651 resultados para Science Foundation Ireland


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A silicon-on-insulator optical fiber-to-waveguide spot-size converter (SSC) using Poly-MethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) is presented for integrated optical circuits. Unlike the conventional use of PMMA as a positive resist, it has been successfully used as a negative resist with high-dose electron exposure for the fabrication of ultrafine silicon wire waveguides. Additionally, this process is able to reduce the side-wall roughness, and substantially depresses the unwanted propagation loss. Exploiting this technology, the authors demonstrated that the SSC can improve coupling efficiency by as much as over 2.5 dB per coupling facet, compared with that of SSC fabricated with PMMA as a positive resist with the same dimension.


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1550 nm AlGaInAs/InP long rectangle resonator lasers with three sides surrounded by SiO2 and p electrode layers are fabricated by planar technology, and room-temperature continuous-wave lasing is realized for a laser with a length of 53 mu m and a width of 2 mu m. Multiple peaks with wavelength intervals of Fabry-Perot mode intervals and mode Q factors of about 400 and a lasing mode with a Q factor over 8000 are observed from the lasing spectrum at threshold current. The numerical results of the FDTD simulation indicate that the lasing mode may be a whispering-gallery mode, which is a coupled mode of two high-order transverse modes of the waveguide.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60536030 60776024 60877035 90820002 National High-Technology Research and Development Program of China 2007AA04Z329 2007AA04Z254


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We propose and simulate a new kind of compact polarizing beam splitter (PBS) based on a photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR) with complete photonic bandgaps. The two polarized states are separated far enough by resonant and nonresonant coupling between the waveguide modes and the microring modes. Some defect holes are utilized to control the beam propagation. The simulated results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that high transmission (over 95%) is obtained and the polarization separation is realized with a length as short as 3.1 mu m. The design of the proposed PBS can be flexible, thanks to the advantages of PCRRs.


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Atomic configurations and formation energies of native defects in an unsaturated GaN nanowire grown along the [001] direction and with (100) lateral facets are studied using large-scale ab initio calculation. Cation and anion vacancies, antisites, and interstitials in the neutral charge state are all considered. The configurations of these defects in the core region and outermost surface region of the nanowire are different. The atomic configurations of the defects in the core region are same as those in the bulk GaN, and the formation energy is large. The defects at the surface show different atomic configurations with low formation energy. Starting from a Ga vacancy at the edge of the side plane of the nanowire, a N-N split interstitial is formed after relaxation. As a N site is replaced by a Ga atom in the suboutermost layer, the Ga atom will be expelled out of the outermost layers and leaves a vacancy at the original N site. The Ga interstitial at the outmost surface will diffuse out by interstitialcy mechanism. For all the tested cases N-N split interstitials are easily formed with low formation energy in the nanowires, indicating N-2 molecular will appear in the GaN nanowire, which agrees well with experimental findings.


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We theoretically simulate and experimentally demonstrate ultra-large through-port extinctions in silicon-based asymmetrically-coupled add-drop microring resonators (MRs). Through-port responses in an add-drop MR are analyzed by simulations and large extinctions are found when the MR is near-critically coupled. Accurate fabrication techniques are applied in producing a series of 20 mu m-radii add-drop microrings with drop-side gap-widths in slight differences. A through-port extinction of about 42.7 dB is measured in an MR with through-and drop-side gap-width to be respectively 280 nm and 295 nm. The large extinction suggests about a 20.5 dB improvement from the symmetrical add-drop MR of the same size and the through-side gap-width. The experimental results are finally compared with the post-fabrication simulations, which show a gap-width tolerance of > 30 nm for the through-port extinction enhancement.


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A metal-encapsulating silicon fullerene, Eu@Si-20, has been predicted by density functional theory to be by far the most stable fullerene-like silicon structure. The Eu@Si-20 structure is a dodecahedron with D-2h symmetry in which the europium atom occupies the center site. The calculated results show that the europium atom has a large magnetic moment of nearly 7.0 Bohr magnetons. In addition, it was found that a stable "pearl necklace" nanowire, constructed by concatenating a series of Eu@Si-20 units, with the central europium atom, retains the high spin moment. The magnetic structure of the nanowire indicates potential applications in the fields of spintronics and high-density magnetic storage.


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The leakage current of GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet photodetectors is investigated. It is found that the photodetectors adopting undoped GaN instead of lightly Si-doped GaN as an active layer show a much lower leakage current even when they have a higher dislocation density. It is also found that the density of Ga vacancies in undoped GaN is much lower than in Si-doped GaN. The Ga vacancies may enhance tunneling and reduce effective Schottky barrier height, leading to an increase of leakage current. It suggests that when undoped GaN is used as the active layer, it is necessary to reduce the leakage current of GaN Schottky barrier ultraviolet photodetector.


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The work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60536010, Grant 60606019, Grant 60777029, and Grant 60820106004, and in part by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2006CB604902, Grant 2006CB302806, and Grant 2006dfa11880.


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Mode radiation loss for microdisk resonators with pedestals is investigated by three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For the microdisk with a radius of 1 mu m, a thickness of 0.2 mu m, and a refractive index of 3.4, on a pedestal with a refractive index of 3.17, the mode quality (Q) factor of the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) quasi-TE7,1 first increases with the increase of the radius of the pedestal, and then quickly decreases as the radius is larger than 0.75 mu m. The mode radiation loss is mainly the vertical radiation loss induced by the mode coupling between the WGM and vertical radiation mode in the pedestal, instead of the scattering loss around the perimeter of the round pedestal. The WG M can keep the high Q factor when the mode coupling is forbidden.


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In this paper, the spectral relation between the master and the frequency-locked slave laser (FLSL) is investigated by the conventional technique of optical intensity modulation and optical heterodyne. Experimentally, we demonstrate that under complete and stable locking condition, the lightwave of the FLSL and the sidebands of the master laser produced by the optical intensity modulation are perfectly coherent (frequency coherence). Referring to our recent studies, the lightwave of the master laser and its corresponding sidebands are also perfectly coherent. Additionally, the spectral structures of two perfectly coherent lightwaves are identical in the level of wave train. Therefore, we indirectly verify that the spectral structures of the FLSL and the master laser are identical in the level of wave train.


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Mode characteristics of a square microcavity with an output waveguide on the middle of one side, laterally confined by an insulating layer SiO2 and a p-electrode metal Au, are investigated by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. The mode quality (Q) factors versus the width of the output waveguide are calculated for Fabry-Peacuterot type and whispering-gallery type modes in the square cavity. Mode coupling between the confined modes in the square cavity and the guided modes in the output waveguide determines the mode Q factors, which is greatly influenced by the symmetry behaviors of the modes. Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can also have high Q factors due to the high reflectivity of the Au layer for the vertical incident mode light rays. For the square cavity with side length 4 mu m and refractive index 3.2, the mode Q factors of the Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can reach 10(4) at the mode wavelength of 1.5 mu m as the output waveguide width is 0.4 mu m.


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Two-port InGaAsP/InP square resonator microlasers with a side length of 20 mm have been fabricated by the planar technology process, which have two 1 mu m-wide output ports connected to the vertices of the square resonator. Continuous-wave electrically injected microsquare lasers have been realised at room temperature with mode Q-factors of 1.75 x 10(4) at the threshold current.


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Coupled microcircular resonators tangentially coupled to a bus waveguide, which is between the resonators, are numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. For symmetrically coupled microcircular resonators with refractive index of 3.2, radius of 2 mu m, and width of the bus waveguide of 0.4 mu m, a mode Q factor of the order of 105 is obtained for a mode at the frequency of 243 THz. An output coupling efficiency of as high as 0.99 is calculated for a mode with a Q factor ranging from 10(3) to 10(4). The mode Q factor is 2 orders larger than that of the modes confined in a single circular resonator tangentially coupled to the same bus waveguide. Furthermore, the high Q traveling modes in the coupled microcircular resonators are suitable for optical single processing.


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We investigate numerically the self-imaging effect in a system of multiple coupled photonic crystal waveguides (M-CPCWs) with asymmetric coupling. Then two couplers of 2-CPCWs and 3-CPCWs are cascaded to form an ultracompact triplexer by employing coupling and decoupling of M-CPCWs. The wavelength of 1310 nm propagates along the input direction because the M-CPCWs are decoupled at the same decoupling frequency. The other two wavelengths (1490 and 1550 nm) are separated by combining multimode interference and the dual mode coupling effect. Only by introducing a single defect near the crossing point between two output photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are the high extinction ratios for the three wavelengths achieved simultaneously.