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目的 了解河南省艾滋病病毒Ⅰ型( HIV21) 新近感染者的耐药情况。方法 2006 年8 月- 2007 年6 月,在河南省艾滋病自愿咨询(VCT) 检测点发现的未进行抗病毒治疗的HIV21 感染者,以酶联免疫吸附试验初筛、 蛋白印迹试验确认HIV21 感染,BED2CEIA 方法检测新近感染。检出的新近感染样品进行基因型耐药检测,提取 血浆中RNA ,套式聚合酶链反应(Nested2PCR) 扩增HIV21 pol 基因区,PCR 产物双脱氧法测序,所得序列与Los Alamos HIV 标准株序列比对,构建系统进化树分析亚型;利用Stanford HIVdb Drug Resistance Database 分析耐 药相关突变(DRM) 和耐药情况。结果 共检出HIV21 新近感染39 例,扩增测序有34 例新近感染样品分析成功。 亚型分析结果为B′亚型32 例(9411 %) ,CRF01_AE 重组亚型1 例(219 %) ,C 亚型1 例(219 %) 。未发现蛋白酶抑 制剂( PI) 主要DRM ,检测到10 例(2914 %) 存在PI 次要DRM;未发现核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NRTI) 的DRM;3 例(818 %) 存在非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI) 的DRM。耐药分析显示,有2 例(519 %) 对NNRTI 类药物耐 药。结论 目前河南省HIV21 新近感染人群中耐药状况处于中等水平,有必要加强HIV21 的耐药监测。
高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)的应用,极大的降低了AIDS发病率和死亡 率,延长了HIV感染者的生命。但HIV耐药在很大程度上影响了HAART的疗效, 耐药株的产生成为影响抗病毒治疗效果的主要因素。欧洲、美国的耐药监测技术 规范均推荐在新感染未经抗病毒药物治疗的患者中进行原发耐药检测。我国政府 于2003年底出台了艾滋病治疗的“四免一关怀”政策,陆续在全国范围内开展了大 规模的免费抗病毒治疗,监测我国未经抗病毒药物治疗HIV-1感染者中的耐药情 况可以为制定合理的用药方案和减少耐药毒株出现提供科学依据。 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的“HIV 耐药监测指南”,无偿献血者中的HIV-1 感染者,可以认定为HIV 新诊断未治疗人群。分析了云南无偿献血者的血浆和 外周血单核细胞(PBMC),研究云南无偿献血人群的耐药状况。 已有实验室血清学方法识别HIV-1 新近感染和长期感染,用BED-CEIA 方 法,在河南、安徽、山西自愿咨询检测(VCT)人群中检出新近感染人群,进行耐 药基因研究, 对照研究了部分长期感染人群。 样品提取核酸后,巢式聚合酶链反应(nested-PCR)扩增pol 基因区(含蛋白酶 区1~99 氨基酸全长和逆转录酶区1~242 氨基酸)。PCR 产物双脱氧法测序,所 得序列与洛斯阿拉莫斯HIV 核酸序列库(Los Alamos HIV Database)标准株构建系 统进化树分析亚型;用斯坦福大学耐药数据库(Standford HIV Drug Resistance Database)分析耐药。 研究发现,云南省2005~2006 年无偿献血者中,有52 例为HIV-1 阳性,其 中49 例血浆和相应的PBMC 样品病毒基因扩增成功。序列分析表明,HIV 病毒 的亚型分布为CRF08_BC (51.0%), CRF07_BC (24.5%), CRF01_AE (20.4%)和B (4.1%);所有样品均未发现蛋白酶抑制剂(PI)耐药基因位点主要突变,只在6 例(11.7%)样品中发现7 例次PI 次要耐药位点突变;另外,在9 例(18.4%)样品中发现10 例次核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NRTI) 耐药突变,1 例(2.0%)发生非核苷类 逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI) 耐药突变;针对具体药物PI/NRTI/NNRTI 均只有1 例 有潜在的低度耐药,临床仍对药物敏感。PBMC 和血浆的病毒耐药没有显著差异。 从河南、安徽、山西27 个VCT 检测点2006~2007 年采集的10310 例样品 中,通过WB 和BED-CEIA 检测出新近感染人群63 例,分析成功50 例血浆样 品;河南VCT 长期感染样品中随机抽样,分析成功19 例样品。分析成功的69 例VCT 样品中,HIV 病毒株的亚型分布分别为B’ (95.7%),CRF01_AE(2.9%)和 C(1.4%)。上诉样品均未检出PI 主要耐药相关突变,只在26 例(37.7%)样品中存 在27 例次PI 次要耐药相关突变;3 例(4.3%)样品出现6 例次NRTI 耐药相关突 变,7 例(10.1%)样品出现8 例次NNRTI 耐药相关突变。通过与斯坦福大学耐药 数据库比对,没有发现针对PI 类药物的临床耐药;但有2 例(2.8%)针对NRTI 类 药物耐药,1 例有M184V 突变导致对拉米夫定(3TC)和氟代拉米夫定(FTC)高度 耐药;1 例样品存在T215Y、M41L、L210W 三重突变位点,对阿巴卡韦(ABC)、 去羟肌苷(ddI)和坦那夫韦(TDF)中度耐药,对齐多夫定(AZT)和司他夫定(d4T)高 度耐药;针对NNRTI 类药物,有3 例(4.3%)毒株有耐药,1 例有K103N 突变导 致对奈韦拉平(NVP)、地拉韦啶(DLV)和依菲韦伦(EFV)的高度耐药;1 例有Y188L 突变导致对NVP 和EFV 的高度耐药;1 例存在K101E 和G190A 双重突变,导 致对NVP 的高度耐药,对DLV、EFV 和依曲韦林(ETR)中度耐药。 比较长期感染和新近感染者之间的亚型和耐药,未发现显著差异。 研究结果表明,云南、河南和安徽未经治疗HIV-1 感染者中耐药处于低流行 状态。亚型分布云南无偿献血者以CRF_BC 为主,河南、安徽VCT 人群以B’ 为主。应持续在未经治疗人群中进行耐药监测。
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus, HCV)的全基因组序列测定,曾经由于许多方面 的条件限制而难于完成。但是,其对于研究HCV 分子病毒学、流行病学、进化和致 病性却至关重要,特别是在临床应用中,不同序列的基因型决定α-干扰素治疗的不同 效果。在本研究完成之前,HCV 基因型6 仅有6 个亚型有其全基因组序列。因此, 本研究的主要目的在于,测定HCV 变异株代表基因型6 其余的11 个亚型和新亚型的 全基因组序列,并深入分析。 本研究从样品分别来自于中国、泰国,和在美国及加拿大生活的东南亚国家移民 的HCV 感染者。因为样品有限,改良传统的PCR 方法,摸索出“桥”和“岛”DNA 全序列扩增法,从每例样品100μl 血清或从100μl 血清中获得的cDNA 中测定了13 个HCV 全基因组核苷酸序列。 以来源于Genbank 的已知基因型6 的七个全长序列为参考对所测定的13 个亚型 全序列进行共同分析显示,这些全基因组核苷酸的两两比较相似率变化范围为 71.9%--82.7%,著地, 这四对序列间的相同率高于标准定义的HCV 基因亚型之间的 范围值75%-80%。为了进一步理解和证实这些亚型间的遗传相似性,本研究还测定 了代表这4 对亚型的病毒原型株的全基因序列,结果显示了相同的核苷酸水平上的变 异范围,这为HCV 基因亚型的分类提供了新的认识,亦强调了全长序列对于分类的 重要性。 从系统发育方面的分析证实,本研究所测得的13 个分离株都属于基因型6。在系 统发育树上,每个病毒株代表一个独立的枝。并形成了高度分化的HCV 基因型6 分 枝,从而清楚显示,各亚型的独立分布。本研究至此完成了基因型6 中17 个亚型的 全序列测定,而km41 和gz52557 因缺乏其临床上和流行病学上的多个感染病例的证 实,而继续保留其亚型未命名状态。结合来源于Los Alamos HCV database 的基因型6 的已知部分序列的变异株进一步分析,发现各相近亚型变异株均来自东南亚或东南亚国家移民,这提示了这些HCV 的相同感染源。 为了探讨HCV 夫妻间传播的可能性,本研究还测定了来自于泰国的两位感染 HCV 的献血员及其感染HCV 的配偶。这4 个基因序列C-0044 和C-0046 之间核苷 酸相同率为98.1%,而C-0185 和 C-0192 之间为97.8%。文献研究感染HCV 的夫妇 间的部分亚基因序列的相同率为96.3%至100%,本研究结果与此范围相符,并第一 次用全基因组序列提示了HCV 在夫妻间传播的可能性。 本研究还测定了基因型6 的另一个变异株的全基因组序列:HK6554,香港的某患 者,与上文中的GX004 一起,均为静脉吸毒者,并共同感染了HCV 和HIV-1。分析 结果还表明了一种趋势,即是在中国南方,基因亚型6e 有从以前的地方性传播方式 转为现有的流行性传播方式。这种转变可能由于静脉吸毒感染HCV 的人群的网络传 播而加快。 综上,本研究用传统PCR、简并引物结合链特异引物的方法有效地测定了共21 个病毒株的全基因序列。该方法也可用于其它分子流行病学的研究,特别在测定珍贵 的病毒序列然而样品量又受限时。本研究所测定的全基因组序列代表HCV 中最古老、 分化最多、地方性传播、又可能动物源性的基因型6 的全套17 个亚型。这有助于进 一步理解HCV 基因亚型的分类意义、更准确评价HCV 的进化和起源,亦有助于发 现HCV 新的变异株和提高临床诊断、治疗,为将来HCV 的流行及公众健康的预测、 预防和疫苗的制备奠定了坚实的分子遗传学基础。
We have investigated the optical properties of asymmetric multiple layer stacked self-assembled InAs quantum dot with different interlayer. We found that asymmetric multiple stacked QD samples with In0.2Ga0.8As + GaAs interlayer can afford a 180nm flat spectral width with strong PL intensity compared to other samples at room temperature. We think this result is due to the introduction of In0.2Ga0.8As strain-reducing layer. Additionally, for the broad spectral width and the strong PL intensity, this structure can be a promising candidate for quantum-dot superluminescent diodes.
Polymorphous Si nanowires (SiNWS) have been successfully synthesized on Si wafer by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at 440degreesC,using silane as the Si source and Au as the catalyst. To grow the polymorphous SiNWS preannealing the Si substrate with Au film at 1100 degreesC is needed. The diameters of Si nanowires range from 15 to 100 urn. The structure morphology and chemical composition of the SiNWS have been characterized by high resolution x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, as well as energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. A few interesting nanowires with Au nanoclusters uniformly distributed in the body of the wire were also produced by this technique.
A kind of hydrogenated diphasic silicon films has been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the phase transition regime from amorphous to nanocrystalline. The microstructural properties of the films have been investigated by the micro-Raman and Fourier transformed Infrared (FT-IR) spectra and atom force microscopy (AFM). The obtained Raman spectra show not only the existence of nanoscaled crystallites, but also a notable improvement in the medium-range order of the diphasic films. For the FT-IR spectra of this kind of films, it notes that there is a blueshift in the Si-H stretching mode and a redshift in the Si-H wagging mode in respect to that of typical amorphous silicon film. We discussed the reasons responsible for these phenomena by means of the phase transition, which lead to the formation of a diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries.
A new method using an atomic-resonance filter and deconvolution techniques has been developed to acquire high-resolution spectra of atmospheric Rayleigh-Mie scattering. In the deconvolution process, the difficulty of the undetermined division 0/0 is overcome by a fitting method. Preliminary laboratory experimental results on 90-deg scattering show that with a signal-to-noise ratio of 20, the scattered Rayleigh-Mie spectrum may be retrieved in agreement with the theoretical analysis.
花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)是川西干旱河谷地区重要的经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的重要原因之一。花椒凋落物分解是影响花椒林地土壤肥力及花椒产量的重要因素,因此系统研究花椒化感作用是否对花椒凋落物的分解产生影响可以为解决花椒连作障碍导致的产量下降等问题提供科学的理论依据。本文通过室内模拟实验研究了花椒凋落物的四个分解动态以及分解后凋落物浸提液对花椒林地土壤性质的影响;通过野外盆栽实验研究了花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗的生长、花椒凋落物的质量及土壤性质的影响。最终从生理生化角度揭示了花椒的化感作用对凋落物分解的影响机理,为深入解决花椒连作障碍问题、对花椒凋落物采取有效的人工措施提供了科学的理论依据。主要的研究结果如下: 1. 室内分解实验证明,花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内分解速率呈现由大到小的变化趋势,并且凋落物分解呈现明显的毒性动态。凋落物在分解的10 d、30 d 时,分解速率较大,30 d 以后分解速率显著降低。凋落物分解的10 d 左右酚酸释放量最大,此时凋落物的毒性最大,凋落物分解到10 d 以后,酚酸释放量逐渐减少,凋落物的毒性也逐渐减小。 2. 四个分解动态的花椒凋落物浸提液对土壤化学性质产生了显著的影响。花椒凋落物在分解的60 d 内,其浸提液使土壤pH值均显著的增加。分解0 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤铵态氮的含量,抑制了纤维素分解菌的生长;分解60 d 的凋落物浸提液显著的降低了土壤酚酸含量,增加了土壤有效磷的含量;分解30 d 和60 d 的凋落物浸提液均显著的促进了好气性纤维素分解菌的生长。这说明花椒凋落物在分解过程中呈现出明显的毒性动态:凋落物分解的初期毒性作用较大,随着分解的继续进行特别是在分解的30 d 以后,其毒性作用慢慢降低。 3. 花椒凋落物浸提液对花椒幼苗表现出明显的化感作用。不同浓度的浸提液对花椒幼苗地上及地下生物量、叶面积均产生了显著的抑制作用,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高抑制作用加强。凋落物浸提液对叶片厚度的影响较小,只有Y1对叶片厚度的生长抑制作用显著。 4. 花椒的化感作用改变了凋落物的质量,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液进行处理,Y1使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著降低,纤维素含量显著升高;Y3使凋落物有机碳含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/氮显著升高。花椒凋落物质量的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1)> CK(6.41 a-1)> Y3(5.08 a-1)。 5. 花椒的化感作用改变了土壤性质,并对凋落物分解产生了显著的影响。对花椒幼苗用不同浓度的凋落物浸提液处理的同时,也改变了土壤性质。不同浓度的凋落物浸提液显著的升高了土壤pH值、有机碳含量。各种浓度的凋落物浸提液对土壤多酚氧化酶的活性均起到了显著的促进作用。凋落物浸提液Y1对土壤纤维素分解酶的活性、细菌和真菌的生长也具有显著的促进作用。土壤性质的改变显著的影响了凋落物的分解,凋落物的分解速率大小依次为:Y1(10.30 a-1)>Y2(9.60 a-1)>CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. 不论是凋落物质量发生改变还是土壤性质发生改变,在凋落物分解的整个过程中,C元素始终处于单调净释放的状态,并且C释放量与分解速率成显著的正相关,即凋落物分解越快,凋落物C释放量越大。凋落物分解过程中,均出现了酚酸大量释放的情况,并与凋落物分解速率成显著正相关。凋落物分解后的木质素含量、木质素/氮均增加,并且随着浸提液浓度的升高,凋落物木质素含量、木质素/氮升高。 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is an important economic crop in dry valley of the Minjiang river (Sichuan, Southwest China), but allelopathy is one of the important reasons for its continuous cropping. Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition affects Zanthoxylum bungeanum soil fertility and its output. So systemically investigate if allelopathy affects litter decomposition could provide the scientific methods to solve the problem of output fall caused by the continuous cropping. In this paper, the releasing dynamics of phenolic acid during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition (0, 10, 30 and 60 days) and the effects of its aqueous extract on soil chemical properties were investigated via the laboratory study. Effects of Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract on the growth of young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings, litter qualities and the soil qualities were investigated via the field study. Finally, we open out the action manner of Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathic effect on the litter decomposition, and provide the theoretical basis to solve the Zanthoxylum bungeanum continuous cropping. The main results showed that: 1. The laboratory litter decomposition experiment showed a trend of decomposition rate from large to small and an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The litter decomposition rate was larger at the tenth and 30th day during 60-day litter decomposition and gradually decreased after 30 days of litter decompostion. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid was the highest at the tenth day, and here, the litter toxicity was the biggest. The releasing quantity of the litter phenolic acid gradually decreased after 10 days of litter decomposition, so the phytotoxicity of litter was gradually decreased with the litter decomposition. 2. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract after four decomposition stages had significantly effect on the soil chemical qualities. The pH value in soil was significantly increased in litter aqueous extract of four decomposition stages. The NH+4-N concentration was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 10-day decomposition which inhibited the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The growth of soil Aerobic cellulose-decomposer was promoted by the litter aqueous extract of 30-day decomposition. Available phosphorus concentration was significantly increased and phenolic acid content was significantly decreased in soil amended with litter aqueous extract of 60-day decomposition which promoted the growth of Aerobic cellulose-decomposer. The study results showed an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition. The phytotoxicity of litter was the largest at the initial stage, but the phytotoxicity gradually decreased with the litter decomposition, especially after 30 days of decomposition. 3. The field study indicated that the Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter aqueous extract had significant allelopathic effects on the growth of young seedlings.Different concentration aqueous extract had signinficant inhibiting effects on biomass and leaf area of young seedlings. The inhibiting effect on the biomass strengthened with the litter aqueous extract concentration augment. Litter aqueous extracts had less effect on the leaf thickness, and only Y1 had significant inhibiting effect on the leaf thickness. 4. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the litter qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, the leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all decreased and the cellulose content increased under Y1 treatment. The leaf litter organic C, lignin, C/N and lignin/N all increased under Y3 treatment. So the litter decomposition was significant affectded by the litter qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.15 a-1)> Y2(8.71 a-1) > CK(6.41 a-1) > Y3(5.08 a-1). 5. The Zanthoxylum bungeanum allelopathy had significant effect on the soil qualities and the litter decomposition. Treating the young Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings with different concentration of litter aqueous extracts, also changed the soil qualities. Different concentration of litter aqueous extracts had significant effects on the soil pH and organic C content. Every concentration of litter aqueous extracts accelerated the soil Polyphenol Oxidase activity and Y1 accelerated the soil Cellulase activity, the number of soil bacteria and fungi. So the litter decomposition was significant affected by the soil qualities, and the litter decomposition rate was Y1(10.30 a-1) > Y2 (9.60 a-1) >CK(6.41 a-1)>Y3(6.29 a-1)。 6. Whether the litter or soil qualities changed, the litter C element at the state of release at all times during the litter decomposition, and the release quantity increased with the decomposition rate augment. Litter released plentiful total penolics content during decomposition, and the release quantity had the positive correlation with the litter decomposition rate. The litter lignin content and the lignin/N all increased with the litter aqueous extracts concentration augment after litter decomposition.
In the engineering reinforcement of-rock and soil mass, engineers must consider how to obtain better reinforcing effect at the cost of less reinforcing expense, which, in fact, is the aim of reinforcement design. In order to accomplish the purpose, they require not only researching the material used to reinforce and its structure, but also taking into account of several important geological factors, such as the structure and property of rock and soil mass. How to improve the reinforcing effect according to engineering geomechanical principle at the respect of the reinforcement of engineering soil and rock mass is studied and discussed in this paper. The author studies the theory, technology and practice of geotechnical reinforcement based on engineering geomechanics, taking example for the soil treatment of Zhengzhou Airport, the effect analysis of reinforcement to the slope on the left bank of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station and the reinforcing design of the No. 102 Landslide and unique sand-slide slope on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. The paper is comprised of two parts for the convenience of discussion. In the first part, from the first chapter to the fifth chapter, trying to perform the relevant research and application at the viewpoint of soil mass engineering geomechanics, the author mainly discusses the study of reinforcing soft ground soil through dynamical consolidation and its application. Then, in the second part, from the sixth chapter to the eleventh chapter, the study of new technologies in the rock slope reinforcement and their application are discussed. The author finds that not only better reinforcing effect can be gained in the research where the principle and method of rock mass engineering geomechanics is adopted, but also new reinforcing technologies can be put forward. Zhengzhou Airport is an important one in central plains. It lies on Yellow River alluvial deposit and the structure of stratum is complex and heterogeneous. The area of airport is very large, which can result in differential settlement easily, damage of airport and aircraft accident, whereas, there are no similar experiences to dispose the foundation, so the foundation treatment become a principal problem. During the process of treatment, the method of dynamic compaction was adopted after compared with other methods using the theory of synthetic integration. Dynamic compaction is an important method to consolidate foundation, which was successfully used in the foundation of Zhengzhou Airport. For fill foundation, controlling the thickness of fill so as to make the foundation treatment can reach the design demand and optimum thickness of the fill is a difficult problem. Considering this problem, the author proposed a calculation method to evaluate the thickness of fill. The method can consider not only the self-settlement of fill but also the settlement of the ground surface under applied load so as to ensure the settlement occurred during the using period can satisfy the design demand. It is proved that the method is correct after using it to choose reasonable energy of dynamic compaction to treat foundation. At the same time, in order to examine the effect of dynamic compaction, many monitor methods were adopted in the test such as static loading test, modulus of resilience test, deep pore pressure -test, static cone penetration test and the variation of the pore volume measurement. Through the tests, the author summarized the discipline of the accumulation and dissipation of pore pressure in Yellow River alluvial deposit under the action of dynamic compaction, gave a correct division of the property change of silt and clay under dynamic compaction, determined the bearing capacity of foundation after treatment and weighted the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation from the variation of the soil particle in microcosmic and the parameter of soil mass' density. It can be considered that the compactness of soil is in proportion to the energy of dynamic compaction. This conclusion provided a reference to the research of the "Problem of Soil Structure-the Central Problem of Soil Mechanics in 21 Century ". It is also important to strengthen rock mass for water conservancy and electric power engineering. Slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete are usually adopted in engineering experience to strengthen rock mass and very important for engineering. But there also some deficiency such as the weakest section can't be highlighted, the monitor is inconvenient and the diameter of pile and adit is very large etc. The author and his supervisor professor Yangzhifa invented prestressed slip-resistance pile and prestressed anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete, utilizing the advantage that the prestressed structure has better anti-tensile characteristic (this invention is to be published). These inventions overcome the disadvantages of general slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete and have the functions of engineering prospecting, strengthening, drainage and monitor simultaneous, so they have better strengthened effect and be more convenient for monitor and more economical than traditional methods. Drainage is an important factor in treatments of rock mass and slop. In view of the traditional drainage method that drainage pore often be clogged so as to resulted in incident, professor Yangzhifa invented the method and setting of guide penetration by fiber bundle. It would take good effect to use it in prestressed slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete. In this paper, the author took example for anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete used to strengthen Wuqiangxi left bank to simulate the strengthened effect after consolidated by prestressed slip-resistance pile, took example for 102 landslide occurred along Sichuan-Tibet highway to simulate the application of slip-resistance pile and the new technology of drainage. At the same time the author proposed the treatment method of flowing sand in Sichuan-Tibet highway, which will benefit the study on strengthening similar engineering. There are five novelties in the paper with the author's theoretical study and engineering practice: 1. Summarizing the role of pore water pressure accumulation and dissipation of the Yellow River alluvial and diluvial soil under the action of dynamical consolidation, which has instructive significance in the engineering construction under the analogical engineering geological conditions in the future. It has not been researched by the predecessors. 2. Putting forward the concept of density D in microcosmic based on the microcosmical structure study of the soil sample. Adopting D to weight the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation is considered to be appropriate by the means of comparing the D values of Zhengzhou Airport's ground soil before with after dynamically consolidating reinforcement, so a more convenient balancing method can be provided for engineering practice. 3. According to the deep research into the soil mass engineering geology, engineering rock and soil science, soil mechanics, as well as considerable field experiments, improving the consolidating method in airport construction, from the conventional method, which is dynamically compactmg original ground surface firstly, then filling soil and dynamically layer-consolidating or layer-compacting at last to the upgraded method, which is performing dynamical consolidation after filling soil to place totally at the extent of the certain earth-filling depth. The result of the dynamical consolidation not only complies with the specifications, but also reduces the soil treatment investment by 10 million RMB. 4. Proposing the method for calculating the height of the filled soil by the means of estimating the potential displacement produced in the original ground surface and the filled earth soil under the possible load, selecting the appropriate dynamically-compacting power and determining the virtual height of the filled earth soil. The method is proved to be effective and scientific. 5. According to the thought of Engineering Geomechanics Metal-Synthetic Methodology (EGMS), patenting two inventions (to the stage of roclamation, with Professor Yang Zhi-fa, the cooperative tutor, and etc.) in which multi-functions, engineering geological investigation, reinforcement, drainage and strength remedy, are integrated all over in one body at the viewpoint of the breakage mechanism of the rock slope.