24 resultados para 1994-2004
The Baltic countries share public health problems typical of most Eastern European transition economies: morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases is higher than in Western European countries. This situation has many similarities compared to a neighbouring country, Finland during the late 1960s. There are reasons to expect that health disadvantage may be increasing among the less advantaged population groups in the Baltic countries. The evidence on social differences in health in the Baltic countries is, however, scattered to studies using different methodologies making comparisons difficult. This study aims to bridge the evidence gap by providing comparable standardized cross-sectional and time trend analyses to the social patterning of variation in health and two key health behaviours i.e. smoking and drinking in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland in 1994-2004 representing Eastern European transition countries and a stable Western European country. The data consisted of similar cross-sectional postal surveys conducted in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 on adult populations (aged 20 64 years) in Estonia (n=9049), Latvia (n=7685), Lithuania (n=11634) and Finland (n=18821) in connection with the Finbalt Health Monitor project. The main statistical method was logistic regression analysis. Perceived health was found to be worse among both men and women in the Baltic countries than in Finland. Poor health was associated with older age and lower education in all countries studied. Urbanization and marital status were not consistently related to health. The existing educational inequalities in health remained generally stable over time from 1994 to 2004. In the Baltic countries, however, improvement in perceived health was mainly found among the better educated men and women. Daily smoking was associated with young age, lower education and psychological distress in all countries. Among women smoking was also associated with urbanisation in all countries except Estonia. Among Lithuanian women, the educational gradient in smoking was weakest, and the overall prevalence of smoking increased over time. Drinking was generally associated with young age among men and women, and with education among women. Better educated women were more often frequent drinkers and less educated binge drinkers. The exception was that in Latvian men and women both frequent drinking and binge drinking were associated with low education. In conclusion, the Baltic countries are likely to resemble Western European countries rather than other transition societies. While health inequalities did not markedly change, substantial inequalities do remain, and there were indications of favourable developments mainly among the better educated. Pressures towards increasing health inequalities may therefore be visible in the future, which would be in accordance with the results on smoking and drinking in this study.
This is a qualitative and multimethodological comparative study, which consists of two main parts: examining the development of new media and analysing and comparing the new media strategies of the three companies studied (Alma Media, Sanoma and the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yleisradio). The study includes the first large-scale review in Finnish of the development of new media, paying attention to the birth of the Internet as well as to mobile media, web TV and any other element of new media. It also concentrates on the function of electronic distribution channels before the age of the Internet, e.g. cable text and videotext. Answers about how the three traditional Finnish media houses began spreading their content to the Internet and wireless applications in 1994–2004 are also given. In researching the new media strategies the study pays special attention to the attitudes that the three media companies adopted towards the Internet and other forms of new media in their strategies during the years in question. By analysing and comparing, e.g., the companies’ strategies and their investments, the study ascertains whether the companies had a joint functional model in adopting new media or acted totally on their own without taking too much notice of the media field overall. The study makes extensive use of previously published material. The researcher has also interviewed almost twenty people who were involved in getting the companies’ new media functions under way. The methods for the interviews were dialogue and snowball sampling. The researcher has created a classification in which he divides the business strategies into four different categories: active strategy, careful strategy, permissive strategy, and passive strategy. In comparing and analysing the companies the researcher has used the classification devised by Allan Afuah & Christopher L. Tucci. The seven element classification consists of dominant managerial logic, competency trap, fear of cannibalisation and loss of revenue, channel conflict, political power, co-opetitor power and emotional attachment. In analysing the company strategies the researcher has also noted the classifications of convergence made by Everette E. Dennis and Graham Murdock as well as the aspects formulated by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Louisa Ha concerning the success of the companies in adopting the Internet into their functions. Based on all these classifications and by further developing them the researcher analyses and compares the success of the new media strategies of the three Finnish companies. The outcome of the study is a conclusion as to what kind of strategies the companies have carried out their new media functions and how they have succeeded in it.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella sitä muutosta, jonka Yhdysvallat käy läpi suomalaisten sanomalehtien kommentoivissa teksteissä lähihistorian aikana. Tarkemmin ilmaistuna, tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, näyttäytyykö Yhdysvallat suomalaisissa sanomalehtikommenteissa pelkästään maailmanpoliittisten muutosten ja presidenttien vaihdosten valossa vai onko mukana jonkin pidempi, historiallinen tematiikka, jolla Yhdysvalloista normaalisti kirjoitetaan ja jolla presidentin linjapuhetta kommentoidaan. Tutkimuksen näkökulmana ja samalla metodologisena viitekehyksenä on diskurssianalyysin ja sosiaalisen konstruktionismin näkökulma. Tarkoituksena on tarkastella kommentoivia tekstejä, ei pelkästään sosiaalisen todellisuuden tapahtumia raportoivina tai heijastavina, vaan myös sosiaalista todellisuutta rakentavina. Koska diskurssianalyysi ei itsessään ole selkeä tai yhtenäinen analyysimenetelmä, työssä on käytetty menetelmällisenä työkaluna kriittisen lingvistiikan analyysitapaa. Tutkimusaineistoa on analysoitu erityisesti Vesa Heikkisen (1999) ja Sari Pietikäisen (2000) analyysitapoja hyödyntäen. Tärkeimpinä teoreettisina taustaoletuksina edellisten tavoin myös tässä tutkielmassa ovat diskurssianalyysin eri suuntauksia edustavat lähteet kuten Faircloughn (1992, 1997, 2003) sekä van Dijkin (1985, 1999) ja Gunther Kressin (1985) näkemykset tästä lähestymistavasta. Koska tutkittava ilmiö kiinnittyy niin sanomalehtien pääkirjoitusten kuin poliittisen historiankin konteksteihin, on ilmiön taustoittamiseksi ja johtopäätösten tueksi nojattu myös esimerkiksi Salovaara-Moringin (2004, 2009), Rusin (2003), Jakobsonin (1998, 2005) ja Hemánuksen (1972, 1983) ajatuksiin. Tutkielman aineisto on rajattu viimeisten 25 vuoden ajalle siten, että on poimittu neljä maailmanpoliittisten muutosten tai Yhdysvaltain presidentin vaihdosten kannalta olennaista aikakautta. Samalla on noudatettu suurimmalta osalta myös sen kansainvälisen tutkimusprojektin rajauksia, jonka osana tämä tutkielma syntyi. Tutkimusaineistoa on siten kerätty vuosilta 1984, 1994, 2004 sekä 2010. Mukaan on kyseisiltä vuosilta otettu Yhdysvaltain presidentin pitämän linjapuheen pitopäivästä kaksi viikkoa eteenpäin kestävä periodi, jonka ajalta on kerätty neljän suomalaisen sanomalehden kommentoivat tekstit, pääkirjoitukset, kolumnit ja tausta-artikkelit, joissa otetaan kantaa Yhdysvaltain presidentin pitämään vuosittaiseen linjapuheeseen. Tutkimusaineiston valossa Yhdysvallat näyttäytyy suomalaisten sanomalehtikommentaattoreiden teksteissä toisaalta muuttuvana, mutta samalla myös muuttumattomana suurvaltana. Maailmanpoliittinen muutos – siirtymä kylmästä sodasta yhden suurvallan aikaan näkyy suomalaisessa kommentoinnissa. Samoin näyttäytyy selkeänä kahden erilaisen presidentin, George W. Bushin ja Barack Obaman vastaanotto. Toisaalta aineistossa ei näy pelkästään muutos, vaan Yhdysvallat on suomalaisille kommentoijille myös muuttumaton suurvalta jolta odotetaan paljon ja jota kritisoidaan sen mukaan – aikakaudesta riippuen joko suomalaisesta tai eurooppalaisesta positiosta käsin.
Venäjän kieleen on kautta historian lainautunut sanoja muista kielistä. Historian tapahtumat ovat vaikuttaneet siihen, mistä kielistä sanoja on lainautunut eri aikakausina. Viime vuosikymmeninä venäjän kieleen on tulvinut lainasanoja englannin kielestä yhteiskunnan eri alueille. Tiiviit poliittiset, taloudelliset ja kulttuurisuhteet maiden ja kansojen välillä ovat ulkoisia, ei-kielellisiä syitä sanojen lainaamiseen. Kielen osa-alueista sanasto on kaikista avoimin ulkoisille vaikutteille ja samalla se on alue, johon heijastuvat yhteiskunnassa tapahtuvat muutokset. Lainasanojen ilmaantumiselle kieleen on myös sisäisiä, kielellisiä syitä. Lainasanojen ilmaantumisessa kirjallisessa muodossa venäjän kieleen voidaan erottaa kolme tapaa: transplantaatio eli sitaattilaina, translitteraatio sekä käytännöllinen transkriptio, jossa jokainen vieraskielinen foneemi pyritään esittämään vastaavalla venäjän foneemilla, jolloin vieraskielisen sanan ääntämys säilyy mahdollisimman alkuperäisenä. Lider-sana on esimerkki käytännöllisestä transkriptiosta, jossa venäläinen kirjoitusasu vastaa englannin kielen ääntämystä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on englanninkielinen lainasana lider, joka on ilmaantunut venäjän kieleen jo 1800-luvun puolivälissä. Sana on johdettu verbistä lead, merkityksessä ’johtaa, olla johdossa’, ja siinä on muodostunut substantiivi leader, ’johtaja’. Tutkimusaineistoa varten on poimittu 100 poliittiseen kielenkäyttöön liittyvää lider-sanaa sähköisessä tietokannassa Integrumissa olevassa Izvestija-lehdestä kahtena eri ajanjaksona, vuoden 1994 alusta alkaen sekä vuoden 2004 alusta alkaen. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin lider-sanan käyttöön poliittisessa kielenkäytössä, mutta tutkimusaineiston keräysvaiheessa kirjattiin ylös myös muilla aihealueilla esiintyneet lider-sanat niidenkin käytön tarkastelua varten. Tutkimusta varten tarkasteltiin, millaisia määrityksiä lider-sanalle löytyy erilaisista nykykielen sanakirjoista eri vuosikymmeniltä. Vanhin mukana oleva sanakirja on venäläis-suomalainen sanakirja vuodelta 1912, jossa lider-sana määritellään yhdellä sanalla, ’puolueenjohtaja’. Aineisto jaettiin myös kolmeen ryhmään maantieteellisen sijainnin mukaan: Venäjä, entiset neuvostotasavallat ja ulkomaat. Tällä haluttiin selvittää, käytetäänkö lider-sanaa enemmän ulkomaisten vai venäläisten tapahtumin yhteydessä. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että suurin osa lider-sanoista liittyi Venäjän tapahtumiin molempina tarkasteluajanjaksoina – v. 1994 osuus oli 54 % ja v. 2004 50 %. Tähän tulokseen vaikuttavat varmaankin v. 1993 joulukuussa pidetyt ensimmäiset parlamenttivaalit sekä vuoden 2003 joulukuussa pidetyt duuman vaalit. Tutkimuksessa lider-sana jaettiin seitsemään eri kategoriaan käyttöyhteytensä mukaan ja saatujen tulosten perusteella suuri9n osa sanoista kuului kategoriaan ”puolueen johtaja”, v. 1994 osuus oli 47 % ja v. 2004 oli 40 %. Lider-sanan käyttö on levinnyt myös monelle muulle alueelle: urheilu, liike-elämä, kulttuuri, taide, tiede ja tekniikka. Venäjän kieleen ilmaantuu koko ajan vieraskielisiä sanoja, mutta kaikki niistä eivät sopeudu eivätkä juurru kieleen. Lainasanan on täytettävä tiettyjä edellytyksiä, jotta sitä voitaisiin pitää kieleen sopeutuneena: mukautumien kielen foneettiseen järjestelmään, sopeutuminen kielen graafiseen järjestelmään, sopeutuminen kieliopilliseen ympäristöön, semanttinen vakiintuminen sekä vakiintuminen vähintään kahdelle temaattiselle alueelle. Lainasanan juurtumisesta ja sopeutumisesta ovat todisteena myös siitä johdetut sanat. Lider-sana täyttää kaikki em. ehdot, joten sitä voidaan pitää venäjän kieleen sopeutuneena ja juurtuneena.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Viron suurimpien päivälehtien, Postimees ja Eesti Päevaleht, suomalaisia Viron-matkailijoita käsitteleviä tekstejä vuosilta 1996 1997 ja 2003 2004. Ajanjaksot on valittu sillä perusteella, että toukokuussa 1997 astui voimaan viisumivapaus Suomen ja Viron välillä matkustettaessa ja toukokuussa 2004 Viro liittyi EU:n jäseneksi. Tutkittavia tekstejä vuosilta 1996 1997 on 12 ja vuosilta 2003 2004 on 62 tekstiä, joista 19 on valittu tarkempaan analyysiin. Tavoitteena on tutkia, millainen kuva suomalaisesta Viron-matkailijasta tekstien kautta paljastuu ja millaisin keinoin sitä välitetään. Tarkastellaan myös sitä, onko kuva ajanjaksojen välillä muuttunut, ja jos on, niin miten. Tekstejä tutkitaan kriittisen tekstianalyysin keinoin ja pääasiassa tukeudutaan M. A. K. Hallidayn ja Vesa Heikkisen tutkimuksiin. Hallidayn systeemis-funktionaalisessa kieliopissa keskeisiä ovat kielelliset valinnat ja ajatus kielen kolmesta merkitystasosta, jotka ovat ideationaalinen, tekstuaalinen ja interpersoonainen. Tämän työn kannalta merkittävä on interpersoonainen taso, jolla tarkastellaan muun muassa kirjoittajan asenteita ja arvotuksia. Teksteistä etsitään erilaisia kielen keinoja, jotka ilmaisevat kirjoittajien asennoitumista suomalaisiin. Keskeistä on se, ovatko kirjoittajien arvotukset negatiivisia, neutraaleja vai positiivisia. Arvottavien asenteiden kautta muotoutuu tutkittavien tekstien kuva suomalaisista Viron-matkailijoista. Aineistosta nousee esiin kahdeksan erilaista arvotuksia ilmaisevaa kielellistä keinoa: aihevalinnat (otsikointi), nimeäminen, kuvailu, määritteet, verbivalinnat, vihjaukset, edellyttämykset ja lauseen informaatiorakenne. Analyysin perusteella selviää, että kuva suomalaisesta Viron-matkailijasta on hieman muuttunut tarkasteltavien ajanjaksojen välillä. Vuosien 1996 1997 tekstien mukaan suomalainen matkailija on rikas, mutta saita ja etsii Virosta edullisia tuotteita ja palveluita. Hän on tavallisesti keski-ikäinen ja humalassa tai vähintään ostamassa alkoholia. Negatiivinen suhtautuminen nousee selvästi esille. Vuosien 2003 2004 teksteissä kuva suomalaisista on monipuolistunut verrattuna aikaisempaan. Edelleen suomalaisille kuitenkin maistuu alkoholi ja he etsivät edullisuutta. Edullisuuden tavoittelu ja hamstraaminen korostuvat aiempaakin enemmän. Tutkimuksen kautta esiin tulleet kuvat suomalaisista Viron-matkailijoista ovat kyseisten ajanjaksojen sanomalehdistön välittämiä. Jatkossa olisi mielenkiintoista tutkia tekstejä joltain sellaiselta ajanjaksolta, johon ei liity matkustamisen helpottumiseen vaikuttavia muutoksia. Voitaisiin tutkia myös sitä, mitä mieltä tavalliset virolaiset ovat suomalaisista matkailijoista ja mitä virolaiset matkailupalveluyritysten edustajat suomalaisista ajattelevat. Näin ilmiötä voitaisiin lähestyä useammasta näkökulmasta.
Structuring of the Curriculum Design: Content and Pedagogy Constructing the Whole The object of this qualitative study is to structure curriculum design by drawing from the characteristics of subject content and pedagogy. The aim is to first outline the forms of content and pedagogy within the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. By analysing these forms I then aim to construct a general view of the curriculum’s structure and its developmental potential as it relates to both current and future pedagogical and intellectual interests. The written curriculum is examined as part of the educational guidance system, which means that it is an administrative and juridical document that governs teacher action and has a pedagogical and intellectual character. Didactical schools, curriculum ideologies and curriculum-determinants are all discussed as means of approaching the curriculum model. Curriculum content itself is defined by the different forms and conceptions of knowledge. The representation of curriculum content can be defined to be either specific or integrated. Curriculum pedagogy is in turn defined on the basis of the prevailing conception of learning and teaching. The pedagogy within the curriculum can be open or closed depending on the extent of pedagogical freedom allowed. An examination of the pedagogical dimension also covers the subject of the interfaces between formal education and informal learning, which must be taken into consideration when developing school pedagogy and therefore also in the curriculum. The data of the study consists of two curriculum documents: The Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education issued in 1994 and the present National core curriculum for basic education issued in 2004. The primary method used in the study is theory-based content analysis. On the one hand the aim of the analysis is to determine if the structure, i.e., model, of the curricula is built from unconnected, self-contained elements, or whether the separate parts make a coherent whole. On the other hand, the aim is also to examine the pedagogical features the two curricula contain. The basis of the study is not the systematic comparison of the curriculum documents, yet an analysis of two very distinct documents must also be based on an examination of their inherent differences. The results of the study show that the content in the analysed documents is not integrated. The boundaries between divisions are clearly defined and the curricula are subject-oriented and based on theoretical propositional knowledge. The pedagogy is mainly closed and based on strong guidance of content, structured student evaluation and measurable learning experiences. However, curriculum documents do have representations of integrated content: the themes covered early on in the core curriculum guidelines of 1994 permeate systematically the different divisions of the curriculum. The core curriculum guidelines of 2004 in turn reveal skills which create connections between subjects. The guidelines’ utilise out-of-school environments and accommodate learner experiences, and focus on flexible studying and emphasize individual learner needs. These characteristics reveal an open form of pedagogy. In light of these results, it is possible to reach an understanding of the content and pedagogical development possibilities of the curriculum. The essential viewpoints are then the setting of thematically-oriented aims as a basis for content development, the curriculum’s pedagogical structuring on the basis of the learning process and the enhancement of connections between curricular content and pedagogy in a purposeful way. Keywords: curriculum, curriculum theory, curriculum design, core curriculum guidelines, teaching content, pedagogy
A concept of god is a wholeness that an individual experiences as God. The Christian concept of god is based on triune God: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The concept of god is examined in different kinds of contexts particularly between the 1940's and the 1970's. Many researches of school books have widely been made in Finland, but, however, only a few from the point of view of the concept of god. Considering this, the concept of god in the school books of Evangelical Lutheran and Orthodox religion from first to fourth grade in 1970–80 and 2000 is examined in this survey. Additionally, the concept of god in curricula between years 1970 and 2004 is studied. The perspective on the concept of god is the change in the course of time and denominational emphasis. As a first hypothesis, God the Father is represented in books in 21st century as a kind and loving figure. As a second hypothesis, the Trinity and the Holy Spirit get more space in Orthodox books comparing with the Lutheran books. Twelve school books of Evangelical Lutheran and Orthodox religion from first to fourth grade were used as a research material. The books were from four different series between the years 1978 and 2005. Teacher's guidebooks and student's exercise books were left outside of this survey. The research material was analyzed by using abductive content analysis and methodological triangulation. This study included both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The classification system which defined the classifying of concept of god from the research material was consisted of the basis of research material, former reseach, and subtext of used theories. The number of mentions in concept of god was higher in books from the 21st century. In Lutheran books, the change was seen as a growth of the category of God the Father. In Orthodox books, the trend was opposite: the category of Jesus the Son had grown. Differing from the presupposition, the features of loving God in new books had less emphasis than in older books in both churces. The mentions of the Holy Spirit and Trinity were marginal. In the Orthodox books, the categories were bigger, as it was presupposed. It could be seen, that the books confirmed the legalistic period of the concept of god on 3rd and 4th grades. The mentions of concept of god in curriculas have diminished and generalized. The diminution was seen most radically in the curriculum from the year 1994. The results tell something about social changes and views of innovation in curricula. In books the change was not perceived that bright. The idea of the concept of god getting shrank and decreased during the time can be refused.
This study aimed at elucidating real-life aspects of restorative treatment practices. In addition, dentists' views and perceptions of and variation in restorative treatment practices with respect to dentist-related factors were evaluated. Reasons for placement and replacement of restoration, material selection, posterior restoration longevity, and the use of local anesthesia were assessed on two cross-sectional data sets. Data from the Helsinki Public Dental Service (PDS) included details on 3057 restorations performed by dentists (n=134) during routine clinical work in 2001. The other PDS data from Vantaa were based on 205 patient records of young adults containing information on 1969 restorations investigated retrospectively from 1994-1996 backwards; 51 dentists performed the restorations. In addition, dentists’ self-reported use of local anesthesia and estimates of restoration longevity were investigated by means of a nationwide questionnaire sent to 592 general dental practitioners selected by systematic sampling from the membership list of the Finnish Dental Association in 2004. All data sets included some background information on dentists such as gender, year of birth or graduation, and working sector. In PDS in 2001, primary caries was the reason for placement of restoration more often among patients aged under 19 years than among older patients (p<0.001). Among patients over 36 years of age, replacements represented the majority. Regarding dentist-related factors, replacements of restorations were made by younger dentists more frequently than by older dentists (p<0.001). In PDS in 1994-1996, the replacement rate of posterior restorations was greater among female dentists than among male dentists (p=0.01), especially for amalgams (p=0.008). The mean age of replaced posterior restoration among young adults was 8.9 (SD 5.2) years for amalgam and 2.4 (SD 1.4) years for tooth-colored restorations, the actual replacement rate for all existing posterior restorations being 7% in PDS in 1994-1996. Of all restorative materials used, a clear majority (69%) were composites in PDS in 2001. Local anesthesia was used in 48% of cases and more frequently for older patients (55%) than for patients aged under 13 years (35%) (p<0.001). Younger dentists more often used local anesthesia for primary restoration than did the older dentists (p<0.001), especially for primary teeth (p=0.005). Working sector had an impact on dentists’ self-reported use of local anesthesia and estimates of restoration longevity; public sector dentists reported using local anesthesia more frequently than private sector dentists for Class II (p=0.04) and for Class III restorations (p=0.01). Private sector dentists gave longer estimates of posterior composite longevity than public sector dentists (p=0.001). In conclusion, restorative treatment practices seem to vary according to patient age and also dentist-related factors. Replacements of restorations are common for adults. For children, clear underuse of local anesthesia prevails.
Suomen hirvenmetsästykseen omaksuttiin 1970-luvun alussa valikoivan metsästyksen periaatteet, joiden tavoitteena oli maksimoida vasatuotto hirvikannan ikärakennetta muuttamalla. Metsästysstrategiassa tapahtui huomattava muutos, kun hirvisaaliin vasaosuutta lisättiin selvästi. Tämän seurauksena naarashirvien keski-ikä ja vasatuotto kohosivat. Vasojen suuri osuus saaliissa oli keskeinen tekijä hirvikannan rajuun kasvuun. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää saaliin vasaosuuden vaikutusta hirven ikärakenteeseen ja vasatuottoon Savonrannan ja Sodankylän riistanhoitoyhdistysten alueilla. Tutkimusalueet valittiin hyvin erilaisten hirvisaaliin vasaosuuksien perusteella, sillä Savonrannan vuosien 1994-2003 saaliin vasaosuuden keskiarvo oli 50,1 % ja Sodankylän 19,6 %. Tutkimuksen ennakko-olettamuksena oli, että erilaisten saaliin vasaosuuksien pitäisi vaikuttaa aikuistuvan ikäluokan suhteellisen osuuden kautta hirvipopulaation keski-ikään ja sitä kautta vasatuottoon. Ikärakenteen osalta tutkittiin naaraiden, valtasonnien eli 6,5-9,5-vuotiaiden uroshirvien ja vähintään 8-piikkisten urosten ikärakennetta. Tutkimus rakentui hirven iänmääritysaineiston ympärille, joka kerättiin Savonrannan ja Sodankylän riistanhoitoyhdistysten hirvenmetsästäjien avustuksella vuosina 2003 ja 2004. Iänmääritysaineistossa oli yhteensä 244 hirveä. Näistä oli naaraita 152 ja uroksia 92 kpl. Hirven ikärakennetietojen saamiseksi suoritti tutkimuksen tekijä iänmäärityksen hammasnäytteistä. Iänmääritys tehtiin hammassementtikerroksiin perustuvaa menetelmää käyttäen, jota varten sahattiin poikittaisia hammasleikkeitä hirven ensimmäisestä etuhampaasta (I1). Tutkimuksen aineistoon kuuluivat myös Savonrannan ja Sodankylän hirvihavaintokorttien perusteella saadut vasatuottotiedot vuosilta 1995- 2004 ja Riistawebin saalistiedot vuosilta 1994-2003. Tutkimuksen perusteella hirvisaaliin vasaosuus vaikuttaa Savonrannan ja Sodankylän riistanhoitoyhdistysten naaraiden ikärakenteeseen. Kaksivuotisesta aineistosta saatiin Savonrannan naaraiden keski-iäksi 6,40 vuotta. Sodankylän naaraiden keski-ikä oli 5,09 vuotta. Myös naaraiden ikäjakaumat olivat hyvin erilaiset. Hirvisaaliin vasaosuus ei sen sijaan vaikuta Savonrannan ja Sodankylän valtasonnien ja vähintään 8-piikkisten urosten ikärakenteeseen. Savonrannan valtasonnien keski-ikä oli 7,21 vuotta ja Sodankylän 7,07 vuotta. Savonrannan vähintään 8-piikkisten urosten keski-ikä oli 5,82 vuotta ja Sodankylän 5,91 vuotta. Tutkimuksella saatiin selville saaliin ikärakenne, elävän hirvikannan ikärakenteen tutkiminen vaatii laajempia tutkimuksia. Hirvisaaliin vasaosuus vaikuttaa Savonrannan ja Sodankylän riistanhoitoyhdistysten vasatuottoon. Naaraiden ikärakenteen erot näkyivät osaltaan hirvihavaintokorttien ja näytenaaraiden perusteella lasketuissa vasatuottotiedoissa. Saaliin vasaosuus vaikuttaa välillisesti hirven vasatuottoon, sillä se vaikuttaa ensin naaraiden ikärakenteeseen, joka vaikuttaa edelleen vasatuottoon.
Concordia-lehti alkaessaan ilmestyä 1994 herätti ristiriitaisia reaktioita esimerkiksi SLEY:n henkilöstön keskuudessa. Alusta alkaen avainhenkilöitä ovat olleet Hannu Lehtonen, Hannu Halonen, Simo Kiviranta ja Sakari Korpinen. Ekumeniaan Concordia on suhtautunut kriittisesti arvioidessaan Porvoon sopimusta ja Yhteistä julistusta vanhurskauttamisesta. Keskeisiä teemoja tässä lehdessä ovat olleet tutkittavana aikana yleinen ja uskon kautta tapahtuva vanhurskauttaminen, Raamatun arvovallan korostaminen, sakramenttien merkityksen esillä pitäminen ja tietyt moraaliset ja eettiset periaatteet ja näkökulmat. Concordiassa on esiintynyt runsaasti sitaatteja Martti Lutherin teoksista, melko paljon myös luterilaisen ortodoksian edustajilta, kuten Martin Chemnitziltä ja Johann Gerhardilta. Ylivoimaisesti eniten artikkeleja kymmenen vuoden aikana on tehnyt päätoimittaja, pastori Hannu Lehtonen. Kirjoittajien joukossa maallikkojen osuus on ollut huomattava. Karismaattisia ilmiöitä arvioitaessa nähtiin osan armolahjoista kuuluneen ennen kaikkea alkukirkon aikaan, vaikka samalla todettiin ihmeitä voivan tapahtua nykyaikanakin. Concordian kirjoittajat eivät hyväksyneet läheskään kaikkia Suomen evankelis-luterilaisessa kirkossa tapahtuneita päätöksiä, asioita ja ilmiöitä. Voimakkaasti todettiin, että kirkossa ei tulisi samanaikaisesti sallia sekä totuutta että erilaisia harhaoppeja. Myös evankelisen liikkeen tai muiden herätysliikkeiden toimintaa ei aina pidetty tarpeeksi rohkeana, vaan katsottiin niiden mukautuneen liikaa yhteiskuntaan ja yleiseen ja valtaa pitävään kirkollisuuteen. Esimerkiksi Helsingin yliopistossa käytettyä historiallis-kriittistä metodia parempana metodina pidettiin historiallis-dogmaattista. Opetusta maailman syntymisestä pitkän evoluutio-prosessin seurauksena ei Concordiassa hyväksytty, vaan opetettiin Jumalan luoneen maailman kuudessa päivässä. Concordiassa kirjoittajina on esiintynyt myös useita tunnustuksellisen luterilaisuuden edustajia lähinnä Yhdysvalloista ja Pohjoismaista. Tutkitun lehden merkitys kirkollisessa kentässä ei ole tilaajamäärän pienuuden vuoksi kovin merkittävä, mutta eräänlaisena taustalla vaikuttajana ja keskustelun herättäjänä vaikutus on ollut suurempi. Concordian näkemyksen mukaan suuri enemmistö ei läheskään aina ole ollut oikeassa hengellisissä kysymyksissä. Evankeliseen liikkeeseen Concordian kirjoittajilla on ollut tietynlainen viha-rakkaussuhde, vaikka se on ollut monen kirjoittajan hengellinen koti. Lehdessä esiintynyttä pietismin arviointia tutkimus ei ole kovin paljon käsitellyt, koska se ei olisi kovin hyvin sopinut eri lukujen otsi- koiden alle. Helluntailaisuuden eri opinkäsityksiä Concordia on myös pyrkinyt kumoamaan. Lehti on halunnut koko ajan perustella opetuksensa selkeillä raamatunkohdilla ja edistää näin luterilaisen uskon ja opin tuntemusta. Tässä tutkimuksessa on ollut tietoinen valinta käyttää samoja raamatunkohtia lähteenä, joita Concordian kirjoittajat ovat itse käyttäneet. Kirkkohistoriaan kuuluvassa opinnäytteessä ei ole yleensä tyypillistä käyttää näin paljon viittauksia Raamattuun, mutta tällainen dogmatiikan mukaan ottaminen on perusteltua, koska se on niin olennainen osa Concordia-lehden teologiaa ja tapaa tuoda esille asioita. Tiivistetysti todeten ihmisten ainoa vapahtaja ja pelastaja on ollut tutkitun lehden mukaan ja on edelleen Jeesus Kristus.
In the beginning of the 1990s the legislation regarding the municipalities and the system of central government transfers were reformed in Finland. This resulted in a move from detailed governmental control to increased municipal autonomy. The purpose of this decentralization was to enable the municipalities to better adapt their administration and service supply to local needs. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of the increased municipal autonomy on the organization of services for people with intellectual disabilities. Did the increased autonomy cause the municipalities to alter their service supply and production and did the services become more adapted to local needs? The data consists of statistical information on service use and production, and also of background data such as demographics, economics and political elections on 452 municipalities in Finland from the years 1994 and 2000. The methods used are cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and factor analysis. The municipalities could be grouped in two categories: those which offered mainly one kind of residential services and others which had more varied mixes of services. The use of institutional care had decreased and municipalities which used institutional care as their primary form of service were mostly very small municipalities in 2000. The situation had changed from 1994, when institutional care was the primary service for municipalities of all sizes. Also the service production had become more differentiated and the municipalities had started using more varied ways of production. More municipalities had started producing their own services and private production had increased as well. Furthermore, the increase in local autonomy had opened up possibilities for local politics to influence both the service selection and methods of production. The most significant motive for changes in the service structure was high unemployment and an increasing share of elderly people in the population, particularly in sparsely populated areas. Municipalities with a low level of resources had made more changes in their service organization while those with more resources had been able to carry on as before. Key words: service structure, service for people with intellectual disabilities, municipalities, contingency theory, New Public Management
The superconducting (or cryogenic) gravimeter (SG) is based on the levitation of a superconducting sphere in a stable magnetic field created by current in superconducting coils. Depending on frequency, it is capable of detecting gravity variations as small as 10-11ms-2. For a single event, the detection threshold is higher, conservatively about 10-9 ms-2. Due to its high sensitivity and low drift rate, the SG is eminently suitable for the study of geodynamical phenomena through their gravity signatures. I present investigations of Earth dynamics with the superconducting gravimeter GWR T020 at Metsähovi from 1994 to 2005. The history and key technical details of the installation are given. The data processing methods and the development of the local tidal model at Metsähovi are presented. The T020 is a part of the worldwide GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) network, which consist of 20 working station. The data of the T020 and of other participating SGs are available to the scientific community. The SG T020 have used as a long-period seismometer to study microseismicity and the Earth s free oscillation. The annual variation, spectral distribution, amplitude and the sources of microseism at Metsähovi were presented. Free oscillations excited by three large earthquakes were analyzed: the spectra, attenuation and rotational splitting of the modes. The lowest modes of all different oscillation types are studied, i.e. the radial mode 0S0, the "football mode" 0S2, and the toroidal mode 0T2. The very low level (0.01 nms-1) incessant excitation of the Earth s free oscillation was detected with the T020. The recovery of global and regional variations in gravity with the SG requires the modelling of local gravity effects. The most important of them is hydrology. The variation in the groundwater level at Metsähovi as measured in a borehole in the fractured bedrock correlates significantly (0.79) with gravity. The influence of local precipitation, soil moisture and snow cover are detectable in the gravity record. The gravity effect of the variation in atmospheric mass and that of the non-tidal loading by the Baltic Sea were investigated together, as sea level and air pressure are correlated. Using Green s functions it was calculated that a 1 metre uniform layer of water in the Baltic Sea increases the gravity at Metsähovi by 31 nms-2 and the vertical deformation is -11 mm. The regression coefficient for sea level is 27 nms-2m-1, which is 87% of the uniform model. These studies are associated with temporal height variations using the GPS data of Metsähovi permanent station. Results of long time series at Metsähovi demonstrated high quality of data and correctly carried out offsets and drift corrections. The superconducting gravimeter T020 has been proved to be an eminent and versatile tool in studies of the Earth dynamics.
Changes in alcohol pricing have been documented as inversely associated with changes in consumption and alcohol-related problems. Evidence of the association between price changes and health problems is nevertheless patchy and is based to a large extent on cross-sectional state-level data, or time series of such cross-sectional analyses. Natural experimental studies have been called for. There was a substantial reduction in the price of alcohol in Finland in 2004 due to a reduction in alcohol taxes of one third, on average, and the abolition of duty-free allowances for travellers from the EU. These changes in the Finnish alcohol policy could be considered a natural experiment, which offered a good opportunity to study what happens with regard to alcohol-related problems when prices go down. The present study investigated the effects of this reduction in alcohol prices on (1) alcohol-related and all-cause mortality, and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases, (2) alcohol-related morbidity in terms of hospitalisation, (3) socioeconomic differentials in alcohol-related mortality, and (4) small-area differences in interpersonal violence in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Differential trends in alcohol-related mortality prior to the price reduction were also analysed. A variety of population-based register data was used in the study. Time-series intervention analysis modelling was applied to monthly aggregations of deaths and hospitalisation for the period 1996-2006. These and other mortality analyses were carried out for men and women aged 15 years and over. Socioeconomic differentials in alcohol-related mortality were assessed on a before/after basis, mortality being followed up in 2001-2003 (before the price reduction) and 2004-2005 (after). Alcohol-related mortality was defined in all the studies on mortality on the basis of information on both underlying and contributory causes of death. Hospitalisation related to alcohol meant that there was a reference to alcohol in the primary diagnosis. Data on interpersonal violence was gathered from 86 administrative small-areas in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and was also assessed on a before/after basis followed up in 2002-2003 and 2004-2005. The statistical methods employed to analyse these data sets included time-series analysis, and Poisson and linear regression. The results of the study indicate that alcohol-related deaths increased substantially among men aged 40-69 years and among women aged 50-69 after the price reduction when trends and seasonal variation were taken into account. The increase was mainly attributable to chronic causes, particularly liver diseases. Mortality due to cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality, on the other hand, decreased considerably among the-over-69-year-olds. The increase in alcohol-related mortality in absolute terms among the 30-59-year-olds was largest among the unemployed and early-age pensioners, and those with a low level of education, social class or income. The relative differences in change between the education and social class subgroups were small. The employed and those under the age of 35 did not suffer from increased alcohol-related mortality in the two years following the price reduction. The gap between the age and education groups, which was substantial in the 1980s, thus further broadened. With regard to alcohol-related hospitalisation, there was an increase in both chronic and acute causes among men under the age of 70, and among women in the 50-69-year age group when trends and seasonal variation were taken into account. Alcohol dependence and other alcohol-related mental and behavioural disorders were the largest category in both the total number of chronic hospitalisation and in the increase. There was no increase in the rate of interpersonal violence in the Helsinki Metropolitan area, and even a decrease in domestic violence. There was a significant relationship between the measures of social disadvantage on the area level and interpersonal violence, although the differences in the effects of the price reduction between the different areas were small. The findings of the present study suggest that that a reduction in alcohol prices may lead to a substantial increase in alcohol-related mortality and morbidity. However, large population group differences were observed regarding responsiveness to the price changes. In particular, the less privileged, such as the unemployed, were most sensitive. In contrast, at least in the Finnish context, the younger generations and the employed do not appear to be adversely affected, and those in the older age groups may even benefit from cheaper alcohol in terms of decreased rates of CVD mortality. The results also suggest that reductions in alcohol prices do not necessarily affect interpersonal violence. The population group differences in the effects of the price changes on alcohol-related harm should be acknowledged, and therefore the policy actions should focus on the population subgroups that are primarily responsive to the price reduction.
The goal of this study was to examine the role of organizational causal attribution in understanding the relation of work stressors (work-role overload, excessive role responsibility, and unpleasant physical environment) and personal resources (social support and cognitive coping) to such organizational-attitudinal outcomes as work engagement, turnover intention, and organizational identification. In some analyses, cognitive coping was also treated as an organizational outcome. Causal attribution was conceptualized in terms of four dimensions: internality-externality, attributing the cause of one’s successes and failures to oneself, as opposed to external factors, stability (thinking that the cause of one’s successes and failures is stable over time), globality (perceiving the cause to be operative on many areas of one’s life), and controllability (believing that one can control the causes of one’s successes and failures). Several hypotheses were derived from Karasek’s (1989) Job Demands–Control (JD-C) model and from the Job Demands–Resources (JD-R) model (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001). Based on the JD-C model, a number of moderation effects were predicted, stating that the strength of the association of work stressors with the outcome variables (e.g. turnover intentions) varies as a function of the causal attribution; for example, unpleasant work environment is more strongly associated with turnover intention among those with an external locus of causality than among those with an internal locuse of causality. From the JD-R model, a number of hypotheses on the mediation model were derived. They were based on two processes posited by the model: an energy-draining process in which work stressors along with a mediating effect of causal attribution for failures deplete the nurses’ energy, leading to turnover intention, and a motivational process in which personal resources along with a mediating effect of causal attribution for successes foster the nurses’ engagement in their work, leading to higher organizational identification and to decreased intention to leave the nursing job. For instance, it was expected that the relationship between work stressors and turnover intention could be explained (mediated) by a tendency to attribute one’s work failures to stable causes. The data were collected from among Finnish hospital nurses using e-questionnaires. Overall 934 nurses responded the questionnaires. Work stressors and personal resources were measured by five scales derived from the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (Osipow, 1998). Causal attribution was measured using the Occupational Attributional Style Questionnaire (Furnham, 2004). Work engagement was assessed through the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli & al., 2002), turnover intention by the Van Veldhoven & Meijman (1994) scale, and organizational identification by the Mael & Ashforth (1992) measure. The results provided support for the function of causal attribution in the overall work stress process. Findings related to the moderation model can be divided into three main findings. First, external locus of causality along with job level moderated the relationship between work overload and cognitive coping. Hence, this interaction was evidenced only among nurses in non-supervisory positions. Second, external locus of causality and job level together moderated the relationship between physical environment and turnover intention. An opposite pattern of interaction was found for this interaction: among nurses, externality exacerbated the effect of perceived unpleasantness of the physical environment on turnover intention, whereas among supervisors internality produced the same effect. Third, job level also disclosed a moderation effect for controllability attribution over the relationship between physical environment and cognitive coping. Findings related to the mediation model for the energetic process indicated that the partial model in which work stressors have also a direct effect on turnover intention fitted the data better. In the mediation model for the motivational process, an intermediate mediation effect in which the effects of personal resources on turnover intention went through two mediators (e.g., causal dimensions and organizational identification) fitted the data better. All dimensions of causal attribution appeared to follow a somewhat unique pattern of mediation effect not only for energetic but also for motivational processes. Overall findings on mediation models partly supported the two simultaneous underlying processes proposed by the JD-R model. While in the energetic process the dimension of externality mediated the relationship between stressors and turnover partially, all the dimensions of causal attribution appeared to entail significant mediator effects in the motivational process. The general findings supported the moderation effect and the mediation effect of causal attribution in the work stress process. The study contributes to several research traditions, including the interaction approach, the JD-C, and the JD-R models. However, many potential functions of organizational causal attribution are yet to be evaluated by relevant academic and organizational research. Keywords: organizational causal attribution, optimistic / pessimistic attributional style, work stressors, organisational stress process, stressors in nursing profession, hospital nursing, JD-R model, personal resources, turnover intention, work engagement, organizational identification.