89 resultados para spiral extrusion


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Natural levels of solar UVR were shown to break and alter the spiral structure of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordst.) Gomont during winter. However, this phenomenon was not observed during summer at temperatures of similar to 30 degrees C. Since little has been documented on the interactive effects of solar UV radiation (UVR; 280-400 nm) and temperature on cyanobacteria, the morphology, photosynthesis, and DNA damage of A. platensis were examined using two radiation treatments (PAR [400-700 nm] and PAB [PAR + UV-A + UV-B: 280-700]), three temperatures (15, 22, and 30 degrees C), and three biomass concentrations (100, 160, and 240 mg dwt [dry weight] . L-1). UVR caused a breakage of the spiral structure at 15 degrees C and 22 degrees C, but not at 30 degrees C. High PAR levels also induced a significant breakage at 15 degrees C and 22 degrees C, but only at low biomass densities, and to lesser extent when compared with the PAB treatment. A. platensis was able to alter its spiral structure by increasing helix tightness at the highest temperature tested. The photochemical efficiency was depressed to undetectable levels at 15 degrees C but was relatively high at 30 degrees C even under the treatment with UVR in 8 h. At 30 degrees C, UVR led to 93%-97% less DNA damage when compared with 15 degrees C after 8 h of exposure. UV-absorbing compounds were determined as negligible at all light and temperature combinations. The possible mechanisms for the temperature-dependent effects of UVR on this organism are discussed in this paper.


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Polyurethane foam unit (PFU) systems were collected from 11 lakes and three rivers in the Yunnan Plateau, China and, the PFU extrusion liquids, were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GCECD). The concentrations of pp'-DDE, HCB and HCHs were undetectable to 1.86 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.27 mu g l(-1)), undetectable to 0.72 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.11 mu g l(-1)), and 0.24-21.95 mu g l(-1) (mean 7.39 mu g l(-1)) respectively in lakes; and those in rivers were undetectable to 0.23 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.08 mu g l(-1)), 0.68-2.93 mu g l(-1) (mean 1.70 mu g l(-1)), and 2.71-37.56 mu g l(-1) (mean 17.01 mu g l(-1)) respectively. Notably, some residue levels of OCPs exceeded the US National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, implying Yunnan has levels of OCPs potentially harmful to human health. Further, the contamination by OCPs showed an obvious spatial distribution pattern. Amongst the lakes, Dianchi, Xingyun, Lugu and Yangzonghai had the highest OCP levels dominated by beta-HCH, whereas among rivers, Nujiang and Lancang Rivers had the highest contents of OCPs dominated by alpha-HCH. This demonstrates that HCHs are the predominant contaminants and some point sources of HCHs may still exist in Yunnan. The pollution levels in Yunnan were compared with other studies, suggesting the PFU method is suitable for long-term on-line monitoring of trace OCPs in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, continuous studies monitoring OCPs in lakes and rivers are needed to further understand the future trend of contamination. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To study the impact of solar UV radiation (UVR) (280 to 400 nm) on the filamentous cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, we examined the morphological changes and photosynthetic performance using an indoor-grown strain (which had not been exposed to sunlight for decades) and an outdoor-grown strain (which had been grown under sunlight for decades) while they were cultured with three solar radiation treatments: PAB (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] plus UVR; 280 to 700 nm), PA (PAR plus UV-A; 320 to 700 nm), and P (PAR only; 400 to 700 nm). Solar UVR broke the spiral filaments of A. platensis exposed to full solar radiation in short-term low-cell-density cultures. This breakage was observed after 2 h for the indoor strain but after 4 to 6 h for the outdoor strain. Filament breakage also occurred in the cultures exposed to PAR alone; however, the extent of breakage was less than that observed for filaments exposed to full solar radiation. The spiral filaments broke and compressed when high-cell-density cultures were exposed to full solar radiation during long-term experiments. When UV-B was screened off, the filaments initially broke, but they elongated and became loosely arranged later (i.e., there were fewer spirals per unit of filament length). When UVR was filtered out, the spiral structure hardly broke or became looser. Photosynthetic 0, evolution in the presence of UVR was significantly suppressed in the indoor strain compared to the outdoor strain. UVR-induced inhibition increased with exposure time, and it was significantly lower in the outdoor strain. The concentration of UV-absorbing compounds was low in both strains, and there was no significant change in the amount regardless of the radiation treatment, suggesting that these compounds were not effectively used as protection against solar UVR. Self-shading, on the other hand, produced by compression of the spirals over adaptive time scales, seems to play an important role in protecting this species against deleterious UVR. Our findings suggest that the increase in UV-B irradiance due to ozone depletion not only might affect photosynthesis but also might alter the morphological development of filamentous cyanobacteria during acclimation or over adaptive time scales.


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The phylogenetic relationships among trichodinids remain obscure. As an important diagnostic marker, the morphology of the denticles in the adhesive disc as well as the adoral spiral has been widely used in generic discrimination and species identification of trichodinids. We studied the characters of denticles of the ten genera of Trichodinidae and the sole genus Urceolaria of Urceolariidae by using a quantitative method. The characteristic values were used to generate Manhattan distance, on which the dendrogram was based to construct with the Unweighted Paired Group Method using the Arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The investigations show that all the genera of the family Trichodinidae were clearly separate from the outgroup Urceolaria, and within the Trichodinidae: (i) Dipartiella grouped with Trichodinella and Tripartiella and lay in the closest position to the outgroup with a low dissimilarity, suggesting Dipartiella might be the most primitive genus in the family; (ii) Hemitrichodina clustered in a single clad and lay in the farthest position to the outgroup with the highest dissimilarity, indicating that it might be the most advanced genus; and (iii) the other 6 genera, Trichodina, Paratrichodina, Semitrichodina, Vauchomia, Pallitrichodina and Trichodoxa clustered in a big clad with very low dissimilarity, showing that they are closely related to each other. We discuss the evolutionary trend of the denticle and conclude that the denticles of the adhesive disc should be an apomorphic feature of the trichodinids and their changes could reflect the evolutionary tendencies of these ciliates.


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Silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) is a unique gynogenetic fish. Because of its specific genetic background and reproduction mode, it is an intriguing model system for understanding regulatory mechanism of oocyte maturation division. It keeps its chromosomal integrity by inhibiting the first meiotic division (no extrusion of the first pole body). The spindle behavior during oocyte maturation is significantly different from that in gonochoristic fish. The chromosomes are first arranged in a tripolar spindle, and then they turn around and are reunited mutually to form a normal bipolar spindle. A new member of the fish A-type cyclin gene, cyclin A2, has been isolated by suppression of subtractive hybridization on the basis of its differential transcription in fully-grown oocytes between the gynogenetic silver crucian carp and gonochoristic color crucian carp. There are 18 differing amino acids in the total 428 residues of cyclin A2 between the two forms of crucian carps. In addition, cDNAs of cyclin A1 and cyclin B have also been cloned from them. Thus two members of A-type cyclins, cyclin A1 and cyclin A2, are demonstrated to exist in fish, just as in frog, humans, and mouse. Northern blotting reveals that cyclin A2 mRNA is more than 20-fold and cyclin A1 mRNA is about 2-fold in fully grown oocytes of gynogenetic silver crucian carp compared to gonochoristic color crucian carp. However, cyclin B does not show such a difference between them. Western blot analysis also shows that the cyclin A2 protein stockpiled in fully grown oocytes of gynogenetic crucian carp is much more abundant than in gonochoristic crucian carp. Moreover, two different cyclin A2 expression patterns during oocyte maturation have been revealed in the two closely related crucian carps. For color crucian carp, cyclin A2 protein is translated only after hormone stimulation. For silver crucian carp, cyclin A2 protein can be detected throughout the process of maturation division. The different expression of cyclin A2 may be a clue to understanding the special maturation division of gynogenetic silver crucian carp.


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Silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) is a unique triploid bisexual species that can reproduce by gynogenesis. As all other gynogenetic animals, it keeps its chromosome integrity by inhibiting the first meiosis division (no extrusion of the first pole body). To understand the molecular events governing this reproduction mode, suppression subtractive hybridization was used to identify the genes differentially expressed in fully-grown oocytes of the gynogenetic and gonochoristic crucian carp (gyno-carp and gono-carp). From two specific subtractive cDNA libraries, the clones screened out by dot blots and virtual Northern blots were chosen to clone, full-length cDNA by RACE. Four differentially expressed genes were obtained. Two are novel genes and are expressed specifically in the oocytes. The gyno-carp stores much more mRNA of cyclin A2, a new member of the fish A-type cyclin gene, in its fully-grown oocyte than in the gono-carp. The last gene is histone H2A. The histone H2As of these two closely related crucian carps are quite different in the C-terminus. Preliminary characterization of the four genes has been analyzed by nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence and Northern analysis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Penaeid shrimp is the natural host of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) that can cause high mortality in the infected hosts. Attempts to obtain sufficient amounts of purified intact WSSV for characterization have been unsuccessful. Using crayfish, Cambarus clarkii as a proliferation system, a large amount of infectious WSSV was reproduced and intact WSSV viral particles were purified with a new isolation medium by ultra-centrifugation. Purified WSSV particles were very sensitive to organic solvents and the detergent, Triton X-100. The size of the rod-shape, somewhat elliptical, intact WSSV was 110-130 x 260-350 mm with a long, tail-like envelope extension. The naked viral nucleocapsid was about 80 x 350 nm, and it possessed 15 spiral and cylindrical helices composed of 14 globular capsomers along its long axis, and a 'ring' structure at one terminus. Distinct WSSV genome DNA patterns were obtained when the purified genomic dsDNA of WSSV was digested with five different restriction enzymes (HindIII, XhoI, B(BamHI, SalI, and SacI). In addition, at least 13 major and distinct protein bands could be observed when purified intact WSSV viruses were separated by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie Brilliant R-250 staining. The estimated molecular weights of these proteins were 190, 84, 75, 69, 68, 58, 52, 44, 28, 27.5, 23, 19, and 16 kD, respectively. Both the 44 and 190 kD proteins were easily removed if the hemolymph from the: WSSV infected crayfish was transiently treated with 1%, Triton X-100 before it was subjected to gradient centrifugation, indicating that both of them are located on the surface of the viral envelope. These characteristics are consistent with WSSV isolated from the penaeid shrimp. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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DNA in macro- and micronuclei of Tetrahymena pyriformis treated with linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) and sodium pentachlorophenate (PCP-Na) were determined by microspectrophotometry. The effects on rate of formation of macronuclear DNA extrusion bodies were also studied. We found DNA content of micronuclei in 0.14 ppm LAS and 0.9 ppb PCP-Na was lower than in that of the control, and LAS was able to increase the formation rate of macronuclear DNA extrusion bodies (the formation rate was 54% in 11.3 ppm LAS and 25.6% in 16.7 ppm dichromate). We concluded that 0.14 ppm LAS (below the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration) was genotoxic, whereas 0.014 ppm LAS was not. Dichromate 0.05 ppm and 0.9 ppb PCP-Na, equal to and below the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration, respectively, were potentially genetoxic.


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Using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, we investigate the spatial luminescence distribution in a fully strained (In,Ga)N layer, in particular, its correlation with the distribution of threading dislocations (TDs). Regarding the impact of TDs on the luminescence properties, we can clearly distinguish between pure edge-type TDs and TDs with screw component. At the positions of both types of TDs, we establish nonradiative recombination sinks. The radius for carrier capture is at least four times larger for TDs with screw component as for pure edge-type TDs. The large capture radius of the former is due to a spiral-like growth mode resulting in an increase in the In content in the center of the spiral domains in comparison to their periphery.


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We studied the structural and optical properties of high Al-content AlInGaN epilayers with different thicknesses grown on GaN/sapphire templates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Direct evidences of the gradual evolution of the content of Al, Ga and In along the growth direction were obtained. When the film thickness was over a certain value, however, the AlInGaN epilayer with constant element contents began to form. These results were also supported by the blue shift and splitting of the photoluminescence (PL) peak. For the thinnest epilayer, the surface was featured with outcrops of threading dislocations (TDs) which suggested a spiral growth mode. With increase in thickness, step-flow growth mode and V-shaped pits were observed, and the steps terminated at the pits. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) pressure sensing scheme based on a flat diaphragm and an L-shaped lever is presented. An L-shaped lever transfers the pressure-induced defection of the flat diaphragm to the axial elongation of the FBG. The curve where the L-shaped lever contacts the diaphragm is a segment of an Archimedes spiral, which is used to enhance the responsivity. Because the thermal expansion coefficient of the quartz-glass L-shaped lever and the steel sensor shell is different, the temperature effect is compensated for by optimizing the dimension parameters. Theoretical analysis is presented, and the experimental results show that an ultrahigh pressure responsivity of 244 pm/kPa and a low temperature responsivity of 2.8 pm/degrees C are achieved. (c) 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI 10.1117/1.3081058]


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A GaN film with a thickness of 250 mu m was grown on a GaN/sapphire template in a vertical hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) reactor. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) values of the film were 141 and 498 arcsec for the (0 0 2) and (1 0 2) reflections, respectively. A sharp band-edge emission with a FWHM of 20 meV at 50 K was observed, which corresponded to good crystalline quality of the film. Some almost circular-shaped hillocks located in the spiral growth center were found on the film surface with dimensions of 100 mu m, whose origin was related to screw dislocations and micropipes. Meanwhile, large hexagonal pits also appeared on the film surface, which had six triangular {1 0 (1) over bar 1} facets. The strong emission in the pits was dominated by an impurity-related emission at 377 nm, which could have been a high-concentration oxygen impurity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Large area (25 mm(2)) silicon drift detectors and detector arrays (5x5) have been designed, simulated, and fabricated for X-ray spectroscopy. On the anode side, the hexagonal drift detector was designed with self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) of fixed resistance between rings and with a grounded guard anode to separate surface current from the anode current. Two designs have been used for the P-side: symmetric self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) and a uniform backside p(+) implant. Only 3 to 5 electrodes are needed to bias the detector plus an anode for signal collection. With graded electrical potential, a sub-nanoamper anode current, and a very small anode capacitance, an initial FWHM of 1.3 keV, without optimization of all parameters, has been obtained for 5.9 keV Fe-55 X-ray at RT using a uniform backside detector.


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Large area (25 mm(2)) silicon drift detectors and detector arrays (5x5) have been designed, simulated, and fabricated for X-ray spectroscopy. On the anode side, the hexagonal drift detector was designed with self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) of fixed resistance between rings and with a grounded guard anode to separate surface current from the anode current. Two designs have been used for the P-side: symmetric self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) and a uniform backside p(+) implant. Only 3 to 5 electrodes are needed to bias the detector plus an anode for signal collection. With graded electrical potential, a sub-nanoamper anode current, and a very small anode capacitance, an initial FWHM of 1.3 keV, without optimization of all parameters, has been obtained for 5.9 keV Fe-55 X-ray at RT using a uniform backside detector.


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使用FLUENT软件, 对水冷火电厂的水冷塔换热进行了数值模拟, 解决了物模实验难以模拟热力因素的困难. 同时还对采用"空气涡流导引装置技术"的水冷塔和传统水冷塔, 在不同环境风影响下的换热效率进行了对比. 结果表明, 采用"空气涡流导引装置技术"的水冷塔换热效果优于传统水冷塔, 抵抗大风的能力更强