173 resultados para Zhu Jiang


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Two emission peaks were observed in the low temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) spectra of an InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structure before and after nanopillar fabrication. After nanopillar fabrication it is found that among the two peaks the longer wavelength peak exhibits a clear blue shift and has a much stronger enhancement in LTPL intensity than the shorter one. Combined with x-ray diffraction and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence analyses, the difference induced by nanopillar fabrication is ascribed to different strain relaxation states in the lower and upper quantum well layers. It is found that the lower QW layers of the as-grown MQW which causes the longer wavelength PL peak are more strained, while the upper ones are almost fully strain-relaxed. Therefore, the nanopillar fabrication induces much less strain relaxation in the upper part of the MQW than in the lower one.


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The leakage mechanism of GaN-based p-i-n (p-AlGaN/i-GaN/n-GaN) UV detector has been investigated. With the same dislocation density, devices made from material with higher density of V-pits on surface produce larger leakage current. SEM images show that some V-pits penetrate into i-GaN layer, sometimes even the n-GaN layer. If p-ohmic contact metal (Ni/Au) deposits in the V-pits, Schottky contact would be formed at the interface of metal and i-GaN, or form ohmic contact at the interface of metal and n-GaN. The existence of parallel Schottky junction and ohmic contact resistance enhances the leakage current greatly.


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Mg-doped p-InGaN layers with In composition of about 10% are grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The effect of the annealing temperature on the p-type behavior of Mg-doped InGaN is studied. It is found that the hole concentration in p-InGaN increases with a rising annealing temperature in the range of 600 850 C, while the hole mobility remains nearly unchanged until the annealing temperature increases up to 750 C, after which it decreases. On the basis of conductive p-type InGaN growth, the p-In0.1Ga0.9N/i-In0.1Ga0.9N/n-GaN junction structure is grown and fabricated into photodiodes. The spectral responsivity of the InGaN/GaN p-i-n photodiodes shows that the peak responsivity at zero bias is in the wavelength range 350-400 nm.


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High-quality and nearly crack-free GaN epitaxial layer was obtained by inserting a single AlGaN interlayer between GaN epilayer and high-temperature AlN buffer layer on Si (111) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. This paper investigates the effect of AlGaN interlayer on the structural proper-ties of the resulting GaN epilayer. It confirms from the optical microscopy and Raman scattering spectroscopy that the AlGaN interlayer has a remarkable effect on introducing relative compressive strain to the top GaN layer and preventing the formation of cracks. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analysis reveal that a significant reduction in both screw and edge threading dislocations is achieved in GaN epilayer by the insertion of AlGaN interlayer. The process of threading dislocation reduction in both AlGaN interlayer and GaN epilayer is demonstrated.


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The in situ optical reflectivity measurements are employed to monitor the GaN epilayer growth process above low-temperature AlN buffer layer on c-plane sapphire substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. It is found that the lateral growth of GaN islands and their coalescence is promoted in the initial growth stage if the AlN buffer layer is treated with a long annealing time and has an optimal thickness: As confirmed by atomic force microscopy observations, the quality of GaN epilayers is closely dependent on the surface morphology of AlN buffer layer, especially the grain size and nuclei density after the annealing treatment. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The influence of dislocations on photoluminescence (PL) of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) is investigated by triple-axis x-ray diffraction (TAXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and PL spectra. The omega scan of every satellite peak by TAXRD is adopted to evaluate the mean screw and edge dislocation densities in MQWs. The results show that dislocations can lead to a reduction of the PL-integrated intensity of InGaN/GaN MQWs under certain conditions, with edge dislocations playing a decisive role. Additionally, the dislocations can broaden the PL peak, but the effect becomes evident only under the condition when the interface roughness is relatively low. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The strain evolution of a GaN layer grown on a high- temperature AlN interlayer with varying AlN thickness by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition is investigated. In the growth process, the growth strain changes from compression to tension in the top GaN layer, and the thickness at which the compressive- to- tensile strain transition takes place is strongly influenced by the thickness of the AlN interlayer. It is confirmed from the x- ray diffraction results that the AlN interlayer has a remarkable effect on introducing relative compressive strain to the top GaN layer. The strain transition process during the growth of the top GaN layer can be explained by the threading dislocation inclination in the top GaN layer. Adjusting the AlN interlayer thickness could change the density of the threading dislocations in the top GaN layer and then change the stress evolution during the top GaN layer's growth.


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The V/III ratio in the initial growth stage of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition has an important influence on the quality of a GaN epilayer grown on a low-temperature AIN buffer layer and c-plane sapphire substrate. A weaker yellow luminescence, a narrower half-width of the X-ray diffraction peak, and a higher electron mobility result when a lower V/III ratio is taken. The intensity of in situ optical reflectivity measurements indicates that the film surface is rougher at the beginning of GaN growth, and a longer time is needed for the islands to coalesce and for a quasi-two dimensional mode growth to start. A comparison of front- and back-illuminated photoluminescence spectra confirms that many threading dislocations are bent during the initial stage, leading to a better structural quality of the GaN layer. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of defects on the responsivity of GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet photodetectors with n(-)-GaN/n(+)-GaN layer structures is investigated. It is found that employing undoped GaN instead of Si-doped GaN as the n(-)-GaN layer brings about a higher responsivity due to a lower Ga vacancy concentration. On the other hand, the dislocations may increase the recombination of electron-hole pairs and enhance the surface recombination in the photodetectors. Employing undoped GaN and reducing the dislocation density in the n(-)-GaN layer are necessary to improve the responsivity of Schottky barrier photodetectors. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Rutherford backscattering and channeling is combined with X-ray diffraction to study the depth dependence of crystalline quality in InN layers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on sapphire substrate. The poorest crystalline quality in InN layer is produced at the intermediate region over 100 nm away from the InN/sapphire interface. With increasing layer thickness the crystalline quality improves to a certain degree dependent on the growth temperature. The InN sample grown at 450 degrees C is found to be more homogeneous than the sample grown at 550 degrees C. The difference in the defect profile is explained by the temperature-dependent growth modes. The inhomogeneity of structural quality and related properties such as carrier concentration and strain field is possibly the reason to observe a high energy wing in PL spectrum of the InN sample grown at 550 degrees C. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The effect of Al incorporation on the AlGaN growth by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is investigated. With the increase of trimethylalluminum (TMAl) flux, the crystal quality becomes worse, and the epilayer surface becomes rougher. An interesting phenomenon is that the growth rate of AlGaN decrease with increasing TMAl flux, which is opposite to the AlN growth rate dependence on the TMAl flux. All these effects are attributed to the different properties of At atoms due to the higher bond strength of Al-N compared with Ga-N, which lead to lower surface mobility and stronger competitive ability of Al atoms during the growth. The enhancement of the surface mobility of Al is especially important for improving the quality of AlGaN. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The strain evolution in metal organic chemical vapor deposition growth of GaN on Si (111) substrate with an AlN interlayer is studied. During the growth of GaN film on AlN interlayer, the growth stress changes from compression to tension. The study shows that the density of V trenches in the AlN interlayer surface and the threading dislocations generated in the AlN interlayer have a significant influence on this strain evolution process. The dislocations generated in AlN interlayer may thread across the interface and play a key role in the strain evolution process of the GaN layer grown on AlN interlayer.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60506001 60776047 60476021 60576003 60836003;National Basic Research Programme of China 2007CB936700


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High-performance violet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with InGaN/AlInGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) active regions were grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The interface flatness of the InGaN/AlInGaN MQWs and the emission efficiency of the LED are firstly improved with increasing Al content in the AlInGaN barrier layer, and then degraded as Al content increases further, being optimal when Al content is 0.12. Similarly, the result is optimized if the indium content is approximately 2.5% in the AlInGaN barrier layer. The mechanisms which have influences on the radiative efficiency when the Al content increases are discussed. A high output power of 7.3 mW for the violet LED at 20 mA current has been achieved. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The strain evolution of the GaN layer grown on a high-temperature AlN interlayer with GaN template by metal organic chemical vapor deposition is investigated. It is found that the layer is initially under compressive strain and then gradually relaxes and transforms to under tensile strain with increasing film thickness. The result of the in situ stress analysis is confirmed by x-ray diffraction measurements. Transmission electron microscopy analysis shows that the inclination of edge and mixed threading dislocations rather than the reduction of dislocation density mainly accounts for such a strain evolution. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.