156 resultados para DOPING SUPER-LATTICES


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Solid films containing phosphorus impurities were formed on p-type silicon wafer surface by traditional spin-on of commercially available dopants. The doping process is accomplished by irradiating the sample with a 308 nm XeCl pulsed excimer laser. Shallow junctions with a high concentration of doped impurities were obtained. The measured impurity profile was ''box-like'', and is very suitable for use in VLSI devices. The characteristics of the doping profile against laser fluence (energy density) and number of laser pulses were studied. From these results, it is found that the sheet resistance decreases with the laser fluence above a certain threshold, but it saturates as the energy density is further increased. The junction depth increases with the number of pulses and the laser energy density. The results suggest that this simple spin-on dopant pre-deposition technique can be used to obtain a well controlled doping profile similar to the technique using chemical vapor in pulsed laser doping process.


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The effect of changing Be doping concentration in GaAs layer on the integrated photosensitivity for nega- tive-electron-affinity GaAs photocathodes is investigated. Two GaAs samples with the monolayer structure and the muhilayer structure are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The former has a constant Be concentration of 1 × 10^19 cm^-3, while the latter includes four layers with Be doping concentrations of 1 × 10^19, 7 × 10^18, 4 × 10^18, and 1 × 10^18 cm^-3 from the bottom to the surface. Negative-electron-affinity GaAs photocathodes are fabricated by exciting the sample surfaces with alternating input of Cs and O in the high vacuum system. The spectral response results measured by the on-line spectral response measurement system show that the integrated photosensitivity of the photocathode with the muhilayer structure enhanced by at least 50% as compared to that of the monolayer structure. This attributes to the improvement in the crystal quality and the increase in the surface escape probability. Different stress situations are observed on GaAs samples with monolayer structure and muhilayer structure, respectively.


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Properties of Fe-doped semi-insulating (SI) InP with different iron concentrations are studied by using Hall effect, current-voltage (I-V), photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and photocurrent spectroscopy (PC) measurements. I-V characteristics of SI InP strongly depend on Fe doping concentration. Fe doping concentration also influences optical properties and defective formation in as-grown SI InP. Band-gap narrowing phenomenon and defects in Fe doped SI InP are studied using PI and PC.


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Low resistivity of p-type Mg-doped AlGaN/GaN superlattices (SLs) is demonstrated. The resistivity of the SLs is less than 0.6 Omega .cm. and the measured hole concentration is higher than 1x10(18)cm(-3). The resistivity of SLs is much lower, and the hole concentration of SLs is much higher, than that of bulk GaN and AlGaN, The electrical properties of the SLs are less sensitive than the conventional bulk lavers.


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Indium (In)-doping was applied in GaN layers during growth of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with unintentionally doped or modulation Si-doped AlGaN layers. It was found that In-doping was effective in improving electron sheet density of two-dimensional-electron-gas (2DEG) in the heterostructures. Furthermore, In-doping also improved mobility in heterostructures with Si modulation-doped in AlGaN layers. The possible reasons were discussed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and wet chemical etching revealed that crystalline quality of GaN was improved by In-doping. It was proposed that In-doping modified growth kinetics of GaN.


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The heteroepitaxial growth of n-type and p-type 3C-SiC on (0001) sapphire substrates has been performed with a supply of SiH4+C2H4+H-2 system by introducing ammonia (NH3) and diborane (B2H6) precursors, respectively, into gas mixtures. Intentionally incorporated nitrogen impurity levels were affected by changing the Si/C ratio within the growth reactor. As an acceptor, boron can be added uniformly into the growing 3C-SiC epilayers. Nitrogen-doped 3C-SiC epilayers were n-type conduction, and boron-doped epilayers were p-type and probably heavily compensated.


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The effects of in situ annealing treatment in the initial growth stage and In-doping during growth of the GaN on the material properties were investigated. GaN was grown by LP-MOVPE. In situ annealing reduced the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of X-ray rocking curves and reduced etch pit density of GaN films. It improved the optical properties of the epilayer. Undoped and In-doped GaN films of initial growth stage were investigated. It was found that morphology and optical properties were improved in In-doped samples. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.