198 resultados para planar intersect waveguide


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abstract = {TiO2/ormosil planar waveguide was prepared by sol-gel method at low thermal treatment temperature ( less than or equal 200°C). Scanning electron microscope, FT-IR spectrometer, spectrophotometer, atomic force microscopy, thermal analyzer, and dark m-line spectroscopy were used with the method of scattering-detection to investigate optical and structural properties. High optical quality waveguide film was obtained. The propagation loss of film was 0.569 dB/cm at a wavelength of 632.8 nm.


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In (2 + 1) dimension, growth process of thin film on non-planar substrate in Kuramoto-Sivashinsky model is studied with numerical simulation approach. 15 x 15 semi-ellipsoids arranged orderly on the surface of substrate are used to represent initial rough surface. The results show that at the initial stage of growth process, the surface morphology of thin film appears to be grid-structure, and the interface width constantly decreases with the growth time, then reaches minimum. However, the grid-structure becomes ambiguous, and granules of different sizes distribute evenly on the surface of thin film with the increase of growth time. Thereafter, the average size of granules and the interface width gradually increase, and the surface morphology of thin film presents fractal properties. The numerical results of height-height correlation functions of thin film verify the surface morphology of thin film to be fractal for a longer growth time. By fitting of the height-height correlation functions of thin film with different growth times, the growth process is described quantitatively. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The properties of Rashba wave function in the planar one-dimensional waveguide are studied, and the following results are obtained. Due to the Rashba effect, the plane waves of electron with the energy E divide into two kinds of waves with the wave vectors k(1)=k(0)+k(delta) and k(2)=k(0)-k(delta), where k(delta) is proportional to the Rashba coefficient, and their spin orientations are +pi/2 (spin up) and -pi/2 (spin down) with respect to the circuit, respectively. If there is gate or ferromagnetic contact in the circuit, the Rashba wave function becomes standing wave form exp(+/- ik(delta)l)sin[k(0)(l-L)], where L is the position coordinate of the gate or contact. Unlike the electron without considering the spin, the phase of the Rashba plane or standing wave function depends on the direction angle theta of the circuit. The travel velocity of the Rashba waves with the wave vector k(1) or k(2) are the same hk(0)/m*. The boundary conditions of the Rashba wave functions at the intersection of circuits are given from the continuity of wave functions and the conservation of current density. Using the boundary conditions of Rashba wave functions we study the transmission and reflection probabilities of Rashba electron moving in several structures, and find the interference effects of the two Rashba waves with different wave vectors caused by ferromagnetic contact or the gate. Lastly we derive the general theory of multiple branches structure. The theory can be used to design various spin polarized devices.


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A high efficiency and broad bandwidth grating coupler between a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nanophotonic waveguide and fibre is designed and fabricated. Coupling efficiencies of 46% and 25% at a wavelength of 1.55 mu m are achieved by simulation and experiment, respectively. An optical 3 dB bandwidth of 45 nm from 1530 nm to 1575 nm is also obtained in experiment. Numerical calculation shows that a tolerance to fabrication error of 10 nm in etch depth is achievable. The measurement results indicate that the alignment error of +/-2 mu m results in less than 1 dB additional coupling loss.


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We present a theoretical study on the electron tunneling through a single barrier created in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and quantum spin Hall (QSH) bar in a HgTe/CdTe quantum well with inverted band structures. For the 2DEG, the transmission shows the Fabry-Perot resonances for the interband tunneling process and is blocked when the incident energy lies in the bulk gap of the barrier region. For the QSH bar, the transmission gap is reduced to the edge gap caused by the finite size effect. Instead, transmission dips appear due to the interference between the edge states and the bound states originated from the bulk states. Such a Fano-like resonance leads to a sharp dip in the transmission which can be observed experimentally.


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1550 nm AlGaInAs/InP long rectangle resonator lasers with three sides surrounded by SiO2 and p electrode layers are fabricated by planar technology, and room-temperature continuous-wave lasing is realized for a laser with a length of 53 mu m and a width of 2 mu m. Multiple peaks with wavelength intervals of Fabry-Perot mode intervals and mode Q factors of about 400 and a lasing mode with a Q factor over 8000 are observed from the lasing spectrum at threshold current. The numerical results of the FDTD simulation indicate that the lasing mode may be a whispering-gallery mode, which is a coupled mode of two high-order transverse modes of the waveguide.


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We demonstrate that a p-n junction created electrically in HgTe quantum wells with inverted band structure exhibits interesting intraband and interband tunneling processes. We find a perfect intraband transmission for electrons injected perpendicularly to the interface of the p-n junction. The opacity and transparency of electrons through the p-n junction can be tuned by changing the incidence angle, the Fermi energy and the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI). The occurrence of a conductance plateau due to the formation of topological edge states in a quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) p-n junction can be switched on and off by tuning the gate voltage. The spin orientation can be substantially rotated when the samples exhibit a moderately strong RSOI.


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Mode characteristics of a square microcavity with an output waveguide on the middle of one side, laterally confined by an insulating layer SiO2 and a p-electrode metal Au, are investigated by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. The mode quality (Q) factors versus the width of the output waveguide are calculated for Fabry-Peacuterot type and whispering-gallery type modes in the square cavity. Mode coupling between the confined modes in the square cavity and the guided modes in the output waveguide determines the mode Q factors, which is greatly influenced by the symmetry behaviors of the modes. Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can also have high Q factors due to the high reflectivity of the Au layer for the vertical incident mode light rays. For the square cavity with side length 4 mu m and refractive index 3.2, the mode Q factors of the Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can reach 10(4) at the mode wavelength of 1.5 mu m as the output waveguide width is 0.4 mu m.


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Coupled microcircular resonators tangentially coupled to a bus waveguide, which is between the resonators, are numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. For symmetrically coupled microcircular resonators with refractive index of 3.2, radius of 2 mu m, and width of the bus waveguide of 0.4 mu m, a mode Q factor of the order of 105 is obtained for a mode at the frequency of 243 THz. An output coupling efficiency of as high as 0.99 is calculated for a mode with a Q factor ranging from 10(3) to 10(4). The mode Q factor is 2 orders larger than that of the modes confined in a single circular resonator tangentially coupled to the same bus waveguide. Furthermore, the high Q traveling modes in the coupled microcircular resonators are suitable for optical single processing.


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Microcylinder resonators with multiple ports connected to waveguides are investigated by 2D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation for realizing microlasers with multiple outputs. For a 10 mu m radius microcylinder with a refractive index of 3.2 and three 2 mu m wide waveguides, confined mode at the wavelength of 1542.3 nm can have a mode Q factor of 6.7 x 10(4) and an output coupling efficiency of 0.76. AlGaInAs/InP microcylinder lasers with a radius of 10 mu m and a 2 mu m wide output waveguide are fabricated by planar processing techniques. Continuous-wave electrically injected operation is realized with a threshold current of 4 mA at room temperature, and the jumps of output power are observed accompanying a lasing mode transformation.


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in experiment, characteristics of silicon microring/racetrack resonators in submicron rib waveguides have been systematically investigated. It is demonstrated that only a transverse-electric mode is guided for a ratio of slab height to rib height h/H = 0.5. Thus, these microring/racetrack resonators can only function for quasi-transverse-electric mode, while they get rid of transverse-magnetic polarization. Electron beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma etching were employed and improved to reduce side-wall roughness for low propagation loss and high performance resonators. Then, the effects of waveguide dimensions, coupling region design, waveguide roughness, and oxide cladding for the resonators have been considered and analyzed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The guided modes of a two-dimensional photonic crystal straight waveguide and a waveguide bend are studied in order to find the high transmission mechanism for the waveguide bend. We find that high transmission occurs when the mode patterns and wave numbers match, while the single-mode condition in the waveguide bend is not necessarily required. According to the mechanism, a simply modified bend structure with broad high transmission band is proposed. The bandwidth is significantly increased from 19 to 116 nm with transmission above 90%, and covers the entire C band of optical communication.


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We present the research on the transmission characteristic of slow-light-mode in the photonic crystal line-defect waveguide bends on SOL After optimizing the structure parameters in the vicinity of the bends, the normalized transmission efficiency of slow-light-mode through the photonic crystal 60 degree and 120 degree waveguide bends are as high as 80% and 60% respectively, which are 10 times higher than that in the undeformed case. To slow down light further, we design novel coupled cavity waveguide bend structures with high quality-factor. High normalized transmission efficiency of 75% and low group velocity of c/170 ( c is the light velocity in vacuum) are realized. These results are beneficial to enhance the slow light effect of photonic crystal structures and improve the miniaturization and integration of photonic crystal slow light devices.