. The presence of a chromophoric polyene group was found using a NMR spectroscopy. The quantification method developed for amylosin based on RP-HPLC-UV, using the macrolactone polyene, amphotericin B (MW 924), as a reference compound. The B. licheniformis strains isolated from a food poisoning case produced a lipopeptide, lichenysin A, that ruptured mammalian cell membranes and was purified with a LC. Lichenysin A was identified by its protonated molecules and sodium- and potassium- cationized molecules with MALDI-TOF-MS. Its protonated forms were observed at m/z 1007, 1021 and 1035. The amino acids of lichenysin A were analyzed with ESI-TQ-MS/MS and, after acid hydrolysis, the stereoisomeric forms of the amino acids with RP-HPLC. The indoor air isolates of the strain of B. amyloliquefaciens produced not only amylosin but also lipopeptides: the cell membrane-damaging surfactin and the fungicidal fengycin. They were identified with ESI-IT-MS observing their protonated molecules, the sodium- and potassium-cationized molecules and analysing the MS/MS spectra. The protonated molecules of surfactin and fengycin showed m/z values of 1009, 1023, and 1037 and 1450, 1463, 1493, and 1506, respectively. Cereulide (MW 1152) was purified with RP-HPLC from a food poisoning strain of B. cereus. Cereulide was identified with ESI-TQ-MS according to the protonated molecule observed at m/z 1154 and the ammonium-, sodium- and potassium-cationized molecules observed at m/z 1171, 1176, and 1192, respectively. The fragment ions of the MS/MS spectrum obtained from the protonated molecule of cereulide at m/z 1154 were also interpreted. We developed a quantification method for cereulide, using RP-HPLC-UV and valinomycin (MW 1110, which structurally resembles cereulide) as the reference compound. Furthermore, we showed empirically, using the BLM method, that the emetic toxin cereulide is a specific and effective potassium ionophore of whose toxicity target is especially the mitochondria.


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Advancements in the analysis techniques have led to a rapid accumulation of biological data in databases. Such data often are in the form of sequences of observations, examples including DNA sequences and amino acid sequences of proteins. The scale and quality of the data give promises of answering various biologically relevant questions in more detail than what has been possible before. For example, one may wish to identify areas in an amino acid sequence, which are important for the function of the corresponding protein, or investigate how characteristics on the level of DNA sequence affect the adaptation of a bacterial species to its environment. Many of the interesting questions are intimately associated with the understanding of the evolutionary relationships among the items under consideration. The aim of this work is to develop novel statistical models and computational techniques to meet with the challenge of deriving meaning from the increasing amounts of data. Our main concern is on modeling the evolutionary relationships based on the observed molecular data. We operate within a Bayesian statistical framework, which allows a probabilistic quantification of the uncertainties related to a particular solution. As the basis of our modeling approach we utilize a partition model, which is used to describe the structure of data by appropriately dividing the data items into clusters of related items. Generalizations and modifications of the partition model are developed and applied to various problems. Large-scale data sets provide also a computational challenge. The models used to describe the data must be realistic enough to capture the essential features of the current modeling task but, at the same time, simple enough to make it possible to carry out the inference in practice. The partition model fulfills these two requirements. The problem-specific features can be taken into account by modifying the prior probability distributions of the model parameters. The computational efficiency stems from the ability to integrate out the parameters of the partition model analytically, which enables the use of efficient stochastic search algorithms.


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The importance of supercontinents in our understanding of the geological evolution of the planet Earth has been recently emphasized. The role of paleomagnetism in reconstructing lithospheric blocks in their ancient paleopositions is vital. Paleomagnetism is the only quantitative tool for providing ancient latitudes and azimuthal orientations of continents. It also yields information of content of the geomagnetic field in the past. In order to obtain a continuous record on the positions of continents, dated intrusive rocks are required in temporal progression. This is not always possible due to pulse-like occurrences of dykes. In this work we demonstrate that studies of meteorite impact-related rocks may fill some gaps in the paleomagnetic record. This dissertation is based on paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data obtained from samples of the Jänisjärvi impact structure (Russian Karelia, most recent 40Ar-39Ar age of 682 Ma), the Salla diabase dyke (North Finland, U-Pb 1122 Ma), the Valaam monzodioritic sill (Russian Karelia, U-Pb 1458 Ma), and the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa, 2023 Ma). The paleomagnetic study of Jänisjärvi samples was made in order to obtain a pole for Baltica, which lacks paleomagnetic data from 750 to ca. 600 Ma. The position of Baltica at ca. 700 Ma is relevant in order to verify whether the supercontinent Rodinia was already fragmented. The paleomagnetic study of the Salla dyke was conducted to examine the position of Baltica at the onset of supercontinent Rodinia's formation. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) from Salla dyke provides hints that the Mesoproterozoic Baltica - Laurentia unity in the Hudsonland (Columbia, Nuna) supercontinent assembly may have lasted until 1.12 Ga. Moreover, the new VGP of Salla dyke provides new constraint on the timing of the rotation of Baltica relative to Laurentia (e.g. Gower et al., 1990). A paleomagnetic study of the Valaam sill was carried out in order to shed light into the question of existence of Baltica-Laurentia unity in the supercontinent Hudsonland. Combined with results from dyke complex of the Lake Ladoga region (Schehrbakova et al., 2008) a new robust paleomagnetic pole for Baltica is obtained. This pole places Baltica on a latitude of 10°. This low latitude location is supported also by Mesoproterozoic 1.5 1.3 Ga red-bed sedimentation (for example the Satakunta sandstone). The Vredefort impactite samples provide a well dated (2.02 Ga) pole for the Kaapvaal Craton. Rock magnetic data reveal unusually high Koenigsberger ratios (Q values) in all studied lithologies of the Vredefort dome. The high Q values are now first time also seen in samples from the Johannesburg Dome (ca. 120 km away) where there is no impact evidence. Thus, a direct causative link of high Q values to the Vredefort impact event can be ruled out.


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This thesis studies homogeneous classes of complete metric spaces. Over the past few decades model theory has been extended to cover a variety of nonelementary frameworks. Shelah introduced the abstact elementary classes (AEC) in the 1980s as a common framework for the study of nonelementary classes. Another direction of extension has been the development of model theory for metric structures. This thesis takes a step in the direction of combining these two by introducing an AEC-like setting for studying metric structures. To find balance between generality and the possibility to develop stability theoretic tools, we work in a homogeneous context, thus extending the usual compact approach. The homogeneous context enables the application of stability theoretic tools developed in discrete homogeneous model theory. Using these we prove categoricity transfer theorems for homogeneous metric structures with respect to isometric isomorphisms. We also show how generalized isomorphisms can be added to the class, giving a model theoretic approach to, e.g., Banach space isomorphisms or operator approximations. The novelty is the built-in treatment of these generalized isomorphisms making, e.g., stability up to perturbation the natural stability notion. With respect to these generalized isomorphisms we develop a notion of independence. It behaves well already for structures which are omega-stable up to perturbation and coincides with the one from classical homogeneous model theory over saturated enough models. We also introduce a notion of isolation and prove dominance for it.


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In cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells), coupling of electric signal known as the action potential to contraction of the heart depends crucially on calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in a microdomain known as the dyad. During CICR, the peak number of free calcium ions (Ca) present in the dyad is small, typically estimated to be within range 1-100. Since the free Ca ions mediate CICR, noise in Ca signaling due to the small number of free calcium ions influences Excitation-Contraction (EC) coupling gain. Noise in Ca signaling is only one noise type influencing cardiac myocytes, e.g., ion channels playing a central role in action potential propagation are stochastic machines, each of which gates more or less randomly, which produces gating noise present in membrane currents. How various noise sources influence macroscopic properties of a myocyte, how noise is attenuated and taken advantage of are largely open questions. In this thesis, the impact of noise on CICR, EC coupling and, more generally, macroscopic properties of a cardiac myocyte is investigated at multiple levels of detail using mathematical models. Complementarily to the investigation of the impact of noise on CICR, computationally-efficient yet spatially-detailed models of CICR are developed. The results of this thesis show that (1) gating noise due to the high-activity mode of L-type calcium channels playing a major role in CICR may induce early after-depolarizations associated with polymorphic tachycardia, which is a frequent precursor to sudden cardiac death in heart failure patients; (2) an increased level of voltage noise typically increases action potential duration and it skews distribution of action potential durations toward long durations in cardiac myocytes; and that (3) while a small number of Ca ions mediate CICR, Excitation-Contraction coupling is robust against this noise source, partly due to the shape of ryanodine receptor protein structures present in the cardiac dyad.


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Many problems in analysis have been solved using the theory of Hodge structures. P. Deligne started to treat these structures in a categorical way. Following him, we introduce the categories of mixed real and complex Hodge structures. Category of mixed Hodge structures over the field of real or complex numbers is a rigid abelian tensor category, and in fact, a neutral Tannakian category. Therefore it is equivalent to the category of representations of an affine group scheme. The direct sums of pure Hodge structures of different weights over real or complex numbers can be realized as a representation of the torus group, whose complex points is the Cartesian product of two punctured complex planes. Mixed Hodge structures turn out to consist of information of a direct sum of pure Hodge structures of different weights and a nilpotent automorphism. Therefore mixed Hodge structures correspond to the representations of certain semidirect product of a nilpotent group and the torus group acting on it.


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Segmentation is a data mining technique yielding simplified representations of sequences of ordered points. A sequence is divided into some number of homogeneous blocks, and all points within a segment are described by a single value. The focus in this thesis is on piecewise-constant segments, where the most likely description for each segment and the most likely segmentation into some number of blocks can be computed efficiently. Representing sequences as segmentations is useful in, e.g., storage and indexing tasks in sequence databases, and segmentation can be used as a tool in learning about the structure of a given sequence. The discussion in this thesis begins with basic questions related to segmentation analysis, such as choosing the number of segments, and evaluating the obtained segmentations. Standard model selection techniques are shown to perform well for the sequence segmentation task. Segmentation evaluation is proposed with respect to a known segmentation structure. Applying segmentation on certain features of a sequence is shown to yield segmentations that are significantly close to the known underlying structure. Two extensions to the basic segmentation framework are introduced: unimodal segmentation and basis segmentation. The former is concerned with segmentations where the segment descriptions first increase and then decrease, and the latter with the interplay between different dimensions and segments in the sequence. These problems are formally defined and algorithms for solving them are provided and analyzed. Practical applications for segmentation techniques include time series and data stream analysis, text analysis, and biological sequence analysis. In this thesis segmentation applications are demonstrated in analyzing genomic sequences.